Amazon Affiliate Marketing Course For Beginners - Create an Affiliate Marketing Niche Website

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what's up and welcome to my Amazon affiliate marketing tutorial in this tutorial I'm going to be showing you how to create a niche website where you can do affiliate marketing with Amazon and with other affiliate networks as well so you're not limited to just Amazon affiliate marketing after you watch this video I'm going to be showing you a step-by-step process for building a niche website from scratch how to add an Amazon store directly to your WordPress website where you can drive people to Amazon and actually receive commissions for every sale that you make now throughout this video I'm also going to be showing you how to find other affiliate offers some different ways to grow your website and some best practices for really increasing your traffic and earning an income online so if you're interested in an ongoing series about videos like this one I would highly recommend checking out my membership program for Surfside PPC called Surfside Niche so go to membership when you go there it will bring you to my page where I have my membership videos right now I have three videos published I'm planning on publishing hundreds of videos in this section I will be growing my beachfront Decor website through this section I will be growing a brand new affiliate website through the Section called I will also be showing you how I'm going to be growing my Surfside PPC website and my YouTube channel so if you're interested in growth I would highly recommend checking out my membership program it's 299 a month and I'm going to bring you all sorts of content related to Growing Niche websites so let's get back to our video and as you can see here you can navigate to any of these sections if you're going to look for something specific if you already have a niche website you can kind of fast forward through the whole website creation process all of these timestamps are also in the video description so let's get started with this video what's up everyone welcome to my Amazon affiliate marketing tutorial today I'm going to be showing you how to create an Amazon affiliate marketing website where you can actually promote Amazon products directly from your website so I'm going to show you how you can import products from Amazon to your website and then when someone comes here to purchase it them from you you send them directly to Amazon if they purchase from you you will receive a commission so that's what I'm going to be showing you today is how to build a website like my website as you can see here within this website I have an entire shop section like this one so if I go to beach chairs if I go to any of these other Pages all it's going to list are different product categories and the different products I have for sale when someone clicks on learn more or they go to a product page and they click on learn more it will bring them directly to that product's Amazon page so I'm going to be showing you the plugin that you need to install for WordPress to actually create a website like this one and then what I'm also going to show you is some strategies for growth some strategies for how to create content so you can actually drive more Amazon affiliate marketing sales so you can see here within my website I also have an entire blog section so as you scroll down here I have a ton of different blog posts within my blog post I can actually link out to a ton of my Amazon products and we can link to other affiliate products as well so don't limit this to just Amazon affiliate marketing but that will be the main focus here however I'm going to be going through a lot in this video so throughout this video I have 15 total things I'm going to be going over so we'll call them chapters we'll call them modules whatever you want to call them so we're going to start with choosing a website in the niche or Niche I'm going to say Niche throughout the video some people say Niche so however you want to say it choosing a website Niche choosing our domain name and a dedicated hosting plan creating our WordPress website and installing woocommerce so woocommerce is a completely free plugin that allows us to create an Amazon affiliate marketing store on our WordPress website we're going to install the flat sum theme I think it's around sixty dollars and the W Zone plugin which I think is also around sixty dollars so those are going to be two things that we pay for dedicated hosting plan we'll be paying for as well your entire initial investment for a project like this will be somewhere around a thousand dollars for the year now it may end up being more expensive as you go and especially as you sign up for different tools but keep in mind you are building basically a new business so when you're building a new business there's always going to be some type of upfront invest assessment you can start with a lesser hosting plan when you get started the only problem is a dedicated hosting plan will make sure that you don't run into issues as far as taking up too many resources on a shared server we'll go through that more throughout the video but a few more things we're going to be doing purchasing and installing the premium W Zone WordPress plugin so that is going to be part of four and five will all kind of be four five and six are all kind of going to be similar so installing our WordPress plugins so the other plugins that I use and then configuring our website settings and our W Zone settings wzone is also referred to as a woo zone or woo Zone the woocommerce Amazon affiliate marketing plugin there are other plugins as well that do something similar but I've only ever used wzone extensively so that's one that I use the most then how to get accepted into Amazon Associates now you can't actually import Amazon products to your website or configure woo Zone The W Zone plugin until you actually get accepted into Amazon Associates which is the Amazon affiliate marketing program so I will go over how to get accepted into Amazon Associates it's actually pretty easy what you may have to do when you first get started with your website is just focusing on writing blog posts start your website write 10 blog posts I will show you a website example for a perfect website to get started with that you can actually use a website like that one it's a website I'm currently building to get accepted into Amazon Associates then some of our initial keyword research and our content creation strategy so the main key with getting a lot of Amazon affiliate sales or any affiliate sales is writing a ton of content writing a lot of really high quality content around really popular keywords so I'm going to go over some different strategies for that and how to find the best keywords for the niche that you choose then I'll go over how to add products using the W Zone plugin and the different types of blog posts you can write that will help you rank in Google that will help you drive sales and blog posts that will actually just help enhance your product category pages now the next things that we'll be going over so six more things here 10 to 15 how to link to Amazon products as an affiliate so some of the different ways to actually promote different Amazon products Beyond importing them directly to your website some Amazon affiliate marketing best practices some strategies to follow some different tools that you can use so I'll go over tools down here as well but some different Amazon affiliate marketing tools that we can try SEO best practices so just some initial if you're not familiar with search engine optimization if you are you could probably just skip that section but really just some getting started with search engine optimization some best practices to make sure that your website is appearing as well as it can in search engine results and ultimately SEO really comes down to Content creation some additional affiliate networks you can try Beyond Amazon affiliate marketing so if you're using if you're part of the Amazon Associates program you can also incorporate other affiliate products as well so coming back over to my website beachfront Decor I also link out to Wayfair products on this website so you can link to other products and sign up for other affiliate Networks you're not just limited to Amazon then some additional affiliate or some examples of successful affiliate marketing websites is how we're going to kind of finish off the video to to make sure we can get started on the right foot so this is everything that I will be going through in this video and we're going to start by choosing a website Niche now before I choose my website Niche I have recently created a brand new website the website I've created I actually purchased this website from so I'll show you Flippa in a minute if you're interested in purchasing a website rather than building one from scratch but I purchased this website with about 30 total blog articles on it and I'm going to be building this website I don't have the Amazon affiliate marketing section on this website yet but I'm going to be building this website from scratch through my Surfside PPC membership program so I currently just have 30 blog posts on this website I'm going to be adding an Amazon affiliate marketing store and then I'm going to keep up with all of my results through my membership program which you can follow along for 299 a month now I will give you all the resources throughout this video to be able to create your own version of this website to be able to create your own version of a beachfront core type website choosing your own Niche and how to create a website like this so if you're not interested in the membership program no problem but now if you're interested in joining all you have to do is go to membership when you go there it will bring you directly to my YouTube membership page where you can easily join for 299 a month I currently have three videos published I have a niche website course I have my website my Niche a little bit overview and then a basic Niche website strategy I'm going to have hundreds of videos published in my membership section so if you're interested in growing an Amazon affiliate marketing store this is the place to go so let's get back to our video and what we're going to be doing first is we're going to be choosing our Niche now one of the best ways to choose a niche is just go directly to when you go to record the reason being is because we're going to be selling Amazon on affiliate marketing products so we need to figure out some different Amazon categories and basically we can use some of these different categories to come up with a niche now I'm going to give you a few different ways to come up with a niche for your website starting with Amazon if we go to the best sellers page so just go on the left hand side click on the menu and go to best sellers when you go to best sellers on the left hand side you're going to see all of these different departments and then within each department that we click they'll actually open up the best sellers within that department so let's just say for example you're someone who loves cars you go to Automotive so you click on Automotive even within Automotive there are different Niche markets that you can choose here I would not choose Automotive is not a niche that is basically an industry so what you're trying to do is find what is the best Niche for me to do so if you're someone who is very interested in RVs and you have an RV and you don't mind writing about RVs and you can use your own RV to write even more content about different places to visit some different ways to basically make some most of any RV vacation then go to RV parts and accessories because what you can do is you can actually sell all of these different RV parts and accessories and if you you click here you can see best sellers so if you see something like this and you go I'd be really interested in creating a niche website about RVs what you can do next is access the Google Keyword Planner through a free Google ads account so create a if you already have an existing Google account go to create a Google ads account skip the campaign creation process go to tools and settings and go to the Keyword Planner that will bring up a page that looks like this and what we can do with the Keyword Planner is just make sure that we have enough search volume around the niche that we're selecting so if I come over here and I do RV parts so we just start with RV parts and we click on get results what you're looking for is at the very top chart here they're going to show the overall search volume for RV parts few things keep in mind there's going to be seasonality with almost any Niche that you choose some niches are more popular during the holiday season some are more popular in the summer like RV vacations RV parts people who are looking for anything related to their RV probably going to be more interested in that during in the summer because that's when people go on more RV trips so you'll see it here and that is why search volume looks like this now if we come down here basically what you're looking for is in this top chart you want this to be at least around a hundred thousand so this would be more than enough search volume and we're looking at something like RV parts and that would be our Niche would basically be RV parts so what you're trying to do is you can go through Amazon and if we come over to Amazon and we'll use our page here and go to all departments and we just search RV so if we search RV here and we come down what you're going to see is RV parts and accessories if we click on it you'll see all of these different categories here so these are different categories that you can cover on your with your Amazon affiliate store so you can add all of these different categories directly to your website and start adding products Within These categories one thing to keep in mind is if you're selling RV parts and accessories you may say okay let's start with RV power and electrical supplies so we click on RV power intellectual supplies and even within that you're going to see even more subcategories so there's going to be a bunch of subcategories in here and basically if you're targeting all these keywords you're adding products to your product category Pages the same way that I've done for beachfront Decor where I have all of these different categories here you're eventually going to start driving traffic for some of these different Niche keywords so when you're choosing a niche one of the very first things that I would do as far as Amazon is go directly to the best sellers page and just go through on the left hand side through these departments and try to find things that have you have some level of interest in something that you think you can write about and something that would make up for a good niche market now the reason why I chose is this is a website where I'm going to be selling educational toys so what I figured is I can pull out some of these different categories of toys like Montessori toys stem toys any type of educational toys that people are searching for and I can basically have an endless amount of content to write about toys in addition to being able to create a list like this of the 20 best Montessori car toys for kids so I can create a niche like this and put together some of the absolute best toys I'm also going to be able to create a product category selling Montessori car toys and then what I can do is when somebody's searching for best Montessori car toys 2023 they'll probably see this article if somebody's just searching for Montessori car toys for sale I can send them to like I have on beach front Decor some type of product category page where I have those types of products for sale people can view them hopefully go to Amazon and purchase something directly from Amazon I don't have to worry about customer service I just have to worry about driving relevant traffic to Amazon so on the left hand side over here what you're doing is you want to look for things you have some level of interest in you someone who loves sports and outdoors we click on Sports and Outdoors and let's just say for example you're a huge fan of exercise and fitness well that's an industry we're trying to find a niche So within exercise and fitness we say you know what I do yoga every day let's come into yoga okay so we can sell all sorts of different yoga products within a niche like yoga you can create yoga videos you can create yoga articles you can create images showing how to do certain stretches you can create really short Quick videos like a YouTube short that shows people how to do individual yoga stretches so if this is a niche you're interested in you can say okay I can sell a bunch of these different yoga products on my website I will link directly to the products on Amazon let's just say yoga blocks for example here are some of the top selling yoga blocks I can add this specific category of yoga blocks on my website as a product category and then we what I can do is start selling them so that's what you're trying to find when you're doing a niche is what types of content can I create what am I selling how can I make my website unique so with I know that I can create these really good listical type articles and I can also review individual products and if I'm doing things around educational toys and child development through educational toys there are so many different things that I can Target the way that I kind of decided there was enough search volume for me is if I search just Montessori toys so that's not my Niche this is basically just one of the topics I'll be covering my Niche is essentially educational toys if I search Montessori toys 27 000 average monthly searches you can see here we have seasonal where it's much more popular during the winter than it is during the summer because of the holiday season so people are looking for Toys during the holiday season so you see some growth here this is more than enough search volume for one of the topics that I'll be covering so Montessori toys on average we're looking at let's just say for a lot of the other relevant keywords related to Montessori toys we're looking at at least around 60 to 90 000 total average monthly searches with some Peaks here during the holiday season now the other thing I can do is say okay I'm going to be doing Montessori toys what about stem toys how many searches does that get so that's the next thing that we'll search and this is getting less but there's still plenty of search volume here as far as stem toys and we see huge growth during the holiday season which will be helpful that we can make sure we're taking advantage of that time but throughout the rest of the year we still have plenty of search volume so this to me just taking out two of the topics I'll be covering there's more than enough search volume where if I keep writing key articles I should be able to get I should be able to drive hundreds to at least hundreds of clicks to my website from search engines because there's enough search volume for me to actually tap into so that is kind of the starting point when you're choosing a niche market a couple other tips for choosing a niche if you have no clue where to get started go directly to Google and just search best niches for affiliate marketing scroll down you're going to see a ton of Articles so Fiverr this is still sponsored get past the sponsored 10 best niches here for affiliate marketing and I would look for something like this 140 plus best niches for affiliate marketing in 2023. keep in mind okay keep in mind we are trying to find Niche markets where we can actually sell Amazon affiliate products so even right here when you're looking at all these education gardening pets education is a little bit too broad but if you're looking at something like gardening there's plenty of things that you can sell from tools to plants pets you can do a specific dog blog a cat blog any type of peplog maybe you like horses maybe you like fish anything like that can be another blog so we keep scrolling down here and they have 140 here so online dating travel gaming now keep in mind something like online dating you may not have as much to sell on Amazon so that's why I kind of like looking at the Amazon best sellers when I'm initially coming up with a niche if you find a niche here and let's just scroll down randomly software make sure that there is software that you can actually sell on Amazon I'm not sure how much software you can purchase on Amazon skin care really good Niche but honestly if you're looking at skin care you want to do something specific so don't just do how to get the best skin because you're going to have a very broad Niche you're trying to find something specific where you are solving a specific problem for people now as far as my Niche that I have chosen I am going to be doing educational toys this Niche over here was basically just Beach Decor I initially created this website just to learn it ended up being successful and you can see here I have about 27 000 products imported to my website so that is over the course of years but you can easily import a ton of products to your website using Amazon so choosing our Niche first and foremost let's come back over to Amazon and I'm just going to use the example I showed you earlier where my Niche is going to be RV parts and accessories so that's going to be my Niche and I'm just going to basically these will be some of the different things that I end up adding to my website and this should be and more than enough as far as search volume as far as different products I can put on my website on my shop and then as far as some of the different blog articles I can write so I can put you know how to make sure that you that your RV is as safe as can be and then add some of these different products here so people know that they have alarm systems locks vehicle backup cameras whatever Safety and Security can be useful for people that have RVs so there will be enough here for me to actually create a successful Niche website so let's get started coming back over to our Amazon affiliate marketing here that would be number one is choosing your website Niche use lists use search volume use your interest make sure there are Amazon products for sale you can honestly spend hours trying to find a niche and you should because what you should be doing is going through all these different departments here and just trying to find something that will be really useful for people that will be really easy for you to actually promote so for example you come into Electronics within Electronics you have all of these different options here okay let's just say we do car electronics keep focusing on the cars here I'm not even a big car person so instead of car electronics let's say we do headphones so within headphones we could say okay our Niche is going to be headphones and what we're going to do is we're going to write guides about here are the best Bluetooth headphones here are the best on-ear headphones open ear headphones over ear headphones here are the the most expensive headphones of 2023 the highest quality headphones Best headphones for walking through the city there's a million different things we can write about as far as headphones so this is really what you're looking for and then you just want to make sure that your Niche has enough search volume by going to the Google Keyword Planner just make sure you're looking when you're looking at these categories like this you're trying to make sure you're finding something above 50 000 when you're looking at the main keywords you're targeting I like to make sure these are at least above ten thousand now stem toys around 6600 this is just a subtopic that I'll be covering if we look at something like educational toys if we look at things like learning toys and Montessori toys this is perfectly fine so 8100 6600 as long as there are other things that you can cover beyond your initial keyword so Montessori toys had 27 000 average monthly searches and then as you get further into it something like wooden toys even though it's not specifically educational but something like wooden toys has about 10 000 average monthly searches these are all different things that I can Target over time so number one is choosing your Niche use Amazon use Niche website lists and just try to use your interest to come up with whatever the best Niche webs whatever the best website Niche is for you now from there my Niche is RV parts and accessories so something that's not very not very fun but on honestly a lot of times the niches that aren't as fun tend to be a little bit easier because there aren't as many people doing them so for example travel is a very tough Niche because everyone wants to travel and write about it so it's a tough Niche to get into and unless you know what you're doing it's something I probably wouldn't recommend for a beginner RV parts and accessories is perfect the only problem is going to be I have no desire to write about RV parts and accessories but that's fine because I'm not going to keep working on this website I will be working on my new website so coming back over coming back over here we're going to go on to number two now we want to choose a domain name and a dedicated hosting plan first and foremost we're going to need hosting so I'm the hosting that I'm going to use is going to be Bluehost now there's plenty of people that aren't huge fans of Bluehost to me I haven't really had many issues with using the dedicated hosting plans I would recommend Bluehost it's been really good for me and all the needs that I've had so this is one type of Hosting that you can choose one of the hosting companies you can choose now if we come over here and plenty of other websites do the top hosting Services if you know more about hosting than I do I would say I'm not someone who is an expert in hosting I would say I focus way more on actually building the websites than understanding every last detail of Hosting itself so these are some of the best hosting dedicated hosting servers that they have here HostGator accuweb A2 dreamhost host wins in motion inos so Bluehost honestly didn't even make the list here I I've used HostGator I've used some of the other hosting platforms um I know a lot of people talk about siteground some people use WP engine honestly I've had the best experience with Bluehost out of all the ones that I've chosen so one thing you want to do is do a little bit of Price shopping if you want to try some of these different hosts if we come back over here they have the best website hosting services for 2023 and Bluehost is right here but it says it's best for building WordPress websites which we are building HostGator best for shared hosting best for a lengthy money back guarantee best for cloud best for Stellar accuweb best for dedicated I'm going to be using Bluehost and I've had a good success so this is what I'll be using if you want to do a little more research outside of Bluehost you can do that if you know more about hosting than I do and you want to use your own host that's perfectly fine too so to come up with a domain name so we're going to be choosing our domain name here and then we're going to be signing up for our dedicated hosting plan now it might take a little while for your dedicated host to actually be set up so sometimes when you sign up for a dedicated host the actual host themselves had to set up your server which may take several hours a day or two so I've had to take several hours I've had to take over a day sometimes if you contact them they'll get it set up a little bit quicker for you but keep in mind as we're building this you may have to set up your dedicated hosting plan and come back to this video so let's choose our domain name and the way that I choose a domain name I generally use there's other domain name generators so just do a quick Google search domain name generators and you can come up with all sorts of ideas what I like about here is we add a keyword and we search domain so I'm going to add my keyword and just put RV so we just have RV here we're going to be clicking on search domain and next I want to select a filter you don't have to do this but I like to have shorter domain names so we'll do character count of 22 two that will make it a little bit shorter and then domain extensions I prefer to just use so we're just going and character count 22 or less you don't have to do these I would recommend doing I think but what we're looking for here is it says best domains for RV we scroll down click on load more load more load more load more load more so they give us all of these different domain names here so you scroll down you can see all of these different ideas that we can use and basically what you're doing is you're trying to find some type of domain name that would be the best for for basically the website that we're building so if we scroll down see if there's anything decent here I don't like the hyphens I don't know if we they have a filter so we can't do get rid of hyphens so let's just do RV parts so we'll click on search domain and try to make it a little bit more relevant okay so RV parts we'll have to do our filter again I'm going to leave the character count open so we'll just we'll use a longer domain if we have to again I'm not going to be building this website so we don't have to go to uh too crazy trying to find the best domain basically what you're trying to do is find some domain that would be easy to Brand so I liked I actually didn't come up with this domain name this one I really liked kind of was just trying to make a beach Decor URL I made this website about six or seven years ago so this is another domain I have Surfside PPC Surfside is just a local town to me and I do PPC so my domains aren't perfect but you're just trying to find some type of domain that you can easily brand so if we're looking at all these different domain names here there's actually some pretty good ones so even something like that would be perfectly fine just RV slices we sell our we sell RV accessories and RV parts so that would be a perfect one if I think they do slices because they have Parts here so it's kind of funny so if it keeps going down here what else do we got RV parts City that's not terrible one RV parts so you could do work we're one RV parts where the number one RV parts supplier so that's another good one there I might end up doing RV slices I kind of like the way that sounds RV slices okay it's coming to the top we're gonna do RV you don't need to choose a domain name that's like RV car parts and it doesn't need to be exactly what it's about you don't even have to have RV in the domain so if you have some other domain you want to use you can do that as well I like to have a domain that's somewhat descriptive but it doesn't have to be for example it doesn't have to be the it doesn't have to be something like that you can just choose RV slices is absolutely perfect because RV's in the title slices is easy to remember so if