LEARN DAVINCI RESOLVE 16 IN 20 MINUTES - Video Editor Guide for Beginners

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what's good ladies and gentlemen chef watch this be wise and today we're gonna do another tutorial today we're going to take advantage of free yes so there is editing software's out there and most people know about the two big ones which is Premiere Pro and if you're Apple person Final Cut Pro so if you don't want to pay for in video editing app there are alternatives for you some of those not so great but what I found recently is DaVinci Resolve is actually pretty darn good so we're gonna dive into the DaVinci Resolve today so if you want to start editing videos and you don't want to pay for premiere or you don't want to you don't have Apple to get final cut or whatever this is a viable option for you and I just want to run through the basics of how to use this editing software so that you can kind of get your feet wet and hop right in I've have good amount of my friends who want to start editing videos and they don't want to buy Premiere so here's an alternative for you let's do it okay so first thing first is where do you go to get DaVinci Resolve first thing you got to do is hop on the interwebs once you get online type in DaVinci Resolve BAM first name pops up DaVinci Resolve 16 Blackmagic Design go ahead and click that take you to their web page this is all super simple so far most of you guys probably already know how to do this much now you're gonna go ahead and click on the download link make sure not to download the studio version the studio version you actually have to pay for it gives you a little bit more glitz and glamour you'll need all that we worried about the free right now we won't free stuff so you're not gonna do all that whether you have Mac Windows or Linux you can go ahead and take advantage so once you download that you can go ahead and install I'm not gonna teach you how to install it it does everything for you so you don't really need I'm not teach you that I'm teaching how to use the program not how to completely put it on a computer that you can you can work that out I believe in you okay so once you have it downloaded and you open up your thing the first window you're gonna get is something similar to this I actually think there's like a little tutorial thing in there that you can see I don't remember exactly but it'll open you up to this window where you have your previous projects so right now we're actually gonna go through the whole thing as if we've never used it before so we're gonna do a new project BAM this new project is gonna be called dr toot toot toot toot toot now we are in the venting resolves program okay now the first thing I would advise you do before you do anything else is go ahead and setup your project settings we're gonna go ahead go to file project settings so random master settings mine is already set up it's at resolution 1080 and timeline framerate 24 boom bam BIP done nothing else needs to be done here done well for you you would click Save however if you need to change this just click on the dropdowns boom it gives you a bunch of options for you to change it to whatever you need to change it to all right now we're ready to actually do some work so let's draw our attention down to the different workspaces here that we have we're only going to go over four of the different workspaces that they have and we're gonna show you those right now really quickly we have media cut edit and deliver so let's go back to media and start up there in the media pool you could do this a couple different ways one you can search for everything within the program itself like here if you look up here it has my different drives so I can go through and search to find what I want to pool or you can just drag and drop if you already have your stuff on your desktop or whatever so one thing I do want to show you though if you have a specific folder and you have it set up a certain way like I have my project set up where my media goes into this folder and it's all broken down very specifically right so now if I want to drag and drop and pull my media in what I don't want to do is drag and drop and put it right here if I bring and pull it right here oh this is a great time for me to explain this anytime you bring in footage if it doesn't perfectly match with your your your sequence like let's say I shoot at 24 frames per second my baby ain't playing no games I shoot most of my videos at 24 frames per second but if I want you something that's a little motion I'll shoot at 60 frames per second and then slow it down to 24 if this sees that I have something at 60 frames a second it wants to convert my timeline to that and I don't want that I want to stay what I have already so make sure you pick don't change you probably never want to change this so when it's telling you to because you could shoot in different formats but so right now I'm just gonna kick don't change and as you can see right now because I dropped it right into the media pool my folders and the way I structured everything is lost so this is not something I want to do so I'm gonna go ahead and actually this control Z is undo I'm gonna bring this folder and bring it down here on this side again we went ahead don't change now that I've brought this on the side you can see my different folders so you go back meet and now my folders are here no idea why footage is coming after music I get but it doesn't matter that does that isn't it anyway you can clearly see now it keeps your folder structure so you can go and find everything very simply and easily when you're doing your forehead alright so now we're moving on to the cut window so first thing first what you'll notice in majority of the windows here up in the top right hand corner this is your left hand corner up in the top left hand corner you'll see you can click here and it's gonna change your windows right so here as the media pool it could be the transition maybe I want to add text or maybe I