Late Night w David Letterman - John Cleese

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"Fish Called Wanda" is a fantastic, funny movie and so is "Fierce Creatures"

👍︎︎ 197 👤︎︎ u/ruthless_tippler 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

I love the toast thing

👍︎︎ 121 👤︎︎ u/Chewzilla 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Wow, they look SO YOUNG!! Especially John!

Wait... they looked young... and I saw this when it was first aired, when I was young.... sooooo I guess I look pretty old now too. Nawwww, cant be!

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/ScottFromCanada 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Funny to hear about the One Dayers in relation to Test Matches back then, given the proliferation of Twenty20 matches these days.

Not long ago they decided that people were beginning to lose interest in these already drastically shortened games, so now they now pack all of the action into one of these 40% of a one-dayer matches.

Also, John Cleese's embarrassed toast-request reminded me of Family Guy's take on Hugh Grant.Game Boy Colour quality video

👍︎︎ 42 👤︎︎ u/curtyjohn 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

pruning hedgehogs!

👍︎︎ 59 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/ChickinSammich 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Dry humour isn't necessarily subtle

👍︎︎ 290 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

I swear, everything on that set is constructed of denim.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/SelectaRx 📅︎︎ Jul 09 2015 🗫︎ replies
yeah welcome back to the show we have more toast ladies and gentlemen has anybody been hurt yet with flying ghosts all right careful it's red-hot and if you have a piece already pass it back poor guy wearing toast our next guest is a talented writer producer and performer this man was a founding member of Monty Python's Flying Circus and he has a brand-new film out soon called a Fish Called Wanda folks please welcome back to this program John Cleves later the shoe is gone thank you for being here I don't know and I'll say it again this is the stupidest show another five years you should get a Nobel Prize is magnificent that's darn decent of you to say how you been are being good I mean good we're in town for the 4th of July uh what was that ha ha let's see was we celebrated of Monday Monday yeah Monday oh that's what it was yeah I thought there was a lot of gunplay you know for New York Monday night yeah yeah even for New York a lot of authority and how does that holiday I guess means nothing to you does it no we don't we don't celebrate independent standing and how we mind you we we celebrate the day before yeah we celebrate a dependence day I see we have these models of Thomas Jefferson and John Hancock you know in effigy and we we gear that we say isn't it about time you came a little bit more independent that kind of a say first do you do are there actually people living over there who who from generation to generation have had a grudge passed down to them and are still walking around holding it against the Americans for oh I think so really yes not as much as against the French who are natural amputees gonna be fighting them for a thousand years the to eventually this century being mere aberration in this passive now we hate the French basic thing if we have to fight anyone I'd say let's fight the French alright good let's do it what what other holidays are there in Great Britain that we wouldn't have you don't have here we have national apology day when everyone apologizes to everyone that they haven't apologized to in the previous 12 months or anyone that they haven't apologized to sufficiently and there is that that is August the 74th 74th of water yes because we're still on the old can I see as you know we burn and then we have another hole I don't know if you have this holiday in in America but we have a very special day it's called summer it's just one day it's the one day and people go out and sunbathe even if the snow on the grassy here we really enjoy it so summer is a one-day holiday for one day it's usually only on the day that they play the Wimbledon men's final I see yes anything else any what do you know a great animal lovers sure I mean I don't know I think we take it even for me it's because the English you're very embarrassed all the time as you know and don't really want to be about around people is that true you and your lawyers yes and what a much prefer animals well what does that come from embarrassment yeah I know but but where how does it become ingrained in these people embarrassment well when you grow up as a baby everyone round you is very embarrassed the whole time yes I'm saying sorry sorry excuse me I'm being embarrassed but I'm and it's simply it gets a condition the very early state reinforce sure yeah and if the English wants something like a piece of toast I wouldn't say may I have a piece of toast right I would say I'm sorry if you would start out by I would say sorry yeah and then I would say I wouldn't say please boss because I was I wonder if I could be so very bold as to suggest that you might be so good as to consider the possibility that you might in due course possibly see your way beings are very good as to pass me a slice - I see yeah that's right in fact have a saucier thank you this is this is not a toasty