Free Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Tutorial Course

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hello youtube uh this video is a free extract from my larger course called premiere pro advanced uh if you do want to go further with premiere pro check out the full course the link will be in the description all right let's get going hi everyone my name is daniel walter scott and i'm an award-winning adobe certified instructor and this is the premiere pro advanced course so this course is aimed at people who already know the fundamentals of premiere pro it's for those of you who have your ways of working but know that there are so many tools updates and time saving techniques that you just haven't had time to explore yet if that all sounds familiar this course is for you we'll start with the best productivity hacks and all the little known features to super speed your timeline editing we'll dive into color management exploring color grading color replacement and skin tone correction you'll master all the new lumetri color methods and harness the power of scopes you'll learn new ways to pull off traditional and new style transitions you'll become a master at fixing shaky handheld and drone footage and there won't be anything you can't mask or blur will get your computer running super speedy with proxies scratch disks and cache management you'll master high frame rate footage so that you can get spectacular slow motion you'll easily create high quality professional motion graphics and data driven infographics and multi-cam editing will be a breeze you'll learn amazing ways to clean up your audio removing hiss noise and echo plus markers subtitles plugins and lastly you'll learn all the tricks and settings to get the most from your rendering in both premiere pro and adobe media encoder so those are the highlights of what we cover in the course we do cover a lot more check out the contents and also check out the student reviews and you will see we cover a lot in this course and we will get you from premiere pro good to premiere pro great in the course you'll use lots of real world practical examples with exercise files that you can download and play along with me so if you can't remember the last time you sat down went through all the features and all the upgrades in premiere pro let this course be your all-in-one professional development and upgrade you owe it to yourself you really do so sign up and go from good to a premiere pro superhero like a cape we could be saving edits from evil baddies we should totally get capes all right i'll see you in class sign up all right so let's get started uh first things first download the exercise files and they're pretty big so be careful where you download them they're about a gigabyte there'll be a link on this page here for them so download those before we get started next question to answer mac or pc i'm going to use mac through this course because that's what i use but you can use mac or pc throughout this course the shortcuts are a little different but i'll mention them as i go through and some of the codecs are slightly different mac versus pc but i'll mention those throughout so either either is fine i talk really fast you know that already but you can slow me down on all the videos you'll see in this big player here uh down here i think down down over yeah down over here there'll be a like a cog or some sort of like one times two times and you can slow me down okay to 0.75 i sound a smidgey bit drunk but if you maybe english is not your first language or i just i talk with a funny accent so you can slow me down i do try and slow myself down i will try but sometimes that's a complaint from people so yeah slow me down to inebriate dan and you do get used to me speaking a bit slowly alright let's talk hd versus uh 4k or full hd versus uhd like a lot of the exercise files in this course are just the smaller ratio the kind of full hd not because i like working that way i'm mainly working in 4k now i'm kind of transitioning across but it's to keep the file sizes not ginormous and they really balloon if they all like amazing resolution 4k and not everybody that is doing this course has got an amazing laptop mine's pretty good so it runs it but a lot of people are using older crappier laptops uh so yeah note that um some of the exercise and that we do okay and we're gonna do color correction and stuff we're working on footage that might not be the best you're going to get better results is kind of what i'm saying from your own raw footage where my stuff had to be to shrink down a little bit to make it work for everybody and so that the exercise files aren't huge there are a couple of little topics that i cover again here in the advanced course that was from the premiere pro essentials course so if you have done that course uh think of it as like a recapping and becoming better because you get to repeat it now i've made sure that they're only a couple little topics and whenever i do talk about them i make sure that i build on that knowledge to those extra bits to make you more awesome but there are a couple of little teeny tiny repeats this next bit is optional uh when we're opening up premiere pro uh if you want yours to look like mine or you're having some issues with it we're going to reset all our preferences when we open it up so you don't have to do this i like to do it beginning of a course so that we all match um so before opening up the program hold down the option key on a mac or the alt key on a pc on a pc often you can find it in the kind of like start menu down here and just hold that down before you start on a mac mine is in the dock it doesn't matter where you find it in the applications folder hold that key down alt on a pc option on a mac and click that and it will reset your preferences while you're doing it you can let go when this appears i kind of hate doing it because i get my preferences perfect but i gotta make a course and i gotta show you how to get them perfect as well well the way you like them click okay um one little extra bit is that if you hold down the uh that first key that i said so option on a mac alt on pc and shift that'll do like even a bigger refresh it'll get rid of things like cache from your plugins and if you only do that if you're having issues of you're like man premiere pro doesn't work very well anymore try doing that it's kind of a fresh restart but know that all your preferences that you change uh workspaces all that sort of good stuff shortcut keys have all been reset and come back to normal so be careful but yeah don't be afraid let's do it one last thing before we get started is that you'll find some footage okay that i'm using in this course won't have a watermark and you'll open up your version you'll be like hey when's the watermark um that's because edit stock has graciously let us use some of their footage okay for this course um you can totally use it in your portfolio and things as long as you leave the watermark there and but if you do want to let's see do put some effort into one of these projects uh you and you want to remove the watermark you can go and purchase the footage okay from okay and you'll find it in here there are about 50 or 60 dollars so really reasonable this place here is a really great place to find footage so that you can build portfolio pieces from raw footage that you didn't have to shoot yourself and there's a really amazing selection here so documentaries commercials music videos sports i'm reading out the list there okay i've used it all the time to really help kind of find different stuff you like if you don't have multi-cam and you really want to practice with it there's a lot of stuff in here okay there's just all sorts of other types of footage that you can use to practice craft portfolio pieces yeah check out edit stock all right that is it let's go into some actual courses let's learn something all right we're going to start this course by learning what proxies are it's pretty heavy going for the first video i understand but it's kind of fundamental to what we need to do so first up what are proxies they're placeholders it's so that your original footage that you've shot or somebody's given to you that's super big quality high quality and it's stressing your machine out it's either really big it's using a codec that your computer doesn't like there's lots of different reasons that you know this footage is just very hard to edit so a proxy basically is a duplicate and it's just smaller and less quality so that you can edit it quickly add your effects you can do everything to it okay and what happens is when you hit render it'll go back to instead of using the proxy it'll go back to the original footage so that when it's rendering it's actually rendering the super super duper high quality stuff and not your proxy it's just like this kind of like little bit of form a little file that you can use so that your machine doesn't die or melt uh but you start with great footage you'll end up with great footage does that make sense do you have to use proxies if you're going to be an advanced premiere pro user you don't have to you should understand them but like a lot of the time i'm not using proxies mainly because i shoot for youtube so when i shoot on my camera i make i shoot in h.264 because i don't need the amazing color depth and you know it's not going out to the cinema or broadcast or a tv show so i shoot in a format that's pretty lightweight still 4k okay and i can get away with this particular laptop not using proxies but as soon as somebody sends me some you know apple prores or kind of gopro cineform then it's all about the proxies because pro laptop here is not made for that heavy duty workload so let's actually make some proxies instead of just talking about them all right this video is just setting up a project i do throw some tips and tricks in here so skip it at your peril but really if you're just looking for proxies jump to the next video all right let's set up this project and i will share a couple of tiny little booties in here with you all right so let's get started by importing our footage so new project file new project or click the button ours is called tourism island road rising it's a campaign we're going to work on i'm going to browse i'm going to put it inside of my exercise files which is on my desktop inside tourism island and let's all put it inside project files that's my file structure that i use quite often okay great for small projects audio footage project files is all my after effects in premiere pro that's where i'm gonna put this and click ok and we've got our project let's import all of our files so let's go double click import media okay and i'm going to go inside tourism island and i want to bring in audio footage and graphics okay i'm holding the command key down to select all of those in on a mac you use control on a pc let's click import i'd like to switch mine to this view here list view okay that's where i like to work it's up to you okay and there's all our footage now let's create a sequence from this all let's select everything but z i don't want z uh so all i did was click the first one hold shift click on d okay and i should be able to select them all drag them into the sequence it'll create a sequence plus add the more to the timeline okay so it's a great way of getting started and one thing you might not notice a little bonus tip as we go along is when you add all of that sort of stuff and you notice it's a b c d and that doesn't always work okay it comes down to a couple of things a if you've ordered by name or frame rate okay it'll whatever the frame rate is or media stuff what have you ordered your footage by it will use that as the kind of first to last okay and also if you are by name it is still abc but if i select d first so let's undo this um i'm undoing so i said d first i've got ordered by name select d first hold shift click a because i did that way around watch what happens when i create the sequence you end up with d first i don't know that was confusing for me for a long time you can use it to your power