Fish Are Among Us

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hey everybody welcome to a new amungus map i'm sure some of you have already watched this on other people's channels but it's my first time playing so i have no idea what the tasks are and i'm gonna get imposter in the first round and i'm gonna look like an idiot and get caught immediately oh i just have to hope that i get jester that would be amazing dude if i got jester um because we are playing with town of us it's like so this is the five-up submarine map and there's a launcher and you can click launch with town of us and now so it's town of us plus the submarine map it's just very cool that the thing is all combinationed up and um yeah i guess thank you to five up and all the people who helped with the development of the map for allowing the rest of us to play it very nice we appreciate the sharing and generosity um i'll give you a give you a couple gems next time you're on vault hunters uh anyway i think we'll mostly be playing on this map i'm assuming unless we decide after you know a couple hours we're like yeah we'll try some variety but that's that's what's up so um they'll be me getting used to it again and figuring things out and figuring out what to do and someone recommended i go into the first meeting being like yeah so i was making a burger that's what i started off doing then i did the safe task then um i put the towels away fixed the shower head so people would be like what and that's the point that's the whole point so um cool very cool we'll play the thing now oh also though before we start uh check out the like button it's a great sponsor of ours down below the video subscribe turn on notifications hit the bell uh playlist for more moong is in the description follow at slash captain sparkles and of course get hype for quality content the relaunch july 8th limited time limited quantities so uh you know keep your eye on that july 8th keep your eye on the countdown you know pretty cool all right yeah here we go watch me be imposter oh it's going to happen it's going to happen uh or dang it i'm so screwed i'm so screwed lower deck upper deck i don't know what to do i don't know how did i know this is gonna happen uh this is where this is a task right like you can stand here for a while i think or something right you can stand oh okay it's a it's a quick task all right cool cool cool um god i don't know just doing this oh shoot well that's uh i didn't expect a dead body i did it that's why i don't that's why i don't for yeah i don't form lobbies anymore for this reason so thank you this is like this is how it has to work was someone else at the body jack i thought i saw this which i was yeah i just saw her a few seconds ago exactly oh did came down the top right elevator and then it's the room that attaches to that downstairs is anyone else know that you were like bottom left right yeah i just went through the decontam thingy can i tell can i tell my story um yeah i spawn upstairs and i was like where's jack i want to kill him right and so then i didn't see you upstairs so i went downstairs and then i went up the hallway you know that hallway where that leads to like what all right okay did he vent i think no i think z gets gesture on uh jojo oh based on the colors that are dying i think ashley's next yeah i think actually and then maybe jordan i'm not i'm not red get out of here with that actually i would wager the direction we're going it's getting dimmer and dimmer so if anything it goes from ashley to aza i like that morning did you launch with town of us oops no oh elena has a button that says launch with pound of us it's like right under the launch button it's a grey thing no i didn't hit that i just you needed to hit yeah you need that that's oh my god the room that i walked into where the dead body was uh jordan was running away from it great story jojo i love it okay so jojo is the mayor um pretty obviously okay so there's the thing here is this like a telescope oh god i'm i'm gonna how long is rifkin gonna do this okay rifkin did it really quick so i'm just gonna run away now um and assume that that's about how long it takes okay so there's it's so there's multiple levels with a what the freak just happened oh the lights are like tote when the lights go off it's like totally you can't see a thing what is happening honey i don't know what i'm doing oh there's like this is an elevator oh that's cool so the lights off oh my god this is what wait so when i hit tab was it where don't worry guys oh my god the prophecy came true oh my god i told you what happened jordan's making it happen bro i own self-report like this but that would be that would be top notch plays wait okay hold on are there two decks so it's like when i tab yeah it's like showing one deck at a time that's really the new sabotage just to either no don't explain it to him okay okay i want to see what happens okay all right um so anyway i exited the elevator on i believe it was the top floor and ashley's body was just like right there next to a mop bucket thing um i was going downstairs in the dark i passed jordan brood and i was the question no pica i think uh yeah i did i i did the math task for the third time successfully had no problem don't know what people are complaining about um went into very well say that because i went up finished it walked away and you were still there oh my god jojo okay we can't all be maths quizzes um i went in and i saw brood in my baby where uh is the body i don't know if it's the upper or lower deck it's just outside of an elevator next to a mop bucket thing jordan i passed you upstairs i went downstairs okay so it was probably downstairs then i i passed you and then i doubled back after i passed you and then i went into an elevator right i watched it top right there's another vehicle next to a mop bucket i am like a thousand percent confident bird is the spy why would you say wait why would you say that i want to see if he dies who lives i got it i think z might have heard me baby yeah but i was with him and there was no info about him doing anything is the problem yeah i actually don't think griffin's trolling here i'll be right back cool guys let's talk about our roles sick nice i'm the glitch voting base for the rest of the day jojo's said two meetings in a row now that she has a kill button out there sorry bro the rest of the time the entire entire night the entire night i'm so sorry okay so let me just