How to Become a Luxury Real Estate Agent with Glennda Baker (Plus Realtor Marketing Tips & Branding)

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today i'm joined by glenda baker out of atlanta georgia listen in this episode you're going to hear literally some of the things that you can do to move into a luxury market you're also going to hear some of the best ways that you can network in a way to meet those high-profile clients and those luxury buyers how to service them in the right way last but not least you're going to hear how glenn has been using video and especially on tick tock right now how she's growing her network through those mediums [Music] all right guys this is something that i've been waiting to do i get to spend some time with about it linda baker linda um i'm so happy to have you here because um i don't say this very often but the way that you do your business the way that you're focused on adding value to people the way that you market in a way that um it's just so magnetic this is an episode that i know people are getting a ton of value on so i think if you don't mind give people a little background who you are where you're located maybe a little bit and then also kind of let's start at the beginning i know you focused on luxury at the beginning talk about some of those ways that you focused on that oh my gosh jimmy you know it seems like i've been in real estate a thousand years i've been selling real estate since jesus was a baby 28 years i can't even believe it like i look back and i think to myself i must i must have been 12 when i started obviously um but i've been selling real estate 28 years in atlanta georgia always in atlanta um and i started out i actually went and did a presentation at a real estate office for my mom's business my mom furnished homes like staging and i went and did a presentation and this broker said hey if you ever think about getting into real estate give me a call and so i was designing manufacturing ladies clothing here in atlanta showed in five major markets around the country and sold two major department stores and i just hated that business and i called my mom and i said i hate this business and she goes well crying can you need to sell real estate and i was like i cannot sell real estate i get carsick and she's no you'd be a great real estate agent so i got my real i took my class i was going to be an assistant and i interviewed with these three ladies and they were like oh no no no no no you're too cheerful and i was like oh my gosh i mean these ladies were huge i mean this is 1992 so this is not even when you had teams and these three ladies were a team yeah it was like wicked wicked and wickeder i mean it was just so bad so then i go interview with these two other ladies and they're like oh we love you we love you we love you we're not going to hire you because you're not going to be an assistant for long i i had been reading this book how to develop a six figure income in real estate and it said go to everybody that you know and ask them if they want to buy a house or sell a house and so i had gotten my license i i was trying to find a job as an assistant i had been reading the book and nobody would hire me so i went back to that broker and i said hey i've got five listings i've i've taken my test i don't have anywhere to put my license nobody will hire me as an assistant she goes wait wait back up you've got five listings i'm like yeah well i read this book it said go to all your friends and say either buy a house or list a house and five people listed their house with me i don't know what to do and of course she hired me on the spot and i was you know it's funny because i was i was living in this crappy apartment like i wouldn't even say it was like 560 a month that tells you like how crappy it was i can't even i can't believe it was like a two bedroom apartment i had this little tiny baby so it's 1992 my baby is like 11 months old and um and i'm reading this book and it says create a farm well i lived in this apartment so on sunday afternoon i got in my car and i drove around and i found the fanciest neighborhoods around this apartment and i'm like okay this is going to be my farm so remember it's 1992 it's back in the olden days so i take a picture of every single house okay and i write down the address picture number one one two three banana street picture number two one two five banana street and then i go back i pull all of the tax records and every night at seven o'clock like clockwork i get in the car i take my baby i park at the clubhouse i get the stroller out of the car and i stroll my baby and i wave at all of the neighbors i start i start sending a newsletter that has my face on it and this man calls me he's like hey i see you in the neighborhood all the time strolling your baby we want to sell our house and i'm like awesome and he's like i live at one two three banana street and i and and i had made a book of every single house i'd pulled every tax record all of the sales records and he says i live at one two three banana street and i'm like oh my gosh mr jones and he was oh you you know my house i'm like oh i know exactly you have the brown house with the four windows on the front circular driveway and he's and he and all of a sudden it built that credibility he was like oh wow she knows my house she knows the neighborhood she knows where i live you're the original owner i knew every single thing because remember i'm new i don't know what i'm doing so all i had time to do was compile the data and learn the data and learn the neighborhood and so but i never ever deviated from that i mean it literally had to be a torrential downpour for me not to be out in that stroller with that