okay so just make sure it's your selected name and you've reordered nicely so that works for me except i want to start with a to d let's do that we can leave z off for the moment or just delete it off the end let's rename our sequence this one's called uh tourism island this is our road rising 30 seconds version okay we're going to do a couple of different sizes but that's our 30 second version exciting now i'm inside of footage i'm going to drag it just to the left have you ever wondered how to like reorder that stuff it can be a bit annoying just drag it to the left and it will come out i might if i was having lots of different like a social media project i'd probably have another bin okay or folder that was with our sequences but i'm just going to leave mine sitting out here so we've got to here now we're like oh it's playing okay on my computer okay if it's it's not playing okay it's because i got screen recorder on it's not even trying look at it real time so this is a really good example uh i was gonna have to fake it but i don't turn screen recording software on and try and edit 4k footage and it's just too jumpy you can get away with this okay you can go let's go one quarter okay that's doing it okay but even then sometimes if the codec is not right your computer just won't like it if it's on full or on a call you know 16th it won't do it so i'm going to put mine on half so how do we make a proxy hey in this video we are going to create our proxies we're going to use method number one i call this the afterthought method this is when you've got them all in the timeline and things are running slowly and you think i better make some proxies okay what are proxies again i'll show you an actual example of what we're going to make in this video proxy's on proxy's off it just makes a low quality version let's look at it at full view you can't even tell from this distance away but it makes your editing a whole lot faster and you end up with a bunch of files that look like this original files and then some proxy files that are smaller and easier for your machine to handle all right let's make them all right now that we know what a proxy is creating one's really easy okay so i've got a i've got our sequence here actually you don't need a sequence you just need to have a project and have footage in it okay so i'm going to you can do one at a time or select them all right click any of them go to proxy create proxies easy okay and you can decide from the format i'm on a mac so i can use quicktime and maybe you prefer using prores or cineform one of the kind of like it's definitely going to lower the resolution or the um the pixel height and width okay so this is 4k this will make it let's say i always use h.264 because it's quick and easy and the computer can run it okay and low i think is 540 pixels across okay this one here is kind of standard uh sd and this is hd okay so this is 720 and this is full hd and this is 1080p okay you can decide the kind of sizes you want to use um pick medium if you're running on a really bad laptop and it's terrible okay piccolo it's up to you okay so you can go through and create ingest presets we'll look at that later in the class but for the moment we'll just use the drop downs now this does tend to change every time there's a new version of premiere pro but there'll be a high low medium version of this so you can play around with it it's just going to plop it next to my original footage i'm going to click ok and media code is going to open up in a second i think there it is i wish they called proxy's placeholders they seemed scary proxies seem i don't know technical all right here's me the encoder i kind of caught it in the act it was just running in the background i didn't notice it and here it is it's making all of these can you see it's kind of underscoring it with proxy and i'll go show you the actual files that it's making all right here it is so this is my exercise files on my desktop and you'll find my tourism island okay and all my footage is inside of footage and there's proxy folder they've got the same name except the hyphenated proxy and you can see they're a lot smaller okay i've already cut mine down to a small size so let's pretend that was like 500 megabytes and it's down to 14 instead of just 13 because i already did some file savings to make this course run nice so it's not as dramatic here in this course as it will be for your work now what happens in premiere pro nothing's happened absolutely nothing proxies are kind of happening in the background but you're not actually using them yet so if i play it's still going to have an issue is it it's earning in half and it's still having an issue cool so to turn proxies on you need to go to this mad button over here i don't know why they hide some buttons in here the button editor click on that little option this pops up and then you're like what do i do with this what you do is you click hold and you are looking for the proxy guy that's in there it's a little it looks like that click hold and drag it and drag it down to here okay click ok and now you've got those little proxies off proxies are on now so low quality high quality low quality high quality let's have a little look at it so that you i know i can show it to you so i'm going to use my tilde key again okay the little squiggly thing to make it nice and full and i'm going to zoom right in okay so proxies it's not the best footage i know to start with again just so file sizes are low but let's look at this proxies not proxies proxies not proxies so that's what it does it just creates a placeholder okay that's lower quality okay so that you can from this view out it's really hard to tell okay and that anything's changing but your machine okay with that on blue's good if you want to use proxies okay that when it's playing it's going to play back nicely nice and fast because it's using really low stuff if you're finding that the medium still isn't working for you go to low okay and it's going to look even worse but it's going to play back nicely so what happens when you i know is it your first question it's my first question like what happens when i'm color grading just turn it off turn it off when you're doing your color grading do it to the color grading and then turn it back on to do your flowy editing awesomeness all right so i've made my proxies and i can turn them on and off now okay but when i hit render okay i've done my editing it's great i hit render it's always going to use my high quality version not my proxy they're just like intermediary things all right let's jump in the next video we're going to look at i don't know i call it premeditated proxies proxies for professionals when you're actually doing it on purpose rather than just kind of like oh no my laptop's dying i need to do something about it okay we're gonna look at something called ingesting hey everyone in this video we're gonna talk about the strange word ingest and ingesting copy okay basically all it means is when i drag my raw footage or import it into my project automatically without me right clicking and doing anything fancy media encoder is going to automatically ingest okay the footage and make a proxy will also show you that if you're importing from say a camera you can actually copy the file across onto your local drive and make a proxy at the same time let's talk about ingesting all right first up let's close the project that we created in the last video and we're going to create a new project so technically this is where you should talk about ingesting okay right at the beginning of a project you can do it afterwards i'll show you how you're doing this new project window okay so we're going to give this a name this is going to be my test project because i'm not going to i'm going to go back to the other one i've got my test project where is it going to go i'm going to stick it onto my desktop actually no stick it back in that same folder okay and this bit ingest settings okay you might not ever have been in here okay so click on ingest and i'm going to say ingest these videos i would like when you do ingest them but ingesting is a there's a terrible word that just means bringing them into premiere pro importing when i import these okay i want you to create a proxy what kind of proxy okay we're going to use h.264 you're going to be different in here because you might be on a pc so you're unlikely to have prores and also you might be in the future they change these presets all the time i'm going to use just for in this case h.264 okay low-res proxy and it's going to put it in the same place as my project okay a lot of the same stuff that we looked at before the difference is the word ingest okay and what happens is when i click ok nothing really is different it's when i go to the importing i'm just going to double click down in my project okay i'm going to go back to the exercise files tourism island let's bring in let's bring in the whole folder what did we do before we did i'll just bring in the footage this time click import what's going to happen is here it is there hello guys it's all there what's different okay what's happening in the background is that it is busy creating proxies okay so um it's opening up my media encoder okay so where's media encoder there it is there they're all being added to it automatically i'm not doing anything it's created a proxies folder in there and eventually it will say something like uh actually i just normally wait for medium encoder to do its thing you can be a bit fancier and right click in this metadata here and go to metadata display at the top here type proxy there it is there i've already turned mine on yours will be off turn it on click ok and along you can scrub along here should be somewhere should be yours should be at the end because i've moved mine where's mine come on there it is see offline wait attached i'm going to do the last one okay so you if this is really important or you're doing a huge amount and you can't see media inc i don't know why you turn it on it's an advanced class we're learning advanced stuff there is a proxy tab okay and you can just drag it along if it's really important okay to the front they're all attached so that's the difference ingesting just means uh instead of me right clicking and saying make proxies is every time i bring something in just make a proxy based on that preset so you as the lonely editor can just work on whatever comes in here and you don't have to worry about kind of doing proxies every single time so a couple of things to consider when you are doing proxies the first one is uh let's say that i don't do it at that file new project i always forget or i don't know that i need it because the project's not gonna you know i assume it's gonna be fine and then the computer starts running slow so you can do this ingest afterwards so let's close down this current one we're all very good about it let's go back to that original one where we didn't turn on ingesting in that new window okay so we did this manually let's say that we're going to import a bunch more footage we can turn it on now by going to project settings okay so it's under file and there it is there project settings and general scratch disk ingest we're going to go to ingest it opens up that first screen again back to where we were okay but for this one i'm going to say you you create proxies back to where we were same as project okay so that's how you can turn it on afterwards now if i import footage into my project it will automatically make those proxies one other thing to consider when you are dealing with proxies is where the end up okay this project here is going to work great because it's same as project and my project is saved on my local machine on my laptop okay you might be working off an external drive or some sort of like network attached storage or some sort of raid fancy hard drive thing okay you want to not save it with your project if you are saving onto that network drive it is faster for premiere pro to read it off the local drive so you might say instead of same as project choose location and put it on your