Tally Ho Capstan Project: Turning Custom Bronze Hardware on the Metal Lathe

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[Music] hello Keith roer here at vintagemachinery.org guys so today we're still working on the talo cap standand project and uh little project we got right now is is I need some special bolts it's a bolt that I can't just go out and buy so we're just going to make some so it's not anything terribly fancy it's just a regular 3/8 in Bolt 3 and 1 12 in long but instead of being made out of steel like this one is we want it to be made out of aluminum bronze uh because that's going to be corrosive free in a marine environment going to hold up better um with this particular type of application on this cap stand is going to be on a ship so um was not able to find bronze bolts in that length I could find them that were fully threaded but I really want to have the shoulder on here where we have a nice uh common size diameter to go down through the the the part that we're going to be bolting together and only be threaded in about the bottom inch of the bolt so U we're just going to make them so again some aluminum brine stock here and we're going to be doing this over on the lathe now I got round stock because that's what I could find in the material that I wanted I couldn't find aluminum Bronze in HEX stock in fact all I could find was brass and hex stock and we wanted to go with bronze so I do have round stock so once we get the bolts May we're we're going to have to actually Mill the hex heads on the heads um so going to be an interesting little project going to be making some bolts out of some stock here so we're over here at the Monarch 16-inch model K lathe and this is where we're going to start at getting these parts made up not a terribly complex project we got to need six bolts total so we're going to get these knocked out all right we're going to start by just chucking this up in lathe and as I always do we're going to face off the end here so we got a good surface uh because these bolts you know the the length and width ratio is kind of long I'm going to give a end on here that's going to have a center that will give me some support while we're turning that I think it'll just give us a little bit better better nice finish more uniform surface so uh let's fire things up we'll just start again by coming in here and touching off facing the end of that stock that just makes sure that I have a nice uniform form Square surface to work with on the bottom I'm going to bring my tail stock in with a center drill and we will go ahead and re A Center on [Music] this all right so now I'm going to come in here we're going to loosen things up slide L workout again I need 3 and 1/2 in long so we'll just uh make sure we got a little bit of stock sticking out there enough to turn that on I go ahead and tighten up my three JW Chuck and we're going to bring a live Center in here to support things so let me figure out where that needs to be at so this live Center will go up into the in there and basically support the work while we're turning tighten this up a little bit more it looks like all right that should give us a good uh good support so I'm gonna come in here and I'm just going to touch off on the end I'm going to zero out my digital readout on the Z axis and I can measure in 3 and 1 12 in which is right there and I'm just going to make a mark on there that's where I'm going to be turning down to all right just gives me a visual indication of where I'm going to the stock that we're starting out with is 58 of an inch 625,000 we're going to 38 of an inch which is 375,000 we got a little bit of material to cut off of here I'm just going to again touch off I'm going to do about 100 th000 of an inch puddle off the diameter and we're going to turn that down [Laughter] all right first pass I'm going to go ahead and measure this and set my digital read out so we're at 57 three I'll just put that in on the diameter five 5 73 that'll just give me something that I can visually see where I'm at on my diameters I'm going to take another 100,000 off that diameter all right double check my measure should have 100 th000 to go so we're about 466 so a little less than 100 I'm going to do this in two passes so I think I'll do 60,000 2460 right there we do a little bit lighter pass on the last pass to clean it up the final size [Music] all right where at 410 I think I'm going to get a micrometer just so that I get a littleit better reading I want these bolts to be pretty much right on size all right so we're at 413 and that's exactly what we're reading on the digital readout going to 375 um think I'm just going to dial that right in and go to it [Music] just going to form that shoulder up there double check my diameter here yeah we're right on size all right it looks good so now I need to cut the threads that's uh I think I'm going to use a die instead of single point thread in these but before I do that I do want to just break some Corners here I'm actually using a Threading tool here so that I get a 60° angle on the end which is the same as the lead in on the threads and uh we just go ahead and just break that corner right there as well all right let me get set up for threading and I'll be right back so what I've got here is a die holder that mounts on the LA this is just a regular round die like you would use a tap and die set uh but it's mounted on this little holder that slides back and forth so basically as this thing starts feeding and starts grabbing it's just going to pull itself in so it's free floating on there so I don't have to worry about feeding in and keeping it in time with the pitch and all that it's going to pull itself in we get to where we stop we'll stop we'll reverse the lathe and we'll back it off at least that's the game plan got a Mark I want to go an inch up on it uh that should be right where I want to go so let's