baby and it was so funny because you know as the as the time went on like victoria my daughter who's now 29 years old she was like i feel like i have been in real estate all of my life and she has i mean she's been my prop forever i mean i remember i went on a listing appointment and i didn't have a babysitter i was a single mom i had victoria who was 12 uh 12 and lucas is like a year i don't have anybody to keep them i take them in the car and victoria is watching lucas in the car i'm inside on the listing appointment and he gets hot and she takes all of his clothes off like i mean you know you do what you have to do um but but you know i'll tell you it was really identifying a farm it was really learning the neighborhood there is no substitute for knowledge especially in 2020 there's no substitute for knowledge really absolutely you know and i think that's i know i've heard you talk about it before where you really knew the product inside and out even from a spreadsheet standpoint of sales talk a little bit about that so we talked about having this the picture of it going to the tax rolls what did this look like what did you really focus in on to make sure you do all the houses in the neighborhood so this is hilarious so it's christmas it's right around christmas time and this man calls me so in the book it says so this is remember it's back in the olden days he said you need to preview every single home in your farm okay so used to you would call and you would say hey mr jones it's glinda with abc real estate i would like to preview your house on tuesday between two and three and you went and either there was a lock boxer mr jones let you in so i so the book said gave me a script hey mr jones this is glinda i'd like to preview your home i have buyers looking in the area i'll be by myself you don't need to leave so if i could just come and take a look through so sure enough i said that well i won't be here but my wife will be here great so i get there and i say mrs jones you know could you show me through the house nobody knows your home like you do and so you're building rapport yeah and she shows me i'm like oh my gosh this is so beautiful i love it you know i know this house my mom and i've driven through this neighborhood you know this house sold for this this household for that blah blah blah and i knew every single thing and all of a sudden she's impressed with me the listing expired okay so that was like november the listing expired at thanksgiving and on right around christmas the guy calls me he's like hey my wife was really impressed with you we want to talk to you about listing our house 1990 this is december of 1992 950 thousand dollar house good night and literally i had been saying there were no 900 there were not very many of those in 1992. but wait a minute i had been licensed on september 13th and it's it's christmas eve and i and so i go in no i go in and i've got every book with me my book that has all of the pictures and everything because you know it's 1992 there's nothing as digital right so i walk in and the guy's like what is that i'm like oh this is every house in the neighborhood i know every house in the neighborhood here's every house that's like yours i had every single thing and he's like do you know every house in the neighborhood yes sir i know every single hospital neighborhood he's like you're hired and i sold it in march 900 i was agent of the month in december for the listing and i was agent of the month in march for selling it come on but but it was work it was all of that leading up to it it was preparation people do not understand the value of preparation you know sophie i was talking to an agent in my office just i think last week and i was scurrying around i was getting ready for my listing appointment and the and the guy's like oh what are you doing oh my god i have this listing appointment he's like he's like oh well you know you sell like a zillion houses like do you really need to like scurry around like a crazy person and i'm like uh i know every single thing so literally we have 113 point checklist from listing to live so nothing is left to chance every and i love i love the age that we're living in because i can literally go to linkedin literally i can go to google i can search every single thing about the seller i know how old they are i can crystal nose them i can figure out their disc profile that way so so the guy so this lady is like the listening point i swear the lady is super duper high-powered ceo of a company and me walking in with my beauty pageant hair and my sequins is probably not the right move and so and and and this guy he's like he's like you're joking like you're like you're like you're doing that much prep and it was funny because when i finished this guy says to me he goes so how did the listing appointment go i'm like this is a slam dunk like like seriously like that's the thing as if i could say anything to agents is there's no substitute for preparation and tell me talk a little bit about that because i know about christmas but talk about that a little bit about the uh what that product offers you it gives you that ability to do crystal knows yes oh my gosh no it's great if if you are not utilizing crystal nose you are missing the boat like literally you can go into crystal knows i can put jimmy burgess and it will tell me his disc profile and the disc profile is a d-i-s-c so it'll tell me if he's a driver if he's an expressive if he's an analytical and that's the thing is like when you're presenting to an analytical i'm not walking in as the beauty queen i'm not walking in as miss congeniality i'm walking in as you know all my spreadsheet like i have a huge huge huge spreadsheet tiffany do