want to add a specific effect so you can change and manipulate your workspace very simply this is something I think is pretty cool that it has quick ways to adjust your workspace for you very quickly so that's right now though we're just gonna leave it for media next time line right here are the thing that's under this space we're gonna move down slightly and it's gonna resemble your timeline this timeline here is the full timeline of your whole project so let me drag some footage on here so I can kind of explain the difference all right so now you can see this is the full timeline of my whole project so here you can see there's still more to be revealed from the timeline right okay so this is where you're gonna do all of your edits this is just showing you what your full timeline looks like now obviously here is a preview window so you can see your clips okay so we're gonna take this clip off right now I just want to show you something really good so let's say I'm previewing this clip right here I'm looking at this clip let's say all of this I don't like but I like right here where the FedEx truck is come by and I kind of pan up a little bit right that's all I want to use for this clip so while you're previewing your clip this is something that you can do you're gonna look through right here's what I like you press I and this is now where your clip is gonna start spacebar to start the clip a little more is panning up I'm oppressed oh that thing right here is the best of it press o and that ends the clip so now if we look back over here at your clip and it does a little preview as you drag over it has a line here and a line here this is the start and this is the end so if I go ahead and bring this down to my timeline it only inputs what's within that section this is a good way if you kind of know like right now we're just gonna chop up some of these clips and then put them together in like a little b roll sequence this is a good way to kind of do that before you actually go into the full edit that's kind of what I will use this cut workspace for other than that I would just go straight to the Edit workspace to do most of your was where you're gonna do most of your work but right now at least you know here in the cut space this is some of the good things that you can do so let's do another one actually I'm gonna go ahead and fast-forward through I'm gonna do a bunch of these just kind of find what I want to take out and then we're gonna add some more clips to the timeline together in one second okay so now that I have all my b-roll cut what I would like to do now at this point is I'm actually gonna take this clip off but I was just showing you guys this for example I have this clip here that's like a blog I'm gonna go ahead and drop this clip down here okay so now the blog clip is down here I want to actually put the rest of these clips I'm gonna click there hold shift click here so I'll select all the clips and put all these clips right here I want these clips to be on top because this B row is gonna come over the top of the blog in very specific points right so but right now I want to do that and come over top of bloggers [Music] so now that leads me to something else so now we're looking at something that's very different than what we saw before we knew we had our clips that go next to each other now there's a whole new layer of clips and the way this program works is everything that's on the top layer is seen first so it's almost like looking at a top-down view of your footage so as you can see right now we're looking at the vlog footage which is on the bottom but once the cursor passes over it changes to the b-roll footage because the b-roll footage is on top okay so now if we move this bureau footage and separated some matters of space in between you're gonna notice b-roll footage goes back to vlog and then back to b-roll again so whatever is on the top the highest the topmost layer highest topmost layer whatever is on the top layer is what's gonna show that's what your viewers are gonna be able to see okay all right I feel like that makes enough sense right I hope that makes it hope everything is uh understandable this far all right let me show you a couple other things we can do in this workspace before we move over to the editing workspace what we're actually going to do the bulk of our work so one of the other things that you can do really quickly is you can add a dissolve or crossfade so what you want to do bring your cursor to where you want to add your crossfade boom crossfades add it has a nice little effect there so now if we go to the end here it's just a nice little Basin into the next clip boom BAM back okay so now we're gonna go ahead and move from here and we're gonna take a little move over to the Edit workspace alright guys we progressing along pretty nicely here so in the Edit workspace has a lot going on I know not as complicated as it looks it's a fairly simple I'm going to take this step by step we're gonna start again in the top left hand corner so you see here you have your media pool so we know this is where you can get all of your assets or your footage right now if we change that it will go to the effects library it has it right here or you can just take the media pool off and it will add it up here so typically you're gonna want your media pool so if you have any other asked us you need pool you always want that oh if I were you I this would be mainly how my window is always set so I have my effects ready to go and I have my assets ready to go right the next thing is the edit index this keeps a log of all the different trend like all the different of edits that you've made so you can always go back to I will probably never use this and sound library if you have a library of sounds you can actually just add that into here I would I'm not gonna do that either because everything I need is gonna be right here okay now if we go to this for the first time on the right hand side you can change up some stuff as well so now right here