Understanding FreeCAD Lesson 3.2 Model a Piston Crank Shaft Assembly Animation in Part Design A2Plus

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hi viewers and welcome to the channel and welcome to the second part of lesson three of the understanding free cad series in this series we're looking at creating a piston rod and crankshaft assembly and animating and simulating that and now we're on part two which will be taking the connection rod and the crankshaft and learning how to model those against the master sketch in video one we learned how to create the mask sketch which consisted of the piston head connection rod and crankshaft in a very simplistic form and then use that to create our main revolve for the piston head allow us to get down the basics ready for the second part so i hope you're enjoying this journey and let's have a look at these techniques if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to the site i also have a co-fire or coffee site that you can donate to if you so desire and that's at ko hyphen fi.com for slash min g zero also run a patreon where you can subscribe and get extra content and that's at www.patreon.com for slash mango jelly solutions so we're gonna utilize this line for the connection rod this is what we're gonna be doing next now if i come up to the piston head and just press the space bar to hide it i'm also going to hide this master sketch as well and bring back the original so i can just have a look to see what i've got so we've done the piston head i said before we want to utilize this line and we're going to need a circle in here because this is the outer circle of the camshaft we want this center point but we need a circle to connect our connection rod to the actual crankshaft itself so let's go into the master sketch and make some modifications in here so we're looking at this circle here and i'm going to add another circle in here so i'm going to connect it with the auto constraints because they're on connect to the center and bring this circle out so i can play with the dimensions of this and i'm going to go for that for the time being so when i create the connecting rod which is going to be a square around here and a slot that goes up to the top then i can modify these dimensions if i so desire hit escape and click that circle and i'm going to create a diameter in there moments 52 we're going to go 50 so that's in there i'm going to hit close so we've got that circle there and i'm going to come in and we're going to collapse the piston head body click on the spare space and create a body in there we're gonna rename this one the connection rod and we're gonna create a sketch in here but first of all we're going to clone in the master sketch for that i need the draft workbench and we need to use the clone tool let's drop this down use the clone tool and that's cloned in that mask sketch so the mask sketch was selected now it's cloned that in and we need to drop that into our connection rod i can now come back to the part design and we need to make sure our body is selected tasks create sketch we can use the creator sketch icon there create sketch and i want it along the zx plane so this one here just click on that plane or i can select it from over here and hit okay we still got this in front of us the actual grid in so i'm just going to jump over to the draft workbench and just disable that like so and then jump back to the sketcher we're still inside the sketch so that's fine so i'm still inside the sketch i haven't closed out this i just swapped between workbench just modify something it was setting on the toolbar and that's fine we can do that so we're in here and i'm going to import some geometry again so first of all i'm going to make sure that my master sketch is hidden so i press the spacebar on the mask so we're using this one here come back and just click and what geometry do we want we want this hole for starters and we want this circle here like so now i've got those i'm going to create a shape in here so i could create a slot with the slot tool and connect it to this point here like so and bring this down and connect it to this point but i don't want that i'm not all that keen on that so i'm gonna control z that get rid of it what i'm going to do is create a circle again attach it to this point create a circle i'm not sure what diameter of this circle i want yet and i'm coming here and i'm going to create a square around this circle here and we'll chamfer this square off later so i'm looking i want to keep it just it with this circle so it squares off this circle so i'm going to import that circle as well like so i'm going to create a square in here like so escape so now i'm going to use this side and this circle and create a tangency between those same with this side and this one and this one so that square is tangent around that circle i'm now going to create a number of lines that connect up with this circle at the top using the line tool and we'll connect that one to the square so i've connected it to the side of that circle and connected it to the square making sure the vertical constraints kick in and the same on this side got those i'm going to hit escape and i'm going to zoom into this point here and i'm going to click on this point and this point and the center and make a horizontal constraint between those so it's nice and straight there realize i haven't bought in the circle here so i'm just going to click on here and create a circle that connects by tangent constraint to that circle there got some problems please remove the following constraint 23 so if i click on it click to select we can see we've got there's a tangent constraint in there so i'm going to click on it hit delete to get rid of that that's better so that's all set and so i had a constraint that was causing an issue in there i'm going to place some points along this line as well because what i'm going to do is just attach a pointer there and also one to there hit escape and keep those two in line the line constraint the horizontal