Learn how to braise lamb shanks and make a port wine sauce

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welcome back everyone so this week we're going to talk about brazing and we're going to try to braise some pieces of lamp and i know the bracing technique is something that some people are a bit kind of scared or we don't really understand so we're going to cover this and we're going to make a simple recipe using very simple ingredients some stock and with the technique we're also going to learn how to use some new types of wine so instead of the typical red wine we're going to use port okay and this is a simple way to really improve that sauce that we're going to be making because when you braise you cook the meat and you yield a beautiful sauce with it so what we're going to have at the end lem shanks with a nice poured sauce how's that [Music] so let's have a look at the ingredients i talked about the lamb chunks i went to my butcher and i think he only had this which i think they're called hind or hin chang something like this you see much more meat on there but you can cook them and braise them the same way as typical lamb shank you can also use anything you want but for the braising technique as you can see you don't need much i've got the meat and we've got the port we've got the stock and look at the other ingredients a little bit of rosemary some shallots some garlic a bay leaf onions and carrots bit of salt and pepper and you are done all right so that's all the ingredients you'll find all the list of detailed ingredients in the video description now let's go on the stove and we're going to start by of course coloring them in and we're going to be talking about what type of cooking technique is browsing so here we are so what exactly is braising and it is called a combination cooking technique and the reason for that it used two types of cooking so first we're gonna saute and we will sear then brown the meat in the pan on a dry heat with a bit of oil okay so that's the first cooking method and then after that we're gonna pour some liquid and cook this in the oven so it's gonna be kind of poaching after that in a liquid so it starts with a saute and finish with a poaching that's why it's called a combination cooking method but it's nothing difficult so the first thing we're going to do i'm taking a cast iron pot here a bit of oil with a tablespoon i have a little salt and pepper on my meat a little bit of oil as well and we're going to start browning her meat a bit by bit on all sides all right so i'm using a medium heat i don't need to do it too high and oh what we're going to do you can do one by one i'm going to start for the bottom here yeah and i'm gonna wait until i've got a nice brown coloring and then turn it over and do all the salt okay so have a look at this and this is what we're trying to get here so you see that browning we want this all over and there's two reasons for this why are we doing this because we're creating a layer of caramelized juices the meat juices at the bottom of the pan that in turn are gonna improve your sauce okay but it's also for the the good the good looks when you're gonna present your dish on the table for instance you've got these nice layers of crusty brown meat nicely seared it is quite appetizing so it's just too simple reason but not difficult in itself hold on so as you can see now everything's got a bit of coloration it's hard to get along you can if you want you can press like this and down to have the color everywhere but that's usually enough so we're going to reduce the heat slightly i'm going to take this out and then we're going to saute the vegetables all right so as you can see here plenty of juices and we're gonna put the carrots and the onions to start with now if you don't have enough oil and you can add a little bit of oil and just a little bit half a half a spoon or something should be enough so remember we're using a medium heat for this so i've got a nice coloration and immediately i'm putting everything in i've got my shallots my crushed garlic i'm gonna mix the whole lot and i'm gonna add a little bit of tomato paste and we like to cook the tomato paste and to remove a bit of the acidity so you can add like a good teaspoon in there okay mix well [Music] so look at that very simple step one we sealed the meat step two you've got your vegetables some nice aroma and then we're going to deglaze i'm gonna put my heat slightly higher with not white wine or red wine but port you see and that the fact of using port transforms totally the flavor profile of your of your sauce and you could use something else so that's just one of the example and how you can make things different by using different types of spirits alcohol fortified wine are widely used in french cooking actually but not many people use it all the time at home right so it's boiling and we're always boiling the alcohol to remove some of the alcohol content and we're gonna try that and look at this the port such a beautiful it's sweet you know it's like a wine but it's got it's very round there's all this sweetness in there and i can already feel the the rosemary rosemary is amazing how fragrant fragrant it is so all right very simple so we see we're almost done what we're going to do here i'm just going to reduce my heat a little bit i'm going to put my meat in here and we're just going to cover with stock and now for the stock so the stock basically and there's i'm using like half a half a liter but what you want i that's why i put that view from above you want to kind of like this barely cover your meat and this is the thing about braising braising it's not like making a ragu the meat is not fully submerged in the liquid and it's going to cook for quite some time so by using about you see about half a liter here with my port i kind of reached at that height which is really comfortable and that's it pretty much what we've done here and that's the first stage we are basically done all what needs to happen now is to cook this in the oven so let's talk about the cooking time and here we are so we've done the first stage on the stove we've branded meat and we've got the vegetable base and the garnish and we have our sauce here beautiful color semi-syrupy and the second stage is to cook this covered in the oven now generally speaking when it comes to lamb chewings or this kind of meat it is about two pounds most people use about 160 degrees celsius okay i put the equivalent finite on the screen for three hours and brazing is always a slow cooking process but interestingly if i'm referring to all the culinary reference in france including culinary schools even the modern one from today the brazing technique always refers to as 180 to 200 degrees celsius in the pan and for two hours plus can be even three hours so which way to go it's gonna be up to you you can use the 160 what i'm going to do for this video i'm going to use actually 170 to go in the middle