somebody is on my website they leave they want to come back it's a pretty easy one to remember that's the only thing I'll say is if you do like the RV hyphen Auto Parts people aren't going to remember that that well not great so you're just trying to find something that's easy to remember easy to kind of brand and create logos and everything for I'm not going to be doing too much around branding but RV not terrible so keep coming up that one's pretty good so that's one where you actually have the URL in there and or you have your keywords within your URL and that's not too bad don't like all these hyphen ones so I wouldn't really use one with a hyphen you don't really see too many hyphen URLs so I wouldn't recommend doing that if I was choosing these I would be doing or because I like RV slice a little better we're going to do so let's come over to Bluehost let's sign up for a dedicated website host three different options here for dedicated servers now enhanced is basically going to give you that's the one they recommend if you look down here at top features so this gives you double the ram double the hard disk storage you get a this is eight core 16 thread four core eight thread so a little bit better if you choose this one here um I I think what we can do here the normal price for this one is 125.99 normal price for this one is 159.99 normal price for this server is 209.99 if you select let's just say the one in the middle so what we're going to be doing next is setting up our domain so you can use a domain you own already so if you want to use the domain you own or you can do that when you create a new domain this will be the main domain on your Hosting account it doesn't mean you have to use it to build a website I've had main domains on my hosting accounts that I basically just renew every year and I don't ever build a website on and then within my Hosting account you can also host some of your other websites as well so let's just create a new domain we're gonna do when you use a dedicated hosting plan you do get the domain for free because the hosting plan is not going to be cheap but let's come and do and it says it is available so since it was showing here we figured it would be available coming down what you want to do is set your account information first name last name business name if you have one address city state so enter all of your information at the bottom you are going to submit your payment basically the best thing that you could pop if you're looking to build this website or any Niche website long term the best thing that you can do is sign up for a 36 month plan they give you this dedicated server at 109.88 a month when you sign up for a 36 month plan the regular price for this is 209.99 per month if you choose a one month plan so you could do 12 month 24 month 36 month would not recommend the one month for any of these 12 month is going to be around sixteen hundred dollars for this one if we come back the other dedicated server you can start with so we could select this one here do the same thing for our domain go to next and this one is a little bit less expensive so we scroll down this one for 12 months is going to be around twelve hundred dollars so a little bit less expensive choosing this one here 36 month is going to be a little under three three thousand so that's actually not too bad at all so just keep in mind that as you are signing up for hosting if we come back and you want to choose a hosting that's a little bit cheaper than this you don't want to drop a thousand dollars right now and we come over to hosting the other one you can try is VPS hosting so it's it's going to be cheaper you can use the enhanced you can use the ultimate you can use the standard if you're going to sign up for the ultimate you might as well just sign up for a dedicated hosting plan if you choose the enhanced plan here and again we'll use our domain go next domain's still available and let's just say we do the 12 month plan is going to be 503 dollars so it's a little bit cheaper the only problem with the VPS is if you don't like this server what you could do is sign up for the monthly term and just say let's just start here for the first three months or we start here for the first 12 months and then we're going to move to a dedicated server after that that's one option that you have I personally would prefer to just sign up with a dedicated server and then just continue building on that dedicated server so what I'm going to be doing is hosting I'm going to be using dedicated hosting I'm going to use their recommended enhanced plan so we're going to select this one here we're going to be creating our domain will be our domain name okay so this is available we are going to be signing up I'm just going to do the 12 month to get started so I don't want to sign up for a 36 month plan for four thousand dollars right now even though it's a pretty good deal on a monthly term because we have it for three years but for right now we're gonna do 12 months we will just sign up for the 1600 plan you are not locked into a host you are not locked into a hosting plan outside of the your service term so if after 12 months you don't like Bluehost you can always move if after six months you don't like Bluehost you can always move but they're not going to give you any money back believe they have a 30-day money-back guarantee if you don't like your service after 30 days you can always get your money back so what we're going to do now is we're going to sign up for our Hosting account right now we are going to pay our around sixteen hundred dollars and I would recommend domain privacy and protection we're not going to be using single domain SSL you don't need to spend three dollars and 33 cents a month on that and you're going to see here we have 51 off today and our total is going to be right around Seventeen hundred dollars so not cheap to create a hosting plan so we're going to sign up for this now and then we will fast forward to the next step okay so we get a message congratulations you successfully created your account I just paid my around Seventeen hundred dollars for the dedicated host now there are other dedicated hosts you can sign up for keep in mind and you can also start with a lesser hosting plan if it's a little bit too much of an investment as you're getting started just these websites are going to take up a lot of resources so giving you the example from earlier I have around 27 000 results here this website is a pretty slow website even on a dedicated host and I have spent a ton of money spent a ton of time trying to speed it up and everything I do it only makes little slight increments to make it faster so I could probably hire a really good professional who can completely reconfigure the website but just make sure that you are using a really good hosting because it's going to be worthwhile in the end especially if you start running into issues where you're taking up too many resources on the server and your website host actually just takes your website down until you can fix those problems so we've successfully created our account take a few minutes for my order to be fulfilled while you wait let's set up a password my account user ID is so let's copy this here and we're going to create a password okay so I created my password confirm the password so let's click on create password let's see what it says next okay so it says we're in our dedicated hosting plan so we're in the enhanced one so renews in a year it actually so our Auto renew is on here are our name servers so these are going to be uh our initial name servers will eventually install cloudflare so we have a Content delivery Network we'll go over that later okay let's come over here to home so let's go do anything that they want us to do now while our dedicated host is being set up so our domain privacy and protection is ready to be set up so let's do that okay so what we can do is press continue and now we want to enter our phone number so you want to enter your trusted phone number okay so I added my phone number and they're going to send a code to your phone number that you're going to have to actually confirm that it is your phone number so now we have our privacy and protection setup let's come back home one more time security pin has not been created so let's create a security pin okay and we'll come back home now after we have set up our pin so at this point right now coming back over to our Amazon affiliate marketing all of our different chapters we'll be going over we have our website Niche so mine is going to be RV parts and accessories we have chosen our domain name and we have signed up for a dedicated hosting plan so what we want to do now is create our WordPress website and install woocommerce but what we need first is for our server to be completely configured so we can actually install our WordPress website okay so what we're going to do is we're going to be accessing our cpanel through whm so we're going to click here when you go into your hosting so you should have a dedicated hosting plan or whichever hosting plan you chose yours may look a little bit different if you have a different hosting plan the main thing is you need to install WordPress and create a new WordPress website it's a very easy process and some of the other hosting plans will have a built-in module to allow you to install WordPress really easily so we're going to come over here to whm it's going to open up a new page it may open up a page that says this website's not secure that's okay you can still go into this website so you might have to kind of bypass that and just say Advance because I had to do that so if we come over here what you want to do is agree to all of the following terms so we need to access our cpanel and whm and now we want to do from this interface and there's a few other things that we may do in whm as we go but through this interface what we want to do is go to list accounts and through list accounts you should have a domain name here now this is the domain name for your Hosting account this domain will generally just redirect right to whatever domain name you set up your account with so in my case it'll be that this domain name actually redirects to so what we're going to do is we're going to click here on the cpanel logo okay so it's going to open up a page that looks like this now what I would recommend doing is over here on theme there's a few different themes if we come over to whm we go back they actually have a little message here at the top the paper lantern theme is deprecated suggests that all of them switch to the new Jupiter theme so come over here and change your theme to Jupiter so we open the new Jupiter theme one of the things you're going to see is WordPress restore from backup and explore account so what we can do right now is create and build our website with WordPress so that's one of the things we can start with I'm just going to skip this for right now this is your cpanel So within cpanel you can do a ton of different things related to your website truthfully if you're building a website like this you're not going to use about 95 of these links so most of these you're not ever going to use there are plenty of reasons to use some of them but you don't really need to go to all of these different links here there are a bunch of different scripts you can install including WordPress if we come up here to the top they also have the WordPress manager you can install WordPress that way as well so there's manual ways to install WordPress and there are basically automatic ways to install WordPress just by going through some of these different some of these different things that they offer since so many people basically just set up their Hosting account to install WordPress I'm going to install WordPress manually the reason being is you can ease easily install WordPress manually on any single server using cpanel it's a very easy process and there's just a few steps to take and they all have it available at where you can easily follow along with their directions so one of the things that we're going to do now is we're going to download WordPress and install it and then we'll access our website now if we come over here this will basically wrap up number two and we are moving on to number three creating our WordPress website and we are going to install woocommerce so let's create our WordPress website first we're going to install it on our server we're going to make sure it lines up with our domain name so we're creating our for me it's my website and we are going to be using Wordpress to manage our website from there once we have it installed we will install woocommerce but we need to make sure we set up our initial username our initial password and we'll go through the process of setting up our user basically the administrator account that we'll be accessing through our WordPress website from there we're going to start configuring our website now this portion of the video the very beginning of the video is a kind of a pretty boring part for lack of a better term where we're kind of just setting up our initial website but once you do that you basically want to get into the point where we're down here and it's keyword research content creation and really we could just focus on growing our website so let's let's start creating our WordPress website let's come back over here and what we want to do first is download the current version of Wordpress so first and foremost this URL here it is how to install WordPress on the website so this is what we're going to be going through to install WordPress there's a few different notes though before I before I go through this process I would highly recommend if you're really having trouble installing WordPress go to how to install WordPress what I really like about this is if we scroll down they have how to install WordPress on basically every popular website host how to install it from cpanel how to install it using FTP install it in your language install a multi-site network and what to do after you install WordPress they start with Bluehost so you can get started by following their instructions on Bluehost you can also easily just use the WordPress manager by Soft Oculus this one right here if you have used Bluehost and you've followed along with basically what I'm doing here so if you want to just use WordPress manager that's one thing you can do I'm only showing you manually just in case for people who are using other servers so basically if you have a cpanel the method I'm going to show you right now will work no matter what let's come over here to how to install WordPress we're going to scroll down things to know before you install you can refer to this article I don't need to refer to this article right now here are the basic instructions the quick version download and unzip the WordPress package if you haven't already so that's the very first thing that we need to do so we're going to come over here to download and extend and we're going to click on get WordPress okay so the first thing we're going to do is download WordPress and it's currently 6.2.2 so you may have a different version it won't change how you install it so it's first and foremost we'll download WordPress we're going to come back over here and now we're going to download and unzip the WordPress package so let's unzip the WordPress package okay so we unzip our file here and what it's going to be is just a folder like this and these are all of the different files that make up WordPress so pretty simple here so we're going to do is come back over we have this all downloaded and unzipped next we need to create a database for WordPress on our web server and we also need to create a MySQL user who has privileges for accessing it and modifying it so we're going to come back over to our cpanel here and the next thing we need to do is find our MySQL databases so this is the link we're going to go to next and what we need to do is create a database for our WordPress website so we're going to create a brand new database here now I will be renaming this database after this video so I'm going to be changing this but what you want to do is come over here to our new database and generally I'll create a database and just put a random number at the end so I just have RV slices 27 so we're going to create this database okay so now we have created our brand new database we're going to go back and we need to create a database user so this is our current and we need to come here and add a new user so let's add a new user here and I could do basically the same thing we'll just do a different number come down here and we're going to enter our password okay so enter your password enter your password again you need to make sure you remember this password because we will be adding it later to one of the files in our WordPress files that we'll be uploading so next we need to create this user okay so now we have our user and we need to give this user so we're going to come down to the bottom we need to add this user so the user we just created to our database we're going to click on ADD and you want to give the user all privileges you're going to select all privileges here scroll down and click on make changes this may seem a little bit complicated it's actually pretty easy to do so it's all through MySQL databases and now we come down here and that is Step number two create our mySQL database as well as a MySQL user give the user all privileges to that database next what we need to do it says this is optional find and rename wpconfig sample to wpconfig then edit the file and add our database information so what you want to do next is we're going to come back over to our files here we're going to open up our WordPress files So within our WordPress files there's a file here wpconfig sample.php I generally change this after I upload it so the reason being it's a little bit easier to edit after you upload so if you don't have an actual PHP editor it can be difficult to edit this using something like notepad or something where you don't have the right Editor to use so what I would recommend doing it's going to be a little bit confusing right now so we go we have our our WordPress folder here this is when we unzip the file this is what it showed us what we want to do is open this WordPress folder and we want to come in here and I'm going to take all of these files within our WordPress folder select every file and then we're going to compress this to a zip file okay so it doesn't really matter what the zip file is named this one is just WP mail that's perfectly fine we're going to come back over to cpamel now so we have made these changes we've added all the Privileges for this user we're going to click on go back so when I come back over here we're going to click on cpanel at the top so we come back right to our main cpanel home page now here is an area where I spend most of my time is in file manager so with file manager you don't actually have to use FTP you don't have to use filezilla to actually upload files you can do it directly through file manager there are limitations with file manager but that's perfectly fine so when we come into public HTML this is our folder within public HTML this is our folder for our website so what we want to do in our public HTML folder is you want to come here to upload we're going to click on select file now within our WordPress folder so we're going to go into our WordPress folder and take that compressed zip file that we just created this WP mail compressed zip file okay so it's completely uploaded we're going to go back and we're in our public HTML folders though and you'll just see a zip file here and we're going to extract the zip file okay so that puts all of those files here so now what we want to do is we want to come down to our ZIP file and we just want to delete it we don't need this ZIP file anymore now that we have all these files in here all of them have been extracted we can delete that zip file what you want to do next is WP config sample we're going to come here and we're going to rename it to just WP config dot PHP so we're going to click on rename file okay so now we want to come into our WP config file click on edit we're going to click on edit again so what you're going to see here there's going to be three things that we do right now so we're going to increase our memory limit and the reason we're going to do that is it helps us actually add products to our website when we start importing Amazon affiliate products but what you're going to see here is our database settings so the name of our database for WordPress and our database username so in the previous step we went through our cpanel account so come back to cpanel go to your MySQL databases and you need the name of your database and the user of your database so we'll come over here take the database we're going to copy it come back over to our our WP config file and you're going to see Define DB user Define DB name and define DB password so first database name here between these two single quotes come back over let's take our user so we're going to copy the username and we're going to paste our username there as well so paste the username here last but not least what you need to do should we do this right okay so we have our user here we have our database name last thing you need to do is enter your password here so whatever your password was you want to enter it here this is not my password but you want to enter your password and click on Save changes and then we're going to close this file now before we close this file I want to show you how to increase your actually memory limit within your WP config file okay so right underneath here where you see DB you can do this anywhere in the file but right underneath what we're going to do is we're going to paste this right here I'm going to do Define and it's going to be WP underscore memory underscore limit these are both going to be in single quotes a little comma here and then what we're going to be doing is this 512 M so just enter this and what it does is it increases your memory limit so we're adding products we won't have to run into basically hiccups on our server so we're going to do that make sure your password is correct click on Save changes I'm going to enter my password now but I'm going to fast forward to this part okay so we come back to our public HTML file and now what you're going to see is our WP config is completely edited how we want it to be and we are basically all good to go with our WordPress installation so we uploaded the WordPress files that is what we do did next and then run the WordPress installation script by accessing the URL in the web browser so let's enter go into our URL now okay so we got error 1001 DNS resolution error so what that means is we're going to come back here go over to our domain name we have to make sure our DNS files are correct I figured they'd be correct but for some reason they're not always correct so Advanced tools our name servers should look like this Advanced DNS records we're going to click on manage and we're going to click on continue so you want to find your Advanced DNS records okay first things first we want to make sure we have the right IP addresses here for mail and for at and then we have FTP here so let's come over here let's access our cpanel account so when you're at your cpanel home page you're going to see an IP address right here so this is our shared IP address so what we want to do is we want to copy this IP address come over to our DNS records and just make sure they're all this they're all correct so we'll copy paste that looks like it's right I'm going to change these to 15 minutes so we're going to click on edit and now we have a 15 minutes here come over here do the same thing we're going to do 15 minutes click on ADD it and we have 15 minutes here so this one looks correct four hours Let's just set it to 15 minutes so we'll click on edit again www we want to go to our main domain this is set to four hours as well let's change this cname record to 15 minutes so now we have this all set up properly okay so right now everything here looks correct so let's go back and try to access our website again and go to our again okay so I got this error again so basically what that means is I might have to clear my cookies my browsing history so we're going to do that now so just go to your history and clear your entire history so we're going to go to it and we are going to clear our browsing data and what we're going to do let's just do Advanced and we're going to choose basically everything here so we're gonna do Advanced and we're going to do time range all time so we're going to clear our data but it doesn't log us out of too many things but okay so we're all clear now so let's come back over to our page that's giving us the error and we're going to refresh okay so first things first your connection isn't not private so if you see this go to Advanced and we're going to proceed to our website so it's saying our security system certificates not trusted should have no problem with this now we are in the WordPress installation so let's come here choose your language so mine I'm going to choose English in the United States next is going to be our site title so I'm going to be doing RV slices username so username I'm just going to set up RV slices as my username password so we can enter our password here I'm going to set my own password okay so we have our username our site title our password and next is going to be our email so I'm going to enter my email okay so we enter our email search engine visibility discourage search engines from indexing this website we're not going to be doing that we're going to install WordPress okay WordPress has been installed thank you and enjoy password is our chosen password here's our username so copy your username come to login now the page where you can log in is our well WP hyphen login.php you can also generally log in by going to WP admin just like this so either page should help you log in so we're going to now enter our username and our password okay and choose remember me and click login okay we have got into our WordPress website so everything we've done is basically led us to this point where we have our WordPress website installed for our so we're going to click on dismiss here you can read about the 6.2.2 version so there's always going to be updates and they will give you some of the information about each of the updates we're going to click on dismiss here if you're not familiar with WordPress this is if this is one of your first time seeing WordPress or your very first time seeing WordPress the very first thing you're going to see is your dashboard So within your dashboard you can add different you can add different widgets here to kind of look at whatever you want to as far as your website traffic your posts your pages comments then there's usually some news down here you can remove certain things you can add things so you can change your dashboard go to screen options and there are also a bunch of plugins you can install that will show different things within your dashboard so once you have your WordPress website installed first things first go to updates and make sure your website is completely up to date so a Kismet anti-spam protection is to protect you from spam comments so I recommend configuring your akismet and that's one thing that you want to do I'm not going to be doing that right now in this video but if we come over to our plugins when we install it installs Hello Dolly automatically and I'm I always just go and delete Hello Dolly because I never use it a Kismet is how to protect your blog from spam so we should what you want to do is activate your Kismet account that's one of the things you should do first I'm not going to do that right now so very first thing I want to do is we want to add the woocommerce plugin and then the other thing we can do is add an SSL certificate but let's add woocommerce first so go to your plugins page and we're going to go to add new and we're going to search woocommerce now I'm going to go through some of these different sections here of the WordPress website so as we come back over here right now we are on number three create a WordPress website and install woocommerce eventually we're going to install our flatsum theme we're gonna have to purchase that and W Zone at the same time and then we are going to say I've purchased wzone twice but these are all going to be kind of together where I'm going to go over WordPress go over some initial plugins how to configure your website how to set up wzone if you're like a professional at a lot of this stuff you can fast forward through a lot of this so you can find the Flats and theme by doing a quick search you can find the W Zone by doing a quick search both are available on so that's where I'm going to purchase them from you can fast forward if you want to get a little bit more into how to actually grow your website but let's come back over to our website here we have woocommerce let's install and activate woocommerce Okay we're going to click on activate all right the very first thing is it's going to give you a guided setup so we can click on set up our store at this point it says I agree to share my data so that's up to you if you want to share your data which one of these best describes you if you're already selling you can enter that if you're setting up a store for a client I'm just starting my business let's click on continue gave your store a name so we're going to do RV slices shop what type of Industry are we in so we're in automotive so it looks like we're going to be other for this where's your store located so it's going to pull in my country and my state so let's click on continue now and it's going to say get a boost with our free features now keep in mind we're not selling physical products so what we could do is things like showcase your products with Pinterest we can keep that drive sales with Google listings and ads we're not going to be using any type of Google shopping ads for our affiliate products so we're not going to be doing that we're not going to be getting automated tax rates now if you plan to sell physical products you can do that with woocommerce as well but I'm just not going to be doing that enhanced security with jetpack so that's one thing that we could do reach your customers I'm basically we'll just keep the Pinterest option so I'm not even going to do jetpack right now we'll just keep Pinterest and click on continue okay it's going to say welcome to the RV slices shop so now we have a shop set up on our website so if we click on preview store here at this point right now this is what our website looks like so this is our shop page no products were found if we click on RV slices shop this will be our home page so let's just look at our website real quick there's cart checkout my account sample page and Shop these some of these are automatically created when you actually set up your your woocommerce and they're going to create some