Last To Leave Walmart Fort WINS! (ft. MoreJSTU) - Challenge

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so I think if you start off with it big bite bite sir a precision oh hi [Music] yes welcome back hope everyone is having an amazing day today we are back with an OG style video we're making a fort we've seen all you guys's comments you guys are like yo make a fort please make boards bring Ford's back it's been I can't remember the last time we made it for it and we're listening you guys cuz we want to make videos that you guys want to see sort of bringing back the fort and we thought why not make a fort with none other than the OG fort builders Justin and Andrew from more Jase to cue the little hog guy ha ha ha who's ready to be on my team and this isn't just gonna be a normal basic for we could go in there and make a little toilet paper for with all the buds which would be dope but we got to switch it up at it and take it to another levels high so we're gonna do last one to get kicked out of the fort wins we're not gonna do it as a whole we're gonna do it as teams and we're not just gonna do it me and Nick normally do IBP versus more teams we do that too much yeah we really switch it on me so this time we're gonna do me and my boy Justin oh yes vs. Andrew and Nuits Oh go Bob's right there that's not even it they're not even ready you can't me see you and the cool part about this challenge is we're each gonna set up our forts near each other we're gonna give each other challenges to do to get kicked out but we get a take turns so we give you time and you guys give us a challenge I mean keep going back and forth the till one team gets pod [Music] we have made it to the toilet paper section as you guys know toilet paper is one of the biggest keys for making for it so one team is gonna go right here in this it's pretty much pre-built and then the other team is going down here right in here this one is a little closer to the aisle so honestly I think you mean Andrew might have to go down to this I think he doesn't know well I think this is we do it whoever gets to pick what support they want the other team gets to pick the first dare for the other people so if you guys want that one and we get this one then that means we get to think of the first day for you guys I think I think we go for the inside right you like that one yes sir do you what yes sir no just seemed like that one didn't have as many like building blocks me and Andrew could not think of a solution so what we're gonna do instead I'm gonna face off against Justin since he's on the opposite team winner of The Rock Paper Scissors shoot you to decide if they want to get there for us or if they want to pick the spot okay they want to get joel force Rock Paper Scissors shoot Oh let's go what do you want what do you want beau what do you want what do we want the intact fort I think ski yeah cuz then you're more protected be honest inside if we diplomatic good they're they have to pass they're gonna get it boys I'm not worried about the first day got ten seconds we're choosing inside know that you choose that means we get to give you the first day I don't care true I think we're gonna get rid of that part right we're not we got worried about first dare our forts here you guys are down there fine don't look you begin Krampus oh yeah I thought our cover was almost blown by Grandma right there luckily shoot there's a close one but that's a close one go what do you think Oh what's got Cory their rule don't even open a man don't even hack both you guys a little tour pretty nice the happy don't have you didn't don't you want to take a bite talk about something we both learned in all of our years of boating ports is double layering is key because sometimes the employee will come don't take off the first layer but then they won't see a second layer yeah even will take one but you could duck down you have more coverage easier ways to hide so I don't know if the fellows are doing that but we just finished constructing our for it looking pretty good we didn't want to make anything too crazy too big because then it would just be a high chance of us didn't it but we still made it comfortable to live in we got all this section down there Justin's got his own spot right here I got my little corner right over here and the lady came up and before we even did any dares we thought we got caught it was like older I thought she was about to pull it off she was like staring and then she literally touched every single one of these but didn't buy any of them and she walked down to Nick and Andrew side trophy she said a guy affords situated over here we're about to go give them their first air but before we give them their there you have a little challenge we're gonna decorate each other sports that's right now go over there boys oh are you guys down with your fort in there we're done it's place man you got it nice man before we get started boys we can't just have plain ports we gotta have them decorate it so instead of decorating our own we thought you guys decorate ours we decorate yours each team gets three items to put in each other for fun all right oh we got some good stuff do it go down you know you only get three items so we gotta make it count bro I'm trusting you man you're the leader the og legend of Fort building man well we don't want to make therefore like look nice we kind of want to put things in the fort that'll make it like uncomfortable and awkward but I think if we start off with this boob I bite those who knows how big therefore it is if they don't have space I mean if there's like ours it's no problem but there's probably not nearly as big as ours gotta get the pink one the pink one that'll take up a bunch of space make it awkward cool huh you get two more things two more things first item we got we found a little lemon trees is perfect in case I get hungry they can plop a little snag these aren't even real lemons but I mean it has absolutely no use of no purpose but it just looks good you don't want to give them stuff to benefit them why would we do that yeah yeah we got to give them honey stuff the bike was a very very good addition takes up a lot of space it's really annoying but we need something to remind them that they take a hose voice we team you the letters where is it right here a massive out you just remind them like hang it up right in the fort right when you walked in so every time they walk into like this room about to take you guys already know me and Ricky got this one in the bag honestly we should get a w4r for it you know oh yeah just a little gift FAR's just a gift for ours you know it's probably gets the rules but yeah this is for us this is for them next up another honey item $100 tire right here what is its purpose in the floor absolutely none that's why we're getting it [Music] sir there you go [Music] and for our final item we got to make it a good one so this one specifically for a ninja Nick I don't boo I poo