you can see your audio mixer you can have that on or off I advise keep your audio mixer on so you can check your levels cuz right now we're gonna do a quick check as you can see right here some of them are cut loud something sounds kinda loud to be honest if I was actually editing this a lot of this stuff will be muted right now but you want to keep this on so you can always check your audio levels next we have I can show you metadata for each clip so let's say I didn't remember how I shot this clip or I wanted to do some editing to make this slow-motion but it wasn't shot in 60 frames per second so I can't this is somewhere you can go to check and see if it will start in slow motion if it was shot a different way for you to me manipulated or how it was shot or whatever this just gives you the metadata for a clip I don't think that's information that you need me however I would add the inspector tab at times so in case you want to do any specific changes like let's say I want to zoom into this area here you can actually just whoop boom you can zoom in have your different effects that you can make all throughout here there's a lot of things that you can do right but again that's something that you don't have to have up all the time I think it's probably more beneficial to have your preview window up of whatever clip you may be adding and your main timeline window up so you can actually see how your full video looks that's just me personal preference you can do as you please of course okay so let's edit our footage a little bit this far so right now what I would like to do is have some b-roll come over the top first and then we'll the b-roll will transition into me saying hey guys or whatever my intro is so let's actually see here we're gonna have a mute or disable the top layer so I can see what the bottom layer is doing so you see you click this little film button right here and it will disable this top layer so I can see what's going on and this is where we're gonna stop right there what's good ladies and gentlemen it is freezing in Detroit boom this is gonna be the end of our video so to remind me of this later I can go ahead and mark this moment so I can just hit em on the keyboard and it's gonna make a marker here so now what I what I actually want to do I don't even need to worry about it I know I'm gonna end it if you do a quick key you get B B is gonna change your tool here go blade and I can just go ahead and cut this clip boom change it back to a is gonna change back to your cursor select this hit delete boom it's gone okay so now I can go ahead and slide this back cuz we're gonna end it back here and what we're gonna do is at the end here we're gonna add a cross dissolve right here okay so we're gonna go to our FX area over here video a transition process all click and hold drag it over here click have to remember to take this off so we actually see what's gone on here BAM look at that beautiful transition okay okay full disclosure I lost track of time this stop recording though may have lost me there for a little while but no big deal right okay still stupid thing so we're just gonna pick up where we left off I hope we left off where I think we left off foot whatever doesn't matter okay you're gonna render now yes that's where I'm leap that's where I left off whether I did or did okay so now we're gonna render and here it actually has a couple of different things that are kind of cool but before we go into the cool things typically the way I render something out is a new h.264 put your file name we're gonna call this test sting DaVinci okay about location I'm just gonna say right now to my desktop that's fine save boom bam dip now we're gonna render out a single clip we're not rendering out a bunch of individual Clips we're gonna render out this our whole timeline little part may actually come down here if I can zoom in a little bit all right the format I like to mp4 again H dot 264 don't really need pertain to any of this and I can just add this to my rendered you add to your render queue and start rendering so while this rendering if I get back and focus here lost rendering just gonna go ahead and scrub through your timeline and soon you'll have your whole complete video then BAM boom finito so in nutshell that is DaVinci Resolve 16 and again I think this is a great program it's super powerful for it to be free like again a free product like this you don't see those very often so something that you can definitely take advantage of if you're new to filmmaking or you just want to do this as a hobby and you don't want to spend the money to get Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro and I think that's fair it's a really good product also I want to take a sidebar from this and say you guys are amazing thank you so much we're like less than 10 subs away from having a thousand subscribers on this channel I'm gonna be honest I never thought I was gonna be a thousand like the housing stuffs it's crazy you guys is listening to me babble about camera store and watching my growth throughout this whole thing is kind of cool super humbling I just want to say thank you guys I don't even know what it's it's kind of crazy it's super crazy yeah so thanks and again if you like the video please go ahead and like it sub if you're new to the channel and I gave it to us - great go be great peace
Channel: JustBWise
Views: 25,624
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 16 tutorial, davinci resolve tutorial, davinci resolve 16 tutorial for beginners, davinci resolve 16, video editor, free video editor, editing software, free video editing software, video editing guide, resolve, resolve 16, premiere, pro, 16, editing, video editing, video, software, blackmagic, blackmagic design, davinci resolve, Justbwise, best free video editing software 2021, how to use davinci resolve 17 for beginners, Davinci resolve 16 editing tutorial
Id: zvkAp6RLdxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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