you have a spreadsheet that you can pull from me oh maybe there's one in here pull me a spreadsheet print me a spreadsheet so i can show it to jimmy which one it doesn't matter any house so i mean i have a huge spreadsheet that's on 11 by 17 that we like take and do you not think that that lady is foaming at the mouth she's an analytical she is literally 10 i mean like she's dying she's in love with me so much yeah i know i know you know and that's something else you mentioned about the 119 point checklist or whatever it was the checklist that you have um i think people discount this also when you walk into the listing appointment you see that yeah absolutely i mean it's so detailed and like you say when you're putting that in front of the people that they love yeah it is literally like you're speaking their love language absolutely and that's the thing is like if she's an expressive the minute i pull out that spreadsheet she's turned off so that's when i'm pulling out oh look at my beautiful marketing book you know that's that's the thing is like is and you know when i was talking to this agent in office i said to him i said i have everything digital on my ipad and i have everything in paper depending on what they what which direction they're moving toward yes absolutely you gotta play to the audience you absolutely do and i'll tell you this too i think some people discount this sometimes people have got to see it before they can be it in other words you've got to show them what you're going to do or how you operate and so like when you mention that i've always used the term you know where i have checklist too every time i would go into there i would want them to see my processes and i use the example that if i get on an airplane and as i'm passing the pilots and i see them there just sitting there it bothers me but if i see them with their checklist going through i'm like oh it's all good you know what i mean they got this under control i can sit back in my seat and let them do their job and trust and they're going to get me to the destination i'm trying to get to so i mean i think it's critically important like you say to have those those opportunities for you to share with them because you don't let them see it or let them know they don't understand everything that you do which doesn't show your value in a way like you said it makes it a slam dunk so um what are some other things that you take into those listing appointments is there anything in particular that you really try to highlight okay so jimmy before we move on i want to do i'm going to give you a little uh sound bite nothing accelerates credibility faster than proof come on that's so true no charge for that tip but and that's the thing is like literally like nothing accelerates credibility faster than proof being able to show someone how you're going to do it and that you have done it before i always use the example in my presentation do you want to get on the flight and you just mentioned it do you want to get on the flight with the pilot who goes once a month from atlanta to paris or do you want to get on the plane with the guy who goes from atlanta to columbus ohio back and forth five times a day because most of the error happens at takeoff and landing do you want to be in the plane with somebody who is proficient and experienced in the takeoff and the landing and that's me i people always laugh they say when i went i had a listing appointment with i've had the opportunity to work with a lot of um high profile clients and i had the opportunity to work with heinz ward he was interviewing 10 agents 10 agents the guy's house has been on the market two years he's been through two or three agents at this time and there and i'm on the phone with him and his team and he's and i said to him i said what was the problem with the agent that you had and he goes she asked me what she should do to get my home sold he goes that's like me asking her how to play football he's like i i don't know i'm not the real estate agent i'm looking for somebody who knows what to do i said what i need you to do is pass me the ball and let me get it in the end zone i am the michael jordan of real estate and my friends were all like you did not say that to heinz ward i'm like go bold or go home like i was either going to win it or lose it and if i'm going to lose it i'm going to lose it on the court i'm going to lose it taking the last shot i'm not going to sit there and pretend like that that nobody hires me because i'm passive that's not my deal whether you're expressive or an analytical people are hiring me for to get a result and if you if you and especially in 2020 i was on a call yesterday people are seeking clarity more than ever and if you can't speak with certainty you're you're not in it you're out of the game there is no opportunity to say oh i think your home is worth x if you think their home is worth x you can't go in and say jimmy your house is worth nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars it's going to sell in 32 days unless there's some world's pandemic that hits that's it that's the thing it's like you've got to be able to walk in and know speak with certainty and be the clarity that people seek amongst the chaos and confusion period if you if if in 2020 you've got to give that to people if you're not you're just losing the game no i agree and i think this is why you know this let me just jump off of this because you brought it up like with heinz ward and you've worked with a lot of high profile people and i've kind of watched over the years how you utilize the networks and you've connected and made those connections um you know you started when you're talking about going into luxury areas how