A BIG Step Towards Getting My Mast Up!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] my number one most important job to get sailing as soon as possible is to put the Mast on but to do that there's a lot of work that needs doing the main thing standing in my way is having strong attachment points for all the stays I've completed the main Capt roud chain plate backing plate chain plates you've seen me prepare all that so I have the backing plates and the chain plates for that but now I need to focus on the intermediate shrouds which are halfway up the Mast so from these plans which are a little bit out of date it says that the intermediate shroud can go to an eyebolt which is bedded into a beam I've since been advised to take that shroud out to the cabin top and I'll do that by making the cabin top strong and packing it with plywood it's going to be a lengthy process hopefully not too boring on top of that I need to make attachment points by packing out the hole with plywood for an inner Force stay so on two attachment points in the hull and also I need to attach some lower shrouds and find attachment points for them which is going to be a bit of a struggle and also I need to attach the main for stay to my front Cross Beam these plans only have it for a small wooden beam I have a big aluminium Mast section as my beam so I'm not sure how I'm going to attach the front for State these things are really yeah in my head all the time uh also this boat hasn't been sailed before and I'm not sure what the Builder had in mind for the original rig and I'm not sure what the previous owner had in mind but it looks like the ply packing pieces which support these attachment points have not been put in so I'm just not sure but I'm just going to put them in anyway it's going to take a lot of tearing down taking out foam and filling with plywood it's going to be lengthy it's hopefully not going to be too boring but this stage of the refit is literally just going to be yeah it's going to be a slug so stay tuned this is the attachment point of the intermediate shroud so the Mast is over there and it's kind of coming down here at an angle and so I have to take out all this clear out all this replace it with plywood yeah uh let's go [Music] ah I thought I could get it off in one piece I can always make another [Music] [Applause] [Music] one as you can probably tell from the dark color there was moisture in here and down here I kind of thought there might be the plywood's not in too bad a condition it's a bit demoralizing but I think the plywood's not in too bad condition I think as you can see the culprit is screws screws screws screws [Music] so a little bit demoralizing that the plywood is not fully dry it's really not too bad especially up here down here where the there was water in the foam it's not ideal but the main thing is that these stringers are in good condition and there is zero rot in these stringers these stringers will provide most of the strength for the actual chain plate so I'm not too worried I think it's going to be all right but the question is would you sail on this boat with me uh I think a lot of people would see this and think oh but I think once it's dried out a little bit it's going to be all right so this is the other chain plate [Music] place so yeah all this black is damp plywood but not super rotten th this is all really good even here it's good this is all around where the window frames are because the windows were left open this is the damage I guess 2 or 3 in either side it's just not going to be good but these stringers are uh in good good enough condition [Music] it's absolutely disgusting in here but this is where the inner for stay is going to come to or at least it's where I need to build an attachment point I usually keep on my petrol cans and paint and stuff in here it's not connected to inside this hole so I'm just going to clean it out a little bit I've already taken a little square out here to see that the plywood is all nice and dry because I was very worried that it would be not very [Music] good it's a little bit cleaner in here stinks though for some reason trying to work out exactly where this Force stay Bridal attaches to it has to be at an angle so it's pointing up towards where the MK is is and yeah I've drawn out a loose shape but yeah it should be at 62° and I don't have a compass and the car is broken and oh if I go to the DIY Shop it'll just cost me so much time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Music] the strings are in really good condition the plywood is not epoxy Co but it's completely dry but this little screw ends poking through uh so I'll have to buzz them off but I need to get a proper cutting tool I'll just pack this up with plywood and then a big long backing plate uh but I need to do this on the other side and I'll go to the shop and get everything that I need so I've got a multi-tool bit now which will cut through metal to take care of all those little pesky screws I've pretty much cleared now all the spaces uh for the packing for the intermediate shroud so yeah next job is take out these screws and then uh cut pieces of wood to fit in [Music] sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I woke up this morning and I just thought to myself I'm going to add one more stay which goes here which is four of the one which I'm going to put there and then we have three stays it's not too far forward that it will interfere with the Genoa for close hold sailing so you've seen enough of me digging out these cabin tops so how did that look did that look super rubbish just been trying to get all the packing blocks done and I've pretty much got all the pack all the packing blocks done but I haven't put the the outside facade piece it's taking me so long to cut everything to size and put it in uh but yeah the weather is not looking good for the next few days but if I can just get all the pieces cut then I can glue stuff in cuz it's inside so yeah I've been a little bit desperate racing against time to get everything cut up but I haven't quite succeeded today I might be able to find somewhere to work inside tomorrow we'll see woo [Music] so hours and hours and hours of work later we have six attachment points for my standing rigging whoops so this all fits so we have a four intermediate shroud an AF intermediate shroud loads of off Cuts we have an after intermediate shroud starboard side four intermediate shroud starboard side have two inner for H day Bridal chain plate places so I've done the other side as well all these panels fit like a glove it's taking me absolutely