Reflecting on the names of Allah 14

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welcome to another session of the of reflecting on the names of allah azzawajal and we're going through these names and insha'allah after hearing these names we are not only learning what the meanings of these names are but we're engaging with them in a way that we're trying to reflect on the names and try to bring them in our own lives the main thing is that we connect more and more to allah azza through these names so there is a whole thing about iman which is belief and yakin which is conviction uh where president is convinced and we're going to get to that later on insha'allah today um and and to know that we we must always move on because imam shafi rahim allah he famously said that iman is like water if it remains flowing like a stream then it stays fresh but it if it becomes stagnant like a pond or a in a place where there's some water that's just staying there then you get mold and you get other things that grow inside that water doesn't become suitable for you to drink after a while but if it remains flowing then it's fresh very fresh so what we want to say from this is that allah azza has given us iman and we've got to continuously work on that iman to keep it moving like to keep it alive every day we have to try and do something to boost it it's like it's like when you've got a phone and the battery is always you know as you're using the phone even if you leave the phone alone even if you left the phone alone you'll see after a little while um the phone you know the percentage is going down slowly but surely it's going down and to to keep the phone um you know something you know charged up or something that you're going to continuously use you have to keep on charging it critical moment comes when the phone will go to you know below 20 below 10 and so on and then the red thing comes up which is showing you that you know you better charge it otherwise it's going to become quite critical now the thing is um the iman is very much like that just to understand like that that once you've got if you've got high e-man and so on you know you're good to go but once it gets to a very critical level then you'll find that the functionality is not going to be as good so already you've got these kind of you know these phones are built with trying to save power when they're getting to a low and you know percentage of um a battery percentage so iman functions very very well when a person keeps it you know going with you know we've got we've got to put our our reminders in there we've got to put our uh continuous belief in there we've got to continuously worship allah we've got to continue to remind ourselves with the things that are connected to iman and as long as we continuously doing that so it's a continuous thing okay it's not it's not a thing that we we do and then we let go i mean think about it the joints in our bodies we move every joint every day more or less okay there's not a single joint of our body that we just leave you know still for for an entire day you know entire 24 hours we don't do that even when we sleep we're moving our bodies so the limbs are moving and that keeps the joints um you know something that that that is uh that doesn't become stiff but if you think of it iman is something which if we just leave it okay i'm a muslim i believe in allah and that's it if you leave it but you don't give it what it needs to keep it's you know keep it moving keep it's something which is flexible you don't make it something which is um which is oiled if you like okay so you've got certain compartments that we have which if you oil them then they you know certain mechanical stuff that that if you oil it then they they they work really well but if you if it goes dry then then it doesn't function as well so with all these examples we can look at as you know iman is something which needs to be looked after um if you know we've got for example the the um uh the believers that are around us okay the environment that we have the connection with those believers we have the uh we have of course the remembrance of allah azza we've got our connection through allah connection to allah through the quran we've got so many different ways of making sure that we we always work you know keeping our iman something which is you know which has been charged up now the moment we we start to get to a low level you find that um you know it doesn't have the same connection with allah azzawajal and that's when we'll start to you know complain and say that you know i i i'm trying all of this but i don't feel anything now if you if you've been in that state where you're not feeling that connection with allah azza i mean sometimes even people who are really close to allah they can sometimes you know allah can test them by taking that good sweet feeling away but if you haven't been feeling it or you don't feel it at all you know there's nothing that really you know it happens i'm sure you know that the listeners out there that you must have gone through so you might be going through this right now like ramadan comes and you know there's an excitement there's a buzz and everyone you know gets into the mood of doing some kind of ibadah worship but after a little while you just kind of feel a bit numb to the whole thing that nothing is really you know affecting me you know he's just routine and just a even with salah okay on a daily basis you do survive if you're thinking every time you get a salad you know what i just want to get this over done with i just want to just get it over and done with when these things happen then it's a sign that your iman is at a low and if