Last Epoch: Ultimate Beginner's Guide

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so last ebook is finally coming out on the 21st of February and with the release come different types of players and different types of people some people want to jump into last ook blind and some of them want to get a little bit of experience before kind of know how the very basics of the game work now for people who want to go in completely blind I will say this you do not have to watch this video in order to enjoy last Epoch I think it is one of the most friendly args when it comes to diving in blind picking a random skill and just kind of blasting with it however how far you will go will definitely depend on how much knowledge you have in the game and how much you know about builds cuz there's always going to be skills that are stronger you can always have an etch by having more knowledge on other people knowing where to farm knowing what to do and what not to do and that is what I want to provide with this video I kind of want to give you a baseline to build upon so you don't have to think about every small thing whenever you launch the game for the first time since this will be a longer video I will also put very aggressive time stamps both in the description and in the top comment that I will pin so that if you don't want to watch for like an hour long video you can just exactly pinpoint what you want to know more about also if you want to chat with me or just hang out with like my people I'm over on Twitch on Pon so yeah you can also go there to ask me forther stuff I will be streaming quite a bit especially on release and then every cycle so every arpg starts here at the character selection screen and while I've seen some people giving their thoughts in their beginner guides about what is good and what isn't good I don't know whenever you're watching this and a single patch can completely change the landscape what I will say about the class Dynamic and the class balance is log is very much on top so you never feel bad about picking a class so unless you're trying to push the very top of the leader boards there is no reason for you to get freaked out about what class to pick if you like the look of the Mage if you like the look of the Rogue that is totally fine and you're going to do well with that said let's jump into the classes starting out with the Sentinel so the way classes work is you pick your class at the start obviously your name you have your skills you can kind of hover over them and see what they do and then there are free sub classes called masteries what masteries do is they specialize your character so for example we're going to go over this later but if I choose the void Knight Mastery that means that I can pick from the whole void Mastery passive skill tree whereas on all the others I am locked after the first half so I can still Splash into those other specializations for example I'd say I want that physical rest I can still take the first few points but I cannot get some of these more specialized things at the end every Mastery also comes with a special passive bonus so for example here for the forge guard it would be physical and Fire Resistance and then increased armor for each hit you've taken or for the void Knight you have something a little bit more fancy that basically makes it so you can actually copy your skills as an example right here you can kind of echo your skills and they are kind of in place so if you for example Cyclone build you can make copies of yourself that are whirling around every Mastery also has a skill that you can only play if you chose that Mastery so for example erasing in strike would be the one on void Knight I'm not really using it some of them are better than others obviously still depends on balance for example as a paladin you get something very strong which is just a holy Aura and then on Forge guard you would get something like a forge strike these are highly specific these are not the only specialized things that you can get because if you see at the end of these trees there's also other skills locked behind it depends on the class important to note here you can actually not change your subass at all so round about level 15 you will be asking to choose void Knight Forge guard and Paladin for example on the Sentinel and after that you cannot undo it you will have to completely relevel so this is actually a very important step you will be able to undo everything else skills passes right all those small things but these decision do actually matter so now let's talk about the classes themselves first we have the Sentinel this is sort of your melee type character sword and board big two-hander whirling around stuff like that but you can also go into more of a mage route with the void Knight it can be melee can be Mage it's more focused around void which is one of these sort of like chaos typee elements you have the forge guard which is a little bit more focused on summoning weapons and armors and kind of manifesting them and them fighting for you and then we have the Paladin which is sort of your holy Warrior type with healing being very tanky having extremely strong auras also very strong for group play next up we have the Rogue which is sort of your assassin type character but there is a little bit more to it so the subclasses of the Rogue are first up the blade dancer that is literally the kind of assassin it is dancing around the screen it's extremely fast it has a lot of dashes then we have the Marksman which is your typical Ranger style character you have detonating Arrow hail of arrows a lot of these kind of builds you're going to be probably a little bit more squishy and more ranged and then at the end we have the falconer which is currently not released but it's going to be this Falcon hybrid build where you have this pet that's swirling around you that you can customize as you wish you can only have it as utility you can have it be your only damage dealer you can sort of be hybrid definitely a great class to look out for then we have in the middle here the Mage with its first subass the sorcerer your typical Elemental Caster then we have the Spell blade which is your hybrid Mage sort of your battle mage where you can be melee you can be spells you can have melee skills that proc other spells then at the end we have the Rune Master which is a little bit different than sorcerer in the sense that it has these runes that can conjure up certain spells the world is kind of your oyster there's a lot of spells to choose from and it is a a little bit more complicated then we have the primalist which is going to be your big Burly guy first we have the Beast Master which has sort of these Beast companions for example you can have a scorpion you can have a bunch of wolves squirrels whatever you want we then have the shaman which is once again about Elemental Magic it's also a lot about totems and having other things deal damage for you and the Druid is all about shape-shifting and for example it's the only class that gets we bear form and then last but not least we have the acolyte with its first subass The Necromancer which is as you might already have figured out all about minions making your minions stronger sacrificing them to proc even stronger minions buffing them all of that after that we have the Lich which revolves around the reaper form so you basically become a Reaper it has a lot to do with stuff like poison damage and damage over time and at the end here a class that's going to be added with 1.0 is going to be the Warlock which is sort of your damage overtime casters a lot of flashy effect it sort of revolves around fire and