FreeCAD: Part 1 of Model a 3D Mouse from 2D trace Sketcher and Curves Workbench Beginners Tutorial

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hi viewers and welcome to the channel and welcome to a modeling session with the curse workbench so i'm going to be modeling this mouse now there's been a lot of tutorials on my channel regarding the curse workbench and using the tools in there i'm going to start to bring together those tools and show you how they can be used together so this one i'm going to be using a golden surface i'm going to be using the drawing curves and we're going to be tracing two images the top and the side of this to create this mouse you can see i'm just moving these out of the way i'll remove that one so i've got the top of the side here i'm going to learn how to use these to trace the mouse and to produce this end result this is a two-part video the first part will be looking at getting the image into the correct position sketching along the image and creating the necessary framework to start to produce the golden surface and the sweep across two rails in the second video we'll start to sketch this top piece and also do this mouse button in here and learn how we can extract out parts such as this slice where the actual mouse button sits on a curved surface and how to project sketches upon there to use that as a trimming face so i hope you're enjoying the channel and let's get started with this tutorial if you like this video please hit like and also subscribe to the channel i also have a kofi site where you can actually donate to my contributions to the community and that's at ko hyphen mang0 so we're going to first import some images i've already started a new document down here and we're going to go up to the image workbench and from there we're going to be using this icon create a planner image in 3d space and we're looking for our mouse and go for the top open that up i'm going to place it on the xy plane because that's where our top is see we've already got the top selected here and okay that our mask comes in and now we can scale this to the right size now my mouse is 100 millimeters in length so i'm going to use the scaling image plane by defining two distances and we select the first point it's asking us so we select the top of the mouse and we'll see this red line and we'll select the bottom like so so we've got that line there and we're going to place in here 100 and we also need to click on the image plane and hit ok that should be scaled now so if i take a measurement across here from here to here we can see the distance is 100 millimeters so that's all good i'm going to leave that distance there i'm going to import another image now so i'm going to import the side view so create a new planar image in 3d space and we're looking for the mouse side open that up and this one is going to be on a different plane so this is going to be on the yz plane okay that let's have a look where that's placed up so let's place it in the wrong position because you see the mouse wheel is here and on the top the mouse will is on the other side so we've got to reverse this so i tend to just delete this out and get myself into position so i'm going to come around to the right and there's the zy plane there and we're going to import it again and this time reverse the direction open that up and we're looking at the y z plane and reverse the direction bring that in and if we bring this around now we can see the mouse point is there and the mouse pointers up top there so they're in the right place so let's come around to the left so that's the correct position we're gonna scale this now using the scalp image plane to find two points again we define the points type in 100 millimeters and make sure our image plane is selected which it is okay that and you can see the 100 millimeters there is showing across that so if we give this some angle we can see we're in the right dimensions last thing we've got to do is bring this image up so it sits on top of this plane what i'm going to do is view my axis cross by come out to a few toggle axes cross and we're going to move this image up so right click transform and we'll bring this up so it sits on top of the other image it's about there we can use some final nudging on this image plane by coming into placement position and then just nudge the z and get it into position so that's there now we're gonna rename this one to top and this one to side so that's our scaling done we don't need the distance anymore so that can go and we've scaled our image ready to go so we're going to come into the sketcher and what we're going to do is create a sketch along the side and along the top and then create a mix curve that places that sketch into the correct position we're interested in this feature here to sketch this out first we're going to be placing other curves around here to define the shape so let's first come into the top get this into position and we're going to click on create a new sketch working on the xy plane along the top so i hit okay i'm going to move some of these bars out of the way so we've got a bit more space so let's sketch this now i'm going to be using the beast line and there's one thing that i need to do and this to come in i need to anchor against this vertical axis here because this is where all our sketches will cross and connect up to and this will be making the connection so i've got multi constraints on you can see down here got the auto constraints on and i've connected to that line with a point on object constraint and we're just going to sketch around this object we'll get towards the bottom we need to connect up with this vertical axis again and it's best idea to try to keep this straight on from the last point so this point here you can see we're more straight on to that that makes a better curve when we come to bringing this around here