Tom Ferry's Million Dollar Lead Follow Up Strategy

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lead generation is no longer the issue getting appointments loving on your clients and the follow-up is where all the money is regardless of the sources there's one thing I know that you've got to do to add the million so I want you to write this down you ready in your notes this is gonna be a long one you get ready to write all the money is in tech enabled tech enabled scheduled relentless systematic follow-up all the money all the money is in tech enabled tech enabled turn to your buddy and say no more memory say it again no more like written down on a piece of paper in a yellow notepad gotta remember where's my notepad where did I put it where my leads what's the first part tech enabled second part what is it scheduled write down 8 a.m. to 10 4 p.m. to 6 8 a.m. to 10 4 p.m. to 6 8 a.m. to 10 4 p.m. to 6 what time between 8 a.m. and 10:00 and 4:00 p.m. to 6 will you now be doing your appointment setting hope it's aam I'm up at 7:00 well drink a triple espresso and get on the phone by 8:00 look up here guys do you believe that adding a million dollars is gonna require some million-dollar habits are you willing to fight for that no different from the hundred push-ups right it's no different tech enabled scheduled relentless what is relentless mean to you what is relentless me to you now I'm gonna make some of you mad I wanted the Atlanta Falcons to win last year's US Super Ball so bad but damn that Tom Brady he is relentless did you see their ring what did it have how many diamonds 283 diamonds because the score was 28 to 3 and they came back and basically just annihilated every record on the planet it had never been done before I call that being relentless I call that being strong not soft when I said to you clip Stevenson all those 400 numbers these are my last four closings Vanessa this one was 480 days this was 415 days this is 4 in 21 days you start look that's relentless that they're willing to do whatever it takes but then what's the next one systematic systematic that there needs to be a workflow and a process a workflow and a process and that's what I want to give you right now that workflow and process now you can write all this stuff down and by the way some of this is really good listing information when you're on a listing appointment and they're talking about you know other agents and this is what we're thinking about doing consider the following what do we know the average agent the average agent follows up this is what the studies show you look at MIT and Harvard and everybody else Keller Williams did a study on it Zillow does Studies on it the average agent Falls up one point four times the average agent follows up one point four times could you imagine one point four times look at your buddy and say they are soft one point four times now what do we know the studies consistently show that appointments are set and booked and business is earned at conversation six through nine plus six through nine plus and no doubt the most rewarding ones are the ones we've been following up on for two or three years the ones that Darren you're calling they're like hey Darren yeah I know no we're not ready yet talk to you next month and and you just love on these people for so long it's no different from adding somebody in yours fear they never list with you but they refer you business because you are the most determined person they've ever met in their life that should be your ambition you guys with me on this your ambition is that all those leads and all those people think of you as the most determined person ever now write down the following you reading the average agent has no CRM the average agent has no CRM you hear lots of studies on inman dan and others that'll say you know only 40% of agents have a CRM so let's say there's 10 million agents around the world and 40% of them have a CRM what are the rest of them doing how is their follow up if your phone is your only source and there's no software behind it that saying time to text time to call set out an email do another Vauban video if that's not there my friends you're losing in today's market write down the last when you're ready tech enable tech enabled agents use lots of solutions Zillow boomtown serums autoresponders video mojo dialer x' they used like that Navy SEAL team we talked about the coolest tech to make what they do fast and efficient and beautiful they make it fast and efficient and beautiful who's using Bom Bom I'm just curious who the Bom Bom users raise your hands really really high by the way what do you guys think of prompt prompts insane where they finally said here's the script just say this right and now those videos are going out how many of you are on out on boomtown boomtown users probably to be a lot towards oh there's a whole bunch of you right by the way Greer Alan the founder will be here tonight really good friend the bottom line is my friends all of these solutions are available and if you're sitting with yellow notepads and your phone is the only way you do it it's ok but I want you to write this in your notes what got me here won't add a million what got you here is not gonna add a million dollars it's just simply not going to happen now you don't have to write this down but I'll just share the average agent / researches instead of just calling how many of you know someone like that are they sitting in your chair right you get the lead you're like let me Google them let me look on Zillow let me look on LinkedIn let me look here let me look there and the next thing you know 15 minutes have gone by and you have basically disqualified this prospect instead of just calling what is the answer what should we just immediately do call call build rapport connect now the million-dollar agent they called their well scripted you know all the scripts you can get all the scripts on my website you know why don't you guys want to see this house I'll put together a more comprehensive valuation I mean all the scripts are the easy part just get on the phone just get on the phone so let's get tactical you ready I want you to write down the foundation just four things the foundation this should be dog-eared this should be saved in your notes this is in my opinion member you only get three big ideas a day this is going to be one of those you ready you solve lead follow-up you create what Greg Schwartz was saying that experience economy you win number one every lead dropped