Learn Google Ads 2023 | Top Google Ads Optimization Tips | Live Google Ads (PPC) Questions & Answers

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name is Uzair and it is three  o'clock in the afternoon in the UK   and it's a time for a little bit of Google ads  every Tuesday and Friday I go live at this time   covers topics online digital marketing anything  and everything to help you generate more leads or   sales so today I've got um some optimization  tips for your Google ads campaigns these are   the only ones but these are some of them which  will help you with your campaigns and results   so if you are new here or haven't been to the  sessions and the sessions are very informal and   friendly I'll cover and go through today's topics  and then towards the end of the session I'll take   questions and I'll try my best to answer any  questions you may have so please put them in   and I take them in the order I receive them in  don't leave it to the very last second because   there is a 30 second delay in the transmission  so I may not be able to see your questions but   um I switch off the live stream okay I just want  to make sure everything is working fine which it   looks like it is so let's get started and I  will share my screen before I do that if you   like content which we upload and create and I  really appreciate if you get the little Thumbs   Up And subscribe to our Channel because we  upload videos on a daily basis and you'll be   one of the first ones to be notified when we  upload our next one all right let's do this okay I think you should be able to see my screen I'll enlight this a little bit so  those of you watching on the mobile and see this problem read this a bit as well okay I think it looks fine so as I said earlier on these are some of the  optimization tips which will help you improve your   um campaigns and these are not the only  ones these are some of them because it's   impossible to cover all the optimization  tips in a matter of half an hour or so um first one which um and this is not in any order  as well as just the way I put them up on this dock   is the rlsa which is the remarketing list for  search ads uh very few accounts I see utilize   these because this is one of the most powerful  ways to go after the low hanging fruit what I   mean is this is for when someone has searched for  a certain keyword and has been to your website   if they may have clicked your ad or they may  have gone through organically but usually yeah   and they did not convert that then they go back to  Google and start searching for those that keyword   or keywords this is where you tell Google I want  to show my eyes to those people who are recently   researching again for those keywords  and have been to your website   so these two criteria has got to be um for  that audience so you've been very aggressively   because they're still in your sales funnel they  did not convert the first time around they were   very close to it perhaps they add to cart and  then life came in the way or they got busy or   whatever something came up and they they did not  convert so go after that um that audience for sure   but you need to have at least thousand users  in your audience and that's how this campaign   um is going to to run now if you got a  small budget you may not have thousand   users so how do you get a thousand or  more ideally you want a few thousand   for for this campaign to really get impressions  clicks and so on so how do you do that is by   using the Google Display Network to build up your  website visitors and audiences you can really   Target with pinpoint accuracy who you want to  Target and who you want to exclude using the   Display Network Display Network is one of the  most uh I would say the most powerful way to   generate targeted audiences very few people know  how to use this very few marketeers advertisers   use this to its full potential but it's the blue  ocean out there and there's so much traffic it's   unbelievable that you got to Leverage The Power  of the gdn I always refer this to as the golden   Display Network not Google Display Network because  it's gold out there you just got to go and search   for it and you will find it it's just that you  need to be a bit more patient and you need to   test don't give up after two days or  two weeks or two months now keep going   apply small budget to those campaigns test it  if it doesn't work move on unlimited amount of   testing you can do with different combinations of  targeting and audiences and demographics and so on   and you'll never ever run out of traffic  or audiences on the Google Display Network   I can see some questions coming through  and some of those so we are keep putting   them through and I'll refer to them  once I have gone through these steps okay um I never thought I'd  say this to use broad match   but with smart bidding you've got to try  it and test it because you're giving Google   permission or the you know the freedom to  go out there and get you those conversions   again [Music] lots and lots of marketeers  advertisers are scared of broad match   oh Google is going to spend all my money on  cheap traffic and irrelevant clicks and so on   as long as you are very aggressive with  your negative keywords Google won't be   able to go wild and you can aim the algorithm  now the algorithm is getting clever and clever   and smarter and smarter right so once it  knows who you're looking