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with only 24 hours on this powerline guys welcome back hope everyone is having an amazing day and today we are gonna be doing a 24 hour overnight challenge on a power line yes you heard that right we're going out in the middle of the water and spending the night on a power line because a couple weeks ago we went on that power line out there spent a few hours out there and we said if you guys smashed 69 thousand likes we would go back out there and what do they do boys you guys absolutely smashed 69,000 like so we have no choice but to go out on that power line and spend a night out there it's been storm in the past couple days but that ain't gonna stop us but before we go out there we got a big-time announcement we've been hyping up on the vlog Channel we are officially going on an IVP trampoline park for across the entire country we're gonna be performing some of our songs on stage don't wanna take us to the mall but I came on in you know came in them no pain no gain now paid a bit and I made it big we're gonna be jumping around with you guys at the trampoline park and we're also gonna have an epic dodgeball tournament with some special guests that might come to the show every single show though is gonna have our good friend the full sender himself Tioga and also rohan TV the hutter himself is gonna be at every single show you already know dude it's gonna be a good time we got Rohan Theo and some other special guests I cannot wait also guys there's two types of tickets there's VIP and there's general if you want to know more details about the tour click right up here we have a full explanation video and if you want to get your tickets right now before they sell out go to IBP tour.com before they sell out get them they're going quick but enough of that bro we got to start going out they're gonna spend the night on the power line and actually last time we actually tried to do this video about a week ago and when we came out here last time it was storming so bad lightning everywhere we had to cancel and that's why we're here today roll the clip we we were about to send onto the electric Tower like we said cuz you guys got the 69 thousand lights can't send it today we were the dumbest thing that we've ever done to go out in the middle of the water on a 300 foot tall electrical metal fence in the middle of a lightning storm oh there's the stinging power oh dude this is bad boys don't we're about to be out in that dude I don't know if you can see it but right there above the treeline is the tip of the power line and literally there's been probably five stripes in the past two and a half minutes either there or right next to the power line so we would have definitely been in the line of fire of these stripes most likely would have got head if we stayed out there hopefully doesn't storm like that again tonight but if it does once we go out there there ain't no turning back we got to stay there we still got to bring the paddle boards and everything wrong once we're out there there's no going back once we step foot on the power line we have to stay there until tomorrow we got a bunch of goodies for later - we're not just gonna be standing on I got the fishing line so we can uh you know grab a load Nami might catch a little Megalodon me and feel are sending out to the power line on this green paddleboard and Ricky is taking this paddleboard with literally all the goodies all of the old stuff if this paddleboard goes underwater we're done we're done dude I don't know who trusted me with this I'm probably the most clumsy one here so if I flip this everything that we have is gone literally our whole life is in that box let's do it you don't just let it float away - I know keep a hand on it we are going out to that powerline not this one this one is too close and if we were to stay on that one you might get caught and midway through the night so we got to go to the far one way down there yo is there any chance we could get a tow to that Tower oh yeah we're trying to get to that Tower keep trying to go in sit down yeah did we get a tow over the bed yeah tilt oh for the boys thank you save the day right there me and Theo just docked up on the power line we're on it so we're not going back shout out to the man who gave us the ride shout out to my man right here Ricky is still way back there taking his time see oh my you know see oh this man's already up top I figure I should go up once right this man is crazy he's already sending it we've been here for two minutes he's sending it from about 35 feet up feel gone oh come on we're out here we're staying till the morning overnight on this electric power in the middle of the ocean the only 24-hour mean you might get struck by lightning if it starts a storm you never know though I think we'll be fine dude I don't know last time was pretty crazy it is currently 6:52 p.m. left shore at about 6:00 but it took us that long to get out here and what's the first thing we're doing what's the first thing give me a phone and I'll show you hey girl did you give me a boner for you what are you doing I'm sorry I'm sorry I got the merch Matt dude I'm large man sorry you do I didn't mean to get it I didn't mean to get it wet to you you can just get some give me a hug you'll get you can just get some more IBG merch calm or maybe get tickets to the show a VP tour calm okay you'd already have 50 there's IBD to what I call him go to the site oh snap what we're actually going to be doing first is we're gonna be playing a game of tag on this thing the rules are you to stay on it we're gonna be getting to that a little bit later because first before we do that our man he'll go he's gonna be sending some casual 50 60 footer jumps you know I think he even said he's going to 70 are you going to 70 he's going to 75 feet 75 is all the way up there I don't even know if this camera does it justice but it's a good couple seconds of Hank I'm scared when I'm jumping off this thing and that's only like 15 feet baby you got any last words just in case you don't live he's going 80 feet up for this jump the highest jump is ever done in his life is insane he's so high up there look