Learn English Idioms - Food

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idioms idioms with food sure why not number one your cup of tea is something that you're good at or you're very interested in for example it could be the type of person you're interested in she could say that type I like that type oh my god has Todd Lee my cup of tea I don't know if Americans use this one but this is usually used in the negative form for example so if someone says do you want to watch football you want to say no that's not my sport now it's not really my cup of tea what's your cup of tea write it in the comment number to bring home the bacon now the bacon represents money so if you bring home the bacon or the money then you are the person in a family or in a relationship who earns the most money so if you have a job or have the highest paying job in the family or the relationship you bring home the bacon but it's not really used in a serious way for example if the guy stays at home all day and the girlfriend or the wife goes to work and earns the most money she brings home the bacon how would you say this in a conversation well again you wouldn't use it in a serious way you might just use it in a jokey fun type way like see you honey bring home the bacon or maybe three when you want to say that's crazy you'd say that's bananas or that's nuts for example oh my god she's in love with her brother that is nuts that's bananas or it's just Game of Thrones Game of Thrones is bananas is amazing next number for the Big Cheese is your boss your manager the person in charge of everything at work they are the Big Cheese the manager of a company for example again it's not really you so seriously more in a jokey way so for example oh I've got a meeting with the Big Cheese at work for example something like that five to be in a pickle now pickles are delicious but if you are in a pickle it means you're in a difficult situation maybe you have a difficult decision to make or just in general it's a difficult situation for example he has a problem I agreed to work tomorrow but I have a date tomorrow too should i cancel the date or should I call in sick to work it's a problem I'm in a pickle if you are in this pickle what would you do me I'd probably call in sick to work 6:00 to have a lot on your plate now of course you can change your fur here's her my whatever and if you have a lot of things on your plate it means you have a lot of responsibilities maybe a lot of work to do so maybe you have two jobs and then you also have to do a project and you also have to study for something if you have a lot on your plate you're very busy no free time but it could also mean you have a lot to think about you have a lot on your mind you're thinking about many problems or many things for example my wife left me my dog died and I lost my job I had to find another job I have a lot on my plate at the moment so if you want to say to someone look I'm too busy or I have too many things think about it's a difficult time for me because of all of these things I have a lot on my plate seven maybe you have a similar expression in your language the Apple polisher is that person in the class you know the one who always does everything for the teacher always like what can I do for you teacher hmm very annoying person and maybe literally taking their Apple polishing it bigger teacher were you an Apple polisher in school be honest 8:2 butter someone up similar to being an Apple polisher it means doing nice things for someone in power but notice Apple polisher that's a noun you are an Apple polisher but butter up that's a verb a regular verb and you'll notice it's with a preposition it's a phrasal verb if you butter someone up you say nice things to them or do nice things to them this could be your teacher it could be your boss you butter up someone in power so they will do something nice for you for example he sees his boss hi Ali you look great completely not bald at all now why is he doing this and someone asks why are you complimenting the bus so much he could say well I'm trying to butter him up because I want more money I'm trying to do nice things for my bus so he will do nice things for me again doesn't have to be your boss could be your teacher someone in power that could give you something and one thing to notice that's a phrasal verb and we can separate the verb and the preposition butter him up next number nine when there's a situation and you don't trust it it could be a person it could be a thing and it doesn't seem genuine it doesn't seem real you don't trust it you would say it seems or smells fishy for example let's imagine this guy is having an interview he gives his diploma from university but maybe his diploma doesn't look completely real and he looks at his diploma the name of the university is the completely real not fake University hmm does he trust it no so he might be thinking hmm this guy seems fishy he could also say hmm the diploma seems a bit fishy I don't trust it it doesn't seem real doesn't seem genuine next one number 10 is have a bun in the oven what does that mean you're cooking bread no a bun in the oven means you're pregnant how would you use it in a sentence like this oh my god so they her about channel yeah she's got a bun in the oven she's pregnant next cheesy this describes something of low quality but usually it's meant to describe something that someone says now you know particularly girls you know when a guy comes to you and they say something stupid and cheesy like hey did that hurt and you're like what when you fell from heaven her cuz you're an angel ah so cheesy guys never say something like this it's cheesy next to spill the beans the beans represent a secret or secret information and if you spilled the beans you'll give the secret information to someone you'll tell the secret how do we use it in a sentence let's have a look let's imagine you have some secret information and the Mafia wants to get that information the Mafia might try interesting methods to get that information from you and might say this my friend we will make you spill the beans I don't know if any mafia person has ever used that phrase but that's the example he's saying we will make you give us your secrets next to bite off more than you can chew to bite is to go like that to chew is like with gum so think of the literal way if you have some food animal cotton and the food's too big in your mouth that you can't you can't chew it you have bitten off more than you can chew but the idiom of course isn't talking about food really it's talking about responsibility or work that you have to do let's imagine that maybe you're an Apple polisher or you're trying to butter up your boss and your boss says oh can you do this extra work and you say sure and then later your boss says oh can you do this up a bit of work and you're like sure and then later your boss is like oh also can you do this project before the end of today and you're like no problem wait I have no time to finish all of this this is too much for me I have bitten off more than I can chew another example Oh buddy I can't draw houses but imagine it's a really really big house and he he is going to paint the house alone he thinks this house is really big and I'm just one person so I think I've bitten off more than I can chew it's too much for me next one a hard or bitter pill to swallow a pill is the little medicine things like when you have a headache you and swallow is the air that thing so in this case the pill is the situation and swallowing that pill is like accepting the situation so what does this mean it means this situation is difficult but I have to accept it let's use this in a sentence they're supposed to be kissing but you get that they're kissing right for example he is the ex-boyfriend of her she is with her new boyfriend and he is seeing this for the first time have you had that situation it is a it is a hard pill to swallow a difficult situation to accept and the final one number 15 to walk on eggshells now eggshells are very delicate things why would you walk on eggshells well maybe in a situation with a person you have to be very careful very delicate in how you speak to them or interact with them because maybe if you say the wrong thing or do one little thing wrong they will go crazy so for this reason you have to walk on eggshells for example the boss is always very angry in a bad mood and everyone has to be very careful with the boss because they don't want him to go crazy at them so when you give in a project like here's my project please don't kill me and he would say I feel like I have to walk on eggshells around him he has to be very careful very delicate in the way he interacts with him so thank you for watching our 15 food idioms if you like that lesson click here to subscribe or click here to watch another video you can also help support us making these lessons by clicking here help us create new exciting amazing lessons see you in the next class bye you
Channel: Learn English with Papa Teach Me
Views: 327,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Learn English Grammar, Learn English Vocabulary, IELTS, CAE, CPE, aprender ingles, выучить английский язык, English Vocabulary, Phrasal Verbs, ESL, English Teaching, TEFL, TESOL, TOEFL, TOEIC, تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية, food idioms, english idioms, learn english idioms
Id: E1RP5MkjDyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2016
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