of these Pages automatically we're actually going to end up deleting some of these pages so this is our first blog post when you install WordPress it automatically shows a post of hello world and then these are just a few different things that are on our theme so the theme much I don't know why it's showing mind blown here but we'll configure our theme in the way it looks and everything as we go click on hello world this is what our blog post will look like so pretty basic this is what a comment will look like people can leave a reply don't really like the automatic theme that they install with the website but that's perfectly fine let's come back over and continue working on our website we don't need to do any of this stuff right now add products set up payments tax rates sales or personalization we don't need to do any of that for right now review shipping we don't need to do any of these either so okay I just want to go over a quick note real quick so I was having an issue with my SSL certificate and when you sign up for a dedicated hosting plan or really any hosting plan you should get a free SSL certificate now one of the things you're going to see over here on Bluehost when you sign into your Bluehost account is secure your website with a premium SSL you do not need a premium SSL there's really no benefit in terms of this type of an affiliate website to have a premium SSL we're not collecting customers information we're not processing credit cards all of our traffic is going to Amazon so it doesn't make sense to sign up for any type of Premium SSL so I was having an issue so if you're having an issue with something like that now I went through whm so if we go over to our hosting you access your whm to get into your cpanel so you see here when we click on our hosting we come over to whm and then what I you might see something like this now this is the issue I was getting when I was actually on my own website so this was and I could couldn't figure out how to fix it so we proceed to this our IP address for our whm go to our list accounts and we access our cpanel now within cpanel you can actually usually install an SSL certificate so if you're in your cpanel you're you're going to see SSL TLS and if you go in here it should have what your SSL key is and you should be able to install it now I was having an issue installing it this way I was having an issue installing it directly through Bluehost through my domain name so what I did and what you can always do if you're having issues with your website and it has something to do with your server so if it's an SSL certificate if it's something to do with server downtime any type of issue that you're having come right over here to chat and I went to chat basically just put support for existing products and then they're going to ask VPS and dedicated server and then just go through the process and eventually you're going to actually reach somebody who will be able to help you with this problem and somebody install my SSL certificate for me directly from from Bluehost I contacted them it took all five minutes and if we come here my connection is secure cookies and site data everything is all good to go now so if you have that same issue when you sign up for a dedicated Hosting account with Bluehost it's not an issue I've really ever had so I'm not really sure why I had the issue if you do just contact Bluehost they will fix that problem for you now let's come back over here and we're going to kind of keep going along with our our course here so we have our WordPress website we've installed woocommerce that's kind of where we we stopped at the last part now we have our sslo installed so the first three steps are all done the next three things are going to be basically all in one so we're going to install the flat Sim theme and the W Zone plugin so I'll show you where to access both of those so number five just part of the W Zone plugin so this is really more of installing it making sure we have the correct settings next what I'm going to do is install some of the different WordPress plugins that I use and some of the plugins that I'll be using with my website so there are always plugins that you can add later these will just kind of be the initial plugins I would recommend setting up we'll configure some of our website settings and I'll go through WordPress a little bit and then number seven is how to get accepted into Amazon Associates if you're not accepted into Amazon Associates yet you can still install wzone but you're not going to be able to actually set it up just yet not a big deal so I will show you exactly what that means so then we will move on to our keyword research content creation strategy and how to add products and some different blog posts that you can write so I'll show you a few examples of some different blog posts so let us come back over and start installing the flatsum theme and the W Zone plugin okay so both of these are available through envato market so the theme is through and wzone is going to be through but it's all through the same exact market so we should be able to come over here to buy license the W Zone plugin is a forty nine dollars one-time purchase honestly it's way under price in my opinion they should probably be charging monthly but they don't flat sum is one-time fee of 59 you don't have to use flatsum there are some free woocommerce themes I'm not going to be going over any other themes in this video I'm just going to focus on Flotsam if you come to they have an option for woocommerce themes so come in here to Wordpress and if you scroll down to the e-commerce section here through there they're going to have a bunch of different woocommerce themes so you can go through some of the different themes and see if one works a little bit better for you this is one of the highest rated themes it is one of the most purchased themes you can see 221 000 Sales reviews are really good their support has been really good I haven't really had many issues with the theme so it's one of those ones where I'm used to using this one I've had really good experience with it so I would recommend it so let's add this one to our cart and then let's come over here and we're going to add the W Zone plugin to our card as well so we're going to go to our checkout we so if we come over here you're going to see our order total is going to be 108 so it's 49 for the W Zone plug-in 59 for the flatsum theme there are no ongoing charges so this is honestly a pretty good deal if it's a one-time fee of 108 pay with PayPal or credit card so I'm going to pay now and then when we finish what we want to do is download each of these and install them to our website so let's pay for our plugin now and our theme okay so you should see a screen like this when you finish and then it's going to say an email confirmation is coming your way items are now available on your downloads page so let's go to our downloads page and you can see here if we scroll down we have our Flotsam theme and we have our woocommerce Amazon Affiliates WordPress plugin also called W zone so we're going to download both of these and I'm going to install the WordPress file only now you will need your license certificate and purchase code but for right now we just need our WordPress file we're going to stay on this page and I will enter my license certificate and purchase code you can access these if you click on on it it's going to download a PDF so when you download that PDF you just have to come back over here you click on download you're going to see this it's going to download the PDF just go in there and your license certificate will be in there I'll show you where to enter it I can't show you my license certificate because I don't want someone to take my purchase code even though if I use it I shouldn't have any issues but so let's download this one as well so we're going to download both of these files and then we're going to come back over to our website and let's come into the back end of our website again so we're going to go to our WP login.php page you can also do WP admin so I'm going to enter my username and password and we'll do remember me and log in now if you're making changes on your website too and let's just say you fix your SSL or you change your home page and something is you're having issues with something what may end up happening is you may have to clear your history so just go up to the top remove your history and that's really all you have to do sometimes to make sure that you're actually seeing those changes so just one thing to keep in mind so now we are on our step where we're installing our flatsum theme our W Zone plugin so let's come over to our appearance and we're going to go to themes we'll start with flatsum and then we will install the woocommerce plugin so we're currently using the 2023 plug-in this is the default theme through WordPress so we're going to come up here to add new and then we're going to do is click on upload theme click on choose file and this is where we want to have our theme directly from that zip format that we downloaded and just choose that file and click on install now okay so we have our theme forest file here and we're going to click on install now and this is our flatsum theme that we'll be installing okay theme installed successfully now we want to activate our theme okay now that we're going to go through the setup wizard for Flotsam it's a pretty quick process so let's do let's go we'll go through this pretty quickly first things first enter your purchase code so that is where you come back over here we go to our downloads here and open this PDF so I'm going to enter my purchase code and kind of fast forward through this part okay so you should see something like this your site is registered thank you enjoy flatsum and one click update so now we will always have updates for this theme so we don't have to ever worry about not being updated just make sure you keep your theme updated over time so our child themed I'm not going to be setting up child theme so if you want to use a child theme you can basically it allows you to update the source code of your child theme and you don't change anything as far as your main theme for me I'm going to skip this step and I generally don't use child themes I know some people love child themes just not something I generally do so I'm not going to be using it default plugin says this will install the default plugins included with flatsum you can add and remove plugins later on from within WordPress so what you could do is just click on continue there are different ones that you can use here a lot of times I'll just click on continue this will install all the plugins and then we could always delete them later so sometimes if you install them then you won't get any error messages and just make sure you keep these plugins updated even if you're not using them I'll show you a way to enable automatic updates for your plugins okay so now installing demo content I generally just keep all of this and we'll click on continue and install all of this demo content so just a note uh the way this works is it's going to install a demo post page block submission products portfolio so then what you could always do is go back and edit some of that demo content but it helps to kind of see some of the demo content directly from your WordPress dashboard okay next is going to be logo and design so it's automatically going to upload this flatsum logo when we get started so we could do is create a new logo but what I would recommend doing is just ordering a logo from so when you go to Fiverr all you have to do is search for logo design or they have it right here just click on logo design and you're going to get all sorts of different logo ideas now there's minimalist hand-drawn vintage cartoon 3D so if you're not sure exactly what you're trying to uh what logo you're looking for then just look through some of the different designs see when you find one that you like some people love minimalist logo designs I personally prefer a minimum list logo but other people like different types of designs like 3D or cartoon so it really depends on your brand and what you're trying to go after but you can see I mean the prices are pretty low from fifteen dollars you can find them for 10 sometimes you could find one for five dollars the good thing is that people for fifteen dollars will do three different logo designs and even if you don't like them a lot of times you could say not a huge fan of any three and they'll give you a few more designs as well so come in here get a few different logos a lot of times I'll order from a couple different Sellers and then go through the different logos and see which one I like the best so as you're setting up your theme what you could do is upload a new logo we could always customize this in our theme options later which I will go over select the preset design now there's a bunch of different preset designs here so you can always change your preset design later on as well but if you see one that you really like something you're trying to go after I generally just stick with the main design here and a lot of times I don't even use one of these designs so we're going to click on continue now and continue to move forward a bit okay help and support we are going to click on agree and continue and now we're all ready to go so next step set up woocommerce we already have woocommerce installed we can view our new website but let's return to the WordPress dashboard first let's install the W Zone plugin next so when you're installing themes you go through appearance and themes when you're installing your plugins what you want to do is find your plugins and then we're going to go to add new same exact thing with the plugin we're just going to upload the zip file that we downloaded directly from code Canyon we made our purchase so so upload our plugin by clicking on the button up here choose your file okay we have our ZIP file here now we're going to install this and activate this plugin same thing we did with the theme the other thing is make sure you come over to your plugin we need our license certificate and purchase code for our plugin as well so we'll be doing that as we set it up okay we have our plugin here now we're going to activate our wzone plug-in so we can start importing some Amazon products so I'll show you how to import Amazon products how we can create product categories and some best practices with that as well okay so they're saying for the best possible user experience with this plugin use any of the AAA team custom themes so if you want to try one of these themes you can as well I think I've used Kingdom before I wasn't a huge fan of Kingdom if you're interested in them you can try some of those other themes it's it's good to test different themes and see what you like really depends on the type of website you're trying to create okay do we want more content for incoming imported products automatically import up to 10 additional images for each variation so if you want this WordPress plugin additional variation images you can do that as well I'm going to dismiss this notice compare Azon Amazon product comparison tables we'll eventually use some of these different plugins we might even use compare Azon for right now we're not going to be doing that G products allows you to embed and display several Amazon products and provide relevant information so we might try both of these plugins later on down the line if you're if you're following along and you join the Surfside PPC membership again you can join serveside my membership at where I'm going to continue to build this website by going to Surfside membership that will bring you directly to this page where you can sign up for my membership and access all of my premium videos where I'll be building an Amazon affiliate store so if you're interested in that that's where you can join my membership I obviously you'll have to sign into your YouTube account first and foremost so let's come back over we'll pause our video let's come back over here to our W Zone plugin so this is what the W Zone plugin looks like it's a lot of different things to kind of look at first things first we're going to enter our item purchase code you get that from the PDF in the previous step that I showed you the license certificate and purchase code when you access that PDF or you could download the text file it has it in there as well so we'll come over here I'm going to enter my purchase code and activate now so this one it doesn't really matter if you see I don't think so we're going to activate this and now it's going to bring us through the W Zone Setup Wizard so I know these a lot of setup Wizards going on but it's they are important so what kind of website is basically blog online store I'm just going to call it a Blog and we're going to click on next okay what is the state of the website so fresh install we'll click on next what is the purpose for wzone I already have a website want to earn easy money creating a new website sole purpose of having a store already have a website want to earn some easy money with affiliation so it doesn't really matter which one you choose too much here but we're going to be not doing the checkout process at all on-site card so this is an option where users can continuously add products to the cart and then when they go to check out their car that's when they will be sent to Amazon I never use the on-site cart so that's just not something that I do um basically I keep the 90 day cookies but when somebody clicks on learn more on one of my websites so if you come over here to beachfront Decor scroll down and somebody clicks on learn more I don't have the add to cart option they just go directly to Amazon with whatever product they click on so coming back over here that is one option that you have 90 Day cookies keep this cross-selling show frequently bought together products so you can keep that there are also plugins that can handle that as well product availability by country shows if a product is available in a certain country generally I won't do that I mean most of my websites are really geared towards the United States I do get some traffic from Canada and UK and I actually get checks in Canadian and UK dollars so those come separately from my us commissions so you can do product availability by country I'm not going to be doing that because I'm not going to be trying to say okay yeah this product is available in Canada or the UK really my website is going to be more geared towards United States and I do know I will get some traffic from some of the other countries as well Show coupon so this option will display coupons if they're available on products I generally don't keep this one I don't think it pulls in the actual live coupon from Amazon maybe there's a way to do that I don't do that so we're not going to show a coupon no checkout email uh remote Amazon images this optional display all product images from Amazon content delivery Network so we're going to use this one show free shipping we're not going to be doing that so we're going to click on next just keeping these three checked you can change these so these these you can always change so if you want to try different things you can always try different things I always say you can listen to me but I honestly don't test every single possible thing so if you go and you test a few different things basically once I have things set up then that's kind of how I keep it configured and I only change things if I absolutely have to price is set up I generally do only Amazon import product for merchant I generally do only Amazon import as so you can import products as a draft or as published products if you're not importing that many products and you want to go and edit some of the different products you can import them as a draft I generally just import as publish so if we come over here to beachfront Decor you can see I have these really long titles that are exactly the same titles as Amazon really a best practice would be to import products and to update each of them I used to do that with beachfront Decor now I have 27 000 products so a lot of times I will I will import hundreds of products at a time not in the same go but in this in a single day I'll Import in hundreds of products so importing and editing hundreds of products just became way too time consuming so it's just not something that I do but you can import as a draft and then publish the products after you edit them import products with price zero I don't ever do this um so sometimes your products will go out of stock and there's different ways to handle that which I will go over import attributes they'll allow you to import product item attributes keep this checked and we'll go to next okay next is going to be fine tuning how many images to download for each product I generally keep this at three so you can do two or three you don't need a million images for a product if you think about when you're purchasing something how often are you looking at each individual image the number of images depends on what you're actually selling so in this case I mean this website is my RV website but for my website I don't think I need a million different pictures people can see a picture like this and really get a good idea of exactly what this product looks like so the only area where some of the other pictures will be helpful is seeing some Dimensions with how large something is but having another picture of this product with a kid playing with it to me isn't going to sell the product any better than having a regular picture and too many images on your server can really slow things down so generally I don't do any number of images variations so some products have a ton of different variations if you think about if you go on Amazon and you look up under armor t-shirts Under Armor will sell one t-shirt in 50 different colors so that is a product with variations if you want to import every variation for a product then what you want to do is select all here I generally don't do variations so the one downside with not doing variations is if we come down here when I import different types of bedding I may have this piece of bedding this is the king size I may have this in King Queen full they are all separate products so basically the main thing for me is I kind of try to categorize these products as best as I can so when someone's searching for King bedding they're going to see this when someone's searching for queen beach bedding they'll see the queen version of this product so that's generally the way that I do it as far as variations go I've never done variations so I oh generally just keep this as none but you can do variations if you want to there will also be an option when you're importing products to do this as well spinning on import choose if you want to Auto Spin content at Amazon import to avoid Google finding duplicate content your products will be duplicate the thing to remember is when you're selling online there are so I have this product on my website and I I guarantee you a lot of other people especially if they're popular products a lot of other people are importing the same exact product so somebody may have the same exact title here may have a very similar description because a lot of people are importing products from Amazon and what a lot of things you'll find is there are products on Walmart on Amazon on Overstock on eBay that all have pretty much the same title description everything so when sellers are publishing a product a lot of times they're creating one product and then they're publishing it to all these different channels so there's a lot of duplicate products really across online in general so it really shouldn't hurt you that much to have some duplicate content but I generally do spin on import but Google will still find that these products are duplicate content and they're being sold elsewhere so unless you're updating every single product description product title you're gonna be basically having some type of duplicate content when it comes to products I don't find it as big of an issue as when it comes to actual written content so next is going to be our checkout message so it's going to say you'll be redirected to Amazon website to complete your checkout it will pull in the Amazon URL redirect in I generally just do one second try to do this as fast as possible buy button custom text so you can do something like buy now I generally use learn more this is something you could also test you could do something like best price here so we can try different things let's just do learn more for now and keep it simple okay buy button opens in and I generally do a new tab because I want people to stay on my website and click on more products as of text font size so this I generally just keep as is so the as of text will show on your product pages so if you come over here we open up this product right here okay so on your product page so we have product image here so you'll see here this is why I only import a few images because some of these will have 10 different images so importing these three images is perfectly fine for someone to see what a product looks like so it's going to say price and it's going to say as of and have a date here so that's when this was last synced so I need to resync this product obviously so it's a best practice to keep your product synced as you add more and more products it can be a challenge scroll down someone clicks on learn more and that is when they will actually go to Amazon and it will be a commission for me if they purchased something from Amazon it doesn't even need to be this product so let's come back over here just kind of show you what the as of text means and we're going to click on next okay so now the following fields are required in order to send requests to Amazon retrieve data about products and listings if you do not already have access Keys set up visit the AWS account management page to create and retrieve them so your access key ID secret access key ID and your affiliate IDs will all be managed through your Amazon Associates account so if I go and access my Amazon Associates account now okay first things first I'm signed into the Amazon Associates program you can access it by going to affiliate hyphen if you do a Google search for Amazon Associates this will come up as well so what I'm going to show you now is if we scroll down here you're going to see my tracking IDs you can access those by clicking on your email in the top right corner and clicking on manage your tracking IDs so what you can do at this point is add a new tracking ID and my tracking ID would be related to my RV store so what I could do is just name it RV slices20 and click on create now this will create a new tracking ID so what we can do is we take this tracking ID we copy it come back over and we are going to add it here for our United States tracking ID if you're interested in adding some of these other affiliate IDs for different countries I will go over how to do that in my membership program so really not that difficult it you can do it all through your Amazon Associates account just not going to cover it in this video so the next thing that we're going to do is we need our access key ID and our secret access key these are much easier to get now it used to be a little bit more difficult but if we come back over to our Amazon Associates account so a few things navigating Amazon Associates basically all your information is up here at the top as far as your account settings your payment history product linking if you want to link to individual products you can do it directly from a product page which I will show you how to do later on in this video you can create banners you can create native shopping ads you can create mobile pop-overs and you can just link to any individual page on Amazon just get an Amazon link go to this page and you can create an affiliate link using this you don't really need to do that because you can use the stripe that is at the very top of the page when you are an Amazon associate and just to show you the Amazon associate site stripe just looks like this so from any page you can get a text link a lot of pages you can get an image link a text and image link you can create native shopping ads and then you can actually share this page directly to Facebook Facebook or Twitter coming over here see all Amazon bestsellers and then over here earnings help and then you can actually go into your settings and turn off site stripe if you don't want it on it doesn't really make sense to turn it off you probably do want it on so we have our tracking ID now now what we want to do next is so a few other things you can go through here promotions Creator connections ideahub Amazon Bounty program promo codes Creator rewards tools side stripe link Checker this is what we want right here product advertising API so we're going to come in here to our product advertising API we're going to scroll down and what you're going to see is you're going to have access key and secret access key IDs now I need to actually you can only have two at a time but you can use access key IDs for different websites so I can take this access key ID and I can use the same exact access key ID on this new website that I'm building I can use the same one on my website which I'm eventually going to add an Amazon affiliate store to and the same key from so that's not a problem so what we want to do now is I need to create a new access key ID so I need to delete one of my access key IDs that means if I have any websites using this access key ID they need to be updated as well so now I need to make sure I'm updating my other websites too so if you have multiple websites this is important if you don't have multiple websites you basically create your credentials once you can update your credentials they say they recommend changing them every 90 days I don't know exactly why but maybe it just helps have updated keys I haven't had any issues and I've been using the same you could see right here since 2021. this one I've recently updated so I only recently did that because I was showing another example for a video so let's come over here to our access key ID we're going to delete this one at the top and now we want to do is click on ADD credentials so when we add credentials it's going to give us a new access key and a new secret key now you need to make sure you download and save these credentials they're only going to show the secret key at once so if you don't download it then that's the only time you'll see it I will be creating new access keys after this video ends so don't worry so I wouldn't recommend trying to use my access keys but you could always try if you want to okay so get rid of this and enter our access key ID first and then we're going to come back over here get our secret key copy that and we're going to paste our secret key here so now we have our secret access key our access key ID and our affiliate IDs so just to recap you find your product advertising API keys by going to