How To Outrank Your Competition In Google Ads | Live Google Ads (PPC) Questions & Answers 2023

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team my name is Uzair and it is three o'clock in  the afternoon in the UK what's the date today I   think it's 13th of December 2022. every Tuesday  and every Tuesday and Friday I go live at this   time and cover topics such as Google ads YouTube  ads anything and everything with digital and   online marketing to help you generate more leads  or sales so this channel is solely dedicated for   YouTube and Google ads nothing else and we've  got over 1500 videos now and 22 000 subscribers   so thank you everyone for uh for your support we  truly appreciate that and we continue to continue   to put out um good content uh which I hope you'll  you'll like and love okay so without much further   Ado if you are new here the format of the sessions  are very informal and friendly I'll cover today's   topic which is how to outrank your competitors  by paying the least amount of uh cost per click   and then later on towards the end of the session  I'll take on any questions which have been sent   across I already have sent have been sent a lot of  interesting and good questions so I'll cover those   and take questions during the live stream as well  from from you guys so if you have got any question   please put them in the description comment box  or the chat box wherever you are watching this   is being live streamed on YouTube LinkedIn  Facebook and Twitter so let me get my screen sharing switched on and then we can get  started I think everything is working fine   and if you are new here or you have been here  before then please do say hi and tell me where   you are watching from or which country  because it's always interesting to see   where people come from and I know you guys are  from all over the world okay um my screen sharing okay okay all right I think you guys can should see be able to  see my screen and I'll just make sure everything is working fine okay all right so how to pay the least  amount of CPC or the cost per click   rank your ads number one in Google ads  and obviously outrank your competitors   every time so this is not a trick or a hack it's  just the signs and I had created this video a   long time back when I started my video marketing  journey and we have set up our YouTube channel   it was one of the most popular ones uh videos  uh which is on our channel so I thought I'll   revisit this and share with you guys a shortened  version of what I did so it to do this you need to   take into account a couple of things your quality  score your ad Rank and the level of competition   what I mean by that I'll give an analogy let's  take tennis if you are competing against a player ranked 1500 in the world it'll take you less effort to beat him even  though let's say you're in the top 100 right you're most likely to beat him or her but if  you are competing against a top 10 ranked player   in the world yes you may be capable of beating  him or her but most likely the top 10 player is   most likely to um beat you time and time again  but sometimes we do get upsets right in these   tournaments where a low ranked player has beaten  a top 10 and play but we don't want to have this   guesswork in Google ads we want to know how  we can outrank these people and how we can   pay the least amount so whatever it is in our hand  we try and do as much as possible in Google ads   rather than you know cross our fingers and hope  for the best so that's what we'll do okay I can   see quite a few questions already popping  in so thank you for those from Alison nikhil   um and Amit I'll come to those um  towards the end but please don't   wait until the very last second because  there is a delay in the transmission and I may not see your question if  you leave it to the very last second   okay so how does this work so first thing  you need to look at is the quality score now   it's less and less relevant now because of lots of  other things so things like performance Max which   is running on its own and we have very  little interaction as to what we can   and what we can't do with it but I'm  going to go through as to how Google um calculates the CPC so quality score is for  a keyword is is ranked between 1 and 10 1 being   the worst and 10 being the best so we want our  keywords to be as high as possible sometimes it's   not possible to get 10 out of 10 because quality  score is also consists of three metrics the   landing page experience the expected click-through  rate and the keyword relevancy so you need to make   sure that you got all those ticked off as well and  then you will start to get a higher quality score   Google is all about quality why do we love Google  and not Yahoo or Bing as much as we love Google   Google is number one it's because every time we  go to Google we get the solution to our problem   right it will not give us any results  which are irrelevant which are not good   and they will give us the best quality results  possible with the ads as well as the organic   and that this is the reason why is because  Google wants to give the best referral to   the best but you it wants to give you the best  solution to your problem right so it rewards you   for being the best or better than the others  and if you don't follow Google's guidelines   and your quality score sucks or is about one two  three four you're going to pay through your nose   so The Benchmark is five minimum you need to  have your quality score is five if it's under   less than five then you need to work