on the mirror so i'm going to hit escape to get a mouse pointer and i'm just going to coax these into position by just moving the handlers here now those are all in position we can come out sketch by hitting close that's our first sketch done you can see that sitting there and around that we're going to do our next sketch now and that's going to be on the side so we're going to be using this side feature and i'm looking at this and we want the bottom of this side feature so this bit here is this bottom of the side feature so we're going to come around and look at our position which is zy so this is along the left and we're going to create a sketch along the z y axis make sure nothing's selected new sketch z y or y zed remember we've got to reverse it like before okay and we're now in sketch mode so we're going to sketch along here we're going to need to bring in some geometry so i'm going to place an angle on here and i'm going to bring in this line here that we've just created just going to hide the top image so we can see that there so this is that line the reason being is that we're going to be using these points here i've just used the correctness links for external geometry we're going to be using these points as guidelines we're going to be creating lines that are constrained against here and making sure they're vertical like so and we're going to be connecting up to these lines using the create b spline in the sketch now i'm going to start beyond there's a reason for this so we can start here and we're going to connect up to that line with a point on object constraint and we're going to follow through with sketching all the way around and when we get to here we're going to connect up to that line again and then click further on and hit escape hit escape again and that'll come out of the sketch so at the moment if we look we've got this line that crosses these two horizontal lines that's important when we create the mixed curve because if we look at this you can see that horizontal line there connects out with it and the mixed curve will project so project these two lines into 3d space to around about here and it will actually connect up to our side feature here in the correct space where these two will actually line up so it's important that we actually cross that line because if we don't the projection may miss that line and we only project part of that curve we'll see that in a minute we haven't finished with this side curve yet so i'm going to double click the sketch and i'm going to come in and turn these two lines this one here and this one here into construction geometry so using this icon here toggles the toolbar or selected geometry to from construction mode that means when we come out we don't see that line now what i'm going to do is project these into 3d space now to do that i need the curse workbench and when we're in the curse workbench we need to select those two sketches so this sketch and this sketch doesn't matter which way around just let them but the next part is the important part we need to create a projection viewpoint so i'm projecting left at the moment i can either project left or top as long as i'm looking down onto one of those two sketches so go from top and we're going to use the tool mix curve so when we click that what happens is that you will see that our sketch has disappeared and our mix curve is sitting there at the moment so let's click on the mix curve and go to view let's bring up the line width so we can see that the water line whip up you can see it's sitting there now it's taken that and placed it over that top sketch if we bring it into 3d space you can see it's sitting there so we'll bring this around and select left you can see that curve has conformed to that shape we're a bit off there so this is fully parametric so i'm just having a look to see where my sketch is going to come in i can just alter that sketch slightly i can pull it up because it's connected to those lines and i can move these into position to bring this back down a bit and we can just move those into position just make some finer adjustments in there if i hit close what happens is that's recomputed and it still conforms to that shape that's great so we've got our first curve in there i'm going to repeat the process with the top image this one here get rid of that sketch so i've just hitting that sketch and the side image and with this curve that goes along here so i'm going to go up to the top and repeat the same process make sure nothing's selected go over to the sketcher we'll create a new sketch in the sketcher we can see that i've got some of my toolbars missing now so we can go on the x y plane okay that i'm just going to bring my toolbars down so i can see what i'm doing this one here and the constraints one as well and we're going to sketch in here so i'm going to sketch connecting to this line here this vertical axis we're going to use the b spline tool and connect up and do exactly the same thing and also connect that down to the bottom as well so those are in position now so we just need to come out here and do the same for the side we still got our mix curve that's high that so it doesn't confuse us and we just added that sketch there so we need to add the other sketch along the z y plane click left said y plane go watch the new sketch said why why is that plane reverse the direction remember okay that and we're going to come in and lay down our construction geometry first so we're looking to sketch along here because we've already sketched this one so we need to import the sketch that we've just done this one here using the create an edge link to external geometry come in pull that in hit escape to get the mouse pointer back select the top image and hide that and you can see that's been imported in so we need some lines so connect up to that line and i'm going to come up making sure