1 Hour Compilation with Blippi | Playing at the Children's Museum and More!

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we want to learn about it'll make this water shop Hey look at where we're at today we are at the hands-on Children's Museum in Olympia Washington come on oh [Music] look in here whoa like we're on the farm oh we have some broccoli mmm it's so green carrot bunnies love carrots and this is the color orange [Music] come on some onions and peas the corn I love corn corn on the cob green and yellow [Music] it's sidewalk chalk whoa H I this says hi hello oh wow look I'm about to make some bubbles whoa whoa whoa whoa these bubbles are so big Wow whoa I'm gonna get it really close to you whoa oh look there's a cute little bubble look I'll be sick this is called raccoon run boys this is some beautiful art just made what sticks whoa we're kind of trapped in here come this way [Music] come through here what's press over here this is where you're gonna ride the trike okay one track please you have to wear your helmet and this helmet is the color black whoa look this tricycle it's called tricycle because it has three real desires well if it was a bicycle it would have two all right here I go we're coming up on the big hill here I come I can't sometimes in life if you can't do something you have to try something new like this let's walk it up it fits okay this is still fun oh whoa here's downhill here I go whoa what more No [Music] it's time to build a boat this area is where you can build a boat like take a piece of wood like this one and grab it straw put it right there ooh and we get a make a sail like this green sail put it right there do it around and then let's add a pink top ready oh oh there we go look at that what a beautiful boat but wait a second we need a person inside you want this one or this one ah let's do this one okay how does that look oh it felt bootiful that's funny okay and then let's take a giant squid okay now let's come over here we put a boat in the giant squid right here oh look at this this it's a water table it's highly wet okay before we put the boat in the wind in the water let's go get our water jacket on come on hey water jacket is the color yellow nice snug oh okay we're ready mark huh okay let's put the boat oh wait a second let's go back here we have the blessing pieces so then we can make an obstacle course ready okay here we go put one right there put one right there put one right here oh one over here whoa that's the big stretch it was a color yellow just like the camping put one right there put one right here okay Wow now I think we're ready to put the boat in the giant squid in the water ready here we go three two one go whoa Oh oh yeah we lost a twist oh no don't get stuck come on it's coming the squid is coming okay here we go both made it to the end good job no um I love the smell of plant in the texture jeez it's just so beautiful whoa what's this over here is this an area that we can go digging in a green bucket whoo a miniature green dump truck whoa and a green excavator let's see what we can dig up this is a triceratops whoa really old dinosaur [Music] we saw a small green dump truck earlier and now this is a big green dump truck [Music] [Applause] [Music] this looks like the area where you get a load up the dump truck what okay load it up here we go this looks like a perfect place to dump all of it Rock ready baby ah so heavy [Music] whoa that was a bad load in the back of the dump truck good job Wow look at this room like weren't up for it pretty plant huh whoo and look at this like tree bark look how big this tree is over here oh look do you see an animal that flaps its wings anywhere oh it's a bear [Music] see [Music] oh yeah that's the bird oh whoa look over here since we're in the forest here's the 10 [Music] like we're going camping [Music] look and then here's a would beat the law okay and then oh the vacuum tube room come in [Music] [Music] you grab the colorful ball and there scarf like the orange one purple one yellow one even the red one and then you put it in here well then it goes over there watch ready are you ready whoa okay now I'll put these colorful scarves in here ready Oh all of them in here here we go [Music] Oh let's get some more default okay here we go now we have a lot of these we have to switch these up now you don't know where they're going to go it's going to go a different path that was a really fun blue spinny slide come over here look at this area Wow this area looks like you can feel with these two whoa and there's smokestacks coming out of here whoa whoa hello can you see me hello don't worry I'm right here Hey whoa oh okay Wow whoa and look at this whoa this has smoke beneath all this water can you see it Wow it's so fun to touch it feels so good woah Wow my hands are really wet okay whoa look at both laugh it's important kind of like a water volcano the water fins around really fast whoa okay here's some colorful balls and I'll put them up here ready hey now that tube is all walking loaded with those balls get ready ball a look at the ball whoa did you speed out Wow okay I'm going to grab some more these colorful balls like there's pink one this yellow one is purple one and there should be two more coming oh another pink one another purple one a white one okay get ready then I'm going to launch him up there here we go whoa whoa look up there whoa you seem in the vortex now Wow launching the balls up there and then they go down the vortex okay just a couple more that is so cool whoa there's water vortex oh oh oh we're dropping to the jobsite okay now that we're at the jobsite what we need to grab our cool like the show and whoa yeah look at that heavy brick whoa and this giant ha okay let's bring everything over here okay okay this is gonna be the jobsite let's go look over here though all the tools like jackhammer and whoa a hardhat safety vest whoa that's very small maybe I won't wear a safety vest this time but I will wear pair of blue safety Donald look a nail gun a drill who mallet what a crowbar woo and a jigsaw and a tape measure whoa okay let's go oh good thing I have my hard hat on okay let's get to safety cone let people know we're going to be building a house over here