on it your  landing page or the click-through rate or whatever   because you are going to get hammered by Google  with the increased cost per click so if your   college score is one you can see how much you're  going to pay 400 percent more compared to this   guy over here who might be your competitor who  is being discounted by 50 so he will have a lot   more budget available a lot more clicks available  for the same budget compared to your you if you   are over here right so one to ten you don't want  to be anywhere under five work towards going up   and work towards your way to um seven or above  and the aim is should be between 9 and 10. so   this is quality score right then your CPC how does  Google calculate so there's a brilliant formula   um which was created by I forgot the gentleman's  name but this is how it works so your price how   much you're going to pay for your CPC it works  like this the ad rank of The Advertiser below   you divided by your quality score plus 0.01  Pence or cents or whatever is your currency   so if you were to bid 50 dollars you most probably  will never be charged that money and here's why   because you're only going to pay 1p more than the  second best competitor so we got four advertisers   ranked one two three four right so just stay  with me and follow this this is really important   and I think you guys can see this properly  I'm gonna try and enlarge this a little bit   okay that's better okay so you've got four  advertisers ranked one two three four on the   on the Google page right so the advertiser one is  bidding two dollars uh pounds or dollars this one   is four six and eight so why is this Advertiser  who's bidding the most ranked number one   so throwing more money at Google will not  get you to the top yes you you will see   in a minute you can get to the top but you're  going to pay a lot more why would you do that   unless you have got more money than cents  then be my guest and stop this video or   leave this video and just carry on bidding  the way you are but if you are clever and   you want to save money and make more money  then this is how you fall this is how you   uh got charged by Google so this is these are  the bits for each one of these advertisers   so then obviously you don't know the quality  score of your competitors but you do know your   quality score right but this is just making  assumptions that the advertiser ranked number   one has got a quality score of 10 ranked number  two is four this one is two and this one is one so the ad rank this is how Google um ranks all the ads or the advertisers maximum  bid times your quality score is your ad rank so   2 times 10 is 20 4 times 4 16 6 times 2 is  12 8 times 1 is 8. so as this Advertiser has   got the highest ad rank he is ranked number one  number two number three and four years what years   how this guy has reached number one by paying  the least amount of CPC or the cost per click so what's the CPC so that's that formula comes  over here now the add add rank of The Advertiser   below you 16 is number two 16 divide that by  your quality score number 10. plus 1p is 161. same one it will happen over here number 12 is  the ad rank for the advertiser number three 12   divided by four plus one three four and so on see  how this works so throwing more money at Google is   not very clever because what you  want to do is really focus on   making that quality score as high as possible  so that your ad rank can be as high as possible   and then you start to see your  quality score come down but with pmax   obviously this isn't as relevant uh to what  I'm just showing you right now this is just   for your general knowledge so when you are running  search ads then you can at least see how you can   save more money and get really good discounts and  reward it by Google by having a high quality score   so I hope you understood how the CPC is [Music]  um calculated how you can outrank your competitors   and pay the least amount to get to the  number one ranked on Google's page one   On The Edge at out of four ads okay I can see  quite a few questions popping in I'm going to   cover some which I've already put in on the list  and then I'll cover your live questions as well so um I'm digital marketing specialist and I  say one of the best videos thank you so much   oh I appreciate um your comment and I appreciate  this all the time I do read these and I'm humble   to get these okay I'm working as a PVC trainee  and getting INR 8000 per month now my training   has been completed and they are offering me a  job so please guide me how much salary should I   ask for wow I can't comment or make a suggestion  because I don't know your lifestyle you may need   eighty thousand or eight hundred thousand ini INR  is the currency in India by the way for those who   don't know so I can't um tell you uh what is the  going rate for a trainee or somebody who's just   graduated in Google ads and now he's  starting to work all I would say is ask your um employer to reward you on hitting certain  metrics so for example I have a review after   three months or so or every quarter because 8 000  is is not a lot of money um but it may be a lot of   money if you're living in a small town compared  to a big city I don't know you know I cannot   um I'll tell you how much you should ask for  but I would say have a quarterly review set   milestones and expectations and tell them look  if I can make this work make this perform improve   the campaign performance or make more money for  your clients then you should get rewarded too for   your hard work