uh see if we can make this thing work I do have my slthe slowed way down we're going to leave it up pretty good here with some cutting oil and introduce the dye and hopefully it'll start pulling itself up on there there it goes I got my mark there we're gonna go just a little bit past that Mark because the D doesn't start cutting right there on the mark there we go I'll stop that we're going to stop the lathe reverse the lathe and we will back it right [Music] off you see it coming back off and hopefully we'll have some nicely formed threads there there we go these little uh die tools like this they tend to work pretty good on smaller size threads once you get up to this is probably about as big of one I mean maybe a half inch but beyond that I tend to just go to single point threading it's just too much too much stress on the DI uh they do make tapping heads for these that work better I've actually got some tapping heads and I normally don't set them up unless I'm doing a production job and six pieces I don't consider enough to do for a production job so anyway we got that done let's go ahead and part it off and we'll have our first bolt blank made we'll still have to make the head next step here is we want to part this off so I've just got a parting tool in here and I'm to as far as the thickness I'm just going to use a a regular bolt here to kind of get the thickness of my head where I want it it's nothing that has to be super Precision uh we're going to go ahead and oops still in Reverse let me stop the lathe and get spinning in the right direction so with this parting tool now we're just going to kind of come in here and feed in and just cut this off [Music] here we go and that is our bolt block plank um like I said we will have to cut that little piece off the top and Mill the head on there that's going to be coming up in some upcoming steps in the meantime I'm going to knock out the other five bolt head blanks and then we'll go over to the middle machine and finish these up so we've got our bolt blanks pretty much done over on the lathe and next step to finish these up is I need to put the hex heads on these uh so that we can they'll be like a regular bowl and and uh to do that we're going to do it over on the mill machine and I'm going to be using one of these little collet blocks this takes a 5C collet and this is just a 38 in 5C collet and it fits up into this hexagon shaped uh block so we'll go ahead and just put that collet in there it's got a collet tightener back here on the back whoops here we go we'll just go ahead and kind of tighten that up a little bit we'll take the bolt and put into the this there we go I'm going to leave it sticking out a little bit we'll um tighten that up I'll probably put that in my Vie and put a wrench on it to get it good and tight but here's what we can do now we can go over to our Vie and put this in the Vise on the Miller Machine and basically just roll it around it keeps the um part oriented with this and we'll just come in here we'll shave off one have to do six times go around and U put the hex head on now the first one we probably just take a light pass we'll get a measurement with the calipers figure out how much we need to move the table to get the head to the size we need once we get the height set on the mill machine we can just up through all these real quick and uh get them knocked out so let's head over to the mill machine and we'll use this little 5c collet block to Mill those hex heads we got our first bolt over here in the Mill to go ahead and start Milling now the round stock on this is 58 625,000 and for a 3/8 in Bolt basically use a 9/16 inch wrench to fit on that which 9/16 is 0.5625 however it is a little bit undersized so the wrench will get up on it it's really more about 0.556 so uh we're going to go to that Dimension just to kind of match a bolt so basically I got about 70,000 off the diameter that I need to take but again because this is a round part or we're going actually we'll be flipping this around we'll be taking Material off of both sides I only need to take about 35,000 off of one side because we'll be removing material from both sides that'll add up to 70,000 I'm just going to dial in 25,000 to start with we'll go around we'll make a measurement then we'll come back and uh actually make our final pass once we get that measurements on WE once we get the height set we'll just set it we can go Mill all the parts but uh I want to kind of sneak up on the first one head on it CCH off all right and now I'm going to clear out my dish readout I'm going to raise up 25,000 which is right there and we're just going to not right I got my cutter turning [Applause] backwards we're going to go around now I'm going stop between each cut we will pull the part out we'll turn it one notch and come back in make second C go with the next uh position [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] all right so now what I want to do is uh pull that out and get some measurements and figure out exactly how much more we need to take off all right we're measuring 580 on all of those so I need another 24,000 so half of 24 will be 12,000 so let me raise my table up another 12 th000 another round and this should be to side all right that fits just fine so I think we're good 9/16 I'm going to go to the rest of these bolts knocked out and then we're going to go over to the lathe and do a little relieving on them and I think we'll have these knocked out now for the final step I just want to kind of relieve the edges on this bolt and to do it I've just got a 60° threading tool in here which turns out to be basically the same angle like you have on a bolt here just kind of relieve those uh those uh Corners so what we'll do is we'll just come in here and we're just going to kind of touch off on that and um you want to just go in far enough to where it just kind of cleans it up all