constraint and i'm going to create an arc between this point and this point i can control the distance between these two so looking at this i want to think about how wide i want this to be so i'm going to click on this circle click the diameter if we try 50 in there that's too wide so i'm going to try something like 30 in there that's about right got that connected to this line and these are all connected we're going to trim these off in a minute i'm going to use a free point arcs to drop the arc down end point and run point this point connect it to this point and come down and make it tangent to this line the same on this side this point from this point and you'll see as i touch that line the tangency kicks in so those are tangents together hit escape because those are in line you can see they move up and down quite freely and we can adjust this and what i'm going to do is use the center of the arcs and just have all of these in line let's place those in line like so you can see we've got a problem 34 is causing a problem click to select and we'll just delete that 34 because we only need to have these three in line so this one would have been a redundant constraint we didn't need that because if we have this one in line with this one then in line with this one then that becomes redundant so free cad will do the work for you make sure you've got the auto move redundance on as well so that's all auto constrained to there we need to do some trimming now so we've got these lines here these two lines here click on the trim tool this one here trim an edge and just trim that edge out and then trim this edge out you can see this one has become unconstrained which is fine we're going to do this line as well actually if i hit escape we can actually delete that line now so that's gone and we'll move up and work on this one this circle i want to trim that as well so trim this circle and you see we've got the top bit there that's constrained it's in green so we can work on constraining this down so i'm going to hit escape and just move this into position let's see what we have so we got these lines here i'm going to come into the model click on the master sketch and just hide that so i can see what i have so this is constrained and we've got this square here now looking at these i'm going to make these sides equal so this one on this one make those equal and also these sides as well so those are all equal so that's fully constrained now just going to test this point to see if this is actually connected so i can see this arc isn't actually connected to here hit ctrl z come in and just highlight those two like so and use the coincidence constraint there and this side as well coincident constraint so those are connected now so i can't move those if i move this up and down we can see we've got a broken constraint in here so this one and this one hit ctrl z move in and just highlight those making sure we don't collect those and just questions constraint on that one so what's actually happening is that trim has broken some of these constraints so just by moving this we can see what's going on so i'm just gonna hit ctrl z we now need to keep this in line this should be fine keep those in line so when i move those you can see them moving fine hit ctrl z and we may want to set the radius on here so come in click on radius and that's 35 millimeters which is fine so that's constrained all of that all the way up see we've got this is a bit of a problem so come in and let's place the constraint back on for the tangent selecting those two that doesn't want to take so i'm going to click on this one and this one and try inequality that's better and now i'm going to place a hole in here as well so come over to the circle click on the point come up so it's tangent click i've got a bit of a problem hit there so i'm gonna control z that and this time i'm going to bring this back in i'm using the quality instead so click on that circle click on that circle there and use an equality instead so we've got those all set in there so it's fully constrained all ready to go i don't need this circle here but we've got tangency constraints against that circle so we're just going to leave that one in there so we've got external geometry that won't affect us but we're just using it as a reference there come back to cut tasks hit close and we've got our shape ready to pad make sure the sketch is selected when the part design and we'll pad that shape you can see we've got some problems so hit cancel so let's come over to the sketcher just add some angle to that i come over to the sketch got sketch validate sketch click find one missing consonants found so look at for the missing coincidence one missing questions found so if we look you can see there's a point there where it's missed so with the trimming sometimes you get this but there's tools in freecad to go and find those issues so we memorize where that is at that point there hit close double click sketch and it's around about here now we've got an issue so if we look at this we've got a point online constraint on this one which is no good so click on that hit delete and if we take that point we can see the point underneath it that's how i'll highlight those two points so if i scroll in you can see those two points more scroll in the more they separate so we can really scroll in we'll zoom in to get those and use a coincidence constraint on there zoom out make sure that those lines those horizontal constraints there have no issue so that's fine close zoom out come back over to the part design and now we can pad or pad from here and we get a successful pad so i'm looking at that and i'm going to make that symmetry to plane and we'll go for 20 millimeters on that so that's done okay so that's the connection rod done what we can do to make this look a bit better is we can select these edges this should really be done after i don't think we're going to change this anymore so select these edges and use a fillet or chamfer on there so come up to these tools make a fillet