are you networking in some of those i mean i see you involved with a lot of events a lot of different things how are you because i'll say this every single room that you and i've ever been in together there ain't no doubt glenda baker's in the room you know what i mean you you come with it you know what i mean i mean so how what does that look like how what's your thought process as you're networking in these different opportunities to meet people or to connect with people you know jimmy you got to play to your strength and i'm not here to be ordinary and i think that a lot of a lot of agents a lot of people in general just want to kind of you know keep up with the joneses they just want to be the joneses they just want to be like everybody else they want to fit in and for me that is not my deal it's not about fitting in it's about standing out it's about being memorable i mean think about it how many times have we been in a room together and you you remember that i was there because i wore a sequin dress because i you know i came i talked about what we were doing you know i've got some story to tell that's the thing is you want people to remember you in real estate period and so for me um there are a lot of different components it's really a layering effect number one i want to be memorable number two i want to bring value that's so important to me is to bring value to any conversation that i'm in if you're not bringing value just shut up right and giving back like and knowing knowing your audience um i do do a lot of events um like dikembe matumbo so he has a a charity a foundation that he builds hospitals in his country in the conga and you know he i mean when dikembe matumbo picks up the phone i mean my assistant she thought it was like a prank call like she like like she she's like i think that you got like a stalker and it's to kim and i'm like oh no it's dikembe you know he's got this huge accent this deep voice and when he's calls you he's like hey i need your support you need to be prepared to step up because those i mean there are he's looking for somebody to support him not just financially but to get the word out about his charity and for me that has really been kind of like the secret sauce and and also to know when to talk about those people and to know when to shut up and to keep your mouth shut you know discretion like you know i deal with a lot of uh people in the rap industry and they don't want people to know where they live they don't you know they they they're looking for discretion and they're also looking for trust like they want to trust people i have one um one rapper and he's like 28 years old and like from selecting bar stools and sofas i mean like he's calling me for everything yeah and and that's the thing is you're moving from a service provider to uh to a relationship with the client and i i'll be honest with you i think in 2020 there's never been it's never been more important to be in relationship with your clients going deep with them and and doing whatever it takes he that guy he sent me a message and he goes um it's it was like 1 21 a.m he's like where are my parking spaces and i'm like go straight up the ramp your parking spaces are 201 and 202. he's like great how do i get into the building because he had not been into the to the penthouse that i sold him he i mean he he'd seen it but he hadn't he was coming back from touring or coming back from recording and i said i said are you in the bmw and he said yes and i said i put the i put the key fob in your console and i said thank goodness i sleep with my phone he said yeah it'd be tragic if you didn't but when you're that's the thing is like when you're dealing with these people like i have one client and she has a stalker so vetting everybody that comes into the house i mean you've got to understand and empathize and be compassionate to where those people are and what they need and it's not just high profile you know high net worth people it's everybody it is especially in today's day and age and i will say this too i think sometimes when i first started i kept thinking when i would get those calls from someone that wanted help with their charity or whatever then a lot of times i was like oh no they want my they want my affluence but in reality what they want is your influence and a lot of times your ability to help them influence the people that you know it's not just they're not just looking you anybody can i don't mean this the wrong way but a lot of times it's easier to write a check than it is to help them grow that network and support that causing away with your time with your efforts and with your influence so i know you do that really well listen i want to shift a little bit because i think you do this really well also is it's not just about having that opportunity to reach out to clients and to future clients it's the influence we have as a realtor community i know we had our mutual friend doug edward who was down speaking to our agents one time and he told the story about you know that he had uh that you he had sent you a referral and he gets this package tell me a little bit about some of the things you do to stay memorable with the agents that you um that you work with so this is like a little box of brownies and it's all custom i don't know if you can see it it's got custom ribbon it's got my name on it it's got my logo on the box let me take it off it's got my logo on the box and then you open it and it's got my business it's got my little it's got my card this is a 4x4 card that has all my social media on the back and it's delivered with this card that has my glenda ism oh my stars and my photo so listen to me if i if you don't take anything else away from this