see i gotta i gotta figure out so upper deck is okay so this is the upper so the lower got it got it so i did go down i did go down um so research is oh okay so this is a thing here i don't know what task this is and i'm just gonna hope that it's yeah i don't know how long to say how long do i stay here how long do i stay uh that's how long i say i say that long i don't know how long this mother of truck i was thinking of doing it to him but then i didn't and i should have done it i really should have done it that was a mistake oh it's duct taping a hole okay got it got it at least i eliminated one person so yep wait was that was that no that wasn't med bay the the the thing was it was on this side is on this side was the it wasn't here look it's not it's not there it's over here man he basically put me through a wall i'm drowning i'm drowning even though i'm already online wait how do i go down can i like go where's the other deck how do i go to the other am i a ghost perpetually trapped on the upper hit the arrow on the right side oh okay oh is there a fish tank on both floors oh there's a fish tank on both i caught you oh huh i saw you jumping in that vent i saw it me who jumped in what then he was the sheriff i'm sorry jack you did not see me wait so elena is the more flame right got it got it got it elaine is the more fling but isn't it engine is engine is not a thing right how do people get sheriff shots right on me it was jojo forking um maybe okay you know what i'm going for elena definitely so i launched it regularly and now you know things happened and there's that was just an afterthought so the game is going to carry on because jojo's glitch where you can just watch jojo after yeah wait i'm gonna put i thought jojo i know what jordan i guess that's it but i'm not going to do it yeah wait what is it from the first meeting right now just restart your game yeah yeah where that vent in the middle um you can vent in it i'm sorry my car was dead first i had to you know oh my goodness yeah oh my goodness not my mayor not my mayor bro i don't know what i'm doing on this map so i just was like i'm go before i get suspicified by not knowing what the tasks are i'm just gonna do something actually um with this map it'll highlight tasks for you well i mean i know there's exclamation points on the map but i don't know how long to stand at each one and what they are when you actually walk into a room with a shoulder it'll highlight it so you know where to fake it too go down and chat with me on discord oh yeah he doesn't know how he's talking about what okay so i know car i didn't want to explain to you but i explained the sabotage is really quick okay uh the one can kill you even if you're an imposter okay if when the o2 happens you gotta run to the middle of the map and grab did you boot him he oh my god hi jesus christ hello office here bro i'm not gonna spoil the whole map for you right but just the the two important sabotages that will affect you with frustration is the o2 one when it when it goes off you have to get a mask out of the middle of the map this is available on the top and the bottom floor okay don't you will die at the end of the o2 uh this can happen if you're a bad guy as well so there's no like fixing the o2 right it's like an individual sabotage okay and then the other one is when lights go out for the first two seconds it's actually pitch black you can't see anything oh so that's what that was got it yeah but the important part of that is you can't report bodies in those two seconds either just heads up got it i'll let you figure out the rest i just figured those ones are the ones that are really frustrating and unfunny if you get screwed over right so okay thank you much appreciated all right and now we go back hello we are back thank you direct calls who has the start button i did are we good are we good uh we're good so yeah i think we're good all right so i don't know why they were saying like yeah of course there's exclamation points on the map but i don't know what the tasks are i can't i'm gonna be like i did the one with the thing in the place that's the task that i god dang it man give me crewmate please i don't know what i'm doing oh my god uh okay i do this for a little bit right yep okay cool um oh this is the meeting room interesting i'm just gonna try to learn the map and walk around and stuff like that okay so there's a task in admin huh there's something with this bucket i don't know what to do with this bucket i'm standing next to the bucket do i look like an idiot is this what i'm supposed to do with the bucket oh man we missed you cara did this to as retribution he educated me on the sabotage this car couldn't let that happen there's a fatal flaw with your accusation in which i was with elena and ashley the whole time yeah also by the way i'll be right there i'll be right there sorry i was not the whole time for me but i was in the room so i would have killed you first not really whoa okay if i'm out first you know who to vote out everybody all right so anyway it's on it's in uh is that top or bottom floor i think i did see a vent flap through the the the wall on the left when i was in lounge don't worry that was right not not so it's above the meeting room and it's in that little hallway that goes up oh wait so jojo you just yeah cause i i passed you when i went into observatory yeah um let's see i went into observatory i was like the fish isn't here that's annoying that i left i accidentally walked towards the admin hallway and then i was like this isn't the way to the meeting room and then i got into the metering room and then i started feeding fishes which i didn't get to finish which is annoying did you go through disguised as you yeah i just went through dcon yeah i was doing the tape test right okay yeah how do you how do you move the tape without sticking it because i keep getting stuck to myself down there hold down the click once if you let it go it settles right there oh that makes sense also bruce downstairs also did good job bruce is not downstairs i'm not clearing bruce whoa right there my friends no cara we need to hear what we should have voted out i agree kilcara this round won't ever know uh they keep talking about tape and i'm like yeah that that i know all about that for sure for sure dog uh i don't know what i'm doing how long do i stand here am i good yet have i waited long enough um is this tape there's a leaky thing there i'm gonna