necrotic magic next up let's talk about the passive skill trees every time you level up you get one point that you can allocate wherever you want and you get certain passive bonuses so that might be damage that might be defense it might be more fancy stuff down the road there are four different skill trees for every class so for example we picked the Sentinel right here which is our main Sentinel trees up here these are just very basic stats that you can use on every single Mastery as much as you want and once you reach 20 points into this tree right here you will unlock the ability to put points into one of the specialized trees one of the master trees you have actually mastered and it will tell you right under it for me this is for example the void Knight I will get all the bonuses that it says here on the side plus I will get the skill what this will also let me do is I'm able to spec into the whole passive tree until the very end usually front loaded are very basic Buffs and then later you will see a lot more specialized and more powerful points however you can still put points into the other trees if you want to but only up to the high halfway point the specialized nodes down here you actually cannot access so there's that but you can still access some of the skills from other monies now the way you access skills is actually by putting points into certain trees so for example some skills you would just get normally going to talk about that in a second and some other skills well you have to unlock it so for example at level five if you put Five Points here you will get rebuke if you put 10 points and you get Shield Rush 15 multistrike 20 Smite everybody gets that cuz you need to put the first 20 points into the first skill tree in order to unlock your masteries however let's say for example I'm a void Knight I don't need to put any points into the Paladin tree but let's say I want Healing Hand or Sigil of Hope now we'll have to put five points in to get to Healing Hand so for example let's do it right here one 2 3 4 5 and you will see at five skill unlocked Healing Hand same is true for stuff like sigils of Hope other than that I guess important are these dots you see sometimes the connections between these passives this one dot basically if you hover over it already tells you just means that it requires one point in the node before in order to spec anything to this point obviously you still have to get to this but for example here it also says requires one point if I put one point here all of a sudden it lights up and now I can put however many points I want to put in here there's also more requirements for example if you hover over here this one would require me at least five points to even spec into whole in NOA now next up we have the skill system first up these skills up here are available to every single character same with these down below these are just unlocked for levels so you get them at level two level four level six level 8 and so on up until Level 20 I think is void cleave and then with putting points into the passive trees you're going to unlock these so everything on the left side here doesn't matter whether you're a forge guard doesn't matter whether you're a void Knight you're always going to get them all the skills on the right side are more specialized some you can still get so for example I can still get volatile reversal even if I was a paladin because in order to get volatile reversal I would just need to put Five Points into this tree right here and I would get it however some of the other ones for example are later than the halfway mark So if I wasn't the void nut I wouldn't be able to even get here so I would never get anomaly as well as that I would not be getting the Mastery specific skill for example erasing strike so some of these skills are actually hidden behind certain classes now you can have whatever skills you want down here you can only have five in total on your bar that you use at any time however you can also specialize five five skills now what does that mean so every skill comes with a unique passive skill tree that you can put points into it goes from level one to level 20 if you have certain items you can even go higher than level 20 but that is usually your Baseline now what do these points do so you have you start out in the middle at your main skill and then you can customize it so you can kind of see this as sort of like support gems and P of Exile you can kind of make your own skill as you want to but it is a lot more interesting because there's also stuff like keystones that completely change how your character or your skill works now these special nodes are usually outlined a little bit different as you can see right here than some of the other nodes this node right here just gives you a little bit extra damage this node looks a lot more fancier so this will actually change the way you play so for example this is the build defining node for what I'm playing right now which is the echo Warpath build your war path now Echoes and leaves behind copies of yourself so as you can see right here if I'm whirling around after a certain duration it starts actually leaving Echoes behind that deals more and more damage however ever I could have also built around something else I could have said well I kind of want to go into summon forged weapons so now whenever you spin you're going to summon weapons that fight for you over time and your Cyclone is sort of more like utility or you can just say I want AOE here I splashed in a little bit of movement speed cuz I have the points left I can go into damage I can go into leech I can get Mana sustain for example here I chose minus to Mana cost so it's more sustainable and I don't ever have to stop spinning so while we cannot go into every note obviously just know that there's a lot of different ways to play every single skill in the game they actually put a lot of work into making it as customizable as possible now the way you get these skill points is by farming XP so for example whenever you kill monsters you get experience up here so it says level 10 hammer throw uh accelerated XP gain until Level 20 so for example if you're higher level and you're now respecing you're going to be starting at level 10 instead of level 20 but you get accelerated XP so it's going to be faster to get back to 20 so if you see this for example let's say I have lunge right here which is my movement skill I can say Respec up here now what you can do is you can just remove certain points so for example I say remove I don't want to stop anymore respect one point okay now I can stop respecting now I'm only level 19 this doesn't mean I can actually allocate The Point again it just means now I have to form up the experience and then I can reallocate it and if I don't want this skill at all anymore I click respect and I say the specialized skill so now are you sure the specialized now you will see there is a open slot and I can for example say I would rather have Shield bash right here what you will note here is that it will already start with some points it doesn't start out at one and that is because the higher level you go character level you go the more minimum level you will actually gain for your skills so it's easier in end game to relevel them now in these skill trades you will see the same thing as in the passive trades if you hover over here there's going to be these dots which are going to tell you how many points in the node before you need to go further so for example here it says requires two points so if I put one point in it does doesn't let me put anything in here if I put a second one all of a sudden it's open here