Laying Slats

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how's it going guys it is friday march the 9th and today they're going to be laying the slats on top of the manure pit for our new heifer barn they're pre-poured they bring them in on trucks and then they're going to use that crane to just lay them on top i'm just finishing up the milking it's just before 7am i just need to wash the parlor and then i'm gonna get the manure spreader up here because i want to scoop some out of this pen right now we don't have that many fields we can spread on close to home so i don't really want to clean that whole pen out until after we take triticale off and then we can just haul right out here i'm just going to get a few loads out this morning trying to get by until may [Music] [Music] [Music] they're moving right along there he's got a remote control for that crane i'll have to get my drone out after a little bit i'm gonna go haul some of this manure now [Music] [Music] so i took a couple loads out put bedding in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they finished laying the slats didn't take long at all where's my hat i don't even need this today it's not sunny i got some drone footage didn't quite go as planned because my drone started losing connection and took off flew from back there out across the road over in the middle of those fields over there thankfully it didn't crash i was able to chase it down and catch it so i got one spreader load i want to haul out yesterday we were cleaning out the one harbor store silo just about empty now we just have a little bit probably gonna sweep it out this morning i'm gonna back under the conveyor again just had some junk feet at the end of the silo there's just a chain in the middle pulling into the center and then it drops it down and it gets pulled out by a second chain out of the unloader shut the unloader off now because there's not much left i'm gonna go inside and just clean the edges up this silo is 20 feet in diameter by 60 feet tall i'm just going to go around the edges and clean this up a little bit [Music] [Music] so i got half the silo cleaned up once my dad can run the unloader i'll just push this in as it comes around the rest of the way just need to go another quarter turn these guys were already done with the slats only took them a couple hours and they're going already here at the end they have the pump out for when we want to haul manure so this will be outside of the building the building's gonna start right here and then we'll have groups of calves starting about three month old up through 15 months and their pens will be divided with gates and there'll be a bed pack area in the back so 30 feet that way there's gonna be a flat area we'll bed up then up here we'll have headlocks and a feed alley right there we'll run the feet out front this area will be a high traffic area it's not where they're going to be resting so all the manure will just flow down into the pit it'll stay nice and clean the slats are actually a little different towards the front of the barn these are the regular slats that the rest of the barn have but for the youngest calves we got these calf slats they're just a half inch thinner that way we won't have any heifers getting their feet stuck in these then once they get up to this age they'll be a little bigger and it won't happen then down at the other end this will be the outside wall have another pump out and then an extra section here's what we're gonna scrape into they're gonna set up an alleyway coming from the dry cow barn across we'll scrape right into this pit i like to have rebar in there so you can't fall through we'll have to get a lid for that too and i thought this was smart rather than just putting flat concrete pieces out here they put slats so that way if there's any extra manure or whatever it'll just make its way down to the pit so we have that scrape valley coming across from the dry cow barn the cows are also going to use that to get across to their meadow so they'll walk straight through here and we'll have a pastor set up for them out there somewhere we're gonna have to figure out all our meadows at some point once the barn is up so they need to set one concrete beam on this end because of the way these lay they have to lay the opposite way then the rest of the way they could just set them right on the concrete walls so that's nice we have a 10 foot space with no beams or posts or anything that way we can stir the pit up hopefully pretty well it's one thing with a really long pit like this you want to make sure you can actually agitate it up so it doesn't get a buildup of solids in the middle we should be able to keep after as long as we agitate off of both ends drop in both of the pump outs so we're making a lot of progress the next thing is going to be to bring the fill in to get the rest of the dirt up high enough to build the barn then all right this is uh eric weaseling his way into the silo it's easier for a young guy we had opened up the silo yesterday so there's plenty of fresh air in there now so i have that flashlight so yeah go ahead i'm just going to start forking in now [Music] it's good to have this solid cleaned out now we're gonna have to short arm it to get ready for harvest basically just shorten that top arm thanks for watching this video next week we're gonna be hauling in a bunch of dirt getting ready to build this barn back there i guess so it should be interesting you
Channel: 10th Generation Dairyman
Views: 142,922
Rating: 4.9859285 out of 5
Keywords: farming
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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