FreeCAD: Understanding how Datum Planes and Datum Lines Work With Grooves and Revolves

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hi viewers and welcome to the channel and welcome to another freecad tutorial in this tutorial we're going to be looking at datum planes and datton lines around revolves and grooves so this object here is basically a bobbin that's been created with a number of datum planes and date and lines to make certain features upon here we first started out with a cylinder then we grooved this feature out here made a revolve here and also created a hole that goes part way down we also create this hole here which has been grooved out at an angle to go through the other side these have been all made with data lines for reference accesses and that and planes to attach geometry to curved surfaces and in this tutorial we'll understand how datum lines and datum planes work together and how you can utilize them in grooves and revolves if you like this video please hit like and also subscribe to the channel i also have a co-fire site where you can actually donate to my contributions to the community and that's at ko hyphen mang0 i'm going to be working in the part design for this tutorial because our data and planes and data lines are available in that workbench so i'm going to create a body and create a sketch and just place it along the x y plane so the first thing i'm going to do is create a cylinder in here this is going to be a holder cylinder like so i'm not going to bother about any constraints we're just going to close that and create a pad of that surface you'd normally constrain this up if you so desire and we're going to set that to around about 80 millimeters now this is where the datum plane comes in handy because we have a curved surface i want to remove material by grooving out this shape here so i'm going to have to add a datum plane to this shape because we can't attach a sketch along this surface here we can add the datum plane in many ways we could use this surface here and add some black and plane to that because this is a planar surface it's all along one plane it'll be quite easy to add it along there but we're not restricted just to planar surfaces we can use vertexes lines seams edges etc for instance we could use this line here or even the two vertices along the ends of that line if i wanted to use this face here all i have to do is let it come into the data plane and then change the attachment mode at the moment we've got plane face so it's flat along that face we could come down and rotate it along the y so the y is going this way 90 degrees that places it in a position where we can actually sketch the sketch along here to remove material and make groove around this object so i'm looking to make a kind of bobbin with this object we've got other attachments here we've got inertia two hyphen free which you see that passes through the center of mass let's cancel out this and this datum plane at the moment that map mode for that that's in plane is still flat face we're going to come back in and change it so i'm going to remove flat face from selecting and this time slat this seam here this edge and at the moment we've got normal to edge that means it will run perpendicular to that edge or tangent to the edge again we've got inertia 2 hyphen 3 places it through the center of mass and again we can use the x y and z and also rotate around those axis as well i'm going to say normal to edge and rotate around the axis so again we're looking at the y and we're rotating around there and around the z axis we can rotate around there as well that places it into position where we can create a sketch to remove material let's try doing this with vertexes now so i'm going to cancel out here and i'm going to start with a new datum plane so this time i'm going to come in and select this vertex here it's the end of this line and also this vertex in here holding down control so those two vests have been selected and we can create a datum plane along here you can see the change of what's on offer now so we've got a number of different options here where we can place those like so and we can select which ones we want holding the mouse over it and just leaving it there tells you what they are and also we've still got this selection here i'm going to go over that selection hit okay and i'm going to create a sketch upon here now this is where a number of tools that come in handy so we can click on the datum plane and create a sketchup on there now depending on what side of the datum plane that sketch has attached itself to it will either place you on the front or back of that dating plane we can swap those sides if we so desire and i'll show you that in a moment at the moment we've got this playing through the center of that object and i'm going to use something called the section view this icon here so one in edit mode switch between section view and full view if i click on that that will section through that object there now i can create my sketchup on here so i'm looking at removing material with a groove across here i'll be making use of the death and line in the moment as well as an axis i'm going to come in and have a look and i'm going to use the create an edge link to a stone geometry and i'm going to bring in bring this over i'm going to bring in this edge here that's the edge that runs along here come back you can see a purple line has appeared showing the bottom and top vertices there and the line that joins them now i can create a simple sketch using the box or whatever geometry that you want to use and i'm going to bring this down to here i'm also going to constrain between this point here and this point put a height constraint in there something like 8 and also i'm going to do the same on the other side and set that one to eight as well so we've got eight millimeter gap either side as you can see i haven't constrained the internals of this this means if this grows i can still keep the eight millimeter gap either side here let's close up now i need to revolve that sketch around here this will leave a groove going around this object we may have to jut this sketch out slightly so it takes very material but we're going to try this first of all the next thing i want to do is be able to revolve this around the center of this object if i click the sketch and go up to the groove selected sketch you can see what's happened there let's just place the groove into that object we want to revolve this around to do that we need to select an axis so at the moment it's just using the vertical sketch axis there you can see what it's done so that sketch is sitting inside there it's got its own axis and it's just revolved around its own axis we need to use another axis lucky enough we have a center axis here that we can revolve around so we can use that so i just clicked it and you can see that groove has taken let's say we didn't have this center axis because what we've done if i hit okay if i come into pad and the sketch we've centered this here i'm going to constrain the diameters of these so i'm just locking these down and i'm going to remove the constraint from the center come down to the constraints we've got these two consensus constraints let's delete those so this is now mobile let's move this slightly so i'm going to move this over here and this one towards it i'm going to constrain those two together and we're just going to constrain to this horizontal line and close that you can see our groove hasn't taken effect we've got no refresh on there and that's because we can't use that center line but if we look inside we can see the groove has taken effect in here and that's because our access has changed if i go to view toggle access cross you can see where access sits and what i'm going to do is click on this groove go up to the body go to view and i'm looking down to find the transparency and i increase this transparency so we can actually see inside you can see now that the access cross where it sits inside there and what it's actually done it's revolved around that access just make it a bit easier to see bring the transparency up and i'm going to click on that and play and press spacebar to hide it you can see how that's revolved in there that's been revolved around that access so what happens if we want to revolve this around the center of this object we haven't built it around the center if this was a square this may be in one of the corners that we want to create this hole