Dr Bill Winston 2022 🔴 God is Ending Everything 🔴 HOTR SPIRIT LIFE CONFERENCE

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well thank you let's give another hand clap to the copelands and i mean the anointing that is on them on the ministry praise god it's really been a pleasure uh the whole family i've learned a lot just from them just um watching them um do what i call exploits and it's been a pleasure to be a part of what they do in the world and it's just i remember brother copeland and i stood up on the platform one time in england and and bound ebola and it was bound and we're gonna bind this plague he won't find this thing he's gonna be bound praise god uh amen uh let's see a couple of things i've told me to mention this i normally don't but uh that we have a couple of three books out there and one book we just came out charisma put it out for us and it's called revelation of royalty yeah yeah it's powerful powerful book anybody that reads it um there are places you cannot go without knowing who you are and as long as they thought they were grasshoppers they couldn't get the promised land so this book really kind of opens it up and so forth another one called miracles in the marketplace and i put that out some time ago and then another one i kind of redid it it was put out first by harrison house but it's called uh it's called the kingdom of god in you kingdom of god in you powerful powerful uh teaching okay let's uh let's open our bibles please and these are books praise god let's see now i did have my pages kind of marked um flow okay no we've gave we've given the money we ain't giving away that money man he's still flowing it's flowing okay um chapter 9 isaiah and verse 6 unto us a child is born unto us a son is given and the government should be upon his shoulder and his name shall be called wonderful counselor the mighty god the everlasting father the prince of peace of the increase of his government there shall be no end the increase of his government shall be no end let's go over to isaiah chapter 8 and verse 18 behold i and the children whom the lord hath given me are for what signs and wonders let's go to the new testament over in ephesians ephesians chapter 5 then let's look here chapter 5 and verse 1. [Music] he said be ye therefore imitators of god as dear children the amplified says a little bit different says to copy him and follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father copy him and follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father now i really want to do some teaching here today because um the church is interesting in in in the scriptures the church is mentioned i think in the new testament about about three times i think and uh the kingdom is mentioned over 100 times and as i look at this [Music] this whole kingdom message is the message that god wants to get to us today because of how powerful that message really is it's it's something that i had to learn when i first got born again you know i was looking for membership i got born again looking for membership what church i'm a member of and that's fine but i found out soon that i need to look for citizenship because [Music] when i go to that level called citizenship it gives me a perspective that just being a member doesn't give me and uh along with that uh even talks about that we are ambassadors for christ over in philippians chapter 3 i think in verse 20 talks about that um that we are citizens and that when we're citizens it gives a a bigger picture to me it means that we're part of a government and we're part of a government and this part of this government that we're part of has uh a king a king it's a commonwealth as a king and then i found out that this king is the king of kings and and that we are royalty we are part of a dynasty and that um this government called the kingdom of god i found out in psalm chapter 103 and verse 19 that this kingdom rules over everything now this was foreign to me at that time i i didn't quite know what all of that was talking about so i had to really study out the kingdom and that is really where i kind of got my understanding of the gospel and jesus talked about it i think in matthew chapter 24 and verse 14 this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the income so it seems to me that the end is not going to come until the gospel of the kingdom gets preached and so i had to go in here and really understand the bible [Music] by understanding the kingdom and i found out that if you don't really understand the kingdom there are pieces of the bible that people just don't quite understand and i think that over in the other nations they have a more of an understanding of the kingdom naturally than we do because of their governments and and so as a result of that i had to become i had to get an understanding of the kingdom and that kingdom brought me right into a place of being miracle-minded miracle-minded now why am i here um one of the reasons why i'm here is to manifest the kingdom and to bring the kingdom culture into every place that god has sent me or assigned me and so as i look at this in becoming miracle-minded now i'm talking about two things one understanding the kingdom and becoming miracle-minded i had to understand that over in judges judges chapter 6 in verse 13 it seems like the angel came to gideon and called him a mighty man of valor and gideon says and i'm translating now who me and he says that god is with you and gideon asks a very very important question if god is with us where are all his miracles and so this joshua in joshua chapter 1 verse 16 