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we have inside yeah look at this George look at this Oh Rob's gonna eat his words look at this you guys seeing what I'm seeing not only did they find good boxes but they both get their incredible faith they actually that takes a minute for you I think it will hopefully there's some of it in here [Music] look at the size of those snowflakes [Music] guide to this auction right now we need low bail they get there safe I set my phone on the pants you guys can see the creepiness and I knew decided I needed to do something tile work pieces if you need it man that's that's not cheap all right I said if you need this stuff that ain't cheap defense that you know those bags that then setter ain't cheap I laid tile before you thanks George other than that cash cash only security is your responsibility so you don't put a lock on this you come back and it's all gone give me twenty five give me twenty and twenty nine twenty nine twenty to me a twenty dollar bill give me ten bucks three bucks last chance dollar bill one dollar one dollar bit now one dollar bid no one dollar you're done I'm done dollar bill get in there Hales do I dare [Music] Oh whistles it whistles horrible throw I don't know if he's got any I can't throw this ball it's like me a Guapo we were playing the basketball together the one day at his place oh hey I stuck it there on that thanks for playing you get the dirty box that's all you need now why is it dirty the clothes it's good idea send them over give me something to do this is how the movie magic works the scenes I can't believe it we got this unit for how much was it dorky with the wind blowing hail coming down house a hails of a great day now I've got help though because Rob with second sense just was blown in as well with this win he just got blown it Rob is actually over at the warehouse they're gonna ship so wherever you guys want it buy it you can see the Hales have a little piece of Hales history okay so I thought we could have a little bit of a challenge between Rob and myself so let's see you sure you're ready for this I don't know because I know he's been doing these challenges for a long time he's got more experience it but I'm the new bump this challenge but I think I can handle it okay so here's what I want to do it I want to see who can find the more expensive box so I would pull a box you would pull box I would pull box you'd pull box I'd pull back and we're gonna find out who can actually pull the most money out of a box what do you think you ready okay I got a pick a box and you got a pick back so you pick a box yes yes for the win try and beat that robbed me that well beat that if they were your size I'm just hiding I'm just hiding my Franken stitch jeans right now all right so here we go let's see there's got to be something already already you can you could chalk that one up for Team Hales right there that was hidden in the clothing will turn on let's find out Oh Amazon Kindle we just found that unit in Columbus found three brand new Amazon Kindles okay no power we've got what's that blackhead remover that's priceless right there the Aldi bag we just saw Jordans yep there you go baby Jordans okay and oh no way look at that number two number two try beating that round okay that's two for those for those same same thing for those who are keeping track that's Jeremy with two Amazon Kindles Rob with absolutely well nothing yeah yeah yeah but he's gonna oh this look at this this is not just clothing people all right there is something hidden down in Oh what do we have alright let's see we've got set a phone know that okay so that's some kind of memory some kind of yes John Lennon glasses he made me let it be let it be chair okay what else do we have we've got paint markers okay so they were our Chiefs just like me a moisture boost that's all he's good for a beauty mask did we look at this one yet we did we looked at that for my baby so like saw my Alexa was always acting up she's got a mouth like so that's got a mouth no you always like Alexa shut up and stop talking to my man that's what you say oh yeah and she says yes alright so oh this is this give her in my John Lennon glasses do we have gold and silver we have no markings doesn't look gold and silver but I had my glasses on before that looks like is that a wedding ring that looks like a wedding ring right there it's a wedding ring fit oh my goodness feels feels scary okay cuz your power losing how you're losing your power what's this here's a mic I ever there's a my arcade data East they did bad dudes I remember that's the one I remember they did bad dudes okay we dig down here we dig diggity diggity diggity dig come on clothing get down in this corner that's pretty good where those were hidden oh [Applause] oh there's more down here there's definitely more yes there is more down here what do we find in every single storage unit that nobody ever uses barbecue set yep and something else what do you think's in here this has got to be a car manual Toyota right there 2006 alright I think that's what we're getting from this box team is up running the lead up big time we'll see if Rob can come back only thing I can say was that's one hails of a box alright you know there's one thing I learned in the storage unit business yeah is that when you find a vein of gold he's on with the vein there's yes so so you got it from this area oh you're going I'm going right to the same spot now look at this nice mouse poop right there at Tahoe we got mouse poop in this unit remember we're close ladies and gentlemen of here in this video ready one oh the mouse actually bit part of the box right there first safety first what I I wanted to cut my hands on isolation this is a vacation on set oh my goodness right there this could be this commute in the wind what are we looking for right now how do we know if it's if it's a win well we're gonna look for it one is old it was a year it's not good 2017 two new you want 90s magic cards and of course the most famous magic cards what Jeremy I have no idea Lotus yes but you know I was I was conflicted in my emotions I I was happy that he found them but I was glad that there was nothing expensive very very weird I'm gonna go right in here cuz that's where we are brand new cards Oh cards right here and the most expensive Pokemon card Rob but there's a bunch of them but there's a bunch now these dice are here bro blind eyes a role-playing