Shotcut Tutorial For Beginners (Complete Shotcut Tutorial) | Powerful Free Video Editor

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welcome to another episode of geek outdoors comm so today's video I'm going to be showing you how to use the free and open source video editor called shot cut now this video editor is multi-platform which means that this is available on Microsoft Windows Apple Mac or Linux and all you have to do is just download and install it and so with this tutorial I'm gonna be showing you all the main features that this has to offer and at the same time show you how to create your very first project so even if you never use chakra before or even ever done any type of data editing I think this is gonna be a very powerful tool for you to use and most importantly all of this is gonna be free so you don't have to pay a single penny to use this awesome tool so let's go ahead and get started now once you open up shot cut for the very first time you're gonna see a project window so there's new project and also recent project and what you want to do here is choose the folder that you want to store all your projects in and then you want to name the project and after that you choose a video mode there are a variety of resolutions and framerates available up to 4k but if you don't want to choose a video mode you could always leave it as automatic so what that means is whatever clip that you put in here it would take that resolution and frame rate so once everything is good here you go ahead and click on start and the first thing you'll notice is things are really bare and that's not surprising because we haven't put any clips in here yet so what I'm gonna do is bring in some clips and then I'm gonna show you all the main features of this tool and we're going to edit our very first project so bringing clips into your project you have a few options you can either go here and open file and then choose the files that you want to bring in or if you have your folder open you can simply drag all the clips that you need in here now the thing that's important here is the default view right here is on filters go here to playlist so now you could drag in your clips so we'll just go back to this folder and I'm gonna highlight all of these clips we'll just drag it into our project and it might take a few seconds for all the thumbnails to appear so once you brought all your clips into your project what you'll now notice is you actually have a video preview of your clip right here in this window now there is actually two different views here there is a source view which is what all of these clips are this is a source and then second is your project view so that means once you start bringing clips on here you'll be able to see your project view however if you haven't done that yet what you'll notice is there's numbers on this particular timeline which actually corresponds to the clips here so what shot cut has done is put all the clips into one timeline for you and it's numbered it automatically for you so with this you can easily scrub through all your click your clips that you haven't yet brought into your timeline so it allows you to quickly look and see which clips that you want to add without having to individually click on each one so that is the project you so going back to the source view once you have here you could actually preview it and play it and scrub through your clip before you actually add it to your project timeline and if you wanted to choose a different clip to view just go ahead go through the clip and then double click right here and it'll start playing now within your project timeline you can have video clips audio clips or images and once you decide on which Clips you want to use all you have to do is drag it into your project timeline down here and now we actually have our clip in our project timeline and if you notice this is v1 what that means is video 1 this is a track now here you could actually add multiple tracks you could do that a few ways you can either right click and add a tracks you could add an audio or video track or you could go up here and do the same thing here so I'll add a video track and I'm also going to add an audio track so let's go ahead and pull in another video up here and we'll also pull in some audio down here and what you notice here is that you could also name your tracks if you double click on it you could name it something else I'm just going to name a video too and we'll call this one video one and I'll leave the other one the same just to kind of show you how that works and here for each track you you have a couple of controls you could mute volume or you could choose to not to see the video if you don't want to see the video like right here I'll hide it or you could actually lock each track which means no changes can be made so this is a really quick and handy tool that allows you to control the audio and visuals and also any changes that you make on each one of these tracks and another thing that you notice for the videos you'll also see an audio waveform below so if it does have audio with it it's going to show a waveform and a cool thing you could do within shortcuts is you could easily separate the audio from the video so if you have a clip selected right click and you can actually detach the audio and what it would do is it would put the audio in its own separate audio track and if you wanted to bring that back you could simply just move it right back up here and now it's back on to your original video now before we begin editing let's go ahead and take a tour of shaft cut so that we could get familiar with all the controls and how things work and so we'll go up here we can open files as we saw earlier we could also open other as well so if you have different devices that you want to open here you could do that saving our file undo redo and here this is a peak meter so what that means is if you had any audio it actually monitors the audio levels right here and then properties is whatever clip that you have selected here and if you click on properties it'll show properties of that particular clip whether it's a video clip audio clip or an image clip it'll show the properties there so next up we have recent so these are all the files that we recently news and then next to that is playlist which is our playlist view right down here and then we also have timeline which is what we have here so if for some reason our timeline doesn't show up like for example if I chose keyframes see our timeline it's not there anymore you could go back here and click on timeline and your timeline will show back up or you can use the tabs that are down here and filters correspond to this tab here then we'll go back here job Bayless and under history you can see all the history that you've done so that's really nice to have here it's export so we'll get into that at the end of the video so that's when you're ready to export your video and similarly see that there are jobs so these are export jobs and this is full screen so right now we're already in full screen so those are all the controls up there so now let's move back down over to our project timeline and then we're going to go over these controls right here so the first one is the one that we already saw earlier here you could add tracks delete tracks manipulate tracks and you could also choose