documents okay or on your desktop or something that is local to your machine it'll run faster the last thing that is pretty useful is under here there's one called copy and create proxies you can just use copy copy is kind of cool but let's explore this one here okay so we know what proxies are but copy and create proxies is pretty cool so what it means is i often like i've got my mirrorless camera here that i do a lot of my recording on okay and it's got its own like little sd card so instead of copying it off the sd card to my machine and then creating proxies what you can do is both of those at the same time okay there'll be other use cases where you need to copy as well as create proxies but let's say i'm going to copy things off my hard drive as well as um so primary destination this is like where my footage is going to go so i'm going to choose my location i'm going to say where it copies them off it's going to go into my case my footage folder please so copy them off my camera put them into my amazing file structure and the proxies can go in the same place or they might go somewhere else okay so copying them off that hard drive okay which in my case is off my camera and make a proxy at the same time let's give it a test run so let's uh plug the camera in so there's my camera okay untitled one very good okay and under this crazy directory structure is all the clips and let's say that this is something that i've recorded okay i want to bring it into my clip it is both gonna import it which is cool it's also gonna copy it off my camera and let's have a little look and let's go back to my premiere pro let's go to my let's go back to my exercise files let's go to tourism island as my footage folder and look there it is there it's been copied off it's taken a while it's pretty big and oh it's pretty big but it's been copied off okay and then hopefully a media encoder at that same time is busy encoding it all right so here's the file the big version that's been copied off my camera onto my hard drive and my proxy didn't end up in the right place that was my fault you probably saw it while i was doing it okay remember under file project settings integer settings i said same as project so i this hap i guess i leave this thing because this happens to me all the time like oh it's wrong because i forgot to change that you'll do it so mine are in where my project file is so i do my exercise files tourism island project files there's my proxy just lying about in there i end up with all of them in here okay so hey ho that's it but let's actually talk about some of these presets because there are presets built into here it says it it's a preset so let's say you want to change your preset there's kind of like two parts to it and what i'll do is i'll carve it out into the next video see in a sec hey there uh mild interruption to your youtube viewing i just wanted to make sure if you enjoying this how you finding it so far i want to check on you if you are enjoying it click the like button and subscribe to the channel also remember that this is a small part of a larger course it's actually the first 16 videos of 141 videos that is the uh premiere pro advanced course so uh click the link up here or the link in the description if you do want to do that full course otherwise continue with the course bye welcome back uh in this one we're going to make an ingest preset and it's kind of two parts you make we know what a proxy is okay and we know what ingesting is so what we're going to do is create both a preset for what we want our proxies to be okay it's called an encoding preset okay we want the proxies to be a certain kind of format and a certain size and we're going to learn about uh if you don't already know a really great codec okay an intermediary codec for proxies called apple prores and also we're going to look at how to do an ingest preset which is pretty quick which is basically just applying that new proxy encoding format to our files we need to do both does that explain it i don't know let's let's jump into the class and hopefully i can explain it better as we go actually before we get started as well we're going to learn how to put a word on our proxies to make it a bit more obvious we've been looking at the blue button down there it's hard to know that it's on look proxy proxy text making it a little bit more clearer all right now let's start okay first up i've opened up adobe media encoder okay so what we're looking for is down in preset browser here this plus button if you can't see it go to window open up preset browser okay so there's two options here encoding preset and an ingest preset remember encoding is kind of what the proxies are going to look like okay the quality the size and in just presets is kind of more the file management site so you can do one you know you can just jump straight to the ingest if you are happy with those presets that were originally in preset uh in premiere pro in the last video we'll do both of them you have to do the encoding first okay if you are going to do it so let's look at that so this encoding preset is going to be called dan i always i don't know why it's i wanted something very obvious compared to the other presets and so this one is my dan it is 720p i'm gonna make it a bit smaller okay then my original footage i'm gonna use apple prores okay and if i can type it out there you go and what i like to do is write proxy at the end you can't capital letters just this is not you can use the same uh encoding preset here for your export i don't want to use this for export just kind of like my working files okay so in the format okay it'd be really common to use the quicktime okay and it would be really common to use prores 244 for a proxy why not my h.264 with the mp4s because it makes the file sizes really small right well your computer you know premiere pro finds it really hard to work with those uh that codec h.264 yes it makes the file size really small okay but it's compressed so much that the editor which is premiere pro finds it hard to work and edit that file whereas quicktime and this codec okay prores 244 okay 422 is if file size is larger but it is an accessible codec my computer with my hardware and the software really likes editing it even though it's bigger strange okay so that's what i'm going to use for my proxy preset okay and i'm going to go into video and i'm going to go down here you can't change the quality for prores okay the data rates are fixed and we don't want to compress it okay but what we might do is the height and width okay we might say well we might say i'm definitely going to do this 720 is the height i want it to be smaller so that it runs faster now what else would i change in terms of my proxies nothing it's small it's a good easy codec and the one thing you might do though is under fx okay and come down to i want to add a name overlay to my proxies okay and i'm going to say prefix and suffix only okay and it's just going to add text over the top of my video to say proxy proxy and it's yeah it's going to add text to the center to the top left to the bottom right i'm going to put it into the top left okay you can offset it and play around with the size and stuff once you've done a little test but let's click ok and i'll show you what that does let's yeah click okay all right so we've created our encoding preset for proxies okay now let's talk about the ingest okay you can jump straight to ingest if you like if you're like actually i'm happy with the presets that premiere pro give us i'm that person okay but this is advanced and we need to see how to do it all okay let's create an ngs preset okay this is where you definitely might go and change and create your own i'm gonna call mine my dan's ingest okay you might give it a project name or a client name or some sort of film documentary that you're working on okay and i'm going to say um it says transcode files to the destination what we're really meaning is uh creating proxies transcoding is a word if you're not sure kind of like uh creating a file uh kind of a transitional file like an in-between file that's what a proxy is it's kind of like something that i'm working on it's not what i started with and it's not what i'm going to end up with it's trends what did i say it's a transition format so transcoding just means i'm going to make this in between format what they really mean is proxies here where is it going to go if you leave it blank just leave it blank because then every you know every time you use this preset it'll ask you where to go rather than forcing it to go somewhere you can change that what kind of format we know that quicktime is better for our proxies and there you go right at the top there's the proxy that i made okay you can use some of these other ones remember i said you don't have to create that encoding preset okay it's kind of cool we've added that text over the top so that might be worth just doing that okay but you can see here is you might just use that 2 4 two two proxy okay it's a great great preset already made all right that is it for our ingestion a lot going on there um the weird thing now is ready for witness click okay okay uh premiere pro doesn't know where that is i don't know why okay so what we need to do is in premiere pro we need to bring in our ingest presets so we go all right uh [Music] file project settings ingest settings and we're like okay great was that one i just made copy and create i'm just going to go instead of copying i'm just going to go create proxies and i'm going to say let's use my preset that i just made where's that where's my preset okay so we can add a preset okay and then you get lost in the kind of wilderness of your computer so how do we find it it's a epr which is great and what the easiest way probably to find it is to go back into media encoder okay there's my ngs file media code node is where it is so i can right click it and go to reveal yourself preset there you are it's in like crazy file format yours on a pc will be different but use this method to find it copy and paste it somewhere you can find it nicely what i'm you know you could just copy it to desktop i'm going to actually just select the name of it and copy the words from the name and then premiere pro i'm going to say on my macintosh hd go and find that file please kick back relax there it is there however you get it in there it only has to be done once now okay so now it's a preset that i can use forever it's going to bring in my proxies it's going to turn them to apple pro res 422 and it's going to put a watermark on them as well which is cool so let's actually go and do that uh let's click ok so i've got my ingesting turned on click okay so i'm just going to drag a footage in and where did i say it was going to go i didn't tell anybody do it every time i told you let's go to project settings and gst when i do create my ones put them not same as project so let's go somewhere random i'm going to put them in my exercise files into my footage and hopefully into proxies cool all right so let's drag something in let's find something random on the machine and when i say random we'll use something from the exercise files from a future part of this course let's grab mix butter okay and it's going to drag it in it's going to start generating my proxy in the background through media encoder oh so fast good work you can see it made it a dot mav okay mov and let's have a look at where it put it okay so it put it inside my exercise files i told it to go inside my footage there it is proxy okay and let's have a little look at it i'm going to both open it up on my finder let's have a look can you see it says proxy it's a bit loud um you can you can see there it's kind of burnt in a proxy and where it's quite useful is let's say that i'm in premiere pro now okay so i've brought it in i'm going to edit i'm going to create a sequence from it there we go okay and watch this i'm doing it and you're like oh was that proxy thing gone didn't we just add that oh remember our proxy switch proxy nope wrong button the one next to it they look similar come on toggle proxies on off on