joshua was about to fill some pretty big shoes of a man named moses and now joshua is going to have an assignment of taking them into the promised land so joshua now is now uh about to lead the people and they said something in verse 16 starting at verse 16. they said well now whatever you tell us to do we will do and where you [Music] lead us or tell us to go we will go only the lord be with you like he was with moses well all you have to do to see i was with moses it started back in exodus chapter 7 verse 9 and god told moses moses i'm sending you down to take the children of israel out of bondage and here's what i want you to know when pharaoh asked you to do a miracle he didn't say if he asked he said pharaoh is going to is going to demand if you represent the god that you say you represent then he's going to demand a miracle from you so moses went down of course aaron was with him and he threw down the stick as the god had had had told him and it turned to a serpent well pharaoh said hey boys come on in here show them you can do the same thing and he threw down their sticks and their sticks turned to snakes now what happened is moses's stick or snake ate up their snake now somebody said that moses stick or snake was a king snake and apparently a king snake eats other snakes but if you remember the symbol that we have for physicians is that wrapping a snake on a pole and this is the same thing that moses did with the children of israel when they were bitten by serpents or snakes he said everyone that look at this this bronze snake that i have made and wrapped on this pole if you look at it you'll be healed and what did they do they looked at it and got healed and what does that represent that represents the curse and the curse and the bible talks about jesus was hung on a pole and notice what he became a curse but then notice when he buried him three days he turned back into the rod and i'm saying that miracles are from front to back in this bible and what has happened many times is the church has tried to do things go places be of influence and impact without the supernatural i came to announce miracles are coming back to the church oh reject god [Music] now as i look at this john chapter 10 verse 37 is a good scripture here's what jesus said jesus said if i do not the works of my father don't believe a thing i said i remember reading smith wigglesworth he would walk in and that's what he'd say you see no miracles don't believe what i said now how many of the people in the church can say that today so i'm just finding out that this whole live idea of miracles is something that god wants to be a part of the church i don't think he ever planned for us to just get up and pontificate for an hour without really some demonstration paul said this way my speech and my preaching are not in the enticing words of man's wisdom but in the demonstration of the spirit and a power why so that your faith will not lie in the wisdom of men but in the power of almighty god give god praise for that [Applause] so what do miracles do miracles are something that they are testifying of the truth they testify of the truth they also are vital because miracles signs and wonders will cause people to turn from dead gods to the true and living god say amen to that miracles also are used incidentally to establish the kingdom i really believe there's a limited amount you can do and a limited distance you can go without the supernatural without the supernatural amen now i'm going to preach today and preach on thursday so what i don't finish today i'll try to finish it on thursday but i remember me getting born again that was a miracle i'll try that again me getting born again [Music] was a miracle [Music] [Applause] and i i just watched how god led me after i got born again because i was with ibm and at that time i was in training i'd come out of flying fighters for the military come back from nam and and now i was stationed on the state side and so forth and i was down in florida at mcdill and ken came back up and and i got out of the air force and went and joined a company called ibm they said hey you're here and we see in your college records you took biology in pre-med i said yes they said well we can give you a great medical territory i said wow wonderful so they told me to go away to training and they sent me to several classes which took almost a year and then i came back and they said oh by the way we changed i said what do you mean you changed they said we no longer have medical territory for you we're going to give you non-profits i said listen at what you just said non-pro i said what is the incentive for somebody who's non-profit to buy anything well i was thinking about quitting but i got saved and when i got saved i heard a man named charles capps teach on the kingdom i said wait a minute here now this kingdom has resources that are invisible this kingdom has provision which are inexhaustible this kingdom i'm going through all this kingdom so i'm saying wait a minute maybe this is a divine opportunity with divine resources that's going to give me a divine result and i tell you i took that thing and before i left that territory people were fighting over it when they heard i was leaving i made so much money one time i was called in to the regional manager and he said now how did you make all this money i said well you got the papers right there you can look at it and see how i made it my point to you is a miracle took place but then god called me to leave the company and start up a ministry well i went down to oru came back up then tried to