so for now I would say my best  advice to you is to not to focus on the money   focus on getting really really good at your job  so that that company cannot afford to lose you   and once you get good and great at what  you at what you do there will be 10   000 companies chasing you because the word  spreads very quickly and internet and social media   is how this these words spread now and others  will come in wanting to head hunt you so focus   on your work and not on the money that  would be my advice for you right now um okay I've put this comment on  here because I think Allison you   sent this message on at least 10  different videos you can go to our   website and you can  reach out to us via the contact page um my Google keeps suggesting to up  my daily budget and when I don't it   seems like my Impressions the next day  are a lot lower what does this mean   um Google will suggest because they've got so much  traffic and they're in the business of clicks so   why wouldn't they but it is entirely up to you  whether you want to get to increase the budget or   not if your campaigns are profitable why wouldn't  you increase your budget the budget should not   come into play unless you cannot cope up with  the number of orders or leads you are getting in   so my focus would be to get your campaigns to  break even or better and then keep scaling this   is how you are going to grow your business  so it's a good incentive so that you can   see I can still get more leads or sales because  Google is telling me that I can buy more traffic do you think it's possible to even get invalid  conversions invalid convergence junk or spammy   conversions and form submits yes happens all the  time especially on the Google Display Network on   the DN I'm seeing a lot of conversions  with less than 10 seconds on the side   it's lead generation yes that's right yeah these  are Bots so have a look at where those placements   are and where those conversions are coming  from and exclude them from your from your list how tell me how to find IP address  it's on the campaign and then go on   the settings and then you will  find the IP address over there foreign thank you guys for your kind comments yeah I truly  appreciate you guys watching the videos and liking   the content I have a question for you can I set  up two different ad groups in a different language um hmm I've never done this before let me think so  if it's different languages most likely is going   to be different currencies as well so if that is  the case I would keep them completely separate and if it's an e-commerce that is um store  other set them up by countries by campaigns   I would not keep it in separate ad  groups I would at least keep it in   separate campaigns one for Spanish one for French  or whatever if you got different cost centers I.E   the Spanish office is different to the French one  and they've got different budgets then the easiest   thing would be to have separate um accounts  even though they use the same currency but   different language so I would do that because  it's much more easier to manage with regards   to search terms and negative keywords and so  on and obviously with the ad writing this one is it possible to increase quality score of  keywords and call only as yes absolutely why not   um because I've just gone through how we do the   quality score so if you missed it then  just rewind this video and watch it okay can I run Google ads for the make money online  Niche is there quality restriction for this Niche   I'm gonna promote the below articles and similar  articles via Google ads using a traffic campaign   you need to go through Google support center  and go through very diligently what is and   what isn't allowed because you need to be very  careful as to what sort of claims you are making   and Google really frowns upon headlines or  claims like make money get rich in 10 days   or make a million dollars in in a month and  things like that so if these are real case   studies of how a mother of earned 5287 per  month or five real ways to earn money online   um I don't want to make a comment on it because  I don't want you to come back to me and said   well you said it will be okay and my account got  suspended you need to really look very closely   at the support center and then do whatever you  need so that you don't fall off the guidelines   and also secondly I know we never take accounts  like these as an agency um to to run ads for okay can anyone guide me why it's  not working and what should be done   okay what have you got here my friend Google  tag isn't installed on your HTML pages   okay you can you are seeing this tag error  over here where I'm pointing my mouse   um you guys might not be  able to see it on the screen No Tag error tag is tag isn't  installed on all your page Google tag on all page installed try  and click on the other Blue the radio   buttons and see what happens if you keep  getting this error message then speak with   Google they will sort it out it could be a  little glitch in the system or go into this   um download snippet and download it from there any recommendation for call AD okay uh  basically we are providing local services   so responsive ads are not suitable for us we  need customer direct calls call it works best   but very expensive there is no ad strength  option from Google to reduce budget okay first of all um you mentioned call  ADS works but are very expensive   this is why they're expensive they work  the customer is calling you the ball is   in your code you got the chance to make that  conversion