Learn 10 Canva Video Editing Tips! A Complete Guide To Using Canva Video Editor.

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hey this is Greg and in this video we're going over all my must know tips and tricks for editing video in Cana so how do you scrub your way through the timeline do you even see a timeline do you know you can launch some canva projects and not get the new video editor do you know how to force the new video editor editor what about the duration option the show timing option do you know you can see multiple timelines in canva we're going to go over all of that and more make sure you're all set to handle video and canva so let's jump into it the first thing you want to be aware of when you're going to work with video and canva is that canva does still have two user interfaces now one of those interfaces gives you the new video editor and all the latest tools for working with video and the other one does not and you don't want to end up in that other one if you're working with video now to illustrate that let's open a couple projects here now the good news is that most projects if it's something where canva thinks you might include video it's going to open in that newer user interface so anything you know that has video in the name anything like even a presentation Instagram reel something where it expects animation or video you're going to get the new video timeline so let's illustrate that by just opening this video uh template here we're going to open this up uh and at the bottom already because I see this duration tab here at the bottom I already know we're in the new video editor uh but if I go back into the home menu here and this time I'm going to open up something where maybe it doesn't expect that video content so I'm just going to choose poster landscape and I'm going to open this up and then suddenly we don't get that duration option at the bottom okay so in the other tips upcoming here I'm going to show you exactly why we need this new video editor but for now just know that you know you're in that new V video editor if you get this duration option at the bottom now there is a way to force and make sure you always get this now I showed you before that if you choose something like a presentation or video where it expects video good news is you're going to get it a automatically but this poster landscape which is 24 by8 in that did not give us the new interface because we're in this poster mode and it doesn't necessarily expect that you're going to include video however what if we did want to include something that's 24 by8 in in terms of our Dimensions but we still want that video editor could we force it well yes you actually can I've discovered if you come and use this custom size option so let's change this to inches here let's make it 24 and we're going to make it 18 so exactly the same dimensions here but this time we're opening something via this custom size option and when we create this here suddenly we get the duration option which we did not get before so just know that you want to be in this new video editor this new user interface that canva has for working with video and one way to do that is forcing the uh issue by using this custom size option but you also can just open sort of a preset here where it expects you to include video just know that the way to double check is to make sure you're getting this duration option at the bottom of your user interface now in the first tip we talked about this duration option being uh the clue to letting you know you're in the new video editor so why is this so important and crucial well let's illustrate that by looking at these examples again so in this one we have the duration option and if I jump over to this project we do not have the duration option now another element of that dual interface system that canva has is that at any point in time you can switch back and forth between sort of this thumbnail timeline at the bottom and this page view where you can go uh from page to page and scroll this way uh so scrolling uh vertically versus scrolling horizontally now if I come back to this video editor one I can do the same thing here where I can go to page system and I lose that duration option temporarily but when I bring this back I get the duration option but in that one that I opened as a poster even if I bring this back from this version to this version I never get that duration option now why is that duration option crucial well how long is this video clip that's on this first page and how long is this video clip that's on the second page well if I click on a frame I can see that up here 38.3 seconds if I click to this next one it still says 38.3 okay because that's the total time of these videos right uh if I want to see the individual times of each each the each of these videos I actually have to come in here and try to select on the page and then I can see 31.8 and if I come to this page here and I try to select on the page here the actual video video on the page 6.4 seconds so I can see it but it's harder it's less obvious they look the same to me if I'm just looking at these two thumbnails here however we go back to that option here where we have the duration option if we click on that duration option boom a couple things that are very important for video editing happening first of all our timeline makes more sense now the 31.8 seconds is a lot bigger and longer than the 6.4 seconds so now suddenly scale-wise these match up as what as you would expect them to the other thing that's very important now with this duration option clicked on suddenly we have this play head where we can scrub through our timeline and this is going to be crucial for editing video for navigating through your video making edits so you really have to have this duration option and you have to have this playhead if you want to edit effectively now can you come in here and you can can you make some edits in this format yeah you can you can do things like you can click on the video itself you can come up here and use this trim icon and get into this little time line up here but it is a lot less user friendly than if you're in this version here where you have this duration option so make sure when you're video editing canva that you do have this duration option because suddenly you can see things in a scale that makes sense along the bottom here and you also have this playhead which is very crucial okay I mentioned this playhead being crucial for being able to scrub through your video and make edits but let's just illustrate this a little further so I can just drag it along and I can scrub through my video you can