tools and product advertising API now when I went over earlier signing up for different countries you can do that through one link all that is managed directly through one link if you want to sign up and create track 90s for the UK for Germany for wherever you're selling products so let's come back over here scroll to the bottom main affiliate ID will be United States request type we're going to do auto detect import location will be United States and let's check our Amazon AWS Keys you can adjust these if you're based in another country so if you're based in any of these countries here just make sure you're doing it for your main country where you live okay woocommerce Amazon Affiliates was able to connect to Amazon with the specified AWS key pair and Associate ID so let's click on finish and now we have W Zone all installed we have pretty much everything exactly how we want it to be so coming over here this pretty much wraps up four and five for right now we're gonna do a couple more W Zone settings but right now we're kind of moving on to number six so number six we're going to be installing some WordPress plugins configuring our website settings our W Zone settings a few other things that I would recommend doing when you create your website so now this is what w-zone looks like it's w Zone 14 is the current version you can always check and go back to this woocommerce Amazon Affiliates to make sure they don't have an updated version out scroll down right here it'll always say so right now we're version 14. it you should automatically get updates and everything from the back end of your WordPress website so through your dashboard and updates when there are updates available for wzone and for the theme we installed you should automatically have those updates okay so now first our W Zone settings I would recommend going to config here so our configuration and going through the Amazon setup so new API Auto detect United States for me at least we have our access key our secret key and our affiliate ID so you want to make sure you're doing that first and foremost second going to our plugin setup so we did a lot of these as we went on-site cart no get product short URL no don't change anything here so we're s okay one option you have here is product Elite move to trash so if you choose no that means that it will only be moved to the trash so your Amazon products will be putting them in the trash if you choose yes if you want to remove a product then you need to when you choose to delete all products with price zero I'll show you how to do that when you're synchronizing that means you actually have to physically do that I would recommend keeping this as no keep scrolling down we have no here no here no see if there's anything we need to change so for the most part these are all good here we can click on save settings we didn't really change much come to the top import setup so import attributes yes beautify attribute title we could do no so basically when we did a lot of these we have everything pretty much set up so we shouldn't really have too many issues keep scrolling down one thing you may want to do is clean your log tables every now and then clean duplicate attributes every now and then you can do that by going to bug fixes so that's one thing that you can do refresh categories I never do that so I wouldn't recommend doing it um so here is one thing that you can look at so put Amazon products in the trash when syncing after the third try restore trashed Amazon products and their new status if you can you want to try to restore some of the products that you've already deleted so all these are good here so come back up to the top that's pretty much everything that we have so shouldn't have any issues with inserting products using Amazon you can also do eBay products I never used eBay I just use Amazon but that is another option and let's just click on save settings and now our W Zone settings are all good to go for now you can see there's a lot of different things to look through here for your w-zone settings so on the left hand side a few things that I want to go over I will show you how to import products we need to create our product categories first so that will be done here through import products there is a Chrome extension I used to use it all the time I don't really use it anymore synchronization if you come in here when you click synchronization it just makes sure that your products are up to date with the current product on Amazon so when your products are imported let's just say we import this portable power station right here if after a few weeks this price goes down to 2800 if you don't synchronize your products and go to the synchronization here then it's going to show the old price of of whatever it was when you imported it so just keep that in mind you need to keep your product synced so that they are up to date so keep scrolling down here there's more ways to import products here insane import mode is another option that you have I'll show you how to do that as well import products is really the best way to do the no product advertising API Keys is the best way to import your products Amazon recommendations Auto Import I don't really use those too often plug-in status so you can go through some of these and download assets if you need to you can see stats for some specific products some ways to optimize the speed of your website so that's pretty much everything on the left hand side that we use for the most part we'll set in plug and chrome we'll set our plug-in cron jobs I will show you how to do that as well so let's come over here we're in the back end of Wordpress so dashboard we've gone over our dashboard now flat sum if you want to edit your theme you can just come right here to Flat summer so we're going to click on the link and flotsam has its own page so that makes it really useful actually so there's help and guide so if you want to figure out some more information about Flotsam you can go back through the setup wizard if you want to the other thing that we can do is through here we can do our Advanced so if we click on Advanced this allows you to update some of the settings with your theme if you want to add any header scripts footer scripts custom CSS you can see anything you want to change as far as performance site loader site search a lot of different things you can edit here the other thing we can do is come up to the top and if you go to theme options and we click on theme options here so this will allow us to customize our website so we actually haven't gone to our website yet but this is what it looks like right now so let's open up our website real quick and this is now what our website looks like so a lot different now so we have some placeholder uh content here and this is why we install some of the placeholder so they have some different products here the way that they look some different product categories so we can get an idea of what some of these product categories look like what our home page may look like you can adjust basically all of this and a lot of it you can do through customize so if you go into header and I obviously I can't cover every single detail here but what you're seeing down here is what you're seeing at the top up here so what that means is logo right here is this logo right here search icon right here this search icon the main menu we've created through our menu section this is our main menu right here so you can kind of get an idea of what this looks like the other thing that's cool you can kind of see some of these different menus that they have so you can easily adjust these menus and customize them yourself up at the top here top bar menu so some more pages here newsletter social icons so if you click on the social icons you can enter your Facebook URL Instagram Tick Tock you can generally add different icons up here depending on what you're actually using will show up at the top once you add some URLs there so you can customize the way they look the way the icons look basically anything you can possibly think of you can pretty much adjust using this customized section so logo site identity this is where your site title is what we can do is remove this logo and then we just have RV slices shop so that'll just keep that up there remove that flat Sim logo this is where you can upload your new logo once you actually get one come back so top bar that's at this very top bar up here at the top you can adjust the way that looks header main so you can adjust width text color background color background image basically every possible thing that you can think of you can adjust in here so this is one of those things where over time you can adjust your you were designed to customize it the way that you want it to look even if you come over here to buttons you can kind of see that you can adjust the way a button looks you can change your color scheme of your website so a ton of different options up here so if you're you're kind of looking to change the way that your theme looks this is where you can do it it's all through customize so that was just the header portion if we come into style this is where we can change our font that's typography you can change your colors here so they have some primary secondary colors all of that can be changed through the customized section so that's just one option that you have if you want to make some changes to the way that your website looks just kind of wanted to go over that as far as the flatsum theme go to theme options and that is where you can customize the way that your theme looks and when you come in here you can change the way all of this looks from your product pages your product category Pages ton of different options with Flotsam and one of those things where I could spend three hours just talking about design so don't want to go too far into designing our website I kind of want to go more into some of the different settings we should get started with so blog posts all of your blog posts are going to be here through the post section so if you go to all posts this is going to be where any of the blog posts are since we imported some of those blog posts and we set up our theme this they created some different blog posts here so one of the cool things is there is a post with a gallery a simple blog post a video blog post cool blog post with images an amazing responsive and retina ready theme so let's just come through so you can see just another post with a gallery we scroll down here so you can actually create galleries this one doesn't look like it's showing up too well so maybe some issues with this gallery simple blog post pretty much looks the same as a gallery a video blog post also looks the same most of these kind of look pretty similar I thought they'd be a little bit different but it's kind of get an idea of what your blog is going to look like so comment section and then some different products at the bottom here so these are all not a bad looking website here on the right hand side we have our about section some latest posts recent comments tag Cloud so coming back over to the back end of our website those are all managed through appearance and widgets so if you want to adjust the way that those look go to widgets and that is where you can update that portfolio I don't use portfolio too often so I'm not going to go into it media this is where we update upload any images videos documents anything can be uploaded to your media library so this would be one of the images just says product dummy image and we enters our file URL you can set your alt text which is a best practice you should make sure you set your alt text for all your images so this is where you can upload images you can also upload them when you are creating posts directly through the blog post section one thing I want to show you is through the post section we click on add new this is what it looks like with the WordPress block editor so I would recommend going through this so there's a bunch of different blocks that you can use to create blog posts makes it really easy to actually add whatever you want to your website so this would be our blog post title and then we have right here is going to be some of the different blocks so you could do HTML HTML preview if we come down here type to choose block click on the plus sign paragraph So This is just basically text if you want to upload an image you could do that heading you can choose between H1 h2h3h4h5h6 so click on the plus sign it will bring up all the blocks if we click on browse all it's basically all these different blocks here that we can use so there's an endless amount of things that you can even think of product category list best-selling products so you can incorporate all of these to create some really nice blocks especially they have woocommerce blocks as well so that makes it a lot easier if we come over here Pinterest blocks you can embed boards pins profiles Tick Tock you can bet a tick tock video SlideShare imager Tick Tock YouTube Twitter basically all of these different things if anything that you can possibly think of you can use a block for the most part you're going to use images you can create galleries if you want to you can upload audio if you have some type of audio file you want to upload video files you can upload directly using blocks headings you're going to use a lot paragraphs you're going to use a lot lists you're going to use a lot quotes you might use sometimes you can create tables do pull quote pre-formatted there's a ton of different options here so play around with the WordPress block editor if we click on the W up here it'll bring this back to our website but makes it a lot easier to kind of edit your website by going through the block editor they also have the ux Builder I don't generally use the ux Builder but you can come in here add elements directly to your page so if there's certain things you want to add to an individual blog post this is where you can do that so this is just another way to edit some of your different blog posts and change the way that they look so if we come back over here click over here that will bring this up on the right hand side if we click over here it'll bring up our list view our outline of whatever we're doing now this is saying write HTML you really want to get into your blocks and once you start coming up with some of your blocks that's where the show is over here on the left hand side so let's come back to Wordpress we're not going to publish this blog post I will go over blog post a little bit as we go this will save it as a draft currently uncategorized so if in your post you can also create categories and tags I generally use categories more for example if I'm doing RV parts and accessories then I may have a category where it's okay this is all about RV lighting so this is in my RV lighting category within that I will only talk about some of the different lights that you can add to an RV the best lights to add to an RV security lights inside lights whatever it may be so those can all make up different blog posts and they would all be in the category RV lighting tags I generally use more for kind of internal organization so if you're trying to say okay here is a specific type of RV part that I'm talking about within this I just am using this tag so I know all the blog posts where I wrote about that specific RV part so just a different way to use tags so pages are going to be more of your the pages that don't really change often on your website so Blog Page this is where all your blog posts go cart page I'm not going to use a cart or a checkout page so I'll actually delete both of these right now so let's delete those pages they have a demo page and all these different demo pages so I'd recommend going through them because depending on what type of page you want to create they do have some good uh some good templates here that you can use they install 77 Pages which is way too many pages but what we're going to want to create as far as pages are contact us privacy policy affiliate disclaimer those are some of the ones you should get started with terms and conditions you can do you don't necessarily need to those main three I first started with and then you could do an about page just about your business about your brand and then you could do some type of FAQ page as well so we'll create those pages later on in the video comments are all managed here so any of the comments that people leave you can actually approve them deny them delete them all through the comments section contact this is through our contact form seven so if we want to set up a contact form we can do it with contact form 7. woocommerce so you're actually not in the woocommerce thing that much because this is really more for people selling physical products but if you come here go to home orders customers coupons reports settings not really too much to change as far as woocommerce because we're not selling physical products so we're not managing the orders or the customers products this is where all of the products we import from Amazon will go this is where we create products we create product categories here so there's a few different products that they imported here these would be actually physical products that we would sell so if someone goes through purchases this product this would be a product that we would sell no images uploaded here for them so that's fine we'll probably end up deleting all these well you will delete all these products anyway it can be helpful to kind of look at products out of stock products if you're interested in seeing how it actually looks through woocommerce payments we're not accepting payments on the website so we don't need to worry about that analytics I'm not going to go through analytics right now so here you can see some overview of your analytics Revenue orders again a lot of this isn't going to show for us because we're sending traffic directly to Amazon and we're going to lose our tracking once we send it there marketing this is a Pinterest uh I think this is just for our woocommerce Pinterest plugin that we installed appearance this is where we can edit the way our theme looks we can add widgets you can create menus here and then if you go to customize it'll bring up the section that I showed you earlier where we can adjust the way our header looks colors fonts everything like that this is a wishlist plugin so people can add things to a wish list I probably won't use it I'll probably end up deleting it all plugins install and add new through the plugins page on the left users if you want to add additional users you can do that here you can also go to the users page and we have our current username email I can adjust this and make sure I'm using the right email and then you can also attribute posts to the correct user you can allow people to actually and sign up as a user on your website so there's different plugins that will allow you to do that to create a membership website or you can also add users to work on your website so if there's people working for you then this is where you can add them as a user if you want them to have a separate profile from you which you should tools honestly don't use tools that often import export site Health export personal data erase personal data scheduled actions I don't use tools really that often at all so it's just not something I'm going to go through went through wzone so last but not least is going to be our site settings so we have our site Title Here we don't really need to enter a tagline but we could do we sell RV parts and accessories so we'll just do a quick little description of what we do WordPress URL we're going to make sure we do https Administration email address you can update this here new user default role so when somebody signs up as a user if you are allowing membership the default role that they'll have site language time zone just make sure the time zone matches yours date format time format week starts on generally don't change a lot of this stuff so we'll click on Save changes here okay so we got to re-log in sometimes it might make you do that and we'll click on Save changes again so we can save our settings here okay so our settings are all saved next is going to be writing so with writing default post category uncategorize you can set a different default post category so if I create a category of RV parts then just make that the default post category when I'm writing a new blog post default post format so there's different blog post formats you can use most of the ones we were looking at looked exactly the same sometimes I will use if they have an option for the full post with no sidebar sometimes I'll use that so with some of my websites I have been using that so we'll click on Save changes we didn't really change anything but now next one of the important ones is reading so with reading what you can actually do is create a separate home page using one of your pages and then where you want your blog or your actual posts to go so your post here is on an actual blog page so through your pages you create a page just called blog and then you create a completely separate page that is going to be for your home page so this is the way we have it set up so that means when people do go to our website our home page come back home looks like this type of professional home page so what you need to do is go through your pages and I will show you and edit this page change anything around that you want to and keep it updated over time and that will allow you to create different pages and then any blog post that you write will go directly to for me it'll go to blog and all my posts will be directly through that blog section so let's dismiss these notice here okay so we don't really need to change anything here you can add more blog Pages or posts to a single feed syndication feeds you could add more or less as well for each Post in a feed a lot of times I'll do excerpt search engine visibility I won't change so we'll click on save settings now the rest I don't really change too often but permalinks is an important one permalinks you set once and you never change you definitely need to set your permalink settings so this is really important here go to your permalink structure come down to the bottom and we're going to click on post name then we're going to come to the bottom here and this is where you can actually set the way that your links your URLs are going to look so for your blog category base for your tag base you can actually set specific bases here so what I could do is just do category and tag so keep it really simple category tag product category base what I could do is basically for instead of doing product category what I could do is just something like products and then it makes it a little bit shorter my URLs and then we can keep product tag exactly the same now we're going to come to the bottom our product permalinks are going to look like we could do default work as product and the sample product name or we could do it where it has the shot base with the category I'm going to do default we're going to keep it as default it'll just have product and then whatever the product name is here so we're going to come to the bottom and we're going to click on Save okay so now the last thing that we need to do is install some of our different WordPress plugins that we're going to use we have our Flotsam theme installed wzone plugin installed and configured our website settings configured for the most part I mean we're gonna have to change our design up and everything like that but let's not go too crazy in design at this video we really just want to focus on getting our website ready to actually for growth for new content for new products let's install some WordPress plugins and gonna install a few here so when you go to the plugins page you're going to have all of your installed plugins for right now we have installed woocommerce we installed wzone when we installed some of them so yith woocommerce wish list Pinterest for woocommerce next end social login contact form 7 we're all installed separately so this was I think this one was when we installed woocommerce or no Pinterest winning assault woocommerce and then these other three were when we actually installed wzone so you can deactivate and delete these at any time if you want to do that if we come over to plugins and we go to add new the very first thing that you're going to do is see some of the most popular plugins so I generally go to popular contact form 7 Elementor yoast SEO so if you're not familiar with WordPress plugins I'd recommend coming here to the popular ones and just going through each of these different plugins and just seeing what some of them do so you have an idea now you don't need two plugins for the same thing so if you're doing some type of cache plugin you can just set up this light speed cache and not worry about any other type of plug-in I'm going to try to keep things simple here we're going to start with word fence so word fence will allow will basically protect your website from people trying to hack your website steal your passwords anything like that they'll basically set up your website and give you recommendations so it's as secure as possible so we're just going to install and activate word fence for right now um you can get your word fence license they have free licenses and you or you can install an existing license if you have a paid license already if we go to get your WordPress license click on free and we'll set this up through our email so this is the way that you would want to set up your free license through work through word fence we're just going to skip this for right now it's going to say our installation is incomplete remind me later okay so they'll remind us again in 12 hours to set up our word fence security plug-in okay so wzone already has an update so it's saying there's a new update available 14.0.6 so we're going to click on update so that will allow us to update this plugin okay next let's continue to add more plugins so we're going to click on add new again okay and now one of the plugins I've been using so there's yoast SEO is one of the popular plugins here so we come over to popular and yoast SEO is a really popular SEO plugin I've recently started using rank math and I really like rank math a ton so I've been kind of switching over to rank math yoast SEO is a great plugin and rank math I've I've really enjoyed using recently gives you a score for all of your blog posts and it helps you kind of look at how your how everything is looking in terms of search engine optimization on your website yoast has very similar features so either or I think they're both good products might be worth making a video about both and some of the differences between rank math and yoasts okay so we're going to activate our rank math SEO plugin okay we're going to skip this for now you you do need to configure these plugins I just don't want to make this video take hours of me configuring every single individual plugin so we're going to return to our dashboard we'll go through the rank math uh we'll go through this all week later so another plugin that I'd recommend using so now let's come back over to our plugins again okay now as we're adding plugins this is where going to some of these different guides so W4 WP forms has one best free WordPress plugins for your website try to find guides for some of the best free WordPress plugins the problem with looking at best WordPress plugins is that there's going to be people promoting some of the affiliate plugins that they have that are going to be a little bit more expensive than free Alternatives so look for a free version WP forms is actually my favorite contact form Builder I prefer it to contact form seven so we'll probably install this and we'll build a contact form by the end of this video so what you could do is go through all of these so seed prod allows you to create landing pages so this is another really good plugin a ton of different landing pages or a ton of different plugins here and just going through so monster insights WP mail smash balloon rafflepress all of these have some different things that they do so W3 total cash is a caching plugin RSS aggregator lazy load by WP rocket so there's a lot a lot of different plugins here and I would highly recommend going through all of them and just kind of seeing okay this will be a useful plug-in for what I'm trying to do on my website broken link Checker by all-in-one SEO that allows you to find any broken links on your website really good for SEO purposes so these are all different plugins that you can install a lot of times I install plugins as I need them if I need to add a contact form to my website I look for a contact form plugin if we go to plugins and we click on add new the other thing you can do is scroll to the bottom here and they have basically a huge tag Cloud so if you say you know what I want to make sure that um I want to adjust a few things on my dashboard click on dashboard and it'll bring up dashboard plugins I need some help with email click on email Facebook Twitter basically anything you can think of can be accomplished with a plug-in and I don't want to spend hours upon hours going over plugins so I would highly recommend looking at some of these lists of different plugins you can install specifically free lists so that you're getting the right plugins installed now the other thing that we want to add is a cache plugin so we're going to go to and we're going to search cache through the add plugins page now there's a bunch of different cache plugins we'll just use Lightspeed cache and you only need one of these basically produces static HTML files it makes your website just load a lot quicker so you want to just make sure you're using one of these plugins there's a lot of different cache plugins available you could also incorporate cloudflare to your website I will probably end up doing that just not in this video so Lightspeed cache let's go to our settings and make sure we have everything all set up to go Okay so on just make sure everything is on here so we should be all good with okay let's click on Save changes okay so we have our cache plugin all available as well so let's come over to our dashboard okay a couple more plugins that I want to add some woocommerce plugins there are a ton of different woocommerce plugins so if you're looking for something specific related to woocommerce just come to these keyword here and we're just going to enter woocommerce you can also search W Zone woo Zone and there are a few different plugins as well that will help uh help making your life a little bit easier as far as W Zone so we scroll down here and a couple of the things so they have customer reviews booster Square PDF invoices ton of different options here for woocommerce the one that I'm looking for is woocommerce direct checkout so we'll just do woocommerce directs okay so direct checkout for woocommerce we're going to install this plugin now and it just makes it a little bit easier when people click on our