Last night LIVE Yusuf Estes Masjid Isra Minnesota

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away your life away away [Music] slime I mean what's the mean you're watching us coming to you live all the way from freedom Amy Minnesota uh actually it's been snowing a lot so I think that they mispronounce the name I think we're in many snow days if you laughed the jokes will get better thank you so much for that all right but I wanted to refer to something that we have in the Quran and start right away with our program tonight and this program is really dedicated to those who have had doubts about Islam had doubts about religion doubts about God in general and then they found their way that God guided them and I want to dedicate our program tonight to all of those we've had a funeral here today a janazah which is Arabic word for funeral and one of our dear brothers only 29 years old passed away his name was Tarek so we pray for him and we ask Allah to make everything easy for him in the grave and everything easy for him on the day of judgment I mean we also pray for his family to be rightly guided as well and for his friends neighbors in all of those who came out to be with those who were celebrating or you know consoling each other I should say in this time of mourning but when it comes to Islam and what we think about death it's very important for us to know that all of this is explained in details in Islam well Quran in the Arabic language contains more than just words of wisdom words of religion but Quran actually gives us a complete way of life a total and complete way of life if you really understand the Quran in the arabic of what's called Fatah or classical Arabic language you're way ahead maybe of some of the big thinkers of the time because this contains the wisdom of all the ages because it contains the wisdom in words of the creator of everything if anything is created he's the creator of it and he is the one who has revealed this it did not come from the Hamid it came through Muhammad because Muhammad peace be upon him was one not the only one he was one of many messengers who came to the people he peace be upon him so life alone told us that more than a hundred and twenty-four thousand prophets came to their various peoples and nations and more than so don't say it's hundred twenty-four thousand it's more than that and out of these prophets on via in Arabic we find that there were some who had many people followed them right Abraham Ave Sonam many people followed ibrahim musa in hebrew Musha and in English we say Moses but regardless of what you call him everybody knows who it was the one who was in the wilderness with the children of Israel the one who went up on the mountain and he got the Ten Commandments and he came down and so and so and so we know who he is and he said many many followers also there were some who didn't have big success with the people our Prophet peace be upon him he told us there was one prophet who only had one person follow him a prophet of Almighty God only had one follower but that's not all he also told us that there was another prophet who didn't even have one how do we understand that today well it means that regardless of what you do doesn't mean that people will do what they should do because you deliver a message if they accept it that's between them and Allah if they don't accept it that's between them and I want to so for this reason we must remember that Allah is the one who guides people why does he guide some people and he doesn't guide other people there's a doubt that comes with some of the Muslims why would God only guide these people here but he won't guide those people over there why now in order to take at this story I have to break it down so you can see some evidence one time there was a man that we worked with me and some other people but this man he would smoke cigarettes his smoking cigarettes a good thing no and he would smoke one cigarette after the other he didn't need a lighter except for the first one every day because he would light a new cigarette with the old cigarette he would light the new cigarette with the one that's about to go out they call it chain smoking because each cigarette is linked to the next one and he smoked and smoked and smoked and we couldn't breathe in our office it was so hard to breathe because this man keep smoking and we were in a retail store means that we were selling things like in the mall but people back then we didn't have any law about smoking okay so people would come in they'd be like oh whoa was this smoke everywhere so one day we decided we're gonna stop him from smoking now watch this we're gonna stop him myself and another man we said you know what let's stop him from smoking we're big he's small we can stop him so what we did when he put this cigarette in the ashtray we walked over to pick up the cigarette and put it out he just smiled and get another cigarette from his pocket and light it again so then we wait we put it out again he get another cigarette from his pocket so my friend combined him and pulled these cigarettes out of his pocket and threw him away he smiled he went into his office and he reached under his desk and he pulled out a carton of cigarettes and he lit another cigarette and he gets mild and smoking away so my friend took his carton of cigarettes and to it in the garbage he smiled and he opened the drawer of his desk and he pulled out some more secrets and he started smoking again and he was walking through the store I couldn't imagine this man he doesn't care he's smiling but then we reached up I don't remember if I did it or my friend did it now but anyway we took the cigarette out of his mouth and when we did he grabbed me and he grabbed him my friend and he had strength like an elephant and he pushed my friend into the wall and he pushed me into the wall and we got up off the floor looking at him like where