and we can increase that fill it and just enter a value in there so i've entered 30 in there and i'm probably going to change the size of this hole but it's not going to fit and need to fill it in so that's fine because that's nowhere near that philippine if i came right out to this corner here with the hole then if we increase this fillet you can see it's rounded off more then we may end up with a hole over here so the phillip may go and intercept the hole and that's when we start getting into issues but i'm quite happy that i'm not going to get into issues with this so that'll be fine so i'm going to hit ok on that and that is the connecting rod done so we can come back to the model we've got the connecting rod there we've got the piston head and you can see how they connect together now is that too wide i'm looking at it and maybe i can come in and change the pad of this double click pad and change this to something like 15 millimeters like so and that's better so i'm pleased with that you see the pad has become visible but the fill it hasn't so just click on the fill it press the space bar we got back to the last operation so i'm quite happy that pad changing that pad wouldn't affected anything on the fillet or changing anything in this sketch such as changing the size of this circle if i increase the size of this circle then that won't affect the fillet either unless i came out over here so that's those two done i'm thinking this could be a bit bigger so i'm going to come into the master sketch and this is the beauty with the mask sketches i'll click the 50 millimeter and i'm going to change this to 60 mil so let's create that circle there close you can see the fill it's fine and we've got the circle there absolutely fine go a bit more on the master sketch i'm going to go to 70 mil close and then we have the hole there ready to go i'm going to place a another piece of geometry in here so i'm going to place a slot in here so for that i'm going to come back to the pad this shouldn't affect the fillet either if it does we may have to do some amendments and i'm having a look and i'm going to place a slot in here and i'm just going to put a slot in there like so hit escape now i'm just going to set the whip for this slot so i'm going to select these points i might bring this up actually and bring it in line with these two so this point this one i'm just going to place that horizontal constraint there don't have to worry about this side because we've got an equality perhaps and the quality against these two was the slot now we haven't we've got the radius there and the tangency or the radius of this and tangency that keeps those in line so that's fine and what i'm going to do is i'm looking at this and i'm just wondering and set the radius so i'm going to fix that radius it's got eight there that's fine and we also need to set the height of this so i'm looking i think i'll bring this down a bit and we can set the height between this point i'm gonna actually get rid of this master sketch just to hide it so we can see what we're doing and also hide the piston head that's better so we can see what we're doing now i'm going to come in and set a height between this point and this point so our height in there let's try that again click that point and that point and i'm going to set that to 25. looking down it looks all good so let's bring back the fillets so come to tasks hit close and the fillet is there so i'm looking at that and that's sitting there like that let's bring back the piston head and that looks fine so i'm going to double click that pad and have a look at that now i'm wondering if i bring this slot down further so it's in line with these and that's i'm thinking that's what i'm going to do so i'm going to come in and just remove this constraint here that i'll put paste in so this point at this point i created a constraint here so horizontal constraint so i'm just going to hover over that click it it's gone green hit delete and i'm going to come in and click this point and this point and place a horizontal constraint in between those two and hit close and that's better so i may reduce the size this hole but i'm happy with that the time being i can come in and play with these if i so desire so that is the connection rod completed so so far in the project we've created a master sketch which we've used as a clone this master sketch here and we've used that to create the piston this one here and also the connecting rod which connects the piston it's a connecting rod and the connecting rod to our next model which will be the camshaft we've used that mask sketch throughout cloning that into the individual bodies to allow us to create those objects we're going to now work on the camshaft so i'm going to make sure that the piston is hidden pressing the spacebar and the connection rod is hidden pressing the spacebar and we're going to work on those so at the moment we're in the part design so in this workbench here and we can start creating a body for the camshaft so let's click on the create new body we've got it there let's rename that crankshaft crankshaft body and we're going to clone in the master sketch so the mask sketch is here so we need to come over to the draft workbench i'm going to be using this as a clone come up to modifications we've got that mask selected modifications clone we can use the clone tool from over here this one here so it's got to be the draft clone not the part design clone because that won't work so the mask sketch has been cloned so we need to drag that into the crankshaft body also make sure in the piston head that the boss sketching here the clone of our sketch is hidden and the same in the connecting rod that the master sketch is hidden we also need to hide this master sketch as well so click on it press the space bar and now we can use the master sketch that's been closed from the top we won't be able to get any geometry from the original master sketch because it's outside the body we need to use this in each of these individual bodies this is