dice those are worse had the most expensive dice I've ever sold I sold dungeon & dragon dice over $200 what now yeah $200 for dungeon & dragon dice on eBay let's just for the dice yes for the dice it was sealed on them obviously Oh where's the bereted longer and man you want these candy actually I kind of do to see that one that's already chewed on although this one right here yeah then oh yeah I knew that it's your favorite Apple yeah it is Apple cuz I like like all right so let's keep going down yeah well yeah man it looks like we got tea oh man oh I see something though okay they're more role-playing cards there are oh my goodness another pokeyman card I can't believe it it's an ultra pro this I think it's a card holder right here yeah looks like so this is probably if there's cards in here might be their best cards probably previous yes Oh what in the world they do and throw magic cards in whole dress the food pokemons these are all magic cards but there's cards still they come out every year that are worth there could be a card in here $100 card even the newer ones even the newer ones there's ones that come out every year they're worth money you're definitely finding good stuff I'm not so sure because we don't know prices on the right cards so it's kind of up in the air well whose box is Oh cards against humanity' yeah best card game ever played no play that it's kind of inappropriate that's not kinda it's completely cards against humanity' you not so what is this retail for don't take it home recommended for family or the kids I just amended for anybody Oh bunch of cops for I think we lost points with the humanity oh that's a negative that's negative points there's an old razor it's a viking blade like things later all right here what is it what is it kanpai something's in there good Wii U game yes and SD switch sweet wet ski we had you ever to find you might find our force which ever or you might find a you I've never found a Wii U or a Nintendo switch right there Mario Mario Kart Wii you need $30 Yannick probably 20 $30 actually Oh Mario Super get a $23 yeah yeah okay I I concede that this box does beat my box I can see that it doesn't automatically that's all your stuff there's you know so oh hope we find the cases and you know let's hope we find the actual system it's gotta be in here you think it's probably another box I probably box something right stuff I don't want to destroy your profit or really gonna be in the bus the nice cool this is a crazy box what a crazy for it's the iced tea and we you some coffee yeah with magic cards just sprinkled magic cards everywhere so weird and once again my famous saying is no rhyme or reason look look right there look right there oh there's a joysticks right for the switch that's for the switch like is it sealed I don't think it's sealed it's been I think it's in there feels like all right this side of the side if we find the switch would be the first one we ever fun and what a time to find a mix those who aren't aware right now Nintendo's actually some of the switches are sell 500,000 dollars on eBay because you can't get them right that's brand-new Wow so if we find one we're looking at completely everything after in attendance witches this box is so random it screamed kitchen at first and then then I thought I wanted games when I got this box I thought I was sunk for sure there's no way I was gonna win as soon as I opened it I'm like that's a pretty good box I saw chewed up Mouse food candy yes so I wonder if there's two more in that box I'm gonna box okay you found a little velvet pouch what's in it this unit I love it already sure heart racing come on big money big money big money big money or matches I'll take matches too I think I'm like the safety first lady jump in did you man yes no it's this one's the Masters incense Oh incense I thought it was maybe both wait no wait now I thought they're balloons I thought was balloons oh it's time for me to grab a box man you think I want good you can't keep clamoring in there I don't know I hear ahead for sure but I gotta grab me a bomb all right I'm on the clip there's more cards down there so what a great box attender switch the Wii U games the switch Magic the Gathering cards pokeyman cards here in life yeah looks great to say you're in the lead but yeah but actually I still lost this I should just fit on you I'm hoping the Nintendo switches in here it was near the one that Rob actually picked out so you Hall again something heavy was on it it's little crushed we can see that when we're profiling heavier boxes crushed lighter boxes which means they're not empty and that's something you look for when you're actually bidding you don't want empty boxes let's see what we have inside yeah look at this George look at this Oh Rob's gonna heat his look at this you guys seeing what I'm seeing are you guys seeing what I'm seeing you see the money exactly right here I'm sorry I thought you guys are seeing the same thing I was I am seeing right here come on baby come on baby how do you think they're in here are you ready Star Wars action figures selector carrying case here we go in three two nobody in there with the end there because they're probably still further down in my box so let's see let's see what's down in here alright I've got is that paw Patrol that is I think that's paw patrol I've got I got an arsenal of ammo to take Rob out damage we also have there's a here's a humidifier I think this isn't I think it's just a humidifier so that's in there I'm making a bit of a mess we are inside the actual unit because it's so cold it started hailing again on the outside of the unit so we're cramming in unfortunately we got to be a little bit sloppy oh well if I can't be robbed in the Box challenge I definitely can beat them in a pillow fight look at this lightly stained mattress beautiful remember when you buy storage units okay I have a way to get rid of mattresses stained furniture moldy furniture so we move that a couple boxes the box challenge is still going and man I'm pumped so Jeremy you got you got your second box your turn my turn all right better choose wisely your head right now but not by much we did we did move the mattress out of there no the nerf guns sell for a lot on eBay so you want to look look up each one of these individually this this is a buzzsaw nice it just keep going no way I have no clue Bill Cosby hit one of his creators wash mouth is that what it I think so then he