Learn Colors with Blippi | Educational Videos for Toddlers | Color Boxes!

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[Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout hey it's me blippi and today we're going to learn about colors oh and look at all of these colorful candies look at these orange and blue these were extra [Music] yum those were so tasty all right now i have this vial of really warm water with these colorful candies and watch what happens [Music] wow that is so colorful you too can do this experiment at home all you need are these colorful candies and some warm water alright now let's go find some more things that are really colorful [Music] whoa whoa whoa do you see what i see look really far back there it's a box come here look at this box this box is the color green i wonder what's inside this box let's open it up [Music] whoa there's so much loot in here okay oh what's this do [Music] a green fart cushion okay whoa oh look more green things whoa this is ribbon whoa whoa that's awesome yep green garbage truck picks up a lot of garbage this actually might be for recycling i don't know oh look when wind goes right here like this uh-oh whoa this is broken but it's certainly really shiny though oh look oh some eggs watch this all right whoa it's so colorful wow okay all right one more ready whoa let's see what else is in the box okay just a couple more things oh another green egg [Music] a green dinosaur and a giant grasshopper ready bye-bye grasshopper and one last thing oh where are you oh hey it's a green sticker on me all right that was cool seeing and learning about the color green let's keep going oh look over here whoa it's another box this box is the color pink whoa i wonder what's inside let's open it up a cute stuffed animal oh so pink and cute it's a pink bee lippie oh another egg whoa and another one wow look pink silly putty that's awesome looks like a cute hat hello hi and oh this is so funny look ready [Music] listen ready okay couple more things two pink erasers oh and a cute medical kit wow a stethoscope [Music] a hammer a thermometer and a knee thing wow pink is such a beautiful color all right let's go see what other colors we can find yeah that was so much fun learning about those two colors all right i think we should go find some more colorful boxes here we go [Music] oh wait a second i'm not seeing any more of these boxes anywhere i think we need to cover more ground and go looting for the boxes ready [Music] oh i see one it's really hard to see do you see it yeah come over here [Music] [Applause] oh look it's another box this box is the color yellow i wonder what's inside all right we're gonna open it see what yellow things we have in here [Music] yellow is so bright it's like the color of the sun [Music] wow a rubber ducky [Music] another rubber ducky [Music] oh a giraffe giraffes are super tall look at how long their necks are and did you know the tongue of a giraffe is actually the color black it's a really really really dark purple and it's really long [Music] so then they can reach plants up top whoa no way wow a digger toy and this digger is a backhoe has a front bucket a back bucket and it's really useful on the job site okay oh hey look another confetti egg whoa oh hey a watch look at what time it is it's happy time yeah okay what else oh hey a yellow blippi sticker so funny that's me okay and a notebook let's read what it says [Music] huh it says you are very special and you are so much fun you're very nice to your friends and you love your family wow what a good book last but not least we have a banana [Music] that's a really tasty banana and it's the color yellow all right let's go find another box come on wow we're in a baseball field oh you see yeah i think i see another box do you see it [Music] that is a box and it's so colorful come on i know your shadow yep [Music] oh look at this good job finding another box this box is the color purple wow all right let's see what's in here i bet there's a bunch of purple things in here okay whoa there's a lot of purple things in here like purple grapes i think we should have a grape this is a purple fruit and it's nice and healthy and tasty oh [Music] three purple balls very good [Music] oh a purple flower oh ah smells so good and they look so pretty wow okay looks like we have a purple water bottle with some nice water in it i love water hydrates me so much so i can jump really high whoa all right let's see what else there is in here whoa no way bubbles in a purple container are you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] the color purple was so fun to learn about let's go find some more colors [Music] this place looks pretty empty [Music] not many colorful boxes around here but there is a perfect place for dancing [Music] look look do you see that yeah another box come on whoa good job we found another box wow this box is the color red all right let's see what's inside whoa we're so strong right i bet there's some red things in here [Music] oh a red juice perfect i was actually pretty hungry twist off the cap and then [Music] drink a little bit [Music] drink a little bit more of the red juice a little bit more and then spray the rest don't do that at home kids all right looks like we have a red frisbee ready [Music] yeah and what's so far oh my red confetti eggs all right ready whoa oh a monster truck [Music] with a red necklace wrapped around its axles oh no oh a gumball machine let me rephrase that a broken gumball machine all right last but not least [Music] that was still in my mouth all right bye bye redbox well let's find some more colorful boxes oh wait a second i see one already do you see it way over there let's go get it it's one of my two favorite colors [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow another box oh yes and this is one of my two favorite colors this box is the color blue wow i am so excited for this box because blue is so cool [Music] all right let's see what blue things we can find in here whoa we have a cute stuffed animal oh so soft ah oh okay no way do you see this it's a blue dump truck you can dump a lot of stuff out the back [Music] oh i love dump trucks [Music] look blue sunglasses oh hello hello hello hi whoa those are so big they fell hi okay oh you already knew this was in here a blue confetti egg we have some blueberries i love blueberries it's a very healthy fruit and they taste super tasty yum have you ever had a blueberry before whoa don't spill them look at this hello hello how are you hello hello hello hello hello hello hello a blue dinosaur and a blue dinosaur okay you can [Music] [Laughter] that was funny oh oh and last but not least we have some blue silly string first you have to shake it up so then it becomes really blue ready i'm gonna spray some all right make sure you don't point it at yourself [Music] okay stay right there whoa whoa whoa that was awesome well i had so much fun learning about colors with you wow well if you want to watch more of my videos all you have to do is search for my name let's spell my name together ready b-l-i-p-p-i [Music] blippi good job you know my name well see you soon bye-bye [Music] so much to learn about it'll make you want to shout with me
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 38,833,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippitoys, Color boxes, Blippi boxes, Blippi color boxes, Blippi abc boxes, abc boxes, surprise boxes, learn colors, learn colors for toddlers, educational videos for toddlers, Blippi videos, Blippi songs, Blippi colors
Id: 0ElfdZfW8xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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