Lead Conversion Secrets from Million Dollar Real Estate Agents

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so today this session is all about you being able to lead generate effectively and being able to convert everyone just say I'm a lean mean converting machine good right and each one of these great panelists that I brought up I'm gonna bring them up I chose them for a specific reason I chose them because they each have developed a very strong niche they developed a leg of their business that they are incredibly effective at right that they have built their business around and you know what here's the thing I want you guys to understand is this is it really only takes you don't have to be good at everything do you guys know I want you to think about that like if you're trying to be good at everything then you're gonna be a generalist and generalists and never make as much money as a specialist whether you're a real estate agent or whether you're a doctor you guys agree with me on this okay beautiful and each one of these individuals are making you know millions of dollars over a million dollars right and not all of it coming from their specific lead-gen source that they're talking about but that is the core for every single one of them so I would like to bring up mr. Trey Willard miss Gia Silva miss Wendy Walker and nazar colossi who are gonna give you guys the keys to the kingdom let's clap it up for them come on guys so here's how we're gonna go guys for six minutes for about five or six minutes I'm gonna hand the phone or the mic over to each one of them and each one of them is gonna take you through a little bit about who they are background history very short and then they're gonna tell you what their primary lead source is and ultimately what it is that they do in that lead source to a generate leads and B to be able to convert them more effectively than any of their competitors they're probably also going to share with you some of the mistakes did you guys like to know the mistakes that they made along the way yeah see because I think if they if we can learn from their mistakes then it means that we don't have to we don't have to make the same ones and that's the beauty of hearing people who are a little bit further along the path so I'm going to hand the mic over to mr. Trey Willard everyone say hello Trey so Trey you got six minutes man Trey Willard I am a real estate agent in Baton Rouge Louisiana I'm also a coach for tom ferry organization and I'm also a client so I've been through the entire gamut and I continue to do so so I've been in the real estate industry since 2010 kind of the mid to latter part of the year first year I was in the business I was a buyer's agent for a team 36 transactions rookie of the year with Keller Williams did that for about two years kind of outgrew my position is a buyer's agent and got asked to be a lead agent at a smaller boutique brokerage did that for a few years recently merged with Berkshire Hathaway I have a team I have an amazing team and right now we have myself lead listing specialist CEO I have four buyer agents which will on board two more when we get back which is awesome so the team's growing listing coordinator and a transaction coordinator so that's the business I specialize and really really quick how many homes you guys gonna sell so our goal this year and I actually brought the numbers because I think this is a really important and if you don't track your numbers then you should really track your numbers otherwise you won't know this but we set a goal this year to do a million dollars in gross commissions and 177 units or 40 million 42 million in gross commissions one of the things I'm having to do is over I have to get over the unit's because we don't get paid on units we get paid on volume so my average sales price which was 211 it's 250 right under 250 to 55 this year so we've going up average sales price commissions are a little higher so I don't have to do 177 units to make a million dollars which is awesome but we're right now so far pinning and close this year 100 so yeah which is awesome just under five hundred thousand and gross commissions so if things continue to move in the trajectory that we're going I think we'll do we'll hit our goal if we're not at a million will be right under a million and then we're building the team so we can leverage you know further into next year and and it just moving forward just keep building so what's your primary lead gen source so tell us about - yes so primary lead source is sphere of influence past clients repeat referral business whatever you guys want to call it however you want to look at it that is accounts for more than 70% of all of our business I have some numbers again I think it's important so I've broken down into three different categories so we have a sphere of influence referral which means someone might serve influence called me or had someone call me and say you need to call tre and his team you need to work with these guys 29 transactions closed year-to-date 191,000 and closed commissions we've had five past clients do business with us again this year so far thirty eight thousand and commissions I've had five people from my sphere of influence basically contact me and say hey we want to work with you just because we know you we like you and we trust you so that's awesome that's another thirty-eight thousand in a gross commission so like I said year-to-date 500 just under 500 closed we have another hundred and seventy thousand pending which which is also two hundred sixty thousand dollars in sphere of influence referrals which is pretty amazing so beautiful so how do you do it right like like give us two three like specific processes that you follow because hey guys like in an area where average sales price is two hundred and twenty thousand dollars right two hundred twenty thousand dollars for some of you that's a car right okay but at 220 for him to have and be pacing seven hundred thousand dollars off of that one lead source is absolutely fantastic so give us the process that you follow really clerk so if