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can you do a trick free ice cream is on the line my friend let's go let's see this I want top quality I'm talking for you guys both go back today we are back at to infinity the world's largest trampoline park but we're not doing overnight challenge we got the fake employee uniforms as you can see right here we got the uniforms we got the whistles we can do anything we want and we're going hard kicking some people out making sure they are only jumping on one foot whatever we want them to do we're gonna ask them to do it the trampolines or all the food out here we need everyone out for five minutes to cool down - wait wait wait wait wait [Music] I need I need the vertical you're like way up here to two feet verticals I need the 40 I need to keep it low you guys are way to bounce right no hey hey whoa okay that's more like you all right I want to see you go cuz I was watching from over there stinking Vince Carter 360 no none of that in here bud let's see let's keep it low hey keep it low whoa whoa yes that's pushing I think I was 5 inches now I need to watch you before I leave check no no no no restart that was used to light half a foot I'm gonna be going back over there if I see you guys going anything above 2 inch or 3 inches I'll give you guys a break 3 inches you already know what's happening all right I can do whatever I want maybe if you aren't in here jumping we just we can't have you in here because it's for like jumpers only so if you're in the gated area but no but Mike's a bit down trying to sit and watch play it's like go hard or go home you know great going hard you gotta go [Music] easy guys all right what chill out I kind of one two three people only one at a time did you not read the rulebook one of you I don't care what fun whichever one is less strong cuz I don't wanna get the gun dude that's what I'm saying though look they're still disrespecting the rules let's go bro we're kidding around we're filming a video over there you got ye tit let me stop your neck let's go [Music] are you watching ITP this is a no-phone zone then if it's not i bt you can't watch you can't go on your phone alright then you just you have to go over there sit down there by the couches if you want to go on your phone hey can you show me your best trick real quick you don't have a trick show me your best one if it's really cool I'll give you free ice cream anything doesn't matter free ice cream is on the line I offer this to your friend but she said she couldn't do a trick can you do a trick free ice cream is on the line my friend let's go be alright but it has to be cool if it's cool then I give you free ice cream if it sucks then I don't know what to say let's see you got you have you have two meters of room right here to do it alright let's see this I want top quality [Music] I'm talking pretty nice to hear Oh what the heck he's that crab bud bud bud bud bud you can't be on a trampoline park doing that copy this how you're in there you want me to show you how to do it yeah oh yeah yeah baby come on now top that and you still get the ice cream I'll let that slide quick thing um yeah we actually have like rooms over there if you guys want to rent them out it's like I think it's like 20 bucks an hour cuz like if you want if you guys want some like privacy like privacy no no I gave you wanted privacy oh no it was just like if you wanted like privacy cuz it's like loud and stuff you know it's not icicle II like I hope it's like a sweet it's like you know what I mean it's like for the people who want to like live it up large you know like you want to live like Larry right you don't want to live like smoothie so if you're slipping around here you can live like Larry in there though Larry goes hard that's up to you you just dial 68 star busting ten we'll come and get you and I'll put you in there you good we have food in that everything so but totally up to you you know yeah have a good day sir let's go [Music] that's two feet this is a one foot zone 1 foot zone you can leave sir one foot like this guys to take him out exits that way sir over there one foot [Music] one foot one point you choose left or right whatever you use stick with it don't switch don't switch I see you switching so you're just one foot like this like this it's the one foot no no whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa Zoey can't be like a little one - it's got to be like a one one one and if you get tired that's menu board aha here it's going ready taking that oh yeah yeah yeah you'll be watching yo I'll stay right here I'll stay right here just make sure it's the same foot watch and learn take notes take notes take notes oh god those quads those quads you wasn't born with those quads yeah one foot got in there one foot there we go there we go there we go that's where I like to see that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there we go that's what I like to see okay all right to make sure it's the same foot don't be switching that's what I like to see that is what I like to see one foot thanks so much for watching guys if you enjoyed be sure to give it a thumbs up and shout out to the fan of the week right here for supporting getting that merchant shuttle to row on TV for helping film with the boys let us know where else we should work down below and what we should say we love you guys always stay positive and always stay motivated and until next time hey that much so hot I burned my head oh no no y'all better subscribe now you ain't subscribed IVP you want subscribe to nobody subscribe to IVP right now boy what you doing [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 9,254,090
Rating: 4.6496463 out of 5
Keywords: IrelandBoysProductions, Ireland Boys, Ireland Boys Productions, Ireland Boys Pranks, Prank, Pranks, Kicked Out, Kicking Out Trampoline Park, Trampoline, Trampoline Park, Trampoline Park Kicked Out, Fake Employee, Fake Employee Prank, Trampoline Park Employee, Employee, Employee Prank, Kicking People Out, Kicking People Out Of Trampoline Park, fake employee pranks, pretending to work at, pretending to work at trampoline park, fake store prank, working at target prank
Id: wFDhyEF-AeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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