we've got a little red line to say we vertically constrained and bring that into there this time i'm going to connect to that point so we can connect the line or connect to the point i'm going to do the same over here and come up and connect that point there so those are in place we can now use our b spline tool and start sketching remember starting beyond coming in connecting to that point with the auto constraint and then following the line and connecting back up and clicking beyond hitting escape escape we're going to get the mouse pointer back and if you want to come in and just alter your b-spline to fit the curve when you're happy come back over to task and close that and now we have our alpha b spline in there but remember to come in and double click on the sketch and make sure you set these two to construction geometry so just click both of those come up to the toggles toolbar or select geometry to from construction mode and click on that those are in construction mode now hit close and you can see that we've got those two features there so we've created a number of features there like so we need to make that into a mix curve now let's just hide those mix curve there which we created which is hidden now select both of those and then select our viewpoint to reject so i'm going to go either top or left let's go left this time and we need to come over to the curse workbench now let's let those two again because it wouldn't have remembered switching workbenches between skecher and the curves if you've got something selected sometimes it doesn't remember so it's worth selecting those on the workbench that you're going to use them from i've got my left view selected already come up and create a mixed curve on that and then we just come in and make those visible so we can see it's all been correctly taken there and you can see how we've gone past and how this is cut off so we've projected up from the bottom and it's intersected that line but this one hasn't been projected at all this part hasn't been projected or this part so that's two mixed curves let's bring those in so we've got one there and one there and i'm going to lower the size of this shape here so come into data go into line width and just reset that back to normal so now we've got our shapes ready to go we've got this shape here which i'm going to do a sweep across two rails upon and also i'm going to use that to skin the rest of the shape as well so we're going to create the feature and the bottom part of the mouse with those two curves we're going to create another curve around here now to join up these two and also if we look at the side image we need to come down here as well and over the top to create the side view of that mouse now one thing i'm going to do is build this up with a number of curves so where these intersect here and here i can create a curve here and here and one over the top and also the same on the other side the reason being because i need curves to close this feature and also i need a curve to model the bottom as well we're going to be using both the sweep across two rails and the golden surface for this so we're looking at the object from the left hand side and i'm going to come over to the sketch workbench and we're going to create a sketch and it's going to be along the z y plane on the yz plane and make sure it's reversed and okay that now i'm going to hide this image first so i'm going to hide the side image and also i'm going to hide the sketches so those ones are hidden and inside this mixed curve we still got these ones here so those are hidden we're going to import both these lines this allows us to attach to these points here and also here i'm now going to go over to the side image and bring that in so we can concentrate on this side image you can see we've got a lot of numbers here you may have combs and this is all to do with the sketch sketch b spline tools and we've got show b spline degrees combs etc on there so we can actually come in and turn these off just by clicking on them like so so those are all disappeared now you may just have the common and you'll see that you'll either get a comb here or a few lines so you can see that line has disappeared so we've got those imported and we're going to come over to use the b-spline great beast plane and sketch and i'm going to attach myself to the bottom here the bottom of this line i'm looking to see where the mouse curves around and touches that bottom and we're gonna sketch all the way around that b-spline and connect up to that point there now i'm gonna hit escape and now i've got the b-spline tool back so i've created one b-spline this is important i'm going to reattach myself to there and sketch around connecting up to the other b-spline like so again i'm going to hit escape and i'm going to move this so i've created two b-splines in here inside one sketch i'm going to create another one so attach up to that line and move our way around here again i'm going to attach that to the line press escape reattach myself that constraint there you can see it all to constrain it and sketch this one here and all to constrain to this curve again i'm going to hit escape i've got the b spline back if you accidentally hit escape again and get a pointer and just come out of the b spline and just connect that to that point and then sketch the romana and we're going to connect up to that horizontal constraint there hit escape hit escape again and we can do some minor adjustments in here to bring these into position you can see my sketching is a bit out here so i've just readjusted this to attach to that point and just curve this off once we've finished we can hit escape and let's see what we've got so i'm going to hide this and what we have is a number of curves you can see that each of these is an edge going around so sketch four bring the line width up like so you can see as i roll