you guys saw me speak at Summit last year I'm gonna change that up I don't want it to be recycled content bill and I did a real success we get super super deep that's on YouTube so look it up we get really deep on like a real process what's cool about today is it's a it's a digital world that we live in right so the way that we used to communicate with people has changed significantly so there's no like just calling people doesn't necessarily always work right some people prefer to be texts some people prefer to communicate via maybe facebook Messenger maybe Instagram messenger there's lots and lots of different channels so what we have to do is a team and what we've been successful at is we try to hit them from every different channel that we know that they're there on right so you know the younger people's typically like to be text right or they like video messages right so what we do is we have a inevitably I ripped off the 33 touch from the MRA and I've built my own so it's a combination of we do still mail things because I think it's important so many times a year so quarterly every quarter we send mailers and it could be a social proof it could be a CMA we're sending out our magnets this year Louisiana State University and New Orleans Saints football schedules our clients freaking love them they'll stay on their refrigerator until next year when the next one comes and they'll put it back up so my face right top of mind awareness every time those guys go to the refrigerator which is pretty awesome aside from that we do so mailers quarterly calls right and again depending on how your quarter how your seat your system set up I could call four or five times around client events reverse pop buys I mean really anything happy birthday I've gotten a ridiculous amount of phenomenal feedback from video messages and literally and look I have Bom Bom I highly recommend them but I'm telling you guys it is as simple is taking your phone and saying you know bill what's up brother Trey Willard here dude happy birthday man I hope you have a stellar day and I cannot wait to connect with you soon syn I mean it's literally that simple and then on this because when you call these people I think everybody's looking for the perfect script right like well what's the perfect script how do I call my people in my sphere you know I'm so nervous I don't know what to say so I use the Ford script again you guys probably heard me say it family occupation recreation if you happen to make it to dreams that's pretty awesome but for the most part the conversation will always reciprocate well how's work for you perfect segue into well the markets amazing you know let me tell you more about it or did you have any specific questions about the market you know it could be a home valuation or whatever it may be so the kind of conversations are easy we got to get out of our own head and stop thinking that these people don't want to hear from us or they're too busy or whatever I mean do you guys get upset when your friends call to check on you and see how you're doing and they're authentic and genuine about it right so so it's I don't know so you guys got to get out of your own head get out of your own way and start making this call so I think the calls are super super important the mailers are important do a few client appreciation events right so we do we're doing two a year now but probably the one that I have the most success with is a reverse pop buy where we buy King cakes for our clients and we just invite them they come to the office it's a face-to-face connect what do you guys buy king cake so if I'm not gonna I don't have enough time to tell you guys about them just Google that what the hell is a king cake right yeah just just look it up it's a it's a traditional New Orleans cake it's its again so look it up you can do pies you can do brownies I don't care what you do just do something right yes and that's I mean that's pretty much the system they get an email from us once a month with some sort of marketing video marketing so whether it's a market report or whether it's uh hey here's some things you can do to get your house ready for for the spring you know just lots of you know there's lots of content I mean Tom gave us I don't know how many examples today I mean stuff like that right so find some content that you're gonna record send it out to your people monthly so your stay on top of my biggest mistake that you've made that you want to make sure that these guys don't make start doing it right now don't wait don't put it off because tomorrow will be here tomorrow and then you'll put it off and you'll put it off again so start now I tell people all the time right Darren Hardy the compound effect probably like one of the books that have had the most I guess influence on me of all the books I read right so it's just doing the little unsexy things over and over and over and over and over again and then you're in a position you know eight years later in the business right you've got a team you know you've got amazing team members amazing clients and like I literally get come with me calls all the time I mean I'm carrying 27 listings right now I have no for sale by owner or expired marketing plan I legit we have like four lead pillars sphere of influence past clients I guess one online lead generation we have investors and we have builders I mean that that's you can Billy very scalable repeatable business with four to six leads and really three of those are all database investor builders and your past clients and Sphero vendors a lot of agent agent referrals and even Linda referrals we get a ton of that do me a favor look down at the Czar and say are you taking notes okay good because I coach those are so like the redheaded stepchild is your database man so like if you added this holy imagine what would happen so okay so guys I had Wendy on this panel for a specific reason right and it isn't specifically for lead source its luxury she is the number what's your what is your ranking the number one team number one team for their company in the state of Arizona she sells in a