ages to do all this hence the reason why there was no video last week I would like to get all this stuff completed in one one video so today it's not too bad weather although I can do this work inside I'm just going to just glue everything in and that's also going to take a long time cuz it's six places so nothing to do but crack on sh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so that's the process I just need to repeat that five more times and yeah it's really surprising how much epoxy I'm using about 300 G 400 G so yeah five more times but I can do this work inside while it's raining it's maybe hopefully not too cold for epoxy it's maybe around 9° something like that I think they working temperature is about 10° but anyway uh yeah five more to [Music] [Applause] [Music] do so I finished filling everything in six different places and yeah today today taking the screws out sanding it all down and then a big layer of furing compound and hopefully I can get it all flat [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there are a few high spots uh and low spots more sort of high spots really but yeah I have this little hand planer thingy Miggy just to take the level down it's really important that I get this completely flat so that the chain plate backing plates can sit nicely so I can see there's a high spot here so it's probably going to be this area taken out everywhere else looks pretty good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I used up all my epoxy which I've been weighing out and I've really grown to love weighing out epoxy it's much faster when you if you need to just make make up some more uh with these pumps they're quite slow it takes a while but yeah I've dug out my old uh West system this one's pretty much full and this is a slow the slow one the weather is due to warm up I think tomorrow and it's actually I didn't even use the heater last night so it's it is warming up back to the pumps I had a bit of trouble with these pompies so hopefully it'll be all right [Music] I do have a spare pump cuz the one on my little one failed this one has some weird pressure on [Music] it I've just added this micro light this is a super light furring compound really easy to sand looks a little bit like this hopefully it'll go on the surface and it won't be too painful [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I think I've got everything now that I need to fix my engine finally I got the gaskets for this lower unit cuz this had oil in that was white and uh obviously it was emulsifying with the water is that the correct word I think I'm going to have to drain the oil again I'll replace the gaskets get this on get my fuel tanks hooked up hopefully I'll have a a motorboat by the end of it that was so difficult oh the the Metal's So Soft on these Outboards so when I did put the screwdriver in it was obviously locked up pretty badly cuz it's just mashed the casing so I've been silly again I think so it could be this drive shaft seal that's leaking and I don't have a new one of those and I have absolutely no idea how to take that out I I got this gasket so I have one of these which is the shifter seal I have no idea how to take that off flipping neck so I've just been looking online and this is the drive shaft oil seal and to take that out I need to take this out again I need to remove the drive shaft and I don't even have that seal it's so it must be so boring to watch because this is like the third time that I've had this lower unit off and there's not been much progress on it tempted to wait for my dad to come cuz they're going to come at the end of the month again he he's good at this stuff it's going to be tricky and the more hands to get this drive shaft off the better I guess I've proved in this case that uh buying cheap engines are a bit of a false economy because of just the amount of time that you could end up spending if you know it would have been difficult for me to know that there was water getting into the oil I do suspect it's that top one cuz it looks a bit oily where it should just be wet yeah I do want to change it and yeah just have to be patient luckily I've got loads to do I was just waiting for the epoxy uh to set I can't believe that this is the second time I've had this off and nothing's happened yeah I've just been waiting for the epoxy to dry the fairing compound so I will just get cracking and keep on with that until uh yeah I need to order the parts and yeah sorry to to lead you on with [Music] this there we go two new oils seals the total is 37.85 uh why do I keep doing this to myself so these are all sanded down and everything is looking very flat that'll be all for this episode my next jobs while I'm waiting for those engine parts is yeah I'm going to basically make some chain plates I think and then uh chain plate backing plates and I also need to bolt down my M foot so I know exactly where my chain plates are going to be need to work out where they're going to be sorry there was no video last week it really really was time consuming there's so many little bits and Bobs which if I filmed it all it would be boring and I didn't really have enough footage for a whole video cuz I wasn't filming just the repetitive actions so yeah it's giving me a little bit of extra time two days for editing usually and and sorting the video out so it's giving me two extra days I'm really sorry that it is it has been boring the last couple of episodes but yeah once this sort of slugging work is done it should pick up a little bit the weather was absolutely fine today it was beautiful and it looks like it may be warming up so yeah we're sort of past the midpoint in Spring and we're almost getting on to Summer where yeah I mean a lot of my progress is weather dependent and good times to come but yeah thanks so much for watching and yeah uh all my PayPal givers uh patrons uh coffee givers uh super thanks through YouTube I really really appreciate your continued support support because apart from these videos you don't really get much else in return uh but yeah it's obviously just you guys been so generous and also everyone for watching and uh subscribing and commenting uh it helps me uh it helps me out a lot uh with the videos and pushing them out to new audiences so thank you very much okay see you in next week's video bye-bye
Channel: Wildling Sailing
Views: 94,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sailing, wildlings sailing, wildling sailing, project boat
Id: fGxpNg7_RQE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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