Complete Character set-up in OpenToonz

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[Music] welcome today I will show you how to create a walk cycle in open toons you'll also learn the basics of character rigging and manipulation fire up open tons and make your character I will be using magic for this poof here's the head next layer the body again a new layer for the arm in the hand [Music] divide the leg into three layers our leg needs to be behind the arm and body click and drag across the columns to select them then drag the left side of the selection and move it to the back columns are the same as layers just arranged horizontally instead arrange the bottom leg behind the top leg and give each column a sensible name now head over to the animation tab and double-click the state's schematic window to make it fullscreen rearrange the elements into a layout that makes sense to you now to connect the body elements parent the head to the body by dragging from blue to red anything connected to a red dot has a parent-child relationship connect the rest of the body parts this is now essentially the skeletal structure of your character now if you select the body and move it the other body parts follow along next you must set the Centers of each column if you don't silly things happen so with the Attic tools selected choose Center in the menu and drag the marker to the rotation point you want do this for each column now you may have noticed the deficiency in the arm and leg department add a second leg by selecting it's three columns and then copy paste with ctrl C and V make a second arm the same way and move it to the back [Music] now we are going to meet another hand shape for this new arm isolate the arm and hence so we can see it make a copy of frame 1 in the hand level window on the right delete its contents slide the red marker to another frame to show its onion skin outline a helpful guide for your lovely new hand as you can see we still have the hand from frame 1 let's change that double-click the first frame of the hand column and type 2 to display the second hand in the timeline rumor has it that limbs are preferably attached to bodies so connect them in the animation tab make sure these new limbs are directly linked to the body and not the table remember connecting from blue to red makes red the parent of your blue friend begin with we just need a single arm and leg for our walk cycle so for now disable the view of the back leg and arm that you just made select all the frames and drag down to add a load more we are going to add rotation keyframes to the first frame of each column to do this select a column choose the edit tool pick rotation in the menu click inside the rotation window and hit enter a keyframe appears in the timeline [Music] once you have done this click and drag on the keyframe to select them all holding shift drag the selection down so you have a copy on frame 12 this will be the first walk position you may choose to start on frame 1 instead it depends on your sneaky plans rotate the leg elements by clicking the correct frame in the timeline and dragging onstage with the rotation tool make it look roughly like this [Music] next select frame 18 and straighten the leg as shown [Music] [Music] arms and legs swing in opposite directions so for this position the arm is swinging backwards humans also bob up and down when they walk because this is the highest point of the walk cycle we're going to move our character up a little bit select frame 12 of the body column choose position from the drop-down menu and hit return on the north/south window a keyframe is now set now click in frame 18 in the same column and type a number in the NS window I like the number 3 see he goes up and down lovely move to frame 24 and arrange the legs so it's landing on the ground our character has just been moved up and here it needs to go down again [Music] click the body column and reset the height to zero [Music] now for the next Lake position move to frame 30 and rotate the leg so it is vertically straight standing on the floor [Music] [Music] next move to frame 36 in this position the leg is pushing off from the ground [Music] [Music] and finally make the last leg pose on frame 40 to move the leg further back and bend the knee the arm has now swung forwards counterbalancing the leg rotate the arm we now have to return to our first pose go to frame 12 and select and copy all the key frames in that row [Music] paste this pose in frame 48 the animation should now loop to test the set to start and stop markers test the loop button and watch our walking leg time for the other leg our second leg also follows this loop is just offset the offset is half of the loop in this case that's three blocks of six frames this pose in frame 30 belongs with our first leg pose on 12 copy these three keyframes make sure that we can see the back leg select and delete the keyframes for the back leg on 12 taste in the new pose now to find the post that goes with our leg on frame 18 move down three blocks and copy the keyframes from the front leg columns back to frame 18 and paste these on the back leg columns frame 24 same idea copy the keyframes from 18 frames further down the loop for frame row 30 copy the keyframes from row 48 the other pose on row 36 comes from row 18 two blocks down plus one from the top the back leg pose for frame 42 for this copy and paste the frames from row 24 and close the loop at frame 48 the first and last frame be the same let's test the loopy you the bobbing up and down needs finishing at frame 18 the body is high at frame 24 low and up again at 36 so sad heights 2-0 on frame 30 to 3 on frame 36 and finally back down to zero on frame 42 magic his other arm back by switching to column view on armed is all the way back rotate the back arm the other way likewise on frame 36 set a keyframe for the back arm to test a wok that will do nicely notice that cleaning from frame 1 to 12 gives a simple stand to walk animation you can perform all kinds of tweaks maybe a little movement of the head rotate the head up a bit at the highest point of the wok rotate it back when the foot is on the ground do this twice now it's time to show you the power of levels select the head and make a duplicate up reign 1 in the level window head over to the deformation tools and play around we're going to deform its contents don't overdo it just a little wiggle [Music] we do the same for all the other body parts add a second frame and wobble it [Music] the magnet tool is handy for this to apply our wibble effect enter the frame numbers in the timeline Open Tunes will repeat your selected pattern for you so click and drag the marker to repeat the selected cells [Music] add repeating frames for the rest of the body parts as well our our character now walks and wobbles well done we are now ready to export our walk [Music] choose transparent PNG and render and save your work now let's simplify our Tunes file delete row one and move the walk cycle up to the top we'll make this our dedicated lock file it's handy to have this and the PNG sequence for further manipulation later on add a whole load of extra