Learn How To 3D Sketch in Fusion 360 (Frame Design)

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3d sketching is incredibly powerful in fusion 360 and it's great for some things like this or this so let's jump into doing this go-kart frame in fusion what are your strategies to build the frame to do this design i think i would do it with a mirror i'm going to do half of it and pretty much all of this i'm going to use a 3d sketch to create this shape and for doing the actual tubing i'm going to use a pipe command getting started i'll select sketch i'm going to select the top plane it doesn't really matter what you select first you can reorient if you need to and i'm going to make sure that 3d sketch is checked choosing the line command i'll start at the origin and i'm going to go down this axis and this is only half of the build and make sure the units makes make sense we're not going to worry about units so much in this example it's more about getting the sketch correct working in isometric view is probably one of the best things you can do but it is helpful to kind of look straight at or normal to your sketch or 3d sketch sometimes to reorient yourself i'm going to sketch at this end point and go out along this axis hitting escape that'll let me close off that sketch but keep me in the command so i can keep working we can drop in a dimension this is three feet great now here's the tricky part i need to go up and out looking at this build so you can see at this corner i i have a rounded edge which i'm going to use a fill it to get that rounded area these are two fillets but i need to come out and up so i've got some complexity there so my favorite way to do it is to use construction geometry so i'm going to go out a distance and then a depth of some distance and then up and all of this is construction if you use x for construction or just right click on it you can make these construction these are just guides this helps us get this point in space now what we're going to do is a solid line between these two points so how do you round those sharp edges so in the 3d sketch you actually can use the sketch fillet come in either select the two lines and then type in the radius value that you'd like to have i don't have the this finished yet so once i do i can add the fill it in now selecting the line command coming to this edge i'm going to use this axis and run it back and then i'm going to come over now here's what's difficult with fusion 360 is you can't actually go to a plane even though i have a plane right here it should work it does not it's a bummer so the best workaround i've found is to use sketch geometry somewhere else so what i can do is come to my origin and use this plane to sketch a kind of guide so i make sure that this point is selected that's highlighted in blue i sketch out this rectangle as my guide this is construction geometry so i probably should have done it before i dropped it or i can change it after the fact so i have this construction and what now what i want to do is drag this point until it connects if i look straight at it looks like they they should basically line up one thing that 3d sketching is not good at is dragging once you drag a line or place a line it won't drag it still will use constraints which is good but dragging doesn't work so it's not as forgiving as 2d sketching can be so i'm going to make those coincident sometimes when i'm using constraints in 3d sketching everything just goes nuts so that is something to be aware of whenever you add a constraint and move everything make check that your sketch didn't get completely out of line or completely out of the design that you intend okay so i have some sharp corners here we'll go up to our fill it and fill up this corner to here i'm gonna round off from there to there add these relationships that might be missing you can go in and add some dimensions if you need to to fully define as you can i can dimension these construction lines that are guides it's actually a good idea make it easier to edit in the future okay checking in looks good we've got kind of that half done and now we need to do this interior where we would place our seat and steering wheel okay adding some more geometry we could separate this into a few 3d sketches for simplicity or we can continue to work in the same 3d sketch when i go to sketch i'm going to select on this line and then i'm going to make sure that this little reference plane is selected so that's the one that i care about sketching along go out this axis here okay so we're going out and now we're going to go up i'm going to go along the blue axis i'm going up the blue axis and this is where i'm using reference geometry so this is going to be i want to go up a certain distance and then over and back so i'm going to come here and use along the axis go over and then i want to go back this is construction geometry and this is that 3d jog that i want it to make so i'm coming from this point up to this point so that's how we create kind of some of that complexity i'm using this rise and then this run and then this jog so that i can get this complex shape developed now the same challenge i want this to run all the way to the half or to the where that plane would be even with so i will add that sketch geometry over here as a reference so i'm going to select rectangle it's construction i'll do it on this plane the origin there we go looks pretty good and i'm going to use the right view so that i can kind of line these up and now i can jog this seat the top of the seat over to this point make sure that it's solid line because it's actual geometry and then i can come back with my fillets select the fill it select the blue there we go now for doing the front part that's going to house the steering wheel this arc is probably going to be tricky because anytime you try to mirror a complete arc it can be problematic i've found that sometimes it's better just to go ahead and do the full arc and then mirror over it completing it as opposed to trying to do it in halves so let's do that now starting the sketch i'm going to sketch kind of coming in here going down along this axis and same challenge i'm going to come up and do construction lines i need to go kind of up and out so i need it to go out up and over and that's where i'm going to sketch to for my solids go to my line command make sure it's in solid line i'm going to go point to point and that's how i create that kind of complex jog just like we did before looks like i went a little too tall so let's see if we can use our smart dimensions to drive this down looks good okay so now for the arc and before i i need the ark now but i'd like to bring this steering wheel over further so it's closer to like i want to bring this over a little bit there we go looks fine and now we need the arc the arc half of it should be on this side and the other half on this side so i'm going to rotate this plane and we'll sketch along that and we'll put the plane i'm going to change my camera angle so i can look straight at it and i'll come over here and sketch the arc now for adding some sketch relationships or constraints first the points should line up with each other of the arc so i'll select the points okay so we've got this kind of in the midpoint we'll make sure that's lined up before we're done make sure that this has the tangency that we care about i'm going to sketch a construction rectangle to connect to so i'm going to connect the and now we'll just select this arc and that point and try to connect those midpoint looks pretty good now we've got this crazy sketch going on looks like this got misaligned let's see if we can fix it with our constraints that actually looks okay great and then i'll add some fillets before we finish this off come back into our sketch make sure that it looks like i forgot to fill it down at the corner and then to include that all right so we've got this sketch investigating this this should be flat this reference line there we go that's better all right so let's start the pipe command so i'll do pipe s for search look for pipe and then i come in and just start selecting kind of this one path you want to hollow it out do you want it solid or hollowed be sure to check that and now we'll do another pipe right click repeat i'll do this pipe across and i wish that remember the pipe from the previous selection but it doesn't unfortunately so you can type that back in again i'm going to do the whole thing including the arc we're joining hit okay all right so we've got pretty much the entire half built i'm going to come over and turn off the sketch make a little easier to see and then let's mirror this so s search and look for mirror we're doing a feature or body mirror in this case i'm going to bot mirror this entire body across this plane remember we're mirroring a total of this arc so we need to make sure and check that that that looks okay and isn't doubling up and it looks great and there we have our 3d tubing with fusion 360. hey for more fusion 360 videos check out this playlist
Channel: Tyler Beck of Tech & Espresso
Views: 43,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fusion 360, fusion 360 tutorial, tyler beck, fusion 360 tutorial beginner, autodesk, design, mechanical design, cad, cad software, cloud based cad, free cad, autodesk cad, free cad program, autodesk fusion 360, fusion 360 tutorials, fusion 360 3d sketch to body, fusion 360 3d sketch, fusion 360 3d modeling, fusion 360 tube frame, fusion 360 create tube, fusion 360 sketch tutorial, fusion 360 2d to 3d, fusion 360 2d drawing to 3d, fusion 360 steel frame
Id: TNrPnerxvnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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