Law & Order - Best of Ben Stone (Season 1)

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murder in the second degree stone you have to show the public you go after the rich your client killed in cold blood I don't care if he's homeless or owns grands not just a shoe getting murdered - from the grand jury it's abusive under extreme emotional disturbance you're lucky if you get manslaughter - you only disturbed in our plan as well as Himes did it's a crime of passion stone pure and simple a crime of passion is never pure and it's certainly not simple dr. lowenstein you have previously testified but when you came home just before midnight Carla told you that she had hit didi earlier that evening is that correct well I certainly didn't think it was anything serious and you also testified that when you came home didi was laying in the middle of your living room floor in her school clothes I thought she was sleeping does she usually spend the night on a parquet floor without a blanket of course not did you go to didi and check to see if she was all right I didn't feel it was necessary even with a blood stain under her head I didn't say that please sir I direct you to examine people's exhibit number 37 it is a photograph of a blood stain on your living room floor a blood stain measuring 27 inches by 38 inches a blood stain the size of a small rug stark there wasn't many lights about so when you saw your unconscious daughter on the floor and that's stain on the same floor did you pick up a phone call nine-one-one I already did you pick up a phone and call her pediatrician you're twisting everything I say did you even bother to pick up didi or did you leave her in the pool of her own blood we have court-ordered permission that starts the premises this warrant covers your apartment your car and all your personal possessions would you like some coffee Ben looks like black-market ludes maybe the same kind they found in Victor mr. stone this is locked here the key what were you hoping for mr. fence ready for its summation Your Honor at this time against advice of counsel the defendant wishes to testify in her own behalf mr. Schwimmer you realize you'll be subject to cross-examination I do your honor I urge you to reconsider listen to advice of counsel however I won't prevent you from testifying do you swear to tell the truth so help you God I certainly do mr. Schwimmer did you conspire with Celeste McClure to bomb the Chelsea woman's a choice Center as well as seven other abortion clinics yes I did then you're guilty of the charges leveled against you not before God can you explain why you're innocent before God Jackson in this case is being judged on the temporal plane your honor sustained how dare you object mr. stone we've done our homework you were baptized you go to Communion that's enough you prosecute me all the abortions in that clinic are murder and you know it your honor it must stop women Mary Donovan's death was tragic but if it prevents one abortion the scales are balanced abortion must have Schwimmer that will be a nation who can tolerate the abortionist sticking his hand in a mother's womb the officer will remove miss Schwimmer Your Honor I have only one question to ask of the defendant which is if abortion is murder no matter how you feel about Mary Donovan aren't you guilty of the murder of her unborn child [Music] Your Honor the accused has stated in both direct and cross-examination that he has never committed a violent act that he's a man of conscience a prisoner because of politics and view of these statements the state would like to call an additional witness objections the prosecution has rested your honor of his own volition mr. O'Connell has made statements that call for rebuttal sir overruled call your witness mr. stone thank you your honor the people called Bridget McDermott mrs. McDermott are you married I was you have children I had two what happened to your husband on your children that man murdered them Jackson your honor absolutely irrelevant regarding the defendant sworn testimony is relevant as the character your honor overruled proceed mr. stone mrs. McDermott described in your own words the events of May 6 1981 John my husband and I were on High Street Kensington on our way to the cinema with Sheila and Tommy your children yes we were passing a candy store I remember because the children wanted to stop my husband saw a man tying his shoe kneeling on the pavement that man when he was done he got up and hurried away but he'd left his satchel on the curb next to the police of that would you describe the satchel come on you're on ara please continue mrs. mcdeere midden it was it was black leather with a grip like any business man's in the city thank you now tell us what happened next my husband called to the man you know I made you forgot your satchel and then he he picked up the case and started after him and and he was blown to bits aunt Sheila and Tommy and half the street there was nothing but a shower of glass and blood mrs. mcdeere murder the man with the satchel are you absolutely positive without a question of a doubt that that man was Ian O'Connell the defendant you're hardly forget the face of the man who slaughtered your entire family [Music] take a good look there's your human error [Music] he'll live with it by morning I'll probably love it you think I sold out doesn't matter what I think if it does I'll tell ya but it's something you got to decide to yourself you got to save yourself in the morning speech maybe you think yourself as a black lawyer or lawyer was black tells on the context you made a decision based on something from within you live with it you examine saw you gun think my morning I'll come to love it no but I don't think it'll have any problem with the guy in the mirror I'll see you tomorrow [Music] [Music]
Channel: Law & Order
Views: 189,309
Rating: 4.909874 out of 5
Keywords: Law & Order, Law & Order Full Episodes, Law & Order Season 3, Law & Order Best Cases, Law & Order Best Murders, Law & Order Best Solved Cases, Law & Order Conspiracy, Law & Order Killers, Law & Order Live Stream, Best Of Jack McCoy, Best Of Kevin Bernard, Best Of Anita Van Buren, Best Of Paul Robinette, Best Of Mike Logan, Best Of Law & Order, Best of Ben Stone, Law & Order original, Law & Order Season 1, Ben Stone
Id: lqLSlQY-8w8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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