off okay so it's a visual cue to know that you're working on those proxies remember in the earlier videos we had to kind of zoom in to see the quality difference okay if you do decide to use h.264 for your proxies but now that we've learned about the quicktime apple prores 422 okay my suggestion would be to use that for your proxies for now on all right so we know what a proxy is we know how to ingest things and we know how to make our own custom ingesting bits in our case we used uh hey there this video we are going to look at what happens if you lose your proxies you probably didn't lose them you probably just inherited a project from somebody else or from an old computer and it can't find the proxies and there's lots of them and they're going to take ages to remake so we just want to re-link them it's super easy right click one of them you can see this proxy is offline i can go to proxy and go to attach proxies there are a few other quirks that i'm going to go through in this video you'll see it's not terribly long so stick around but that's the quick way all right let's get in there all right let's start with re-linking proxies uh this happens when somebody sends you a file you know you inherit a project and you've got the proxies but premiere pro doesn't know where they are so you'll know they're missing for a couple of ways you'll open it up and say i'm mixing these files called underscore proxy okay and you can go and find them now that's probably the easiest way but we know how to do that let's go to offline all okay and let's look in here now let's do it within the program here and how do i know my proxies are actually gone because they're reloading fine it's because my actual raw footage is connected just fine but my proxies aren't okay i know they're not connected because a it told me when they opened them up and also over here if i turn this on and off okay it's not showing me a different size or a different quality and in this case actually i turned that watermarked proxy on so it's very obvious okay so the other thing is is that down the end here of my little program window you can see i turned remember we turned on proxy in the last video maybe you can right click any of these titles here of the columns go to metadata and type in proxy to turn that on turn a little tick on scrub to the end you can see they're all offline who knew select them all right click them and this is where it gets a little weird go to a proxy when we're attached to proxies because they're missing okay we can pick the first one which is tourism a okay but it's not looking for the underscore proxy now it is but it's not saying so this might change in the future so click attach and i don't want i want to find the proxy i know where they are okay because i've found them find them on my hard drive and i move them so i know they're on my desktop under proxies and i'm looking for this one here tourism a underscore proxy that was the one that was missing click ok it's found them all automatically and hey look they're all attached and i can tell they're attached because the word proxy is up the top there okay now toggles on and off all right uh mission complete proxies are reattached that's it i'll see you in the next video in this video we are going to look at how to export your proxies to kind of like final render okay there's lots of reasons why you might i don't use them very often but you might be adding some special magic to your proxies uh they are smaller okay maybe your raniering time is really long okay uh maybe you're adding luts or this kind of watermark and then you want to export that for the client to do it let's hit command m on a mac or control m for mary on our pc and down the bottom here just make sure use proxies is turned on and we'll use the proxies that you've made remember you might have added that watermark like we did okay in our proxies or you might add like you might have added like a lut to all of your proxies or some sort of thing you just want to use those okay tick that box hit export okay and you will have ones that doesn't use your original files okay it uses those proxies that you've generated all right nice number one let's get on to the next video in all honesty do i use it every single time no media browser is perfect when i am the both the videographer and the editor okay so a lot of the time is that if i am doing a really big project where i'm not the camera person and i'm just doing the editing sure that's a great way of doing it if i'm just doing a small kind of social media video nah i just go straight to project and drag from my finder into here because often i'm dealing with stock images there's not a lot of confusion about what kind of format it is can it be read so teeny tiny jobs no no media browser beggar jobs or stuff that i am filming myself so i need to connect to my camera media browser is great all right that's it let's hope they fix it all right first thing is i've just opened up and saved a brand new project i've called it delete me 01 because it's a throwaway project just to show you this feature and i'm also going to set to editing we've been on a kind of a learning workspace we're going to go to editing we'll go to window workspace editing okay and we're going to go to window workspace reset to save layout so everything's the same and we've got a few more panels open by default it's a good place to start so the media browser is along the bottom here okay it might be under window then come down to media browser so media browser is just a way of navigating your machine via premiere pro rather than your in on mac uh you know it's called finder and on a pc it's called a window okay so it's just a different way of doing it has some perks let's talk about them so the first thing i'm going to show you is more like a have to get this set up to make media browser useful thing uh so favorites you need some favorites because otherwise like the kind of way this works on this left hand side here you can try and find your files by going all the way back to macintosh hd which is not great because you've got to find users and daniel scott and find your documents okay on pc it's c drive and windows and find all that up here it says users okay you can go to home directory okay and on mine it's kind of gone to the right place okay on pc i'm sure it'll look very similar so i know that my documents that i'm going to be working for for this project are on my desktop okay and under exercise files and under tourism island and here's the footage that i want to look at okay actually yeah i'll do it straight to footage probably okay so what i want to do is set up a favorite for it so before i go into it if you do go in you can use this little arrow to come back out okay go back out one there it is their footage i'm going to right click it and set it as a favorite now instead of like this chronic crazy madness on the side here you can go to the top here and you've got your footage it's in your favorites look at that close that down phew oh tidy the one thing to note about your favorites is that it's per project so every time you start a new project you're going to have to create a new favorite which is not a big drama um just make sure you get a home directory and kind of start from there a little bit easier okay first perk is let's switch it from list view to thumbnail view this is really handy so the media browser remember we're not actually looking at stuff that's in my project yet it's kind of like an in between okay or before we get started we can actually just kind of move our mouse i'm not holding anything down i'm just kind of like moving my mouse back and forth and it will give me a little preview which is super handy before i import to know which one you know might be the shot that i'm looking for and when you do import it let's say i drag it straight to the timeline to create a sequence and bring it in what it does is it imports it in one file swoop can you see it's in my it's in here it's created my sequence but it's gone straight to my project i didn't have to like a file import okay so often what you'll end up doing is finding it on your finder or in your windows on a pc finding it all getting the right one then going file import and then you know it saves a step that's even more useful when you are looking at a camera that's connected to your computer okay so i don't have anything at the moment but let's say we go to our local drives okay you might find your camera in here and you can preview this stuff on the camera drag it onto your timeline or into the project window and it will import it at the same time and again you can combine that with the ingest that we did before so we can bring it in bring proxies oh media browser kind of adds that little extra level of professionalism another perk is actually i showed you you can kind of just hover and do it as well you can click on them and you see you've got a little scrubber to go back and forth rather than the kind of hand mouse waving hover okay up to you the other perk is you can actually look at them in the source monitor so make sure your source monitors open under window source monitor okay and you can actually just drag them into here and preview them like full screen before importing them you notice that i'm watching looking at tourism b here and it's not actually part of my project yet just a way of kind of previewing it without actually dragging it into and importing it and then deciding you don't need it and then it's offline because you deleted it i'm getting a bit uh speaking from personal experience it's nicer just to preview and source monitor before importing save some drama later on so what else actually the next thing i want to show you is kind of weird because it's broken i'm going to leave it in this course because yours might still be broken and if yours it isn't and it's working perfectly let me know by the facebook group uh be up on the screen here just let me know that this this video and a link to it that is ready to be re-recorded because it's all working again so it's gonna be a little bit of hand waving but it's if it's working on yours or it's fixed in the future it's brilliant okay so let's say that i've got a camera connected so i'm gonna go to my local drive where i have got a camera connector this is my canon i have no name drive okay but in here somewhere is my footage i know it's in this one here i'm going to right click it and say set to favorites okay add a favorite which is handy okay and i can go in here and this is really handy we talked about it before you can see stuff on your camera but when it comes to working with your camera like uh my sony which is some reason is not connecting at the moment which is another bug for premiere pro bad premiere pro okay but um you can go to filter and my one has a lot of xml files okay and i don't want to see those i just want to see the video file so you can go up to here and filter and say just show me the video files not the xml or you know just you can turn things on and off depending on how your camera shoots and what extra files that it brings along so you can filter them you'll notice my filter i can click on it and it doesn't work it's kind of a bug it's definitely a bug it doesn't work what's also really good and still not working is that you notice how my format was a bit strange you know you have to go and go local drives here here here that's not too bad the sony that i'm using uses a different structure and it's harder okay you've got to go to clip and miscellaneous and all sorts of other stuff to actually find the video footage i don't know why they hide these things so well but anyway what you can do is you can actually click on your local drive say you know it's a camera a canon or a panasonic or a red okay and you can go to this little option go into it go to this and click on like say panasonic and what it will do is it'll take you straight there because premiere pro knows it knows that you know your p2 camera stores it here here here here here and down all these like wormhole of directories and we'll just take you straight there okay so it's