frames as well [Music] now click the arrow on all the last keyframes this will look the columns from their first keyframes you let's add a quick head animation to show you how flexible the setup is in the head level duplicate the head frames and move the eyes you you can tweak anything and everything here really go crazy want to stop you you answer the relevant frame numbers directly in the timeline as usual yes I'm behind you you that will do nicely our walk is done and it is time to save it all and open a fresh file here we can import the file we just made as a sub X sheet now we have control make a few copies of the level and use the skill and position tool to make a scene you easy-peasy you we can animate these levels separately or together they're currently connected to the table let's attach them to Queen so they walk across the screen you as you can see the movement is not linear to control this we use the xsheet select the peg and find the east-west tween you'll see the type of tween used in the interpolation window select linear and then apply looking a bit better will perfect the walk later on with the hook tool for now make another copy and disconnect it from the peg we're going to make it explode in the menu select X cheat and then choose explode sub X sheet click apply and all your lovely keyframes are back just waiting to be abused I feel some foot tapping coming on [Music] just wonderful we now have a simple walk yay but let's start afresh and make it better in column 1 select load level to import the PNG sequence that you made earlier focus on the heal and select the hook tool click on the ground at the back of the heel and set your first foot point move to the next frame and drag the marker to line up with the back of the heel we are making sure that when the foot is on the ground it does not move drag a guide on to the canvas to help with positioning situation do this for each of frame until the foot has left the ground or when you want them to move our character is moving on to his other foot now we need to switch feed by duplicating our foot point holding out click and drag the marker to the heel position of the other foot line up the hook point in the remaining frames as you did with the first foot feel free to play around here as you can create many different walk styles with a hook tour here we don't fling keyframe values but adjust the center of each frame so it would by itself remember use file drag to switch the hook to the other foot [Music] to make a move head over to the animation tab to sport mode and while hovering over port be dragged up on the arrows to change its number one hour walk now follows the clip positions we made notice the feet don't slide anymore add some extra frames so he walked off the screen this file has now linked the hook info to your walk PNG sequence time to save all now we have a walk animation and character that we can manipulate make a simple scene by copying our walk and importing the walk tnz file as a sub X sheet you let's explode this again and look at another manipulate our friend here select a column find the skeleton tool or press B now you see bones you you'll find an extra animation option in the menu inverse kinematics - this is fun select a bone you want to remain still it turns blue take the remaining yellow joints and watch the levels follow along and now to find a nice uncompromising position for our wobbly superhero select the regular animate option and things rotate individually this looks uncomfortable I'm not sure what he's doing okay now you've seen how to rig your character and set up a walk but you can use a setup for as many animations as you wish here's a new scene with some examples this run was made by adapting the frames from our walk loop use the same technique just tweak the poses here are a few more examples I went a bit crazy on this one a scared backward walk always useful in my line of business [Music] okay I think you get the idea you can manipulate your character in many ways now there's just one final trick to show you switching directions for full control you want to be able to switch directions easily here's a new file with just one pose we're going to make him spin 360 degrees starting from the side we want a tween to a 3/4 view so for clothes to move the back leg to the right and move the front leg left a bit [Music] the right arm as well then move the back arm to the right so you can just see it we need to draw a few new heads too here I change to a front view a three-quarter view would be better but hey I'm lazy now to turn facing the front move down some frames and exaggerate between some more we are preparing to flip his right leg this means scaling the horizontal axis by minus one first set a scaled keyframe on the leg level just before we flip directly underneath set the horizontal scale to minus 100 we do the same for the back arm one frame before the flip set the arms horizontal scale to 100 then to minus 100 to flip it to match you tweak some stuff so we have a front view our next pose our characters left arm needs to go in front of his body so let's duplicate this arm and give it another name go to the animation tab and connect us armed to the Bonnie back in the timeline select the arm and hand in front of the body level you as you can see we have too many ARMs this is the back arm this is the front arm remove the front arm frames that are overlapping up until the flip point likewise remove the back arm after the flip point to keep rotating we'll need this leg to overlap the other one make another copy rename it you and move it in front of his right leg and behind the Bonnie you once again in the animation tab we need to link this new leg to the body you and then delete the overlapping frames from the timeline now his body parts are ready next rotation of our character which I shall magic up for you now here's the complete rotation with lots of levels you observe the flip points scaling the levels horizontally by - 100 % you see how is the order of the arms changes as the legs are flipped for a full 360 you'll need a couple of views of the head from the back and hey presto all the way round and back where we started you should now have enough ammunition to start exploring the groovy possibilities of open tombs there is a lot of flexibility here especially in the level strip of each column for example if you have a walk file it's very simple to replace the content of each column with the face and body parts of a new character and they will automatically perform the same walk animation all good things come to an end even all bad things sometimes this is now ending to the next time when I will show you how to make broccoli travel at the speed of light keep up the excellent work bye bye at the end [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Barricados
Views: 37,526
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walk-cycle, animate, opentoonz, tutorial, animation, free, Barricados
Id: ChTYwkUl8Fk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 8sec (1928 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2017
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