hey here we go some road sign oh here we go put this over here okay now all of our lumber is over here let's grab two of these one to put them down on the ground and get two really long one go like this go like that okay there we go this is the foundation of our house that we're building okay ready you stay there and I'm just gonna start the bill okay now put the top wait three more make it nice and search see there we go now okay put the top of the house on here killer here yeah last one there right there looks like we just built a beautiful house let's test it out well I guess it wasn't that strong look at where we are we're inside an oyster look it's a giant pearl no white shiny and beautiful indeed yeah these represent a grain of sand Oh because if a grain of sand gets inside an oyster from there it gets really irritated and then it creates a pearl wool well well this was so much fun hanging out with you at this Children's Museum in Olympia Washington there's so much fun being so hands-on well see you again bye-bye [Music] come on everyone let's make money but what to move out it'll make this wanna shop with me oh hey we're at just play in Issaquah Washington Hey hi husband thanks look okay first things first before we play we need to take off our shoes now that they're in the cubbyhole whoa we did a play well look this this is the color right and you can climb on it [Music] scary but so much fun you sit on these and they're kind of like a swing whoa [Music] like victory Wow these are green and white and these ones over here are pink and why oh look it up here there's floating balloons up here [Music] Wow this room has giant colorful loading balloons whoa look at the color green this balloon is the color red is the color brown this balloon into colorway and this balloon is the color yellow okay take one okay I'm going to go down the slide watch me okay I'll be right now okay here I come down the orange slide Oh Debbie oh look up here wow this is gonna be fun come on [Music] look at this place whoa whoa push the button here and then they go to the top okay then and underneath another day okay ready here we go create a sound one [Music] one of me okay meet you around the other side come to the ball pit there's a lot of colorful balls here we have red ball orange bowl green ball Whoville pink ball yellow ball brown balls warm one else's later so colorful [Music] all right calm [Music] now we'll go this way [Music] what okay I'm taking it to a Blue Slide [Music] [Applause] look at this this is the Blue Slide okay I'll go first then you can fall okay ready three two all right come this way come on Wow good job [Music] Wow a giant chalkboard ready let's sell my name together pl/i flippy hey committal [Music] it's a photo proof so first you put on some props like this green hat and this red guitar ready hey here we go [Music] perfect printing on demand that's so cool alright let's go whoa look oh wow mushroom healthy so cool oh okay Wow okay come on let's go really fast well we're almost to the comment okay whoa look at these pyramids right here whoa they have smiley faces on him with their tongue sticking out whoa oh it I'll give it my keep all Wow they're pink bikes blues bikes green spikes okay watch out whoa get really close come here check this out okay whoa I almost got you okay come on whoa like a balance beam draw and we're like two stories three stories up in the air whoa we're really high ooh oh hey we're at the slide the Big Blue Slide okay so you go down low by okay you can go down first case [Music] whoa that look really fun okay my turn here we go Wow oh oh it's so much fun play that just playin Issaquah Washington with you all right it'll make you wanna shout with me well below there grown-ups will you go to one of my social media pages and show me some lovin haha just search for blippi bli ppi by whoa look at what it is well it is a tank and I have an idea today let's learn about and buoyancy and density okay first what we're gonna do well it's fill up the tank full of water and then once the tank is full of water then you and I are going to go outside and find some objects and we're going to put it in the water and play a game and that game is going to be called sink or float so we're gonna guess which items are going to either sink or float this is going to be so much fun okay just a little bit more water whoa okay that right there is a perfect amount of water now let's go get some objects so then we can guess if they're either gonna sink or float okay now that we're outside let's go find some things to see if they either sink or float oh look this day is going so perfect so far it's a tote so we can put stuff in it of course look our first object a flower these are dandelions and they're bright yellow I used to collect dandelions and give them to my mother and say here you go mom I love you hey mom I love you Wow down here Wow some colorful balls this one is the color red this one is the color purple this one is the color green this one is the color yellow this one is the color blue and this one is the color ah okay wow look at all the things in here I wonder if they'll sink or float a balance beam what wait a second are you seeing what I'm seeing clear look this is a CD a compact disc and that said flippy on top I wonder if it sinks our float what oh wow look two pine cones pine cones come off a trees then they land on the ground but this time they were right here perfect for us to see if they sink or float put them in the tote I drop a pine cone and a dandy line come on whoa well I'm so dizzy whoa look well a paintbrush yeah a paintbrush and some glue I wonder if these sink or float I guess we gotta wait and see put them in there you go Oh cruel monkey bars I love monkey bars whoa whoa whoa okay wait a second look some orange blippi glasses hello hello okay oh and I bet you know what these are yeah these are rock yeah and I bet you could get pretty easy if they're gonna sink or float but let's go see that was so much fun gathering all these items with you okay now we get to put the item inside the water and we're gonna see if they're gonna sink or float okay here we go let's start out what's an easy one whoo Wow look do you see him yeah these are rock 12 