say i'm good i'm gonna hope that i'm good and then there's a thing there all right hopefully i'm good anybody you wanna come around here i'm gonna find people uh where are the people i need to find people no but seriously what the frick okay got that that was a smooth douse right there that's a mega omega smooth douse oh this is numbers one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i got it your boy knows numbers you boys the king accounting still the king accounting reigning king of doing the counting oh there's someone above that's crazy wait and then there's stuff over here oh my god this is big this is like really big i need to find somebody whoa what is this what am i doing wait i want it hold on i need to do things no i'm gonna follow jivek please don't be bad i mean i'm bad but you need to not be bad oh that's o2 okay i'm following the thing am i good i'm alive i'm okay this is good right i'm good i'm good am i is it on me is it on me i'm good okay all right i was scared there i was i was a big scared boy oh i'm gonna patch this tape up okay i think i feel like i would have figured that out i feel like i would have figured that out you know wait is there like oh the elevators go here that's so crazy huh wait are there multiple elevators on the map okay so i'm going up to level one oh this is so interesting wait what the oh that was a very long round oh there's only two dead people um osmer is one of the killers he killed you're glitchy you're not supposed to power revived me and now i'm stuck outside of the map i witnessed this i saw cara die wait wasn't f5 yeah there's an altruist book wherever you resin into a wall then they get stuck outside in that unkillable um is it f5 to no clip on this mod i can't remember there's no there's no no clue oh you can't hit it f5 but i might be wrong um um so this by the way this body uh i have no idea what the name of the room is but it's um i went so elena was coming out of the elevator that takes you i think i was on the lower level i went into it went up to the top level walked out and then the body was in that room where i walked out oh okay that wasn't there earlier um okay i was hanging that happened yeah yeah everybody slip on me so red rum is the place to be right now i'm just saying right right right wall okay um two left what is it elena and zee wait what's this over here oh i see i think we're good wait why don't i have a doubts i don't have a douse button uh guys my thing is broken it actually is busted i don't know go fork off uh it was actually broken though yeah i don't know what i don't know what the deal was i had no doubts button well it was screwed anyway i think i just saw elena kill no okay no no it was z i thought it was z that's absolutely because i'm not even near the body also how are you guys talking about twice because i was on the wrong floor twice because comms were off so i went up i think and then i was like oh i guess this is the wrong floor and then comes turned back on and then oh it broke because someone disconnected electrical i went to one of the lights or one of the cameras realized it was a camera and now i'm in the middle of the map oh i think i just believe in the transformer and then transferred back to elena that is very sad i think ashley's gesture probably i see wait who's the other imposter then she did say z yeah i saw him i am riding up the elevator right now he's not impostor zeke killed this body and then ashley walked away as well so i think ashley did no such thing yeah but who's the other imposter it's wrong actually it's elena what did i also believe her story too so i think she's lying by omitting like certain details what it's not me it's by the way your horns look great the horns look great i love that wait okay i know i'm voting how is he getting away with this oh wow okay you know who voted oh your horns float look at that what did i do i don't know i don't know how that happens red is what do things mess up if somebody disconnects because my douse button disappeared in that round yeah if someone dc is this game doesn't count it's it's all scuffed wait what did what did ashley see that made her say no no elena you don't understand it's the color reds made a pact in the last game while they were dead like this is not a real game this is so sweet this is not a real game it's not a real game well well i should have i should have known that before the predictions went out before uh yeah what's up this is my easter egg on the map this is my little pet in the cage oh are you mean trungus it's not chunky that's our baby and started it's different i think he wants to kill ashley here so i'm following you and actually you're trying to kill me i was like all righty um a few notifications to catch up on louise thank you for the 14 months have a good stream jardoon vinnie three months of submage what's up uh well we playing new amungus uh vicky take that 11 months of savage insomniac talon three months of savage good morning emcee yoms 13 months of savage little red one year of sparkly content good luck unliving people chaos master two order bits the thing they don't want to tell you is that when the o2 is sabotage you to get a gas mask oh yep we're good thank you rifkin we appreciate uh agoyrell one year happy anniversary jay for jake six months of savage aggressive pair 200 bits what do you get if you scam artist a nice camping house quality con tent nice wait am i neutral again am i seriously neutral again are you kidding me i'm never gonna do a task i am never going to do a task ever how how is this possible i didn't pause pizza with pesto thank you for gifting a couple subs i don't know how long i'm supposed to stand places oh my god is this a task i don't know if this is a task am i just standing still for no reason jesus i'm just gonna run around i'm just gonna run around and then i'm gonna find bodies and then it's god dang it man i don't know what the frick this does i don't know what this is follow something just follow somebody uh-huh that doesn't like do much i feel like when you're anybody here ah elena we meet again in the elevator bro how in the world how in the world i'm screwed right now oh my god not the red i feel like i'm good never mind oz is my target someone just touched me and i don't appreciate it you're gonna get to play seriously this game z is dead in bakery top left corner is that top or bottom floor pink bottom oh it's tough apparently okay wait sorry sorry where which