Last 10 Surahs of the Quran

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soon a reminder heaven have a little ahead of El Alamein oh so that was said I wanna see the nobody in a moment wanna and he was a good marine firstly Salam aleykum on a mental level Baraka - to all my brothers and sisters today we're going to discuss about the last 10 suitors of the Quran now these are ten suitors that we have at the end of the Quran and a lot of people do you know these ten servants some know some sourced and others I'm gonna encourage you please in this lock down you can use the time to actually memorize one of the other sewers that you don't know even if you know ten you want to learn more it's a very simple way to memorize these disorders is to listen to the same party again and again and again if you choose a party someone who cites and you like the recitation and you did Scituate again and again again you will find that it will become easy for you to commit to those sewers and easy for you to memorize the surah so now the reason why I'm choosing these last ten sewers is because often we read these sewers in our Salah and we don't know what what the significance is of these sewers so I'm gonna go through the sewers one by one and give you a of what is going on in the super so next time we engage in salah or we want to learn this who as we we've got something in our minds of why we're reading this sewers and allah has made it quite easy for us that he's given much of the largest sewers in the beginning of the quran medium sewers in the middle of the quran and then he's given the short ones right towards the end hey i'm one of the reasons why he's made it so like that is because people will need to have something very concise very short and commit to memory for this allah as well as many other purposes so let's look at surah al feel which is you know the 10th last confirm the in the Quran so I think it's a surah number 100 and 101 1 2 3 4 500 5 that's it so sort of feel soon 105 the significance of this is that it is it is describing a miracle that happened with the Kaaba when the elephants came this very famous story the elephants came to crush the or the Abraha came from Yemen with the elephants to crush the Kaaba and he wasn't able to do so so what happens here is that an Arab from amongst the mahkum people they visit Yemen in Yemen Abraha had constructed this massive Church and he he wanted to make this the Kaaba of the whole of Arabia though the car was older he wanted this to become the the place of all these different you know people coming and you know doing Tawaf around this place that he had built so one day one of the Arabs that came on the you know the journey from from makka mukarrama on the trade route he unfortunately he defecated in this in this place of worship and because of that Abraha gathered his his armies together elephants and he marched towards the north when all the way to makka mukarrama and he tried to destroy the Kaaba on route what he sees and this is a miracle that this gives a lot of significance for us is what happens is when the news comes to mechanical AMA the prophet sallallaahu grandfather notice the proximal Azam is getting born this very year and the big significance of this because the whole of knowing the significance of the problem starts with this miracle that the rasul of allah saw is about to come to the earth that yeah that's how they remembered which year he was born otherwise most of the arabs even today in a lot of rural parts of the earth people don't even know where people are you know what year they were born so the problem son las will grandfather who's one of the leaders are more the chieftains of makkah he tells the people you know we're gonna have to leave this to Allah because how are they gonna take on an army of Athens he takes the cloth of the Kaaba in his hands he beseeches allows and then he comes out of the harem and that's when he meets Abra Abra has seized the props lawful grandfather and you know I'm bill mccollum and he's very much taken back by his appearance on Oh God he then gets off of his of his conveyance and he's expecting now the chieftain to beg mercy and say please you know we're gonna do whatever you want and just let let us let us off of this chance don't destroy the Kaaba but Abdul Muttalib says I heard you've taken two hundred camels on route when you came down here he said yes I have said well those are my camels Wow you're not gonna ask me to he said I've lost respect for you you're not gonna ask me to stop in my mission of destroying the Kaaba you just gonna ask me about your personal camels seriously I had respect for you so that says look I am the one who's the owner of the camels and the house has got its own owner that will protect it and with this rather moves ahead for would try and destroy the Kaaba but he is not able to do so each time he comes each time he tells the elements to do so it does not they just don't do it and then we know that the the birds above the whole flock of birds alas that he created to come to come above I've got movement above this army of elephants and they and they just dropped the pellets and these pellets came and Allah then put so much force in these in these small rocks or smaller stones but a lot to sorbets force that they went right through the skulls of the elephants and came out of there of the you know the bottom of the other chins and the whole army was not only Pelt it but they were swallowed into the ground and they were just just gone so if you listen to the to the verses of surah felices 11 thought okay adorable feeling have you not seen how your Lord has dealt with the people of the elephants and I'm here to al-qaeda update has an alarm made their hope and go to nothing gogo completely off track well al Saleh Ali him play on a beat and Allah sent a whole flock