they're really heavy well so if these rocks are heavier than the water for the same amount of space then they're gonna sink so do you think you'll either sink or float yeah let's put them in and look they think good job okay all those rocks went all the way down to the bottom okay let's try a little bit harder one okay whoo look colorful balls they don't sound very heavy and they're really light and they're actually filled with air see buh-buh-buh-buh-buh okay let's see here Oh let's do the blue one ready do you think it will either sink or float okay let's see yeah it's spout all these balls that are filled and filled with water float on top of the water okay let's try another day oh we forgot to read one yep that one floats - whoo okay some glue whoa so slippery some glue okay do you think you'll either sink or float kind of heavy it's plastic okay I think I know do you think you'll see four float okay here we go [Applause] whoa wanted to talk wow that is so cool okay here we go oh look we have some dandelions whoa look at them they're so pretty and they smell so good okay do you think these will either sink or float guess one way to find out is to put it in the water ready three two one it's floating good job okay oh look we have a blimp ECD compact disc ready do you think you'll sink our float okay whoa whoa it barely sinks to the bottom okay I guess it sinks oh and a couple more things pinecone whoa so prickly [Music] [Laughter] okay here we go whoa they float to the top okay whoo another pair of bloody glasses Wow hello I can't see oh there I go okay here we go ready whoa no sink they must be really dead okay and last item woo a paintbrush okay do you think this paintbrush will sink or float I'm so excited ready one two three if slows oh one last thing pppp sees yeah look it's a dump truck whoa and it has something in the back whoa okay let's pour this in the back fifty-fifty Wow [Music] oh that just made the water turn green Oh cowabunga turn it in into green booze whoa this is gonna be cool okay let's let it sit here for a little bit what whoa it's getting really slimy already oh whoa well that was so much fun seeing these items either sink or float good job maybe we should do this again if you want to watch this video again with these same items just search blippi sink or float yeah cuz that's the fun game we just played whoa oh look at this in here wow so cool whoa it's turning into slime roll I must move out it'll make you wanna shout with me parents siblings grandparents babysitter's I'd love for you to head on over to my social media pages like Facebook Instagram and Twitter because I have fun news updates behind the scenes and even free merchandise giveaways just search for my name blippi today we are at the LBA Park in Olympia Washington whoa oh this is the color blue and that is yellow and black whoa [Music] this is the color red and a black stick whoa whoa let me spin again ready [Music] whoa really dizzy hey speaking of spinning hmm look at this Wow what is this looks kind of like a pyramid whoa this is the color yellow yeah the ropes are yellow and the base is the color blue watch I'll spin it really fast okay now we'll hop on Oh [Music] let's go over here [Music] whoa look at this [Music] gee I don't know what even to call this whoa but I know what to do on it you can climb on whoa the little area down here look at these giant rope and then the small ropes right here like I'm a monkey [Music] and swing come on right whoa whoa watch oh oh here we go on the count of three I'll launch off one two here I go three oh hey one two three whoa whoa one two three whoa whoa what's this come over here [Music] hey this looks like it's called a bit line see this is black can you sit on it and they're really fit cable up top that then you can zipline down are you ready here we go get ready go [Applause] [Music] okay we'll do it one more time okay all right here we go start going cuz I go fast okay so much fun learning about colors with you alright bye bye [Music] come on everyone left me but what to learn about it'll make you wanna shop with me guests are so much fun I think this is the perfect time for what the flippy jetski video [Music] hey it's me flippy and look at what's behind me yeah it's a jetski we are going to have so much fun today riding a jet ski let's go woah woah woah before we ride the jet ski we need to get on our jet ski riding gear alright look at what I have on now this is my wedding suit and then I also got my MVP and my safety and my life jacket gotta put it on [Music] oh but you can't forget about the sunblock my camera crew gave me a packet of sunblock to you so let's put on the sunblock kind of taste like mayonnaise but it helps you from staying safe against burns from the Sun all right here we go yeah now that we got our jet ski gear on it's time to fill up the gas tank big full gas tank but it [Music] now that the cat takes off all it is now time to ride the jet ski [Music] [Music] [Music] this jetski is so colorful let's look at all of the colors there's green there's blue purple and black [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh riding jet skis are so much fun let's take off the hood of the jet and look inside the engine whoa this is inside the engine of the jet ski Wow we got the gas tank right here and we got the battery and the intake and whew my favorite part the spark plugs in Dan we got the engine this is actual motor right here and then the exhaust wow what a powerful engine I think we should ride the jet ski some more [Music] all right put on the hood we're ready to ride [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my jetski just stop now that I'm stuck it's time to use our whistle yep safety whistle and then someone will come and save us to learn about it'll make you wanna shout with me [Music]
Channel: Blippi Toys
Views: 23,755,472
Rating: 3.6471102 out of 5
Keywords: Blippi, Blippi children's museum, Blippitoys, Blippi videos, Blippi toys, Blippi play place, Blippi educational videos for kids, Blippi compilation
Id: h9kgnG7EiG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 32sec (3392 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 21 2017
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