one point then I can go here and so on now important to know though is that just because you specialized into a skill doesn't necessarily mean you have to put it on your bar sometimes skills will trigger other skills in this case for example I have shift which is my movement skill right here this is how it looks like and you can see that whenever I shift I actually get these shurikens and that's because there is a node right here that says I get shurikens whenever I shift so what that means is I want to specialize shuriken so for example here I say that it actually swirls around me and then it gives me an armor buff however that doesn't mean I have to put it on my bar so what happens right here is I'm using a specialization slot but now I can put something else on my bar because I have five specializations I have five skills down here but I don't need to use it directly so now what you can use is for example A lot of people do this they just use a decoy decoy doesn't necessarily need their tree to be good it taunts enemies right so while you cannot specialize it you can still use it all right so first up I have to explain the character menu right here and what all these stats mean if you press C you can open this it will tell you my level my experience yada yada y first up there are five different attributes strength dexterity intelligence Attunement and vitality now these give you certain Buffs for example strength is 4% armor dexterity gives you plus four Dodge each and you can increase those and not only do they give you whatever they say on here they will also increase certain skills damage so for example if you go to the skill right here which is called dancing strikes you can hover over it and at the bottom scaling tags it will tell you exactly what it is and it will say dexterity and if you then press alt it will say dexterity scaling 4% per point which means every dexterity you have will increase the damage of this by 4% so yeah not only do you need to look out for what you actually want for your character you also need to think about does that stat actually make sense for my build then have health mana mana region Mana region normally starts at eight and you can increase it with percentages you cannot increase at least as of this video the base Mana regeneration so if you get 100% Mana regen you go from 8 to 16 you cannot get like 10 and then go from 10 to 20 or something like that it's not like in Poe with for example Clarity or something then you have seven different types of resistances now if an item says Elemental resistances that includes fire lightning and cold and everything else is just kind of going to be singled out important to know is you do not need to be capped technically there are builds that are actually not capped because they have better defensive capabilities at some point but most builds will be the reason some builds will not be is because it's not like in pee so for example in PE if you have zero res versus 75 res that is like you're four times as tanky against that element in this game it works different because enemies have penetration you don't have your block chance and block basically has a certain amount of chance and then when you block your block Effectiveness will determine how much damage you actually reduce so for example if I have zero block Effectiveness block means nothing I also need to scale block Effectiveness which you would get from shield and from certain masteries then we have armor which armor you can find on any body armor so everybody will have a little bit amount of some go a little bit deeper with percentage armor in the tree and whatnot what this does is it reduces all damage taken from hits for physical damage it takes 100% of your armor value and reduces that damage for nonphysical damage it only takes 70% of that Effectiveness so very good against physical damage still quite good against against anything else we have Dodge this is basically just a chance to completely avoid an attack same with stun avoidance pretty self-explanatory and then we have Ward retention the way Ward Works in this game is it's sort of like energy shield in power of Exile it will protect your life but it will trickle down so it won't regen it will actually have to be first gained and then have to be kept there so for example if I had a skill that would give me 100 Ward it would give me 100 and then trickle down 100 90 80 60 so it's like kind of like a temporary buffer and not like energy shield and what this mod right here Ward retention does is it makes it so the ward stays longer it trickles down slower so you can actually use it for defenses we then have a rundown of all your damage stats down here the only important thing to know here these are pretty cookie cutter it's just whatever you spec into important thing to know if you hover over Critical Strike chance the base Critical Strike chance of everything that isn't like connected to your weapon directly is five so your weapon might say plus four Critical Strike chance then it is 5 plus four cuz five is the Baseline for every spell for everything in the game so that's that but then if we go into defense we see a few more things right here first off I want to talk about Critical Strike avoidance which is not optional like it is for example in P Exile you can also have reduced damage from critical strikes which kind of does the same but it's a lot more I guess reliable but also a little bit harder to get you need some ways to mitigate crits because in endgame monoliths there will be a lot of crits flying around if you're not you're going to die so just so you know that already look for that on itemization at some point endurance is a little bit more complicated but if you hover over last Depo actually gives you an example right here so what that means is let's say you have 50% endurance from wherever you can get it on gear you can get it from the passive tree that means that at a certain threshold you're going to reduce 50% of the incoming damage so you're going to have it now that depends on your endurance threshold though so for example if you have 100 endurance threshold the last 100 HP of these 530 is the ones that gets Ed by your endurance so for example if my endurance threshold was actually 530 which is the amount of HP I have right now all my damage would be reduced by for example 50% the cap for endurance is 60% so you can reduce more than 60% of your damage but this is kind of how it works glancing blow is basically just a chance to reduce the damage taken by 35% so if you have 100% of this you just permanently take 35% less damage W Decay threshold basically just means if you have a th000 w Decay threshold it cannot go below th000 W you will never trickle down below that point next up let's talk about itemization items in this game are pretty damn hype so I want to give you the full round down here if we for example look at this boiled leather right here where it starts is on the top it has a certain amount of armor or if you have a weapon it has a certain amount of damage or if it's a cter weapon it has a certain amount of spell damage it also has some other specializations like damage for totems damage over time yada yada y important to note before we even get to the mods on the item these implicits up top are actually super important some of the best implicits will be so much stronger than some of the weakest ones you can have like the best mods down here for example Ward gain on use with smoke bomb crit CH and whatnot it doesn't matter if the base type sucks the item will also suck but down here we see armor endurance which is a certain defensive type that we're going to go over later