people do business with people that they know putting your face on every single thing makes them more familiar with you every single time they see your face so critical that's just a little tip um but but the thing about it is is that we send thank you thank you for the referral it's and think think about this think just your mom always told you don't take food from strangers don't take candy from a stranger the minute that someone accepts food from you you are no longer a stranger they trust you they trust you you don't take food from somebody you do not trust period think about that and so we always say outside of the box ideas with sweet results my name is glenda baker so baked goods for me has really really really been i mean it's it was a great marketing idea that really i have been able to leverage like you cannot believe yeah and listen i think you know this goes back to you said put your face on everything man you literally put your face on everything i mean i i think i think i have probably gained weight eating so many glenda baker cookies with your face tiffany hand me the cookies hand me one of the house cookies and one of the glenda cookies i gotta show you this it's the it's the wrapping paper when you're sending gifts yeah it's got your face on it it's everything that you do you're branding yourself and that just makes them memorable when they think of atlanta real estate they think of you yeah there it is yeah so everybody so you know you go to you go to a convention and everybody's handing out business cards and all this stuff and so i said i need something different than that these are chocolate covered oreos and these things are good i know but the thing about it is so like okay so i see jimmy i'm like oh jimmy i'm glenda from atlanta georgia oh it's so nice to meet you here here's a chocolate covered oreo it's got my face on it i'm sweet and edible do you think that jimmy is ever going to forget me that is the thing is you need to be memorable and you know stop worrying about like like oh well you know how does this look you know be memorable pick up what is your niche pick up something stick with it build on it we did i did these um chocolates if you can see that yeah so this is hazelnut truffles i actually got a box this i actually got this exact box at the saint regis it had their logo i literally pulled that thing up i called that chocolate company i had those branded it was two weeks i had that those boxes back and the thing about it is is it's the feel of it like every single thing like the like the ribbon is just the quality of it so that's what i would say is just like you want to extend your brand the quality of your brand throughout everything that you do every single thing that you do whether it's the wine or um we do these etched bottles tiffany i hate to bother you again i know you're going to kill me hand me hand me the etched bottle and the champagne so we do like these etched bottles of wine because if we have like a double closing we can't do cakes for both closings but we do on on the sale of the property we do these etched bottles look at this yeah i wish you could feel it but and it's heavy it's super heavy so so you sell the house we do a pair of tiffany wine glasses and this bottle of wine then you buy it then on on the purchase you get a cake that has a picture of your house yeah it's killer yeah it's so good so good anyway and i'll say this too what i love about it is is the the creativity but you know you've been creative in a lot of areas um i know that um as uh i've watched you kind of really especially just jump in with video like never before so i want to kind of transition to that um social media wise talk about the um what the influence and then i want to get into some new stuff but i want to first start with like you know the um the poster in the porsche you know you know where your car your conversations that you're having where it's just you being you which filters the right people to you and gives you the opportunity really where they almost know you before you get there talk to me a little bit about that if you don't mind so you know it's it's really funny so um as so i have a brother but he's 20 years older than me so he didn't grow up in the same household so for all intents and purposes i'm an only child and the only person that i ever had to talk to was myself in the mirror and so it's so so i i love talking to on in my car because it's almost like me talking in the mirror people are always like oh well you're you're fixing your hair well it's literally it's because i'm thinking like i'm looking in the mirror so it came so naturally to me and then when i had i got i got this porsche one of my friends commented on my post oh it's a post from the porsche and i was like that's pretty good i like that yeah i'm going to take that and run with it and literally it came that it became this video series and the so so mike i sat down with my coach and he's like look you're awesome on video and you need to do more video and so he's like post from the porsche that's your raw in the moment you're doing it live like at what's happening at that very second he's like we need to come up with some more curated so and i haven't released it yet we actually just started shooting it about two weeks ago the glenda show and it's really kind of do i have time to tell you a little story jimmy yeah this is great i've seen this the previews of some of this stuff it looks great yeah okay so so so i i dated this guy before i was obviously before i was married i dated this guy and i was oh my god i was so in love with him oh my god i was so in love with him and he um you know things are going great and my girlfriend says well things are