area called Paradise Valley what I wanted how many of you want to have larger listings bigger Commission checks and increase your volume doing the same amount of business that you're doing like same number of transactions that you're doing right now so Wendy lay some knowledge on them on how you have done this and what they can do in terms of generating like a luxury leg of their business so my team consists of myself I have three full-time agents and then we have to admin our admin are our office manager that handles our transactions and all of our office duties and then we also have a full time marketing specialist marketing manager our goal this year I always talk about Commission to Bill and I are mull over this because he went to numbers and I want to know money but are we last year we sold our gross Commission was a million five this year we're looking to you somewhere right around two million beautiful awesome so we have nine lead generation sources oh and I have to say one of my agents is in the back Wendy Ortiz so we have two Wendy's on the team which actually is quite nice for me because she can step into my shoes very quickly by using her own name so we do handle Paradise Valley in Scottsdale our average sales price is right around 1.3 we nine lead generation sources I'm going to talk about three of them the first one is our sphere of influence of course I've been in the business 20 years collectively on our team we've probably got about 50 years so we do have some depth and breadth and knowledge and just having some seasonality in our marketplace but I want to share with you one thing that we did do this year we do the client parties and gatherings and things like that but without being repetitive I'll share one that we did this year that was very high-end and cost very little money we had three contemporary hillside homes that ranged between 1.5 and 8 million dollars and so we did a progressive tour for our clientele we collaborated with a local high-end car company that was launching their 2018 cars that had not been released yet and so we met with the car company they invited their top 250 clients which most of them were not my clients we invited our top 250 clients they provided the cars the shuttles because hillside homes you have to shuttle them so they got shuttled in the nice new beautiful cars and we started out at the first home with cocktails and appetizers that was sponsored by our title company then they went to the second home which was kind of a staple home which was our evening sunset beautiful hillside eight million dollar home we had a private chef there most of the most of folks spent the time at that home and then they ended up at the last home which we had espresso coffee and desserts it was total out of our pocket we ourselves provided the list we provided the homes and we got beautiful beautiful invitations that were quite expensive but it made a statement and we got a wonderful turnout and total for our team it cost less than five hundred dollars what because the car company provided the shuttle service the car company provided the the the chef and all the food and they also gave little swag bags away as well because of course they wanted to be in front of our top 250 clients just as much as we wanted to be in front of their top 250 clients so that turned out to be a very nice event that cost us very little so there's lots of ways that you could spend that but in the high end it's hard sometimes to get the clients out and because they're invited to so many different events and so that was one that for our tops fear of people are a clientele we did really well on that event awesome I love it so if they're breaking into luxury right or if they're breaking into and that luxury could mean five hundred thousand for certain individuals that are in this room and it could mean you know two or three million what would the three bits of advice be that you would give them in terms of being able to break into luxury and convert those leads over convert that business over as well to so I've actually in fact you've asked me to talk with several people who have tried to do this in their marketplaces I'm jarem lingo I don't know if he's here but he was one of them that I shared several years ago one of the summit's and he's done an incredible job he said you know I'm doing really well in the lower end but I want to I don't know anybody in the higher end I don't have any listings in the higher end everyone kind of pigeon-holed me in this lower end and so I encouraged him just to start very small pick a neighborhood my personal farm neighborhood is about 200 its guard gated I do bribe the guards I give them money I I give them gifts at Christmas I'll have my assistant just drop off something to them in the middle of the day like ice cream or anything just to stay top of mind with the guards the guards know everything that's going on in that community and when people my market is a second home market primarily so they don't know as many Realtors you might think that they do and so I start with very small there I sent it very nice monthly high-end it's not a it looks brochure ish it folds open but it's called the the community is called Clearwater Hills so it says Clearwater Hills lifestyle on the front of it it's always a beautiful shot just like a magazine it's one of my listings that's in there I talked a little bit about the listing in there and then on the backside at some impertinent like five reasons to sell your home in the middle of the summer or something like that so I get a lot of readership on that it's very expensive that's about almost $2,000 a month for that nice high-end but they do keep it whenever I go on the listing appointments I always see it on their coffee table so I say top of mind there of course my signs are always in there but another person to really stay in close contact with in schmooze is the homeowners association president and/or manager I get more referrals I probably got this year somewhere between 15 and 20 referrals just from that one person in that community so that's another way to really