we have forging potential which is something for crafting also going to talk about it and then we have these mods right here now there are prefixes and suffixes in this game usually prefixes are more offensive and suffixes are more defensive but that is not always true it depends but usually stuff like resistances and health and stuff like that and armor are going to be suffixes whereas uh more specific damage modifiers are going to be prefixes for example here the crit chance with flurry the way you can see what is a prefix and what is a suffix is actually these notches on the side right here this will tell you it's a prefix prefix suffix suffix you will also note that if I throw something down on the ground it will have these dots next to it which will sort of say this item has two prefixes and one suffix now there are six different Rarities in last Epoch first we have normal items normal items in this game don't really have any use case whatsoever it's not like PEX out where you're just going to craft an item from scratch you have very low forging potential you don't have really have any items to go off of so it's just very bad you use it for the first few levels doesn't really have anything however magic items actually do have a purpose and we're going to go over that once we get into crafting but magic items are basically just they have one to two modifiers and that's that you can craft them to rares and whatnot that's all good rares drop with three or four modifiers and it's always going to be a maximum of two prefixes two suffixes on Magic item one prefix one suffix then we have exalted items these are basically super strong rare items that have at least one mod that goes over tiers so here we can talk about tiers for a second if I control alt right here you can see the tiers of the modifier so for example my Prix are both tier one and the suffix is tier four the higher tier the better it's not like in P XL it's the other way around now if you look at this item this purple mod down below the minion spell damage is incredibly high that is because it's actually higher than tier five which is the highest that you can craft drop only it says next to the tier six down below so these go a lot higher and the point here is that you will basically have to find these items you can just craft them to perfect which would be tier 7 which is the highest tier that you can drop so no for the strongest items you will not be able to just craft them so for example let's say you drop this sure you can craft all of these up to tier five more than that later but you will never be able to get the same power as the same item that already comes with an exalted modifier so the game has this interesting balance of you actually playing the game and then crafting instead of just you sitting in your hideout all day uh then let's talk about uniques these are your typical build around items or just really strong Chase items that you have throughout the whole game but there's quite a bit more to because they also come with a certain amount of legendary potential so every unique comes with the same stats basically some of them have like weird interactions but usually they come with the same stats they have roll ranges so for example this health right here it says 65 to 145 I roll the5 it is not possible to reroll these whatsoever on uniques just so you know it is possible on rares and exalted items but what changes is up top you will see Legendary potential now what you can do with this potential is there is a certain endgame boss that if you beat them you can combine an exalted item with a unique item and out comes Tada a legendary item so the purple mods on top used to be on an exalted item that I combined with this normal tone of elements what these are are basically an amount of mods equal to the legendary potential so for example this one said two legendary potential if I now took for example this exalted item and slammed it on to this Iron's wisdom I have a completely random chance to take two mods completely random off of this full plate and put it on the Iron's wisdom important to know is that you cannot just have like a two stat item and then those are exactly going to be chosen they have to have four mods so there is going to be RNG involved now legendary potential can go from one to four and in order to make you understand just how rare it is to get four LP which if you had 4 LP theoretically I would get all the mods from this item directly on the Iron's wisdom and you have to remember you can craft these items before and so on and so on but just to make you understand whenever you drop this body armor you have a 0.019% chance for it to have four legendary potential now not every unique is made equally so for example it says here effective level for legendary potential the lower this number the more chance you actually have to get more LP the higher this number the more it is absolutely impossible to ever get to four or 3 LP now Iron's wisdom is a pretty basic item it's also level 27 but if we for example took heral of the scur right here which is an incredible endgame item that you need to be level 76 to even wear you will see right here the calculations are completely different even getting one LP on it is already a one in 10 chance and if we go down here it's basically impossible to ever get 4 LP now why is this so interesting this this like level of legendary potential it's interesting because they can make it so that early game items like that iron wisdom I just showed you which fall off in endgame right they have to compete with other body armors which are way better they can make them have more legendary potential to kind of make up for that because iron's wisdom nobody's going to use this even on two legendary potential it cannot really compete with most of the body armors if we're talking four legendary potential if you have a really good item to combine it with now we're talking but this leads me right into crafting which is actually very approachable if you don't like crafting for example in pav EXO if it's too complicated it isn't in last ook it is quite intuitive so in order to open the crafting menu you have to press F which is hopefully not a precursor for what's about to come and then you come into this Forge menu the first number you want to look at when you want to craft them item is the forging potential depending on what you want to do with the item it might get really hard and you might need a lot of forging potential once you have zero on this potential you cannot further craft this item in any way Shipp or form it's basically like the item getting corrupted but you actually can't interact with it anymore not even with like special currency or anything like that now what do we do with that crafting potential we can actually upgrade all the mods that are on this item but there is more to it now how do you upgrade these items this is basically with your crafting materials you will find these all over the world you will pick them up and it will say like dexterity Shard or something and or let's say poison resistance Shard right here I can view my materials and I can type in Poison red and you can see right here poison resistance I've been playing quite a while I have like 1,700 of these so I could upgrade a poison resistance mod like 100 times or whatever but those are really really common when we talk about stuff like levels to certain skills you will see I have a lot less so for example if I've had hail of arrows build I could only upgrade it four times so I might have to farm for it or I might have to settle on tier four but if you need these shards you can actually get them from