Minecraft UHC but every time you CROUCH, you instantly HEAL.

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minecraft uhd but every time you crouch you heal not only golden apples will no longer be the main source of healing but fights are gonna look quite goofy i mean think about this imagine trading hits between you and an opponent a lot of damage will be dealt so the best thing to do is to spam your crouch button yeah i think you have a better idea what fights are going to look like now so sit back relax get some snacks and water grab a crate and watch this uh unfold daily tour streams boom dot store boom and one more thing i'd really appreciate it if you go check to make sure you subscribe youtube can be weird sometimes and might even unsub you for no reason so yeah thank you but yeah that's pretty much it intro done what's going on we gotta win i hope you're doing a great good today also i wanna like give myself pain i know this sounds weird to start off with the uhc but i just wanna test it out i want to just see hold on invincibility gone ba pain crunch healed oh it actually healed me wait hold on pain crouch heal crouch heal crouched heal [Music] yeah yo this is fun this is really funny let's go let's go a little higher ouch dude no man no man dude there's gonna be a good scenario it's gonna be fun there is a small chance it might crash let me explain to you why if there's a lot of people in one area when it's compressed so badly then it might break the game but that's assuming if a lot of people are never going to die which i i think you know there's a good possibility that this game will just never end but i don't know we'll see we'll see how this one goes i might turn on deadly water if it gets too crazy anyways let's not think about that right now let's think about like getting resources and stuff like is there even a point for me to like get any of this like is it really because i don't need gold right because i could just i could just crouch forever right just by having this scenario it just switches up the importance in everything and also in priority all right let's go get some apples as well i mean i'll just do it just cuz i don't know what's the the true importances but i mean we'll try gables are not that important anymore all you just need to do is just crouch forever and you will never die like seriously though i feel like this is going to be one of those uh's that are going to be extremely long but i don't know whoopsies let me crouch we're good let's get the goods here we go i'm just going to mine straight down pretty much all there is to do do i even need to try anymore i don't know like i don't think i'm gonna die it just seems so difficult for me to die as long as i just keep crouching and just spam my shift eh we'll see do i even need a cave eh if i try to kill somebody well they even die massive questions in the brain right now let's say i found just like a a full iron don't really try to mine maybe got a few gapples don't even have enchantments i go up to someone that's also like the same amount of armor we just trade hits forever like we'll just keep spamming our crotch no one will die there's no way it's so easy it's so easy i can burn myself right now i could probably swim in lava as long as i just keep crouching right i guess the main way for me to actually kill people is by having such a strong sword to the point where i could actually like deal more damage than they could heal which i don't even know if it's even possible like can i even pull that off i guess it'll vary between the person depending how fast they could click the crouch button thing blue yes so much blue yes dude the blue right here boys look at this we got water yeah and redstone and coal and iron and diamonds i guess how many do we have eh seven i guess that's okay here let's go and uh do this diamond pickaxe time there i hear some lava actually let's go towards it let's go get some enchantments sure all right i think it is time boom enchantments just like that and i don't even know why i even do that oh like it was even worth it i guess oh there's some gold now okay all right you know what that's it i'm gonna go make my diamond sword let's do it boom and then we get sharpness one nice i can't imagine dude you redstone i love redstone and i guess diamonds we got four now um hold on to it let's see what else we could get still got nine more minutes until pvp all good all right let's go make i guess the rest of our armor because why not right you don't have books some might as well make everything like level one sure prot won this sharp one that whatever i don't care and we have full prop one beautiful i'm still holding on the diamonds so then we can maybe get some future armor pieces and then go from there dude you gotta like like do some crazy combo on someone to kill them like some crazy stuff man you want to pull off some w's some kills in a fight because otherwise if you just trade hits all the time no one's gonna die i mean theoretically in the practical sense in my head at least i don't know wait i missed wait there was diamonds here dude i'm the most blind man in the world instead of having maybe just helmet and boots for my diamond pieces with these nine diamonds what if i told you i will make a second diamond sword plus diamond leggings so then i can get sharp two once i add sharpness one on my other sword ah maybe because think about this it's one of those uhc's it's literally this it's so easy to heal so you kind of just need to like drop a player and by doing that you need to deal a lot of damage to them so having a really good sword is like very very advantageous in this game you just need to so prioritizing that i feel like it's a better chance for me to kill players all right i think it's time for me to go up here let's determine let's see if we can find any colors up on the surface if there's nothing then i will make that sword happen let's go dude there's someone near me who is it who is it uh oh i don't i don't like the sound of this this is bad hey who's out there oh god wow there's a lot more people dying than expected just crouch lol is it that hard just crouch just crouch huh just crouch he didn't crash fast enough oh i gotta crash too oh my health my health goes so high up yeah okay i was not expecting for me to get a kill but here we are that was faster than expected okay my god okay maybe