to show audio waveforms which is on right now or you could hide them similarly you could do the same thing for video as well you could show video thumbnails or hide them I like to have these two things on and just make things a lot easier and over to the right we have a cut tool so the cut tool allows you to choose a clip you can cut it and then you could move your playhead to wherever you want to and then you can paste this right there or if you don't want to cut it and you want to copy in that same clip you could choose the copy tool and then just move your playhead wherever you want and then paste it and then another thing you can do is you could also use the pen tool so let's go ahead and go to a different track let's go to this track right here and we'll go ahead and choose the a pen so it append that clip I just copied and there it is it adds that new track that I just copied over to this one so next to a pen we have something called ripple delete so what this will do is say for example I deleted this clip right here well if you choose really it's going to shift all the clips over in this track over to the left like so now if you didn't choose repeatedly and say you just chose a clip and then press delete then it just has this blank space right here and your clip will still remain in that position so this comes in really handy say if you wanted to remove a clip and you wanted to move everything over without manually having to do that so it is a handy feature so now we have something called lift so it removes the current clip without affecting positions of all the other Clips so we'll choose that it removes it and next to that we have overwrite clip so say for example I want to add a clip to this particular track so what I would do is go back to source and I would choose the clip I want to add and then choose overwrite clip into current track and it added to this current track so it's a really easy tool to use and I can really see this being useful for a lot of people if they wanted to add multiple tracks in different spaces without having to manually drag them in there and here we actually have the split at playhead so this is basically the cut tool I don't know why they call this a cut so when you click on this it makes a cut or split wherever your playhead is so there you could split Clips really easily by just using this split at playhead tool so now we have this thing called snapping so what snapping means is if you were to bring a clip closer to another one you don't like snap you know like a magnet it just attaches it now if you turn the stopping to off what's gonna happen now is whenever you bring a clip near another one nothing's gonna happen so if you let go just stays right there instead of snapping two clips together and if you keep moving your clip over the one previous to it it will create a transition and the same thing will happen even if you have the snapping tool on just move it over the previous clip and a transition is created and I'll go over transitions later on in the video so that's the snapping tool now the next one that we have is this right here this is called scrub while dragging so right now you could actually you know move Clips around and you know nothing would really happen above it right here so say for example I'll move this clip around nothing is happening right now if you actually put on this scrub well tool you turn it on now whenever you move things around it'll actually scrub through the video as you can see there on top so it's a pretty cool feature so the next tool we have here is ripple trim and delete so right now with every clip you can actually trim it meaning you can shorten it you know from the original clip and so that's a little bit easier in some cases than doing this whole cut of the clip now if you do this right now you know nothing's really gonna happen with any clips next to it or to just leave whatever space is there however if you use this ripple trim and delete tool it does something a little different when it comes to spaces so let's go ahead and you know put this back together here and I'm going to turn this on now if you do this trim it moves everything over and it doesn't have that space and then if you move to the right the same thing happens there so that's really cool if you just want to keep everything together and not have to remove the spaces just as I showed earlier that's a ripple delete so that's what the ripple trim it nearly does and so the final option that we have here is ripple let it across all tracks so let me show you what that means so if we go down here to this track and we move this over and we want to delete or ripple delete this right here we right-click and remove and it'll simply just you know move that tip over now if you were to use the ripple delete across all tracks just go ahead and choose this you'll do the same thing right click remove and I'll move everything over and so there are cases where you might want to do that but there's some cases where you might not but it's great that you have this option there so this is all the main features that we have down here and now you have pretty much a complete understanding of all the features up here and down here and overall what the options are available for you when you're editing so now let's go ahead and put our entire video together and also go over transitions for serious youtubers check out to buddy the premiere tool news at geek outdoors calm get more done today by checking out the affiliate link in the description area below now for this very first little project we're not going to be doing anything fancy but what we will be doing is taking everything that we learn here today and putting it all together and so the first thing I want to do is remove this audio track so all I'm gonna do is right click and then remove track next up I want to go to this beginning clip and I want to add a title so I've selected a clip and the next thing I want to do is choose filters you probably remember seeing this earlier when I talked about transitions and I think what shot cut is that everything is here all your effects filters transitions are all located here for both video and audio and if there is an effect that you like that you want to add as a favorite all you have to do is choose this and then whenever you go to your favorites tab it now shows up here and similarly you could uncheck it to remove it from your favorites and so what I want to do here is add a simple text so I'll go down here choose text simple and all you have to do is double click on it and now it's right there on top of a clip and the default for this is timecode so it shows you where you're at on your playhead so let's go ahead and change that we'll put in something a little bit more exciting and I want to change this font as well change it to something I guess a little more sci-fi yep and I could also add an outline as well so this isn't gonna be winning any of design awards but it's gonna quickly show you how things might look like and here we could also add a background as well let's go a little bit route on the background yes and then below that you could also adjust the position and the size but I'm going to show you an easier way to do that but if you know the numbers and dimensions that you want you could do it here and you can also choose the horizontal positioning and vertical