Everleigh Spends 24 Hours In Her Backyard Playground!!!

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I'm so tired but we are do you gonna spend 24 hours that day hopefully doesn't rain well I guess we'd better get at it right yeah okay first things first you can only have eight supplies only eight yeah that's a challenge so you can't just like carry out like your whole life a bag of food is one supply a water bottles one supply so you gotta think really smart let's see where to go first in the kitchen okay you're gonna get the cookie dough I'm like that's probably the best snack a Gatorade very smart yeah I mean it's all day dude so all day you're only gonna have Gatorade and one rice paddy thing okay oh okay so that's three items already so you only have five more items you can get a bag counts a bagger before find the note bag no fine I guess it is everybody channels okay bag doesn't count only the only one bag though if you get a second bag then it does count two slides - slams pretty smart well not then you'd be up to five so you have three more ofter slimes suppose I was thinking you who is that funky things you need to survive out there like what like a giant lion comes and like tries to get you up or a bear what do you do for the slime added okay so she's doing paper and markers we're counting that one item total just because yeah we're trying to I mean you know what you don't send me result right so that's uh that's five items so you have three more three more items oh so she's bringing some candy as Kenny bucks oh so now I've already found that they can be is okay alright so first seventh item she's choosing the tunnel very interesting choice no something in planned okay okay so you still have one more item okay I'm just gonna wait for you outside okay and then you bring your bag the tunnel and everything outside I I know I'm just a filler I'm not staying 24 hours I'm just filming one side member I want you the one has to say other noted all right here she goes for eight items you got a blanket all right hey I'm about to start the timer okay timer starts timers start here we go alright 24 hours luckily it's a pretty cool play house you want to show it off a little bit if you want I'll give you the camera you can just show it off if you get all set up you got a rock climb up the Rakhine wall should keep you entertained good thing your shoes yep already on your feet do some port there's almost only 10 feet so how you doing do you think you're gonna stay here longer are you almost done are you getting bored yet it's only been three nine minutes oh you're gonna leave for a fan he's hot wow that was your secret plan the whole time I've been here for two hours I've been here for like I don't know hour so I'm gonna show you a little tour of my Playhouse so this is might where I'm gonna eat my friend Kaylee she said that this is really high do you think this is really high I think it's really hot but it's pretty high I'd be kinda scared are you scared relaxing go over here you can go up you see this when you climb Wow I telescope okay it's a swirly swirly I'm so far I've been here for four hours I can play my slide what if I didn't have a sign that would be terrible shoot under your slime playing table oh yeah let's go down to my slam we're gonna slam is it fruit and it's like a beats line it's like like butter slime right it's not my butter slime doesn't stretch that well but like if you squish it your fingers can go really okay I'll just clean with slime I think it's probably been like five hours I'm going to eat because I think it's been like seven hours okay well I met during some Gatorade because he doesn't like beer no ears if they don't like Gatorade you know me okay guys so you know life thunders eating my chips land um really I'm really tired you've been here for like ten hours it's like almost dark outside but I think I might take like a little snooze in a second I'm on that [Music] but my house is really cool I hope I think I told you this already but my favorite things is on this plane right um the monkey board in that little swing circle because I love swings and I love those swing circles because like this really really higher because they're a big circle now if you stand on one side you'll fall off so I always like to stand in the middle I don't want to fall to fall nobody wants to come so yeah I'm in money bars I just like climbing so yeah so I'm gonna take a nap so [Music] well my name is guys it's a dark it's dark it's dark guys it's dark so good cuz it's so dark out it's like almost light outside because it's so dark and it's like it's probably like class and midnight I'm so tired even asleep for so long I had to go and get a mask cuz I gotta work when you wake up camera you film good nice we're scared hey let me see the flashlight cuz it's too dark I gotta I see something wait are you getting down are you done with a challenge dude you've been up here for like 14 hours or something you get down how you doing are you scared what do you think it was not an animal just me are you done this flashlight too bright in your face okay so you don't were actually sleep out here I only recognize I never left your house out here the whole time but you know it's totally nighttime right now it's nighttime but I think it's like almost getting right outside I don't know what's really doc are you gonna sleep overnight all the way till morning or are you gonna lead and going oh she's out she's out you don't want to see if you're all night you're done are you just gonna leave all yourself you don't bring yourself inside you gotta go back in there Wow nighttime like yours this is pretty cool yeah pack it up all right so you're leaving okay well if you want you can just hoping that that you're packing up and you can do your outro right here [Music]
Channel: Everleigh Rose
Views: 12,752,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: A6-Vdr8DQyE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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