super handy same with uh canon depending on how you're shooting okay uh it will take you directly to that folder rather than having to dig it out yourself and set a favorite so that's not working at the moment nothing's working this one or that one i've seen conflicting stuff online now that says hey premiere pro are not supporting this feature anymore they'd turn it off i feel like if they were but it's been broken for a while so yours might be working perfectly so awesome the viewers are still broken like mine ah premium power come on but anyway it's worth mentioning because it's a really handy feature for using the media browser when you are connecting two cameras and like sucking the data straight off especially when you're gonna tie it in with that amazing ingest that we learned in the last video actually quickly to recap if you are using this to kind of find stuff on your camera okay and you are dragging it to your project panel or to your timeline from here you want to turn on ingest and make sure you ingest settings set to whatever you want if you're not using proxies or you are using proxies go to project settings make sure your ingest settings are on in my case let's say we're not doing anything other than copying okay so we're not going to create proxies we're just going to copy it straight over okay where's it going to go not same as project i'm going to put mine into a folder that i choose so when i'm previewing on my camera i'm going to make sure when i add them to my project panel they're going to copy to a place that i choose in my footage folder wherever it is that's you know it's a nice method and way to work with your camera and your sd card straight from your camera all right pros and cons uh pros you can work with camera files and especially ones that maybe aren't natively viewable from your computer itself but you can do it from premiere pro via the media browser you can preview stuff before it comes on it can be copied using ingest you can filter when it works and you can actually see directory structures um quickly when that works too a lot this is a long video to show us a lot of stuff that doesn't work in premiere pro i didn't make it and i'll come back and video this again when it is working perfectly or gone completely if these are disappeared they were turning it off and i was wrong and the one con for me is that you have to set up the preference uh favorites which makes sense for every project and not a huge big drama in all honesty do i use it every single time no media browser is perfect when i am the both the videographer and the editor okay so a lot of the time is that if i am doing a really big project where i'm not the camera person and i'm just doing the editing sure that's a great way of doing it if i'm just doing a small kind of social media video nah i just go straight to project and drag from my finder into here because often i'm dealing with stock images there's not a lot of confusion about what kind of format it is can it be read so teeny tiny jobs no no media browser beggar jobs or stuff that i am filming myself so i need to connect to my camera media browser is great all right that's it let's hope they fix it hi everyone uh this video is about class projects okay not everyone does the class projects um but it's up to you okay it's a great way of recapping and rather than just kind of watching and not actually following along so here's a project that i've set for you you will find all the class projects in a pdf that is in your exercise files okay there it is class projects i'll run through them in videos like this of what you need to do but yeah there's a nice little pdf explaining them all separately as well all right let me discuss this one all right class project time homework okay i've got a few things for you to do uh just to kind of recap some of the things we've done and set up a project for the next part of the course so won't take too long so first of all let's delete we've been going up a bit of adventure learning about proxies and you might have set up a project and things went to the wrong place because we were learning so what i want you to do is just go clear everything out so go into your delete any proxies okay they might be in your footage folder okay uh so find the tourism island uh exercise files go into the project files delete what's in there get rid of everything we can start afresh okay and then same here in the footage uh if you've got any proxies or proxy folders delete all of that so we can start again okay so create a fresh project this is the name of the project okay save it and i want you using the media browser okay you might have been doing this as we go along so you're pretty much done but you may have been just watching okay this is the chance to actually do some stuff with a little bit of editing uh so using the media browser i want you to ingest the footage okay using these followers use these proxy settings here so remember the ingest you can either do when you're setting up the new project or you can do it afterwards under the file project settings okay so i want you to ingest them i don't want you to copy and adjust maybe that was something we did okay we're just going to do the create proxies ingesting okay and you'll have to create your own custom preset because one of the things i want you to do is add that text watermark okay so remember you're going to create an encoding preset okay and then a proxy preset doesn't have to be apple prores 422 you might be using an earlier version of premium pro and it won't let you h.264 is fine anything you want what i'm really looking for is that you've gone into there and dug around and used it and you the way i know is that you've kind of added that text uh for the proxy so bring in the audio the footage the graphics and i want you to do a little bit of editing you'll end up looking something like this where is it okay so i want to do 30 seconds long okay no more uh the audio for the um sorry the music okay there's a couple of files in your exercise files you can pick from so under so you bring in audio footage and graphics okay we'll use graphics later on but under audio there's a couple of bits of music that you get to select from if you've got your own music or know how to get music you can use your own totally so use one of those and also there is uh an irish blessing to bring in okay and in this case like there's two readings of it in there okay so you can kind of see it here in mind there's the first reading okay and there's a second reading i gotta do it differently just so there's one different kind of emphasis and tone pick which one you like you're going to have to split it up to get the timing to work across the 30 seconds okay in terms of the footage there is a b c and d just cut them up any way you like nothing too fancy there's no like editing score here just getting a file already and learning how to use proxies so do that and import this one called tourism z okay but don't use it in your footage we're going to use that later on in the course you'll have to balance between the voiceover and the music so that the voiceover can be heard you'll have to lower that down so no more than 30 seconds voiceover add music and export using your proxies remember that remember rendering and there was that little check mark that said uh export proxies and that's the file that i'd like to see okay so upload it to behance or vimeo or whatever you've got don't use youtube youtube get a little bit annoyed when we upload duplicate content and it might hurt your channel if you have a channel okay but behance vermeo is great okay and share the link in the assignments okay so that that's the way to kind of get that assignment up and out do these things make sure you use the proxies and then use the link that you get from behance or vimeo and you know and add that as your assignment the other thing to do to get excited about what we're doing is just let me know via social media like you're getting started well that's not about right okay so let me know in social media anyone that you use the most and just say hey dan i'm excited i'm just getting started in premiere pro advanced looking forward to it something like that and use this hashtag gettingnurdynpp okay so that is our little uh inside joke or inside inside and knowledge that i know that you're getting into it and you're excited so add that to the assignments and this is you don't have to do this this is just i don't know i'm seeing who's out there who's getting into it it's taking me a while to produce this course i love it when people are doing it yeah you can share the video link if you want or you can just let me know you're getting started all right that is it let's get on to the next video hi there in this video we are going to look at render in and out okay all of these ones we'll look at all these different options here we'll start with some simple use cases some more advanced ones the short answer is it's a way of creating a temporary file quite like a proxy so that your machine can play back uh some effects generally okay in this case we've added noise to this and it's gone red it won't play it back very nicely we can select it say sequence and we can render our effects in and out and it will create a temporary file so that it can play back smoothly similar to proxies there are some differences let's get into it all right to get started with this one let's just make sure proxies are turned off okay forget we even did any proxies let's pretend we haven't used proxies in this project we're going to look at render in and out so you use it by adding normally effects okay that stretching machine out okay so i'm going to go into my effects and let's say this i'm using tourism d okay and i'm going to add some noise okay noise there it is there drag it onto this one okay and up here i'm gonna crank it right up and leave it all by default i'm on full let's see if it plays back it's gone red which is not good let's see if it plays a space bar may god hold you in the palm of his hand [Music] it's playing back fine your machine might not be playing back fine okay so anyway i tried to stress it out it didn't work um reasonably new laptop and not a particularly stressful effects your mileage may vary i imagine i don't know i don't imagine but a lot of the time effects will start stressing it out and it won't play back nicely so you can do one thing you can start applying it to proxies but let's say we're not using proxies and we don't want to it's confusing it's hard it's too much for what we're doing what we can do is just say this read stuff render in and out to do it go up to sequence and go to this one that says render in effects in and out that's the one we want and see that's the shortcut for it it's the return key rather than the enter key have a look at your keyboard one of them will have that on it use that one mine is next to the square brackets okay so the shortcut so click that it's going to render all the effects from the beginning of my um sequence all the way to the end the in and out hasn't been set so it assumes mean the whole thing watch it goes from red to green now it'll play back nicely my god so that's an alternative for using proxies because what it's done is let's say that you do it plays back fine but as soon as you add effects your machine just can't play it back and something like noise like this you really need to see what it looks like to know whether it's good or not so you do need to you know if you crank down the resolution here you're not going to get that effect you know what the noise actually looks like so hitting the enter key will actually create this preview file on your machine kind of like a proxy like a temporary proxy so that it plays back smoothly now if you've got lots of effects and you just want to render the one that you've kind of worked with that's why it says up here uh in and out okay or render effects in and out so you just set the end point and the output so you might drag the ctr here hit i on your keyboard for the end point and over here for the out point so it's going to ignore maybe a big