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hi my name's Leo and I'm a boat builder and a sailor a few years ago I bought a very old and quite famous wooden Sailing Boat for the price of $1 and since then I've been rebuilding that boat from the KE up with the help of a lot of amazing people so talio is hopefully about to launch and we're all extremely excited uh I just want to mention that of course there's always a bit of a delay between real life and YouTube videos and the last couple of videos that I've released have been an attempt to close that Gap as much as possible and also communicate what's really been going on in the yard in the workshop on the boat right now I do want to apologize I'm not able to invite everybody to the launch uh I know some people will be upset about that but unfortunately it just isn't possible if we have a lot of people show up here the port will cancel the launch and I'll have a lot of problems to deal with however I really hope that this video will make up for it and that you'll be able to experience as closely as possible what it's going to be like at the launch we wouldn't be here without you and I am so grateful f for all the people that have supported this project and made it possible it's been a long long time coming and although there's still a lot to do after the boat is in the water it is a massive massive Milestone now I do recommend if you're able to and if you want to having a bottle of something nice ready to pop open as talho Keel touches the water for the first time in several decades and you can join us in hopefully celebration if everything goes well okay man mine is Mega loose let me feel how tight how's that painting going Bailey going much better on this side yeah yeah it looks like it's covering pretty well what are you doing that cozy I'm uh just tightening this turnbuckle for the topish rout yep it's just a little bit of late night just last minute a little prep the details but yeah how's yours over there Patty you know I'm uh doing pretty good there Co so it's a night before launch it's about 10:00 and uh everyone's been working really hard all day there's a few people still here we're just wrapping up been doing some rigging some last minute painting uh had loads of people helping today got loads of stuff done and it's been great um we still got a lot to do tomorrow before our scheduled launch time which is 1:30 um it's a little chaotic it's a little stressful um I'm a little nervous but mostly just very excited so going to try and go and get some rest and come back brighten early tomorrow and um get the last few things done well it's 7:30 the morning of the launch uh we've got a few hours left to take off a bunch more jobs before we can go in the water but I think we're in good shape to launch later today we got a lot of work to do between now and 1:00 when the boat is scheduled to get picked up and of course I'm a little nervous about the boat actually going in the water I'm really curious to see how she sits uh in the water there's a lot of um guess work and maths involved in trying to calculate that and put our ballast in the right place so you know it might be off a little bit but we can adjust it of course I'm curious to see if we get any leaks we probably will she's a wooden boat um and uh hopefully if we do they'll take up pretty quickly when the when the wood swells up a little bit so I'll see about all that when the boat goes in the order but for now uh we got to get the tiller on we got to get a load of rigging stuff up we got to get the chain in got to get the decks sanded so a lot to do this morning really tradition it's tradition that all the blue tape stay on yeah but there'll be I'm sure there'll be some tape somewhere how no matter how hard we try think this is going to be the best thing come capture this traction right um Leo is the throat going to the F or cuz he wants me to cut it with no excess yeah the Thro is going to go to the five it's going to be the loads of extra because car I didn't notice until just now let's just look up over there yeah okay [Music] okay can I start hauling the lead in uh yes all right do we want like covering removed from inside yeah that'd be great up in the forward Scuttle so thank you this is the last rest like that that's it cool thank you thanks gentlemen you guys working so hard yeah just like work and stand I don't know if we the end trying to figure out to put it think I kind of think it has to be at the right at the end of the B spret didn't you yeah I mean there's a lot going on over there yeah but that's more going on right here all right well how do we get it out there I'll I'll take it out if you're going to have fun then I can't watch so someone what I was going to say 35 so I sh this is the least she's ever tried to bite so you know what on P when we get going you want to grab one of those cannons we were just talking about poncho bu p hey dude travel lift is on its way thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] pap [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Applause] possibly just in case it's rock for but [Music] [Music] there there he is run for God's [Applause] sake it h [Music] oh see that's good [Music] I [Music] [Music] I don't like speeches just want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported this project a huge thank you to our amazing crew a lot of them are right here a lot of them are on the boat a lot of them have been and gone and can't be here right now I want to give them a huge round of applause thank you [Applause] and I just want to dedicate this launch to Darlene who we all wish could have been here darene [Applause] for call ho [Applause] [Music] hold on oh my God going down the you're right on your lines there bud yeah wow yeah are we at the water line yeah flitting and we're spot on oh my God look at that think get still vacuum it out holy yeah that's amazing yeah I mean holy moly that's great we're good well not a drop in the build we're floating on our lines it's about as good as we could hope for very very exciting kind of I don't know what to say that whiskey tasted good all right are we are we all ready whenever you're ready okay B let's go ahead when the lights come on this way let's come over to the [Music] con Erica did you bring that F here [Music] [Music] [Music] George good work dud I can't I can't express that proud of guys thanks dude thank you for being a part of it thanks for comingo con nice dude sh come on got it keep somebody's got to shake your hand on this I'm so proud of you yeah not a drop in the bill it's amazing it is I'm shocked how's your line huh wow on [Laughter] it maybe just smallest little condensation I don't even see Aid trickle I mean look at there dust blowing around there's a little trickle right [Music] she also [Music] Gra so talho is a float and I can't even describe how amazing it feels the launch was a real success uh it was a pleasant surprise that the boat sat so well on her lines Cu uh there's a lot of guest work involved in those calculations and we've still got a little bit of trimming to do but I'm really pleased and uh of course it was lovely that the build was pretty dry now we did develop a couple of little trickles after a while but they'll stop pretty soon so nothing at all to worry about uh all in all it was a really fantastic day uh pretty smooth beautiful weather and of course after the launch we had a bit of a party on the dock just a few friends and family and crew who worked on the boat and that sort of thing uh and we did actually move the boat over to another dock um we didn't want to start the engine right away so we just threw a toe line to a friend and uh moved to another dock where we'd be out of the way and I spent the night on the boat uh which was really really special felt really amazing to sleep on the on the boat and slept very well and uh and then in the morning I got some beautiful uh shots as the sun rose workat there okay let's hold there get the set hey Mike keep an eye on everything anywhere it looks like the boat's going to come the dock nice up to keep a little bit pulling her bow are youp [Music] [Music] yeah that's good thanks look at this real real seawood cheesec oh thanks everyone thank you [Music] it feels really incredible to just be able to look at talho in the water and feel her floating feel her moving the boat was just an object uh when it was ashore for so long but now suddenly she's a boat she has a life and she's already showing her character she feels stable and safe and uh and really homely already and it it's just amazing what a difference it makes this launch has been a long long time coming it was just about seven years ago pretty closely that I first set eyes on Tallyho down in Oregon and climbed on board and started ripping out broken chunks of deck and since then there's been ups there's been Downs there's been huge challenges really diff ult times there been a lot of wonderful people there been some sad moments some joyous moments and a lot of you have been along for pretty much the whole ride or at least a good part of it there are too many people that are important to this project to thank individually in a video right now uh but if you've been a big part of this project you know who you are and you know how much it means to me now in time I'm going to have a lot of Reflections a lot of thoughts but for now I'm just very tired I'm completely exhausted uh I'm elated over the moon and knackered uh so I'm going to try and wrap this up so I can get this video out and published as soon as possible but I would say the most consistent thing for me throughout this project has been a real deep sense of gratitude I feel so lucky so grateful to have been able to take this project on uh and to have met so many fantastic amazing people to have been supported by so many amazing people in so many different ways it's really completely mind-blowing and I really just can't believe it I can't believe we're here so I know I say it all the time but thank you so much for being part of this project whatever role you've played uh whether you've donated or sent me something or spent some time helping out or whether you've just been watching all the videos and sharing with your friends everyone who watches these videos is a part of a community which has just kind of organically sprung up around these videos I don't know how it happened but it's a beautiful thing and it is what makes this project so thank you now I'm going to get some sleep I hope you enjoyed this video it's been a wild wild ride so far and honestly I think we're just getting started uh there's so much exciting stuff to come there's so many Adventures uh there's so much to do on the boat still there's so many other projects uh in and around and on the boat uh it's going to be really exciting I'm really looking forward to telling those stories and I think uh it's only going to get better and better so uh thanks for watching so far and um let's see what happens next cheers [Music] oh n [Music] n [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Sampson Boat Co
Views: 537,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: K3Rgj_Khflk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 39sec (1899 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 27 2024
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