start the ministry but god said i want you to go to chicago because we're in minneapolis amen and what happened i said lord i only have 200 he said read isaiah 8 18 i and the children whom the lord has given me are for signs and wonders and i had two hundred dollars with my family no place to stay going to chicago lord have mercy but look at me now now what i'm saying is it's amazing how the natural part of us will try to make us avoid the supernatural yeah because i'm going to teach more on this because you got to be miracle-minded say miracle-minded yes oh boy this is this is loaded i'm telling you i had to learn i had to learn the mysteries of the kingdom [Music] mysteries give you mastery and i had to learn that and it started when i was a salesperson i had to learn how to use the principles of the kingdom to manifest the kingdom one day at ibm remember i brought in five computer orders in one day the one of the managers called me said come in my office you got to tell me how you did this now i'm not bragging on me i'm talking about the kingdom save the kingdom you see when i got born again and i was doing that i started taking more people to church why because it made an impact on them and they wanted to know how am i doing this i said well come on go to church with me because i wanted to get them safe say amen to that so once you get saved in john 3 3 jesus said that you must be what born again and when you're born again he said you got to be born again to even see the kingdom so once i got born again something that was invisible became visible and i began to see are y'all with me so far now i'm saying this to you because i'm saying i believe that as we get back and understand this kingdom and really start operating in this supernatural i think not only will we win a lot of people glory to god who's supposed to come into the kingdom but also i think we can do exploits for the kingdom um the lord have mercy i don't want to get ahead of myself all right so so here's what i'm saying i'm saying now i'm learning to use this print the principles of the kingdom and seeing the power of the kingdom because he said that his kingdom rules over everything so here i am learning to use the kingdom the principles of the kingdom now colossians chapter 2 and verse 8. let's go over there colossians chapter 2 and verse 8. that's interesting because i'm not really teaching you anything that you have not not heard before and he says in colossians chapter 2 and verse 8 beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit watch this after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after christ now watch it because you just got born again so you're in a different kingdom get yes and you got a different government yes your your government the king of your government is jesus yes and he's the king of oh boy go right he is the king of kings you are royalty right okay now notice what he said here i'm going to do this then i'm going gonna show you something about jurisdiction keep that word in mind all right all right here's colossians chapter two verse eight now if you would somebody over here maybe have an ipad or bible something and i want you yeah come on come on come on come on he had your hand up boy he knew what i was going to do man this thing is i'm getting totally predictable um all right now i need you to look that up in the cev translation cev translation you got it yeah all right have i got a microphone uh that uh i could borrow for just a moment here okay yeah okay they're going to bring me one just hold on just a minute all right cev translation i want you to want you to see this thank you all right go ahead in your best voice now face to people so internationally they can see brother you look like you lift weights or something you you i better step back yeah okay don't let anyone fall hold up wait a minute the microphone give me volume okay okay that's all right okay don't let anyone boom okay it's coming now it's coming now that's okay don't let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments these arguments may sound wise but they are only human teachings they come from the powers of this world and not from christ all right read it one more time don't let anyone fool you by using senseless arguments right these arguments may sound wise oh they may speak so perfectly and and put together those sentences so well and ooh so aerodyte but what about it but they are only human teachings satan wants you to only have human teachings because if that's all you've got he's still got dominion over you you are fighting a lost cause nope not information come on but keep going they come from the powers of this world and not from christ he's the one that thought of it and it sounds real slick but it's not say amen to this here's a hundred dollars let the lord bless you god bless you amen all right now what am i saying see i just broke him off okay what am i saying [Laughter] imitators of god copy him yes guaranteed when he tells you to do something it is not going to sound logical like this world [Applause] nope that's the wisdom of this world and it's a trap it's designed to keep you under control satan is the god of this world he thought of that paul said my speech and my preaching is not in the enticing words of man's wisdom paul was very learned spoke several languages trained by gamma leo he was one of the best intellectual but he said i count it all down for christ because god's about to give me a wisdom that the world cannot match i don't care whether you've been in the eighth grade or whether you have three phds makes