out for what you want   is going to give you more of that and it's just a  case of getting those first 40 50 conversions in   your campaigns and then see the the magic which  happens with broad matching with smart bidding   so set your campaigns to Max conversions don't  do the target CPA or Target rules to begin with   even though Google says you can start off with  them right off the bat I don't like to do that   with broad match is going to give you the cheapest  click get your loss of traffic okay initially you   might get some irrelevant clicks but you will you  want to fail fast and fail forward right get those   negatives look at those search term queries and  if there is any which you may not have considered   and Google is showing your ads on them put them  as negatives and then start in those campaigns and you've got to get some really  good results so great price all right this again I very rarely see  which is splitting your campaigns into   geolocation targeted campaigns what I mean by this   um nothing targeting the USA most advertisers  will just put in the country USA as the targeting   what you can also do is and then see  or you can also put in those 51 states   as your targeted locations would you and  then you see the data coming in what's   happening in Florida what's happening  in California what's happening in Texas   if California is very expensive you can  do something about it if it's eating up   all your budget you can do something about it  by splitting that campaign so let's say for   argument's sake Florida is really very profitable  but California is getting most of the budget so   you can't scale in Florida so you pickle and  stick you take that Florida out from there   make its own campaign to give its own budget and  then let it run and then you just keep doing the   same thing over and over again if California is  very expensive you can take it out and say okay I   want to give it a bit more about a bit more time  to see what happens take it out from that main   campaign set it up as it as its own but reduce the  budget and maybe the BET be very aggressive with   the bidding so that you are not wasting money and  Google doesn't go wild either so that way you can profitable by doing that okay um this is also another little tip which  will help you if you are selling a high ticket   item like a coaching or consulting or an expensive  watch or cars or whatever then you can Target the   top 10 percent of the household income earners  if it's available in your country this is this   option is not available in all the countries but  certainly in the the top five countries you as   UK Australia Canada and so on you can Target um  your demographics with the top 10 hit Commanders   so you know that they have the money and they  are not on the lower income bracket who will   not be able to afford your product or service  so that's another tip which you can easily   um this is another thing which you can  easily utilize to maximize your profitability because underperforming or expensive keywords even  if that keyword is your Bullseye or your target   keyword a lot of marketeers I see oh they want to  protect oh but this is the keyword which I really   want to go after I know this is the best keyword I  have and this is what my audiences are looking for   they may well be looking for it but they're  not converting it could be that they are in   the research mode or they're in the top of the  funnel you know more where they're looking at it   but there's no buying intent so you need to make  a decision and sometimes these decisions are tough   and you've got to be ruthless about it you know  if a keyword or keyword or wasting money and I   have to stop it unless now the client specifically  tells me no you've got to keep running it but then   why is the why am I asking the client our client  should be listening to me not the other way around   so you will get the same thing and you  probably ask me the same thing as well   yeah but my client says this and my client  says well why is the client coming to you   in the first place they are so clever they  are so good if they know everything about   Google ads then they should be running it  themselves so yeah absolutely stop or pause   any underperforming or expensive keywords  which may be bleeding cash for you all right um so the goal or the aim of your campaign  should be to reach break-even point or better   as soon as possible and then scale the  campaigns and what I mean by this even   I've seen a lot of times the campaign  is breaking even or is profitable   but then the client or the marketeer  has got no idea why or when to scale   this is the time to scale everybody wants  more sales more orders more Revenue and I get asked by the clients quite often  but why aren't we getting more sales   if we are profitable is because  you have not increased the budget   so let me give you an example if your  cost per conversion is ten dollars   and your daily budget is 100. the maximum number  of conversions you're going to get is 10 right   so if the client comes back to you and said yeah  but I'm only getting 10 conversions I should be   getting 20. well then you need to scale it to 200.  