maybe people are dying maybe people are oh gosh you have to be very mindful of this it's so it's so weird to fight like this but people will have to get used to it let's go make some gapples now he had sharp three what and you still died they're the pants already what diamond pants okay i'll take that in that case you know what i'm gonna be three-fourths i'm gonna be scary i i'm gonna i'm gonna stick to the agenda i'm fine i'm fine with this all right sure you know what i'm gonna turn into armor boy i'm gonna be three fourths hold on let's do it boom boom and now we get propped look at us go we're already three fourteen after fight number one looking good looking good holy crap i have so much lava what you exist hey you okay we'll do screeny i'm gonna fight you after i hope you realize that okay let's are you ready let's go let's okay this is going to be a nice 1v1 i suppose wait you're not crouching oh they are and they didn't do it fast enough okay when you start crouching you got to start crouching that's unfortunate gg or else you're dead gotta take huge advantage of this scenario or else you're ripped five and two now nice oh there's a person here it's a lot hey lad let's fight lad let's go ladder hey lad oh oh he's crouching no don't stop you're crouching too fast no no i'm sorry i'm okay all right all right fine all right they're at 100 again okay dude man man man man man oh dude this is not suitable this is not suitable what the heck what the heck oh my god what is this fight come on what is going on right now oh my god this is not viable at all dude we gotta fight this way if you want to go all right he'll heal what oh dude they made the tick speed so quick for no reason yes we got him holy crap we actually killed him what why didn't you do it earlier this is a perfect scenario hey secret pug we could fight okay let's go dude they made they made it so quick you could hit people so quickly now what what [Music] dude the tick speed is so high for no reason actually this is a perfect scenario for it let's go brah dude get out of the stage he's on five percent okay it actually worked unbreak oh my god what why no uh i'm breaking uh man oh no there's more here i was trying to resume the fight but now we have a triangle and now it's a square there's four of us here oh and they're fighting okay well i'll see you later buddy he's gonna heal he's gonna heal oh it's working wait it's working wait no no no come on no no dude this is so difficult [Music] dude dude my armor's gonna break this sucks so much i don't like open terrain this is bad i'm gonna make no he's going towards water water is the worst place you could do this in no no he's gonna swim away it's it's such a loss like my armor's gonna break so badly i guess we could try somebody else like if i'm gonna just keep going on with the same guy over and over again they're smart enough to just never die so let's say we could just change our person all right let's change our battles so then we could just have a better understanding of who is there that will never die and people who will oh also let's keep in mind the fact they're about their armor gg that guy had some iron enchanted stuff this guy was just stock iron i was eligible to actually kill them like they're killable because of this oh their stuff is on the floor they're a torch boy look at that oh they have another book yes you can get sharp three dude i'm not doing bows no way i don't think there's any point for me to get a bow like what sharpness sharp two star three whew throwing this away we're 10 and six in healing look at us go since when did we get five kills i'm on the top oh there's def of course why wouldn't there be dive uh oh this is not good this is not good oh no uh oh uh oh i'm gonna go i'm gonna say goodbye to all these people there's too much going on here nope i'm good i was completely wrong i honestly thought there was gonna be a lot of people not dying but look at now look at the player count it's actually a lot of people dying so uh that's good i was stressing about overpopulation but we're fine here it's just population it's just normal here so i'm happy to see very happy to see it and i'm happy to see that i could actually get kills but that doesn't necessarily mean that people are basically impossible to die by playing their cards right i feel like when you pvp and you're trying to chase somebody you sacrifice the time from gaining health yourself because when it comes to crouching the con about it is that you just lose your speed let's say you're on like half heart no let's say you're on half health but then the person that you're chasing is on half a heart if they crouch they'll get hit so they have to be very very careful and time their crouches or i guess they're uh the ray parties very carefully or else they're gonna die you're gonna have to like fit it in between battles like in between fights and all that just got to be careful oh there's somebody here hello hello hello here you're dead hey you you want a screenie okay we'll do screeny oh my god you made me jump let's go it's time oh they're crouching all right oh dude lava is huge in this no come on there you go in the lava now in the lava now in the lava now just die dude why dude you have like knock back two and rip oh plot three possibly me down brought three ready to rumble let's go oh my god okay so sorry man oh no hi hi hi hi hey hey okay dude everyone's getting screenies today are you ready okay you throwing the rods let's go oh man oh man they're going far they're going far far far dude they're crotching so much no oh they're cornered gg wow oh it keeps going it keeps going apparently okay what all right are you ready oh my god all right let's go let's go oh goodbye there another one no no it's sick keeps going dude what's with the iron bars why do people make so many iron bars today they're trying they're like this oh let me make a helmet boop oops 16 iron bars for no reason okay 10 kills though not bad or second place on the kt not bad huh wonderful things to see right now i'm not gonna go for sharp four i don't think i'll have any i don't think i'll have enough xp for that and that's fine oh my god hello oh they want a screeny hey i like screenies am i gonna go for this guy i could come on come on oh oh oh crouch crouch grouch go oh my god i should have clicked the shift key oh no you could do that i don't feel legal