also at any point in time just hit the uh space bar and it'll start to play from wherever the playhead was and then you hit the space bar again and it's going to stop uh so again just use that space bar to start the playhead space bar again to stop the playhead now another helpful trick you can use your arrow keys to nudge the playhead sort of a frame at a time forwards and backwards so this is really helpful when you're going through and you're trying to find that precise moment where maybe you want to make an edit so let's say I'm going along here and I'm watching this person on the frame here and I want to make an edit right when he's out of the frame uh I don't know why that would be important but let's say it was important so we're scrubbing through here oh he's just out of the frame that's where I want to make my edit so I want to cut my scene there so I can then just come to the end here you're going to hold your uh sort of cursor right over the end of the video until you get this little icon here then you can drag and it's going to snap right to that play head so now if we play this all the way through we can see that the scene now stops as soon as he exits the frame and it's going to transition to this next video clip we have now I did that from the end of the video I could also come back to the beginning of the video so again just come through here use my arrow keys to scrub backwards and then say hey I found right here a point where I want to uh cut off this first part of the video so I can just drag from the front same thing it's going to snap and so very easily when we have this playhead we can now scrub through we can make these edits we can make these trims and it's just a much more intuitive way to do it than if we did not have this interface okay so scrubbing through and making edits this is a huge Advantage we get when we have this duration option and this interface with the playhead so make sure you play around get comfortable scrubbing through your videos and make it edits in this way another helpful tip you're probably aware you can use this sort of scrubby slider at the bottom here and you can zoom in and out on your sort of canva design you could also come under here and do the same sort of thing where you fit it to scene or choose 50% so you have all these options here with this scrubby timeline uh scrubby uh slider down here but did you know you could also click right here and you're switching between zooming uh from zooming in on your page and your design to now zooming in on the timeline so if I do this suddenly and I click this and you see how it switches to that little film strip View and now suddenly if I zoom in here I'm zooming in on my timeline so I'm not actually making this video longer I'm just making it a little bit easier to come in and uh work with this timeline because I can see it a little bit better now I can scrub through it's not moving quite so fast I can still do all the same things where I can use my arrow keys I can use my space bar to start and stop the playhead so it doesn't really change the functionality here you're just zoomed in so you're seeing things a little bit more closely and sometimes that can be very helpful so just be aware you have this option here and it is going to control whether you're zooming in on your scene or whether you zoom in on that timeline and so that's a helpful feature to be aware of we talked about the importance of this scrubby playhead but one thing I did not mention uh if at any point in time you have this positioned anywhere on a video clip you can then right click on that video clip and you have this split page option or you could use the S keyboard shortcut and when you use that set suddenly you're going to split that clip into sort of different pages it calls it but basically you've divided it up into different sections so now if you suddenly you want to take another video clip move it in between those two you can just drag and drop uh so this splitting uh splitting option is very helpful when you're doing video edits maybe you want to cut away from a scene but you want to keep the other half you might come back to it so instead of trimming you might use this split option uh and then the other part of this tip is just that then when you have multiple clips down here at the bottom you can just drag and drop and reposition them very organically very easily a very intuitive user interface so make sure you're uh aware of this split option so again anytime you have it anywhere on a video clip you can right click on that video clip to get into that split option or you can choose the S keyboard shortcut so I just tapped s on the keyboard and suddenly I've split that into two and suddenly now I can reposition put stuff in between there so make sure you're aware of this option the ability to be able to split video clips another thing you want to be aware of is just all the animation options and presets that exist in canva so basically so far we've been looking at just sort of video clip so video clip itself has its own built-in animation but you might be thinking about static objects that you want to add movement to to bring them into uh sort of the animated video world and so any of these objects I can click on any element in my canva design and if you come up under this animate option suddenly you're going to see some different uh element options and some page options and if you click on text specifically then you have text animations but if I clicked on this option here then we see we have element animations so Element Animations text animations and then we also have page animations so let's just start with the text here so if I just hover over any of these we can sort of see the different animation we're going to get uh based on these different options here and if you click on any of these a lot of the time they're going to have different options underneath as well so in other words for this Ascend option do I want it to show just when it switches to this page when it enters this page or this scene this clip or do I want it to do it on exit or maybe I wanted to animate on enter and on exit so you have all these animation options to be aware of that can be applied to text that that that can be applied to uh elements themselves graphics and then also they can be applied to the whole page so if I go into these page options here and then I hover over these you see these animations are now being applied to the whole page now you even have another option here so if you click on a scene itself down here or actually if I just click on a page itself here uh which is sort of the same thing as clicking on the scene