we will face each conversion is costing you 10   times 20 conversions equals to 200 or thereabouts  you need to go up there this is the education   oh this is the things which  you need to let them know   that this is why they are not getting more than 10  conversions is because they don't have the budget   so profitable campaigns or  campaigns which are breaking even   and not costing you any money they should never  be limited by budget because sky is the limit   for these unless that client cannot cope up with  increased number of orders or increase number of   phone calls leads or whatever if they're happy  being small or taking along at the pace which we   are right now then you carry on but if they want  to grow and scale the business then you've got to   tell them look we reached a point now before you  should have worked out your target CPA or Target   low as before you start the campaigns once you  hit that Target and you are running it at a better   rate then you have no then you shouldn't  have any problems scaling these campaigns   okay um writing great ad copy which converts  and attracts the clicks and there are a few   things that I've done lots of videos on how  to write great ad copy so some of the things   which you must have on the copy uh is the first  headline should always have the keyword in it and   you should pin it because then when they read it  the head the keyword is in H1 then you've got to   have your benefits features offer call to action  price and if you are offering something for free   then the word free is one of the most powerful  words you can put in an ad copy free download   free consultation free parking free delivery right  all of these things you must use the word free   and just using all these things in your ad copy  and it's going to make your ad copy look better   get the right message in front of the Right  audience and increase your CTR and clicks you can't just blame Google or Facebook  or whatever you're advertising that if   the campaigns are not running well  then it's the the platform's fault   it cannot be because if you know that my keywords  my audience is and all my targeting is perfect   and they are my RDL audience and I'm getting  those clicks from those keywords and my ads   and then they don't convert on my landing page  or website then you need to do something about   it and ideally what you want to do  is to be split test the landing page   a b split testing is something which again  very few people do it and what you want to   do is to just make one tweak or change between  the two pages don't have two different pages   completely because you won't know what made the  difference so it could be the headline it could be   one page with a photo one with a video another  one could be the blue call to action button and   the other one could be with a orange call  to action button so just one final change   and see what happens then you take the winner  and from there you make more changes and keep   on optimizing so this is not a done uh set  and you know done and dusted once and for all   um optimization it's an ongoing you make the  changes run the test drive traffic take the winner   lose the loser and bring in a new Challenger  to against the winner so as you can see over   here I mean this is very small to read for  you I'm running a split test between these   two pages one with an image one with a video  the image one is converting at 27.62 percent   um the one with the video is  converting at 22.05 percent I thought it would be the other way  around the video is going to perform   but the the difference between the two is almost  25 is a is a huge difference so why would I keep   cash on the table for my competitors to swap under  my nose from if I don't make all these changes if   I can only make the change if I knew what's  happening if I don't split test and if you   are just running as one then you would never know  which one is the winner and which one is the loser   okay so I'm gonna go to the questions now and  if you have any please put start putting them in and I'll see what we've got so hope you enjoyed these um tips  and if you have any of yours which   you would like to share then please do so in  the comments or the chat box around the video   okay I'm not audible I'm not as good uh okay all right that thing is might be something at  your end how to prevent double conversion tracking so unless and until you put the tag  in twice or made two conversions   that's one way to avoid the other way is when if  it's for lead generation and I'm pretty certain   you are referring to a lead generation in your  conversion set up don't select every select the   option which is one so if I'll come to your  website I'll submit the form and then at my   end something went wrong and I thought oh the form  has not gone through and I resubmit the form again then you should only have one me as one lead  not two leads right because I'm just in person   so for that for leads you only have that  option for one account as one or four   e-commerce or online sales you want to have every  so if I went to your site made the purchase after   a little while or a couple of days went back  again convert it again that's another conversion okay why is this happening one month so many  conversions and the other months the same keywords   are not performing it could be seasonal in the  summer holidays in the month of August B2B is very   quiet right now in the month of December for us as  a business is very quiet as well so there could be   a lot of factors outside of Google ads um which  can cause this to happen so it's not only that   if your conversions are happening with certain  