does this small man get so much strength and then he smiled he lit another cigarette and he said I want to tell you boys something come here so he came over to him he said do you want to know why people smoke yeah he said you know why people smoke my friend said yeah because you look cool you think he look cool for your friends he said no you're wrong I said well I think it's a habit you know it's nicotine it caused you to just keep doing it like a drug he said no that's not why people smoke I said why do people smoke he said because they want to you understand the message people always do what they want to do this is what they want to do we always have a choice you can choose to do what you want to do some of you are young about half this room young people you're living with your parents so you can't do some things because your parents are going to stop you but when you get older it's up to you to choose isn't it when you choose the right thing or the wrong thing you don't know today you're only talking about how you feel today when you're 18 years old it could be different when you're 30 years old it could be different when you're 50 years old it could be a lot different you don't know today what you'll do tomorrow well as human beings all human beings all of us need to know that what we are doing is by our choice for the most part people do what they're doing because they want to now does that help you understand one part the rest of it is Allah knows what people want to do all the time he knows you better than you know yourself because the law never forgets he knows everything but you forget you don't remember everything that you did yesterday I don't either you don't remember what happened all the time last week I don't either but Allah knows everything you're doing all the time is that right and so he knows what you really want and what he is asking you to do one thing in the Bible we talked about this tonight in the Bible for the Jewish long time ago maybe 5,000 years maybe 2000 but a long time ago it said in their book God is one worship God with all your heart all your mind and all your strength and that's in the Book of Leviticus the Book of Leviticus in the first five books of the Bible in the New Testament for the Christians it said that Jesus peace be upon him told his followers that you have to know o Israel the Lord your God is one Lord in him you have to worship with all your heart all your mind all your strength and all of your soul so this is a very important point because we have the same thing in Islam and when we come back we're going to explain what Islam says about that so I want everybody to stay right where you are and stay guided with Titus TV you you're watching the newsroom Islam newsroom the news you want when you want it from the Islamic perspective now we have we have some websites or hamdulillah who is Allah maybe we'll even see somebody enter into Islam excuse me no I do we call him Allah one more time everyone okay good these are the ones that we're gonna be mailing out ilaha illa-allah that's right we're right across the river from Palestine as a matter of fact he rocks about the new moon the hello has been cited for the month of show all when the event is called it doesn't matter where you are you go and you make your Salah or time to be there now I think this is something that inshallah inshallah we'll all be able to benefit [Music] log in now and make your contribution today to support your favorite project at donate to asam calm a way of life a way of life a way of life Islam of life [Music] and we are back and we promised you when we took the little break it was just 40 second break by the way and if you're used to watching regular television you know that usually goes on for two minutes three minutes five minutes you got time to go out in the kitchen and make a sandwich maybe stop off at the bathroom yeah make room for some more coffee or tea or whatever and no that's not the way it would got it Stevie we just put up something really short and we come back and that's what we just did so because there's no advertising on our Channel there's no commercials we put the promos up there and sometimes we put something left at the Quran sometimes we put something of hadith the teachings of Muhammad peace be upon him and sometimes we tell you about events that we're doing like the event we're doing right here in Fridley Minnesota that's where we are tonight we're in the must it here and I have to tell you something this building is an amazing place because not only it has this lovely place to pray thank you so much oh it's nice I was thinking about water and he brought me water thank you talk about here so there's the promos that we do are always something beneficial to folks that they can get a benefit get closer to the creator and sustainer of the universe what does book or on tell us about the subject that we've been talking about this is the Quran in the Arabic language it is only the Quran when it's in the Arabic language if it's in another language it's not the Quran because it is the original it is exactly the same thing that Muhammad peace be upon him recited his companions they memorized it from him and passed it on and passed it on and passed it on now just one somebody came to me one time and he said I don't believe what Quran is really what you say I said okay why he said well it's impossible for people to memorize something like that and pass it to other people and then pass it to other people did you ever play a game called telephone and back in the day when I was little we played a game called telephone we get 10 or 12 people and we make up a story a short story and we tell one person but we don't tell everybody else we tell them okay you tell her and she tells him and he tells her and she tells the another lady and so and till it comes to the last person and they whisper and when it gets there the last