no difference he they said why are you speaking to us in parables because it is given to you to know the what mysteries of the kingdom of god but to them they can't get it you will know more than the smartest phd that doesn't have christ i'm not trying to put them down thank god for them they've helped to think but that wisdom has side effects [Music] is this the right bunt i'm talking to [Applause] [Music] here is god's wisdom over in isaiah chapter 46 in isaiah chapter 46 he says here to god he says in 46-45 and look here at verse 9. he talks about remember the former things of old um old of god and over to god and there there is none else and i am god and there's none like me declaring the end from the beginning glory to god say declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times that this the thing that is not yet done saying my what council shall stand and i will do what all of my pleasure all right this is god now i'm going to act like god because god is going to declare the what in from the beginning going to declare the what in from the beginning now i got to act like god because when i do that i'm going to see god's works i'm going to see the miracles i've got to act i've got to declare the end from the beginning god said glory to god let there be what light and what happened there was light now where was light before it was out there where was it it was in god so this light is in god and he's declaring it and he said light be and what happened light was now stay with me god shows you the end stay with me stay with me i'm i got to jesus [Music] [Laughter] this day will the lord deliver you into my hands say amen to that now this is david talking to who goliath now how could david be so positive about that because god will show you things to come he he will show lord have mercy when when you get him in you when you get his plan for you in you when joseph dreamed a dream that he was the ruler of the world god showed him the end am i right now when god showed him the end he showed him the end from the beginning and so now joseph is going through his brothers first were gonna kill him and then they decided not to kill him they decided to sell him and they sold him here he is in chains walking as a slave down to egypt to be sold again here he is and he gets to egypt gets sold to potiphar now he's working for potiphar now he's got this blessing on him and potiphar is prospering yes so much so to potiphar said hey i'm not going to even look at what's under my hand anymore this he's got it and favor was given to joseph but now here comes potiphar's wife she's coming after potiphar i'm coming after uh joseph and yeah amen let me preach this okay and uh coming coming come yes i was just kidding coming now i want you to very important point see you've got to be miracle-minded if you're going to do miracles miracles are not magic they are not hocus pocus they are laws yes [Applause] and so what happens he says here is joseph going through next thing you know she lies on him [Music] and watch this they falsely accuse him and unjustly him to prison he's in prison so the pharaoh had a butcher and a baker and i guess a candlestick maker and but they offended him and he they ended up down in prison here's what joseph said in genesis 40. why are you all so sad why because joseph sees the end come on come on come on come on now come on come on with me from where the beginning satan tries to do that with his people but god can do it better so he will show you things to come [Applause] why show that if you have to go through [Music] you can go through with joy am i right about it if you're going to go into the ring with muhammad ali or or who's a bit to hear uh mike tyson so if you're gonna go in the ear uh in the ring you're going for three rounds your purse is 40 million [Music] but you just saw you're going to not get touched you just saw that you're going to come out whole you just saw that come on now then you can go in with what joy [Applause] come on you can go in with yours cause you're coming out to a 40 million dollar purse [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are we still are we okay now i'm saying declaring the influence you've got to study that verse powerful verse yes so here's joseph now and now those two have a dream and joseph interprets one of his dreams one of the dreams says hey in three days you're going to get your head cut off not not a good dream and then the next dream he told the man you in three days you're going to be restored and so he did three days he was restored he said but listen do me a favor tell pharaoh i'm down here and but he forgot about joseph he didn't listen they can forget about you [Applause] but god never forgets about you [Applause] and so what happens here he is and he's he he he forgets about joseph but soon god gives the pharaoh a dream and he can't interpret it none of his magicians none of these people and a guy says well there's a guy in prison now he can interpret dreams but um you might not want him up here because he's a jew i don't care what he no wait wait you might not want to promote him because he's black oh oh come on you you might not want her up here because she's a woman god come on now if you got the stuff come on you got to hear me man you're coming into a time now if you've got the goods you will be promoted [Applause] i've gone higher than protest i've gone to a level called performance now what happens here is he goes up there interprets pharaoh's dreams genesis 41 pharaoh said you're the man nobody's as wise as you are what wisdom is he using