Learn Grease Pencil 2D Animation in Blender 2.8 Alpha 2

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/PartyPigeon 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
Hi guys! Matias Mendiola here, storyboard artist and member of the grease pencil team as you know Grease Pencil was merged recently into Blender 2.8 Alpha 2 I want to show you in this quick video the basics of Grease Pencil and how it works but before we start please be aware that Grease Pencil is in Alpha so you can expect a lot of improvements and a lot of changes in the future. Also be aware that Grease Pencil and EEVEE require a good graphics card to perform nicely so be aware of that too. That's it. Let's start! As you may know the old Grease Pencil was separated in two different tools. new grease pencil upset so if you only want to add notes here in the pupil or in other editors in blender you should use annotation annotation has only very basic setting to do that if you want to make complex things like to the animation or storyboarding you should use the grease pencil object you can find annotation at the bottom of the toolbar to add new notes just select the rotate tool and start to draw a frikkin there are also other annotation tool for make lines polygons for the light note use the eraser the notes are grouped in layers in the sidebar you'll find an annotation panel for manage the note you can add or delete new note layers change the color the thickness and turn-on of the visibility but if you want to hide all of your note at once you can go to the open a pop-up and turn off annotation RIS pencil is not anymore all over the place in the blender interface is now a real new option in blender with its own properties and modes so let's see how to work with this new object to start working with grease pencil we need to first add a new option to work with to add the object go to the add menu on your fangerous pencil there with three option blank to add an empty object to a start from scratch stroke to add a simple line among key to add a 2d Suzanne stroke a monkey have also proceeded layers and materials to make it easier to start working in option more grease pencil behaves like any other updating blender you can move rotate scale parent or do anything that other object in blender could there are several places where you can find things related to grease pencil the object data where you can find the 2d layer and set object properties the material panel to create materials for stroke and field modifiers with a special modifier for grease pencil the effects a totally new concept in blender to add real-time effects in the viewport in the top sheet responsive has its own mode to animate their keyframes there is also a section in overlays for grease pencil and in certain modes like in pro mode you can find a special brushes in the toolbar and top bar and in the tool setting to help artists blender will have an especial workspace called 2d animation the workplace reminds to the painting software the white background help to work with black strokes you have a toolbar in grow mode that shows a set of preset brushes on the right side the opposite liner materials are very useful at the bottom you have a timeline and a top sheet to work with your 2d animations let's do a quick drawing session to know more about brushes layers and materials we are going to start with a blank grease pencil up set and enter in draw mode by default the stroke will be placed at object origin but you can use 3d cursor or made surface if you want the easiest way to know where you are going to draw in the 3d space is activate the cameras grid in overlays unlock your stroke to one of the axis Y X ozzie in our case we're going to lock on Y and enter in camera view and to get rid of these threatening things I'll turn off all the overlays before start roaming I'm gonna add some new materials renamed ad format us black and add a great one with solid fill color you Akira's is not just solid colors you can also create more complex materials with texture or gradient if you want to start drawing select one of the preset brushes then select the materials you want to use and start to draw on the viewport to keep your drawing organized you can add delete or modify to the layers in the object data panel you can also lock layers turn on/off visibility or modify the opacity the brushes are actually preset settings you can change the settings in the top bar and in the tool settings for different list structure results to raise you can select one of the racers soft heart or line to the light and dryer lines a scalp mode is very useful to trigger growing and improve your lines you can a smooth shank thickness and move struck softly with proportional editing on in edit mode you can delete purchases join split or subdivided strokes in a similar way as mesh object Phil / - can use to feel a cloud strokes area with a solid color you can use Alt key to create temporary boundary strokes to close an open area and above this version of your color or you can hold ctrl key to Mono you draw solid fill areas you can add modifiers or effects to your grease pencil object to deform change color and many other things in a non-destructive way last I want to show you how to work on a bird basic animation we are going to change their character expression add in some keyframe and using the duck sheet to adjust the timing to work in the animation use the top sheet and make sure you are using the grease pencil context rich pencil will create a keyframe on every frame you draw new strokes you can start with a blank frame or you can copy an existing key frame with shifty on the top sheet for use onion skinning you have to turn it down on the layer you want to use and also be sure that you have the onion skinning overlay activated move your keyframes to adjust timing well that's all for now this was just another view of grease pencil remembered grease pencil is an alpha version and stay tuned because we are working on a more detail it I complete tutorials to be published on the blender club so see you there and stay tuned and thanks for watching bye
Channel: Blender Developers
Views: 910,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, development, developers, code, open source, 3d, animation, blender3d, computer graphics, quest, code quest, UI, interface, toolbar, news, updates, update, grease pencil, tutorial, basics, gpencil, 2d animation, 2D, b3d, b2d
Id: pywbPQD9vYU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 15 2018
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