or this groove so what do we do this is where the dating line comes in handy so i'm going to go to the body and decrease the transparency all the way just so we can see that our center is here for this object let's create a new center for this with the tatum line so i'm going to click on the object come up to create a new datum line and as we can see the data line has gone through the center of that object so it's gone through the first principal axis there let's just go to the model and have a look at that online there so i sit there at the moment i'm gonna okay that and then go into the datum line and i'm gonna come down set the transparency to zero so we can see that much better in there it's just for demonstration purposes so we can see that going through there so this is our datum line we're going to now do is come into the groove come down to data and have a look what we've got so we can see our reference at the moment is z-axis so i'm going to double-click that groove and this time the axis and drop this down i'm going to hit select to reference and i'm going to pick this one here the datum line so the data line has showed hit okay and you can see we've now got the groove in the correct position because we've used this datum line this means we can actually move this depth on the line about to change what our groove looks like so we've successfully used a datum plane and datum line to create that groove let's say i wanted to create a hole in this now again we can't use a normal sketchup on here because it's not a planar surface this for instance is a planar surface because it's flat so we could create a sketch on here but this is not going to be any good for what we want to do let's close that and delete the sketch what i'm going to do is come round now i'm going to click this face here and create that's i'm playing on there so that's attached to that face you can see it's plain on face now i can come in and use the attachment offsets in here so i'm going to move it along the z axis in z direction i'm going to move this around about the center off there we could even use select the first and select the edge make sure it's saying selecting first select that edge let's zero out the z-axis that places it along that edge there and we could use reference 2 along this edge and then that places it in between those two references there i'm going to okay that and for reference i'm just going to click on the datum plane come into the view and lower the transparency so we get an idea of how that's been sectioned through there so you can see how that's sectioned halfway through that object i'm going to now create the sketchup on this staffing plane click on that and play and create a sketch now i'm looking at this object and i want to create a revolve around somewhere along here i'm going to be using this to revolve it around let's create a section for you that's half that so we can see inside and now i can create my revolve that i want so i'm going to create a shape in here to revolve around just to bring this up and then place a hole in there this is just for demonstration purposes depends on the application you want to use this for so for that i'm just going to use a circle and i'm going to place a circle around about here we can add some constraints in to here and this line if we so desire by placing a distance in there moments this says minus because we're on the left-hand side of this line let's close that now we've got our sketch in here it's just hide that button and you can see the sketch is down here click on the sketch and come up using revolve selection sketch you can see that's revolved around the sketch axis and place that in there again if we want to change the access point to somewhere like over here we would use a datum line now we've got a revolving position i'm going to use the inside edge to create a datum plane across so i'm going to select this part here and create a datum plane across there you can see how that's been positioned hit okay and we're going to come in go sketch upon here and now our sketch is in position and we can create a hole by attaching to the center placing the sketch upon hitting close and if we want to we can click on the datum plane press spacebar to hide that let's make sure it's selected select the sketch and then use the pocket you can see we can pop it through there you can see that it hasn't taken away the material that we need so let's okay that pocket let's click on the data plane make sure it's visible so it's visible now and come over to data map mode come down and in direction we'll change this so it moves above okay that edit refresh and you can see that's now been removed from there so you can see we can customize and position that datum plane to correct errors in our pads and pockets i now want to add a hole on this surface to allow a piece of string to be placed through this to allow it to be hung up somewhere so i need a hole that goes through this surface and out the other side i'm just going to come into the body look at the view and kill the transparency on there makes it easier to see what we're doing i don't need to see inside it and create datum plane on this face i'm going to hit ok and i'm going to create a sketch upon here click on the date and play and create a sketch now if this is on the wrong side say if or something it's like something like this that you're presented with you can actually flip the side that this attaches to sometimes when creating a datum plane on surfaces and creating a sketchup on there it'll be on the wrong side and we can recreate that i'm just going to change the map mode here and sometimes what will happen is the sketch will be added and you can see that way on the wrong side the object is towards us and we actually want to sketch up on this side if that ever happens just close out come down to your sketch or even your dating plane and we have this map reverse here and you can use that to reverse your sketch so the sketch has it and your dashing plane has it change on the datum plane set that to true what will happen if we go back into the sketch you can see we're now on the right side and create a small hole in here and i'm going to place it here using the circle and we'll just attach it to there and close that so now we've got this hole that's sitting there but i just don't want this going straight the way through here to the other side i want this coming into an angle and come in at the top so we get a curved hole going through there again we'll make use of the groove and the datum line so i'm going to click on this line here and attach and that's the line across there that places across that line and we're just going to rotate that and looking at the axises and should be the x-axis let's rotate it around the right axis but it's a bit far away and we can use the direction to move that for so desire or we could pick another reference point i'm just going to place it there let's close that okay it and increase the visibility of that to come in there transparency we can kill that transparency so we can see our data line there and select the sketch so you can see it's selected there in green and i can come up and use the groove as you can see that's been placed and grooved around that sketch like so i'm going to change the axis select reference and select this line here and you can see how that's been now being rotated around that line so i hope that was useful just remember that grooves and revolves are not just for circular objects or curved objects they can be used on any shaped surface at all so that's the end of that tutorial i will be back with more throughout the week so stay tuned and i'll see you soon if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to my site and also i have a kofi site where you can actually donate a few pence or a few pounds dollars whatever your currency is and that's at ko hyphen ming0 and there you'll be able to help me fund my site and all the money that i actually get from any funds will actually get pushed back into the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing i'll see you next time
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions
Views: 1,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, 3d printing, revolve, revolving, grooving, free cad, 0.19, 0.20, modelling
Id: nGI1_1QTdyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 37sec (1537 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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