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and welcome to my crib montant oh my gosh bro this thing is annoying [Music] you guys welcome back to the channel if you are new welcome to the channel my name is Nick aka ninja Nick and this is my brother Ricky aka one hit rip guys and if you're not subscribed click the subscribe button right now and turn it to subscribe and if you already subscribe heed click the bell and make it look like this not like this like this so you get a notification and you will never miss an upload every single Friday 5:05 Eastern Time and today we're doing something I'm super excited about we are out and we're gonna be doing fort Wars big time shout out to teapots and more J's to who did a way way way back in the day and if you don't know how this works two teams go in the store and they have 30 minutes to make the absolute sickest for it possible and at the end of the 30 minutes we will each give you guys an official IBP cribs tour where you guys will then vote in the comments who you think had the better for when it's all said and done if you guys want to vote right now for who you think will have the better for you guys can vote you boy here are you accept the defeat and if you guys liked this video enough we may even make it a series where we go travel around different states different cities different stores battling other youtubers our TV Norge h2o maybe so but for right now me and Rick have to battle out and see who is the king of the Fords who is the better brother at Fort Doty alright let's hop in there anything now without hearing you we got 30 minutes was honestly a little little tiny little little amount of time to vote a hobby is it a lot of time it's a little bit of time but we're gonna be able to do it I'm gonna start the timers and as soon as this starts Nick goes on his separate way I go on my step away and we meet back here at the 30 minute mark if you don't meet here automatic locks and I'm gonna start it 3 2 1 t-minus 30 [Music] timer has started and I have decided where I want to build my fort we're going to the classic toilet paper section this place never never ever fail so I got a scout out the area and I'm gonna be picking somewhere over here too though there were workers restocking earlier so sometime she's already gone down but when you make this thing quick and it has to be one hit wreck I don't know what he's doing but trust me this thing way better I'm gonna go for something different some people you know they'll just go for the basic toilet paper for it maybe the basic water bottle for it but you know I basic so I'm going for something different and I don't know what it's gonna be yet it's probably gonna take me a little bit of extra time at the beginning but I think it will be worth it in the end I've never seen this before car battery for it sadly this is like 2 centimeters deep so I can't fit in there but I'm gonna keep exploring oh that's not bad at all it's already made television for it right there that goes far down but it's super narrow I need a little bit wider of a space so I can decorate this thing if I just do that I can't really put much in ooh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and found out awesome spot don't think this has ever been done a kitty litter for it it's gonna smell but I think it's so unique that I will win the extra bonus points but the only problem is it's literally connected to the employee entrance like look this is the kitty litter and through the back right back there that's where they store everything and employees grab extra stock that they need to restock throughout the store there's Arnie like a bunch of employees restocking a couple few down there all these boxes are restocking everything around me so I'm gonna have to be super stealthy but now I'm going for the kitty litter fourth we're going right here with quoted northern it's already hollowed out and I just need to hop in there I'm putting some work and hopefully I don't get caught because there's no one to watch my back we're engineer boys here there's a giant spider all right so get dumped it is now time to construct you already constructed a little bit right here we have the walls they're pretty they're pretty decent we're pretty much covered from all angles except for this little opening that's probably gonna be where the door is and then over here pretty pretty covered it's like a pretty solid pretty good for a one-man job good there is a decent bit of legroom but it still definitely needs to be opened up a little bit more so I could get constructed the rest of it move these toilet papers somewhere cuz this toilet paper place is stacked there restocking right before I came in so can be a little bit tough [Music] yeah I just have to make a quick little fort okay I just wanted to make sure I wasn't losing my mind yeah you're not you're you're not crazy okay what are you doing we're just making a quick little fort to the boys don't worry you're not crazy some lady just walked by and she thinks she's losing her mind cuz I'm inside the toilet paper and I hope she's not telling workers but she's still talking about me so I hope not but anyways I cleared this place out a good bit and I think right now it's time to get some supplies because they may be on to me while I was moving the box around I already heard employees in the back like super-close Toros moving I'm already down to like 22 minutes so we got 23 minutes to decorate the whole place but I gotta go in there first see what I'm working with just finished up hiring mr. just finished up clearing before I got all this legroom over here don't you more kitty litter down that way just in case you know I take a little number two I did