way cafeteria okay javik is you down on the bottom with myself and sparkly has just come from like the bottom right like the elevator yep i can he did come from the elevator uh i thought i saw rifkin going up to the cafeteria actually were you trying to tape your entire screen or did you want to just spend 40 seconds on your table i have my stuff on the table and who won't let me tape it properly with tape tip okay so um you know how usually you go tape from left to right and then right to left and left to right right to left yeah you don't have to do that you can do left to right hold it go back to the left and go left to right again it's way easier you can get it you can get it done in like three i yeah i've been talking i'm voting cara i figured whoever told you would have told you that you're not supposed to be sharing that chat chat hey why it fixed why because the devs have literally asked that we don't share that so don't i mean someone would miss just start mashing all the keys on their keyboard it's not like people were saying it in my chat too so i think grifkin got this kill because i saw him go up the cafeteria oh she's lying i'm nowhere near your cafeteria what i what i saw you uh i ran into jojo in the observatory but i didn't go up to cafeteria that was dead i know jojo's dead but i'm just saying like i'm i think i'm with heart right here i think i'm with kyra here i skip yeah i'm happy to skip one eight it might have been a morphing or a glitch but i thought that's the one i saw not my mayor base you're not my mayor as a mayor he out of my there's there's no like there's no way to accuse oza of anything there so uh not the play i don't think um all right let's go into here this is counting one two three four five six seven eight nine ten wow king accounting he just absolutely crushes wait is this vent oh what the what the freak is happening am i in the vet oh oh no that was some horror movie stuff right there oh no i don't know where this body is i got the report button and then i ran to the right it disappeared so i run back to the left hmm so i learned a heartbeat monitor go ahead you could click that and try and get a high apm you don't have to actually do the yeah no i did that the other day what i currently have with 450 bpm yeah you're in mid bay yeah that won't that one i saw about 15 seconds ago because that's when my shield disappeared so i'm leaving medbay i saw aza go in i saw the vent open and i stood over it and i thought it was like dropping me in but it was just the light i don't know where he was but i was like it's an open event maybe i just dropped the heart rate monitor i didn't know what was happening there's odds in there i mean there's a vehicle when i left i mean lights were lights were out also how am i scanning when the electricity goes out that is it's a one-way vent yeah i don't know back up no it's just the fuse on the generator the lights it's not the mains you know okay so it's not the power outages makes sense yeah uh so this one is it's downstairs to the left of the elevators i think it's like that tiled room with the download in it oh i just i don't know what else is about to say i just crossed through actually about 10-ish seconds ago yeah but i was going down you were coming up this was jordan's body uh my shield disappeared about 15 seconds ago it was like uh it was during the lights being out and also shielded me round one if i were to make a guess here i think cara is executioner or that's what i'm leaving or she's actually right i don't know and then i think pika might be bad yeah i think people like you i think it's ripken pika and bruce something awesome that game where i said you were a spy i didn't know you were spy just like in the advent table so i said to see if it would work that's not my mirror that's fine but i just wanna let you know i didn't know i'm so sorry bro i'm actually a little iffy on jack now but i'm gonna skip for now i'm better myself i've also voted myself well that's a bummer we almost killed a man yeah my skin could have been a bullet how's it going guys i have not done a single task yet oh do you need to just keep getting like evil and neutral yes i have not been a crew role yet i don't know what i'm doing wait until you see that so i was i i have just got two clips sent to me one of them is me this round going i don't know why anyone struggles with the duct tape i always do it in three and then me doing it in like 20 afterwards yeah i have no long no idea how long to stand at things i'm glad nobody has asked me my whereabouts because i would have no idea what is this thing that says disabled down here well okay uh really really quick actually i guess literally and then i did the tape task really fast thanks to cara's tip and then uh when i got off she was dead like four feet to my right it's actually a really bold kill i respect the heck out of whoever got this so can the ghost turn on cameras is this a no i just i just explained to you what happened i have good news and bad news also on the same floor as me yeah i'm going to admit to something here earlier hold on oh uh so i'm the glitch oh the problem is if you vote me here i'm pretty sure two and posture is still alive because i haven't killed anyone this whole game cool so i kind of have this safety or if you vote me you just lose um voting base i don't believe this i think this is gonna be really funny if it backfires on him no i'm not lying i am i am the glitch i think this is going to backfire on him but i haven't killed anyone legitimately boy who cried wolf if you vote me you lose 100 guaranteed i'm voting myself i'm voting myself and we'll see what happens so rather than spend 60 seconds finding out who the imposters are you're just gonna go for a yellow move yeah yeah what cool cool cool i'm so excited for this outcome i don't think anybody i don't think there's any others there is no other sus that's backfired admission is there no this is great no i i'm not even mad i can't wait to see how this plays out is it going to play out is it going to play hours it should just end i was right about well uh that backfired you killed me they're bad guys you're the bad guys killed you killed me right as the other body got called oh that time if i didn't kill you then i could have been spying the ball right now son of a guy that was a really bad time right oh man i was about to kill you kill anything wasn't it no i don't think i was about to i was about to kill you