godly wisdom that wisdom the bible says is already inside of you let's look at another one how about hebrews in hebrews chapter 12. now we're talking about declaring the what and from where the beginning it says [Music] about this is talking about jesus and he talks about him having joy in chapter two looking unto jesus the author and finish of our faith for the joy that was set before him endure the cross despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of god okay let's look at it again watch it now watch what he said looking unto jesus understand where he is now he's on the cross what has he been he's been whipped come on he's he's been shamed despising the shame now how could he be shamed like that and still have joy because he saw the end in the beginning [Music] wigglesworth great great man of god his wife the story that's written his wife was about to go to prayer meeting he said where are you going she said i'm going to church smith going to prayer meeting he said you're not going out here she said oh smith i said you're not going out of here smith i've got to go to church the prayer meeting listen if you go down to that church i'm going to lock you out and you cannot come in back she said oh smith but you put on a little sunday golden meeting hat went on down there came back true enough door was locked what did she do said right there at the door watch this god gave her supernatural sleep just like jesus on that boat when that storm was that's this smith came to get whatever he got the milk or whatever have you didn't line the newspapers in the house this is after this no this before he got saved so he did so he goes open the door she fell in the door oh smith uh would you like some breakfast how could she maintain joy watch this with this man now let me come over here come on come on the way we get things done is by faith faith is not moved by feelings faith is not moved by what it looks like right now faith is only moved by the word of god i mean faith is built by the word faith stays with the word and when god and i'm just saying that because no look at smith look what he turned out to be one of the greatest men it was her faith that helped bring him in i know it may look bad but i got good news for you [Applause] am i right about this god has a plan for your life i know the plan that i have for you it's a plan for good and not for evil to give you an it in now i don't know what you might be going through in marriage and going through in in in money or whatever have you i got a good news for you get in that bible and find out what the end is come on get in because it's a promise for every problem and you get in that bible and find out what the end is and start declaring the end from the beginning i don't care how that boy's acting boy you're going to be one of the finest physicians that's ever hit the face of this planet come on now think about it that's the way god acts towards you [Music] here he's expecting you to be up here and you down here showing out come on he didn't lose his confidence in the fact of how he sees you god told me that he said now son how do you see these people you know from an economic standpoint do you see them how many of them you see millionaires i said um yeah okay i know okay okay thank you okay i said well i you know i don't know lord you know i know you know that's what that's what jeremiah said isn't it he said son of man can these bones live well lord you know no no no no he said why don't you see all of them [Music] he said i do i'm just saying wait a minute declaring the what [Applause] [Music] god knew the wisdom you were going to need when you needed it watch this and laid it up for you at the beginning because he saw the what [Music] folks i'm telling you it said if you read that scripture again hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 you'll see that he said he said despising the shame now i don't know theologically they tell me jesus was not didn't have some little you know cloth on he was naked they were trying to do everything to shame him watch this and keep anybody else who got out of line you know discourage them but he despised the shame why because he saw you coming home he could go through what he went through because he could see the end pastor how do you know that turn to mark mark chapter 10. we're about to get some miracles happening here [Applause] over in mark's gospel chapter 10. see we read we read all these scriptures and and so forth but you have to understand that the bible appeals to your understanding as well as your imagination this it's a a lot of the things don't happen because god's people don't believe that's right and believing is seeing i'll try that one more time believing is seeing yes now he says in mark chapter 10 uh let's look here at uh verse 34. he says this and they shall mock him and they shall scourge him and they shall what spit on him and they shall what kill him and what will happen third day what will happen he'll rise again this is jesus talking about him that's right now why could he know that because the holy spirit is your helper his job is to show you things to come oh boy are we we're doing okay [Applause] when you see it nobody can shut you up that's right that's right go ahead nobody can shut you up if you don't bow down we're going to throw you in this furnace watch this and the god that we serve [Music] [Applause] miracles minded watch this god will show you before it happens you will see it how do you see it we call it believe having confidence he said no no no no that's not going to happen to me