just sprinkle some kitty litter on that boom can you smell it and then over on this side I got a little bit more Headroom I can lay down fully extended comfortably it's not the biggest place but it's not about how big this place is it's about what I'm gonna do on the inside how I'm gonna decorate it and deck this thing out to make it a thousand I mean right now it's it's literally like 0.5 just because it's kitty litter but after I'm done decorating it this kitty litter will literally turn into lion litter lions will want to be flocking around here for miles time to go get some supplies we got a little cart right here in little does Ricky know I brought a little something something from home we have these lights right here look what happens when you turn them on they've been in a few videos but look at this no way his fort compares to these lights these lights easily be his fort no matter what it is and times also already going pretty quick so we're gonna have to get these supplies not much time to browse just some nice things to warm it up make it homey [Music] site there's no way I can fit all those pillows in my fort there's a there's no way I will however be keeping this one have a nice lovely giraffe alright we're back in the port and I'm gonna show you guys what we're working for stuff got the captain's chair this one is for me next up we got the basketball because uh ball is like to drop on it got another pillow with the elephant on it this time little picture frame with two random people just to warm it on make it nice and homey then we got three of these mats because it is very very very hard in there on the metal so these are to protect my cheeks and last step most importantly this is the prize winner right here that will hopefully leave me to victory hopefully you guys vote for me because look at these lights I guarantee you this poor does not have lights like this I kind of run out there grab as many decorations as I can come back in here make sure everything is looking spam perfect definitely gotta add the little dog bed to it also while I'm in this section on the minute had a little bit a cat food you know just in case you get hungry I think to serving should be good I already got the comfort I already got the nutrition now I got to add a little bit of pizzazz and I came across this $100 blanket for three bucks so basically I'm buying $100 for three dollars ninety seven dollars profit when I buy that another essential cheese is a clock because without a clock I would never know what time it is and since the force kind of tiny I think I'm gonna go with the tiniest clock they have just to conserve a little bit of space go is this one a good one wipe your paws if you like it to wipe your paws you know because I'm making a little for the boys looks like and it's in a kitty litter for I don't tell him my brothers trying to outdo me but there's no way ninja Nick now to me right okay one hit record head let's go and I think the last essential is the lighting lighting is so key cuz you never know when you're gonna have to pop a selfie real quick you know hit him with the angles you never know when you're gonna have to hit him with the angles but the last thing that I want to find is another pizzazz item one more piece of pizzazz should send me over the top there's no chance you can beat me if I get one more piece of his ass [Music] this is exactly what I needed a stinking pinata unicorn tell me another person that has put a pinata unicorn in their fort that's exactly right nobody nobody doing this man I only got like eight minutes before I have to meet at the spot and be done completely with building my fort just got done putting everything together and not gonna lie this place is looking pretty nice I honestly wouldn't mind living in here but I can't show you guys all of it because that is gonna have to wait for the IBP cribs tour but there is some time left over here right above me there is some toilet paper so this may be a double-decker toilet paper for the top layer fort is it's pretty plain just have a peek in there there's not really anything in there and time is about to expire so I have to get something real quick just to decorate it a little bit right here here some Lazich enough bro Vlasak enough right there this will spice it up quite a bit let's go time worker down there and another worker right behind these boxes but I have no time to spare I have to go in there and finish everything out I'm sundae as you guys can see we got the employee right there gotta stay low though backroom god bless you god bless you she just left I cannot what you didn't see me this is like a pretty big gap and he was right there not everything set up the way that I wanted got about two minutes to spirit and I'm gonna run back to the spy because you know if I don't make it there I automatically lose and your boy ain't trying to lose forgot where the spot was exactly so hopefully I find the exact location before time runs out I've been walking around the store to try to find where we originally met so I'm not really too sure if I'm going in the right place I'm just gonna walk around until it looks familiar there is 30 I got a minute to spare and there's no sign of Nick don't see him down there don't see him over here so your boy might take the automatic dub time is taken down right now got about 45 seconds to the left this man how did so hard he hunted so this spot body look who showed up with literally seconds to spare bro I was watching my clock you had seconds I've been putting in that work to the very last second of my fort this man cut it so close I've never seen anything closer in my life but you know I'm not worried at all honestly I'm more excited about this