of all uh half culinary school half what everybody's doing and i'm going to aim for three hours and see exactly what's happening at the end i'm really curious to see what the result is going to be but i'll tell you exactly how long it took me and the temperature i used so that we know once and for all you know what's the story with this cooking length and temperature okay so lead on in the oven and i'll show you the result when it's done and here we are so i've been cooking my meat here for two and a half hours at 170 degrees celsius and it has been perfect that temperature look at my sauce here it's got a nice and rich color and my meat is perfectly cooked i was testing already just to see with my fork here it totally falls off the bone and it's detaching and we have no power on there and it's perfect all what needs to happen now is to finish the full brush and which is that brazing base here so what we're going to do i'm going to take this off put them in a tray with a little bit of sauce keep this warm in the oven and we're going to be reducing this to get the ultimate sauce and there we are so basically as soon as your meat is cooked you take the meat out you put it in a tray like this in a little bit of sauce as you can see so it doesn't dry up you put a foil on and i'm going to put this in the oven just to keep it warm so 70 degrees celsius and while this is resting we're going to make the sauce very quickly and that's also an easy step and now for the fundraiser you're going to put your pan on here medium to high heat and all what we need to do is to reduce the sauce that we have here that's it bring it to the boil and we're going to wait until it thickens and it's got a semi-crp so you can see now it's a little bit too liquid so we're gonna spend five or ten minutes doing this then filter the little garnish out and we're done we're gonna have a beautiful sauce but we'll still add a little final touch to it it's been more than five minutes i just turned the heater so we don't have too much smoke so you can have a look it's difficult to see anything in this pan and look my sauce now it's got that nice kind of more of a syrup piece here it's less liquid the most important the back of a spoon like this you can see that spoon coating consistency and a shine that's all what we need so now i'm gonna filter this into another pan okay so i'm gonna be using my favorite pan of course the saucier pan and all i'm gonna do is filter everything in there now one thing as well you don't want to press down like this when you when you're doing this and so very gently very carefully you go on the side like that to really kind of you know get all of the juices out but you don't want to have a vegetable puree going through the sieve and this is a fine mesh sieve extremely important and here we are so i'm putting the heat back on no whisk or anything what we're going to do here is correct the seasoning and taste there's enough salt i'm going to add a bit of pepper in there and because it's a port sauce you always finish off with a dash and so not even like a tablespoon of the original spirit used okay and very gently i'm gonna mix the whole lot now of course to finish as always in french cooking nudge of butter so can't do it at that heat to a minimum even you can or even turn it off because you don't want this to boil and the butter it is all about swirling the sauce like this you see that kind of back and forth motion with the pen that you can do but that's it and we are done when the butter is gone it's all melted the sauce is ready all right so let's do a little bit of a of a test now i've took one piece of the meat that was loose out of the chunks there in the oven and we've got all what we need i've got a little bit of sauce here that we've just made and some shredded lamb some consistency of the sauce just to tell you and sure you see it's a bit gravish now it's cool sometime in the translated book for miss coffee actually brown sauce is even jewelry called gravy which is a bit amazing oh look at that it's a beautiful color and that mean smells great hmm that stuff is good the sauce is really sweet but like the you know the port kind of sweet and goes very well with the lamb but i think you know what it is something you go you're gonna need a mash with this you're gonna need a mash a potato mash because this has to be drenched in sauce you see you don't want it to dry i can really see this from here it's nice and moist but the sauce look at this the sauce does everything and here we are so of course like i said you can serve this absolutely with a mesh but we need to concentrate on the braising so this is the result of a braised lamb shank it's very easy first the searing and then we've got this in the oven and we create house so this is just the juices that i had in my tray okay and i'm gonna put this so that you can really see the whole thing but i think the sauce is what is gonna make that dish okay so i've got here i would serve this with a little you know sauce boat and we're gonna just cover this in sauce okay it is really really all about that beautiful sauce and let it stick you know it's so it's sticky and this is part of the braising you could glaze this further in the oven you can put that plate into the oven so it's gonna really caramelize a little bit the the sauce on top and for the final fragrance you need a sprinkle of chopped rosemary okay that you're gonna put in the sauce you're gonna put it over your meat and to really have this explosion of fresh rosemary fresh flavors that's going to add that final that final touch for your guest or anything like this and of course you always put a piece of you know what you use for cooking as a reminder okay that was like a rosemary base and port sauce okay but that's it that's it for the plating and that completes the video for this week i hope you enjoy it and as always if you have any questions regarding this or the cooking technique the brazing technique just feel free to ask this in a comment section you can follow me if you want on facebook on patreon and thank you by the way to all the new patrons all the new subscribers and the new students on the school there's been plenty plenty of people and we were over 800 people now it's going crazy so thank you very much i really appreciate for all the effort we're putting on this channel and the school etc but that's it for me i will see you all next week again for another french cooking video see you all bye [Music] you
Channel: French Cooking Academy
Views: 46,106
Rating: 4.9690671 out of 5
Keywords: braised lamb shanks in port wine, braising in port wine, lamb, lamb shank recipe, braised lamb shanks, braising technique, braising cooking method, french cuisine, french food, french cooking video, Cooking technique, french cooking academy, how to, how to braise lamb shanks
Id: gdBKp302X5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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