over they're turning yellow and each of those are an individual curve that's important because we're going to be needing these to create these features and we'll be extracting these out in the curves workbench what i'm going to do is just bring that down slightly about four i'm going to come around and we're going to create a curve for the bottom now so click on top just position ourselves we don't need the top image so that's not going to help us all we need to do is find out where these end and we're in sketchup we're going to create a sketch along the x y plane okay that a little bit of angle and we're going to bring in this top part here this part that goes around here so using the create an edge link to external geometry and bring that in now bring in those points now you can see those points are coming down there now i've picked the wrong sketch i need to pick this part here so let's escape that and just highlight that one hit delete and what we're going to do is just zoom in and i want this curve here import this curve so import on that one and there's that point there let's come over and do the same over here it's imported that point there so now we can create our curve across here i'm going to try using a circle for this one and see what happens so i'm going to bring this around and have a look to see how that arcs now i'm not happy with that so i'm just going to use an arc so we come over to the art tool this one here and we're going to use the endpoints and rim point and we're going to connect up to that point and connect out to the bottom you can see they all constrain there and we're going to create something like that we may need to adjust this because this might be a bit too steep to mirror and it may look a bit odd but we can come in and create a b spline if we so desire i'm quite happy where that sits so that's going to be the bottom of the mouse let's close that that's there so we've got the top sides and the bottom before i go any further i'm going to save this and we're going to now create a curve that runs around here and this will be for our golden surface let's get ourselves into position and i'm going to come over to the curse workbench so we're going to select a number of curves in here i'm going to select this one holding down control just like this one and then this one down the bottom from there i can go to the freehand b-spline and what happens is our viewpoint is adjusted and you can see a b spline has been placed across those this is what we're going to be using to create our golden surface i can add more in here if i so desire for instance i can come in and create b spines along here to make this more curved but i'm just going to go with that one for the time being come down you can see the freehand b spline is here double click it that comes out of edit mode if i double click it again then we can adjust these points if we so desire or even add more points there is instruction there if you need to delete the point and then you click on it and hit delete that's not actually on the instructions there but we've got control over how many nodes we had in here double-click freehand b-spline and that's all applied now i'm going to create a golden surface across here first we need to take some curves from these sides so where we've come up over the top i'm going to come in and select in here so that's gone green control select the other one so those are green now and we're going to use the join curves and that extracts out a parametric curve from there we can do the same over the other side so i'm going to select this one and come in and control select this one and again select the drawing curves there we can hide this now and you can see we've created a network of curves with the bottom sides and these two here we can now create a corner surface by clicking on this sketch here these two mix curves and then selecting the profiles that go across here we now want to select the creator surface that skins the network curves and it's also called a golden surface because you come up to surfaces and you'll see golden surface there click that and that will connect all those up into a surface like so so we've got our first surface now what we're going to do is create this as a solid now we could come into the parts workbench and use an offset against here or an extrude but sometimes depending how complex this surface is an offset won't work so let's try offsetting that and as you can see this isn't gonna offset so if i click on here and add two into the offset and fill offset and okay you can see we're gonna get an error here let's cancel that we could use an extrude and extrude along the x plane by say two millimeters and create that as a solid and okay that's but we're going to be getting some interesting effects here so you can see we've got the extrusion has gone out this way which is really no good to us so just gonna make that golden surface visible what we're gonna have to do is create a surface across here a secondary surface and tap those up to create a solid at the moment if we're coming into the curse workbench we have this parachute solid here and if we try to make a solid out of here using this tool we get a solid here but you can see it's brown it's a brown color go into the data of that and come down to the bottom you can see it's created a shell because that's all we've got at the moment so let's delete that what we need to do is duplicate this up and do a bit of scaling on it so i'm going to click on it and come over to the draft workbench the tool that i want to use is the clone tool some people have said it's on the part workbench as well but i don't actually have that on the part workbench so i'm gonna have to use it from draft workbench but if it's sitting on the part workbench you can use it from there and it's the modifications and clone tool also available from the toolbar and it