I didn't want the for you in any way oh well his fort was because I got to the spot first I get to show my fort first so IBP cribs one hit rick addition right now see you guys won't come you two one hit Rick IBPS crib come on in come on in before we do in the front I got snacks for the customers two pieces of cat food because as you see right here we are in not a kitty litter for it but it has transformed to lion letter my friends was this place is ten thousand nine it went from kitty litter to lion litter no way yes and make sure you wipe your paws before you come in you know okay it's kind of a tight squeeze that squeeze but you know it's more about the pizazz of this place not the square footage in the front we got good old pizzazz the unicorn guarding our fortress right here then if you come in here even further we're gonna shoot to make sure you're welcomed we got a nice hundred dollar bill because we're just balling that big be saying bro on the money you know who who cares this place is a million dollar mansions over here got a little lantern woman got a soul break that's so right that's not even on break mode this is right mode ready boom whoa I stick by this is Sun yeah whoa whoa whoa chill just gonna take it down might be a little too bright for you guys to handle then if you come back here even further this is like a lion's nest right here it's all about the lion theme for this one and then if we come back even further a few more inches a few more inches okay I got the tiniest clock that I could hit what's the square footage in this but so we see that we see the clock it's the tiniest one I could get it doesn't really a move but it's more about more by the star right it's more about this now it's all about is it a Rolex I know it's more about balling so as long as you appear that you're bowing don't matter too much everything in here is so expensive so baller just in a tiny little space that's the one downside I will admit what's the square footage square footage is about one and a half yeah it's kind of tight oh yeah definition of quality over quantity for sure thank you guys for coming in and here's our honor thank you all for me please I need this win I stinkin he didn't spend so much on this place please alright thank you one hit Ric for having us in your IBP cribs to her it was our honor and welcome to my crib want it oh my gosh bro this thing is annoying I know I know I know as you come in we have this nice nice very plush plush cushions so this metal is not hurting you and then look over here we have a giraffe on that one mm-hmm and then we have a elephant on this one and then we have two random people just because it's nice and heartwarming oh yeah these are the nice lights much better than your low lamp whatever that was yeah but one thing I gotta say is these are plush but it but ain't no hundred-dollar bill you know plush though it's plush and we have little captain sherry here in a basketball because ball is life and ball never stops basketball never stops so you just get some nice reps and you just uh you know he's got the nice basketball but your boys got the big baller brand quality stuff bro that's nothing did you have two stories yeah oh shoot or do stories man stories watch this no way bud Smith pulled out the double deck girl on me double-decker I had to hit him with it a hat you all right stinking double deckers I do I can pee with that you're right the furnishings not gonna lie and I'm lacking a bit but le sites you stories ready alright alright there's not really room for you in here but it's a nice little guest space just in case anyone wants to crash and look at this you won't believe what we have to furnish it we have some nice chef boyardee last Vina if I've ever seen the wimpiest second story you have a second story Jacqueline he's closed I honestly think my floor was way better we have all this room up here this port alone up here was probably about as big as won a race film downstairs we have one that's probably like thirty thousand times bigger than his because his was a little on a narrow side and don't forget we have the chef boyardee did he have that he had cat food who wants to eat that we have stuff like Chef Boyardee but it's up to you guys to decide so bow down below who you think won me or one here rig and we'll catch you guys at home so guys make sure you let us know who you think won that for war me or Ricki in also guys who we should burst next it can be anyone in the whole entire world and what story should face off in doesn't even have to be a story it can be literally anywhere I'm big time shout out to the butter right here wearing the same exact matches me you know your boy I already got a Lincoln bio and make sure you guys stay tuned for next week because we are making some huge announcement I'm talking mass about summer 2018 you guys are gonna be a big part of it so you guys don't want to miss it we'll see you then and so next time you summer stink in 2018 we will each give you guys an official ID decrypt or IPP but the end of the 30 minutes we will each give you guys an official IP be proud [Music]
Channel: Ireland Boys Productions
Views: 2,482,063
Rating: 4.9271083 out of 5
Keywords: IrelandBoysProductions, Ireland Boys Productions, Ireland Boys, Fort, Forts, Fort VS Fort, Fort Wars, Fort War, Ireland Boys Fort, Walmart Fort, Toilet Paper Fort, Walmart Toilet Paper Fort, Walmart Forts, Toilet Paper Forts, Fort Battle, Battle Fort, Forts Battle, Building Forts, Building Fort, Fort Walmart, TP Fort, Toilet Paper Fort War, Making Forts in stores, store fort, fort store, fort in store
Id: lhDUMAbrCtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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