long sequence just do this part remember the return key will render it okay let's say that i want to change mine a couple other ways you can do is so i'm going to go and change my noise to make it go red again you see there it's gone red okay i can clear my in and out goodbye and i can actually just select something and there's an option here that says render selection okay so rather than the in and out i find i use that more okay i'm going to do just what i have selected in here nothing else you can select more than one thing may god hold you in the palm of way too much i'm aware of that okay but i was trying to slow down the machine way too much noise another handy part is the looping playback okay at the moment um you know i've got to kind of restart and let's say you were doing some adjustments what we can do is add this little plus button here and turn on this one when i say turn on i mean click hold and drag this down to be a little option for us there's lots of handy stuff in this weird button editor okay just click okay okay and what we can do now is set our in a now point maybe just a little bit like this so i don't need the whole clip done okay i just need a tiny little bit to see how good that or bad the noise is i'm going to turn on the loop okay so when i make sure it's in the middle there hit your return key my god my god interesting audio snippet okay but it means that i can let's mute all of these let's mute all these for you so you don't go mad okay can you see i can start looking at this and then i can go okay let's stop it there let's adjust this a little bit now hit my return key so it's going to render it again the in and out point not the whole thing just there and that's a quick way to kind of especially if your effects quite um takes a long time to actually implement set in and out point turn your little loop on and then know that the shortcut is that return key now what was up here there's like render effects that kind of make sense right we've added an effect okay not everything else render in and out and render in now it's an interesting one so not just the effects in and out but everything because you can see along here this is red okay this is yellow it won't render that even if i clear my in and out points if i hit the return key it's only gonna render out everything that is red it assumes anything that is yellow yeah probably doesn't need rendering okay your machine is fine to do it so says premiere pro if even this part okay your machine's finding it hard to play oh there goes my one what you can do okay is you can go into here and say actually render the yellow stuff as well because hopefully that'll make a difference so rendering the in and out which is the entire thing okay if we in and out watch it's going to render all this stuff as well see it's going green that clip that clip that clip it's making a little temporary file kind of like a proxy to make sure playback is nice oh look at that all green and all go finally it started jumping okay other interesting facts about a render in and out is that they're actually files on your machine you'll find them okay uh when you have you have to have done your render in and out okay either effects or in and out or selection whether it matters it creates this folder for you okay and in here are all these mpegs okay that are used as the temporary folder okay or the temporary speedy video files that you're viewing okay kind of like switches them out kind of like a proxy temporarily i make an adjustment i have to re-render this file gets remade again you can see near the quite big file so if you do like get towards the end of a job you don't need any of these okay once you've exported okay and rendered it for the final time all of these are here just little helper files that you can bin you don't have to back them up you can just select them all in here and hit delete or you can do the official way and go sequence and render delete render files will get rid of everything if you want to get rid of just some of them you've got a set in an out point let's say i want to keep these but i want to delete i don't know why you want to do this but you're probably going to ask why are there two of them i've set an in and out point so if i say delete all render files everything goes these ones that one but if i just select the ones that are in between my in and out files you just want to delete some of them click that click ok you can see that one went red but these guys are still there and you'll notice in my files here there's still a bunch so let's do it the other way sequence delete render files everything goes that's back to yellow and in here just a bunch of leftover xmp files but all the big large files the mp mpeg4s are gone something else to consider about rendering and out as well is you can use them for export okay i've deleted all mine let me render it uh let's render everything um render in and out back in a second okay it only rendered between my in and out okay do it again see in a second render in and out okay so we've created a bunch of like rendered files you can actually export them very similar to what we did with proxies when you want to export your proxies very same sort of reasons quick export kind of so a lot of the rendering's already being done okay so you can go to command m okay or file export m okay or control m on a pc okay and i can say i don't want to export the proxies but i want to use these previews okay so that's that's the kind of that's what they call it the in and out okay that we've already generated in that file there so it's going to use all of these to do it and it's just going to be super quicker you might be asking yourself oh well what size is it going to be let's go and look at how to check and change those preview sizes if you wanted to okay so let's cancel it let's go into sequence sequence settings note we're going to go to yes secret settings at the top here okay and in here video video previews okay that is all linked to that sequence render in and out okay and you can say actually the preview format okay instead of mpeg4 you might be using i don't know quicktime and you might be using h.264 okay and give it a specific size this is where you get to control what size that preview is so you've got to decide whether you are bothered you know whether you plan to export using the previews if you don't just leave it as a default if you don't want a bit more control it's under sequence settings where this gets handy and you want to be really kind of careful with this we're not careful where you want to be particular about what the sizes are and the dimensions and the codecs is when you're working on a really big sequence massive okay and what you know you getting towards the end you've got a couple of sections that have been signed off and approved and you know you can render previews okay and let's say there's a couple of bits that need to be fixed and finished okay you can you know make those changes and because you've already done a pre-render you've done a lot of the hard work for some of those large jobs or at least big chunks of the projects okay so that you don't have to then wait to the end in the last minute and try and hit render and spend ages rendering whereas this can save a bit of time if you use this previous trick as a more like a pre-rendering before you get going all right i'm going to leave mine as the default and it's really handy as well when you're bringing in after effects files okay rendering in and out okay because the effects that happen with after effects files can be very stressful for premiere pro to try and recreate so if you've got an after effects clip uh put on your timeline here you can you know do sequence render selection and it will render the after effects file okay and just play back nice and smoothly especially if you're not planning on changing yourself you just want to see what it looks like we'll cover after effects later on in this course and kind of how to do it and i'll remind you of that little tip again then so rendering is kind of like proxies can you kind of see it's creating a temporary file to make things go faster proxies is a little bit more deliberate it's more like i know that 4k footage at this weird you're not weird but like 422 or you know some sort of raw file format is just my computer can't do it so i'm going to definitely create proxies and start from there whereas rendering in and out is you might have an effect on one clip that is causing trouble or just working on a small job and proxies blow your mind you can just use render in and out just to make it go fast all right that reminds me actually can you use proxies and render in and out yes do it all the time not so much about the playback because the playback and this yellow stuff here should be sorted by proxies but your proxies aren't going to have effects applied to them okay so even though i've got my proxies on proxy's on okay if i want to add an effect to it it still might run really slowly okay because the effect itself is very stressful even on your kind of like smaller size proxy okay so if i adjust this it still might not play back nicely okay no it's probably gonna bleed back alright yes playing back all right pretend it's not okay you still even though your proxies on you still do the same thing okay i'm going to do the selection i'm going to go to my sequence and i'm going to render effects in and out which is going to do every effect on the timeline between the in and out point which is all the way to ends here on top of my proxy so proxies are handling this thing here this parts here where it's just smaller lower quality a better codec and when it gets to here it's going to play nicely because it's my proxy underneath and my effect on the top all right that was a long one we are done there's enough render in and outs let's get on to the next video hey everyone we are gonna learn what media cache is and what a scratch disk is and how we can bend them to our will and make our editing process faster so first up what are the difference between the two because they get lumped together all the time because they do a very similar job media cache okay is a bunch of files that premiere pro create in the background without you knowing or asking uh to help it run nice and fast for example when i bring in say this mp3 here for my music uh premiere pro goes i hate mp3s they don't run very fast when they're editing and it could try and do it with the native mp3 but it would be slow and jumpy and we'd blame premiere pro okay but it's a super compressed file so what it does in the background is it makes another file okay in this case a cfa or something that it loads and uses for us we don't know that that process is happening okay but that file gets created in the background for us to have our editing flow be nice and smooth thank you premiere pro so that happens with a bunch of different files it creates lots of little mini files in the background just to help us work scratch disks are very similar they're all kind of like supporting files that are in the background but they're a bit more like purposeful it's the ones that we make we made them earlier okay see these ones here remember that's our project file and we looked at the video previews here okay remember we made these for render in and out okay there's a bunch of files that get created in here to help us you can see my timeline is green okay so scratch disks are more like the files that i create for my little previews to help run fast and media cache is the ones that premiere pro don't ask and just do to make the flow and go nicely all right so that's the difference between media cache and scratch disks very similar why do we need to know about them mainly because they can get big and bloated and especially if you're on a slower machine it can really slow things down alright so why are they slowing me down just because they can get really big here's my media cache files here don't go and try and find this file it's a it's buried deep in the machine and it's very hard to find i've dug it out here just to show you you don't need to find