of birds thought meaning majority means injeel that they were they were helping them and throwing the pond and these little little stones that that were in their in their claws and for the allah whom cross him mccool and Allah doesn't just left them like you would see a whole field of harvest that has been cut down to its stubble so Allah had just completely wiped them out now the whole surah holds the significance of rasool ullah sallallahu racism's you know birth coming that variables after that the respect for the process and grandfather went sky-high and he was given a special place to sit in the shade of the Kaaba and that's exactly where Rasool Allah saw velocity would come and sit he would sit next to his grandfather when his mother had passed away and long before that his father had possible when his mother passed away and then he was taking the care of his grandfather that's where he would be and mock looked at the possible as soon as one of those especially not treated children or this child that had a special place with one of the highest chieftains of Makkah because of whom we had our carbon rescue so anyway this is surah al field because the next surah surah / H now these two sewers are quite linked because what happens is unless a lot of talks about first the miracle of the of the Kaaba a miracle of how he saved that the Quran is straight away he tells the proration you know what are you doing you know you're the Quraish you were denying a lot of the traits that were worshipping many gods Allah says Allah operation Allah says I swear by the fact that you going up the trade route now what's the trade route the trade route is from the h2 cover Makkah all the way to sham to Syria and trade there bring goods older back down to Makkah all red and Eartha if and all the way down then to Yemen and they used to have this trade route going Allah says he'll I see him briefly the schita it was sighs you know you travel up by you know I mean you have the safety the safety that I provided you in coming through this trade route and by waiting Batman by summer and winter you got up and down are you every safety if traveling no one no one attacks you finally our Buddha or up behind al Bayt because of that these people who are the mushi because of Makar the the police of machination just worship the one and only lord the lord of this Kaaba and Lady apirana home in Jordan Allah mentions two specific things who are these two things they are at the core of any civilization there are the core of anyone who's actually enjoying a home that the core of this what did Allah say Allah said a levy upon of me you are the one that is is feeding them and saving them from hunger well I am Anna whom in hope and the one who is giving them safety for from from fear now if you're in a place wherever you are right now if you got safety people first look at the first thing they look at is to get the hunger away this is from even Hebron maslow who made this the whole hierarchy structure of what people look at in terms of where they want to settle and so on is first they look at getting through at the basic necessity the next day look at is they look at trying to find safety I know I mentioned both these things so Hanna lot two great gifts that a lot of people have a lot of a soccer but we take it for granted so Allah saying that look here you've got this karma well you should be worshipping the one and only Lord now we go to the next surah which is surah my own okay so this is now surah number 1 is 0 7 and we find that a lot talks about the people of the kuraki they ran the Kaabah what are they doing so this is all about them and Rasul of Allah so what they did is abolition for example he took the wealth of an orphan and he just consumed and he wouldn't give it back and a lot of the maqam people would do that they would take the wealth of some poor person and is consuming in the union in the name of trying to look after this person and so on before the person before the ofen grows up they've consumed and when one of these orphans came to the prophet sallallaahu salem and complained about da naboo John is not giving the the wealth that is that that has been kept in his trust that's when rasullullah sallallahu Sam came out with a shawl towards truth our job now the Sunnah says what he says ro8 and letting you can Dean and have you not seen the one that is denying that religion finanical Livia Doria team the one who is shunning the orphans well I hope the harlot army scheme is not even encouraging people to people to feed those who are needy for a little more sunny allah says there is punishment for those who are who pray but their neglectful of the depress and levena man salat himself so what is this talking about this is talking about those people who who okay pray but then it's like a misfire miss Raja Misty's mr. Saleh mr. sarin being neglectful of the Salah once allies don't feed on others arise out of times one Allah says because because if people were to pray then they wouldn't go towards sin so to link those things together is the people wouldn't people would actually encourage giving other Southwark on feeding of the poor I'm looking after orphans if they actually had the Salah in their life and if it was intact and they were not neglecting this Allah al aliy know whom you're alone those who are just showing off I am now on my own and they they sort of tell they prevent others from the little things like you know somebody comes to you for salt somebody for water something very simple and they even say now I'm not going to give that to you so stinkiness is there so one of the features Allah says is those Arabs and Michigan who around the car at that time like I would join others they were there to try and see if they can make themselves you know famous by others seeing them you know the showing off they're not