into your CRM I don't care if they say screw you put them in your CRM I don't care if they say my mom's a real estate agent awesome so is mine put him in your CRM you with me put him in number two every lead receives an immediate autoresponder every lead gets an instant autoresponder now I will tell you guys there's one autoresponder that's better than anything else what do you guys think it is video video video video video hi I'm tom ferry thanks for going to my website we believe that the consumer deserves a better quality experience which is why we put together a team of experts almost like you know Navy SEALs who are specialists and making sure that every step of the process is seamless and beautiful for you because we're here to serve you at the highest level so we'll be reaching out aggressively over the next few days to make sure we hit you on the pone to make sure we satisfy your needs and answer your questions if you want you can text me today at phone number boom and it gets sent and it's just automatic every single time raise your hands if you already have an autoresponder video for every lead that comes in raise your hands raise them up really high you want that script again I just made that up on the fly I will give it to you again it'll probably come out different hi my name is Tom ferry I work at banana real estate thank you so much for coming to my website we believe if you go y'all read simon Sinek do you all know I'm talking about start with why you always want to start with what you believe hi I'm Tom ferry thank you so much for coming to my website or however they got to you we believe that the consumer deserves a better quality experience and we know that buying real estate and selling real estate cannot only be scary but it can be really frustrating there's so much information available today online that you can spend days and days and days and days but what I know is you want your questions answered so myself and my team we'll be reaching out to you over the next few days to make sure we answer all of your questions so we can ease some of that fear and remove some of that scare because at the end of the day it's about you getting your answers you know your questions answered and buying or selling real estate so my name is Tom Ferry my number is five five five one two one two we're gonna be calling you non-stop because we're looking forward to serving you and Beau in the video go zone something like that right you guys get that now here's the deal it's not the script it's just doing it now how many of you saw my friend Raluca yesterday from Google so I spent a lot of time with her and I asked her a lot of questions and you know she made me backstage or somewhere inside the room and certainly my team plus clients you know tore apart today with a whole bunch of questions a lot of people are talking about content and video look up here guys here's this here's a recent Google stat you want to sit on google says that a percent or more of the content you are getting by 2019 will all be video 80% of the content you're getting who goes on ESPN that app as an example what is ESPN switched almost exclusively to video video video video video right Facebook video video video video video if you're sitting inside this room and your desire is to be ambitious and add that million you got to get over the hurdle and get into video make sense make sense these you're not rhetorical make sense all right I call on most of you look at your phone right now look at your phone look at your phone pull up the Facebook app pull up the Facebook app who would like to get a piece of business today for free say I okay pull up your Facebook app you guys looking at it find the live button see where it says live find that it says live Li ve what is that really so what if today when we're done at 4:45 or a few minutes there before or after you went outside and you did something like this hey it's Tom ferry from hoobie do real estate yeah you know me Rhode Island you know wherever check it out I'm in a room today with over 5,000 extraordinary agents from 11 different countries and we're all here networking and masterminding to serve our clients at the highest possible level we understand that there is a global real estate economy but then but the local real estate economy is what matters most to you so if you or anyone you know has got a question about real estate know that I've got 5,000 friends from all over the world that can help with any question you have so again it's Tom ferry I'm here I love you guys thanks for all the interaction I'll look forward to talking to you guys soon and by the way tomorrow I'm gonna share a secret from Facebook that can really change your life especially if you've got grandkids or friends and family members so tom ferry your Olsen agent I'm out video ends now I'm not saying based upon your script it's gonna be a donkey or a unicorn but here's what I know every client I get to do that tells me stories like this Oh mark I'm doing the video and all sudden my phone I get a text hey that's totally cool that you did that thing on video how did you do that what was it all about by the way my grandmother oh just God bless her she just passed away we need to sell her house she's in Albany do you know anybody up there and it happens like that guys like that now do me a favor turn to your body and say 100 pushups or a live video now if you're strong what are you gonna do both if you're soft you'll just be drinking at the bar if you're if you're strong you're doing all three all right so number one every lead goes in your number two every lead gets a automatic autoresponder all video number three ready every lead gets called in under five minutes every lead gets called in under five minutes every lead gets communicated text email I'm gonna give you guys some companies not sponsors people that I'm interested in people I think that are doing cool things how many of you know the company get Riley get Riley if you don't know get Riley get Riley we'll follow up on your leads in real time at midnight when your buyers and sellers are drunk and on Zillow and get to your page and they follow up enable book appointments another company I'm checking out that I'm just absolutely blown away by its called structurally structurally horrible name but who would have thought Bom Bom boomtown and you know Zillow and everything else structurally structurally takes all your inbound leads that are in text mode or email mode and it's an AI it's a bot that basically