as well but my cooldown killed me exactly one second because i spent time opening a door oh get destroyed dude i genuinely thought there might be total two imposters alive so i was hoping to have a spike heavier on this one guys it won't let me do the slider um i think you have to be alive in order to do it i can't uh i can't click the thing i'm just talking about that right about there we go where's ella at pika you you got me in the most like horror movie fashion way ever yeah no i i venture into you it's well i vented into you thinking i could insta kill but my cooldown was still in like seven seconds so i just had to run through you for a sec well i couldn't see anything because the lights so i thought i could was like getting sucked into the vent because i started flickering but it was apparently the lights going up but i thought i was like getting sucked into the open vent and then the lights go out and then you appear and just destroy me so the lights go the lights flicker they go completely out then they come back on slightly yeah the hell is the light yeah and uh what glitch i didn't know that i thought that's always said impossible no mask i can't breathe again oh elena just morphed into cara and clarissa what the heck is that tube thing uh that's a that's a downstairs it's the only event that goes downstairs to upstairs and vice versa oh yeah it looks different too it's kind of cool ducara knows all she has to do is get to the button or live you turned into me and then you jumped into a bed what you're on the lower level i was in the upper level you turned into me and you jumped into the middle get out i didn't realize you can't get out of there i tried popping up and i was like so the question is um is rude gonna throw this since i messed up i also turned into brood and went into a room with brood and ashley ashley looked at me i was like oh that's that's so great well i stand by i respect the heck out of that kill a great kill i was like what is she doing i didn't realize i didn't know if you could say it was me because i forgot we know it's elena but is he gonna throw this she can see that it's me the one that's not the bottom floor um i thought i could get out there and i got stuck so you guys should vote cara vote me about me oh yeah yes are you jester no i'm not you just trust me oh god i'm not jester this is a trust exercise cara i trusted you oh i remember this all right i respect it call an ambulance oh that was a crazy game that was fun oh my god elena you were the only person i thought was actually my game just crashed why literally as the other body got reported in that one round he killed me who was in buster who killed you rifkin that's glitch yeah i want to do a task but i think i was genuinely hoping because i wanted you guys to lose when you voted it was at the top right corner catherine stars thank you for five months of subbing seberg thank you for the 11 months the birds are evil thank you for eight months of subage make sure you're following here at captainsparklez if you haven't done that already uh what excuse me i guess we are doing a new new lobby everybody go bye-bye okey-doke just like my god bro just get just give me like a new uh give me a good roll sweet riddle thank you for the two of its you remember the kingdom gods of war the one with the crazy parkour that goes through the ceiling i just joined them looking forward to seeing you in castle level three i was given creative liberty for my top quality parkour and statues i do remember that one yes i am glad we will have another castle at kingdom level three minecraft java 1.14 and higher join make a kingdom you get to castle level three join the crazy high tier raids that we are going to get dude on but you know you got to be a part of it also july 8th 2021 big plays all right can i please can i please can i please i just want to be number one crewmate i just need to learn jesus christ what is this oh my god i literally still have not done a single task oh my god please help me she's following me no stop following me oh i'm shielded i'm shielded oh god that that was the right amount of time was that i don't know if that was the right amount of time ah okay i think she shielded me i won't un-alive her but i can i can i can assassinate her oh boy oh that's weapons okay gotcha okay that's a wires thing should i do it honestly i want to because i think i'm just gonna get like somebody's just gonna figure out who i am okay i can't i i keep running into cara why do i keep running into cara this is either jojo z me or ashley and i don't know who i went to the button room guys the moment i leave that's insane i don't think you ever left though that's the thing i did the lights started going off i was like no way i'm gonna be here everyone knows i'm standing right here and then i i was literally just running in circles in the in the central room right now bro did she leave that i don't i don't know like the lights went out and then i got a report button and i waited for them to pop back up so i could see who it was if it helps at all i just wanted to talk about the lights panel when they turned off not pre-camping i just happened to be there so they're on again now yeah so i left a bunch of people just they were just vibing in the lounge you know lounging around i got in the elevator and went down so i left you to your own devices so i want you to reassure me and a lot of conflicting responses okay i can leave her life because i'll get shielded from the glitch cut off my arm and send it to you as your insurance oh my god if that helps that's how much i mean it that it wasn't me i was probably standing four feet away from him so the fact that you chose to kill jack and not me i appreciate it no problem but it wasn't me literally jack and i were just having a good conversation sitting on the couch talking to each other in the lounge and started the the lights started to flicker i'm like nope and i ran down past the fishes got into central room and ran in circles i don't want jojo to cut off any of her limbs so i just voted for her what what you heard me so you don't believe me even though i would cut off my arm to make you me that was i'm confused um who took who took the left elevator up when i took one down to the top floor i took the right elevator maybe me i don't remember hmm jack can you just unmute and tell us who killed you please yeah it was um he fell out of the submarine all right the poll has spoken no one