Can You Stop The Train in GTA 5?

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today we will be attempting to stop the train and gta at all costs it's gonna be a train wreck out there i've been training my whole life for this things are gonna go off the rails oh my goodness we're gonna use a car car is the dvd planes tanks and so much more to stop this train if we don't stop the train we have to bathe them beans not the bears i'm not mad about it i kind of like beans the train is about to hit it okay the car did not stop it but do not fret we're gonna attempt everything and we will stop this train all right i got a truck and a trailer what are you starting off oh it didn't work it didn't work that didn't work at all you know what i think i'll start off super big oh wait did you get a tank i got a tank i'm gonna go steal like five cars and see if that will stop it wait where is the train let's go find a train baby i'm gonna place five vehicles by the railroad and then line them all up on on the tracks i mean a tank's got to be able to stop a train right i've never seen a tank versus a train but yeah video games decide what would happen if a tank sat in front of a train sounds like a mr beast video if this video gets 10 million comments we'll see if a tank can stop a train on the main channel guys do it i want to see a tank here's the thing if we're close to 10 million comments don't leave a comment because i don't know how to buy a tank to be honest we found a tank once we can find the tank again well you're right i forgot we actually did use a tank in this video on the main channel now how do i buy a train buy a train yeah oh i thought you were talking about in the game oh wait wait the train's here no i was trying to stockpile cars yeah tank stuff truck this is not how you're supposed to move wait where'd my cars go did my cars despawn my cars despawn too i was stockpiling cars and they disappeared you can't get too far from them here it is here it is i think i can do it here i literally missed the train i'm gonna try to hit it head on that cop just rammed the train play that in slow-mo chris i need advice sorry i'm getting attacked by the entire lapd because i'm in a tank wait why is my truck shaped like this did the train do this excuse me truck i've got a train to stop truck do not despawn thank you i haven't even seen the train yet i gotta go this way i found it i found it here it is i'm gonna do it guys i got blown up wait you didn't even get there with the tank no i guess i shouldn't shoot people right that defeats the point of the experiment how am i supposed to not shoot people hey we need strategy chris yes you test out a tank okay i already tried put a tank in front of a train okay chandler put a plane in front of a train i will do it carl put a boat in front of a train i'll put myself in front of a train because i forgot to move how do i get a boat there there's a reason i delegated to the test you think chris could have figured out how to put a boat in front of a train or chandler i'm gonna need a lot of water jimmy don't let me down carl or i'll doubt your smarts i'd never hey guys just get my take you know how it goes let's see what boat what boat there are parts of the map where the train tracks get near water so you could like hey don't help him we're testing carl's intelligence can't test what he doesn't have hey carl you gonna take that are you gonna put a boat on a freaking train track i'm gonna put a boat on a freaking train jack chris look at this oh oh oh no oh yeah i know what you're doing and carl have you got that boat yet oh i got the boat he's gonna pull you out of there jimmy ready for me to make this train stop do you have a boat i paused the game right in front of the train it stopped baby carl you should probably take things a little bit more seriously yeah you probably should cause carl i wasn't even trying to have a boat on the train track i have a car and a boat we will withstand this train jimmy how do you have a boat here you go oh wait wait what happened did you order me food the boat stopped it it doesn't look stopped nope i need you to get a yacht now i can't yes hey chris hey carl get you food oh all right chris what kind of plane should i get uh the hydra if you can okay what are what are the gates made out of this is a monster truck i you know what i'm using a plane all right airplane going up chris i see you have a jet there i do have a jet actually but do you have a chicken quesadilla from taco bell i don't because carl doesn't love me apparently wait wait why is this boat sinking what i've never seen this boat sink before what i've legit never seen this in my life and i've played this game a thousand times i found a boat i found the bullet all right jimmy i'm getting in into the position i will be flying a jet full speed into the train to try and stop it i mean you set a sailboat right i think i specifically set a yacht i need you to get a yacht now come on no my plane did you miss it no my plane just turned off for literally no reason oh did you try turning it back on again you know what i should have tried that boys it's time we start taking this serious everyone start spawning in some stuff all right all right way ahead of ya i spawn in the best vehicle oh dear god my bike