shattering items and this is where for example magic items come in so this item will never be anything right you will never care about this item at all it has like no foring potential it only has two mods they're all low level but what they can provide you with is shards because if you use a rune of shattering right here destroy an item creating a random number of AIX shards containing its power you click on it and then you do shatter and now you're getting a random amount of these two modifiers to your Shard collection and these shards can now be applied to for example other items now once we have these shards figured out so those are basically those shards that you can find we have to talk about upgrading so whenever you want to upgrade something for example I want to upgrade from tier four to tier 5 it will tell you down here the cost is 1 to 24 forging potential which is completely random so it might use up all your forging potential or it might use up only one there are ways to influence this though and that is through glyphs for example the golden standard is the glyph of hope it gives you a one in four chance 25% that nothing happens to your forging potential so if you get Lucky by that that's great so for example if you put that in right here and we want to upgrade the increased crit chance with flurry let's see if we get lucky upgrade AIX forun potential 6 it went down to seven we didn't hit the one and four but you could hit it theoretically you find a lot of these you don't have to use them sparingly at all next up we have more glyphs here though that you can use this one's a little bit more fancy it's the glyph of chaos what this will do is completely roll a mod to a different one so it could use up whatever 1 to 12 forging potential the higher this tier goes so for example if you see if I want to upgrade the poison R it's 1 to 24 if I just want to upgrade from tier 2 to tier three it only uses 1 to 12 so it goes higher high and Higher and Higher and gets riskier and riskier so usually you want to do the higher mods kind of at the end but yeah if I want to change this crit chance with flurry I can for example say Glyph of chaos upgrade and reroll and we got this a critical success right here which is actually a good point to talk about critical successes you saw that my level of shift just went up by one even though I didn't even do anything there is a very small CH I I don't think it's very small it's around about 10% is somebody can tell me in the comments actually if there is an exact number already on that you can upgrade other mods while upgrading the mod you want that is very random though you shouldn't really Bank on it but it is a nice extra but as you can see right here it is now increased damage per arrow with multi-shot so we completely changed that mod pretty good we also have the glyph of order which is a little bit more specific but nonetheless very strong so you can see every mod has a range for example this plus one to shift plus 20 to Mana it rolls from 19 to 24 let's say this was 24 and it was perfect if I upgraded it it would reroll again so it could be the worst of that new tier but if you apply Glyph of order and it was perfect before it stays perfect now next up let's talk about the end game glyph that will make some of the craziest items in the game the glyph of Despair this lets you lock an AIX and basically remove it from the item so you will have a five stat item so let's say for example this freeze rate multiplier right here 107% you could upgrade it but you're like ah I thought I don't need it and I want to free this up because I really want the rest of the item or it's like 107 freeze red multipliers is very strong on its own that's fine I just want to free up a slot what you can do right here is choose the glyph of the spair then upgrade right here and what it will do is now it has a chance to free up that slot now the chance to actually get the upgrade this is not 100% that you can actually do that the chance relies on how big the tier here is on a tier one if you have four mods it will always hit and imprint the mod but if this was already a tier three the chances get lower and lower and lower but yeah on this item right here it is a tier one mod you have 100% chance with the glyph to imprint it now it says sealed freeze raid multiplier at tier one and you will see that it's kind of like gray on the bottom and it just freed up another slot so now I'm basically free to put in whatever suffix I want here and have a five stat item so let's for example say chance to Blind on hit let's craft it on real quickly five stat item on top of the glyphs we also have runes so the first one I already talked about Rune of shattering this is how you acquire shards important to know though is there's also the Rune of removal which removes a random AIX from item like an orb of anol in Poe important to know here this is not just good for crafting it's also good for getting shards because you can randomly get unlucky let's say we have this four stad item and I wanted to shatter it there's a chance I don't even get any damage while channeling shards it's random however if I use a rune of removal and I exactly hit that mod I will actually get the shards and I will get exactly as many as the tier is so for example with a tier two right here if I did Rune of removal I would get exactly two so just as a showcase right here I will do that Rune of removal remove an AIX let's see what I hit I hit the melee Critical Strike chance which was a tier two so you get plus two shards on that this is especially potent on magic items that only have one or two mods where you're very likely to actually hit it but my forging potential is not over I could try this again right I'll do it again okay this time we had chance to Blind we hit the chance to Blind and now we get one on that we can remove another FX plus two and this tier six right here will give me me six shards on top going further down the line we have the Rune of refinement which basically rerolls the values of items so if I for example took this item right here all that values really means is within that tier so we talked about the Mana 19 to2 24 I put on a route of refinement and that will now roll it but just so you know it takes forging potential so this is something most people will not be able to do cuz you first have to finish your item which is already very hard to do and then you re so you can usually only do this if you're very lucky so we reforge and uh yeah it didn't really change the Mana but it did change the poison resistance after that we have the Rune of discovery which is a great great great item especially for early game so if we look at Rune of Discovery this basically fills an item with random tier one affixes this is pretty good early if it doesn't matter any mod is good for you right or you have like a good base with no modifiers on just a normal item add four random modifiers boom there you go completely random not all that us able for end game there are certain edge cases though where it's actually good then we have the Rune of shaping which rerolls the implicit of an item so it doesn't change the implicits so for example what would have a role right here this one says melee damage spell damage the spell damage has a roll from 39 to 47 it basically rerolls that after that we have the Rune of ascendants which is a very interesting one this basically takes an item type and transforms it into a random unique item now it is going to be exactly the same base type so it is going to be a quiver but it doesn't mean that it's going to be exactly this farwood quiver it could be any quiver so if we use this for