I guess then I get this magic animate option and this magic animate option is basic basically going to analyze your scene and make suggestions for style to apply to the whole page so it's recommending this Boldt style but we can check out these other different options and these options are going to be applied to the whole page so sort of like page animations but it's making this suggestion for you and another thing you can do is if you click on one clip and then I'm going to shift click to select all of my Clips then I could apply a style and it would be applied on over all of these clips that I have selected so it would be an easy way to add animation sort of to the entire ire scene now if I just switch to another project here we've been looking at video clips so far but a lot of times you might be using these animated features to just take static elements and bring static elements to life uh so let me turn on the sound real quick so you can hear this and I'll hit play and we'll just watch a little bit of this here so you can see that this really is just static elements but we're using all those animated features in canva sort of to bring this project to life okay so very simple example I'll stop it there but you get the idea maybe you're a content creator that has a lot of video content uh you can still use animated effects like this to sort of bring it to life even farther with other animated elements and other text elements or maybe you're someone who creates a lot of static content images text and things like that and you sort of want to bring it into a video format give it some life give it some animation and these are both times when you want to be aware of all those animation options you have in canva again select every anything come up here under the animate option and once you select an animation then it's going to show up here but if I remove the animation you see it just says animate by default but then when you select something then that's what's going to show up here but just a very easy way to bring some more animation into your project along with all those animation presets we just talked about canva also has a bunch of pre-made transitions that can be applied between the clips within your video this is another great way to add some extra interest to your video let's just see how this works so at any point in time you can move your cursor between scenes we have an extra scene here so let me just delete this clip right here but you can just move your cursor in between two scenes at any point in time you're going to get get this plus which actually adds a page in between or this option down here for adding a transition so if I click on that TR transition icon then suddenly the transitions menu comes up and just like with animation presets you can sort of hover over these and sort of get a preview of what each of these is going to do so maybe we like this color wipe here so I could choose that and then if we go ahead and play through we'll see that at the end of this uh hit the play button once the plays through then we see we get that transition in between slides now another way to do this is you can right click on any of your slides or clips and you can choose add trans transition this way and when you choose it this way it's going to apply it after the scene uh not before the scene so it's going to show up here after the scene but again you can go through and say hey maybe I like this one here uh this flow one here so you could choose that one and you can see that that puts it right after the slide uh as you transition to the next slide so again let's hit the space bar to sort of play through this and we'll see as it transitions we get that nice transition from one slide to the next now if we right click on this last clip we're not going to get that option of course because there is nothing after it but if we come back to this another way you can do this is you can right click and choose uh change transition once it's already up or this would be add transition if there was nothing there yet but under this menu here you can also select something and you can apply it to all pages so let's just say I wanted this circle wipe or I wanted to get rid of them all with this non option I could do that apply between all pages then suddenly it's gotten rid of them all so we only have three Clips here so not a big deal but if you had like 10 clips and you knew you wanted to apply the same transition uh between all of them or at least as a starting point you could very easily save some time by using that apply to all pages option so this say transitions just another way you can add some interest to your videos when editing in canva so make sure you're aware of this feature so another way you can enhance a video is by adding some appropriate audio so in canva you would just come under the elements menu here then scroll down until you find the AIO category we'll click see all and then in here you can search uh by different Search terms or a lot of times you might just look for a particular instrument or mood up here so maybe something upbeat would make sense for this video so I'll choose that it's going to filter the results down here and then the preview any of these I would just sort of click on the playhead for any of these we get a little bit of a music preview so maybe I check this one out right here takes a little seconds to load every now and then and I'll give you a little preview and then if you find something you like you can just sort of click and grab and hold on to it and then drag it over here drop it right into your timeline of course it it aligned it with the play here and my playhead was not back at start so I'll just click this and drag it to the start here other things you can do is you can double click to get into this timeline and then of course you could scrub through here and adjust the part that's actually playing uh but we're going to take it back so it starts at the very beginning uh and then if you want to preview everything and play it of course you're just dragging your playhead like we've learned how to do before just clicking play and we'll check out and see how this uh suits our with our [Music] video so that is pretty cool and that definitely adds something to this and then of course if you wanted to play the whole song here the whole track of course we'd have to have more video clips otherwise it's going to sort of end when your video ends and so if you did want to fade out here you could come up under audio effects since you have some audio effects you have some fade inss and fade outs and so if I do Fade Out and I start to drag that you can see