because that's what the enemy tries to do he tried to get you to see something it says in second corinthians and chapter 10 and verse 3 though we walk in the flesh we do not what war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are what not carnal but mighty through who god to the what pulling down a stronghold casting down what imagine casting down what city and casting down what satan knows you have an imagination so his job is to show you coming down with covet or to show you getting sick or to show you husband uh messing around to show but what you got to do is cast that down see if it's not if it's not in this book as a kingdom citizen it's not legal for you to speak it if it's not in this because you got to speak your constitution you can't speak what's up in here you get stuff in the air the enemy notice you don't seem to have a dream what time is it you don't seem to have a dream [Music] i just said i got one minute okay listen listen i gotta take him to the billion floor before this is all over with uh i got to take some people into me see you can be a millionaire in a month but because it's as a man bacon in his heart so is he god can get you to start and scale a business in one month to a million dollars think about it don't use the wisdom of men because satan knows how to hinder that he god he doesn't want miracles he doesn't want the word his job is to wipe the word of god off the earth and the way he's got it he's got to get rid of these miracles he can't have miracles because miracles convince people that jesus is alive [Applause] and i'm just saying this this is not magic it's miracles it's something god shows you the end from the beginning i was gonna pray for a guy he couldn't walk they they brought him in there i guess a stretch or whatever but but he came in no he had a walker and so forth and he had his back uh i guess they said the vertebrae or whatever i said okay i said listen stand right here sid i said all right now i'm listening for god because the holy spirit is your partner we'll talk about that tomorrow night rick renner he had an excellent partner letter on that but he's your partner he's the one that wants to give you you want he wants you to give him more responsibility and he'll tell you things that he'll show you so here's the guy standing there throwing the walker and and i was going to pray for him from the front god said don't pray for him from the front go around the back and lay your hand in the pit of his back i laid my hand in the pit of his back his back some sort jerking in his back and so forth he threw that rock away and uh he had surgery multiple surgeries and everything now what did god do i had to see it i had to see it because my the bible appeals to my understanding as well as my imagination i had to see it i had to grab it because i had to do it god's way say amen lord have mercy come on now are you following what i'm saying i'm saying even the world has adopted this notice of stephen covey he said start with the what end in mind he know they they know this is what they do and i'm telling you the holy ghost if you want to go that high you got to think that high here's what god says in isaiah and i'm going to quit isaiah glory to god isaiah chapter 55 and verse 8 for my thoughts come on help me are not your thoughts neither are my ways your ways saith the lord for the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways and thought to your weight and my thoughts and your thoughts notice what he's saying i got to get you to think higher now for you to think that hi you need some help so i'm going to help you see something that naturally you can't see [Music] and i'm decreeing that get ready the holy spirit from this meeting is going to start showing you things that you have never seen before in your life and when he shows it to you grab it write it down don't let it come god is not just getting you to come to church he wants the church in you watch this and he wants you to take control of every mountain that is in this earth the media mountain come on the economic mountain come on the educational mountain we're not here to take sides we're here to take over and i'm telling you right now amen just put it there i'm telling you right now this meeting is a meeting for miracles it is a meeting [Applause] god is about to take you where you have never been before [Applause] he gonna give you thoughts that you've never thought and you're gonna do things that you've never thought he's gonna take you to a piece of property you can't afford [Applause] is this the right group i'm talking about [Applause] it's time for miracles [Applause] in time for a miracle and you feel it it's time for miracles man come on let's get stirred up let's get started don't wait the wait is over it's time now for a miracle [Applause] now thursday we're going to finish this you're not going to leave this meeting without a miracle i i said you're not going to leave this meeting without a miracle this is a miracle meeting [Applause] well i didn't know that well i came to announce it in the name of jesus this is a miracle meeting [Applause] me somebody shout amen [Applause] you
Channel: Xuan Hau Media
Views: 137,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bill Winston 2022 Sermon, Bill Winston 2022 sunday, Bill Winston 2022 live, Bill Winston 2021 message, Bill Winston, Bill Winston 2022, sermon, sunday
Id: sP99uEsDF18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 12sec (5172 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 14 2022
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