example we're getting a sanguin horde which is a nomad quiver this Rune is a really good way to get your early uniques however it is obviously very random and there is a lot of Quivers and any type that you want to farm and at the end here we have a rune of creation which is kind of like a mirror of colandra in pav of Exile however what you have to know is in order to do that that your original item to mirror it has to have still forging potential so once again you have to finish your item then maybe even like roll the ranges and then still have something left over for the Rune of creation this is sometimes used for Rings especially cuz obviously you can use two sometimes for weapons but it isn't as applicable as it is in P of Exile obviously maybe this is going to change with trade being introduced in general these are very rare the rarest in general but yeah now next up let's talk about Idols you might have seen on the right side here there is a weird menu where items fit in that is for Idols these are basically itemized things like charms in D2 that uh give you permanent bonuses as long as they are in this idle inventory now these can range from extremely basic to build defining for example basic would be these Idols right here these aeran Idols leonian Idols they just give you General stats lightning damage Health resistances poison chance all of that jazz they are usually the smaller ones that you can kind of cram in in some of the edges here but the real big ones for example since I'm on Rogue right now are these right here so for example this one right here is build defining for ballista builds because it gives you a lot of flat damage to ballistas so these adorned and maason idols and Shadow idols and whatnot they will specifically call out certain skills that you're using and buff only them but as a payoff they're a lot stronger in what they do so it lets you specialize in certain things now obviously the room here is a consideration so while you couldn't four Adorn Idols right here let's for example say 1 2 three four do note that now you only have space for four one by one so that is a little bit weird right so you can put four in here on the other hand though if you have some of the bigger ones you can for example only fit in two of these because the only space you can really fit them in is exactly here and here right and now you have a kind of a weird Tetris problem cuz now you can't fit any of these in so it's just something to think about whenever you plan out your character just know that you can just cram in as many of them as you want now fitting into this whole item crafting section right here would be the loot filter which is actually ing game in last Epoch so right here you can see in the options menu manage loot filters create a filter you can also import filters if you have a past spin or something you can even just like copy paste stuff from certain websites like Max roll and paste clip support contents and it will show the whole filter right here but if you want to create your own new filter what you can do right here is you can apply certain rules I will link you a full loot filter guide Down Below in the description if you really care about this a lot all you need to know it is very important to have a good loot for in this game cuz everything drops identified this is why the crafting system and the item Hunt works so well because you will see this on the ground and it's not even going to show up for example you're just looking for high tier Attunement if it's if it didn't have it it would just not show so it's a lot easier to distinguish and it's a lot easier to pick up stuff and then craft it the one thing everybody should do though even if you don't want to go into it too deep is you should add a rule where basically on the side here you can do show hide recolor you can hide by the way if you press recolor it automatically shows these items but let's just say I want to hide and up click here I can do AIX class requirement level Rarity we're going to do Rarity and then we're going to type in normal items nobody needs those at all and we're also going to say magic items in end game you can still put magic items on the filter later but let's just say Baseline we're going to hide them all however as we talked about earlier magic items could still be useful because they have a certain mod that you can then shatter and then you get shards and you can craft it on your endgame exalted item so how do we do that well the way these rules work is the higher they are the more priority they have so for example if I put a rule on top that says let's say I need a certain AIX and let's say just for example that's going to be spell damage I really want that spell damage mod I can say spell confirm you can also search it up here any mod that you want from anywhere confirm it's going to say spell damage with at least one of these axes doesn't really matter I can also go to Advanced options right here and say for example I want this tier to be more than one so it would only choose tier two or higher of spell damage it would only show let's say tier two it would only show three or higher and so forth for complexity say let's just say anything with spell damage on it if I add that now that is on top it has higher weighting than this rule right here so if I drop a magic item with spell damage it would still show so we're hiding all the trash and then we can still reintroduce certain mods on these trash items that we want though and later in the game what you're going to do is you're going to also include rare items because the rare items that you want you can just put into another rule up top now then let's talk about MPCs you have your normal vendor right here you can go to shop and you can see right here it has certain items but what you will notice is they have Rune of shattering and these are very important they cost 2,000 gold each which is a resource that you're going to find across the world so they are quite expensive at the start but they are definitely super important and vendors are a way to get them they reset every so often I actually don't know exactly how they reset but yeah you buy them transfer crafting items they're going to be soaked up in here and that is how you can get more shards then as the second NPC we have the Gambler over here this one gives you a random item of exactly the base that you buy you cannot however get unique items it used to be a thing it's not really a thing anymore so what you get is a normal magic or rare item let's buy this pickaxe and see what happens it is a magic item this can be really nice for like mid game and early game to kind of get specific things that you want to it's not great it is very neutered from what it was in the past still nice to know especially early level do note though that the price will range on how good the base is especially excess water right here yeah some of the Rings are just incredibly pricey down here you have the crafting bench you never actually need to go there though because you can just press F and just open it at any point you can even do this while you're in a map and up here you have the chronomancer which is going to let you Respec certain points and let's talk about the stash next I'm kind of going to double this with the inventory first up you have a sord button right here there's all your items all your idols and you can sort it and it's going to sort it it's it's an auto sort function you have this the same down here sort and everything sorted when it comes to stash UPS you start out with one you can have different folders and the reason I have so many is not because I've paid cash like in P