is connected to every MLS and as those people are saying hey can you tell me about one two three four Main Street it says oh you mean the three-bedroom two-bath of the corner of and it starts engaging with them and I'm telling you guys it's a 23 year old from Iowa who clearly and just figured it out you with me his name is Nate by the way Nate if you're watching I know you smoke weed but you're welcome for the shout out to you know 25,000 people yes in-a-gadda-da-vida but here's the deal ready guys write this in your notes write this in your notes honestly what is your average time now what is your average time now lead comes in what is your average time see I see that let me say again one minute to an hour okay we need to be one minute to five minutes because I don't do --gel tonight real estate follow up reports and you will see MIT Harvard all these huge companies that are doing all this research and they all say the same thing you got 60 seconds to about five minutes before that person's gone now I don't know about you guys but I think a lot about the experience economy been thinking about it for much longer than my conversation with Greg Schwartz last night the breakage could you look up here did you guys imagine how many of you flew to get here raise your hands really high you flew could you imagine going to the local airport by your like your house walking in and going hi I'd like to buy a ticket to American Airlines but what I want to do is just give you my email and cell phone and just follow up with me what would they do say we think you're insane right or wrong David call security no they probably politely say oh you can just go to a calm and you can book your ticket whatever you want the world were in today wants it immediate yes or yes if you're not providing immediate you are creating a breakage in the workflow ask yourself is it another outsource solution or is it another human being number four this is just the foundation before I give you the plan ready I wrote down the following if it's a lead in a price or community that matters to you then do a little research while you're calling if it's a lead in a price range or a community that you're farming and you really want this price point or whatever it is then of course it makes sense yes do a little research but do it while you're calling double it up now let's go to the schedule you ready everybody write down day one you do all that let's go day to lead us in day - what time between 8 and 10 and 4 & 6 okay look up here who's gonna have to alter their behaviors and schedule to add the million Oh oh gee only all of us so that means going to bed a little bit earlier waking up a little bit earlier and being prepared and ready at 8 and 10 can you do 8 to 10 from your house yes or yes yeah can you do 4 to 6 from in your car yes or yes but no matter what in your schedule what's in there 8:10 4 to 6 8 10 4 to 6 8 10 4 to 6 and as your atong tool say don't be booking appointments inside that area unless you don't want to earn a million dollars but if you want to earn a million dollars it's in your schedule so write this down you ready you're gonna call first then text then send an email do you guys want a script you're gonna call first then text then send an email do you want a script you ready to write fast reading and could this Scrubs be the voicemail script the email script and the text yes ready hi name yesterday you action hi name yesterday you went to my website you submitted a lead you gave me your information yesterday you action I'm following up to make sure you receive the information you requested that's what they want they got questions I'm following up to make sure you receive the information that you requested I'm here to answer all of your questions I'm here to answer all of your questions just call or text and I'm here simple just call or text and I'm here text it email it call and voicemail all three got it you guys got it okay afternoon afternoon hi name I tried to reach you this morning hi name I tried to reach you this morning I want to make sure you get your questions answered bless you can you call me at phone number really advance hi guys you know by the way at around week 30 you can just right in there you're not reading any of my emails are you but let's just go beyond day one so day two 810 four to six call text email can you over call an over email and over text to lead what's the answer what's the answer the best thing they could say is man you're aggressive you like called in text and email but like 47 times you could say yes and just imagine the level of service and care I'm going to have when I actually take your listing we take our business very seriously look at day ready day 3 day 3 through 30 day 3 through 30 call text email call text email every fill in the blank what is the day that you're gonna dedicate to following up on every lead every old lead you haven't talked to you need one dedicated day so what is the best dedicated day for you well I do previews on Tuesdays should you do it on preview day no on Sundays I drink too much should you do it on Monday morning yes you'll be aggressive I like Tuesdays but you know your schedule but I want you to do this in your notes you ready Tuesday or Wednesday or whatever that day is that day for you is sacred that day for you is the day that you get on the phone you follow up and you text with every person that's coming to your system every Tuesday every Wednesday whatever your day is tell your buddy right now what you hallucinate that day to be tell your buddy what day is that gonna be for you tell him again what day zakat I can't hear you out there now you ready this is what I know in your notes write this down you ready if it's not in your schedule it doesn't exist so why don't you put your phone right now and put it in your schedule do it right now right now pull out your phone and put in your schedule Tuesday 8:10 4 to 6 and then you know you do calendar repeat forever because if it's not in your schedule it doesn't exist my friends you guys many of you inside this room you're looking for the secret you're looking for the magic formula you're looking for that one thing you know you're discover with all these million dollar agents that I know and work with they all do the foundation the fundamentals over and over and over and over my personal client Tim Smith over there will followup with clients for years for years and years and years because that's what the very best people do now write down the following