anymore i feel like i just found the key to never dying this might be a curse uh oh this is not good chat this is not a good shot this is not good shot oh goodness you're just staying there aren't you oh yeah you are oh what you're down now let's go let's go come on come on come on come on come on come on come on yes sharp four we're full boys we've done did it yes beautiful baby yeah and now we could do this plot two oh no no no not here i don't like this area you do not want to fight at the bottom of valley i wish i had more lava on me right now we're top 25 we did it boys good stuff we're getting into the phase of the uhc where everyone's either three fourths or full diamond oh yikes i'm gonna have to make do with this i don't have any iron right now unfortunately oh god oh there there's a person right here oh oh oh oh oh what is this what is that yo does something break from them i think they did hey hey dude what is this what in tarnation oh my god okay let's go let's go let's go their stuff is broken dude gg oh my god my stuff is also quite broken as well like look at that i don't know if i'm gonna use this for durability what i don't know so it's better crit damage i'm going for crits shot so i'm not gonna i'm not going to take it unfortunately oh more diamonds yes i don't need books anymore or enchantments i don't think i'm just gonna go for adding stuff upon to what i have already which leads me to this i'm gonna go and combine this these two things right here diamond leggings not too bad i guess i just need more xp because you need xp to combine stuff and have more durability on your armor otherwise you're pooped i don't want to be pooped 31 and 17 some good healing man yeah we're still second place dude we've been second place like forever we've been climbing along with dev master he just always has like one more kill than i do it ain't bad i ain't complaining i like my placement in this game so far top 20 not bad second place kills at the moment good okay you know i'm gonna i'm gonna be smart about this when a lot of full diamonds trade with each other they're gonna have some crazy long fights i don't think i have a like i don't think i have their ability to keep going on with this so i'm going to try to find some surface coal there's plenty of surface coal around the area especially since we're in the mountainous area where coal is always exposed like that for example i don't know if i'm going to take that one though because someone's like literally right there but i'll keep looking around no there was some right there are you kidding me uh top 15 ah yeah i just need two more levels and then i'm gonna up my my helmet by a few oh the board is closing uh oh hey boy oh yikes oh yikes oh yikes yes four okay now now we do this boom boom five what hey this one oh my gosh okay fine it's fine it's fine we have more coal boom okay nice nice nice nice i don't like this but i mean we'll make do with what we have there are organizing fights the lad that has the most kills which is this guy this lad is gonna be picking who to fight um maybe cool oh people died now so people died and now they're six people all of a sudden i was vibing earlier i got a sign with james i got signed with james okay here we go here we go hi james come on this is gonna be a sweaty game boys this is such a sweaty game i think it just goes down to whoever has the best armor or has the most armor that's what i feel all right we gotta go in we gotta get more in here dude this is such a gross game why though why though why why ah [Music] okay that's it that's it that's it we gotta go make some pieces dude this is not working out this is so incredibly sweaty dude what oh my god look at all my armor ugh okay what's next what's next 35 and then boots okay it's gonna be oh [Music] oh my god there's no way come there's okay oh i haven't made leggings all right you run you run i don't care okay leggings is next oh wait i have it already okay dude this is such a crazy game what no no no spam spell it spam it no oh my god even when i spammed it i was too forced at that one whoa that was such a good game gg i did everything that i could gg though gg though dude it's so sweaty it really goes down to what you have left in terms of your armor and durability not just your healing because i mean all you could do is just spam shift it's not about how much healing you have at this point some people could just win by having a ton of gapples and just even if they don't even like do well or like fight well they could just chug and chug and chug and win but for this one it doesn't matter how much healing you have it man it really matters about what armor you have and what protection you have and how good your your weapon is obviously the skill is the factor but man assuming that everyone has the same skill which i hope a lot of people here have yeah it's really about the armor my god i only had like one set gg how much did james have oh they had they had more than one oh my goodness oh my god there's no way they'll just die right anytime soon oh my god james are you okay i was i was saying that they were not gonna die every anytime soon but what it's a sharp four all right that was a quick fight top two now look at them go this is it the final fight oh no real no real crouch no gg holy crap you had 20 kills that game what holy moly hey i top three in kills nice that was brutal anyways that was one of these sweat games like i didn't expect it to be that sweaty but i think it was unique in its own way where it was it's just fun it just had that fun unique feel i like this scenario really i really do it's good scenario i'd even go as far to say it's my in my top 20 top 15 even maybe not top 10 but really good one anyways ip here discord here twitter here go check those out if you want to see some wacky youtubes in the future also if you have any uhd suggestions please comment down below i'll be sure to look at them and maybe even do them who knows that but yeah that's pretty much it bye death
Channel: TapL
Views: 2,753,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Competitive Minecraft, Minecraft PvP, TapL, UHC, Ultra Hardcore, Crazy UHC, Insane Minecraft, Minecraft Minigames, Tapple, Tapple Events, Tapple Minecraft, Tapple Server, Tapple UHC, TapL UHC
Id: JB7HjAs9NoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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