why we've cloned it into the individual bodies so we've got the mask sketch cloned and now we can start importing geometry back on the part design workbench if you get a gridding come up just come over to this lock tool here and just click on the grid and that will hide and show that grid because you don't need that sometimes when you jump into the draft you get that gridding up so come out to the part design and we're looking for the model this crankshaft body and what we're going to do is create a sketch in there to create a new sketch in there and we want it along the zx plane and you can see the plane is sitting there and it highlights there we can click it on on your select feature so exoplanet zx explain so that's there we've got all the autoremoved redundant constraints we've got the auto update on and we're in the sketcher and in the edit controls we've got the auto constraints on and the void redundant auto constraints is on as well we're gonna have to be careful here because there's lots of arcs so we can get into a bit of an issue with the auto constraining let me show you so if i import the external geometry by using the crane edge link to external geometry i want this arc here and these two and this one if i start creating arcs in here and making them tangent to these arcs then this will start fighting with us sometimes it helps us well most of the time it helps us other times it starts fighting with us so when you come in we want to have the the actual center and end points arc will be showing you want the end points and rim point so let me show you what happens so if i click and also constrain with coincidence constraint on those two and use a tangent constraint on that circle that auto constrains to there do the same coincident constraint on those two points and tangent to there you can see that's not constrained we've got some autoredundant constraints that have been removed and you can see we've got some problems already so coming attention to there so this one's constrained correctly this one isn't if we do the same with this one and connect you can see those two aren't constrained so in that case we could go in and fix those constraints but i'm just using the controls there to get back to the beginning and what i'm going to do is instead of creating the arc in there let's just get rid of this one so instead of creating the arc and doing auto constraints on the tangency so we'd still use some coincidence constraints i'm just going to place it just below this arc i'm going to do the same for all the others and we're going to use the quality constraints so these two and that will allow us to create the radius of those arcs equal to the importing geometry so order constraint to place that there hit escape click on the equality constraint now i'm going to click this arc and this arc because my quality constraint is still open i can use these two and these two and these two and you can see everything has gone green so this is exactly what we wanted hit escape to get the mouse pointer back and now we can close out the sketch and we'll just hide that master sketch to see what we have so in the part design this is what we have i'm just going to pad this now and i'm going to say to i haven't actually selected it i still got the crankshaft selected just click on the mask press spacebar and i think that's what i had selected before so make sure the sketch is selected so if you come in and see nothing has padded i hit pad again that's better then you haven't got that sketch selected i'm just going to go for 20 mil pad on there and i'm thinking do i need it symmetry to play i'm just going to leave it like that so that's okay just going to leave it like that i'm now going to create a sketch on this surface and this is going to be for the hole so i'm going to bring back the master sketch and have a look so i'm pressing the spacebar on the pad and it's this it's not hole it's an actual pad so this will pan out and connect to the connection rod bring back the pad and i'm going to click on the surface and create a sketch on that surface so that sketch has attached to that pad so you can see sketch zero zero and we've got the pad phase six so that's attached to there come back to the tasks we've got our master sketches showing which is fine now cloned master sketch what i'm going to need to do is come into the model come into the crankshaft body and come down to the pad press the spacebar on the pad and now i'm going to import this here so we use the cranial link to external geometry and click on that and you can see that's appeared above and that's because it will line up with that sketch this sketch here and we'll click on the pad what we need to do is just click make sure we get the mouse pointer back escape click on the pad press the space bar and you can see that circle sitting there now we can add a circle in making sure we constrain it to that center point and come out we could use the tangent constraint if we so desire but what i'm going to do is bring this out escape use that circle that circle and use the quality against there so we've got the quality constraint on there go to tasks finish with our circle hit close and now we can pad that up like so and i'm just gonna give it something like a five mil pad to bring this out here yeah okay so we've got that there now what will happen is that the connection rod this one here come in and come down to the philip i know it's in the wrong place at the moment but you can see this circle here when we start putting these together in an assembly it will connect this circle here it's going to hide that phillip come back to our crankshaft now on the other side we're going to do the axle which will be connected here for that i'm going to create a sketch attached to this face click on this face create a sketch let's flip it upside down but that's fine you can work upside down no problems we can just rotate ourselves back up the other way i'm quite happy with that i'm going to import this circle here so don't have to worry about