at that he slips if he slips right now it's over if he it might not even be his fault if a piece of metal snaps and he falls down it's over for him look at the height [Music] okay I've never had that much water in my butt oh that hurts Oh what are you talking about oh but I did it no are you going are you good Oh my butt hurts so bad a lot of water went up the meat oh my god my eye hurts so bad I cannot describe like that was the scariest thing I've ever done that was like terrifying yes how do you feel we're on the second story of the power line the Sun is starting to set right now and we're gonna be playing a epic game of tag wall running around this base this base is about how high would you say right 500 feet up 500 now it's like it's like 95 95 degrees all right I don't know what they're saying it's probably a good 15 feet off the ground and we're just gonna be running around here Theo has a big time advantage because he's not afraid to heights at all but just dude I'm literally gonna be doing this like it's pretty sketchy running around here especially if you slept and at every corner there's a giant circle of just concrete so if you slept you're falling right onto that how tag is gonna work it's gonna be one on one and the objective is to avoid the chaser for as long as possible whoever evades for the shortest amount of time is the fat loser whoever evades for longest out of time is the winner probably this man to be honest you know I would say it's me but I'm fine with coming in second how this is gonna work is Nikki's gonna run around and try to tag me and I'm gonna run around and try to tag Nick whoever tags the other one in the quickest amount of time moves on to the finale where they face off the all right you get to an automatic bite of the finale because he's just the king Heights the king of no fears I know we gotta get going behind the trees time is tickin we got to do this while it's still light out and quick question before I start this one is for Ricky because you made the rules for this game do you have to stay on on this you know say I miss that's my only question I don't think so I think whatever you want to do you can do whatever you want to do no rules you just have to evade the other one for as long as you can you can start climb and you can start doing whatever we're starting in opposite corners Nick start over right over here he's chasing I'm evading and we're gonna see how long I can get dude I think I can rack up a couple minutes man I might start climbing on here you never know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 2:09 i evaded for two minutes on a squirt I'm so scared I'm gonna fall over that I only like standing over it I'm getting him in under 30 it's easy no way all right way dude you know why why I got a little secret up my sleeve so Ricky is over there he's the chase for this round I am on the evade what the secret little trick up my sleeve is I can tell you cuz he's away over there now what I'm gonna do is if he gets too close I'm just sending it I'm jumping off he said I can go up or down I'm going down you know he's not jumping off it's means to scared [Music] I go way faster than the 700 look at them games already the whole way [Music] you're good Nick you're good run run a baby just 2 minutes what are you gonna do I got a jump boys time I jump dude there's a giant shark in here dude no you really know what a jump dude dude I got it alright coming close to 1 minute there's a massive dry yo blaze [Music] got him you got it all right minute 25 it is time for the final round Theo is the chaser Ricky is evading we're starting the timer in three two one begin the POV be fearless Oh get up you're gonna feel dude it's getting it's getting really dark - it's cold boom boom stop timer that timer in 39 seconds that was the fastest time ever Theo just kept on getting that lead and getting more and more lead and then he just got him now it is time for the final final round Riki in the chaser Theo is the evader Riki has to attack vo in under 39 seconds if he wants to be crowned the winner if not he comes in second place it's still better than me alright let's go let's go let's go ready in three two one begin oh oh October I take off oh dear just took the dub 40 seconds what do you just say about that Ricky your hats off to the bud for quick thinking I thought you jumping in there were smart all you have to do go a couple rings up and you knew I wouldn't go up there but right now it is currently what time is it time is currently eight forty nine and after running around this for all me Nick and Theo are starting to get really hungry we didn't eat dinner or lunch or breakfast today probably yes parable to see I don't know what we were thinking man coming out here spend 24 hours and not even eating all day but luckily that is why we brought the fishing rods we're gonna go back down there cast a few casts and hopefully catch at least like a 30-foot shark so we can grow up later who will Megalodon if we touch I may go down and refute it for the next step at least Kyle Bowers dude you for sure dude if we catch a Megalodon not if well we catch a Megalodon we ain't good we're going back down so we can start catching the fish you gotta Chum the water time to catch the fish now bye but send the boys right in his own pee you're going to yeah this is what we have for bait it's a lunch meat I don't know what fish normally eat lunch meat by the so we kind of I'm just throwing it on like this term are we ready yes cash cash cash scent oh you doctor dude no the ham just flew off empty hand so you're telling me we just wasted the ham now boys him now we have no ham and no fish dude go away dude boys we're just happy about something coming out of here dude who is that I don't know dude we got to poke him out there's a boat right here [Applause]
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 4,193,451
Rating: 4.9361954 out of 5
Keywords: irelandboysproductions, ireland boys productions, ireland boys, irelandboys
Id: nPVaOjooJrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 38sec (1058 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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