it but you can see here i've been working on one project for like a day with you and i'm already at 200 megabytes i've reformatted this machine and cleared it all out so just for this tutorial okay and before i did that it was up to four gigabytes now that's fine on this machine because i've got lots of space but it can get really big and if you are on a machine that has it's either older slower or it's full already media case clearing can be super useful to kind of speed things up let's look at media cache first all right to find and manipulate our media cache go to on a mac go to premiere pro go to preferences and go to media cache if you're on a pc go to edit and down the bottom here will be preferences and go to the same one called media cache so the quick and easy one is just go and say delete all that media cache clear it out don't need it anymore um if you've got a project open you can only delete the unused cache so because it's got a timeline open and it's got stuff that it's using okay it's only going to delete the stuff that hasn't you know it's not being used now that'll happen if you say import an mp3 play it don't like it take it off again it will you know it'll have generated it it'll be sitting in that folder but not used so it's a way of clearing out unused ones and have the project close down everything okay and go back to preferences to delete everything at once that's my advice okay because what happens is if you delete everything don't worry as soon as a project opens back up okay it will generate them all again where i wouldn't do this is if i'm working on a really big documentary or a film where actually there's quite a lot of media cache made okay so to open it and to have deleted them all it's going to take ages to generate okay you'll notice it down here there's like a little bar that appears little blue one have you seen it okay when it starts generating things in the background you never notice it that much but so that's the time that i wouldn't maybe generate you know delete all of them okay so just close down your project that will become available so you've cleared out your cache what else can you do this one here is super useful what to do i don't know why it's not deleting them automatically okay this seems like a really good idea okay let's click okay it's going to automatically delete cache files older than 90 days that seems good but even 30 days 60 days like it's up to your workflow okay like hey if you haven't touched it for that long it's not a big drama to regenerate those media cache files or you might decide that you do it this way here delete it when the oldest cache files you know delete the oldest files when your cache exceeds this much gigabytes that feels like a lot of gigabytes of my hard drive gone i don't set it to that i turn it down to like i don't know 10 gigabytes have a look at your hard drive how much free do you have you might decide that you're happy to give premiere pro 10 megabytes or sorry 10 gigabytes and everything after that it will delete the oldest ones first okay this is the one that i more likely use okay and 90 days is fine for me maybe even shorter we'll talk about the database location in a second we'll separate it in a separate video because it relies on you having an extra ssd or hard drive but i'll do that in the next video let's look at what we can do with our scratch disk all right let's clear out our scratch disks as well to give us a bit of a performance boost and it's only going to give you a performance boost if your machine is lacking hard drive space okay so in this case it's in a slightly different place we go to sequence and we go to this one we've done it before right delete our render files we'll get rid of everything remember delete render files in and out will mean only delete the files in between here my endpoint and my out point i'm using the i and o shortcuts there to set my endpoint and outpoint but if you just want to clear everything out just use that one all right let's jump to the next video where we talk a little bit more about scratch discs and media cache and external hard drives all right we'll see in a sec all right this video we're going to talk about storing all your files on a separate hard drive i know wait you might not have one but listen to this video and decide whether it's right for you it can be probably other than proxies it's going to be the biggest workflow update that i found in my experience to make things work faster even if you've not got a like if you've got a slower computer and it's full up it's going to be amazing even if you've got a pretty good computer like i do it it is worth it it makes everything run and preview and render a lot faster and i promise we will get onto some more exciting premiere pro i don't know features soon i don't know i feel like productivity is all about getting our system working fast and our workflow nice before we start jumping into the stressful parts of our kind of super features i totally should have started with something a little sexier than proxies and media cache anyway let's move on now keeping all of your files on a second hard drive if you've got like say a desktop style computer either mac or pc often you can put an extra hard drive in it okay which is good if you're like me working on a laptop there's no room for an extra hard drive so i'm using an external hard drive and as long as it's fast enough it works nearly as good okay so just make sure when you are picking a hard drive that you're gonna shift this on to it needs to be super fast i'm gonna give you my recommendations for today with my knowledge i'm not a hard drive expert but you need to it needs to be an ssd which is a solid state drive but who knows next year there might be i don't know a floppy state drive i don't know but just have a research about what the best speeds are for your particular computer and your operating system so at the moment ssd with the usbc or if you've got a mac thunderbolt 3 is super fast so um so pc you're probably at usbc three point something at the moment so just find a nice fast hard drive doesn't have to be huge okay just has too fast and what goes over there so i find everything over there is great even like the project file doesn't have to be and the trick is is just leaving your hard drive to only run premiere pro so everything like your project files your source files which is like the videos and audio you're using should be on this extra hard drive or the media cache okay which we talked about in the last video and your scratch disk all on this external hard drive or the second hard drive that frees up uh your kind of the hard drive that came with your computer to only run premiere pro and that sort of balance works really well so for your project file to get it over there it's easy just file save as and put it onto your external hard drive okay and just use that as your way you're working okay and same with all the raw files or the exercise files that we've got today just move them onto that other hard drive in terms of the scratch disk and media cache they're pretty easy to change as well so let's do that i'll show you kind of a work through and so again let's get to that media cache on our mac it's premiere pro preferences media cache remember on a pc it's under edit preferences media cache and all you do is say both of these places okay you want both the cache files and the database to be on the external drive so let's go to browse let's find my external drive i've got a fresh one for you and i'm going to make this one's going to be my media cache media cache it's a hard word to spell is it i don't know it is for me let's click it in there okay and that's it we'll do the same thing for here it's gonna go to the right place and it just means oh it's going to say hey i've already got some media cache for this open document do you want to remove it or delete it let's delete it start fresh okay and the cool thing about this is that from now on it will always be over there okay obviously there is a trouble when you are out and about you can't work on your file unless you bring your external hard drive with you so there are some compromises but i do my video editing at home plugged in i do bits of editing out and about i just got to remember to take my uh hard drive with me so there might be some projects that end up living on your hard drive you know your main hard drive and some that end up on the external drive because it is a lot faster working okay so let's click ok in terms of the scratch disks okay remember those other files like the render in and outs you can put those over there as well and they are great over there and to move them there are slightly different they are in your project settings okay because scratch disks are set per project because they kind of follow along the project file remember they're kind of here where are they they're gone there so these scratch disks follow along often where the premiere pro project file is so this is a bit of a pain you've got to remember every single time you set up a new project to make sure the scratch disks are set up to that external drive for me i've already got this set up so how do i do that i go to file i go to project settings and i go to scratch disks okay and i can say i want you to be over on my lacy drive and i'm going to make a new folder called scratch disk okay and it's going to go in there and you go browse browse okay it just remembers the last place you went and it's going to rebuild all those preview files you can see it's already building them okay you do that and now every time i do a render okay render in and out it will end up on that external drive leaving the internal hard drive to run premiere pro in my external drive as long as it's nice and fast to [Music] do the data transfer between the software and the actual physical files as physical as files can get um we did that for an existing file for new files as part of your workflow so if you've got a new project you'll find it there scratch disks looks the same just you can see that it's already browsed out to my scratch disk okay so it remembers the last thing i did all right so that's it you don't have to have an external drive or a separate drive but if you do keep your project files your source files your media cache and your scratch disk on them and let your kind of internal hard drive run premiere pro and it's a great little workflow all right on to the next video i hope it's more exciting than in this case dan hi there in this video we're going to look at preferences i know in the last video i said it's going to be exciting stuff this is exciting it's nerdy exciting for premiere pro we're going to look at the preferences that are actually worth changing not just all the preferences now most of these are just personal preferences and personal peeves of mine and to change them all makes the whole experience nicer for me at least uh the first one is in your project window if you open up a bin it opens up in a separate tab okay and then you like back to this one and you've got this one open and then oh it's a big mess down here so what i prefer to do i'm going to close these down is premiere pro preferences general on a mac it's edit preferences general okay and i like that when i double click a bin it just opens in place click ok ok it means now when i open up footage that just that same panel is updated and i can go back and into this next one i'm back thank you very much you might not like that next preference this one here is just super useful and it's not on by default at the moment uh go to back into your preferences go to auto save and turn this on it says save backup project onto creative cloud i know it's not on at the moment so just turn that on you might these seem to work good automatically back it up every 15 minutes um up until a maximum of 20 versions that's fine but also save it to the cloud why not it's useful um let's click ok premiere pro doesn't crash nearly as much as it used to um you will find them okay let me find it for you there it is so here's my creative cloud in here under so i've just logged into