by a small margin um oh wait i wanted to go top waiting for other players okay all right problem is i am probably going to be caught but i i hopefully i just don't get like obliterated by the glitch or something like that or the sheriff i guess as long as i have the shield i'm good okay i don't know if i have to hit something up there um okay oh whoa wait i thought i just reported okay so jojo and noah are both not allowed i saw brood running from this i saw ashley running from this you know brood was standing he was asked around i saw ashley run from this and morph wait how do you know where this is brood because i saw her kill how did she kill it oh wait what no what wait no maybe i'm wait which body are you reporting she can't we have to oh my god she can't say it anymore oh god right now i thought i think ashley is bad i think she's better with cara dead does that not just condemn you what should she did you see her with your impulse division no she literally did it right next to me she turned into you so where where do we did we get where this body was because i was i was just i don't know if i'm on top or bottom floor i'm i'm with brood at the fish tank right now ashley's either i don't know if i'm top or bottom floor aren't there fish tanks on both both ones oh the middle the middle fish tank yeah no the person wait wait wait wait wait is base trades oh base trade i left base trade alive on the top fish tank in the middle floor that's the case he wasn't there when i was there what i was trying to talk about i'm going broods never kill rivkin i voted brood i don't know i don't believe that foreign all right yeah i know he's trying to tell me that she was glitch i didn't want to do it yet but we'll see we'll see i'll give it a try i'll take someone out and then can i report it and then i can execute on ashley and then see what happens um i don't know we'll see i want to take out aza if i can where was she oh that wasn't god damn it god damn it i thought that was ozza oh my god oh my god god dang oh oh oh wait come on wait how do i get this open i don't know how this works what am i doing god i hate this i don't know how this game works you type z on your keyboard i thought that was like a god dang it god i didn't think she was at the door this is so frustrating this is so frustrating this is so frustrating i hate it jesus christ why didn't i spam the kill button because i didn't i didn't think she was on the other side of the door i was just trying to get through the door i didn't realize she was there yes i could have vented but i was trying to get god dang it i don't know where the vents go on this map i didn't see her i did not see her thank you oh boy oh this is interesting actually z1 i think unless ashley skips you got some explaining to do actually she might skip okay i'm coming for you z oh boy meet in the red room this is good this is good stuff right here this is good stuff right here hold on see you can just uh there was actually a day where they didn't oh yesterday they didn't yeah y'all can all hold that l for voting me out i wish i knew how things worked i would i would love for elena to single-handedly just shoulder that entire rail either way because i knew ashley was evil but i was it was i was like okay no brood's bad ashley's probably also bad but i didn't know if she was the impostor or not so i wouldn't have seen and then i was like okay let me do this task really quick because i thought it was my last one i didn't realize it was in electrical because i don't know this map medic privileges it got shielded and then i had to shut down i had to shut you down i'm liking this red room i mean i think killed me in the dark in the meeting room in a red room all right i don't i don't what the hell how did she even have the ability to how how did she how was the cooldown off in like one second what how was the cooldown even off sheriff is not off cooldown that quickly i was not what what hey altruist you want it altruist altruist please somebody somebody altruist please can somebody altruist i just want the god damn it i appreciate it i thought i would i thought i'd do it while you guys you know i think i got your messages i'm looking down i'm looking through the glass and i see a body falling over on cara i'm like oh that's jordan's body this is like zero seconds into the game um sounds like a sheriff misfire oh you're hosting zero seconds what do you want do we want to talk about broods anyway because they're actually clear for that um this is in the the pipe room in the the bottom floor or sort of top right i've been top floor the entire round i've been popping with pika the things went off and then all of a sudden i just see four people standing over a body i'm like you know what i'll just let them cover this up i'm gonna go get myself yeah yeah i did the same thing for before there were four people do you know the thing i can think of as shifter um potentially jordan shifts onto cara who's a bad guy and doesn't wait are you guys kidding me there's like no car doesn't have actually shifters off shotgun sparkles after the medic assassination last um is rifting gonna vote cara out rifkin's gonna vote her out sheriff is a bad guy um i don't know i'm gonna say it's ashley just because i haven't seen it my life is a mess it's in it's in shambles the she had like i literally spawned and died i instantaneously that's so bad oh my god well she's gonna get what's coming to her i'm sure z knows and he's just happy i'm sure he does yeah it's a i have not done a task yet this is insane oh it's so hard with uh modded because you like almost can never get a roll with actual tasks oh i get i get crewmate all the time normally it's just because it's a new map yeah they don't want you to know you're just running around we're like where do you go wait cook for now just like how long do i stand i hope nobody asked me what tasks i did because i don't know how to answer thank you noah for swear jar much appreciated i can't believe this okay let's see let's see what oz i can do i want to be able to appreciate the effort that went into the tasks on this map whoever called that knew i was on the bubble test i swear to god unfortunately i saw i saw somebody was in uh not central but the room directly below it on admin and went straight toward that and found the body upset upstairs um wait where is this body no i think bottom it's the one with observatory obsessive downstairs no i think that's upstairs