start small similar I don't know you kayo whistle talks about doing the open houses I always we don't do open houses that much in the high end especially in this community but we always do an open house just for the residents so what we do is we all on my team is together we carry around our little notebooks that we have hidden I know every person's name last name in there I write little notes about them whenever they come through and so I can always revert back to something personal that I know about them oh how how are your children doing last time I saw you they were graduating and where do they go to school or where did what university they select it really goes that really goes a long way and we do it very very very high-end and we stay on the front exclusive only for the neighbors and so they feel very comfortable coming in to meet with us and then of course we see them on a consistent basis because there's certain ones that just like to do that so one last question for you then we're gonna pop Teddy's are closing and converting someone who is a multi-millionaire because obviously someone you know who's buying a million or two million dollar house right has a much higher net worth clearly right what is the the hack or the secret or the thing that these guys need to be prepared to do or know in order to be able to close someone like that I'll lead like that then very number one thing is confidence you have to go in there very confident you're not asking for their business I don't ever ask for business in fact I always flip it around and say that I'm interviewing them just the same as they're interviewing me and that I don't take every listing and I'm not afraid to say no a lot of times when you're a new agent you get an opportunity list a million dollar-plus home you'll just take it I do not and I share that very quickly up front it takes them a little bit off guard because they're used to everyone saying yes to them and then they say well why wouldn't you want to list my home and the minute you share with them and you kind of pull the carpet out from under them and say well I don't take every listing and this has to be a win-win for both of us the pricing has to be appropriate and we have to have that level of trust and confidence in each other but you have to have you have to go in with a confident face and how you become I think the most confident is knowledge so knowing your I don't want to call comps but knowing your numbers knowing being prepared to handle those objections and not being afraid to say no I think is calm is the key to was definitely the key and game changer in my business really I'd love it so when you think of farming this should be the man that pops up in your head like in Wikipedia like farming would have a picture of of nazar next in right so this are you crush it right we have we have we lean on you so much in terms of farming and brother it would be a huge miss if I didn't put you on stage here can you tell them a little bit about you your team and then let's get into how you work the farm and how you convert the leads over from the farm okay cool so news article on with Provident real estate we're in East LA California which is in Riverside County and you know I'm gonna I want to really give them like a lot of meat so I'm just gonna skip a lot of that stuff I mean we you know we're on pace to do 250 transactions this year our average price points between 450 to 500 thousand dollars so just give you kind of perspective we're on track for that so for me there's two different groups of people in this world a group of people that you know rather they just finished talking about that I don't talk to you and then yeah other feel that you do know or you don't know right and that group is a lot larger and so for someone like me that can't sell two homes and make you know two million dollars a year I've got to sell a lot of houses to make it worth my while and so because of that I rely heavily on this group of people I don't know and I know that's you know we'll talk about the other group later and so if you're gonna attack this group people that you don't know then obviously where you live geographically is it's an easy and simple way of doing that now before if you talk to me like four years ago I would say that the best way to do is only postcards but I've noticed over the years that that alone is not going to get you what you want right you have to be as Tom would put it or as bill you have to be the mayor of your city or your farm you have to be that person that's the go-to for any and all information I know it seems daunting but it's pretty easy to do but postcards are a big component of that as well the biggest thing in the postcards that is very very important for most people at least for our our clients is the statistics and information give them after you give them garbage right if you just say hire me I'm special right hired me look at my pretty face no one cares they don't care about that stuff they want social proof they want statistics they want data right I walk into clients I've been farming for gosh maybe seven eight years now I've been doing it for a while and I'll walk into clients homes where they're asking me to come talk to mutts on their home and they'll have my postcards for years collected on there - and but they don't keep the ones that are like the social proofs they don't keep the fluff ones even though we send those out they don't keep the just list of just sold all that goes in the trash but they keep is our data and they follow that data religiously every single month okay so that's so so important I've got examples I can share with you guys if you guys want and so that's huge that's like you're you know bread and butter if you will we farm to 20,000 homes and we do that twice a month we have the you know the stats from one month and then the other the other post guy that goes out will be like a social proof hey look what you know Dylan and John sold their house and this is expense they had in their Zillow review that's it associated with that Emma's art really quick like guys he's blowing