hiding the body because it's actually on the side of the side of this body but it's not attached so we create an edge link to external geometry bring in this circle that's sitting there and now i can sketch a circle in here making sure we connect to that center point i'm not going to make it tangent i can do if i so desirable i'm going to go for the quality against there so just bring it out if the quality doesn't work then i would go tangent to there to click on the inner circle click on the outer circle the import geometry and using the quality and that's gone green so we're ready to go with that one there let's close and we're going to create a pad from there so hit the pad and we're going to bring this out around about 50 mil because this is what's going to be rotating rotating this crank so that's extruded out 50 mil i'm gonna go for 75 millimeters actually so it's further i'll do we can change the size of this if we so desire hit okay let's hide the master sketch and now we've got the crankshaft i can add some filtering against this if i so desire but what i think i'm going to do is fill it all this together as one so we'll bring back all the piston body the connection rod etc i'm going to transform those and then do a bit fill it in and clean up of those nothing over the top just keep it simple we can add more detail later if we so design so that's the crankshaft done so we've just finished the crankshaft or part of the crankshaft this will be doubled up on the other side won't come to assembling it i'm going to bring back the other bodies also i need to come in and look down and bring back the pocket and also the fillet and what i'm going to do is just do some transformations so i'm going to take a connection rod and right click and transform this i'm just going to get an idea of where that sits we're going to be assembling this anyway so that sits on that connection plate there like so and then we have another one this side and we can see we've got the clearance at the top there i'm just going to transform these just way out of the way because just to show that the positioning that we're dealing with we don't have to worry about because once we start assembling these in the assembly workbenches a2 assembly for whatever workbenches you're going to use these are going to be absolutely fine so we've got the three parts there i'm just going to do a bit of neatening up on these i'm going to click on the piston head come over to the part design don't need that i must make sure that the piston head right click toggle active body make sure that's active because i want to add some footage on here so i'm looking at this and i'm going to select the top and all these circles we'll circle the edges and i'm just going to add a fill it to those like so just to make them look a bit more attractive and we're just going to increase that for a little bit so that's fine that's all i want on there okay that so if we look at along the top remembering that the red are subtractive and the yellow are additive so i've subtracted material from that using that filler and i'll have a look at these i may want to fill it these holes but i'm just going to keep it simple like that we add some filleting on here didn't we this one here we could add some more for instance i could take one side of this so i'm going to leave one side flat and take this face and add a fill it to that face so we're going to use the phillip on there making sure we get the right body so i need to connect a connection rod i need to make sure that's toggle active body so that's active so it's bold flip that face use the fillet and we can see that's fill it in there and we're going to apply not too much otherwise it goes into error something like 2.5 2.3 0.5 okay that so we've got a fillet going around there and we're gonna do the same with our crankshaft i'm gonna take this face making sure the body is active click right click toggle active body click this face how to fill it to that face creases fill it depending on the style i want i'm just going to bring this down a bit i don't want to go too over the top okay just hit okay just a little bit of detail there so we've got those now we're going to need pins to actually connect these to these rods and probably because center of rotation is the wall this center axis of this goes to the crankshaft it's going to have to turn around this point here so right click transform that you can see our rotation is off there but we can fix that because we're going to be connecting these up and i'm going to create another rotation point to attach to this and rotate that point rather than rotate this itself rotating the point will rotate the crankshaft which will in turn cause all of these to raise and lower in the right kind of simulation slash animation so now i've got all those ready i'm going to hit ctrl s and i can start assembling these parts and start creating the simulation and in the end scripting the animation in video 3 we'll be taking this further and showing you the a2 plus workbench i'll be giving you a crash course in that and then we'll be taking those parts and assembling them in that workbench if that's not already up on my channel that will be up around about midweek if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to the site i also have a co-fire or coffee site that you can donate to if you so desire and that's at ko hyphen fi.com for slash min g zero also run a patreon where you can subscribe and get extra content and that's at four slash www.patreon.com jelly solutions any money that's kindly donated will be used to span the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing and i'll see you again soon
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions
Views: 969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, animating, animate, 0.19, learn, basic, beginners
Id: 76cJ2erODzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 14sec (2474 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 08 2021
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