looks like this little sheep here so click on it i get a clone of that golden surface anything i do is that golden surface will be done to the clone come down and we've got this scale in here and i'm going to come in and i'm going to scale the golden surface the clone of it to something like 0.95 and i'm going to use that on all of the accesses the x y and z and you can see we've made a clone that's sitting there at the moment it's still sitting on the bottom so we're going to need to move this up so i'm just going to come over to the right and come into that golden surface that corner surface clone come down to placement come down to position looking at the zed and just nudge this up by a millimeter there so we can create a surface across here filling in these surfaces to create this as a solid because at the moment it's a shell now i've got two shells connect the boundaries up the two shells we get solid to do that i need to come over to the curse workbench because i'm going to need to connect up these vertices here between the two i'm going to click on both these surfaces go into the view and i'm going to increase the point size so i can see those vertices you can see those point sizes have increased now and this one hasn't for some reason let's have a look point size there is six it has we just can't see it so let's bring in those two and increase them a bit more there we go a lot bigger now and they're easier to select come in and select those so i'm in the curves workbench and what i'm going to be using is this tool here this is a parachute line so you select two vertices and it creates a line between them this is ideal for surfacing so i'm going to click that vertex and click this vertex here and create that parametric line across there and you can see there's a line that's been created across there gonna come out and repeat for all the other vertexes that one and that one parametric line see that's line has gone across there and the same for this side i can see that my sketch is interfering here so i can just click on it come into the golden surface find that sketch and just hide it so that's hidden now so now we can select those and come up now last one if you see that we've connected that to a small vertex there that doesn't matter that's probably because we've got the mix curve in there so i'm just going to press the spacebar on those mixed curves and now we can see that joint curve is coming in i'm going to press the spacebar on there and you can see that vertex is highlighted now so it's well worth coming in and actually hiding everything inside the golden surface before we start therefore we can get these easily like so and parametric line it's a great line across all of those now it doesn't matter if it's attached to the surface the mixed curves they're all inside that golden surface it's just line that we need to use for our surfacing over in the surface workbench so i'm going to come into the surface workbench now and we're going to create a surface across these it's up to you which surfaces you use and i'm going to use this one here creates a surface from a series of boundary edges and we're going to click add edge and we're going to click the edge of our golden surface we can see a surface has been created go select these in order so to select this edge i must come to the next edge which is this parametric line and then this one here and then lastly this one so we've got a pink line that runs all the way around here hit okay that's created a surface there and we can see that surface we come down surface there now i've got to repeat that for all those and that will close that surface so that's come in and we're going to do that one now to come up and select our create a surface add edge to the edge parametric line set the other edge come over to the other side and select that parametry line okay that and we've got two more to create so i'm just gonna do those now same process let's come in here and do our last surface you can see we've got a problem at the moment because i've selected the top so we're going to remove that and sometimes it's best to just cancel and come in again add edge this one this bottom edge here this top edge here and then come over to the parametric line here okay that so those are all in place now what we've got is these lines which i'm going to pile out all those lines and hide them and we've got this surface so we need all the surfaces and the two golden surfaces so we've got two shells here the golden surfaces and the shells for the outside these shells here so come over to the curves workbench we're going to be using the parametric solid this requires us to select the surfaces and the two golden surfaces so this one here and the other one and now when we select this what we should get is when we come down we get a green shape rather than a brown shape which is solid we come down we can see the shape is solid now so we have a solid shape that runs all the way along there what i'm going to do now is create that feature so i'm going to come around and have a look through and i want our mix curves back so we've got our mix curves inside that golden surface we use those to create that surface just going to show those again and click on the golden surface and press spacebar to hide it that's actually hidden our solid because all the others are invisible so we're just hidden our solid there so it can be quite easily to get confused of whereabouts these are we need to bring in this curve again so bring in that join curve which is this side and also bring in the join curve on the other side now we're going to create a ruled surface across here and create them by using these two and creating a world surface and then sweep across two rails and using these rails these curves down the bottom here because they've gone beyond may affect it if it does what we just need to do is just hide