my work and you will find under sync files premiere pro 15 whatever version you're at auto saves and it will just back them up in here as well is that there if things go wrong you can find your project files yours corrupts so you lose it it's backed up here as well or there'll be 20 versions going backwards super useful especially if somebody else is working on your project and you're just kind of sharing the project file all right next preference for those of you who are using a computer that is not quite up to premiere pro spec and it reminds you that every time it loads it says hey you don't have the right machine you're like i know i know and it works good enough so i ignore it you can go and turn that off okay preferences general and say stop showing me compatibility issues every time you start up once is fine you don't keep reminding me of my slow puru laptop it doesn't fix them just the warning dialogues all right next preference now this next one is i'm not sure if this is on by default anymore i know was definitely on by default and it was a pain that i had and a lot of my students had so uh it might be off by default we'll check and so what happens by default is wherever i move my cti can you see it actually selects uh selects the clip underneath and changes up here in your effects controls and i hated that okay uh what we can do is you can go to sequence and say actually don't selection does not follow the playhead okay i've got something selected my playhead doesn't kind of keep jumping around it may or may not be on and you may or may not hate it you might love it you'll be like man i'm going to turn that back on because look it selects it every time you move all right these preferences are personal preferences all right next one all right don't forget to turn it off all right now next one all right this next shortcut is for you those of you like me who use a mouse with a scroll wheel to do your editing and you end up doing this whoop everything is up hiding all the time you're like oh how do i get it back why can't i see anything uh so the scroll wheel by default vertically scrolls up and down the timeline and if you find that frustrating like i do go to premiere pro preferences remember edit preferences on a pc go to timeline and say actually the timeline mouse scrolling be horizontal that's way more useful let's click ok and now i've lost them you come back down you there but now okay your scroll wheel goes back and forth okay so i find that helpful and you can do some other things like you can still go up and down by holding the command key on a mac or control key on a pc and just hover above the different ones so you can still disappear them and scrub up and down your timelines another little shortcut if you are a scroll wheel a person hold down the option key on a mac all key on a pc and it zooms in in and out using the scroll wheel okay so command up and down now option to zoom in and out and the regular old just using the mouse with nothing the scroll wheel with nothing held down will go left and right now the question you didn't ask and probably didn't even think about but i'm going to tell you anyway is what mouse is he using so what is the best mouse for video editing for me i use this one it's not the best mouse it's the best mouse for me because it's called the logitech m2 m720 it's called triathlon i think why because i'm just not a full-time video editor i do as much graphic design as i do web design as ux design is teaching so i need a mouse that can do a bit of it all and this is a nice good compromise it's got some extra programmable buttons some good scroll wheel functions you can connect it to different devices like my phone and my ipad which is crazy cool but and it's not super expensive if you are a full-time editor which a lot of you will be you might want to consider some of the surface controls okay so type in service controls and see what's out there like there is an amazing array of service controls just make sure it's compatible with premiere pro you can see there's some crazy cool things you can kind of set up to get your workflow going plus you look like a serious legit video editor if you've got something like this on the table but for me my desktop service is super valuable i've got no room for it and i've tried it before and i just it ends up in the draw of junk that i thought i needed but i don't but i know for sure if i was a full-time editor i'd try and look like this guy all right uh on to the next preference this next uh preference setting it's less of a preference and like turning off two preferences that are meant to be helpful but for me run into too much trouble the first one is well it's snap and set in and out points there are shortcuts on your keyboard that somehow magically i hit all the time i never want to use them you know i never do it on purpose but the s key okay which is snap you can there's the icon version of it there i always turn it off and it stops snapping and you're like why aren't you snapping anymore why isn't that lining up and you're like oh it's because snaps off and you're like where is snap know that there's an icon there now which you've probably never looked at before and you go like ah snap and you turn it off so i'm going to turn that off as a shortcut you don't have to i do the other one that is uh i don't know i do it all the time by mistake is i've got something selected and i'm looking down to kind of resize my um timeline you know because i'm zoomed in too far i'm going to zoom out and what i do is i end up sitting in and out points because instead of the backslash which i want i click the forward slash and i'm like oh not that i'm like how do i get rid of that again and i right click and clear in and out and then i hit the backslash key to fill the timeline so i'm going to turn both of those off let's go to edit snow on a mac it's under premiere pro and under keyboard shortcuts on a pc so edit keyboard shortcuts okay i'm going to disable a couple of them so i want to find snap okay i just typed it in there i want to say you are gone so when i hit s now it's not going to do anything and the other one is i want to sit in and out points where is it scrolls cross cross cross scroll nope it's not called setting in points wait there all right you're back it's called mark selection good preparation dan this one here goodbye uh you might love those leave them in there but know that if there are ones in there you can do them off and the cool thing about setting these preferences and keyboard shortcuts is that because premiere pro is this like subscription service and there's all this cloud stuff and uh like preferences and under uh sync settings it will sync your keyboard shortcuts changes and your workspaces and the preferences so that when you get a new computer or formatted or changed to another computer or start working you know internally at some other company you can log in with your user name and id and it will bring them all across and you can continue your amazing flow one of the nice things about premiere pro and like that creative cloudy thing all right all right for this next trick and we are going to look at the timeline and the way this thing snaps it by default it doesn't snap to anything okay now you can hold down the shift key okay and it will while you're dragging your cti snap to everything so that's a handy shortcut okay but i like it on by default okay so you can go to premiere pro preferences remember pc it's edit preferences go to timeline and go to the one that says this one they all look the same and they're moving around so you might have to look for it snap playhead so it's just going to have it on by default only when snap is enabled so you can turn it off by just clicking this not the s key we just bend that one but it means that they're going to snap to this i find it's more useful for my flow try it for a little while you might hate it and you can turn it off if you want to be a bit more exact holding the shift key down that's what i do there's a lot of like getting it to the right point and then using the razor tool or some of the other shortcuts okay and by default it just snaps it's up to you now i'm going to cover a few shortcuts in this course actually loads of them it's the advanced course what i'll do is i'll produce a shortcut sheet that you can print out it'll be in your exercise files okay obviously hopefully in there doesn't exist yet because i'm still making the course but it'll be in there and you exercise files you can print them off you should write them down but print them off now and you can kind of circle the ones that you think are great all right let's get on to the next video hi there in this video i'm going to show you how to replace something that's already in your timeline with some new footage but in just a general note we've switched to a new category we're going to be looking at timeline kind of editing tricks now so yeah this is the stuff we've kind of done the things that help speed up our computer okay now we're going to look at the things that speed you up as an editor okay we want to replace clip d with something new either we've decided or the clients come back and said don't like this one can you try something else but we've done a bit of work to it we've got cuts on it we've got an effect in this case noise and maybe lumetri color grading anything okay so we can switch it out easily by finding it in my project panel in this case it's tourism z click hold drag drag drag okay and then hold down the option key on a mac the old key on a pc and just kind of like dump it over the top and you'll notice give it a sec it has matched the cuts it has taken on the effects in this case noise anything else that is applied simple quick and easy switch it will work for any type of footage either images audio anything you like there's a long way you can select it make sure it's selected over here in the bin as well or potentially open in the source monitor okay and then you can do the long way by going right click and go to replace clip with either the bin if you've got it selected or with the source monitor which is what i've got there okay and it will switch it or just hold down the alt key for a pc or the option key for a mac again this will be in your shortcut sheets not every single thing i'll cover in the course will be in there but a lot of the whole gunny hard to remember shortcuts will be there remember circle the ones that are important you don't have to remember them all all right next video all right how was that uh are you feeling more like a powerful positive video editor i hope you are if you are like the video okay for me and subscribe to the youtube channel and also just a reminder that if you like this video there's plenty more this is just the first 16 videos of 141 videos for the full course called premiere pro advanced there's an essentials course as well and so there'll be a link here to get there or there'll be links in the description so if you can't remember the last time you went through premiere pro and caught up with all the updates and all the features join me in the course and let it be your one stop shop for professional development and upgrade for yourself because you're worth it i might see in the course bye you
Channel: Bring Your Own Laptop
Views: 41,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe premiere pro, premiere pro, adobe premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro tutorial, adobe premiere pro course, Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Course, Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Tutorial, Free Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Course, Free Adobe Premiere Pro Advanced Tutorial, advanced premiere pro course, free advanced premiere pro course, learn adobe premiere pro, how to use adobe premiere, how to use adobe premiere pro, premiere pro advanced tutorial, premiere pro advanced, byol
Id: 9UWqDfNld34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 48sec (5748 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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