the iman is at a low then you're going to feel like that and what you need to do is you need to give it that you know attention that tlc that tender love care iman needs that what does that mean that means that you have to then get do a bit more thicker you have to um you have to um look at um you know you have to engage yourself with the quran again you have to um come back to allah with some or with some devotion or with some thought with some reflection and so on and that is the point that one of the point of doing these names which is that it makes us a lot more aware of allah when you're aware of allah a lot more it's different from just knowing that allah you know allah exists because most most muslims okay they believe allah exists but just merely believing that he exists without all these qualities doesn't make us feel that great connection with allah azza so we need that and we need this boost of iman on a regular basis so anyway uh we came yesterday to the names i'm hoping that you're using these names and saying yeah for you all one who's ever living or one who you know keeps everything running and governs everything sustains everything and so and so forth you use these names and think about the meanings of these names to get close to allah so we come to the next uh name which is now al-wajid has a meaning that allah is the one who finds things it also has a meaning that he is in no need of anyone uh and he is independent from woujd so why did he can you know anyone who knows arabic come from wow jim dal which shows that you know you find something now in the quran allah has used this name and is used in various places but you know one of them we find in surah um where allah says to the prophet you know he found you in a state of baal and he found you in a state of love or he found in the state of looking for you know a a path okay fahada so he guided you to that path like rasulullah a lot of the you know we know pre prophethood okay before he was 40 years old before he got his revelation he was very very concerned about the about the people of makkah and how are these people going to find a way to become a better civilized people now rasulallah obviously you know up until that point he was still you know 100 percent he was on the abrahamic or ibrahimovic and you know he never ever worshipped any of those idols nor did he believe anything of them but what he was looking for is he was looking for a way he was looking for a way to make these people realize that there's something wrong with what they're doing you know they need to leave the the wrongful acts that they have and the prophesy was in a state of wanting to find that pathway and allah says i found you in a state where you were looking for this pathway fahada so i'm the i'm the you know allah who guided you to that to that path i mean i made you profit and i gave you the sharia and i gave you the quran sunnah and through that you you guide people to this suratu so this thing is the word found someone in a certain place a certain state or in a certain way and what we've got to understand is that allah azzawajal when he wants to guide us there's nothing between us and between him to stop him from guiding us what does he what does it need it needs our inaba okay in one of the names of allah is is you know he he's the one who um or one of the things allah said in the holy quran is that he now what this means is that he we could be in a state and of course allah knows our state but allah mentioning that he finds us in that state and then he guides us or something he shows that he is now ready to show his affectionate affection towards us and he's ready to do something for us okay now if you've if you're in a state that you're looking for a way okay um i know i'll give you one one right that i think that a lot of people who really want to probably get married to someone or they want to find someone to get married to but they they're not sure who that person is and i'll tell you one thing that look use this name you know for all those people who are who are looking to find a spouse use this name and use it again and again use it like i told you yesterday which is you know with salawat with istafa and so on and you're using it from the heart and you're repeating it again and again so you're asking who finds not that allah doesn't know what it is please don't get this wrong like when we say a human being find something a human being lost something and then they found it we don't we don't mean it like that with allah what we mean with allah is that fine for me so yeah why'd you do you know what it is you know all your creation you know every single human being out there and who would be the best person for me to marry but yeah why did you do i'm asking you to find it for me that's that's that's the meaning that we we're giving here so use that yeah what you do now if you've lost something you can also use this name to find something and there are a lot of people i personally know people who've lost something and they've continuously said yeah why do they have the last let's say for something they lost the keys or they lost their they lost some paperwork so something that they they need you to find and they've used this thing and they've repeated again and again again and alhamdulillah allah you know should show them what it is not that allah doesn't know where allah also needs to find it now but he will show them and will guide them what it is um the other second meaning that we have obviously is allah is independent and he doesn't need meaning this is from the the the part of arabic which is which meaning that look allah is allah is sufficient in terms of being enough for