positioning as well as you can see here so super easy now if you wanted to adjust this without having to change the numbers you could simply go over here to your window and then you could resize it as you like and you could reposition it as you like as well and so let's see how that new title looks like yeah that is a that's that's pro level right there as you could probably tell and so that's how we add a text effect and now let's go ahead and add a transition so what I want to do is add a transition between these two clips and so the easiest way to do that is you simply drag this clip over the previous clip as we probably saw earlier in the video now when we go here it goes back to the filters as a showed you earlier you can add whatever transitions that you want okay so in this case I'm gonna add ones that are fairly popular let's go ahead and do a fade in video so we go here and there it fades in and then let me add some other filters as well it's just what's cool about chocolate you can add multiple filters in here so let's add a circle and we'll watch that again yeah so now we're kind of fade in circle and at the same time you can also make adjustments to each of their transition filters so this is for the circle and if I do fade in video you could change the duration this is really cool and at the same time you can also resize your transitions say for example you want the transition to be a little bit longer you would just simply extend this transition and now it's gonna be there a little bit longer as you see here so the transitions gonna go a lot slower but it's going to stay there a little bit longer as well and so that's how you would new transitions and the cool thing is you could just keep adding more and more of them if you like so shotcut does a really good job of letting you add these filters without slowing down the preview on your actual timeline so I do like that now if you wanted to remove any of these filters short all you have to do is go up here choose the remove and it will remove their selected filter and if you want to remove a transition select it and then press Delete and the transition is gone and we simply drag this back and so that's how you would add a transition and with that you know this is the main parts of how you would edit a video you know the most powerful thing that you have here is your filters so I think that's where a lot of people are gonna spend their time just fine-tuning their video adding whatever effects and filters that they want so once you put on together and then knowing what you know here you're gonna have your very first video and the final thing I want to touch on just briefly is keyframes so down here on the left you'll notice we have a keyframes tab right here currently we are on a timeline tab and you can even go up here to do keyframes so keyframes are what allows you to basically add different things at certain points in the video clip so for example if i clicked on keyframes right now it shows you where the keyframes are so this is the beginning green and red is at the end and so i'm gonna show you how this keyframe works briefly on another clip so this is a short clip so i'm gonna go back to my timeline and i'm gonna come to this longer clip so i'll show you what i mean so in this case let's go ahead and add a text because i think this is where keyframes comes in handy so we're gonna add a text and I'll kind of just call this keyframe okay so right now if we go to the keyframe view will notice is green is the beginning of the keyframe and red is the end so what I want to do is I only want this keyframe to be in here near the beginning and not throughout the entire video so this is how you control where your text shows up so let's just say it just shows up right here and you can do additional key framing here so in this case I've actually did a whole clip keyframe meaning I've adjusted where the keyframes gonna be and then within that you could add filter keyframes now not all of the filters are gonna be keyframe about but the text does have one and you can tell by looking at this right here this is keyframe roses use keyframes for this parameter so in this case I want to set a keyframe here and what I want to do is let's move a little bit further and I want to go ahead and just wear this text is that okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and make this a little bit smaller and we'll move it up here yeah let's shorten this keyframe even more just so that we can make this quick so you can see it so now that's there so let's go back to our time now you could preview it here or just go back to your ton I'm gonna go back to my timeline so you could kind of see how this looks like so now on the second clip there is our keyframe text and now it's moving so that's a really easy way for you to add keyframes and as I stated earlier you can add keyframes for certain filters so you just have to look for this keyframe symbol and now once you have everything done in your project the final step is export so whatever you click on export you can choose a variety of different resolution audio options so just go ahead and choose whatever you want or you could take the settings from your timeline whatever timeline settings that you had then you could use that for your export now once you've done that you could go ahead and just export your file and you are done with your very first project within shotcut so that is it for this tutorial hopefully you learned a lot about shot cut and you've seen how powerful and easy to use this tool is I really think this is an excellent tool for people who are beginning video editing but at the same time I think it also has a lot of great features especially filters that allows you to do medium to even complex projects by using this so if you actually have any thoughts on anything that I've shown you here today you should leave that in the comments area below and if you want to see my other video editing tutorials I will leave all of that in the description as well for people who want to learn how to use open shot kdenlive DaVinci Resolve and possibly even more shot cut tutorials in the future so as always if you did get value out of these videos be sure to share like and subscribe hey geeks if you are a creative geek like me and you wanted to learn how to create content on YouTube and other places on an Internet then check out my gold content credit route where you get access to additional videos and ten for all the creative geeks out there and the best part of it is all of this is free simply you head over to the link below check out my page and sign up for my goal content creators group thanks for watching and I'll see you on the other side
Channel: Geek Outdoors
Views: 48,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geekoutdoors, geek outdoors, shotcut video editor tutorial, shotcut tutorial, shotcut, shotcut tutorial 2020, shotcut tutorial for beginners, shotcut 2020, how to use shotcut video editor, how to use shotcut, shotcut video editor, shotcut 2020 tutorial for beginners, best free video editor, openshot, kdenlive, olive, davinci resolve, best free video editing software, free video editing software, free video editor, video editor for youtube, Shotcut effects
Id: LVF0qLvLbm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2020
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