person it's nothing like the first one the one who said this to me actually he said his name is Mohammed and he said that he used to be a Muslim he used to be he said so I asked him to come up on the stage we had five television channels or four television channels over there Gragas TV of course our channel but we also had al Jazeera was there and some other channels the Arabic channels were there and I said I want to thank you for proving to all the world that's watching right now about something that some people say he said what I said well all your friends with you you said they're Muslim he said oh yeah all my friends are Muslims I said yeah and you just said you're not no I said I left Islam I said yeah and I noticed that your head is still on your neck he said what does that mean I said it means they didn't cut your head off he said what and then all of his friends started laughing they said we're not gonna cut his head off I said that's my point I want to thank you for proving to all the world but that is not what happens if somebody leaves Islam the first thing we do is try to explain Islam again to the person before we do anything else if somebody's chopping off heads chopping off hands for no reason this is not Islam this is his slam not everybody got that one you like that he's slim I got that from Imams Raj Raj in New York he said that I like that guy he's cool but no the next thing I did I asked some other people to come up on the stage with us and we did it we played the game and I told the boy the boy is named Mohammed I said okay just you and me and I whispered to him I said listen tell the next person exactly this word everybody is hungry and we decided we wanted pizza so we ordered pizza and when the pizza guy came he had pickles and anchovies on the pizza cheese pizza pickles and Jovi's and he came in a Volkswagen Ellen so he told the next one he told the next one the next one the next one next one there's the end you wouldn't believe what he said he said um well I don't exactly know what he said but looks like something about there was some hungry people and they got run over by something I don't know I said okay okay let's ask this guy he said yeah there were hungry people and they got run over by a pizza and okay let's ask this guy all the way back all the way back we went on you're not until we came back even the one what he told didn't have the same thing that he said and he said but you told me x and y and z so and so and I looked at this one name on it and I said that's not what I told you he said oh yeah for God we worked out the pickles and anchovies he said I forgot I said that proves you're absolutely right human beings could never ever be able to take something like the Quran in the Arabic language and pass it down through other languages most of the Muslims in the world at that time were in Indonesia and they don't speak Arabic but yet they're the most prolific and in Somali everybody memorizes the Quran everybody and they speak Somali and this is 1,400 years later yet every country I visited and I've been all over the world on both sides of the Equator and all of the continents of the world and everywhere I found Muslims $100 bill al-amin and they all recite the Quran they always cited in Arabic and everything they recite from the bar and bismillah to the end of the Quran to the scene in mineral jinan t1 nas is exactly the same exactly the same so you're right nothing can be pressed on like that except mirages ah except a miracle and the quran is a miracle and you just proved it thank you again he was shocked he said I need to talk to some scholars I think I need to go back again it's good I hope you do may Allah guide you so no one will understand something when people don't want Islam they don't want to know about their God they don't want to serve God they want to serve this dunya called Mammon when the Christians hear this word they know what you're talking about Danya the material world if you want the material world you already failed your life because you cannot keep the material world you will be like our brother Tariq who just died all of us are gonna die cool moon of Sinda still mode we'll find that right in the beginning of the Quran you'll find it in surah bakra it says it real clear what every soul will taste death so you're gonna die so why are you trying to build up everything in this life why you want a big house oh great and then what when you die the keys to that big house can be taken out of your hand easily by a little baby you know why cuz you're dead you want a big car big and then what wouldn't you die you don't get to get the car to you unless they bury it with you would that be cool be paid with a car I don't think so because it's still you can't use it you're dead we make sense why do you fall in love with the creation and not the Creator now we mentioned something from the Old Testament for the Jews the New Testament for the Christians and now from the last Testament what does it say about our life why are you here why did God create you what is your purpose in life how do you understand it if you understand it from the English that's strange because the English translation makes it kind of weird but from the Arabic it's very clear answer I'll better yet chapter 51 verse 56 in the Quran Allah says I will the blame in Chicana regime well ma khalaqtul jinna now well in similarly a begun miss the beginning of the ayah verse tells us that our purpose in life God says that he did not create us and jinn except for one purpose worship when he goes on to talk about a word in Arabic Allah what is the risk that your daily provision in the New Testament it's called daily bread would call it daily bread we have a prayer twice in the New Testament missus give us this day our daily bread it means the risk it means more than just bread for this we understand that we were created for worship now some like