keywords don't just look at it from month on month   have a look at over six months or three months a  wider or a bit more date range I can see what how   these keywords have been performing and is the  trend going up I need with more conversions and   tried going downwards for the cost per conversion  to go down a bit or is it the other way around what do you think the conversion value should  be applied at what stage and what contractual   signals are primary need for I'm not sure  what you mean by that conversion value if it is for a conversion Value First  for e-commerce then whatever is your   Auto Value would be the conversion value  so if you sold a product for 100 that   conversion value would be hundred it's not  so straightforward for a lead generation campaign because a lead what you need to  do is to work out the value per lead and   the way to work that one out is let's say  every time you get a customer that client   average order value is 1000 right then you said  okay I need to work out my conversion value or   conversion rate let's say keeping the maths simple  one in ten leads convert into a paying customer   so you got 10 leads you've got one  customer who spent thousand dollars   if you divide 10 000 oh sorry if you  divide thousand by 10 you get 100.   that's the conversion value for a lead so  technically speaking every time you get a lead   you are literally earning hundred dollars well  not at that point in time but this is how you   would work out the conversion value now if  your lead cost is let's say twenty dollars and you're potentially earning 100. or return on  aspan is 5X right you give one to Google Google   gives you five is going to be profitable for  any kind of lead generation or service type of   Industry getting 5x is very profitable unless your  expenses are crazy high and it's not enough that's   a different matter but this is how you would  apply the conversion value I'm not sure what   you mean by what contextual signals that primary  need for for it so if you can rephrase that my campaign is getting low quality  leads should I stop your broad match   and start using exact math keywords  and increase the steps in form Phillips   I was going to say the same thing there's  two ways you can do that have a look at   the broad match if you're getting the leads  all you need to do is to tighten up your   qualification or disqualification of lead right  so change the form the questions on your form   if they are junk or family is make of five  Fields form into a seven field form so they   need to enter more or you put in a field like  tell me a little bit more about your business   if they write we are looking for Google ads and  we are struggling with our Google ads and we need   more leads or sales they've made some explanation  in that form then I can see that this guy is   serious compared to somebody who just writes in  more leads I would straight away is junk they are   not investing two minutes of the time trying to  explain to me on a form what they're looking for I   would be more inclined to change that [Music] form  and we do this all the time keep testing different   forms to see if our conversion value increases  or not not the conversion value but the quality   of the conversions the other thing which I can  also highly recommend is use a form with a logic   so let's say I only want to attract advertisers  who spend more than three thousand dollars a month   all right so if my question is how much are  you spending per month and if your reply is 2   000 straight away you are rejected and you  will get a message I'm sorry but we are not   able to help you on this occasion um when  you do reach our minimum requirements then   um please get in touch so that way you won't  even get those junkie leads or people who are   looking for you know only pricing and they're  wasting your time and their Tire kickers   so a form based on the logic can really  help you improve the quality of your leads can I get these notes what you mean you got  this you can re-watch it see Amit I'm giving   you all this information for free and what  what do you want me to make notes for you um okay how much can how much we can trust  which simulator of Google ads even   whatever conversion data we have you have to just simulator and that's what it is  so it's up to you whether you want to um accept or   believe or trust what Google says or not it's just  an indicate the indication of what you can get   if your bids are this much if you increase your  budgets and so so as the name suggests it's   just a simulator so you don't need to take it as  gospel as to what the data what Google tells you okay we've done that yes Daniel I think in my case  because they've seen my videos   uh before and now they've  been on YouTube and so on um the conversion rate and the image one is  converting more yeah yeah I was pleasantly   surprised it got to um split test no matter what  it doesn't matter what I believe what I think   what I say you have got to do it  yourself and try it for yourself um okay you need to give me a little bit more  and for what is happening every quarter   is it improving or not improving willing to be  to be I guess it's not improving every quarter so   change the offer I would say try something  a different offer people sometimes get   not the ad fatigue but the offer fatigue that  the same offer has been run by 10 different   companies and it's the same old same old  