not somebody fill in a form and   then you have to phone them 10 times to  reach to them and quite often you will   not be able to reach out to them so even if  you're paying three times or four times more   for the call AD leads or the for the calls it's  worth every penny so plumbers emergency dentist   um locksmiths their business just relies on  these calls if you've got a leaking tap in   the bathroom you're not going to fill in  a form on the website and then wait for   somebody to come back to you you need somebody  straight away right now you want to make that   um call so make sure that your calls  are answered promptly or by the customer um and make sure that you your average order  value is enough so that even after paying for   that call add cost you are making a profit  because sometimes some of the services are   very low value and the cost per acquisition  is too high then it just doesn't make sense   to run College you will need to do something  else so that would be my uh take on this that   yes call ads are expensive but they do convert  and you have the customer on the phone with you okay I'm gonna go to the  comments or questions which are online right now and I'll take them in the order I'll received them  now I can see Alison you had sent the first three   questions but they have not come up on my queue  over here for some reason so could you please   re send it to me and I will come back to yours  um after I've taken that this first question so I'm not sure why yours didn't  pop uh popped up on my screen okay hi nickel I'm from edu Tech sector   Ireland lead gen campaigns one of my competitors  scoring more than 80 absolutely top of the page   results but the search Impressions here  is only 20 percent and in six months okay I've checked his beds and asked through  Samra He is building normal CPC 35 to 30   to 35 problem with his ass pop up every time I put  the keyword in this makes my client very anxious   I tried experiments with the tis strategy with  40 budget split test for two to three weeks   and my Impressions here was improved  but absolute top page results weren't   all right um first of all Sam rash and all these  other spy tools you need to take the data with a   pinch of salt they are not 100 accurate so just  don't rely on them what they are telling you   it could be anything I say this to everyone focus  on your um campaigns yes you keep an eye on your   competitors but don't get obsessed that you're  just focusing on on somebody else's campaigns   or how are they doing this how are my campaign's  not working if you focus on your campaigns then   it will start to work and secondly they might  have a lot more budget than you have if is ads   are showing up all the time then that means they  have got double triple four times your budget so   you will if your client wants to compete with  that competitor then you need to up your game   and also increase your budget secondly I would  say go outside of the search Network build up   your brand go on Display Network go on video  on YouTube where your competitor might not be   so you need to go into that blue ocean you need  to educate your client here Mr client look these   guys are just on search Network all the time  they're just one channel we've got this blue   ocean where nobody is there our competition  is not there let's clean up over there your   clock your click cost will be a fraction of the  cost at least six times less than the search   on average and you'll be able to build up your  brand and your brand awareness very quickly so I hope that makes sense and hope that  helps okay Facebook user assalamualaikum   means and Urdu greetings and I would answer  back as walaikum Islam thank you my friend um okay that's yeah you need to compete  with him with uh with more budget for sure for B2B industry with low search volume  okay how to achieve High impression share   High impression share would be more budget as  simple as that I have a college score of above   five still my campaign suffers from impression  share loss that means your bids are not high   enough you need to increase your bids and you will  start to bids and budgets both be aggressive and   see how it goes how many keywords can we have  in one ad group when keywords have low volume   well you don't want to stuff your ad  groups with keywords which have low   volume it won't make any difference you can  have just one keyword a couple of keywords   which has got which have got serious amount  of search traffic if the if you haven't got   um any keywords with decent amount of size  traffic that means nobody has heard of that   problem no the audience is not problem  aware but you have a solution to the problem that is a big problem for you because you will  need to educate your client hey Mr client or   hey Mr audience you need to have our solution  because it's going to help you achieve such and   such results so you need to find some keywords  which are relevant to your product or business hi abna thank you from I'm originally from Karachi  but I've been in the UK for over 35 years now okay Ahmed kindly suggest a good strategy for B2B  industry for Google search ads also which match   tab should we go with when you have so okay when  your low search volume go with Broad and see what   Google throws at you in the search term report  you will find some of the keywords or Search terms   also try Dynamic search ads DSA so Google will  look at your landing page or website and then   try and put your ads in front of those people  and you will be able to find some more Search   terms