those again and remember we used our sketch to create those join curves so we need to come in and find that sketch which i believe it's not this one this is where we're naming the sketch has come in handy so pull that sketch back in and i'm going to use this part to sketch and make a drawing curves out of that one and this part of the sketch and make a drawing curves out of that one now i can click on that sketch and hide it so we've got the join curves there and we'll close that shape now we can come over to the part and we're going to create our ruled surface because sweep across two rails needs a ruled surface so we can use either these two or these two to create i'm going to use these two and create our world surface across there and come back into the curse workbench and create our sweep across two rows so i'm going to select this surface here and these two as rails and we use the sweep profile on two rails so that's created a sweep across there so you can see those profiles there what we need to do is we just increase those profiles so let's go and find that sweet two rails come in and we've got the profile samples there and the rail samples so let's increase the rail samples something like 50. we can see that's increased those dots along there so let's decrease that put that back down 20. what we need is the profile samples and increase that to about 50. so we've got more samples that go along there so let's create this by clicking on sweep two rails and use the approximate points nerf curve surface click on that that creates that surface there if we do have problems with that if i lower this profile sample to about 20 you can see that's actually taken and we'll come back in on that sweet two rails below this again to about 10. and we can see we've started to get problems that's curved over there so we've got forgot something like that or if i lower this to say 10 and we've got some obscure features happening on this i'm trying to get it so it goes into some kind of error where we have problems with this actually coming off and up into 3d space but it's not doing it if we have problems then we just increase these that 10 and increase this to say 50. and we can get that conforming more to the shape that we so desire please remember though that this is a approximate not an exact so when we start getting features like this where it's curving up then it's maybe time to rethink the surface that we're using or what ruled surface we use to create this so at the moment i use the surface that went across here maybe i need to use the rails to create this because we have a crease in here and i'm just increasing these rail samples to see if we can get rid of that crease so i'm not happy with that so what i'm going to do is i'm going to come into the approximate curve delete it get rid of the sweep and get rid of the broad surface go back into the part and we're going to create a ruled surface against these two this time like so that's almost exact actually might not even need to create a sweep across there but i can see that we've got this curve here and it's not conforming to that curve so i'm going to sweep that over in the curves workbench using this rule surface and these two curves here and sweep profile across two rails got those in there it's looking much better already and then sweep two rails we'll use the approximate points on there you can see we've got some problems so this is the kind of effect that i was looking for to show you how to solve and that just needs to come down to the rails and just increase that to something like 50 and that conforms to that shape remember this is an approximate so it's not going to be exact if we try to do another one down here they're not going to fit exactly we're going to have issues you can see that we've got this line here and you can see it's not actually hugging that line it's quite jagged along that line so be careful of that we can do some modifications in here and look at the approximate curve look at such things as continuity in here to see if we can get a better effect but this is the reason why i've chosen to use a golden surface that we created into a solid and i'm just going to use this and do an offset against this in the part workbench offset that and one millimeter offsets brought that out i'm gonna fill that offset hit okay and we've created that feature that goes along there so now i want to do is create the top part that comes over here so so far in our modeling we've tackled this feature along here and this mouse body we're now going to tackle the top part so we're going to tackle the top that sits along here and we're going to be using sweep across two rows and also to do this part here you can see i've got the sketch here i'm going to learn how to use the trim face in the curves workbench to remove this part in here from there we'll go on to creating the mouse wheel that sits inside and learn how to create this pattern polar pattern that goes around the side of the mouse wheel for additional grip so i hope you're enjoying this modeling session there's a link to video two coming up and we'll carry on in there if you like what you're seeing please subscribe to my site and also i have a kofi site where you can actually donate a few pence or a few pounds dollars whatever your currency is and that's at ko hyphen ming0 and there you'll be able to help me fund my site and all the money that i actually get from any funds will actually get pushed back into the channel thanks a lot for watching and subscribing i'll see you next time
Channel: MangoJelly Solutions
Views: 3,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CAD, three, 3D, CNC, Printing, solidworks, autoCAD, tracing, modeling, modelling, model, trace, nerbs, n.u.r.b.s, free cad, nurbs
Id: CATOZ4mEwzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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