everywhere try to differentiate yourself   do something different and see helps  but it looks like it's the offer issue   um if they're not converting  and not the campaign issue uh by going into your demographics  and you can select in there   um in top 10 of your household income earners high level my conversion goal setup in Google  that's why jtm is not reflecting in analytics   even though I've linked all the accounts  internally I can see conversions and guys   without having a look at that how the setup has  been done to have you linked your Google analytics   tag in tag manager as well let me just directly  connected it to the Google ads and something   without looking at that I really can't because  if you are seeing the conversions in Google ads   that it should reflect in analytics that means  the analytics tag is notified of the website   so I will look at it and try to rectify them Max much conversion value for bidding  should be applied at what stage okay I see   um so you're looking at the Target row as   well versions you will get a different answer  a different number from different people   this is what we need to in our agency once we  got 1500 depends on how small a big account   um so around 1500 you will you will know what the  row as you are getting and you can yeah put it in all right thanks for being here and thank you  to all of you guys and girls for being here   and sending these lovely questions because me  talking to a computer screen is pretty boring   can we use pmax campaign for P2P is it worth  it I tried it for us market and got some but   they're all junk any apps to improve yeah  absolutely use it try it you change the   form ever make it a longer form then we'll see  that it's um it's helping you get better results   okay I don't know why some of the comments  and questions are not coming through into my feed over here Mike I don't know why your comments are not  popping up here but I can see it on YouTube I'm sorry I think there's some technical  tricks happening I'll try and read it um let me just go through okay okay hmm very weird the chat overlay has disappeared now I don't know what's happening  here I'm sorry about this guys   uh but I'm just gonna read this off the screen  and see if I can answer this for you Mike   hi Mike okay uh if a campaign is getting no  Impressions and clicks okay if a campaign   is getting no Impressions and clicks using the  maximize conversions strategy is it a good idea   to change the strategy to maximize clicks yes try  that and get it going see what happens right um it   could be the bidding is too aggressive it needs  a bit more bids but if leave it blank if you're   doing Max conversions don't put in a Target row as  or Target CPA leave it blank and let it run okay and then Mike and pmax shopping campaign Google's  saying products has missing identifies what   product does have them have seen this before  it might be an issue with the feed with the   merchant center try to fix it um yeah we do get  all these glitches and Gremlins every now and then   if not try resetting the campaign  again and see what happens okay from there's another question what do you  suggest a guy like me do to get some experience   maybe write my own blog or create a  website and drive my own Google ads   I've done the free skill shop course   I can't comment as to what you should do whatever  we feel whatever your goals are in life and in   business you should you know put them down and go  for it if you feel that you want to create a blog   go for it if you feel you want to create videos  like these ones yeah absolutely get started   um we should not just wait for the opportunity  to come through to you because you'll be waiting   for a long long time you've got to create  the opportunities you've got to go out   and reach the world so if you want to get  noticed if you want people to listen to you   have no excuse well I don't have this I don't  have that yes you have your smartphone create   short videos upload it to every channel YouTube's  tiktok Facebook Instagram um LinkedIn for free   so you can only spend money or you spend time if  you don't have cash then you've got to spend time   and get yourself out if you've got the  money then create the content run ads   in front of your diet uh perfect  audience and get yourself noticed faster okay I've got to shoot off your credit card so  thank you all for being here I truly appreciate   it and I'll see you guys next Tuesday so next  week the last two days before or Tuesday and   Friday at the last two days before Christmas  we'll have our live stream and then we restart   again have a great weekend and I shall  see you next week thanks for being here
Channel: SF Digital Studios
Views: 257
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Keywords: google ads optimization, google ads optimization tips, google adwords optimization, google ads optimization techniques, how to optimize google ads, optimize google ads, google ads optimization checklist, google ads optimization tricks, google ads tips, google shopping ads optimization, learn google ads, google ads training, google ads expert, google ads tutorials, google ads optimisation, google ads, google advertising, google adwords, google ads tutorial
Id: bI0H4bNVt28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 23sec (2303 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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