how this adjusts down here and then so then suddenly the sound's going to fade out at the end of our video Let's just check that out real quick so now we have the nice Fade Out effect at the end so some very simple controls here and then you also have something called beat Sync here let me just jump over to a different video so I have this video here let me just hit play so we can check out a second of this [Music] actually that's not the copy of that I thought let's try this one I think this one has a different music track okay so with this music track here the idea was to sort of try to sync my animation uh with the Beat of the Music and of course you can try to do that manually but if you want to have it sort of all automated for you that's where this beatsync option comes into play uh so with the audio track selected you come up here under beatsync and then you would just do sync now and it's going to attempt to go ahead and make your clip and your effects sort of line up with the Beat of the Music it's going to take a second here and then you're going to go ahead and come down here and play it and preview [Music] it so not perfect and I'm not going to go all the way through this but what it tries to do is it tries to have you know basically those scene Transitions and effects it tries to have that on the Beat of the Music now I think this is going to be a hit or miss feature depending on what you're trying to do this feature isn't going to always work perfectly but sometimes it's a good place to start just see if you can get some improvement uh just by using that uh feature there but definitely adding audio and canva to your videos is something that can definitely bring them to life so make sure you're aware of these audio options inside of CA okay let's look at another example we have this video clip here so I'll hit play we have the moon traveling through the night sky and I've added some audio in the background just for fun uh but what if I wanted to have some text appear on this video but maybe I don't want it to appear instantly in other words I'm at the 5-second Mark right here but even if I add some uh text with my playhead at the 5-second Mark so let's go ahead and do this so I'm going to come up here and let's go back up here to the elements tab We'll add some text so I'll just go under my text menu actually and click a heading and we'll say hello moon something like this so we have this text and even though I added it with the playhead at the 5-second Mark if I scrub through it's actually on the entire clip what if I only wanted this to appear starting at the 5-second Mark well I could delete this and you probably have already said well we learned about the clip so we could come in here we learned we could clip our timeline so we could come to 5 seconds and let's scrub and find that Mark and then we'll come in here and we'll right click and we'll split this page and now if I'm on this second clip here now if I add the heading and then I scrub through yes it only appears at that 5sec Mark but then it appears for the rest of this clip here maybe I want it to fade out again it just gets a little confusing when you have to clip the page each time maybe there's a better way well there actually is another option here in canvas so let me just hit contrl z a couple times just to get back to this full uh timeline no longer split at the bottom and again let's go to that 5-second Mark uh and at this point in time we could go ahead and right there at 5 Seconds it actually doesn't matter if I'm at the 5-c marks I'm just to go ahead and add this heading now not going to worry about hello moon this time we're just going to have a heading there uh but what if I want to control where this element Here app appears on the page well there is a show timing option which lets you see the element timing for each element in your animation in your video so if I right click on this I have this show timing option and this is a crucial option when you're working with this sort of video or animation you really have to be able to control element timing so if I click that now suddenly I'm getting a timeline for the video clip below but I'm also now getting a timeline specifically for this element and just the way I can drag and adjust my clip here I can drag and adjust this element timing so now I've pulled it so the element uh only starts right here and I can go to the opposite end and I could grabb that opposite end and pull it back so my heading is just going to appear for a little bit here and so now if I go ahead and hit play now it shows up it disappears and just like we added animation to elements before we could come on this and we could come under the effects here under animate under these animate options and maybe we're going to have this fade option here on enter and exit so we'll choose both here and now if I play through again now we get it the fade in and we get it to fade out so now suddenly with this show timing option we have the ability to control where different elements come into and out of our video clip into and out of our animation so if you're ever editing video or animation in canva it's really crucial to understand this show timing feature again just for a reminder let me go under elements here I did it with text before but it could be with anything at all so let's just grab another Moon image let's just do a graphic this time something like this we'll put this here and if we wanted this to show up somewhere on our screen again it's showing the timing option because I always brought that up before but let me hide it for a second just to remind you you have to click on something then when it's highlighted you come under here you do the show timing and of course you can adjust where it shows up in your page and boom now suddenly we can control where that moon comes into our page and then where it fades out of our page so this makes this show timing option A crucial part of being able to make edits here in canva when you're working with video or animation now that show timing option is helpful but we're only seeing one element timing at a time so what if I wanted to get this moon to line up with the text we put on here well I could scrub back and okay here's my text and here's my moon and so my moon timing goes from 7.1 to 13.6 and let me come back and select this so now I can see that element timing okay I need to move that to 7.1 and you could do it this way you could do it but if you're thinking there's got to be a better way well then you're in luck there is a better way there is actually a way to show multiple timelines in once at canva and there definitely some users that