taking care of those that need to be taken care of but yet they just self-centered and I just wanna give a message out to to everyone right now this is the day and ain't be living in where people are so self-centered with the telephone with the smartphones and so on and do you know what is is all about themselves it's not nothing about to helping others guys if you want to get a big big fulfillment in your lifetime that just help others you're gonna feel very good about this so this surah encourages us not to be stingy this surah encourages us to be careful of those who you know need our help and you know those who have a right over us at for us treat for us to be very specific with our salah and not to neglect this timing of our salah guys the biggest satisfaction you will find is to praise allah in its time shower especially if you can if you can do it within the beginning time inshallah so now let's move on to the next surah so next to right now is surah number one zero eight and this is surah kelsa and this is the shortest surah in the Quran but again it is one of the miracles of the Quran do you know that when these pseudos revealed this surah was reviewed because it is a test against time to see if anybody could come and produce the same like the surah so the culture was his only three ayats when he was revealed the Muslims they they took the surah and they hammered it you know as a piece they wrote it on a piece and then they put it on to the Kaaba dome and they hammered it onto their and they and then waited to see if any of the best of the poets of the whole over you come anything similar to this and nobody could until today people haven't and if you ever come across these cheap attempts to try and replicate replicate the Quran now all they're doing is trying trying to replicate the exact words of the product nobody can bring the similar sort of the the similar grandeur effect that they put an has nobody can come with anything similar to the Quran anyway what's this surah this ray is one of the enemies of the cross of Allah Islam and he he not only insulted the process but he said something really bad he said that the personal awesome doesn't even have any progeny that are going to live on this earth he said he's he's dead it's like an animal who has a tail cut off he called our problem but he said like his take is cut off line and eyes hurt the person loves him so much but Allah said to shred well acid in our technical cover I've given you in return of that insult I've given you alcohol so the fountain the day of judgement where you will come up and you'll find this fountain and they will be so many people that will come true just to be with the person he will be the most famous person on the dance without that hands down he is the most famous person on the whole of the day of judgment without him the no Shafa are no intercession without him the reckoning doesn't even start because our personal awesome is the only individual that will go bow down to a larger in Mohammed a very specific place only he will dare to go there because every other person including prophets have mistakes prophets have no sins but they have sisters no mistakes but mistakes that they made and they will be abashed to go to Moscow go there and he will stay in seduce for a very long time and then Allah ask him to come up and under the intercession song take place in the reckoning place take place Allah will take people's accounts so now come back to this thing what is a lot giving to the process given him the best fountain on the day of judgment the best pool of a drink on the day of judgment whoever would reap from this but never he confessed again and the props blossom is in charge of he gives it to whoever he wants whoever is made whoever makes it to him he gives them this cream it's whiter than milk sweetened honey whoever drinks it would never even thirsty ever again even if they were under the Sun of the day and judgment even if they passed by Jahannam they would never be thirsty again this is a special green holography anyway Allah says I love giving you that in return of the insult that this this enemy of yours is given I know I haven't that enemy that insulted the personal awesome that enemy had ten sons and he made this insult because the problem doesn't have any son forgive every single one of those sons gone and that person became the one who has no progeny of the earth and Allah said okay in return of me giving you this and this is one of the ways to get to conserve as well this person Lily rabe big prey for last sick for you for your Lord do you sell out do you salah this salah is is is so crucial in religion anyone who's listened to this make an intention that you've never gonna miss another soul another prayer again because missing those prayers is not gonna get anyone anywhere safe in the next vote it's a very very dark world in the next world it's a very lonely world and if you want to have any light world have any rescue or have been madness to all these things have been promised the keys of genuine Salah so for suddenly one because one heart and offer you sacrifices this is the sacrifice to make in in the sec at the secondary and the masses in a Shaka who are no enemy is the one who wouldn't have no project and we moved to the next ruler the next ruler playing this surah was again this surah is it's a very it has a lot of deep meaning why because when they Koresh they saw that the props on blossom is not accepting anything you know he's just going on it keeps him talking about this one and only doing one and only Allah the police believed in Allah they will believed in Allah but they believed in an up 360 gods plus Allah Oh including a lot that's what they had and rasul allah saw a lot of understood I must say one and only God is a lot no other idols no other deity nothing at all and this is what