going great you glenda and he's like oh yeah i love her to death she's amazing and she's like wow that's that's awesome he goes you know the only thing about hers i just don't know that i'm i'm in for this galinda show thing and she's like you should probably get out now no lie the guy broke up with me like two weeks later i was like oh my god i was heartbroken but i never ever forgot the glenda show and so when i was talking to my coach i'm like okay so i'm tossing around real real estate in real life you know real estate from the road you know with glenda blah blah blah and he's like what about the glinda show he's like because obviously he had heard the story he's like what about the glenda show he's like everybody knows you as glinda like why would we not go with the glenda show so sure enough we it's it's around an orange table a very bright orange table and it's conversations because i am really good in conversation that that's kind of we tried we tried me doing like guided tours doing real estate for the road and it just didn't i couldn't get into like i couldn't get natural with it and so literally we're sitting around a table and i'm interviewing other agents i'm interviewing vendors and it's just all about real estate and then i have and then posts from the porsches are raw and the glenda show is very curated and then we have our tick tock video series which is called sugar and spice real estate advice and i have to tell you i am in shock at the at the feedback that we've got it's been it it's been shocking to me i remember when you first started posting these and i was like oh this will be interesting and then all of a sudden i looked and i remember i clicked through one time and it was like a million plus views for one of your videos and i was like holy cow she's found something here so let's talk about that what what is the mix you're doing with tick tock because i believe in reality maybe i'm wrong but as far as real estate wise to me you're that you're literally the tip of the spirit of doing some things that are so creative right now and getting ahead of everybody else what would your suggestions be what's worked for you and what has kind of been a miss maybe okay so on tick tock it's an entertainment platform so it's there's got to be some you've got to educate you've got to entertain and you've got to be able to kind of throw some fun at yourself okay so we have three different kind of pillars that we try and hit so we want to be cute and funny suck people in we want to entertain them we want to educate them that's where we talk about like houses like i go into houses and talk about faux finish magnets on the refrigerator bug traps and it's literally just a voice over i love tic toc because i can take the video i can voice over it and i can drop it in and it's one minute millions millions i have i have like 800 000 views about faux finish like what the hell like 3 000 comments like it's insane and yeah and and lots of people calling me karen lots of hate about oh you know you should somebody would just be happy to have any house it doesn't matter if it has a bug trap who cares you cannot have thin skin i don't care what anybody says all i care is that people are watching it and i had no idea how many people were watching it until my niece sends me a message hey you're on the news here in atlanta with tick tock your influence on tick tock i'm like what so they've put it on wsb which is the abc affiliate here then on inman we get a huge named one of the best tick tocks in real estate from inman and it's just the thing about it is but you've got to be yourself you you've got to be yourself you've got you cannot be fake on tick tock you've got to be yourself and you've got to we've danced we've done do ads we've done all kinds of to me it's just literally all i care about is driving the people to me and the exposure you've got to be ex be willing to be exposed period man i love me some glenda baker i'm not gonna lie i do i gotta be honest linda this has been so much fun listen um i know people got some value out of this and um so if you don't mind tell them the best way to get in touch with you if you don't mind and um where they should be following some of this stuff okay so i am the most unanimous person in the world my husband says i would be the easiest person to kill my name is glenda g-l-e-n-n-d-a glinda baker literally instagram tick-tock twitter facebook uh linkedin glinda baker twins glinda g-l-e-n-n-d-a-b-a-k-e-r and it's everywhere and follow me like me comment send me a message dm me anything i can do to help i'm absolutely happy to help you in any way that i can any tips tricks hacks what do i say uh send me a text tag me in a post give me a call that's what i love the most because i love the opportunity to talk real estate with you today so good glinda hey listen guys i know you got something good out of this reach out to glendon let her know and say thank you to her and we'll talk to you guys soon [Music] you
Channel: Jimmy Burgess
Views: 7,890
Rating: 4.9886365 out of 5
Keywords: social media for real estate, real estate marketing 2020, real estate training for beginners, social media marketing for realtors, social media for real estate agents, social media marketing for real estate agents, lead generation real estate, real estate branding, youtube for realtors, real estate training 2020, real estate marketing video ideas, tips and advice every new real estate agent needs to know, glennda baker leblanc, Glennda Baker, tik tok realtors, Jimmy Burgess
Id: zZhprHPsEQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 47sec (2087 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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