the way to that we're making a round a round cut all the way around you're just kind of hitting those corners there and I'm going to do the same thing on the bottom I just want to kind of knock those Corners back and it just makes that bolt a little bit easier to handle and you don't have the burs on it so we'll do that for all six bolts and with that I think we'll be we'll have these done and there we go six custom bolts made been a lot easier if we could have just ordered some of those but um again I didn't have a source for the right material and the right thread and the right length and all that and it was just going to be easier to make them so that's what we did we made them so as long as I'm turning brass over here I want to go ahead I got to make some dowel pins out of some bronze so I've got some this is aluminum bronze I think it's aluminum bronze they spec out either aluminum or silicon bronze I think this is aluminum bronze again but um we're going to have to make some six pins that are 716 in in diameter and 2. 325 in long this will be used to actually pin the gear down to the uh the capston drum and uh like said I need six parts now I wasn't able to get some that was exactly 716 this is a little over half inch we're going to have to machine it down so um I'm going to start by just coming in here and facing the front [Music] there we go we're going to come in with a center and uh put a center on this going to be a long thin part so I need some little extra support on the end to make sure we get a nice uh finish so we'll go ahead and just put a little small Center in the end all right now I'm going pull my part out and we're going to just pull it out H we'll just do about 3 Ines I think that'll give us plenty of material to work with there so we'll just clamp that back down in the Chuck we'll put our Center in here to give us some support clamp that down and we're ready to turn it we'll come in here and just touch off on the edge in I'm going to mark that zero my digital readout so I can keep track of how far I'm going and this first pass I'm just going to do a roughing pass we're going to do about 100,000 off the diameter [Music] all right that's enough on our length I'm going come in now with a little bit lighter pass of 20,000 we about a 15,000 F I'm just kind of sneaking up on that final dimension there I'm going take a measurement here we're actually right on the money it looks like all right we're just a teeny tiny oversized I'm just going to hit this for a little Emery cloth check that Dimension again all right we're right on the money sometimes you just need a little polish to get that final number and we're trying to hit this literally dead nuts on so uh I think we're good so now what I want to do is Champ for this end here so that we have a nice knad in angle to press that pin in there we go and we can part it off to length we'll remove the support there on the end I'm just going to come in here with my parting tool now and I'm just going to use a a rule here to find the end I'm going to bump that right up against that I will Mark that as zero on my digital readout will'll dial in 2. 325 right there and we will part it off there we go I'll hit that on the sander knock that end off and uh but that will be my pen and I need to make five more I'm just like it so we'll do that off camera and have those parts knocked out well there we go we have our six uh pins all machined and ready to go these are made according to the plans that we've got and between the pins and the bolts I think we are ready now to go ahead and have the hardware needed to put the Gypsy and the gear into the uh main windless drum there on the cap standand so anyway needed some custom Hardware uh it takes time to do this particularly on a manual machine uh but uh some sometimes that's what it takes and that's what we did so there we go we got our Hardware all finished up and with that we're going to be moving on like I said we got this Parts marked out it's just sometimes the work in the Machine Shop is fun and challenging and every little step of the way is uh got to figure something out and get something done and that's honestly the kind of work that I enjoy doing uh but sometimes it's just the mundane uh when you start having to do production work even if it's just a hand full of Parts like these six you know the first one for me is fun to make the other five uh it's like pointing a gun at my head to make me finish but that's what it takes to do so that's what we get done guys with that that's going to be a wrap as always thanks so much for watching please subscribe the channel if you haven't already thumbs up and comments greatly appreciated that really helps the algorithms over on YouTube really helps get my channel out there for other people to find and uh greatly appreciate it big huge thank you to those who have already subscribed as well as those who support the channel finan through patreon and PayPal there's links for that down in the description if that's something you can help out with really makes a difference really enables me to be able to take the time to justify to come in here and do all the filming and stuff that goes on uh which increases the time of doing every single job that I do and with that guys we will catch you guys on the next video again thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Keith Rucker - VintageMachinery.org
Views: 91,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boring, boring head, capstan, capstan restoration, hole boring, keith rucker, machine shop, machinist, milling machine, restoration, sampson boat co, sampson boat company, sampson boat company tally ho, tally ho, vintage machinery, vintagemachinery.org
Id: 6wHd7JHQqEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 10sec (1630 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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