Laravel in 100 Seconds

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[Music] laravel a full stack PHP based web framework famous for its carefully crafted and much-loved developer experience it was created in 2011 by Taylor otwell who was inspired by prior work like codeigniter or Symphony and rails it has a large following of independent developers thanks to its laser focus on clean and minimal code along with a huge ecosystem of tools that can do the heavy lifting traditionally it's used as a model view controller framework to build server-side web applications a model represents data that can live in a wide variety of databases while a view represents what the end user sees in HTML the user powered by blade templates that can buy a PHP and HTML code into a single file and finally we have a router and controllers in the middle which allow the user to safely interact with the data model this pattern can be used to build monolithic applications but laravel can also build Standalone apis or integrate with popular front-end Frameworks thanks to an adjacent Library called inertia most importantly though its ecosystem has out-of-the-box solutions for features like user authentication payments full text search and many other others to get started install PHP and composer then create a new project by default it will be configured with mySQL as the database the application lifecycle starts in the index PHP file when a user makes a request it goes to the HTTP kernel which contains middleware to intercept the request and register service providers like a router which itself determines that controller action to trigger based on the URL the user navigated to now a controller is just a PHP class that contains a variety of methods like show update edit and destroy it follows a convention where show represents a git request for an individual entity while store represents a post request to create a new entity inside a method we might use a model to make a query to the database but instead of raw SQL code it uses eloquent orm making the code far more human readable every database table has a corresponding model class which can be customized as needed now back in the controller the return value from a method is a view the view is a blade template that interpolates the data from the database directly into HTML ml it has the full power of PHP allowing you to implement conditional logic and loops with a familiar syntax but laravel comes with a ton of other built-in features like cues file storage websockets for real-time apps just to name a few this has been laravel in 100 seconds hit the like button if you want to see more short videos like this thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Fireship
Views: 427,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdev, app development, lesson, tutorial
Id: rIfdg_Ot-LI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 23 2022
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