have this hand man for Mom I thought that was I thought that was just a P buck I think this might be Mushmouth that could be that could be leave it in the comments if you think Rob should wear this for the auction that could be you might be more guns never ending for years their year okay you know what that is you you can buy it from me it's a bathroom for babies you can still buy imagination you put that baby bath on your head you had a baby's bottom line Oh ready actress catches baby bottom my head than a few others you know where every sketches were made uh-huh exactly if you look on the back I owe our example and the old ones oh right now you guys can trace it we're using our imaginary goddess box oh okay all right now now that would be something to wear dressy lashes I think that's PJ masks there's the another rainbow that one actually that one fills with the sponge balls as well it back okay and are there any down there nope it's not loaded right so if we got 10 bucks apiece all right you got $100 box well now that you wore that mask that mask got higher value you got $100 over $100 but I'm picking the next one [Music] Hale was trying to pick the box to win it he's in it to win it ladies and gentlemen you may think I was gonna choose the guitar but it's out of tune and I don't have time to tune it so not not picking the guitar and I'm not peeking at anything I'm not going through anything wrong I play fair I play fair I think what I want this is what I want I'll tell you what I want what I really wouldn't want the bathroom a clean eat supplies to take you oh this is my third box and I know it I know it I got it I got it this is the world we live in today you can take your wheeze and you can take all your your wheeze and your wheeze and your other things because the money the money is right here I just got robbed literally I got robbed all right okay there's got to be more in here this thing is labeled look at this what about that that's gonna be some of them right davinci some kind of stuff here from honest hell with that good like that okay it's gotta be you know it's probably gonna be jewelry in here there always is oh man they were piercers George you want one of these for your bellybutton ring mm-hmm a bunch of gauges okay so that is a ton of gauges working their way up oh I found the money I found the money I found money the last dentures that we found there oh there might be there might be okay leg mask so what that is there's some moisturizing stuff all right all right all right here come on it's gonna be gold and silver I can feel it okay I was wrong but there is razor blades all right no you know hi no we got a tweeker unit does this unit is meth robbed you're going down dude disinfectant wet mopping cloth right there for us that is this is better than cat if I want to came to the auction with cases of these anybody for $10 a sheet I'll smell that you smell really good smells like coconut all right we got we got bath salts we got you know what we ain't throwing these away I'm using this as toilet paper this is gold - those are not getting thrown away I'm keeping those toilet paper money and look at that I found another can of them and look there's a nasty dried one hanging out that still has that's like a half a dollar that's like a half a dollar right there I may have to concede you better kiss eat up in this look at all this this is the cash that's how I see his money coming out cash bubbles oh man that was borax bleach Bob that was bleach we'd be looking at some serious cash right now but Oh spices that's what makes you have to use all these different cleaning things steak seasoning okay glass candles and there we go guys right there Red Lake something for the earth I'm not sure what it is Kevin I'm sure it's worth a lot just like this little this little perfume all right everybody he picked his three boxes I picked my two I'm in the lead he got the cleaning supplies in perfume and we know cleaning supplies try and beat it I dare you so I'm gonna go with this one we know hidden it's in the back I think it's only hit him because I put all that stuff on it well I'm taking it anyway here he goes does that count I don't think some crazy kid I'm gonna give this chocolate out to Jeremy's pile Loco these are nice but look at that those are really nice Dunlop nice a mutter forehead I see that's a given 50 hours right there if the miniature golf course is more down they'd be our next channel yeah yeah we'll take it right there right now with that set that with that set yeah a hole-in-one challenge hole-in-one challenge okay he's got a big old box I can take one thing not only did they buy good boxes but they both get two incredible days they actually that takes a minute for you I think it will hopefully there's some of it in here all right not only a kitchen maid or master chef I think let's find out no it's the kitchen is the kitchen aid just pricey make a celebratory night now make a celebratory cake now oh my goodness I can't stinking bullies no blue kitchen ate even better blue red yellow green they always sell better than the white ones all right how many you think that's worth well you are head to other pieces we saw them other boxes huh they all add up to money but if you want to give it away and sell in a day you put two $300 on it's gonna be gone yeah I was going to say this pays for the unit get your box you got spikes and everything nice you know after that do you really need to pull anything else out of there no little plot one more thing oh the pasta machine it's a medium making a pasta pasta Cheney I'm so man unbelievable and third all this craziness boom there's still storage units going out there everyone could buy one and Jeremy just hit a big $95 and he got we didn't go this side just the Box challenge I got robbed I just want everybody to know I got robbed literally seriously figuratively I got robbed
Channel: 2nd Cents, Inc Cleveland Auction House
Views: 4,129
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 2nd Cents Auctions, What the Hales, What the Hale$, Live Abandoned Storage Unit Auction, Abandoned Storage Locker, Magic the Gathering, Pokemon, Nintendo Switch, Wii U, Kitchen aid, Amazon kindle, Casio Keyboard, Guitar, Real Storage Wars, Unboxing Video, Great Finds
Id: SvWAtpj14U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 28sec (2188 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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