through when he says social proof you should know the social proof pieces that nazar does are in saying they're not just like hey I sold this house the last one that I saw is one of your competitors came showed up at summit brought it and said I brought one of his ARS pieces this is amazing I had to keep it it was a picture of a baby right big picture of a baby's face the big smile and said nazar just sold my mom and dad's house right right that piece so like you're doing really unique slants on the social proof right absolutely again like we can really dive deep at some other time but since we have a short on time I'll share with you guys some of my pitfalls you guys won oh okay so these pitfalls costs you know tens of thousands of dollars so take notes very well one do not and I repeat do not start a farm you cannot finish okay now raise the hands how many people saw me at the Thom X like several years back so just okay not a lot of you all right watch you guys in farming you have frequency you have consistency have you earned enough you are not farming it at a minimum of twice a month don't do it okay don't do it if you are not going to commit to a farm I used to say six months but in today's age really is closer to a year and a half don't do it and also don't do a farm of no no offense at all but don't do a farm that is small that doesn't give you the results that you're looking for to make it worth your money everyone's looking for an investment or it's all about ROI isn't it so if you farm an area I don't care how small it is and in that farm only ten homes sell a year and you want to sell 30 homes that's not gonna work you're not gonna get a hundred percent of the transactions or three hundred percent right it's just not gonna happen so do the math it's simple therefore if you want to sell 50 homes a year or twenty homes a year or in a luxury market two homes a year and that's enough for you make sure your market and your farm is large enough to handle the capacity of what you're looking for also mind you that when you're farming 15 20 30 40 thousand homes you're not gonna get 30 percent market share it's just not gonna happen right the percentage of market is gonna go down as you increase your farm but that's irrelevant because now you get more more transactions right that makes any sense and so do the numbers and then when you do the numbers you say okay if I want to sell 10 homes a year and that's gonna equate to for me to have a farm of let's say 20 or let's say 2,000 homes right so you want to get at least a 10% market share and you can't afford you don't have enough money in your bank account to afford to do that farm for a year and a half or even a year let's say without anything coming back to you then don't start that farm now you guys have heard of sweat equity right have you got if you can't afford a check equity you could go to sweat equity there's things you can do in a farm that would allow you to be able to still make that impression but not a cost as much first of all you don't have to send mailers in the mail there's people that go super fancy a first-class mail then you have eddm which well that's what we use you also have straight-up on their door right you can put stuff in there and them there they can't open the mailbox but you can put on their door you can do that you can walk that farm and do it that way as well watch it's about sending a postcards having the for sale signs having the open house open house signs if you have an open house and you I don't know if you know too much open house this time if you do know open house if you have one listing get 50 to 100 150 signs and put them all out for that one listing what's gonna happen when you do that if you have one listing open house from 12 to 4 obviously you advertise it on Zilla appetizing all those other places but then you've got a hundred fifty signs all pointing to that freaking house right seems excessive no you have two and a half feet by three and a half feet billboards advertising who you are and what you're doing for the four hours or for the day or for the two days everyone how long you have that that open house sign up okay so as many people see your signs everywhere in their mailbox on the for sale sign on the open house sign and then we hit social media right if they see you on social media all the time you have to hit them from every single angle and that's when you get them that's when you become that power piece that you're looking for awesome love it nazar let's go old-school let's go old-school let's go sweat equity right now right turn your partner just go time to sweat baby time to sweat baby expireds and for sale by owners miss gia Silva who like couple years ago was not doing for sale by owners right now and you have like completely transformed that so tell us about like expires and for sale by owners really quick I'm Jes Silva guys from Long Beach California just quick numbers this year we're doing 60 transactions 1.2 GCI and our fizzbuzz and expireds are about 36 percent of our business I don't know if you guys were at Summit last year and heard my speech about fizz Bose we also do a lot of expired and really just two years ago is when I started contacting expired and fizz Bose after Tom nailed us that the market was gonna be going through a correction and that we absolutely have to hustle so I took that to heart and got to hustle I started I went to sales edge which is absolutely super super important in order to learn the scripts the write write scripts and then with my coach I work to actually internalize those scripts once I felt that you know I was already internalizing scrips I went for it and I started calling for sale by owners and expireds um I failed forward a lot there was a lot of hangups there was a lot of you know people screaming at me if you guys have called expireds and physios before you know that they're not the happiest right and so for me it was always the challenge for me it was always going from someone who absolutely hates Realtors - wow you're unbelievable and that for me was just everything to be able to prove to