warm sorry God do you have anything - I love the cigar would be no fun then what are the holidays do we owe yes because we love animals so much and it's become an absolute obsession in this country and being so nice to animals that most people felt the whole thing has gone parking hardly far in the wrong direction so one day of the year we actually have a national day for being cruel to animals they were you're actually good animals is encouraged it's not it's not it's not encouraged I mean some people crucified gerbils which i think is taking a partner on the whole it's just sort of giving exploding cuttlefish to parrots so that exploding cuttlefish yeah yeah pruning a hedgehog that's it how is that very good good much by the way that's included in your room you were just about the pets I can't imagine you really encouraging people to be nasty to pets no pets of your own no no um my uncle had a sloth which he liked because he was so BD --nt yes he used to say stay uh-huh and it would stay for months well that's good yeah and his aren't eventually bred them because she wanted to introduce sloths racing haha that was for people who found cricket too exciting yeah doesn't it sometimes take days to finish a cricket what do they call them they're not this right what do they call they're not matches early matches yes you won't believe this or what does it test man the Test match is a game that we play against one of the other countries like Australia New Zealand Terrace Tom and these West Indies are the best team and these matches you won't believe this they go on for five days yeah and then at the end of the five days they're very often at i/o now do people turn out for these events in their houses is that right yeah it's a very weird gay but I know that Americans can't really understand it because as I used to know the England captain and he said is the only game that's ever been invented where the adrenaline cannot run the whole time which is a a thing so yeah yeah bridges it's more a kind of cultural phenomenon but is it still thriving and flourishing are the youth of Great Britain younger to grow up to be crickets that's right and then after time a few years ago they decided that people were beginning to lose interest in these five day games so they don't pack all the action into these special one-day gay ah right down to about twelve hours yes yeah that's right ah let's talk about the movie a Fish Called Wanda yeah speaking of fish speaking of fish yeah what is it tell us about this well um it depends you see I think it's about this dashing sexy very attractive rather suave English barrister who finishes up with twenty million dollars and Jamie Lee Curtis but Jamie thinks it's about this very brilliant girl who has four men in love with her who finishes up the money and Kevin Klein thinks it's about this fish eating Buddhists psychopathic ex CIA operative who gets run over by a steamroller Michael Palin thinks it's about this animal rights activist and hitman who finishes up killing a grandmother has a bad stutter but what it's actually it's about lust greed murder revenge and seafood so it sounds like a hit there well there's a lot a lot of fish in it there we claim that there's more fish in this movie than any recent movie including Jaws is that right well that's that's my number on this not by weight yeah well I would think that that alone would be worth the price of the ticket I hope so yeah uh and there's something about you have a genuine perhaps maybe not even a healthy interest in fish don't you well I I feel that fish are underrated and what the purpose of this film is to put fish on on the map because I mean that they're great they're great pets I mean for a start they never wake you up by barking or anything like that you always know exactly where they are all right you never say the fishes escape did somebody leave the back door you don't have to give them shots you don't have to brush them right if you forget to feed them they just eat each other and the great thing is very rarely get run over by a car really okay and they don't drown yeah and II do the other thing is that they can breathe underwater now you see everybody says okay so fish can breathe it what's it I mean do you know anyone who can breathe under what if I could if I could breathe underwater David I would never stop talking about it but I mean first Scott no seriously I'm an Albert Einstein couldn't breathe underwater and the Buddha who had extraordinary control over all his physiological processes wouldn't breathe underwater and even our Lord who could walk on it couldn't inhale all right you're right they may be very underrated they are under way it's uh what does that noise me money go that grateful appreciation on their part they all happy yeah because oh especially since they paid nothing to get in it's a Fish Called Wanda yourself Jamie Lee Curtis Kevin Kline and Michael Palin Michael Palin yeah so this is a great cast I hope this is a huge hit for you and it opens soon when is it open it opens here in New York on the 50 good we'll look forward to that always a pleasure to see you Jen nice to thank you
Channel: Babbage3
Views: 1,084,554
Rating: 4.9219437 out of 5
Keywords: Late, Night, with, David, Letterman, John, Cleese
Id: 3q0q_dZTz-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2009
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