for instance and I'm going to give you example don't believe in God at all some people they don't believe in God at all and they will tell you well your book is wrong you know Quran is wrong because it said I was created to worship God and I don't worship God because I don't believe in God haha actually I want to ask you a question what is it you like more than anything else hmm I like soccer I love soccer I know all the players on the soccer team I know all of the players I know their numbers I know their names I love soccer I will not I won't go to work on the day they have the big soccer game I will stay home I don't care if I lose my job really I know people in Texas the same way then on the day that they had the big football game we'll stay home for work too because they want to see the game yes can you say that some people worship oh yeah oh yeah and some people worship money oh yeah oh yeah some people worship other people right beautiful woman oh yeah what worsen quran says it says the meaning of it that Allah did not create a sigsop for this purpose it means you will worship something when Allah doesn't need your worship he doesn't need anything from you but this is what you were created to doing you will do it because that's what Allah wants and you'll worship something it may not be God maybe it will be something he created and that's true of every human being he may be surprised they look at you're like oh I never thought of that I didn't think of that but I don't want you to take it from me I don't need that I'm not God I'm far from that but I want you to do just what I did look inside your own heart see what's in your heart and in your heart not with your mouth with your heart just say God if you exist guide me thank me guide me you do that you'll find out the answer because if you really want to be guided you will be by the only God the same God that created the universe created Adam all of his children including in me you'll find out because he is the one who guides in Arabic she's al-hadi the guide al-hadi can you say al-hadi now I have a microphone and you don't so you need to speak real down can you say el Hadi yes al-hadi he is the guide so we ask Allah al-hadi guide us would you like to say it in Arabic Adina Serato mr. King guide us to the straight path in DINO Serato mr. king guide us to the straight path I mean all right and you stay right where you are and stay guided or guide is TV [Music] here are some ways to get goddess TV via satellite on galaxy 19 FDA at this satellite frequency transponder rate five frequency one one eight three six megahertz polarity vertical symbol rate to zero seven seven zero FEC 3/4 channel ID guide us TV you can also download the app to your smartphone available for iPhones from the App Store for Android on Google Play and now guide us TV is available on roku get guided with guidance TV get connected with guide us TV like us on Facebook at slash guide us TV one join us on Google+ plus slash plus guide us TV follow us on Twitter slash guide us TV 1 find us on Flickr Flickr comm / photos / guide us TV and add us on LinkedIn LinkedIn comp / guide us TV get guided with guide us TV [Music] Islam is [Music] and we are back that was a short 40 seconds wasn't it didn't give you time to run to the kitchen and get a drink either did it alright we've got a few more minutes and we want to take this opportunity to read something to you from the translation in the English language of the Quran now keep in mind this is not the Quran this is because it's our bit but for all viewers at home that speak English we thought it would be nice if you got to hear some of the things that are said in the Quran this is from surah al-fatah lot Sarah alfu salat this is the one that we were reading from last night and we were talking about the worst where it says who is better in speech than the one who calls to Allah and says we are the Muslims but now we come to another verse verse number 47 it said to Allah alone is attributed the knowledge of the hour who knows when the end is going to be only God and the fruits emerged not from their coverings nor does a female conceive or give birth except he has a full knowledge this means our law of God Almighty he knows every single time that a fruit will open up and when a baby will be born he knows we don't we say a baby is inside of a mother for nine months we say that but almost never is it really nine months it'll be a few days short or a few days long sometimes it's a few weeks early sometimes if you weeks late because all of it is known to God not to us we're approximating or generalizing when we say it and the day that he will call to them and in this mean the day of judgment he's going to ask these people about your life where are the partners that you ascribe to me because people said old God has partners he has daughters they used to say that the Arabs used to say that God had daughters yeah the Angels call them daughters of God some of the people said God has sons some people said God has children he doesn't like that because he has no partners but is one no partners no God beside God the people say we announced you that there is no longer among us any witness to that this means that on that day everybody's going to say what no this was wrong you really have no partners and lost from them will be those they were praying to before and they will be certain that they have no place of escape they're not going to be able to get away this is too late it's too late we were praying till something it doesn't even exist you were praying to nothing and man doesn't grow tired of praying for good things ah now I want you to listen carefully because here's where the doubt comes human being doesn't get tired of asking for good things we're always asking oh my God give me this and give me that I want this thing and I want that thing I want I want I want I want and he keeps on asking and as