upstairs right now and he's like if you if you went to admin that's upstairs right yeah okay start getting through non-stop slower so that i am never able to get revenge on kara yeah i just i just passed by that's the only reason now that i actually want to be a role with a demonetization button i won't get it considerable portion of my round consisted of gifting jordan the sub during his ad break can confirm it's definitely more recent at the moment avoid being spoiled of course i only did it while the ad was playing and now it's tapped out on my mind i i think it's within the last like 10 or so seconds because me and kara passed a meeting room like 15 seconds ago which is what you're saying your body is probably not because he was on the bus he said it was on the way to admin room but that's not true he came from admin room he's not good i did not i did not i'm gonna hard clear pika though i said that i i said that i found it because i knew where it was why are you heartbroken what round did you med base game you hit a body follow around i've not gotten med-based games hey you can not be scared in this round you're lying no rifkin someone can actually someone can actually confirm this story would you like to know because ashley's in the topic this is between jack and nasa i'm pretty sure oh wait i'm bombing floors so i have like a lot of vouchers and people are closing me down if you guys trust me as well in the elevator is so hilarious yeah like people should be able to see me but that's my timeline i don't have a timeline oh okay okay is this the is this the right timeline all right i don't know what do i watch i'm gonna watch jack the normie boy imposter no special things to do but i'm gonna see what he does i'm gonna get my intel from him on how to fake tasks okay so not too long not too long at the duct tape okay so like i i'm going crazy here those two 100 didn't med scan the door still locked and my point at the end of the round no no no don't talk i have the power car is dead no car's alive you hurt and can see nobody yeah i i see carla's dead i'm host that's why i'm seeing it alright can you confirm i'll see it in a second he's dead oh i didn't see it on my face yeah that's weird there's no x or anything there's an x but it shows like her like she's dead but like i don't know what happened maybe she got a sheriff okay he got in car though 100 percent lied about med base candy the door still locked in med bay right now they neither went in nor came out in the first round yeah can can i take a brief moment i think it's relatively i feel like pat's out of the bag with what i just went into this meeting saying uh i'm medic and i shielded car around one and my screen flashed green at the right as this meeting was called i would how would she die though i'd have to break it right twice apparently but i don't think this was not the reason awesome yeah i think the medic she'll break it was a darker color not this one but last round this yeah because this one kind of comes back on the bottom floor last round it couldn't have been me because i was also in the box are you gonna do a double simmer if he doesn't do it uh it's a wasted opportunity that's what's about to ask because i was with z upstairs uh for 10 seconds of the last round and that's why i said it was in the last like 15 seconds or so because i passed card jack i didn't realize uh i'm usually you should take out cara because it's a risk to leave her in place purple now uh this is this was not me though very good okay wait hold on so if carl was not literally killed twice that means oh sure cara is not alive one and she just falls shot at the magic could have misfired yeah one of them because you're probably clear i didn't realize it was a glitch because i never saw her do an assassin and i don't like that this is six um why are we phones man i thought for sure rifkin was evil he was going so hard not my mayor okay oh no you can't report that you have to yeah yeah just kidding that was a misclick my bad can i repeat what i said at the end of the last meeting just about how the game like how the heart works no no no no no no no no no no no i don't know why if uh i don't know why if caro went down did they skip why did they skip on wait guys can you all spam the chat a little bit in-game so it's just that out of my chest well when we skip it should flood it oh yeah that's true i just want to make sure that in future meetings without seeing any insole on cars stuff yeah you're fine i think this is your next meeting guys i hope you survive okay what was your cooldown on sheriff it was four seconds what in the world yeah i don't know it's i guess there's a there's a bug with it i hate my life with sheriff oh what's the bug yeah i shot rifkin i guess as he pressed the button uh cause like he was being so aggressive i was like he must knows he must know something about jordan like i thought he was the other imposter or something the thing is i was the executioner and i was supposed to vote you out and rifki was jumping on you more than i was and i was like i know that was weird it's not my marriage and the reason i said like i knew anyway hey oh okay jojo's dead oh okay so z just has to sheriff or is that glitch thing i was trying to say is he going to do it if pika is not a bad guy it's game over and it doesn't matter right uh it depends cara could have sheriff's shot assassin round one uh z you're gonna do it you're gonna know exactly what happened with that exchange because i just saw jordan fall over through the glass yeah pretty much regardless i'm fairly certain that's just kara sheriff jordan at that point um and he was the assassin anyway so the killer that uh i reported like at this point now the jojo i guess he's like he's very skeptical either jojo was glitching out killed by imp or the other way he thinks noah is somehow organized he thinks he's somehow what i was saying for the doctor faking medicine because okay i'm gonna do this i'm the medic and the fact that he's trying to rule out as soon as the button was pressed he knew i was to call him out for his bs about not med scanning because that door to med bay was locked they're both sitting on top of the boat well now z is going to second guess himself she said we met base scanned that was her explanation not mine i've never been to that area of the map this entire game i was like i just had to go along with it because it sounded like she was just trying to make something yeah