a seller that had you know their home expired or someone that was trying to sell on their own to really know that there are really great agents there are really valuable agents out there so I went for it and started calling them and some of the things that I really wanted to do and and really wanted to master was disc was the disc profiles so that as soon as they're on the phone and I'm hearing their tonality and their rate of speech I'm right there and rapport with them and a lot of the times when I'm on the phone with them I hear something like you sound very different right or even when I leave them a voicemail nine out of ten times they will call me back just because of the voicemail that I left which I can share with all of you as well and and then you know and then just getting the actual appointment my goal is to get face to face with them I want to be face to face with them and when I'm face to face with them all I'm doing is building rapport I'm building rapport I'm having them walk me through the house and make sure that one of the secrets now bill yeah yeah what are your one of the secrets okay yes so one of the secrets for me and this has been like testing right testing when I want to ask for the business when I want to keep nurturing somebody who's very amiable or very analytical so it's key its key for you guys to really master the disk and know personalities for me it's really what's really worked is creating mystique when in discovery so let me explain that and it's happening a lot with expireds as well so I when I'm face-to-face with the for sale by owner or an expired I want to know absolutely everything I want to be in discovery mode so I want to know you know what if isn't expired what happened before and number one what was their motivation for selling at that time right so that I can bring back that motivation for sale by owners same thing I want to know their timeframe until they hire a powerful agent like myself yes you know just everything to really be in rapport and to know where they come from and then and and give them some mystique about it I don't want I've heard agents that will hold open houses for for sale by owners they will bring them things I don't do any of that I don't bring them anything I don't hold for sale by I don't hold their open houses I want them to learn the hard way that is not easy to do to try to do it right it's not so I will say things when they ask me questions about you know how much my property is worth or how much do you charge or anything I will say something like I can't wait to share that with you you know so things like that things that that will just create that mystique for them to look me up when I leave you see and it's a lot of nurturing there is definitely the you know the the for sale by owner or the expired that is the driver and so you really have to know when to ask for the business because they not know they don't know it sometimes but they're all interviewing right for sale by owners or interviewing expireds are interviewing they just don't know it they're just kind of waiting for that agent to guide them do you leave a voicemail I do okay you said that it's a really good voice well so what does it smell that you leave yes what if I don't all right yeah hello my phone number is five six two five seven two four nine seven eight my name is gia Silva with inti Realty and I see that you have a property for sale in Lakewood California I would love a chance to preview it for one of my qualified buyers that may be interested I am NOT looking to waste your time I will just need about 10 to 15 minutes to stop at the property and let's see if it's a match for one of my buyers that's it simple and what do they call you back they do okay like what percentage do you think calls you back 85% 85% and that's the goal now you know I love you said is I want them to fail on their own I want them to experience that so obviously you know fizz burr who's here says it's 47 days for a for sale by owner before they actually list take us through really quick the key points to like what makes your follow-up so effective okay so my follow-up sometimes in a video with my collection go for sale by owner signs so I will send a bomb bomb video with the couple of signs that I have in the background and I'll just share some stories as well I will also send I don't know if you guys saw the video from last year summit on one of my for sale by owners testimonials which is awesome so I will do a bitly link of that and send it off to them so they can see it after our first meeting if I have not yet booked the listing appointment and and just keep in touch with them and it's usually you know there right it's usually about 30 to 45 days for conversion good and you gotta know that otherwise you give up too soon yeah all right exactly um any other secret tips on converting these guys you know be yourself and and just be there to bring value like just be there to really get to know why they're trying to sell on their own why they're so pissed that their house failed to sell if they're an expired just really be in discovery mode when you're there like really want to find out why they are where they are and what was their motivation in the beginning and if it's a for sale by owner it's all about your timeframe so get them to tell you what's their timeframe beautiful I love it hey guys did you get some good stuff from these men and women
Channel: Tom Ferry
Views: 27,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tom ferry, real estate, real estate coaching, real estate training, real estate marketing, lead conversion, real estate agent, real estate business, real estate agent training, lead generation, real estate leads, real estate scripts, for sale by owner, convert leads, real estate lead generation, real estate prospecting, expired listing scripts, expired listing calls, expired listings, trey willard, gia silva, wendy walker, nazar kalayji
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 20sec (2240 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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