the hell problem is so eventually when they couldn't take it anymore they came to the process so last month they said look we're gonna have a deal the deal is one day you can you will come you come with us and we'll worship all the gods that we worship a new version you can worship Allah that day but all I got this block and the next day we will leave all our gods but we will worship and the next day what you do you come and you worship all the gods plus Allah and we'll do the same as well on the next day just a lot no other gods you ready for that a lot of you this were I said cool yeah I say oh you are disbelievers la Alberto I'm never gonna worship the gods that you worship well and to my hobby do it at my outlet and you're never gonna worship what I was who I worship because I worship the one and only mean wanna know me forever not one and only one day and another day something else no well and I'll be - marbeth man I'll never worship you your gods whatever you worship when I'm done tomorrow I'll be doing American you never get going to worship what I wish Bassam until he died Monday the oneness of Allah and you're not doing that because once you worship other gods you've spoiled a torrid kundina cumali a Dean for you is your religion that's your religion when you Valley Edina for me is my religion I'm not going to mix the two together now subhanAllah this surah if you understood this this is what the story was about a lot of people think that this Latino community is to say oh you know there's this kind of Islam is there in any Islam is there in a way that it it will never ever even have any kind of conversation with other religions that's not true Quran has spoken that the other we should have conversation with other religions and try to you know give them Dawa of our own religion but in no way it shuns others away it tries to engage with others to seek the truth that's what we do anyway move to the next or the next surah surah Naas ohan Allah again another miracle that is that is revealed here because what happens is this surah was revealed at a time when Islam hadn't spread that far while this surah was revealed at a time when the whole of Arabia hadn't accepted Islam yet Allah said this and this we this was to happen in the last year of the Prophet sallallaahu Allison's life he kept on giving our children he knew now and Allah gave him good news from beforehand he said this he said energy akka Natsu love your father when the help of Allah and victory comes to you meaning in the last year you will see the whole of Islam how it spreads and his tongues gonna be dominant Arabia what I eat and NASA you'll see people yet who do that he didn't laugh either they will come in the religion of Allah in Islam in their troops in the large numbers suddenly erupting ever stop fiddle when that happens then glorify the hymn of your Lord and seek forgiveness in no kind of Torah he's the one who's oft-forgiving this was a delicate indication to the prophet salallahu some that when you see Islam spread far and wide in Arabia your time is up and only a few Sahaba like Abu Bakr Abdullah Abdullah bin Abdullah they understood this many of the Sahaba understood this delicate in an indication to callosum that his time can be up when this happens let's move to the next one the next one is surah I belong now this again is another miracle we look at a miracle after miracle what's the miracle about this this surah the miracle about this surah is that their uncle Abu Lahab and his wife emergeny both of them were arch enemies of the props Lamarckism they they did anything to do to do what is opposite to the props of moralism the process when said to hit the same shape the process Ausmus if he says black they will say mind especially I will say white it runs Lawson said is gonna happen like this he said no it have nada and he became a total 180 degrees wherever the first gospel says Allah will review this surah the beginning of Islam nine more years Abu lab will still live on this earth even though a Buddha was always going against everything the personal army solemn said he never for one moment not for one moment did he ever think the Quran here in the surah has told me that I'm going to Hellfire this word says nine years prior to a blabs demise it says Allah and his wife are both doomed to hell fire they're not going to it's clear that they're not going to believe what what or abullah could have done is he could have pulled a quickie and he could have said you know what - the Oakridge guess what I'm believing just to show that the Quran is not true even if he did it as me fast as hypocrisy even if it was to do that he could have done it but no he didn't surah said this the surah said that I been having water Allah said that everything that the hands of Abu Lahab have earned that everything that the hands of Abu Lahab Allah says are deemed and he is doomed and tablet that be labeled Madonna animal man Lugo Mikasa whatever Abu Lahab has earned his arch enemy of the Rasul Allah Allah whatever he has earned it's not going to benefit him no benefit is gonna come of it say else llanera he will be thrown into the fire that and a half that is you know that is giving off sparks and flames on bra to hammer at that happened and his wife could be made to make to wear this wooden piece where hands would be cuffed inside and be around her neck PGD haha believe me my said she will have around her rope of fire now both of them were doomed yet they did not think of trying to prove the Prophet was wrong even though they tried to do everything hundred ninety degrees to what he said and this surah if you look at it it's very clear that look the enemies of Allah so Allah has been close enough for them you know we as Muslims don't need to be very in any way we don't need to be horrible to those who are horrible to Allah and His