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let's go outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no not that one I know you can do one hand all right even lying you feels like so much longer do you feel bigger can you feel bigger stand up let me see I really all I have to say is your hair looks so good this morning okay you gotta be five a fabulous day do I have a party for you we have something planned for you are you ready to see it okay guys so last night when everyone was asleep Savannah came downstairs and this is mainly Savannah's idea but she went awake every sixth birthday super special so she decorated it it looks pretty cute at me everybody's gonna have a big freakout I'll show you guys before she went really kiss it's gonna be really cute this is what we have going on downstairs all these balloons all over the ceiling and a bunch presents waiting for Oh left her a little letter that I'm sure she's gonna be excited to review we do this every year she's so excited about it this year we have an ice cream sundae station usually just different ice cream but we have our own make your own ice creams a station sissy it'd be super exciting with that okay you ready uh stairs let's wait like 20 more minutes slow I saw happy birthday to my favorite girl so what this is a factory yep it's a make your own ice cream sundae station so you can open it up do it right now make it as big as you want also no one can tell you how much ice cream need to put in your bowl so you can have a normal bowl if you want or a waffle bowl so that you can eat your bowl after you're done with the ice cream you can do whatever you want it's your birthday much as you want that's gonna be perfect before school yeah yeah yeah you use do that oh so healthy this reminds me of uh whenever he's making his uh spaghetti and me scrunching all that part you should use your hands and crunch in the shell like Elsa and then just eat it all your hands are you know put some strawberry on it no no driver okay that's how it turned out let's see is it good you think you're gonna finish all that your body might be doing weird things at school today [Music] it'll be funny coming back from school I can't wait to see what happens I heard you gotta you gonna eat that up so that you can open a couple presence before you head off I don't I don't want [Music] that works okay yo do with the presence all right let's do it [Music] she's having a Barbie themed birthday party yeah I wasn't too fond of that one I didn't really want to give you that one but your mom insisted that you needed a boy Barbie and for some reason you comes without a shirt on mommy I want that one [Music] well it even comes with twin babies oh that is so awesome [Music] you did good thing we got it for you okay that's that's pretty cool I'm gonna I'm gonna pull you with this so we didn't get you a real puppy because we know that you want a real puppy for Carl's so how my good friend but we got you a fake puppy in set one of your own your birthday outfit yeah all right okay let me see that birthday outfit but that is a six year old outfit right there close enough maybe really know what does birthday babe did your schoolbag you all ready for school yeah you're excited your lives your lunches right here okay you excited for your birthday I school yeah yeah fun I can't wait to hear all about it so your mom has one more thing for you but before you head out the door hey come on come on over school one more present that you needed one yeah yeah you can stick it right in there you don't worry about that you can just dig in have you been wanting that yeah what is it let's go outside all right everybody see with all this is in the art too I would say put your new helmet on but I might mess up your school here and yours gonna be going right down the sidewalk so I think you'll be okay oh but she's big enough it even jingles you like she's excited because they do six claps in class today that's pretty awesome love you have things going so while everybody was at school Savannah and I put together and reorganize the baby's official car seat was going in Cole's car this one's a little bit this bad boy is and then ready Everly's is there two kids oh my gosh we put the stroller together the stroller okay if there we go the stroller is ready to go I guess baby's ready we're ready but those of you don't know because everybody's in kindergarten she's only a school for like three hours so [Music] you think maybe that fast and coming at you from school what did you want the neighbor to come today or not kinda but did you want to share your birthday with the baby you did pretty cool yeah well guess what she's in there did you look in there she's sure we'll check again did you have a good day at school yeah yeah what all happened on your birthday well have no school oh my god a birthday pencil a birthday pencil okay Oh all the kids signed their names on your birthday oh that's cute oh yeah how was your week how was your birthday on the rice krispie treat that I gave you but it's so good did they clap took time for you why don't why don't you eat any of the healthy food like strawberries happy birthday to you thank you that looks good nothing like a birthday at Chili's night we're taking everyone a big kid bike ride she's got her helmet the big new bike how you feelin them good let's go right [Music] okay guys so that is gonna be the end of this vlog thank you for watching Savannah never just left because even though nobody's birthday she has her Christmas recital this weekend her first Christmas dance recital which we're gonna be blogging and the next couple vlog was gonna be somewhere in there so stay tuned for that super cute I haven't seen any of it I'm super excited about it she's been working super hard on it but you guys just give this video a big thumbs up for every birthday present aside from the other birthday presents just give her a thumbs up subscribe to our channel if you're subscribe because we post several videos and were just kind of be sporadic this December because there's something with the babies coming we don't want like a film too far ahead and like that if that may become for us going to posting that baby becomes so be sure to turn on my post notifications so you don't miss it because we don't know what it's coming and we obviously don't want you guys to miss that either you guys Rock you don't follow us all on Instagram be sure Falls all right down here cuz we do shell it's in every single vlog to do follow or to follow us on Instagram elect our pictures on every post that's all you got to do to get a shout out so this video shot is gonna go to I gotta put Caro down he got a cute little Christmas scarf call your she'll you know what's going on you have no idea that there's a camera up on your face right now look he's so dumb he has no idea but he's cute he's cute and um alright so this videos channels are gonna go to Bailey I don't number one channel number 2 goes to Lily and the final shout out is gonna go to I Emma Jean I think is how you pronounce the last name I on AGID you guys over rock again you can TX / - a doe also right on here like a freaking tree pose hey that's all you gotta do that's all you got to do we love you guys so much thank you following our family and we will catch y'all next love he's up
Channel: The LaBrant Fam
Views: 11,286,926
Rating: 4.8873148 out of 5
Keywords: cole and sav, cole&sav, sav and cole, cole, sav, cole sav, savannah and cole, cole and sav youtube, youtube cole and sav, sav cole and everleigh, cole sav and everleigh, everleigh, savannah soutas, vlogs, family friendly, family vlogs, family vloggers, family channel, birthday, special, party, presents, surprise, opening, christmas, elf on the shelf, everleigh birthday, everleigh 6th birthday, everleigh birthday special, everleigh surprise birthday, surprising everleigh
Id: 3_siTdnyjgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 15 2018
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