for you and for me so if you want if you think that look i don't want to depend on anyone else i just want to depend on you and i want you to find especially this has been used for um the the words have been used in surat okay so allah is saying that look if if you get to a state where divorce is absolutely inevitable and it's it's happening and what are you going to do and how you're going to look sometimes i'll make this very clear divorce is the last last last resort for anyone okay you must consider every possible you know avenue to try and um find a way to sort your problems out between the spouses uh before you actually make that final decision okay and please you know one of the things i want to say to you that a lot of times people get influenced by others to make that divorce um uh you know they make that intention but what they don't understand is look what they don't understand is everyone's situation is unique and um people a lot of times can influence you to make a decision but they won't be there for you tomorrow now please think about this very deeply like you're gonna be you're gonna be more or less on your own even the closest people to you they won't be able to give you full hundred percent support and everything that you need um it's one of those things that people wake up to after they've they've done it so what i'm trying to say to you is though after you've made every single you know you've gone through every single pathway trying to reconcile and so on and then you you know if there's a person out there who thinks well this is it i have to make this decision because you know my spouse is not someone which who i can live with at all and i've tried and i've tried to forgive and i've tried to make reconciliation i'll try to get people in between i've tried everything and there's no way we can live together again anyway if a person comes to that point and they they face the you know consequence of divorce then allah says allah says don't worry don't worry about the future allah can expand for you from his woujd from his independence meaning that look all you need to look at the future because you can't see how you're going to make things work allah says at that point like if you've got allah on your side now please you know don't don't don't just take this lightly no please make sure that you if you're going to make that move and if it's absolutely necessary like i'm saying to you because i think from the cases that come of divorce a lot of them were unnecessary and there's a lot that get influenced by family members friends you know people who've been divorced previously uh who've also gone through this and we're just saying you just jump out just get out um and especially if there's kids involved it's a very you know there's a lot of effects that happen and there's a lot of research that has gone into what these kids and these are not just research today only we're talking about decades of research decades absolute decades of research and i've i've studied my you know i've done a degree in psychology and we've had to study what happens to children in terms of their upbringing and growing up when they're growing up with a single parent or when their parents have divorced you know what are the effects of that and there are a lot of effects you might not see some of you today you're going to see some of it you know decades later maybe two three decades later so anyway uh the point is that allah says allah says allah will expand okay from from the the you know his independence and so on what he will do is allah can expand for people um whoever depends on allah obviously depends on allah in the right way then allah is enough enough for them uh and whatever situation we're in and whatever independence we've got luck and allah says he can expand what what he meant in that is that from the from whatever we've got allah can expand our situation and make it better in a in a financial way anyway um this this um name always it has two two meanings one is you know one fines and the other one is the one who you know is independent and he's the only one that we need in certain situations so you can call him with either of these names in that in that particular with that particular thing in mind so the next name we come to is a magic okay we've already covered al-majid and we've got very similar names that we've got very similar in terms of his roots so there's not much to cover under this name except that allah azza look sometimes in arabic you use the form like magic and sometimes that kind of structure means that there's a lot of it there so for example when most powerful mean that he has all the power when we say allah fear allah has you know um you know he he will forgive from the fault another another way of you know another pattern form in arabic um it means that there's a lot of forgiveness off and over and over again so al-majid we covered before which shows that he is not he not only has everything in his possession but he's also noble and he's also generous and he gives it to people and magic is a very similar form of that mean that he has that he has that nobility and he has that um shut off or that or that dignity that that allah azza you know that that whether we accept it or not whether we offer it to him or not he has all of that dignity and the noble qualities and he is very generous and he is generous in his giving now the next name we come to is okay there one now already i think in one of those other sessions before i told you that uh when we covered alcohol i think i told you about that allah is alone now al-ahad which is which is a name of allah that comes in some of these 19 some generations obviously say