Messenger I see a lot of the times and the internet people are blogging when people are you know writing messages and if anyone comes there are people who come they'll always swear at Alana's messengers a last one they'll say horrible things you know what to stay quiet if you got something good to say something good but don't feel the internet with messages that are showing that we're also gonna drop down there please don't do that all the Muslims are they just don't do that because it makes us look bad just keep up your flock keep up your good character if they're not going to believe it's their loss let's move to the next to us the surah anaam now this would be a class is a very short surah but full of us believing in the oneness of Allah Sweden with nothing coming before him or after him from Allah so the surah is very clear in its message good who Allah I'd say Allah is just one and only God is different from wide wide means one but after Y had comes his name which is 2 and then Thalassa 3 and so on I had means one and only on his own nothing not no one else Allah who some what Allah is is independent of his creation his creation in him he doesn't need his creation let me read well amulet neither had does it began no has he been be God not neither does he have mother and father nor does the other mature oh he would ever have to know that ever happened well any only Google phone I had nothing is similar to Allah another one is gonna be ever see better so this surah is gonna quickly say in various hadith it says if you research three times you can get the reward of the Quran whether it means the actual reward of the parameter its meaning reward whatever it is there's a lot of rewarding doing that let's move on to the last to surah before before we end sort of fell upon Sudan as they will reveal to break a spell that was done on the professional level insulin by lipid bellossom lived in Assam who was one of the Jewish members of the Medina community he said to himself I know what I'm gonna make big sort of you know black magic on the process of Osman see what happens and the profit loss was directed by debris daar-is-salam to go to a certain well and to dig out that not all the the 11 knots that he blew onto and on a string and the prompts on the bars and then recited the 11 verses of surah fella and surah Naas so the first six verses four five verses surah Naas has six verses he who ever recites these visa these will help you against black magic against evil against 18 against the devil's against tablished things these these sewers have been revealed for that and then and if you read the sutras you'll see the meaning of that so the handle on the front of us and read that read that on those on that string and on those nuts those not became done automatically and the whole spell was broken so here we have look the last ten suitors next time you go through these sewers in your Salah you reading them know that each one has a great significance and one of the things you must have noticed without the knowledge of the Serie you can't even know what the sewers are saying so so Hanna la serie or the Sunna of the translation with that the study of that we wouldn't know what these sewers are so massive that's all of you just before you go we can make it right and you wanna say to you that tomorrow is the anniversary of the Battle of but that we've already covered that a couple of days back and all those people who join the campaign of other three one three guys we're asking you to keep a big push today and tomorrow to try and get in those those families all you have to do is raise 313 pounds like we said from a dozen people if it doesn't people give 26 pounds each it's done if twenty people give you know fifteen pounds each it's done so I'll try encourage that and those of you who haven't signed up yet there's at the bottom you will find a link will take you 20 seconds to join this campaign the monies are going to go to helping me today if you haven't seen already and helping me today - oh there's a wonderful video that been uploaded it's been uploaded on my social media as well it shows where the monies are going to travel I mean that or some of the places where the monies are going and it'll be wonderful we just need you know what we just need another sort of 30 people I think 30 or 40 people to reach that three one three target so 25 25 just 25 people to reach that time just 25 of you there's 25 oh you can just please just you know click that button that link a bottom of this video and join this campaign Allah help all those people who are part of this and we gonna give a free Iraq ticket each other five starting it once Ambra opens in shallow in keep that one person Haruna 313 Jala and may Allah bless you it's like raising 21,000 pounds in a month I oughta just just 313 because everything is timed by 70 anyway guys lift your hands of each other will you make sure guar along so the Allah's even adding nine hola we asked you to bless us in this world in the next world to give us all the good in this world and save us from all the evil that is around us o Allah save us from from the pangs of death save us from the punishment of the grave save us from the punishment of the Day of Judgment keeps in the good company of the prophets on the day of judgment Allah before we go from this earthly one your forgiveness and we want you to be happy with us and be happy with us eternally I mean your Abela al-amin and after our death we wanna go straight to those eyes click the button insha'Allah the link at the bottom of this sala allah bless all of you our means family
Channel: Shaykh Hasan Ali
Views: 3,502
Rating: 4.9466667 out of 5
Id: O04gi8Ovc04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 27sec (1887 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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