and keywords because I'm I'll be very  shocked and surprised that you can't even find Words which 2000 Search terms how long or how much content should we have on  landing page should we put content on landing   page in order to stuff more keywords so to get  a good quality score and good I drank okay let   me put this question to you would you like to  let's say you want to learn Google ads right   what would you rather do get that solution to  a problem in two minutes or after 20 minutes of   rubbish information which  does not teach you anything   of course you would want to get it in two minutes  right it's not about the length it's about the   quality of the content Google is a lot more  intelligent than how much content you put in   and stuffing keywords used to be in the 1990s  and 2000s and all that when you stuff the pages   not anymore in fact it's the opposite if you try  and do these things it's more about social proof   this is why I go live upload videos regularly  build up my brand build up the social proof   Google sees all these social signals uh people  like these his comments people like his videos   they subscribe to him they follow him and so  on so you need to focus more on the quality   content not just how how many keywords should  I stuff and how long a landing page should be any suggestions for the optimizations  of college score I've just given you uh   a detailed explanation as to how to do  that well there are three things right   the landing page experience the expected click  through it and the relevancy of your keywords   and they all need to be above average to get  a higher quality score how to improve ad copy   um you need to have all the relevant information  and I've got quite a few videos on my channel   just search for how to write ads or something  like that you will see how I write my ads you   need to have the keyword the benefits the features  the call to action pricing any free offers right   the benefits and all that features all of these  and then this is how you improve your ad copy okay I'm running a campaign with affiliate  product to my own landing page okay   so I I can't verify my Google ads account so it's  just an affiliate product will Google stop my   campaign um if it's your own landing page you can  have anything you want on your own landing page   you can have affiliate links or whatever what you  don't want to do is to send directly from Google   ads to that affiliate to that affiliate link so  don't have any affiliate Link in your ad URL send   it to your Bridge page and you can say here's a  product which I as which will help you solve such   and such problem tip one tip two tip three tip  four here's a discount coupon code gets saved 20   off click through and it goes to that affiliate  product so then there won't be any problems so   you can verify your go I'm not sure what you  mean by so I can't verify my Google ads account   um that verification process is completely  different to what you are selling which is   an affiliate product so it's got nothing  to do with that affiliate product I'm trying to run search campaigns for Real Estate   campaign is published but now not showing  it's been three days check your beds first   of all increase the bids I think that's the  one of the best of the the worst reasons   campaigns don't run is you're not bidding  high enough don't put any Target CPA or   Target row as leave it to Max conversions and  make sure that you've got enough budget as well um okay you have five keywords   in phrase match that doesn't make any  difference unless as long as they have   got search volume if they don't have any search  volume then you need to find some more keywords the campaign is running on max conversion  so I can't control this CPC that's true   impression share loss due to budgets below 10 percent still low Impressions  here just increase your bids   um I don't know whether you put any uh Target  CPA or Target robots increase the bits and   see what happens if you are obsessed about um  Impressions here then change copy that campaign   go on to manual take the control back a bit and  a bit more aggressively or change it to maximize   clicks or top there's one more search impression  share um bidding strategy which we hardly ever   use so if you just focused on search Impressions  here which I wouldn't recommend you should do then   change that strategy for Max conversions to search  Impressions here building strategy because that's   what your focus is and you're not worried about  whether you're getting conversions or not okay fine so I think I've covered all the questions  so thank you so much uh ladies and gents for   being here I'll be back here on Friday and  next week is the last week before we break   off for the holidays so I hope you can make  it um in a few days time at the same place   same time so till then have a great week  and see you guys on Friday bye for now
Channel: SF Digital Studios
Views: 743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to outrank your competition in google ads, how to outrank your competition in google, how to outrank your competitors, how to outrank your google ads competition, how to outrank competition, learn google ads, google ads training, google ads expert, google ads tips, google ads tutorials, google ads optimisation, google ads, google advertising, google adwords, google ads tutorial
Id: cXMr4Mkcm58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 51sec (2391 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 14 2022
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