affiliate links to go directly to Amazon so we'll activate this plugin okay and the other one I want to add is woocommerce shortcode so there's a ton of short codes you could use with woocommerce as well with the block editor I think they actually automatically have some of these but just to make sure that we're all set with using woocommerce shortcodes we're just going to install the plugin so okay down here woocommerce short codes and we're going to click on install so that's just another one that we can use and has a little button in the editor that will allow you to add woocommerce shortcodes easily we could also import our product categories to some of our Pages just using the block editor through WordPress so I'm going to kind of move on from this this step here so we have our website Niche domain name dedicated hosting plan we have our WordPress website we've installed woocommerce installed flatsum installed wzone we have done the W Zone settings we've done some flat Sim settings and some of the settings for our actual website and installed a few of our initial WordPress plugins you're probably going to have to install more WordPress plugins you're going to probably gonna have to keep working on your flatsum design just go through that customize section I have spent hours upon hours designing my website so it is something that might take some time get your logo from and now next what I want to do is how to get accepted into Amazon Associates so this will be a pretty quick portion just kind of going over some of the things you need to get accepted okay so you can go directly to affiliate hyphen and join now and that's what you want to do first is make sure you join now okay so application review process I will put this link in the video description so you can read through it but basically after you sign up Associates team will check your application once you've driven qualified sales you need to send at least three qualified sales within 180 days so that's one of the first things that you need to do the other thing is they will check all the websites you've provided to make sure they meet their customer experience bar all of them must have robust original content even without advertising at least 10 posts so a good example here is using my website if we come over and we go to my website this website has about 35 total blog posts so if I use this website this website will be absolutely perfect I would have no problem getting accepted into the Amazon Associates program so you want to have original content at least 10 blog posts you can also use mobile apps social network Pages Alexa skills there's a few different ways to sign up for Amazon Associates and actually be accepted all your content must be publicly available can't be behind a closed group or a paywall that's the main thing they're looking at content on website must be recent within last 60 days app must comply with mobile application policy if you're applying with a mobile app you can also use social networks So currently only accept the following social networks Facebook Instagram Twitter Youtube Tick Tock Twitch TV application must clearly list your social media Pages exact URL so some of the different ways that you can actually get accepted into Amazon Associates account was rejected we're using special tag links what are that what are they why is it rejected for unoriginal Content honestly I when I signed up for Amazon Associates I think I was building beachfront Decor at the time and I probably had a few blog posts on my website it wasn't some massive website and after I wrote a few blog posts what I did was I signed up for Amazon Associates and I never really had an issue after that pretty easy to get accepted you just need some content on your website so get started with a website like this one start writing some different content you come to my home page you can see I have all these different blog articles here so get some blog articles you can easily do this now even if you want to use something like chat GPT you can do that or any of the other AI tools so there's a ton of different writing tools so you can quickly and easily write some blog posts to get started if you kind of want to make sure you're accepted into Amazon Associates so let's come back over here that's pretty much it as far as the application when you join now and you go to the application process basically you just go through the getting started process just enter all your information enter your website make sure you meet these requirements before you apply and then once you do that now you can start actually importing those Amazon products to your website so coming back over here that is basically as easy as it is to get accepted into Amazon Associates one of the reason why I like Amazon affiliate marketing they actually make it really easy to get accepted into their program so they don't require some level of traffic or some type of you know you need to have this many blog posts or anything like that it's basically just do you have a website is there some content on it is this website going somewhere so don't just create a website like we've done and try to go to Amazon Associates go to the blog post start writing some original content and then you should be accepted without any issues next is going to be our initial keyword research and content creation strategy so I'm going to keep this pretty simple and I'm going to give you my example from my other website so using I recently actually went over keyword research for this website so I'm going to open up the spreadsheet that I used for that one and kind of gone over this is my new strategy as far as keyword research so what we're looking at here is coming up with some type of topic that we're going to be covering in my case Montessori toys stem toys educational toys preschool toys Waldorf toys and then what I'm doing is just pulling some of the top long tail keywords related to all of these different ideas what we can also do is go through some of the different keywords that we can get when we type in things like toys toys for kids toddler toys so two different things I'd recommend as far as keyword research number one create a spreadsheet that looks like this one start with some of the topics that you're going to cover using my example of the RV parts and accessories if we come back over here and we go to our RV parts and accessories page so let's just come back to all departments search RV and then we're going to do is RV parts and accessories and now you're going to see all of these different options here so what I recommend doing is using the Google Keyword Planner I basically use this all the time for keyword research so what we're going to do is we're going to use the Keyword Planner this can be accessed through your Google ads account so create a Google ads account if you don't have one already go to sign up with your Google account skip the campaign creation process once you get back to your home page of Google ads go to tools and settings and go to the Keyword Planner I'm not even currently running ads in this account I may get an error message at some point so I'm not even currently running ads and it still allows me to use the Keyword Planner and I can see actually all the search volume data sometimes you can't so if you have any issues with search volume limitations you can still get plenty of ideas from all the keywords so starting with keywords let's just say we start with RV parts we'll say RV accessories and we'll just start with those two keywords and we're going to click on get results so I could also add RV products to this but using those two keywords it gave me 3 700 keyword ideas about and if we scroll down here the basically the way that I look at the content that I'm going to be creating is I'm looking for a keyword like this RV covers 12 000 average monthly searches RV supplies nine thousand average or 10 000 average monthly searches RV awning replacement so then I'd probably just look at something like RV awning okay so then we have RV awning right here so now I'm going to come up to the top what I would do is go to my spreadsheet so we'll open up our brick pop spreadsheet we'll just scroll down a little bit and I would just do something right here like RV awning I think that was the keyword we had come back over to the Keyword Planner we will add RV awning here I think that was yep okay we're gonna click on get results and then what I do is I add another filter we're going to say keyword contains and we're just going to do RV awning I want to find all the long tail keywords related to RV awnings last but not least average monthly searches greater than or equal to 20. so we're just trying to find some of the top keywords here still gave me 178 total keywords which is a lot of keywords when we look at average monthly searches just for keywords that contain RV awning we're looking at for a lot of months sixty thousand fifty thousand forty thousand thirty two so basically we see a huge drop in the winter where we're around 20 000 in the winter but for the most part we're around 30 to 60 000 average monthly searches most months which is a really good amount of average monthly searches for a keyword that's probably not that competitive organically probably competitive in the ad section I expect every ad to be very high competition for these types of products that are for RVs but if we come down here what I end up doing is I take these keywords here we're going to download this as a CSV file an issue preparing my report let's try again okay so I downloaded the CSV file here so 178 total keywords all I'll do is I'll come over here open up that CSV file so we'll Center it over here a little bit and then I'm just trying to get these two columns here our keyword average monthly searches delete all these other columns go by average monthly searches data Z to A expand the selection and now we have all of these keywords ranked by their average monthly searches so what we could do is come down here and just copy every single keyword all the way down to the bottom we're not going to be creating content for every single one of these keywords but what we're trying to do is as we start writing more and more content we say Okay electric RV awning now this is a keyword that we want to rank for so the very first thing that I'll do is I'll come right to Google and we'll do electric RV awning okay so first few things when you do this and do a space electric RV awning operation replacement won't retract parts replacement parts these are all additional keywords we could Target if we're trying to rank for this specific keyword we can create a huge guide and go over all of this here so it's just one way to kind of go over every single possible thing people are looking up related to electric RV awnings okay so the other thing that we can do I recommend using the keyword Surfer Chrome extension so if we come back over here we'll just do a quick search keyword Surfer it's completely free be the first thing right at the top here keyword Surfer and just add it to Chrome the reason why I like it is at the top a lot of times they'll give us actually average bids in Google and they'll give us the search volume they're not showing it right now not a huge deal but over here on the right they're always going to give us long tail keyword ideas so it's just another way to come up with more keywords really quickly without having to access the Google Keyword Planner what I like to do is see what is ranking very high for these keywords so RV awning complete kits online now this is an ad so make sure you're looking for sponsored so Amazon just RV electric awning Carefree of Colorado RV awnings motorized RV awnings RV power awning so we're seeing a lot of these different now right here five reasons to avoid electric RV awnings how to operate one so we start to get down here a little bit further this is kind of the type of content I'd be creating best electric RV awning in 2023 create a list of some of the different awnings there this is saying right here that the number of words on this page this is also powered by keyword Surfer is 2500 this is saying the estimated average monthly traffic for this page is around 125 000 and this is saying the number time the exact keyword electric RV awning was used on this page so you're going to see there is a lot of competition for some of these keywords so if we want to rank for a keyword related to for example RV awnings then what we need to do is make sure that we are going over all of these long tail keywords where we kind of come up with okay 20 foot RV awning that will be an article of here are the 12 best 20 foot RV awnings 2023 then what we're going to do is create a page on our website so it would be 20 foot RV awnings if I could spell now what we do is we update this page every single year we have 12 best for 2023 when 2024 rolls around first thing we do is just update the page update the headline of the page URL does not change URL always stays the same and then we go through and we look at those 12 maybe we update it to 16. so now we have the 16 best 20-foot RV awnings for 2024 and we add more products to it or maybe if this this one's not doing good with 12 maybe you just say here are the five best 20-foot RV awnings the only ones you need to know about test your content see what works the best for you as you start creating more and more content for some of these keywords that don't have as much search volume it generally becomes much easier to rank higher in Google and what's going to happen is it's going to lift all of your content here so the example that I used for my Montessori toys is I went through and I found all of these different topics that I want to cover now I haven't put all the keywords in the list yet but I did the same exact process I just showed you so we go to the Google Keyword Planner I search and we'll do stem toys here so I can complete that list click on get results then we need to use our keyword text so we're going to make sure we update our filter contains stem toys click on apply I could do this for stem toy and stem toys so do it separately and take all the keywords average monthly greater than 20. this gives us 128 total keywords so what we want to do is download these keywords again in a CSV file same exact process over and over and over again to basically find the right keywords for us you can also add these all to a keyword plan and download them all at once I just prefer to do it this way I think it's easier to keep my thoughts a little bit organized so we're going to do the same thing with this spreadsheet delete this column we delete these two rows and we take this column data Z to A expand the selection click on sort take all of our keywords go all the way to the bottom and we're going to copy this and add them to our spreadsheet now basically my my whole strategy and the best thing that you can do is kind of come up with some type of organization where you say okay today I'm going to be focused on Montessori toys for one-year-olds tomorrow it'll be two-year-olds so you can use on the left hand side and just come up with dates the dates where I want to complete some of this content I was just working on a piece of content with Montessori bath toys I just recently did Montessori toys for one-year-olds so I'm gonna have to do a lot of these for these stem toys as well but coming over to my website and we're going to come back to 18 best Montessori bath toys so we come over here we open up this page I still need to add descriptions for each of these individual products but basically all I do is I pull products directly from Amazon I can use my affiliate Link at the very top here so using Amazon Associates my site stripe up here just click on text to make sure I have the right tracking ID for this website and you can see all of these different products here I pull the main image right here I just just download the image re-upload it directly on my blog post so 18 best Montessori bat toys for 2023. the way that I decide to create content is I see what ranks so we come over here we search Montessori bath toys so first things first sponsored at the very top I also have some of these products listed on my page as well so if some of these are at the very top when people are searching if I can link to them as affiliate products I will do that scroll down sponsored Amazon and then we get to the Montessori minded mom 11 fun Montessori bat toys for toddlers And preschoolers eight Montessori bat toys to entertain and educate the main thing I try to look at is when were these Pages last updated so October 19 2022 this page is almost a year old since it's last been updated some of them won't have their actual dates but right here Howie the third result so ranking above Amazon hasn't been updated since February 18 2020. so what that tells me is I have an opportunity with this keyword to rank high for it because even though Amazon's ranking pretty high number four overall it's gonna be hard to get above that when I look at what is currently ranking six best Montessori bath toys for toddlers Montessori bath toys then we have a ton of products linked here this is why it's good to actually sell physical products on your website and not always be Montessori bath time a Montessori bathroom August 5th 2021 basically for me if I write two or three blog articles about a Montessori bathroom Montessori bath toys and maybe one other thing Montessori potty training I'm sure that's a keyword then what I can do is I can probably rank pretty high my my blog post here so I just created this blog post so it's brand new 18 best Montessori bath toys 2023 you can see my URL at the top Montessori bad toys let's first copy our URL since we have targeted this keyword come over to our spreadsheet come over to our keyword for Montessori bat toys and paste our URL and we'll get rid of the brick pop version of it now I know that I have a page targeting this keyword already so as I'm creating content I can say okay I already have a page for this one even if I am not if I don't see one here I still do a check so I'll still go to my website I'll search outdoor Montessori toys see if I have a specific blog post for it if I don't we create a new blog post Montessori outdoor toys so we just come here Montessori outdoor toys and then we keep that page updated and we basically just stick with our same template of you know the types of content that we're creating so coming back over to my page featured image quick introduction I could probably add more content to this page I still need to completely complete this blog article there's a few more things I need to add but what are Montessori bath toys so just going over some of the different types of toys what they are some of the benefits 18 best Montessori bath toys so all these images should look pretty familiar basically I have number one number two image shop this toy here in between here I'm going to add product descriptions so just pulling the information directly from the page here so just taking all of this information and writing a three to five sentence product description and some of the benefits of this product the other thing that can really help is any personal experience you have with a product so I have three children so I can say you know my kids love this Montessori toy this is their favorite toy to play with they've been playing with it for several years and they absolutely love the waterfall giving actual real-life opinions and your actual experiences demonstrates that you have some type of expertise with this product if you're just kind of always talking generic about here are all the benefits of Montessori bath toys throw in some personal experience and you could really take your content to the next level so that's kind of what separates you know a good blog from a really great blog and especially if you're looking at something like travel for example people who write about travel and just say here's the best hotel in Miami is a lot different than saying here is what happened on our seven day trip in Miami and the two different hotels we stayed at what we like better what we visited restaurants we went to is a lot better than just that generic travel guide of somebody without actual experience without actual real life pictures that they've gone and done these things so a next step for me would be to actually purchase these products and actually take real my own pictures of some of these products and maybe have not in the bathtub of course but maybe have my kids playing with some of the different Montessori toys however I don't really want to use my kids for content so we're going to keep scrolling down here basically just a list of different products for sale and we'll just scroll all the way to the bottom so you'll see 15 16 17 18. why kids need Montessori bath toys types of Montessori bath toys so going over some of the popular options here how to incorporate Montessori toys into bath time some of the benefits which kind of same as why you need them best ages and conclusion now what I need to add to this is probably a big Pinterest graphic that has all of these different products listed need to create a ton of custom Pinterest Graphics you could also put together a video of here are the 18 best Montessori bat toys just using some of these images and say first is the waterfall stacking cups great for kids who are learning how to do XYZ the more content you can create around some of these different keywords the higher you're going to rank and keep in mind the overall difficulty that you may have for some of these keywords Montessori bad toys 390 average monthly searches if I can get my page ranking in one of these top three results it's going to drive me some traffic every month so that's just kind of the way that I look at it continuously putting out content based on our keyword research and what we're going to do is continuously increase our rankings so I only have 35 blog posts on my website right now so one of the things I can show you real quick is my Google search console account for if we come over here to performance last three months now this is a brand new website I literally just purchased this and just started working on it last three months 20 clicks 2.3 000 Impressions we're seeing pretty steady results here I mean we had our best click day recently and Impressions kind of grow drop grow drop so we're hoping to see an increased line as we go but what we can see are these Search terms that we're actually ranking for and some of the pages that are ranking high and that are getting the most Impressions so since I just created a lot of these Pages they're not ranking too high yet this when I updated DIY stem kits so if we open this page at same exact thing 14 best DIY stem kits 2023 and we get right into these different DIY stem kits a few sentences best price for the stem kit here if I can drive traffic to this page somebody clicks on this button they go to this page here and this is an affiliate link for me essentially how Amazon affiliate marketing works is you're trying to incorporate your links within your content and trying to do it in a way where you're being helpful for people and giving them the best options of whatever it is that you're writing about but you're also reaping the benefits of sending them to this individual page now you can use that Amazon site stripe to make your life much easier and to link to all these products click on get link there's text there's image I don't generally use just the image but I could use the image for basically the middle portion images that I'm using here text an image so it basically has the image here and then the text price Amazon Prime shop now I don't really like the way any of these look there are other plugins we can install that we will use through the membership section native shopping ad for an individual product you can also add here as well so that's something you can put the very top of the page just to say here is you know our recommended product and the best Montessori bath toy or whatever it is that you're writing about so that kind of wraps up our keyword research and content creation strategy just keep things really simple use an Excel spreadsheet come up with a list of keywords go by the average search volume use the Google Keyword Planner even if you're only seeing ranges of data here for average monthly searches that's that's perfectly fine rank it by average monthly searches download your CSV file make sure you adjust it so you are listing all of your keywords by search volume one thing I'll tell you is a keyword like Montessori toys for two-year-olds let's just say this keyword has 1 000 average monthly searches Montessori bad toys we just saw this one has 390. you may still be able to drive more clicks from the 390 average monthly searches than this one here just based solely on competition so as we get further down here and I can just come down here and say you know what let's put together a blog post of the 10 best busy board Montessori toys this page will likely be easier to rank than these Pages at the very top so while we're all chasing search volume sometimes what you just need to do is Chase the topic a topic that's easy to rank for start getting some traffic and then what we try to do is tackle these really difficult ones and we're going to create a pillar page for our Montessori toys where we link out to all of these different pages that we have so let's just say I put together 50 different pages of Montessori wooden toys for three-year-olds two-year-olds one-year-old then somebody comes to my Montessori toys page I can link off to each of these individual pages I can put together an article of here are the 100 best Montessori toys just pulling toys from some of these other blog articles so just consistently creating this long tail keywords for these long tail content or for these long tail keywords creating content can't talk right now if we consistently do that for specific topics and we keep targeting long tail keywords we will rank much higher for these short tail keywords with high surge volume so don't be discouraged if you're not seeing results right away I mean I have 36 blog posts and you saw the traffic amount that I had for just having 36 blog posts it's really not much at all now I'm going back and I'm starting to improve some of these blog posts so hopefully what we can do is start seeing some Improvement as we continue to go and if we keep our website active we continue to create content it will help increase our overall rankings and then what we can do is try to drive some additional backlinks and work on some of our other marketing methods like social media email things like that so that's number eight our initial keyword research and content creation strategy next is going to be number nine let's start adding some products and I'm just going to go over some different types of blog posts that you can write using some different examples from other websites so there's a few different Amazon affiliate blog posts ideas that you can write and I'm going to show you how to do them first let's add some products so we're going to come over to our website again let's open up okay here's the back end of our website and the very first thing we need to do is go to products and go to product categories now let's just say we want to add to figure out a category here we'll come to RV cleaning and maintenance and RV cleaners so all right so we could use some of these ones here these are some different RV cleaners that we can add to our website so let's come over here and first things first they add some of these different categories when we set it up I would recommend just deleting all these categories again I'm not going to keep working on this website so what you can do is just come in here and delete these different categories because if you're not using them I would not recommend using these categories what we can do is add a new category here the other thing that you can do is when you're adding the products from W Zone or from your woo Zone and we go over to Wu Zone here and we scroll down we're going to go to the no PA API Keys import products okay so we need to add the W zone no PA API Google Chrome extension so let's add this Chrome extension to Chrome now we'll add the extension okay so let's come back over here come back over to import products again okay now what we need to do is just click unlock no AWS Keys import so we're going to click that here and now you should see a page that looks like this so it's going to say for me it says United States all departments featured and we can search for products so if we search I could do RV cleaners we search for products and it's going to pull up all of these different cleaners here so this is a toilet bowl cleaner wash and wax awning cleaner so what you would want to do is categorize these products as best as you possibly can one thing you can do is let's just say we add these four products now how many products you can add depends on your server I generally add about 10 products at a time so I basically have like one row of products here when I'm adding sometimes I have issues with adding products depending on my website for beachfront Decor I've had issues with using this one so what you may need to do is if you're having issue importing products is use the insane import mode is another option here there's also a Google Chrome extension where you can actually go directly to Amazon and import products directly from Amazon that's how I used to always import products now I'm constantly using this if we scroll to the bottom what we have here is an import list so import product type there's either variable product or simple product if it has variations it's a variable product I always choose simple products from this list because I would prefer to just add these as separate products to my website rather than as variations to my website I think it's just easier for me to manage but if you want to add variations you can do that here as well so let's do simple products number of images so I generally just keep this at two or three we'll do three for this enter three manually here make it easier others spin on import I usually add and then number of threads simultaneously is how many products to import at the same time for Farmhouse goals I keep this at one because that's the only way it allows me to add products if I do two it'll just freeze and it won't work so this can be an issue sometimes and if you're having issues importing products I would highly recommend going directly to the W Zone plug-in support and contacting them and saying what's the issue here you could also contact Bluehost and they may be able to help you as well so if I'm generally having issues that's what I'll do is I'll contact Bluehost and just say having issues adding products can you tell me what the issue is sometimes they'll be able to help you few things here this is where you choose your category for if you're importing products you can also use the category from Amazon so that's what I'm going to do