Exel for example it's because you can actually buy these with gold they don't have a fixed price the price goes up the more stash tips you buy the more expensive it gets for example the first one cost a th000 and if I wanted to actually that is the wrong button uh if I wanted to add another one here at the end I'm already at 670,000 so that is how many stash TS I I've already bought but for hoarders in general this is an incredible system important to note let's say for example we wanted to find this item right here I of orexia and we're just in another tab you can click quick view right here and we type in I of orexia and now it's only going to show the tabs where that item is in there so even if you have a ton of stash TRS like 100 plus you can still find everything you need now then let's talk about endgame systems first up is the monoliths so whenever you get to the end of time at the end of The Campaign you can also go earlier but that will change probably at the end of time you can go here to the fall of the outcast for example these are all different monoliths with different layouts and different bosses sort of like in P of Exile maps and the atlas this is by far the biggest endgame system and basically what you're going to be involved in at the start now what are you actually farming them other than Loot and stuff like that and I will show you how this web actually works you're also farming blessings I will call this out right at the start so at the end you can pick certain permanent Buffs to your characters whenever you complete those monoliths whenever you kill the boss basically and they can range from experience to certain drop rates to actual stats like void resistance shred a ton of increased armors these are no joke you can get a ton of extra stats here so do not neglect that so okay we're just going to travel to one of these monoliths to kind of check out what's going on right here so when you first come in here you cannot access any other monolith these paths will open up whenever you kill the boss so for example you kill the boss here these two Pathways will open up okay so if we look here first you will only be able to access the normal monolith you first have to complete all normal monoliths not completely true but you have to complete the last three the level 90 ones in order to then go into the middle activate this thing right here and then you will be able to do endgame monoliths which are going to be level 100 now in order to explain this I will first choose the normal timeline so what happens right here is I already started started this one a while ago apparently let's see wherever I started off yeah down here so this is your starting point and you have this intricate web of reward tiles and these are all of these are basically Maps if I went in here I would have to kill a boss I would do a map and a layout so whenever you look at any of these you can hover over them and it says Echo reward runes you get a certain amount of stability and then you get extra exp speed extra Rarity yada yada y so these basically accumulate extra rewards the more you do the more rewards you get now you will also see on the top there's like a green bar that lights up whenever you look at these so if I went here it says 10 timeline stability up to 22 and that means progress to your your quest that's all that means so for example right now I have ransack Camp unlocked and if I did more of these I would unlock the second part and then the third part and in the third quest line I will then have the boss and if I kill that boss I can go to the next monolith now all you really need to think about is in these normal monoliths is getting to the boss as fast as possible you obviously want to level up a character you want to kill mobs along the way Loot and all the good stuff but you really want to get to these empowered monoliths that we're going to talk about next and I'm kind of going to explain the grid as well so now we're going to get into the legendary one into the level 100 once you have everything unlocked during your quest progression I'm kind of going to explain this a little bit so already accumulated a little bit of a web down here I'm kind of up there already but let's go from the beginning so there is a new thing up here called corruption it starts at 100 in end game and it goes up and up and up you can increase it by killing this boss right here which is called gaze of orabis whenever you have it unlocked whenever you have enough stability whenever you get to a point where you could kill him for so for example if I right now did this right here it says plus4 corruption bonus corruption timeline stability this also depends on how often you kill the boss all that good stuff this is all stuff you can explore on your own but basically what this means is you can increase the difficulty of your encounters for extra Rarity and experience now there's a few more tile sets here to know and I will actually link you down below to this Maxell article right here it is a great summary there's certain special tile sets that give you certain effects that unveil some parts of the web so this web goes on forever and ever now there's the beacon echo which basically just lights up so usually for example if I start down here I don't really see what's up down here let's say a light Beacon was here it would light up the next three or four rewards echo of world we already talked about it this is basically the mini boss that you can fight to increase your corruption or also decrease your corruption the further you go out in these webs for example if I had a echo right here somewhere it would probably decrease the corruption because the further outwards it goes the more it increases so you can kind of like counterbalance whatever you want of that to make it either easier or harder The Vessel of chaos this basically rerolls all the rewards of tiles that you haven't done yet so what what that means is for example I first do all the stuff that I want to do and then I find one of those I do that map and then it will roll for example this set ring will become glyphs this glyph right here will become unique wand and then we have the vessel of memory which basically resets your complete web so you can play around with these whatever you want there's some Advanced strategies once again I would definitely go to Maxell if you're looking for some of these more advanced ways to get the most out of your currenc but yeah as you can see in the background this is for example how a map would look like you basically just jump in you kill monsters along the way very often there is an arrow that will tell you what to do on the right side also tells you what to do maybe you have to I don't know provoke an ambush so you first have to kill stuff and then stuff is going to jump on you maybe a boss or something like that or there is an event at the end it could also be that you just have to fight wave of monsters but either way it's a pretty basic mapping system and at the end you will then get into a chamber where there's the reward that it said you would get and there is also chest with random rewards that depends on how many mobs you killed along the way now other than the model itself we also talked about the bosses here briefly they have certain boss uniques and you kind of have to explore them yourself and some of them are very rare some of them are very common some of them only drop from the higher corruption level so from the level 100 Zone some you can already Farm earlier and don't forget about the blessings as well these blessings you also get after completing the boss now number two let's talk about Dungeons there are