but i don't think i don't think z is willing to take the shot i had to be me or jack because everyone could see me through the glass being on the bottom floor doing the bubble task right yeah and also everyone everyone was a dark color like music jack and wait jojo or dark colors i think i'm considered a darker color both threads are considered dark you are but what i was saying is it could be a glitch who's transformed into either me or joking so i really don't recognize no i've had a pika i've had a pika i don't believe anything he's been saying i'm very good especially because he's definitely like 100 he's not the medic i just straight up am how else would i did this double triple agent thing no rifkin i don't think rifkin's voting for noah cosmetic honestly i think he's actually gonna i think he's actually gonna save this for the crew no i'm not voting at all he's gonna save this for the crew you literally can't skip here what i thought you sowed enough doubt i thought he wasn't gonna do it i was so nervous about doing that so i'm the mayor i dumped seven votes on jack and i'm trying to keep people from getting oh yes yeah you almost saved it question might that was uh wow he almost he almost saved it that was that was a big brain play i thought that uh i thought that z um i thought z was gonna hesitate and not do it uh anyway let's see notifications where'd we leave off um hawkins shepard with three months i wanted to wait until vault hunters but i'll be losing 20 minutes so here's this now hope you have a great remaining stream um thank you mate tyler uh or t or no t tile tara thank you for the or talk to you later tara thank you for the two months of summage bobersky with 17 months going strong time zones suck i miss a lot of streams glad to have you here now though nerd alert seven what's up sad you online but better luck next time don't worry i'll be something i don't want to be um classical thank you for the seven months thanks for all the streams this year they helped me feel better during a difficult time i hope you're doing well i keep with the good work i do my best tiny flower crowns 200 bits frustrated gives me the same vibes as an angry kermit the frog are you getting frustrated giving me the same vibes angry cream of the frog what are we getting is this this is a crew i'm a crew i'm a crew oh my god and now i'm gonna get demolished in the first round wow unbelievable the finale of this youtube video is gonna be me as crew okay i just need to run around to do tasks i don't even care i don't care about it oh freaking off immediately oh freaking okay sea slugs and you oh you grabbed the book okay oh then med scan i'm a good boy i'm actually a good boy ozza can confirm i am a good boy this is exciting please don't double us ashley is waiting for co-imposter to come in here and do a dub oz is good this is good this is good i kind of want to stay with oz i'm gonna be honest i want to stay i'm staying okay what's the what's the exclamation point though is that like another sabotage i want to run with this man's i want to stay alive i want to do tasks where you want to go let's go in here was it oh oh no no no no no no oh god oh no we're ruined oh no he was rent from z to pika oh god oh no i'm ruined wait i can report i can report oh my god okay oh i saved i saved it wait brood got noah is another one noah transformed from uh z into it went from z to noah so yeah okay so here okay so just hear me out right so there i'm so there i was there i was right yeah there you were there you guys are just voting i sheriff him he's bad no it was snow as jack nose jack i have a promise i saw them running together because of my excellent eyesight i know the lights were off but i've been eating a lot of carrots um and jack's penguin mask right i saw one of the eyes open and he winked at me and i could tell her he was up to no good and i saw a knife in his pocket i was thinking okay he's gonna kill jordan if i don't do something about it yeah so so noah noah transformed from z into himself so he's he's the glitch or more fling and then yeah kill jack or otherwise jordan was going to die again yeah definitely rifkin did you vote noah or somebody else i already have three votes i sheriff base trade and i kept three blind votes on me um i'll i beg you okay well now we have split so i i don't know who jordan we'll do yours next just do mine now bird killed me okay if i'm not alive if i'm not alive next round it's noah just please kill you i just saved you never mind vote noah brood why dude i've been waiting to get it i've been waiting to get a killer roll for like oh snapper why oh my god freaking swapper bro noah gives us another one oh man wait how do you do the lights where are the lights are the lights here oh the lights are downstairs octopus digest i got it okay somebody fix the lights and i'm gonna eat meeting this all right i mean i don't know why i'm doing this because it's the one time i actually get to do tasks but i mean we know who done it wait i don't know what you're talking about no what no you've no idea absolutely let me just say i i swapped but uh i couldn't undo it when brood killed himself got it oh gotcha i feel like we need to vote brood again here uh-huh i agree uh-huh oh yeah swap room pika yeah yeah all right uh okay i'm good okay cool so we vote ozzy here right this is an awesome vote no you actually vote me uh almost i'm not i i scanned spock that's the first time i've seen two people have scanned on this map yeah we were we were crewmates i was trying to stick with aza iq confirmed somebody yesterday yeah let's go let's go i don't get to do any tasks ever wait until you get the duct tape one buddy jordan oh my god oh no i remember that no it might have been polished but it was when um proximity chat was still a thing and sparkles was like yeah i can finally do tasks and i was like that's great and then proceeded to shoot him but i but i knew what the tasks were there i think it's just this i don't actually know what i'm doing yet at all way better on my filter game today oh ending the video thanks for watching everybody a like if you like subscribe follow kevin sparkles yay
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 61,426
Rating: 4.9758143 out of 5
Keywords: captainsparkles, among us
Id: eH2JHthlfes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 30sec (4530 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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