as an example here first so if you don't want to create your own product categories use category from Amazon and let's import selected products see if we have any issues okay so our first product was imported in 8.55 seconds this can take up to a minute per product so this can be a slow process sometimes and sometimes what I'll do is I'll kind of add products in the background while I'm working on other things so pick a category pick a couple categories for the day and then try to add those products but you'll see eight seconds for this one 16 for this one 16 for this one so not too bad I've had times where I've added products using woo Zone where it's basically instant and I've been able to just really quickly add products and then I have issues where things just don't import at all or they just kind of sit here and load this one may never import it might just stay in progress so if you see something like that really not the end of the world now let's come over to our products page here and we're gonna leave woo Zone just come over to products and see the products we imported okay so first one here next one here third one there so it only did those three products the fourth one did not import you can see over here the date it's published so this is the Amazon Asin the identifier the regular price here there's no sale price selected so same thing regular price sale price you can adjust your columns up here so it looks a little bit better so if you say I don't really care to have the woo Zone info info I can get rid of that they have SEO details that kind of makes it look kind of let's add the woo Zone info so this is usually what mine looks like so we have our product title here no product advertising API keys this is how we imported it it's in stock here's the price these are the different categories that imported with it so it actually Imports the categories really easily when you actually choose just to let Amazon use their categories the only thing is when you come over to categories here you do want to make sure that you're adding category descriptions so coming to your products and your categories in here in Automotive if we open up this page you're going to see the slug here so the way the URL looks if there's any pattern categories so basically clothing would be a parent category hoodies would be a child category so we don't do none here Automotive is our parent category enter a description here you can enter top content this could be images this could be other written content your description will generally show up at the very top so you don't need to do description and top content the other thing is the bottom content you can also do something there sometimes for bottom content what I'll do is why you need RV cleaners so for my RV cleaner category I'll just do something like why you need RV cleaners and then just write a few sentences about why you would need an RV cleaner custom product layout so there's a few different options here I generally just do none keep it as is thumbnail you can also create thumbnails for your product category descriptions so that's another option that you have as well so just keep in mind all of that as you are setting up your product categories now we're using rank math but it's not actually I don't know if we actually have it all set up yet yoast SEO at the very bottom here for categories will allow you to edit those categories as well I haven't used rank math yet for a woocommerce website so yoast I've actually I like that yoast at the bottom of here I can adjust my meta description I can adjust my title if I need to just to make sure that things are all looking good as far as the way my website looks in search results so that's one way to import your products is import the products and the categories at the same time and then all of your categories are going to be over here the only thing is if you're doing that you still need to go back and edit your categories because you don't really want to just have categories that have a name and a URL you want to have some type of description there upload an image make sure the image is SEO friendly with the alt text that matches what your actual category is all about the other thing here with adding them directly from Amazon is if you look at some of these different categories here so Automotive that's relevant RV parts and accessories relevant cleaning and maintenance I want this to be RV cleaning and maintenance cleaners I want this to be RV cleaners RV washes and waxes this is why I kind of prefer just to create my own product categories if we come over here to Amazon we'll use a different category to for our example so rather than RV cleaning and maintenance I guess we could still use the RV cleaning and maintenance and let's just say for this one we want to do RV molding trims so let's come back we'll do RV sealants let's do RV sealants instead so that'll be a little bit uh so let's come back over to our website here so in cleaning and maintenance what we can do is a quick edit and just update this to RV cleaning and maintenance update our slug to RV cleaning and maintenance click on update category okay so now we can do is add a new category and our category is going to be RV sealants we'll just copy it directly from Amazon Here RV sealants RV sealants make sure I spell it right then you choose your parent category which would be RV cleaning and maintenance so that would be where you would choose this parent category write your product category description so RV sealants are exactly what you need for your period okay then you would upload or add an image and uh display type I generally do both the default option is usually both as well so when somebody goes into RV parts and accessories it will also list all those subcategories within that category so I would recommend doing that just makes it easier to navigate your website now we have our parent category here we have our new category created click on add new category okay so we have our new category here short little description you obviously want it to be a little bit longer how easy was it to add a product category pretty easy go to wzone and come back over here okay so now we are back here to our no product advertising API keys we're going to go to import products again and from here we're going to just search our RV sealants okay we're going to click on search for products and just make sure we choose a few of these sealants make sure there are four RVs you can always click on products and it will open the page so that's always a good thing to kind of research if you're not sure if it's the right product a lot of times also do a control F and just search and make sure it's a product for an RV so it's something like proflex RV flexible sealant perfect if it's something like this where it's self-leveling sealant something like that I just want to make sure it has to do with RVs if it doesn't maybe it's still worth using okay so this is RV parts and accessories so it is saying that it is uh if you look at the category up here at the top as well that could be another way to just make sure you have the right product that you're adding so we'll add that one as well we'll add these six products scroll to the bottom simple product number of images we're going to do three spin on import so we're just going to keep this at two because we had no problem importing if you do have problems importing go to one if you're importing really fast you can increase this to like five so if you have a really fast server two generally works for me pretty well sometimes I'll go down to one so RV sealants here and we're going to import our selected products so now we'll import all these products here another thing to keep in mind as these import is when you do searches here and all these products that are showing up it's not going to actually give you the opportunity to add products that you already have on your website so if there are products shown here that you already have on your website you add them to your import list it's not going to add duplicate products what it will do is instead it will just say you already have this product in your database okay so we have three products imported already these are importing pretty quick so if I can import products this quick on beachfront core and Farmhouse goals I'd be able to get a lot more done but I think as my website got bigger it becomes a little bit more difficult to import these products so what's basically happening with us now is it's importing all of our products except for the very final one that we add to the list when you see this where it says import selected products and it's still loading that just means we basically had a little hiccup this product's not going to be imported and we can refresh this page and continue to add more products here so all you have to do is refresh add more products to the import list and then re-import those products so pretty easy to add products basically the process is just go to your products make sure you have the right categories created after you create your categories if you already have woo Zone open make sure you refresh that page or your product category will not show up in the drop down list so this can become a little bit more difficult to do as you come up with I think I have 800 plus categories on beachfront Decor but more category it means you're targeting more keywords so we come back over here doing your initial keyword research is really important because then you know exactly what keywords you're targeting with products and with blog posts so not only do you need a Content creation strategy but for a keyword like RV sealants for example and if we're targeting RV sealants as one of our keywords then what we want to do is make sure we have the most relevant products in here you can see we have five total products added so we want to make sure we have the most relevant products added here and then when people are searching for RV sealants we can not only have this we could also have a blog post of here is why you need an RV sealant here are the 12 best RV sealants and basically just pull some of the best RV sealants directly from our pages so you can use short codes from woocommerce to do that makes it a lot easier to actually display individual product categories or individual products next let's go over to finish out number nine types of blog posts to write now after this we will be going over how to link to Amazon products as an affiliate which we've kind of gone over a little bit already but I'll show you some more options for how we can do that so let's do some types of blog posts to write so for this I'm going to use a few examples from other websites that have some really good blog posts that basically just affiliate blog posts in general but different ways to actually promote types of products okay so a few different blog posts that you can write first and foremost just the standard product review so this one is about a laptop the Acer Nitro 5 you can find a million different product reviews here so Pros cons basically all the different specs of a laptop or whatever it is that you're writing about and then just some content about how it performs why you need it Pros cons benefits what it is basically every single possible piece of information that you can give to people so a product review is one option that you have this can be really popular with more popular products now for certain products it's really not going to be the best possible thing so I wouldn't recommend writing a product review for example if we come back over so one of our examples over here I wouldn't recommend writing product reviews about some of these different products here so maybe something that has you know five thousand ten thousand reviews on Amazon things that are really popular types of products could be worthwhile especially if they're a little more expensive so things that are really inexpensive or things that just aren't overly popular there's not that many people actually looking for a written product review like this one now for laptops Electronics anything like that they can be great things to review one of my favorite websites to go to and New York time zones it but it's or Wirecutter and when you come here you can see all sorts of different types of blog posts that you can write the best backpacks for college and high school students now I showed you a few of my examples for the Montessori toys but basically here 12 best engagement gifts why we love Bosch dishwashers this is another one right here so you could do things like how to improve indoor air quality how to clean white sneakers then within those blog posts you can link out to products so how to clean these what you need oh you need this individual product you can find them right here click on it it's going to bring you to some affiliate link so this is a really good one is a how-to type blog post where it's how to do something and here's an affiliate product to accomplish that for you the other one 12 best engagement gifts so same thing as what I'm doing with the Montessori toys these are really popular basically lists of different types of articles that you can create so these are some of the best types of blog posts that you can write basically you either want to write something that's helpful how to solve a problem with some type of affiliate product within there you want to write just a straight up product review about some type of product or what you can do is also something like the 12 best engagement gifts the other thing that could be really useful is some type of comparison so if we come back to Wirecutter I don't know if they'll have any examples here but even if you're just looking at a few different products for example it could be like non-stick pans you could do Calphalon pans versus Cuisinart pans or pick whatever brand you want and that could be another one as well so best area rugs ruggables washable rugs why we love them but also hate them how to improve indoor air quality how to clean white sneakers how to get started with macro photography why lighting is the key to better macro photos the best sleep headphones but we hope for better best modern bed frames these are all basically different ways to come up with different types of content and you can see they're constantly publishing so don't be afraid to publish a ton of content best gas grills it could be Weber versus whatever competitor brand there is so different types of ways to promote different products and go over the different things that you're actually writing about and then you can link off to all these different products using Amazon Associates so kind of a quick overview of some of the different blog posts you can write I would highly recommend at the very end we're going to go over some successful affiliate marketing websites so we'll go through some different blog posts that are really helpful as well just just using my example from earlier where I said the best WordPress plugins so when you search the best WordPress plugins and we come down here wpbeginner right here scroll down WP forums is first this may so this they may be a an affiliate for WP forms not sure if they are I know they're an affiliate for WP rocket so they have WP rocket here if I just scroll over I could see at the very bottom of the page right here it's an affiliate link refer slash WP rocket just another way to incorporate affiliate links is doing a Roundup of different products that people can purchase not every single thing needs to be an affiliate link but I can guarantee you go through a lot of these member press another affiliate link here so it's a great way to create really helpful content while also promoting your affiliate links within directly within your content which is the best way to do it we all know that we can link to so right here optinmonster we all know we can link to things like this and this can be an affiliate link as well so just a very relevant product to the people that are visiting this page and visiting this website so this is just a different way to actually be able to get people to kind of interact with your content and hopefully purchase some of these affiliate products from you because if you're solving their solution and it takes an affiliate product to solve it that's perfectly fine so next let's go over how to link to Amazon products as an affiliate so we're going to come back to Amazon here and first things first go directly to a product page or go to a product category page and click on the get Link at the top make sure you choose the correct tracking ID from this so I would do my RV slices if it's an RV product you can use the image link the text link just take this link right here and just link it to whatever it may be on your website so in my case 18 best Montessori bath toys of 2023 we come over to this boat toy right here click on the text link let me copy the text link this isn't the right thing but that's fine I'm not going to update it we click on it click on the link here and just make sure you update your url should always test your URLs too so if you after you publish a blog post there's nothing wrong with clicking on your URLs making sure they're going to the right pages so you have everything linked properly the better experience you can give people so if somebody clicks on a link for this toy they go right to that page that's the best possible thing the other thing you can do is just link to a page like this so we just go Montessori toys click on text and we can link to directly to this page so we send traffic right to this relevant page and hopefully someone purchases one of these toys from or anything from will still get credit if somebody comes in here and purchases a sofa so that's why you want to send as many people as possible to now the other way to is we're going to come into the back end of our Amazon Associates account so let's come and I generally just do this by clicking on earnings but we're just going to come to the back end okay so up here with product linking so if we click on product links this is first things first link to favorite destinations choose a product line choose a subcategory here name your link and then we get HTML so let's just name our link industrial and just did a bunch of random things here industrial adhesives so we have a preview over here let's click get HTML here is our HTML we're going to highlight it if we open it it's probably going to link directly to this page right here so we just have an idea of where it's actually going to that's linking to favorite destinations link Checker can make sure you're testing links so you're correctly tagging your associate ID just click on continue enter a link and it will make sure that you're checking your links properly link directly to search results same exact thing so let's just we'll click baby nursery uh maybe we do cribs Neymar link cribs link get HTML highlight it this will link directly to the search results for cribs under baby and Nursery link to any page so this you just enter any URL here so we just come over here and we put our link here name our link get HTML and we can take that and do that link as well to be honest the link to any page I never use just something I really don't use banners Amazon uh they're actually going away so starting July 25th you'll no longer be able to use them it's actually aft it's so after August 25th it will not work so no more Banner links so don't worry about Banner links native shopping hats native shopping ads same thing as the banner links these are going away as well I have native shopping ads all over my website so I'm not sure what exactly they're they're swapping them out with yet maybe it's some type of other AD or product links that we can create so if if these go away I'm gonna have to uh figure out how to create some different product links but it says you can use site stripe product advertising API so we're gonna have to replace our native shopping ads mobile pop over you just add a little piece of code right here and you add it directly to your website so you can see here learn how to add it to your website your blog and as you're scrolling like this it'll come up on the very bottom of the page just like that on mobile so it helps you drive more clicks through mobile these going away as well so pretty much everything's going away so I didn't I actually didn't realize the mobile pop over is going away news to me I do Native shopping ads and Banners so basically all we're down to is product links there's promotions over here so different Amazon promo codes the Bounty program ideahub Creator connections I don't use promotions all that often either so this isn't something that I'm using a ton of but what you could do is create a Creator profile they give us a bunch of different opportunities of different types of products we can promote and now a lot of these are not really relevant to me so not something I'm going to be doing but going back to our promotions and we'll go to ideahub so this can help you find some additional products to actually link to so I don't use a lot of these back end things anyway for the most part if I'm linking to products I just use the side stripe take that link and as I'm editing my pages I just add those links directly to it so kind of a quick little section here how to link to Amazon products as an affiliate the other thing they have are tools for Amazon which I will go over in Step 13. I don't use a ton of Premium Amazon tools So within my membership section for Surfside PPC I will be testing some different tools just something to keep in mind next we're going to go over some Amazon affiliate marketing best practices we've kind of gone through a lot of these throughout the video but let's just do a few different best practices here okay so let's go over some of these different Amazon affiliate marketing best practices so I put together a total of 10 best practices there's a ton of different things you could do with Amazon affiliate marketing but let's go through each of them and then I'm going to show you some examples as well so here's our list of best practices one choose a specific Niche I've been very clear about that have a niche and make sure you stick to that Niche unless you have a massive team it's going to be impossible to recreate wire cutter they have a ton of writers they have a ton of people writing about all sorts of different products but what you really want to do is choose a specific Niche and try to write about every possible thing within that Niche writing detailed product reviews so like I went over with the laptop earlier coming up with more popular products and writing really popular we're writing really detailed and comprehensive reviews for those products and then keeping those reviews updated year after year once you kind of rank high with a review you should stay pretty high in the search engine results as long as that page stays updated which number six down here constantly create new content update all content I can't stress that enough as far as Amazon affiliate marketing some people feel like you know I'll put some affiliate links through my blog post I'll add some to my website I'll add some products and you know we should be good to go but the only way to really grow is by creating new content all the time writing a ton of content every single day you should be publishing or updating old content it's only going to help you rank much higher embed your affiliate links properly throughout content use product comparison tables so those are all really good ways to kind of make your links look a little bit better so I'll go over some tools where you can actually create product comparison tables it is easier to create them manually too using the WordPress block editor so if you rather just do it manually once you create one or two it kind of becomes easier to continuously create them focus on transactional keywords so basically what that means is some people might be looking up something like what is a bread machine versus people who are searching best bread machines in 2023 what is a bread machine is not a transactional keyword it's informational people want to know what a bread machine is best bread machines 2023 that's somebody who's looking to purchase promote less popular items too so I went over one of my examples here seven best Montessori trinomial cubes I think this has about 80 average monthly searches this keyword right here there are some long tail keywords related to it so it's probably in total 200 to 300 average monthly searches of people looking for Montessori trinomial Cubes To Me targeting some of these keywords it becomes a little bit easier to rank high I can create these articles much quicker only seven best Montessori trinomial cubes write some descriptions for each of them write about the benefits of them what they teach kids when to use them how to incorporate them and that's that and hopefully we can get this ranking and if I get people who are searching for trinomial cubes they're going to be most likely to come in here and click on my affiliate link go to Amazon and hopefully purchase from me so coming back over to best practices create dedicated resources and guides so at the end of the year you know the 100 best Montessori toys for Christmas so that would be a really good dedicated resource and guide and one I should probably put together now so that I can get it ranking and hopefully drive a ton of traffic to my website of people looking to purchase toys and Christmas everyone's spending way too much money so that's when you want to actually really rank for some of these different keywords gift guides Christmas guides could do Halloween Montessori toys I could do Montessori toys for two-year-olds best Montessori toys for 2023 best wooden toys is best these toys whatever it is those are different ways to create dedicated resources and guides use clickable images as well as buttons so I think you should use affiliate links pretty much everywhere so do them for Standalone links do them for images make sure you're creating buttons any way to direct people with a clear call to action which last but not least test different call to actions test different product comparison tables test different content types write reviews write dedicated guides resources use different product images see what works best for you so just to go over a few examples here if we come over here so on Forbes looking at the best website hosting services scrolling down so just quick summary and here are some featured Partners Bluehost 10 best web hosting Services 2023 and they have links right here and then as we scroll down really nice product tables here so these are they use really nice tables here Forbes ranks really high for a ton of different keywords even though they're not a specific Niche it's like they cover pretty much everything but they these are this is a really good example of what to follow so go to Forbes go to the best web hosting Services create pages that look like this one and you're probably going to rank pretty high you're giving a lot of helpful information you're answering questions people have and then you have really pretty product tables where people will come click on learn more they go out to an affiliate product so this is a really good example of one of the types of Articles you should copy and look at so looking at a niche inspired this website is just all about budgeting paying off your debt Building Wealth so sticking to a budget it's the best possible thing to do if this website tomorrow started writing about marketing you're gonna have a ton of people being like I didn't follow you for marketing content I followed you for budgeting content coming over here the example of transactional keywords best spread machine 2023 and what you're seeing eight best bread machines four best 2023 reviewed according to rigorous text testing so what you want to do is come into these pages and just steal some of the different things that your competitors are using especially competitors with large budgets best overall best overall Splurge best budget best large capacity tested by Taylor Murray for Food Network kitchen so you write an article what to look for how to clean it how we tested them images of them best overall who even knows if they tested them if these images all look like standard product images so four best pairing knives so they just basically have a template stick to it continuously keep these updated over time this is last updated July 29th which is about five days ago so keeping your blog post updated making sure that you are following all of these different tips and then incorporating those affiliate links throughout gonna be really the best practices for increasing your or overall earnings with Amazon affiliate marketing and really the best way to continue to grow your Amazon affiliate marketing website so keyword research focus on those transactional keywords it's not bad to have informational keywords as well they bring people to your website but as far as conversion rates go if you can get someone on a page of the best bread machines rather than what is a bread machine they're going to be more likely to convert embed your affiliate links throughout the content with images with links with buttons basically all of those use pretty product comparison tables that's something I need to incorporate in my own content as well a little bit time consuming sometimes but really does pay off in terms of conversion rate and your rankings in Google writing detailed reviews you may not write product reviews but just make sure if you're doing reviews you write really detailed reviews and you should honestly purchase the product and actually review it because if you're writing hundreds and hundreds of reviews it may look like okay this there's no possible way this person has actually used all these products if you're not actually incorporating your own information your own images your own videos so these are some best practices to follow for Amazon affiliate marketing different strategies you can use basically But ultimately create new content get people to your website create high quality content look at what's ranking and create better content than what's ranking if you don't think you can create better content than what's ranking then you're gonna have trouble driving traffic because people are going to go to those resources you need to create the best resources on the internet now that brings us into SEO which is going to be pretty similar to what we're just saying but this is going to be more along the content and trying to rank high and make sure that our website is just geared to rank high itself so we'll come back over here next and the next thing we're going to go through are some SEO best practices some things to keep in mind as you get started with Amazon affiliate marketing okay so let's open them up now okay so 11 SEO best practices in no really particular order so just basically some things you should keep in mind as you start building your website and some of the things you should really