you know Halloween and everything coming around an engine if she always is having problems with his butt cheeks with going to the bathroom let me peed himself in target everyone remembers that comment down below it's matched like button if you remember that but he may level up this video and actually who is BAM yeah no honestly that's why I'm preparing for it comes at the top comes with the pants it's gonna fit him perfect size yeah got that one Oh guys I don't boo I poo all right we got our last item here this is gonna be good this is the best item yet tip arrived suicide but they have to put it right outside therefore oh boy we have your decorations we got your decorations boys all right so for your first yet boom this is actually one of that yeah thank you it go in the fourth in the four is your four even big enough to hold that in your color dude easy easy easy oh this has three tires a just to remind you every time you come in pro yeah you we were literally gonna give you the same thing but then I was like nah that's kind of lame apparently this is outside the rules cuz we got a gift for ourselves this is for our viewer the final gift is the best one by far boys you have to hang up in your fort this is for you specifically for me turn around I don't boo i poo pretty sure this is for Ricky though nobody even made it specifically in Ricky sighs I mean I think you were shot coming about that is the only place you can get the merchants though that is for you bro because you always have a lot of problems do they really hang this up inside okay be ready for ours body ready ready ready we got you a nice Levin plan what climate treaty thank you oh but when life gives you lemons take alibi oh cool that was a good point it was a good pun by me the next gift yeah right here nobody would pull on you gave us three tires but we gave you one big tire but that's a hundred bucks so me and him both can sit on this now yeah sing a pro con man seriously you can make a little tire sponsored with dude it's a little bathroom it has a hole right there you're good for me what ready Oh mine you gotta put this outside your fort yeah I'm shy is that your challenge no this is decoration here for it dude if we avoids our challenge we just say goes our challenge this is for decoration oh my brother it's actually 30 good got a point right to the entrance though right to the entrance so where is your fort okay oh right there perfect all right we got the lemon tree let me put that in there bar fresh lemonade Justin there you go this one man honestly actually that that's definitely definitely Orosco and then massive opening and then you see a tire and the lemon chief oh we have a door Oh Vivian take your dumb yeah let me get this are that's for me now no Justin this is for us of course hang that up high all right once we put all this in our fort we're gonna come back for your first dare okay let's go let's roll you havin a hard time getting over there boys boys boys your first challenge do you dare to upset the dude set that do we have to okay so your first challenge this is the toilet paper I don't so a lot of people will be walking back and forth so next time a mom wears a woman walks by you have to scream like a little kid mommy because each have to do it at least two times each and you to do aloud if you look like mom we have to hear you from our Fork yeah like really loud bye hey we got mommy mommy boom [Music] stay with me baby the bonds 29 - good [Music] yeah yeah dude that wasn't easy first they're you kidding me she saw us but she was like kind of laughing so she seemed pretty cool hopefully she didn't tell on us did I I hit the deck Amelia she saw me direct eye contact with her soon it was like my mom and she was like she was like being Andrew were standing outside while they were doing that filming the person walking by and it seemed like they may have saw me filming them so hopefully they don't come and get employees but if they do it's on them that's all on them not me poise we got it easy Lilly listen even better than me so it's gonna be the same similar concept when someone walks by each of you have to stick your hand out at separate times and get a handshake you can't stop until you get a handshake let's go easy easy easy to meet you handshake she was kind of far away oh hi nice to meet you thank you gravy's yeah yes got one that was easy Andrew got attention so now all of you do is goodbye yeah so you got to get one more that's it but he got denied the first time now she was like no sir oh hi hi how are you hi thank you thank you not only did she shake my hand but she gave me this bat she helped me to reboard the fourth but he poured it off the buds put it on go armed you went full on whole body oh hi hi how are you hello are you okay No who did you catch probably done with the garage sale we usually know one question who you saw first I saw the sign when I was walking the sign I just need you guys to stop recording I think that's you buy it come on boys come on out no way way so they saw you first I didn't see the size this time there's a sign that sign isn't us though it's your house yeah it's who they saw caught first it's you plus it's yes first to go outside yeah dude we were giving you guys you challenge around or no comment down below and vote in this poll who you think got caught wasn't me and Justin or was it Nick and Andrew dude I think it was you guys push East she saw the side bro if we were totally there if we were in her fort she was all you guys she woulda thought you guys saw the garage sale sign yeah yes who she saw first she physically saw them first but she had to I don't know the rules it's who you can just bought up here and decide guys and also comment down below who you thought once if you guys want us to do this again smashed like button a we might do it in a different store you never know because we had so many more we had show mind all we got caught pretty early but it's all good because that's how it goes sometimes we absolutely love you guys and until next time you boy shame on them so damn on them take shots in the main minutes we already know he won yeah guys please go vote me and Ricky my dude we won then click the poll right now and boat me and Ricky hurry tomboy got it right now cuz I never took an average and
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 1,651,372
Rating: 4.9269872 out of 5
Keywords: irelandboysproductions, ireland boys productions, ireland boys, irelandboys, fort, forts, walmart, walmart fort, morejstu, jstu, jstustudios, morejstu fort, ireland boys fort, fort in store, fort in walmart, last one to leave, last one to leave fort, last to leave walmart, last to leave walmart fort, morejust walmart, walmart forts, forts in stores, challenges in walmart, dares in walmart, dare, dares, doing dares in walmart, fort challenges, last to leave fort challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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