long as he's getting things he's happy but then if something evil touches him he loses all hope and he becomes hopeless despairing and if Allah lets him taste mercy from him after the difficulty he will say oh this is due to me he will not say I got this from God who doesn't say oh no no this I solved the problem myself I figured it out I worked it out I'm okay it's all right there's no problem I worked it out he doesn't want to give credit to who to the one who created him and if he goes back to his Lord means he dies when indeed look what he's gonna be saying well you say if I go back to my Lord for me there will be with him the best now this is what he's saying in this life what will he say when he gets back and then unless telling us for sure just tell them those who disbelieve about what they did and they will surely make they will surely be made to taste Shadid Allah Kaaba this is a real heavy actually here it says a well being our theme and that means of strong punishment strong punishment and Allah bestows the favour upon human beings even though he turns away he takes himself far away from God but when he'll evil touches him when he's full of supplication oh god help me help me help me no there's some point I want to make a point about this imagine that there's somebody he said I don't believe in God I don't believe in God nope no God so when he falls off of a ladder off of a building does he say oh [Music] no this is what everybody says if they get hurt they never say oh nothing because they'll say I believe in nothing oh yeah well when the pain comes why do you call on God and one of the 80s he told me it's just a reflex I said you're right it's a natural reflex because naturally we always know subconsciously where is God and when Allah gives favor to these people then they turn away and they guess in themselves now when the evil comes they start oh god oh god you get it I'm repeating the same verse now here's what we're supposed to tell these people think about it did you think about it if the Quran is from Allah and you disbelieved it who is going to be more lost than the one who is extremely dissension meaning this person denies completely he doesn't believe but what if it turns out that it's right what will you do then Allah says and this is a famous one for science and they use it for Marissa he said Allah says he will show them his signs in the horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth but it is not enough concerning your Lord that he over all things is a witness so even though there's doubt among some people we have already posted it we have 4200 websites 4200 websites and from them we've chosen the top ones and put them all together under one name so you don't have to memorize them all and this is for Muslims and non-muslims alike so listen carefully what I'm going to tell you the website is called share Islam com share Islam calm there are ten of our best websites the first one what is Islam with videos explaining everything the second one God Allah so that you can ask your questions we put all the questions you might have and you can click them click them click them and read the answers who is God what is the proof where is God what does he do what he doesn't do it's all laid out right there in its in simple English then after that allows korone everything about the Quran including reciters of the Quran including teaching you how to recite the Quran read the Quran in the Arabic in the English then the next one prophet of allah prophet of islam this one is one of the best of the best because it doesn't just tell you the biography or the serie of a suicide salam well we say what other people said about muhammad who are not muslims famous people like Mahatma Gandhi what did he say about Mohammed oh you love it will be so surprised this before they killed him his own people killed him you don't know that Gandhi was killed by his own people guess what he had just said before that he said I'm a Muslim and I'm a Christian and I'm a Hindu and I'm all the religions because I know what's the best of them the best are the best was one God when he said bad if you see the movie Gandhi you'll find out at the end of it they talked about it George Bernard Shaw one of the most famous of the authors in the past what beautiful things he said about Mohammed in it's right there on that website the next one after that I chose this particular website and put it in this group for a reason because so many questions keep coming up about the women of us around women of Islam so this is one of our websites Islam's women I wanted to make it easy for people to ask their questions so you can click on the little boxes and find out about something called hijab recovering marriage in Islam what's permissible and what's not and by the way just because Muslim says it doesn't mean it's Islam check the sources find out what's real and what's not real actually some sisters are the ones who gave me Mom Suraj the idea for what I just told you a minute ago because they said when men are talking to them Muslim men are talking to them they say what's your proof I want to know where you got it from is it Islam or his slam yeah that's where it came from the sisters if you keep going the next one about jihad what is real job it's not what you think in fact if anybody is killing people to get land money power or influence over others it's not Islam it's the opposite of Islam fighting over oil in land Allah has nothing to do with this this is people who want something I told you about people want to do something they will say oh this is Islam no it's not our Prophet peace be upon him never ever went into any battle except that it was only for sake of Allah so that the message could be spread to the people who have doubt the only thing we want to do the only thing any Muslim should want to do is to share a beautiful message of love peace honor respect tranquility