focus on that if you're if your rankings are hurting then these may be some things to look at the main three things basically I would say that contribute to your rankings as far as search engine optimization is whether or not you're doing keyword research and finding relevant keywords for your Niche whether or not you're writing high quality content constantly for your keywords and whether or not you have backlinks from relevant websites so websites like Forbes and other ones they have thousands upon thousands upon thousands upon thousands of high quality backlinks they write thousands of high quality articles they do keyword research to Target the most popular keywords all of those three things allow Forbes to rank at the top of Google for all sorts of searches from the best Montessori toys to the best web hosting I don't know if they rank for Montessori toys but basically anything when you're looking up the best whatever Forbes is generally ranking really high so they rank really high for the best website hosting because they put together a really great website hosting guide every single year and they probably keep it updated throughout the year those are the main things when you come to search engine optimization that you really need to focus on few other things to focus on image alt text your site architecture so making sure your website is easy to use you have categories where people can go to the categories whether it's for blog posts or products so for blog categories for example I write a blog post about Montessori toys I link to all of my other Montessori toy Pages within each page I link off to other pages that are relevant and so people can easily navigate my website using the best title tags title tags should match your keyword research they don't have to be exactly the same as the keyword but the keyword you're targeting should be in your title tag in your meta description generally you put it at the front and then you can do the rest of what you want with your title so for example it could be something like best website hosting 2023 compare the top web hosts so that could be your title tag meta description check out the best website hosting platforms Etc et cetera Etc incorporating some on-page SEO best practices using images using alt text for your images that allows Google to actually read what your images it also allows your website to be more accessible because for some people who cannot see they use the alt text to see what the image actually says because there's some people that actually they're not able to see they don't see the images and what they have to do is read the article and if there's no alt text for your image then they don't even know what your image is so it's also an accessibility concern so make sure you're using Altex it helps with your rankings other on-page SEO best practices making sure you're using uh good URLs so the keyword you're targeting should be very similar to the URL that you're at your keyword is on basically so for me I wrote an article of Montessori bath toys the Montessori bath toys was for my keyword research I wrote what I thought is a pretty good piece of content for that keyword I don't have backlinks yet that's something I need to do all of my images have alt text I'll show you that in a second my website architecture that's like an ongoing need to improve since my website's pretty new I will improve my website architecture but this is where Menus can come in handy creating a really good home page and then when people are browsing your content being able to find other relevant pages from an existing page it could even be related posts related products it could be on the right hand side of the page you could have here are five other blog posts people liked who read this blog post so some different ways to make your website easier to navigate using title tags meta description making sure that you are using your keyword in both of them and you have title tags and meta descriptions for every single page on your website so we went over on page SEO analyze your top performing content and replicate it if you find that for example I wrote an article best Montessori toys for one-year-olds if that page ranks really high then it's okay how many products that I have on this page how many words do I have what did I write about what did I do about this page that made it rank so high that I can replicate for other keywords it doesn't mean recreate the same piece of content for the same keyword replicate it for the other keywords on your list repurpose existing content so creating Pinterest Graphics social media Graphics infographics any types of visual content that you can create to go along with a blog post along with videos as well so for Surfside PPC I will create a video and then I will write a blog post do my best to try to repurpose everything properly I don't always do the best with it because sometimes writing blog posts can be time consuming creating videos can be time consuming so do your best to repurpose your existing content it's going to help your rankings and you can rank really high for a YouTube keyword on your YouTube channel and on your website for the same exact keyword so you're driving more traffic back to your pages now if you have an image that's ranking really high as well then you have different ways for people to actually find your website or find your YouTube channel in the search results last but not least using content marketing to grow your social media audiences your email audiences the people that follow you the closest are going to be the most likely to share your content there also may be people that follow you that find a really helpful piece of content and they may link to your content as well so it's another way to get more backlinks so you want to get shares on your articles you want more eyeballs on your articles and the more people that are seeing your blog posts your videos your content the more likely they are not only to share it on social media but also maybe link to it from their own website so getting backlinks really comes down to creating high quality content creating back linkable content so a lot of times what marketers will do is they'll create a big Roundup of different statistics of different facts of different things where people go okay what are the average YouTube costs oh here's a good guide for average YouTube costs I'll just link directly to it so that's a great way to get more backlinks but those are really some of the different SEO best practices some of the things I try to focus on so let me open my website so if I'm writing a new piece of content first and foremost this is my title tag so main keyword in the title tag right here you want to this is where I like rank math over here so if we click on rank math they give me an 85 out of 100 for my SEO score so with my URL it's Montessori bath toys so this is a good URL too in my description discover the top rated Montessori bat toys so your kids can enhance your education in the bathtub you will love this selection of educational bath toys so my focus keyword Montessori bath toys basic SEO using Focus keyword and SEO title inside meta description in the URL in the first 10 of the content so Montessori bath toys right here in the first two two sentences you should also include your keyword as well Focus keyword found within the content my content is a total of 884 words long I've been shooting for a minimum of a thousand for new blog articles I think it only helps to have more content additional Focus keyword found in subheadings image alt attributes so we scroll down this image right here if we come over here and we click on block this is my ALT attributes what the actual product name of the image so the more descriptive you can be the better making sure that all of your products have the alt text here so this is the munchkin Falls baby and toddler bath toy that is what this picture is so Google can read okay this is what this picture actually is so just some different things to keep in mind you also want to make sure that when people are actually visiting your individual page it's easy to navigate it loads quickly so this is loading pretty quickly come down images are loading well easy to navigate we're using headings it's easy to read we have good content it's all kind of geared towards our main keyword of Montessori bat toys so just some different SEO best practices to keep in mind um and then ultimately what we're trying to do is get more backlinks increase our Audience by actually sharing this content out on social media so just some different things that we want to do so that is going to be some of the different SEO best practices so let's come back over okay and next is going to be some different tools to use so I in my Surfside PPC membership section you can access it Surfside membership I will be using some of these different tools to create different product tables and different things like that so let's go over some of the different Amazon affiliate marketing tools you can try so let's and I have a total of six here now there's more tools but truthfully if you're kind of getting started here aawp and lasso are two really good tools they allow you to create really beautiful product images product tables and you can present your Amazon products much better pretty links is for managing your affiliate links so it becomes easier if you want to manage some of the different affiliate links that you're creating especially custom affiliate links pretty links is one of the ways you could do that Azon press similar to lasso and aawp is the Amazon affiliate WordPress plugin I think that's what that stands for so all three of these one two and four are all basically to help you kind of beautify your Amazon links with nicer images and I'll show you a few examples woocommerce Amazon product importer so I have W zoned down here we've gone over W Zone extensively so I'm not going to cover that again um but woocommerce Amazon product importer um that's another similar to wzone and I never actually used it so that's one I may try to use as well I don't know if I can use it alongside wzone but I would assume that I can because shouldn't really make a difference if I have two different plugins where I'm importing products with so let's go over some of these different tools now so I'm going to open up open up these tools and we'll start with aawp and they have a demo page here so some of the different things we can do comparison tables between a few different products single or multiple product boxes you'll see a single here some best seller list so this pulls up a really nice image here this is one I'll probably end up trying to use because I think it'd be easy if I can quickly pull in some of these different images for some of the Montessori toilets I have and then some new release lists here some data fields so they have a lot of different templates that you can use very popular tool and let's look at pricing so not cheap uh this is going to be the pricing looks like per year so this is for one website might just be total web total price so for three websites 129 Euros price includes tax so this is for three websites so I have three Amazon affiliate websites so this is probably what I will try to use one year of updates one year of support so aawp the first tool other one is lasso so same thing with lasso so this is an example of what you can do with lasso so they have our pick WP engine starts at this price here's a description try WP engine here's the affiliate program a couple other things you can do create some really nice Pages like this so invest for free I'll review get a nice little image here nice headline so they you can create some really nice boxes with lasso lasso is not cheap I think it's more expensive than the other one so it can be a little bit but Amazon integration link health and any income leaks click tracking dashboard product displays opportunities to earn more so a lot of different things you could do with lasso as well let's come over to pricing so essential for one website thirty dollars a month three websites 75 a month so coming over here pretty links so this just allows you to kind of manage your affiliate links easier I don't use pretty links um I think I have way too many links to manage but this is another option that you have to help manage your affiliate links and this is 150 for one year of support and update for two websites for one website a hundred dollars for the year next is going to be Azon press best Amazon affiliate plugin for WordPress we scroll down product tables comparison tables customizable layouts Geo targeting short codes Acura tracking widgets so text links image link single product boxes bestseller a lot of different ways that you can make your affiliate links links look much better and this one is actually pretty cheap compared to the others so for 20 up to 20 domains 79 a year for one domain 40 a year so much cheaper to use Azon press woocommerce the Amazon product importer allows you to import products directly into your woocommerce shop same thing with the w Zone plugin this is the one that we are using so haven't used the woocommerce one yet I should use it because that's it's definitely worth testing but just coming over here just some of the different Amazon affiliate tools you can try I'm definitely going to try may start with Azon press in such a low cost and then we'll try some of the other ones as well lasso a little expensive spending hundreds about a hundred dollars a month but if it drives sales it's going to be worth the price so things that you can try down the road once you start driving more traffic to increase your conversion rate last but not least some additional affiliate networks so let's come back over here real quick so number 14 additional affiliate networks to try and then we will finish off the video with some successful affiliate marketing websites and then I'll kind of go through a little bit of a process of some of the things you should do after you launch your website some best practices so additional affiliate networks to try so here are some of the most popular affiliate networks Beyond Amazon affiliate marketing you can use other Affiliates along with Amazon Associates so if you have Amazon affiliate links don't limit yourself you don't need to limit yourself I've used for a long time really good Network I'll go over it in a minute it's really the only one I'm going to go over and actually show but CJ affiliate formally Commission Junction and so I mean some of the when you go to some of these affiliate networks you can promote really massive Brands Reebok Adidas Nike Home Depot so there's a ton of different companies that use these affiliate networks some companies will create their own affiliate Network and manage it themselves so they may not be on one of these different networks but what you can do is sign up to one of these as an affiliate so let's open them up and show some examples so first things first this is when you sign up you want to sign up as an affiliate so Merchants sell products you're not an agency and sign up as an affiliate but if we come in here and we look at some of the information about Affiliates you could find your Partnerships there you can apply to specific Merchant programs then you promote publish their affiliate links and hopefully Drive traffic to some of your affiliates some of the leading brands in their Network all birds Reebok nectar minted so come over here Etsy Cricket candid Deluxe so there's some really massive companies on all of these different channels now one of the easier ways to kind of come up with what affiliate programs you should join is do a quick search for your Niche so for me best RV affiliate programs open up so I think Authority hacker had one I opened up this one here so we'll open up this page 15 the best RV affiliate programs that pay generous commissions so we scroll down RV Life Escapes RV Custom RV Camping World light stream rvt affiliate program so basically I could say okay we're Camping World affiliate program I want to join the Camping World affiliate program so if we open this it looks like the Camping World affiliate program is available through skim links so I don't even think of Philip might be through Flex offers let's see okay so it looks like through Flex offers we can sign up for the Camping World affiliate program if we scroll down here basically what you want to do is in this case you'd sign up as a publisher so you're either a publisher or an affiliate we'd sign up here promote these programs similar ones on your website today register online it's 100 free to join so you want to find really good affiliate programs affiliate programs that are have a history of paying their Affiliates on time that don't have a history of turning off their affiliate program when they decide to so just some different affiliate networks that you can try you can also monetize your website with Google ads but Google AdSense ads so there's different ways to monetize your website Beyond just your Amazon affiliate marketing links so these are some additional affiliate additional affiliate networks that you can try now let's come back over here and number 15 examples of successful affiliate marketing websites so we got a few different affiliate marketing websites I've pulled up so let's go over some of them we've already gone over wire cutter this is a really good one to go to for some different ideas and you may be able to even find your Niche within wire cutter but we went over some of the examples of the different articles they have there something as simple as how to clean white sneakers people probably search that all the time if this is a good enough article to rank high and they have all of these different links here where people can easily go find whatever affiliate is that they want to for the product that will clean their white sneakers the best so Wirecutter Wirecutter is another really good website outdoor gear Labs so they review all sorts of different gear and a lot of it is things yeah hiking camping climbing biking so let's just come over to paddle so paddle Gear reviews we scroll down let's see the best the six best inflatable kayaks of 2023 we scroll down they have a really nice table here so this is another really good example very successful website check the price at REI we click here and this is an affiliate link so just so you kind of have an idea of what the affiliate links look like the other thing that they'll do is they'll link directly to some of these products like that so read more our Oru Beach LT review okay another one 669 dollars at Amazon click on it bring us right to Amazon so they have Amazon they have REI they have different Affiliates that they're working with so don't limit yourself to Amazon just always keep that in mind last but not least this is why I'm basically very similar to the other two but they just create these Roundup type posts if we scroll down here hidden door kit so if we click on it brings us right to Amazon so now if I purchase this they will receive a commission they also have gifts by occasion Father's Day gifts 24 fantastic Father's Day gifts dads guaranteed to love last updated May 30th so they keep it updated Cameo personalized celebrity message check it out this is it probably a cameo affiliate link never forget Father's Day card check it out so you can find that's an a link exploding submarine resin statue a win again so these are different types of products they just create a Roundup of all these products and then they could drive people directly to Amazon and some of the other uh Affiliates as well so just some different examples of successful affiliate marketing websites I could throw my own website out there my uh beachfront Decor website has been pretty successful over the years although I definitely can improve this website for sure but this this website has made me a good income over the years so this is another example you can go to and just see the way I've set up my website and don't tell me all the issues with it because I know I got a lot of things to fix but these websites can get a little out of hand at times so that is basically our Amazon affiliate marketing course so at this point you should have basically your website all set up now you're in the process of what you want to do is do that initial keyword research and start creating your content so I'm going to use my as an example and what you want to do is just start start creating blog articles see what's ranking within your Niche start typing in your keywords and then what you want to do is really just get started by writing creating content and ultimately what you're trying to do is increase your search engine traffic first and foremost once you do that that's when you want to go and create your Pinterest account so I've created my Pinterest account here I haven't even really set anything up too much create your Facebook page I have my Facebook page they log me out but you can see here's my Pinterest page I have a Twitter page I have a YouTube channel you want to create an Instagram account you want to make sure you create all of these different social channels and then from there what you could do is get started with email marketing down the line a bunch of email marketing platforms that you can try convertkit is one of the more popular ones so you can try one of the new ones that everyone is beehive there's also sub stack there's also MailChimp I used to use MailChimp but I moving away from MailChimp and then if you just literally do a search email Mark marketing software active campaign HubSpot has a Roundup this is a Roundup here so MailChimp activecampaign mailerlite trip moose end seven best email marketing services for small businesses so that's where you want to get to is starting to kind of promote your content as you get further down the line so as we kind of wrap up this video I want to one more time go through some best practices choose your Niche focus on it right right content update content that's your main two goals write keyword focused content update your keyword Focus content make sure you're embedding those affiliate links throughout your content and take advantage of some of the tools after you start driving more traffic all right there's a few things I want to go over before we kind of wrap up this video and those are some of the different pages that you should create on your website including your privacy policy page and your affiliate disclaimer page now you can also create a contact form as well I generally have been using even though we installed contact form 7 I've been using WP forms for that so what we're going to do right now is I'm going to add a privacy policy I'm going to show you where you can get a free privacy policy and how to add it to your website I'm also going to show you how to add an affiliate disclaimer to your website and you should probably link your affiliate disclaimer just put it in the footer of your website put it on the sidebar of your website in different places so that people know that you are an affiliate and if they click on your links then you may earn a commission from something that they purchase from a third party so just some things to keep in mind that you should probably do when you're setting up an affiliate website definitely need a privacy policy definitely definitely an affiliate disclaimer so if we come over here to beachfront Decor real quick generally on a lot of my pages I will put my affiliate disclaimer at the very top so people know that I am an affiliate and then if we come over here this is my affiliate disclaimer you can come right to this page and just steal it and just change it just change it to make sure you have your website here but basically my affiliate disclaimer is by using and visiting beachfront Decor you agree to the following that we do affiliate marketing we don't only ask for certain types of information we don't store any personal information we use Google analytics so just a few different things to put here even if you're not going to be running ads even if you're not running running Google analytics for uh it's still worthwhile to set this all up now at the end of this video I'm going to be showing you how to set up Google tag manager Google analytics 4 and Google search console for your website so definitely watch that at the very end and set all of those up and then you're really just going to be trying to create as much content as you possibly can Now quickly if we come to my blog post here beat chandeliers we scroll down I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post view our affiliate disclaimer which links directly to this page so let's start with the affiliate disclaimer since we have it right here I'm just going to copy my affiliate disclaimer from between decor and we're going to come over here to our pages so we're going to add a new page and what we want to do here is just name this page affiliate disclaimer come down here and we're going to paste this disclaimer now anywhere it says beachfront to core we just need to update to the correct website so we'll do our RV make sure we do that everywhere it's like it's just three different spots where you have to switch the URL and it's really that simple so doesn't have to be perfect our affiliate disclaimer just basically says we may earn commissions for clicks off of our website so we don't need this here okay so let's click on publish you don't need to really worry about a meta description for a page like this you can set your meta description but okay and let's take a quick look at our affiliate disclaimer Okay so maybe we do need to keep that at the top but basically this is our affiliate disclaimer right here so pretty easy pretty simple you can set this up yourself just basically copy the information you could go to beachfront Decor just in case I don't have live still I don't know what I'm going to do with this website yet once I start building something I always want to start something new but don't really need more work so so that's our affiliate disclaimer let's come back over and we're going to come back to our Pages section here so our affiliate disclaimer is live the next thing we want to do is add our privacy policy so I've used termly dot IO for a while for their privacy policy generator so go to termly dot IO I will put this link in the video description but under products you're going to see privacy policy generator and when you click on generate privacy policy so I'm going to have to open a new page just to show you the process but basically I created this privacy policy here I did it initially for beachfront Decor now I have it updated for my RV slices website all you have to do is generate your privacy policy it'll bring you to the back end of termily it's going to ask you to create an account it's completely free to use a terminally privacy policy it just has powered by termly there really doesn't make a difference that there's branding on your privacy policy click on add to website we're going to do HTML format and then just click copy to clipboard and what you're going to do is come back over and I already added this to my website but if we search for our privacy policy first they have a draft privacy policy I would recommend just deleting that it's such a basic privacy policy it doesn't show anything so with this privacy policy we're going to click on edit or you're going to add a brand new page so either way I added a new page already so that's why I just name my page privacy policy and then at the very top you have the HTML editor if you don't see the HTML editor generally here you could do HTML and just copy and paste that HTML just like that right in there so you're putting all of this it's basically everything is coming as an HTML so we can delete this block here remove custom HTML so we have this custom HTML block so my page what I want to do so I have privacy policy two I want to make sure it's just regular privacy policy since they already created a privacy policy page then it made this one number two which is open up this page okay I'll fix this not a huge deal but privacy policy last updated August 5th it's the best practice to kind of keep this updated every year I should probably make sure mine are all updated but summary of some key points table of contents and then as we scroll down basically everything you do with people's information so I'm not really collecting that much personal information or anything like that so this privacy policy isn't something that's too worrisome but if we come over here to termly and let me open this in another page okay when you come to this privacy policy generator you click on generate privacy policy it's going to bring you through it's probably going to ask you about 50 questions so it goes pretty quick here but I don't want to go through this entire thing but basically what is this privacy policy used for website click on next what is the URL address so enter your url here and then it's going to ask you what types of information you're collecting any personal information you're collecting if you're not going to be selling products if you're not having people register on your website if people aren't going to be registering and creating content on your website if you're not actually collecting any user data as far as names addresses you know personal uh billing information things like that your privacy policy is really not I would just set it up to say we may collect name and email address eventually if you sign up if you set up a newsletter but you're really not going to ask for much more than that you're not asking for people's addresses phone numbers you're not collecting any type of credit card information so make sure as you go through the process you look at each question and just kind of understand what types of information you're going to be collecting from people for the most part you're not collecting any personal information from anybody even if you're using Google analytics for you're not actually collecting people's personal information it's basically assigned to here are the average ages of the people that are visiting this website but you're not going user XYZ is this age this gender these interests you're not collecting that level of information so your privacy policy isn't as important but basically once you're done generating it we come back over you can get the HTML format and then add it to your website just like I showed you here so add a new page add that in the HTML section name it privacy policy and now we have our privacy policy and our affiliate disclaimer last but not least let's add a contact page so we can use contact form 7 for this we'll just do that to make it a little bit easier but we'll come over here to our contact forms I think I think uh WP form is a little bit easier to use but we'll start right here with this contact form we'll open it up they install some automatically but I'm just going to show you how easy it is to do this so this is your name your email your message okay so very simple and submit so simple