Learn English Weather Vocabulary and Idioms

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oh it has been absolutely freezing recently Oh England is not the best place to come for a holiday no we recommend you only come to England in the summer when it rains more recognize welcome back to love English so today we've got five adjectives and five idioms all connected to weather and these are very high frequency words and phrases in English that's right and British people are obsessed with the weather we are because generally speaking the English weather isn't very good so we like to talk about the weather so as Leyla said these words are used by British people all the time so before when we started I said it was freezing which actually at the moment in England it's nearly about to get freezing yeah we're getting there by December it will be freezing and this means very cold comes from the verb to freeze which is when water turns into ice when English people turn into snowmen freezing meaning very cold is an extreme adjective and when extreme adjectives you can't actually say very you can't say I'm very freezing you can however what could you say with it I'm absolutely freezing as a totally freezing yeah I think absolutely is the one with yes yeah lutely breathing but not marry guys yes not very okay guys so in England it does rain just a little bit yes it rains a lot people come to England and they say wow England is so green well guess why it came rain it rains all the time now when it rains a lot there's a couple of words we can use one of them is it's pouring it's pouring this means heavy rain it's pouring can you think of another word later for heavy rain yes you can say it's tipping down again heavy rain now in the UK it doesn't just pour down it doesn't just tip down but we do kind of get its spits okay so does the little bit of ratings 15 yeah uh drizzle okay drizzle is a great one it's drizzling again meaning very very light rain we have all kinds of rain in the UK now often with rain comes fog fog is when you can't see very well it's low-lying cloud and it's particularly dangerous for drivers because they can't see ahead of them and if you look out and you see that you can't see the other side of the street you can say wow it's foggy it's foggy now I actually live near C and when you have fog at sea coming in from the sea it's actually called mist so that's the difference there more or less the same thing low-lying cloud but when we've got it by the sea it's called mist when it's more inland it's called so misty it's misty or fog it's foggy now one thing you need to know about British culture is that it's considered very unlucky to put up an umbrella inside have you ever done that Lela I have I'm not very superstitious but I'm kind of wondering it's not the same in your countries guys is it unlucky to put an umbrella up inside mmm let us know in the comments down below oh now they say in England that the weather is very changeable and as you can see here it's changed very very quickly and now it's hot yeah it's so hot that it's it's boiling yes so boiling what does that mean Lela well it means very hot it's another extreme adjective and as we said before you can't say I'm very boiling no you can't you can say I'm absolutely boiling so what would you say is boiling Lena oh well I suppose in England it doesn't really get boiling um 30 plus 35 yeah yeah I love to be honest I love 30 yeah this is boiling for me but 30 is okay but in some countries like Saudi Arabia it really is boiling you guys can like cook an egg on the street now idioms you guys know the first one I am sure it's raining cats and dogs woof woof no not literally I wondered what she was doing then it's raining cats and dogs that just means that it's it's pouring as we told you earlier or it's tipping down it's very heavy rain and it is probably one of the number one idioms that we use in the UK is it's very very common out in the rain no anything Zoey not dancing definitely not so to feel under the weather this means to feel a little bit ill or you think you're getting ill so like you're getting sick or you feel not yourself yeah I don't feel quite right so you might feel a bit cold your nose might be runny you might have a little bit of a sore throat but you don't feel well you feel under the weather often how you feel before you really get very sick yeah oh you seem all right now yeah sorry I've recovered and I got over it now this idiom really doesn't make a lot of sense there's there's not a lot of logic in it but we often say to say that we're feeling good feeling well we say I feel right as rain that's right do you feel right as rain now I do I feel much better I feel right as rain you look very happy Leila what's going on with you yeah yeah things are pretty good at the moment yeah how come you're so happy well remember my boyfriend broke up with me yeah I'm sorry about oh don't worry I'm with someone new really yeah tell me about her doctor ah dr. Harry hands well they don't stop you feeling under the weather Wow well you were so sad about the other boyfriend well every cloud has a silver lining yeah that's true every cloud does so every cloud has a silver lining now in this case this means that in every negative situation that can be a positive so in Layla's situation she was very sad because her boyfriend broke up with her but then she met someone even better so from a negative situation came up positive so every cloud has a silver lining if you think about it yeah cloud represents the negative it does Silver Line is the Sun coming out exactly represents the positive the hope in the situation or the good thing that can come from it so every cloud has a silver lining guys trying and use it in the comments have you been in a situation where suddenly there was a positive and you could say hmm every cloud has a silver lining right now have you ever been in a situation where you've felt quite nervous anxious a bit worried yes lots of times you may see it work well as teachers we often have to break the ice with our students that doesn't mean we throw them through a glacier it means that we as we might like to do that well it could happen but it means that we kind of make the situation a bit more relaxed often by telling a joke mm-hm encouraging them to talk and build their confidence yes so in social situations it's when everything seems frozen and uncomfortable and people aren't relaxed and then you break the ice meaning once the ice is broken you feel more relaxed and yeah right now our last idiom to be snowed under another nice cold idiom but actually something that relates to work well recently Leila funny you should say that I've been working a lot we've had you've really been snowed under yeah that's so much work to do I've been staying until six and seven yeah my boyfriend wants to break up with me because he never sees me nope I've been snowed under the work has been coming up and up and up and I feel that it's above me and the work is very high and under it there's a lot of pressure on you yeah so I've been snowed under okay guys thank you so much for joining us on this very I hope practical and useful lesson yes do tell us what's the weather like in your country and also I'm sure you have some idioms about weather in your own languages share them with us are they similar do you have a similar idiom to every cloud has a silver lining or maybe a similar idiom to to break the ice let us know we would love to hear from you don't forget to subscribe below if you've enjoyed this lesson and you can even share it on Facebook with some of your friends you can find us on Facebook snapchat Twitter and Instagram thank you for watching bye bye are you ready to learn are you ready to learn are you ready to learn let's go [Music]
Channel: Love English with Leila & Sabrah
Views: 15,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learnenglish, weatheridioms, weather adjectives, englishweather, describe the weather in english, weather adjectives in english, weather vocabulary, englishlanguage, weather vocabulary for kids, practice, talk about the weather, study, listen, talk, weather vocabulary in english, vocabulary, englishidioms, idioms, speakenglish, improve, english, learnvocabulary, weather, leila, sabrah, englishonline, love english with leila and sabrah youtube, love english, love english with leila and sabrah
Id: Uf9r0zkfg2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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