you ready that's basically day 3 today 30 day 31 on and I literally said I don't like how it sounds but it's like day 31 until they buy sell or die till they buy sell or die write down the following ready number one I want you to put them into your Facebook advertising campaign so we all know we can add people to a group in facebook a list in Facebook and we can run targeted ads just to them we can run targeted video ads just to them please write this down in your notes you ready you want once a month a social proof ad sent to everyone on your list what is a social proof and Tommy tool gave you one of the absolute best our longtime coach Lisa Doyle lease are you in a house where is Lisa Doyle maybe working in the back I don't know oh Lisa Doyle Lisa Doyle stand out everybody say hello Lisa Lisa and I have known each other for a long time she was in the room a million years ago remember when Gary Vaynerchuk like mm eight or nine and he said the f-word five thousand times and but he did say one thing to us that really resonated for all of us he said if you take and do success stories on video examples of your social proof on video and you market that and Lisa I remember you took seven expired listings right tell him what you did yeah well it was actually you we were in a small this was back when the inner circle was 20 of us right yes so we're on I call a Tom and there's only like 22 of us it was crazy and I remember Eileen at that time said you know this opportunity with Tom is gonna end because this is what's coming so we were very grateful that we got to be there but you gave us an assignment you said go back to our office and create a video that has to do with one of the lead generation tools that you like so I remember we all brainstormed and I said well my favorites are expired listings and we had like three days to do the assignment right so we just rushed back and without what the heck are we gonna do so we thought well we'll print them and then say them out loud in on the video but then we thought well they it would be more effective if we went to each home and did it so we just recorded in front of each house you know the fact that we'd sold it when someone else hadn't so can I tell them it like could I give them the visual what you did yeah cuz it was two thousand seven or eight numbers flip video cameras remember flip right you go hit the button hi no microphone and Lisa goes to seven houses and she's like hi I'm Lisa Doyle this is one two three four banana Street it was listed with another agent for 365 days no sale listed with Gregg and I and we sold it in 31 days for 99 percent of asking price total ghetto editing it was bad the video wiggled and I said to you afterwards is there some kind of program that you could put it in where it stabilizes the video you're like no there was no iPhone 7 then ya did that piece of business did that idea impact your business a lot would you tell them to do the same absolutely i 100% do the same and um be authentic just be super and I remember we were filming one of those videos and one of the neighbors was out in front and he goes holy crap it was way longer than 267 days because I said it was on the market for 267 days and he's like it was way longer than that so it was funny yeah okay clap it up for Lisa for being an innovator for being an innovator so you ready how many of you were running ads on Facebook raise your ads really high how many of you have figured out that you can create targeted lists to market your message to I love you all how many of you have everyone in your database on a Facebook list or a group to message and market to specifically raise your hands write this in your notes your goal should be to have six seven eight thousand people that you've interacted with on a targeted list and once a month they get a Facebook ad from you that you're boosting and putting in their face and you might spend a you know 200 bucks to make sure that everybody sees it and here's all it is we did it again we listed this beautiful house and I have to tell you you know the people were really struggling they they were nervous about the interior of the home they were nervous about the backyard they were nervous about what would people say about their home we said hey why don't we do it differently and some cool story that you've done for a client that became a success and then you talked about the results and you sent that ad over and over and over and over to all of your leads on a monthly basis can you do it yes or yes yes or yes okay do me a favor turn to your buddy and say sit-ups push-ups and video I'm adding one you ready Shh so gay 31 on you're gonna do a video every month and what are you also gonna do once a month once a month everybody gets a call a text and an email every month everyone gets a call text in an email now that's a really simple plan how do you put it into action how do you put it into action write this in your notes if it's not in your schedule it doesn't exist don't make it complex my friends just put in your schedule hey on the 15th of every month that's the day I call text and email every single person or hey that's the day that I start call texting and email every person on my list I have a longtime client he's maybe inside the room jackboot own great agent from Santa Monica longtime friend Jack has about 6,000 people in his database every one of them gets a call every 90 days every night is it's become so big and so robust and he's been doing it for so long Laura that every 90 days it's like hey Laura it's like you calling your friend like that's his relationship to 6,000 leads in his database now do me a favor tell your neighbor right now make him a promise what changes are you gonna make to have that million dollar follow-up campaign tell your buddy what changes right now go
Channel: Tom Ferry
Views: 107,606
Rating: 4.9002266 out of 5
Keywords: tom ferry, real estate, real estate coaching, real estate training, real estate school, real estate marketing, business, real estate leads, lead follow up, follow up on leads, money is in the follow up, follow up strategy, sales tips, sales skills, follow up skills, million dollar, earn a million dollars, how to, how to follow up, lead conversion, lead nurturing, real estate agent, real estate business, realtor, new agent, real estate scripts, ted talk, keynote
Id: 1vCPbVkysvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 18sec (1818 seconds)
Published: Fri May 18 2018
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