allah is one now what does ahad mean look ahad means that there's no second ahad means there's no second there's no third there's no fourth he is just one one and only means that there can be a second or third but however when allah says what he means is that he's very unique he's very unique in the way he is so um allah means that he is the one and only in whatever qualities he's got there's nobody that will be unique like him in his qualities or nobody that can match him in his qualities now al-wahid when we say al-wahidan we look at his uniqueness because he is the one and only in all of his qualities nobody else can compare to him what we need to understand is that in all of his all of his features attributes on in in his existence in his being in everything he is unique that's the meaning that we're looking at he is unique so when you come across anything of allah even the fact that we know look allah watches us allah sees us we cover this he sees us he watches us but he is wahid he is both of these which means that allah is unique you're not going to you're not going to like i know we relate to seeing with our eyesight and we can understand okay aside from seeing something even if you say if we were to say okay we can only see in one direction allah sees in all directions we can understand seeing but his seeing still is something which is unique no none of his creations see the way he sees none of his creation so for example our eyes they need light to be able to see without that light we can't see there are animals that can see in the dark okay even whether though we look at those animals or we look at human beings there is no comparison whatsoever to the to the side of allah our hearing cannot be compared to the hearing of allah our speaking or our doing in anything that allah has used of our knowing when allah says he knows everything and we we also we we also have experienced what knowledge is we know certain things there is absolutely no comparison between the two nothing at all nothing at all i mean we can't even make a suggestion of how allah really knows or he sees or he thinks because he's meaning he is the one and only there is nothing else like him anywhere it doesn't exist it does not exist so um what we what we take from this is that allah azzawajal is is so unique that all of his qualities are unique and we're not supposed to i wanna i wanna just add this in please make sure that you don't fall into this trap of trying to visualize allah in a certain way the best is that we know allah is watching us his existence existence is there he is in our invisible world in a world that we can't see he's there okay he's there he's watching us he's seeing us he knows us um he sees us all the time he hears us all the time and that's what we have as a thought in our minds but don't fall into the trap of crime you say okay you know there's this feature of allah mention the quran or this other feature and it you know i can understand through through the like frozen for example allah might have said he might have stopped you know he said in the quran he's used the word which is an eye okay and and it shows that you know i'm watching you or something so you're not supposed to think of allah having an eye like any of the eyes of the creation not at all we don't do that we we we look at these you know verses you know we we believe in them we know that they're there and we leave the meaning to allah mean that allah knows what best these things you know actually mean in the quran so we don't visualize at all any figure to allah any form of shape to allah any um any limbs or any you know [Music] direction for allah we don't we don't do that you know he is beyond all of that so a great way of of understanding allah is to understand that he is beyond okay so even the fact that you know we've got certain um you know we've got certain ayats and things about folk and above and so on the way we understand is that he is beyond okay he is way beyond any of our imagination any of our thinking and our conception any of the ways that we could possibly you know think of it so we shouldn't dwell into these things where we try and you know grasp the actual way allah azza he does the things that he does because you know uh has told us that he's told us to you know reflect on the creation of allah and not to reflect on allah in that sense to understanding how he looks or how he is and so on and so forth so al-wahi tells us that he is you know in that sense unique the next one we come to is now asana means that allah azzawajal he is you know which we have in surah islam what does that mean that means allah does not need his creation at all but his creation need him 100 both these meanings come together then you get the meaning of so on the one hand allah does not need his creation at all i mean not even for anything i know what for okay he gives them everything everything possible their life is is dependent upon him and then the fact that his creation need him and depend on him one hundred percent so it's a dual meaning right so this in this name some other what it does is that it really makes you feel so much in or of allah because there's allah who doesn't need me at all but i need him a hundred percent like if you were to think like me and my parents i can still benefit my parents in some way okay my parents might say well i don't need you but i still can benefit them in some way especially when they get to old age or whatever or i could do them some favors i could help them around okay there's no one that's like this that we have a relationship with where we have a hundred percent one hundred percent that you know we need but they 100 they don't