chris look at this look at this chris i got a bus oh no the train's coming i wasn't ready no look at this bus right here wait you should do that in front of a what's that thing called a tunnel that might stop it oh go to the tunnel boys come to my room boys come to my room come to my room okay look at it look at it it just took the bus goodbye bus next time i'm putting 10 buses i can't find a train yo i should spawn a bunch of stuff in the tunnel wait if you spawn something inside the tunnel will it get lodged in there or will it go like yeet it out what can i spawn that's as big as this tunnel um the dump truck the big big dump truck yes spawn the big dump truck jimmy oh wait an army trailer oh my gosh wait this thing kind of takes it up wait what's gonna happen when the train hits that chris look at this what is it it's like a transport i'm going to spawn a ton of stuff in here oh bulldozer is that it is that a bulldozer i'm stuck help it's taking me no chris i can't get out guys i got a feeling i'm gonna do it where's the train tracks oh the train's here oh i wasn't ready i wasn't ready how oh jimmy chris has got an idea chris has an idea and it starts with a b and has limp in it and that's it blimp um jimmy it just didn't even care it just pushed me through the tunnel we've been going about this all wrong let's all do one final big push chandler pull all the cards out of your pocket carl chris let's stop this gosh darn train i'm stopping this train yeah baby i'm spawning as many rhinos as i can oh train where are you all right all right here we go final stretch it did nothing wow are you serious all right well i give up i've filled an entire tunnel full of tanks let's see if chris's tanks stop it and then come watch mine i got a lot of cool stuff no oh my god boys come over here come over here i got something cooler on my way jimmy i got one of every vehicle in the game here comes nope that's fine nope there's more um there's the helicopter from the boat the boat all right all right well ow all right the way to fling the bike gabby you jerk you're still going dude i'm still falling why am i still falling what is going on why is your body look like that that's how nba young boy fans fall down why did i fall like that what supposed to accidentally put movement this is how we stop the train you have to spin like a starfish jimmy found the latest chef to drink come back trade look at the trailer i want to see what happens when i get hit by the train all right i'm giving myself one last try i'm gonna try again i feel like i can do it though what happens if i hit the train head on with moon gravity die train jimmy i need you to look at my screen i've created hell oh my god let's do this we're going in the middle and we're spawning them ah here's the train go go go go go go go go where are the tracks right there oh i see oh shoot did i knock the planes out of the way okay one thing left oh wait no my buttons weren't the same no tray boys if we don't stop this train soon we have to take a bath and beans i know what can stop the train possibly but i can't find it it's called the dump it's the largest vehicle in gta 5. oh no chris i think the liberator is what we've been missing i'm trying to hydrate i'm going to spawn like 12. oh they keep blowing up does that matter all right i'm coming for the train yeah the trains i hear blowing everything up no it didn't work i just want to find the train i think i have an idea where the hawk is this train i'm flying under the map right now what is my fire truck doing my fire truck's wrapped around a tree this train it must be stopped somewhere dude i haven't seen in like 15 minutes imagine just going for a walk at night and then you just have a floating fire truck just say hi all right i'm gonna get out oh wait no i'm flying crap everybody be aware there's an idiot floating through the sky man guys as i was floating through the sky screaming i just found the train that is ironic but that aside i just realized we can just google how to stop the train we have technology i googled it and i got it everyone beat at chris's computer pronto you might be wondering why are we on a mountain if we're trying to stop a train well there's a reason according to google you have to start this mission and during this mission is the only time the train is destructible unless google trolled us we'll see you can't lie on the internet that doesn't happen that's against the rules true all right so am i doing this we're doing it oh my gosh according to google this should work just got a parachute on the train so you're just gonna have me jump chris if you don't do this we have to bathe them beats there he is there he is oh you gotta get to the front of the train wait no oh gosh watch your head watch your head watch your head oh if these don't work we all have to sit in beans together all right blow it up and now that we completed this really stupid objective uh the video's over thanks for watching bye can we do beans again sometime maybe we'll see
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Views: 15,482,089
Rating: 4.9437532 out of 5
Id: HTri8y9Ia5E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 2sec (662 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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