certain keys that you will be dropping that basically lead you to a dungeon if you don't know where these are on the mini map right here which can be quite hard to Traverse you only have to right click on the key and it will automatically get you to wherever you need to be so for example on this character I never was farming the soulfire Bastion so I would have to go there or the temporal sanctum is down here or the lightless arbor is up here now if you travel there for example we're here at the temporal sanctum right now you can see that there is a big door that you have to put the key into now if you do that enter the sanctum what will happen is it will ask you which tier you want to do you will first have to do tier one tier two tier three tier four and these get a lot harder over time now there's also rotations where these rewards are actually fixed so for example it will tell you today the dungeon boss drops additional exalted weapons if you do this additional glyphs and then exalted rings so you can pinpoint exactly what you want to farm now what are these dungeons actually doing so this is obviously way too easy for my character right now but just as an example I will enter the dungeon and there is basically a boss at the end as always in order I will not spoiler you what exactly that boss has to do because the boss fight is quite intricate but what you can do here is you can have a there's a keybind so for example for me this is the temporal shift ability each dungeon has something unique to it for example the temporal sanctum dungeon you can swap between the void world and the real world so for example I just came in and I don't see a door I don't know where to go let's press D and well in this timeline there is actually a door so let's go in and let's go here and it's like o I can't proceed maybe I can somehow get in there nope I can't either let's move on and if you swap timelines you will see there is new enemies but there is also going to be some doors are opened and some are not so in order to Traverse you're actually going to have to maneuver through these pretty easily let's see if you can go through here nope can't either some of these doors will change over time some enemy types are easier in one harder than the other obviously for me it doesn't matter right here let's swap so for example you can see these two are open in the void world and so on all I'm trying to say is there is a lot more going on than just running through a map currently there are three different dungeons the temporal sanctum that you just saw the lightless arbor and the Soul fire Bastion they have unique bosses unique drops extremely extremely strong loot wise but the bosses take a while to figure out once again no spoiler and then quickly about the last endgame system which a lot of you guys will probably not interact with too much there are these Arena keys that you can basically open and once again you can right click on them and then you will see where it is on the map it's on the Champions Gate and then you can see here the endless Arena this is basically just endless waves of enemies coming at you for some people very boring for some others this is the way they can kind of quantify how strong their build is now there are some special rewards here and it's not as bad if you for example have certain keys I think they're called Arena keys of memories where you already start at 100 wave so it doesn't take as long to ramp up um but usually these are used to kind of go for the leaderboards right now I'm in offline so there's no leaderboards but on release this will be something a lot of people will want to do to kind of show off their character and how far they can push now there is obviously strats to this there are certain builds that are way better for example since you are always standing in the middle I mean I can just tell you this right now I can kind of show you so if you go into the arena the endless Arena you will just be well you will be greeted by hordes of monsters and there's different layouts but usually you can kind of stand stand still which if you are doing monoliths for example that is not a thing you have to actually move and the faster you are to the objective the better however if you have a more slower character that is very powerful though maybe have a lot of defenses a lot of damage you can really use the arena to your advantage and those are usually the ones that are able to push the furthest after you complete five waves you can then continue and you can either abandon it or go further and then at the end there will be a big chest so I think after 10 waves every 10 waves it actually stops I don't do this very often it's very very boring to me however if I will probably try to push at one point whenever the leader boards are out so it is quite cool but more aspirational now then let's quickly go over trading this needs its own video I will actually link you down in the description at this point I should already have that out so you can look that up there but in short I will tell you there are two different guilds that you can join round about the end of the campaign one of them is the merchant skill this one will actually be able to trade and the other one will be the circle of Fortune which will just be self found the way lost Epoch counters this problem of do I have an auction house do I not have an auction house do I just go for sell found like for example Theo 3 the way they counter that is you decide if you don't go trade they will actually give you payoffs right you have to farm for favor and it will give you extra enemy drop chance will give you extra Idols extra exalted items and so on the bonuses get pretty crazy so that you get enticed to maybe skip on trading but if you want to trade you can still do that you just need to level up to trade specific items with other people so you can more Target and hone in on what you actually want this is a system that is about to get released so it isn't actually out yet for me to test and give you too much info about it other than that I will make like a video going a little bit more in depth on what I think but in general both should be fine and they will be balanced over time it is a great idea for sure now that's about it I hope you enjoyed the video I couldn't include absolutely everything for example I completely forgot there's like a decoy like a training dummy that you can actually fight against see your DPS yeah there's a lot of small things that we have forgotten that you will kind of explore on your own but I can't make this video even longer so I thought I would stop it there but yeah I cannot wait for 1.0 I really hope it is going to be an absolute Banger the performance is going to be there people are going to be happy and uh we can make a lot of fun builds and uh I can post a lot about it but uh hope you enjoyed the video and uh since I still have a slogan see you next [Music] time
Channel: Palsteron
Views: 32,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palsteron, maxroll, stash tabs last epoch, last epoch beginner's guide, beginner guide last epoch, last epoch beginners guide, last epoch endgame, poe endgame, plasteron, palsterion, last epoch, last epoch review, last epoch classes, last epoch multiplayer, last epoch 1.0, last epoch launch, le review, last epoch trade, last epoch beginners guide 2024, last epoch guide 2024, le beginners guide, last epoch beginner guide, beginners guide last epoch, last epoch for beginners
Id: jvk-CINn614
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 26sec (3206 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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