contact form this is the way okay so under presets here basically all you're doing is you're going to take this short code right here so this right here is called a short code if you're not familiar with shortcodes this code will display our contact form and that's all we need to add to our website so we're going to come to our Pages again and add a new page okay and we'll do contact us today you can just do contact us it doesn't really matter click on the plus sign and we will do short code so click on shortcode and now we just paste our shortcode right there and what we can do is click on publish okay so let's open up this page now this probably says contact us today we can change the url but you can see how simple it is your name your email your message submit so people do this and it will now when someone fills out your form it's going to send it to your administrative email address so that's the way contact form 7 works you don't need to set up anything within the plugin when you set up your username and you set up your email whatever your administrative website email is that's where your contact form will actually when people submit it that's where it will send those emails so just keep that in mind when you're setting up these Pages now last but not least what you can do is we come over to appearance and we go to menus so what you can do is add some of these pages to a footer menu so that people can easily figure out a way to contact you see your affiliate disclaimer so we're going to do secondary here and what we're going to do is so this is the initial menu that we have at the very top so if you're interested in kind of seeing how this menu works this is how you can do it it's actually really good to kind of set up a menu like this and then just replace these Pages here so it makes it easier to see how things kind of work um but if we come over and we come to manage locations real quick okay so footer menu what we want to do is use a new menu so we're going to create a new menu for our footer menu so let's give our menu a name so we're just going to say footer menu set this to our footer menu and create menu okay so now in our footer menu what we can do is start adding some pages here so we'll do privacy policy affiliate disclaimer contact us you can add other pages but we'll just add those three for right now uh just kind of show you how this looks okay so we have our three pages here we're going to click on Save menu and we have our footer menu set to the footer menu if we come over here and let's go to our page we scroll to the bottom right now it looks like this is our footer menu so what we're going to do is we're going to refresh okay and there you go contact us today affiliate disclaimer privacy policy so just some different ways to customize the way your website looks um now there's a lot we can do as far as customizing our website the one thing I wanted to show you is if you're editing a page like this like your front page and you go to edit page and you open up the edit page and you start to look at it it's going to be like this absolutely makes no sense for trying to update it this way now you can update it manually this is the HTML page so where it says huge sale you can adjust this and change it but to make it a little bit easier what you can do is edit this with the ux builder that allows you to see the page at the same time it's considered a wysiwyg editor what you see is what you get so it's going to say page updated even though we didn't do anything it's going to open up that ux builder for you and then in here what you're going to see is these are all of the different portions of this page so if we click on products it's going to bring us down to these products here this is our weekly featured products if we come down here to gaap it's just a 40 pixel Gap and then under here is Row free shipping on all orders amazing customer service if you double click this you're going to see amazing customer service right here so I can change this to whatever I want so 24 7 customer service so it's very easy to update these pages but I wanted to show you the ux Builder before I finished off this video just so you kind of see how to edit all of this come back this is the in so the slider is this at the very top if you open up the slider it's going to show the different banners so you can actually adjust and change the banners here these are all have the same exact Banner but you can change this to anything if you want to have a big banner at the very top these aren't as popular anymore for websites generally they just you'll see one big banner at the top but you don't see that many rotating banners some websites still use them but a little bit easier to just kind of use one Banner one or two banners for the main things they're trying to promote but you can adjust and change to any of the pages that they have already installed any of those templates that are there for the different pages so if we come back over here it's going to automatically have this classic shop page set as our front page but what we can do is we can change our front page at any time so the home page if we scroll down here we're in our pages and what you're going to see is they have all of these demos here all of these demos are published so one of the things you can do is if we take this corporate one for example we open it view it this is what you can do with all of these different uh different pages that they've already installed different templates look at it if you say you know what this is the template that I would prefer to use then what you can do is just come here to corporate or come here and what we're going to do is we're going to set this as edit and you would come into the ux Builder and edit it here and then what you want to do is come back over to the your main WordPress so we're going to come back to where all of our pages are and then what you want to do is go to settings and you're going to go to reading and then what you're going to see is your home page displays your latest posts or a static page so our home page instead of classic shop is going to be corporate so we could choose corporate here and that is going to change our home page to that Corporate Home Page what you can do next and what I would recommend doing is just setting all those other pages that they created and published to drafts so you could just set them to a draft so you're only using that corporate home page so some of these different demos here like the business demo what we could do is do a quick edit and you're going to see here the status is published let's set it as a draft and click on update so set all these as a draft that will allow you to keep all these pages and if you want to change your format if you want to change your design later on you can always do that now let's visit our website and we're going to see that our front page is going to look a little different so now we have this corporate from page we just need to edit some of this content but you can see it makes it a little bit easier to drive people directly to a newsletter or your shop or something like that so just a different way to set your home page I just have a standard home page that I created for beachfront Decor so I should probably update it because I haven't updated it recently so it's one of those things to keep updated make sure you're linking out to some of your top pages make sure it's really easy to navigate because it's going to help with your rankings for search engine optimization as well so to finish off this video I just kind of want to go over some of that you'll if you're not familiar with WordPress you're not familiar with using a lot of this the main thing I can tell you is it's going to take some time to get used to writing blog posts creating pages but the best thing that you can do right now is just come into the posts go into add new and start targeting some of those keywords that we talked about so when you do your keyword research you have all these different keywords that you want to Target now it's time to come up with a bunch of different articles like 10 best electric RV awnings 2023 then what you need to do is write your content here and you need to come up with the best electric RV awnings which you can do by going to Amazon and what we can do is all departments I'll electric RV awning and you're going to see there's a bunch of different options here so just come in here what I try to do is look for products with a lot of reviews and products that are very well reviewed so if there aren't 10 different electric awnings then just pull out as a a different number maybe seven maybe five maybe four it doesn't have to be a huge number Google will rank things differently there's times where I've put together guides with huge numbers that don't rank as high as things where it's like here are the three best of whatever keyword that it is that we're targeting couple different things that I want to go over last but not least to finish this off if you're not using Claude so this is an AI tool I would highly recommend getting started with Claude it's completely free to use very similar to chat GPT go to talk to Claude and what we can do I already have my account here so we're going to continue and sign into my account okay so within Claude I use this as a recent example but what we can do is just come here and you can say write me a 2 000 word article about Electric RV awnings now you definitely want to improve and write better prompts in this but if you literally just do this write me a 2 000 word article about electric RV awnings what I would recommend doing is also including things like please cover what are electric RV awnings benefits of electric RV awnings so make sure you're doing some of the different sections that you want this clawed to actually write about click on enter and it's going to write you a really good article here is a 1997 word article their words aren't always correct so don't worry about that too much but just just looking at this first paragraph right here electric RV awnings making camping more convenient RV camping continues to grow in popularity as more people seek affordable and flexible vacation options with an RV you can explore the Great Outdoors while still enjoying the many Comforts of home one popular RV upgrade is an electric awning electric awnings provide shade shelter and additional living space at the push of a button this article will look at what electric RV awnings are their benefits some tips for choosing the right electric awning for your TV for your RV if I were to say to you that I wrote that paragraph you would have no clue the difference between me and an AI so the way they write is very simple they don't use any any crazy language it's free to use there are some limitations with Claude but I would highly recommend getting started with that they're still writing down here what I really like about this is I can take a blog post like this copy and paste it and then go in and edit edit some different bits and pieces so generally I'll go through some of these different points I'll remove some I'll add some I'll add some additional content to them I've been using this a lot more for some of my different blog posts that I've been writing and what I really like is it just helps me kind of look at it kind of gives me that initial blog post that I can go and edit make it my own and then publish it sometimes it's so hard to get started with okay we're going to write a blog article about electric RV awnings it's like where do we get started so having some of this content here you could even rewrite this entire paragraph So I've done that before too where I'll take all this content and then I'll go with RV camping growing in popularity more people are looking to enjoy this type of vacation one of the best things that you can add to your RV is an electric RV awning keep on going with your content but this is a great way to come up with some written content and then you can take some of this content and then what you want to do is turn that into your own blog article where you have images where you're kind of going over all of these different things whatever it is that you're writing about so I could take this blog article and then we come over here I take 10 different pictures of some of these different electric RV awnings I write a description about each electric RV awning I put the price there put some pros some Pro some cons and I link out to each of these affiliate products now I have a blog post so if we come back over to now I have a blog post 10 best electric RV awnings we can come over here you could also ask Claude to write with headings so I didn't ask that so if you say write me a 2000 word article with headings about electric RV awnings I would highly recommend doing that I would definitely make them redo this uh this article here or you could just message down here and say can you rewrite this and add headings but what we can do is we'll take all this very bottom you can copy it down here so we'll come over here and let's just say start in the block section and paste so we're off to add some of our make sure you get rid of your little message here but electric RV awnings making camping more efficient or more convenient get rid of that what are electric RV awnings make this a header two and then we continue to move through our article benefits of electric RV awnings header two so maybe after what is this is where we put 10 best electric RV awnings 2023 and then we have you know our first awning our second awning our third awning we put a picture there if we come down here we can add a button so if we search do a button shop this awning okay so that's simple and then we have our little button here we justify this Center we have electric awning number one get rid of the list align that Center we'll do a heading H3 electric awning number one and then we add some type of image here so let's just go search image we'll just go through our media library and add one of these placeholder images that they already have uploaded since I'm not going to go uh oh we already have some of these ones so we'll just take this image right here this gray image click on select so we have our image here let's Center our image short description about why this electric RV awning is the best okay we don't really need to Center this but we'll line This Center too so we have our 10 best electric RV awnings here are the top rated electric RV awnings from our experience we tested these products and all of them are recommended by us okay so give some personal information so we have our electric RV awning number one we have our product image obviously this isn't a product image come here and grab a product image so we can do is open this page and don't have my site stripe up here because I'm not uh I'm not actually logged in right now but what we could do is take our URL from this top part come right here add our Amazon affiliate URL add it here for our button and then we can also add it for this at the very top so that allows people to easily see our products hopefully click through and we send them directly to Amazon and this is what you want to do over and over and over again if you want to have success keep targeting these keywords electric RV awnings every single keyword you can possibly think of that's what you want to Target and you want to put together these really good guides come up with really helpful content obviously don't just copy and paste content directly from Claude or if you're using chat GPT obviously that's the uh the very popular one so either one is a really good tool I would highly recommend getting with them both completely free to use I don't even know if Claude has any premium options yet they might be adding them now chat GPT has chat gpt4 but you can get really good blog articles by using chat GPT 3.5 so don't be afraid to use some of those you can also Outsource your writing if you want to pay someone to write for you or just write everything from scratch I will say writing from scratch does get very difficult but that is how we've kind of done it forever so um I do like a lot of the new tools if you're trying to come up with more content quicker definitely helps to come up with blog posts much quicker but I'm not kind of a fan of doing the bulk publishing we may do a little project through my Surfside PPC Niche membership so if you want to join my Niche membership Ship I will be doing a ton of different things here for all sorts of websites and I'll be growing my other website along the way so hopefully that can all be helpful as we go now last but not least as we finish off this video I recently just created a video how to install Google tag manager Google analytics 4 and Google search console I'm going to just put it's a 10 minute video at the very end of this video so that's how this video will wrap up and then we'll have a little uh thank you for watching my Amazon affiliate marketing course so I'm going to put this at the very end because I would highly recommend installing Google tag manager Google analytics 4 and Google search console don't need to reteach the lesson I'll just put this content at the very end and this is how I did it for my website last but not least if you go to Surfside membership the last time I will promote this throughout this video it'll bring you to my membership section where I'll continue building this website you can sign up to become a member 299 a month and you're gonna get access to all of my premium content thank you very much again for watching my video today I'm going to go out with the uh how to install Google search console Google tag manager Google analytics 4 but I appreciate all of your support and I appreciate you watching my video so thank you again hopefully this has been helpful hopefully you get started with your own Niche website I'm not going to be keeping up with so what you can do is you can follow along with my other Niche websites that I've gone over throughout this video you can follow along with that one you can follow along with beachfront decor and follow along with my YouTube channel to continue to find more ideas for how to uh grow your Amazon affiliate marketing website so I appreciate it thank you again and let's start building today I'm going to be showing you a basic video how to install Google tag manager how to install Google analytics 4 and how to install Google search console on our website and we're going to be creating the new account for each of these as well so I have a brand new website here so I need to add all three of these to it what we are going to be doing first is adding Google tag manager to our website before we add Google tag manager to our website I'm going to show you the plugin that I use so let's go to the plugins page through WordPress and we're going to click on add new plugin now there's different ways to install Google tag manager I've been using this method for several years now without any issues so if you want to use this method that's great if you want to use another method to install Google tag manager or you already have it installed that's fine as well and I'll still show you how to install Google analytics 4 and Google search console so let's first search for our plugin and what I search is head footer post and this is the one that we're looking for right here hnf head footer and post injections so pretty easy to see the thumbnail here it is by Stefano Lisa it was actually last updated over a year ago so I almost moved away from this plugin because I was scared if they're not going to keep updating it but you could see very good reviews for this plugin a lot of active installations last updated six days ago so let's install and activate our plugin and then we will open the page for our plugin then we'll get started with actually creating our Google tag manager account so we activate our head footer and post injections plugin now you can see it's activated here to access it go to settings and look for head and footer so from once you get to this page head and footer we now have this plugin open and what we want to do is just right from the main plug-in page scroll down and we're just looking for this section right here let's come over to Google tag manager and we're going to click on create account so let's name our account so my website is our country is going to be United States so we can share our data I'm just going to choose not to share my data for right now container name we'll do this will be a web container so it's for desktop and mobile web pages and we're going to click on create so we have to agree to the terms of service agreement and we are going to click on yes okay so it's that easy to create a Google tag manager account so once you create your tag manager account you're going to see install Google tag manager let's copy this piece of code here and we're going to come back to our plugin so we're in the head and footer plugin head footer post injections we're going to paste that piece of code right here underneath the opening header tag page section injection come back over to Google tag manager paste this code immediately after the opening body tag so we're going to copy this piece of code here come back over immediately after the opening body tag we're going to paste this here and paste it here for mobile so now we have our Google tag manager pixels added to our website and we can click on Save once you add Google tag manager to your website you can manage all of your tags like your Google analytics tag your Google ads conversion tracking tags you can manage all of your tags directly in tag manager you don't have to add individual pixels to your website all you need to do is make sure that this is always on your website to complete our installation let's just make sure we clicked on save so we're all saved now these pixels are on our website the last thing that we need to do is we need to submit our workspace so with Google tag manager if you're seeing changes not published here then it actually won't be installed yet until you publish or submit your workspace so we are going to put added okay so our version name and description so I'm going to be the only one accessing this account so I don't need to do anything too descriptive so added Google tag manager pixels to website we're going to click on publish now and now that it's published we have Google tag manager installed on our website we can shoot we can look at this using a Google tag assistant but what I'll do is I will show you how this is sold on the website by activating our Google search console with this and also activating our Google analytics 4 with this so next we are going to install Google analytics 4 but first we need to create an account so we're going to click on get started today okay so it's going to say welcome to Google analytics and we're going to click on start measuring now we need to create our account so same exact thing it's going to be brick pop and I'm just going to leave this as it is and we're going to click on next property name or is going to be brick pop as well reporting time zone so you can set your local time zone here I am in the New York time zone reporting time zone United States currency US dollar if you click on show Advanced option it has create a universal analytics property we can't do that anymore because they've ended Universal analytics so we're going to click on next and now it's business details so industry category so mine is we're going to choose hobbies and leisures here so it's a website that's going to be about educational kids toys and Child Development so I don't really know if there's a better option here maybe games if it's about toys but hobbies and Leisure I guess for now I'm not sure what else would be a better one for this website business size is small one to ten employees we're going to click on next choose your business objective so we'll say generate leads now Drive online sales I'm not going to have any actual physical products for sale on my website I'll be doing affiliate marketing so we're just going to click on generate leads for right now so we can do raise brand awareness examine user Behavior so we'll do these three we could always add online sales later so it's not a huge deal if we don't select it at that portion terms of service agreement and we also have to accept the data processing term so we're going to click on accept and now we want to start collecting data so this is going to be web so we're going to choose web here and our website URL is stream name is going to just be brick pop and I could do web here but I'm not going to ever have another stream here as far as I know so we could always change our stream name if we need to enhance the measurement so we want to automatically select enhanced measurement and we are measuring page views Scrolls outbound clicks we're going to click on create stream okay so it's going to say data collection is not activated for our website now they have installation instructions so if you want to do this with some of these other options here we detected WordPress on your website choose one of these plugins you can choose another you can install manually we we are going to do is we are going to take this measurement ID and we're just going to copy it then we're going to head over to Google tag manager come back to our workspace and we're going to add a new tag we're going to click on tag configuration and we're going to be doing ga4 configuration so this will be a our ga4 configuration tag and we want it to trigger on all pages so basically what we're saying is put our Google analytics 4 tag on every page on our website using Google tag manager now what we need to do is make sure we enter our measurement ID here so it's going to say send a page view event when this configuration loads so now we have this triggering on all pages our measurement ID will be put on all pages and we're going to click on Save okay so now we need to do is submit our workspace and we are going to put added ga for configuration so we could do this for name and description and publish now we have Google analytics solved on our website so what we can do is it should start processing pretty shortly let's open up a page of our website okay so we have a page of our website open now so we'll start seeing some real-time data once this starts receiving some data so let's click on next data collection is pending successfully created your account and property may take up to 48 hours before our property starts collecting data so email Communications I'm just going to say none and click on save so it's saying no data received by the end of this video we will have some data received from this website so let's make sure we have this added through Google tag manager and we do so now what we can do is if we come over here and we go to our tags you can see we have our ga4 configuration tag installed on our website last edited a minute ago and the type of tag that we used so now that is all set up we actually don't need to physically be in tag manager to do Google search console so I'm going to show you how easy it is to verify your Google search console account once you install your Google tag manager using your Google account so I'm using my Google account here once you do that what you can do is just set up your account in Google search console and once you enter your url it should automatically confirm that they are able to see that you own this website through your Google tag manager account so what we're going to do is we're going to click on start now there's two different options here domain and URL prefix I will have a separate video for basically every single way to install Google search console for this one we're using Google tag manager so we have our Google tag manager pixel on our website when we come over here we're going to put our URL prefix okay so we enter our website here and what we're going to do is click on continue so we're checking verification now all right ownership Auto verified with Google tag manager now one thing to keep in mind is what you may need to do is actually Purge your cash so if it's not working immediately Purge your cash and that should help you because sometimes the cash pages are being served but you shouldn't really have any issues with that so this is now verified through Google tag manager we're going to click on go to property so we're actually getting some clicks already in this property so you're seeing not really many clicks so we're going to be hoping to increase our uh our overall clicks and Impressions but once we install this you can see our clicks and Impressions here for this website looking at the last three months so our goal is going to be to increase this pretty drastically obviously so if we come over here and we come to our website we now have Google tag manager Google analytics 4 and Google search console installed on our website so I'm on the home page right now let's go to Google analytics and what you can see is users in the last 30 minutes one user so if we go to the real-time overview here it is showing exactly where I am so if we scroll down here you can see the different page titles I've visited and one user currently on the website and that's basically it so now we have all of these installed here all you need to do is add Google tag manager to this install Google analytics for through your Google tag manager account with a Google Analytics 4 tag and then all you need to do is just set up your Google search console account and once you do that it'll automatically be verified so as long as that tag stays on our website we will have no issues measuring everything that's happening in Google analytics 4 and Google search console so hoping to create a lot more content around these two tools still do it looking to be a little better in Google analytics 4 before I create any videos and Google search console I will probably have a tutorial out in the next month or so so thank you for watching my video hopefully this has been helpful we should have everything installed now be able to track everything and we could add any new tags from this list here with Google tag manager so if you want to add some of these other tags your Pinterest tag your Microsoft Tag your LinkedIn Insight tag you can do all of that through tag manager so thanks again for watching my video and make sure you subscribe to the Surfside PPC YouTube channel
Channel: Surfside PPC
Views: 101,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon affiliate marketing, amazon associates, niche website, affiliate marketing, create a niche website, make money online, amazon affiliate, affiliate marketing course, affiliate marketing tutorial, amazon affiliate marketing for beginners, amazon affiliate marketing tutorial, how to start amazon affiliate marketing, earn money online, make money online 2023, affiliate marketing for beginners, affiliate marketing 2023, how to start affiliate marketing, amazon tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 40sec (13780 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.