need and at the same time we're talking about like forever and forever there's no there's no one like that and that is the the um uh name of a summit uh [Music] depend upon but you have no you know dependency upon us you don't need us one who has never given birth or never been you know given birth to um you know i'm asking you okay so these are these are dwa's from the prophet so that's the name of asamat a very unique thing of a two-way thing that we understand and the final thing that we come to today is the two names the one who has power and is the one who executes that power okay also means the one who has the power of the things that we are able to see okay and also not see but it is specifically to do with things of power that we can't see okay subtle power that he has so that's the way we understand these two meanings so al-qardev the one who has power and the one who executes that power who gives it out he has power for everything but he will execute that power to whoever he wants or whatever he wants and the other way we understand is that al-qaeda is you know he has power power that we see we don't see but it is very subtle power that you know very very you know deep power that we we wouldn't be able to grasp that's the kind of power so you know when when you look at some of these stories of the quran um when allah saved the messengers sometimes it's the power which which in some ways was an unseen power and a power which you know allah says in in when you say the prophet he says that you know certain times there were angels there there were angels even in the battle of um hunain allah says would you know allah says there were there were my army there that you never saw okay so allah sent angels to help them you know you don't see the angels there but they're helping they're making the muslims win that that particular you know war or that battle battle of but allah says these are this is an army of mine which you never saw which i which i kept hidden from you this is meaning that he is doing it in a very subtle way we don't even understand there are certain things that happen in our lives and angels do certain things we don't even know at work but there are certain things that we are aware of and that would be from you know us seeing avocado or the most powerful one at work now what i wanted to say to you earlier which i started off with this session is look there is iman and there's your kin there's iman and there's yaki there's our belief and there's a there's something to be fully fully convinced why have we got these names for example and then in the quran now this is named in the quran has appeared many times like we see this repeated again and again why has allah repeated this in the quran again and again and again and the reason is this that remember what i said to you in the in the beginning part of this this session which is we need to keep our iman charged we need to oil our iman or keep it charged or keep it functioning by giving it these things that it needs to be fed into these things that need to be fed into our iman now what is this thing that i'm trying to say to you what i'm trying to say to you is that we all have belief in allah but there is something called yakin which is being convinced absolutely convinced about these about the things that we know about allah azzawajal so to move from just mere belief to being convinced we need repetition we need these things to be repeated to us over and over and over again that's why the quran if you open the quran you'll see again and again being repeated elijah has power over everything he has power everything surely he has power over everything surely you allah have power of everything why is allah repeating this again and again and again and again why because repetition is something that makes you believe take you from it takes you from iman to fully being convinced so for example um right now if you saw a yellow m a yellow m what's in your mind mcdonald's right sorry to bring that up uh while you're fasting but if you saw a you know a particular you know a brand if you saw this this brand like this okay what i'm doing is this look i'm sure a lot of you are thinking of niko nike right now that's been repeated to us that that advertisement has been shown to us again and again so many times that you just have to see that symbol and you know straight away that it what it means the same way okay the same way um if you if you think about it if we're able to absorb these these the means of these names and we repeat them again and again and we read the quran and we come across these names again and again and we absorb them you know in a repetitive you know style like we've seen it once we've seen it again we've seen it tomorrow we've seen a few days later we've seen it again again again when you do this then it really makes us go from iman to yakin which is full conviction and now you're one of the top believers once you get to your team once you get to that that level of belief where you're convinced about all of this then you're a top believer you're a top believer and amongst all of us there are certain believers who are at the low end some at the middle some at the top end may allah put us at the top end of the iman please go through these names understand these names reflect on these names think again and again about these names absorb them let them take you from iman to your iman to full conviction that allah you know these qualities and things are there and i fully believe in them and i can feel the sensation of them so
Channel: Shaykh Hasan Ali
Views: 983
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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