and all of these things you can find in one word surrender submission obedience sincerity safety security and peace with God is one word in Arabic Islamic Islamic whenever you hear an Arab say to another Arab goodbye he likes to end it with mass Ilana yes or no it means go in the security go in the safety the safety of what the safety of God so Salameh is related to Salome when we say Salam alaykoum what do we mean peace be unto you peace and security from God peace security and safety from Almighty God this is what we mean when we say it the problem we're trying to understand in English English is a very small language compared to Arabic very small you don't have too many choices so you're stuck and you keep translating into this small language they're trying to put an ocean in a drinking glass if you want to know what the Quran is you have to learn the Arabic language this one that I have right here is translated very well it's that a good job as the translation goes but you're translating it into English a very small language this one look at the difference in the size see the size you see it you see this one has so much in it so much to say what's in here and yet ask any scholar reads this and read this he'll say no no you missed it you need to say this and this and this if you say it all this times ten more like it 11 of these volumes still is not going to give you your meaning of what you have right here in fact Allah tells us in this book if you try to make something like it we will never do it if you want to disprove the Quran it's real simple bring a book like it bring a book write it in the Arabic language like it try it and even if you copied every single word and you just changed one little thing and you said I hope that'll work I promise you your a problem because there are more than 45 million people who have memorized the Quran in the Arabic language most of them are not Arabs and they will tell you that's not the Quran it doesn't work and all your change was one line they will say no unacceptable if you want to know the Quran I invite you to visit one of our other websites called Arabic in English calm Arabic in English calm because in that website we take you from zero zero and teach you everything you need to know to get started give you the confidence to know that you can use some English to get started and then when you learn the Arabic and you're going forward we have teachers to help you all the way through the Quran all the way on one website amazing oh yeah I'll give you an example inshallah God willing ready there's an alphabet in Arabic and it has the very first letter and after I tell you this you probably will be able to remember it for the rest of your life the first letter because I want you to think of a tree in the out in the desert a tree in the desert probably it's dead right because it's in a desert and all the limbs fell off of it so it's just really a stick standing up see it a stick in the desert but there's one leaf left on this poor little tree one little leaf so in English we would say a leaf I leave I leave early that is the first letter of the Arabic language suppose I tell you let's go to the ocean I want to go to the ocean and look at the waves look how they come up to a point and up to a point and up to a point that's fun to watch them make these points now while we're looking at the ocean the Sun goes up real high way up oh it's so high so over one of these points let's put the Sun up there see the Sun it's a round circle it's a round dot you see it and there's only one circle and it's over one point where's the point of the ocean and there's the one dot told so hot the hottest time of the day is exactly when the Sun is straight up what time is it when the Sun is straight up what does it mean noon why would it be 1 o'clock 12 noon you know when known is is 12 o'clock right yeah okay so it's mean right what is the Arabic word for this dot that's over the point mean simple now we're gonna have some more fun what's this let's put two dots we're gonna use English though there's two dots here two dots over the point wait a minute - what's the first part of - tough turn turn what's the name of this two dots over the point is done what if we put three for three so the first part of English is well what if we put the dot below below there water below the dark haha but but look how we made it so simple even [Music] the entire alphabet in less than six hours Arabic in English calm if you haven't considered this you should because if you take the course some people offer courses that take up to a full semester and they dedicate you to just spend all the time only Arabic you got to go cold turkey right away nobody gonna start to your English anymore let us talk to you like this I'm on it from college a bounty hunter me none no no English not being greasy what what this is what they want you to do now some people can do it and in six weeks they got a little bit twelve weeks maybe a little bit more eighteen weeks a full semester they can come out and say I saw a modicum rahmatullah if I taught you kevin harvick yogi Trevor or you can take this course and not spend seventy five hundred dollars and not have to cut off from your family you can do it in your spare time and just for a few dollars small donation we can make it in English and they're telling us we got to wrap it up so we got to go gosh darn I was having a good time here tonight with all of you guys incredibly so I gotta give you a big sonam let me hear Salome Salome Robert do labor to get these stay tuned and think I did with I love it when you say that [Music] of life a complete [Music]
Channel: GuideUS TV
Views: 40,419
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: FEdfvCy67Os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 2sec (3302 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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