don't know about that show timing that I've just showed you already and then even less know about this multiple timeline trick I'm about to teach you so here's what you're going to do you're going to go under the position menu up here so you can see all your layers and then you're just going to click on a layer and then shift click or control click to select other additional layers and now that we've selected them both you notice how this icon changed down here let me just switch off of it by clicking one we get if you just have one selected you're seeing that timeline for just that one that element timing for one and again this will go away if you right click and do a high timing so you got to make sure that you have the show timing turned on and then whenever you have clicked it's going to show it down here but then if you control or shift click to select multiple layers up here now suddenly you're getting this with this Arrow icon and if I click this Arrow icon whoa okay this is what we were looking for this is what we were looking for a way to see multiple timelines at once now if I want to line these up all I have to do is go like this extend it like that and wow that is so much easier so you got to remember that you can see multiple timings at once in canva if you just come on your layers panel and then you're going to click and select multiple layers at once now if you have things on screen where you can see them both then you could click and drag in here but now I'm accidentally selecting the background and so I wanted to just click and I could shift click here I could do it that way but usually it's easier to just come up to your layers panel here so again you're going to go under the position menu let me just get out of here for a second just to make sure you know you're going to go under the position menu you're going to go under layers and then here's your layers menu and then you can click on one control click to keep adding more to that group or you can shift click if you have a bunch of things in a row that you want to select and then when they're selected like this make sure you have that show timing turned on so right click show timing and then this Arrow here to expand things and now suddenly you can see multiple timelines this is so crucial let me show you another example here so that's not the one I want to show you this one here so this one here again I have a video where all these text blocks come on screen at the same time as the text does and they all have some animation added to them and the only way I can get them to line up nice and easy like this is by using this trick where you select them all and then you use that show timing option so other words if I get go down to one of them only going to see one but if I shift click and select all of these suddenly I'm seeing all of them now something to watch out for if you're using this multiple timeline trick I could move my play head along so where in the video I'm just seeing this red text block if I want to update the text you might think well I can just click on it the only problem if I click on it well I can because it happens to be the top layer but let me go back to a different one let's go back to this now I'm over this block I'm going to click on it well it's selected this one instead even though that's not where I had my playhead because it's by default it's going to go and and select whatever is the highest in your hierarchy not necessarily what's showing while you're under the playhead so if I wanted to come back and uh adjust this text for this layer here what I would probably do since they're aligned on top of each other if they were in different parts of the screen it would be easier to select but since they're on top of each other and I want them to show in the same place I would maybe drag this to the top real click then I could come in here then I could edit and then I would push it back down to where I want but another good strategy that I like to follow is a lot of times if I have text like this where I know it's going to be showing up on top of each other it's going to be tougher to edit later a lot of times I will do this up front and my planning phase I might have things on different part of the screen that at that point so they're easier uh to work with in other words maybe I would have this block over here or something and that one over here and then I would use uh my ability to select everything to come under a range uh to Center Line a middle line get it all lined up put it where I want uh after the fact so a lot of times I will adjust my text and all that things all those things first knowing I'm going to have this problem later on otherwise you really do have to come under the layers stack and sometimes drag things to the top just so you can edit text more easily okay so the multiple timeline thing I'm showing you this cuz it's super super helpful but I did want you to be aware of this one potential issue if you do have things that are aligned even though you may have your playhead where you're only seeing something if there's something else above it that is aligned in the same spot then when you go to select it it will select something else so you might want to think about in the planning phase when you're setting things up because you could make it a little easier on yourself by taking care of that first and then aligning things together and working with the multp M timelines to put things exactly where you want in the video Okay so we've reached the end of this video thanks for sticking to the end I really hope you learn something I tried to pack it with all the stuff that I feel like is the most important things that are really going to allow you to get the most out of editing video in canva again thanks for watching if you found this helpful feel free to subscribe below uh click the notification icon if you want to get notifications when I come out with a new video so again [Music]
Channel: Learn Canva with Greg
Views: 5,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canva video editing tricks, Canva video editing tips, Canva video editing pro tips, Canva video editing secrets, Canva video editing tutorial, canva video editor, Canva show timing, Canva duration, Canva Multiple timelines, video editing in Canva, Canva video tutorial for beginners, Canva video editor – complete tutorial for beginners, canva tutorial, canva beginner tutorial, canva video editor tutorial, canva video editing
Id: qOvj_Yusvh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 45sec (1665 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2024
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