Why is Laravel NOT used in Big Development Projects?

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hey guys how you doing so question about laravel i had a few questions that were put to me by somebody about laravel i thought you might find this interesting it covers laravel but broader subjects as usual again i'm here to teach you how to be professional developers i'm not just here to teach you how to code so let me just jump into the piece i have another question that has been lingering in my mind why are there no impressive websites have been built with laravel i don't buy that premise because i know impressive websites have been built laravel one of my former mentees his company is built on top of larabelle and it's a 1.5 billion dollar evaluation business very successful studio web not at that level but city web i've been using uh well we've been using laravel for many years now and it works fantastic and we deal with many many school districts around the us and the world in fact so i've never looked at the exhaustive list of what companies are using larabel but i can tell you from using laravel and having deployed it in high scale situations it works very good but that being said i'm not saying drop everything you should do laravel as you know if you know me all the major frameworks are pretty good these days so don't get too caught up in that so let's jump to the piece all the lists i have seen for awesome or top websites built with laravel are sites no one has ever heard of and some results include laravel specific websites he cites the link here you can look it up if you want what is it about laravel in 2021 so he wrote this to me uh i don't know a few months back that is not attractive what it is that what is it about laravel in 2021 is not attractive to startups that have since grown and become successful companies it has to do with um the strange um feeling that the young nerdling developer community has vis-a-vis php in general it's interesting php is the most widely used server side most widely used server-side underlying server-side programming language out there just check mostly because of wordpress and drupal and content management systems it's so widely used that said a lot of people don't like it because there's this myth about php and the myth is that they people still think php is what php was 15 years ago right they judged php based on the php ecosystem and the php language how it was you know php3o we're at php8 now and php8 is a fully capable fully enterprise ready object-oriented language and it's very performant very memory efficient very safe the php of old which was a big occlude and a mess and that's that's it just doesn't exist before it'd be like comparing looking at python and comparing and thinking the pipeline was still at python 1-0 when we're at 3.11 i think now anyway that's why it's just this weird bad feeling about php even though it's so widely used i like to say that php is the porn of the programming world nobody admits it but a lot of people seem to use it anyhow is it that older versions of php had more security vulnerabilities bingo you got it right there that have since been addressed and the bad reputation is just stuck on php that's exactly what it is or is it because php or is it because of php's messy syntax well that's i i concede that in terms of beautiful syntax i would argue php is not beautiful looking syntax but you can execute beautiful apps with php but yeah the syntax in php is not the most pretty looking that said php is more consistent than javascript python i don't like the carriage returns and you use a white space to delineate code blocks i prefer curly braces but this is a personal thing but yeah the syntax is not necessarily the most pretty to look at or is there some specific reason there's no specific reason versus laravel is a very well-crafted mvc framework and i built my own in java a long time ago my mvc framework wasn't nearly as sophisticated as what you see today but i can tell you having built them and used them and used a few i can tell you liver laravel is extremely pragmatic and extremely capable however i notice that this webpage gave the top 10 laravel web development companies and b and their big name clients i'll put these links so you go check that out yourself do you think i'm correct in my assumption that big companies like pfizer microsoft and world trade center who are the clients of these laravel web dev companies are only employing their services for non-essential projects for their core business i don't know you would have to talk to them so what he's suggesting maybe on the occasion we have big clients who are using laravel he claims that these do maybe they're just using laravel for non-essential products it could be i don't know i haven't looked into it you have to understand something when you have very old established companies like pfizer like the world trade center etc they're going to have a lot of legacy code bases legacy mean very old and a lot of them it could be in kobold if it's old old it could be it could be old.net or java based applications and they're not going to drop those to build something from scratch the fact that they're building new stuff out in laravel tells me they have a lot of confidence laravel because whenever a company has to implement a new set of technologies to render business this is a liability because that means you got to get a new set of developers and developers are hard to find good developers so if you have a whole bunch of your software developed for the sake of argument in java and then you bring you want to create new software or make add new capabilities maybe you want to use a microservices design pattern or something anyhow and you decide to leverage a totally different stack like php laravel that shows that you see that php laravel is very compelling because the instinct of any manager is to stick to the same stack because you don't have to hire java people and then i'll have to hire php people or people experience with laravel yeah you could pivot you can get your java guys and they could be up and running fairly quickly with php laravel but as nerds are there's going to be a lot of resistance there the java guys are going i don't want to touch php the php guys i don't want to touch uh java so that to me when they're implementing new technologies even for smaller sub subsystems that is a vote of confidence vote of confidence as far as i'm concerned i know i've asked you before about laravel for freelancers you gave some positive response but i think if a freelancer would better serve learning a little more lightweight lightweight php framework is more suitable for smaller projects that's a reasonable statement that's a reasonable statement i um you you got to use the right framework for the right job and i don't know what are the lighter php frameworks today i don't know beyond honestly sometimes it just makes sense to use vanilla php or vanilla javascript if you're doing a one or two page website it would be way overkill to use laravel if you're doing a one to two or three page website would be way over cue to overkill meaning it would be way too much to use python django or spring boot especially spring boot you use frameworks when you have a certain level of complexity and there are certain things that you have to do in your in your development in your project that would be tricky to do or be time consuming to do this is where experience comes in where you go in there as a top-notch nerd and you look at the job requirements and then you pick out what tech what libraries what frameworks you will use given the needs of that project and sometimes just using vanilla code is the better solution on the other end of the spectrum considering more heavy framework like symphony i do see some notable websites built with symphony i'm curious to hear your thoughts on this yeah well i haven't looked at the distribution of projects being built with laravel versus symphony i know that laravel last summer in check is by far the more popular framework there's no question about that it's by a long shot why a company may use a laravel or symphony so many factors that can play into it it could be that simply some development company that has a good reputation decided to leverage symphony for whatever reasons and because of their contacts and their business dealings they happen to be building systems for larger corporations certain their client base with symphony and that it doesn't necessarily mean that they chose symphony over larabelle could be that they just told they just chose sympathy due to circumstances i hope that makes sense that said i'm not uh attacking symphony i hear it's a very good framework but it seems as far as i remember i haven't looked at it many years it was heavyweight there's heavier at nareval again i've seen laravel apps run huge amount of traffic like studio web you know especially during the uh beginning of the school season i could have a lot of students hitting it at the same time and laravel is able to handle no problem especially with php eight when when php went from five six to seven its efficiency went up fifty percent it was a huge performance increase and then from seven to eight there was a little bit more of a bump the php community is working hard always to increase the efficiency of the language which of course impacts laravel so there you go things can change though i haven't i don't stay on top of day-to-day changes and details in a particular framework or another again one of the reasons i don't teach frameworks i don't teach new libraries because well first for first of all they're always changing so i put out a course on laravel and three days later will be outdated because they'll update something and second of all you don't need me to i teach what you don't get out there i teach experience based development professional development rather than trying to teach you do little tutorials on this this framework that frame because there's those are dime a dozen and once you understand how to code and you know your fundamentals well for you to learn one framework or the next or to learn some update to a language it's just like it's like this it's like learning the changes to uh ios when it comes out ios 16 is coming out do you know do you need a full course if you're already familiar with the iphone when the new version of ios comes out do you need a full course no you don't you just go this is what changes it and that's how it is development anyway there you go let me wrap this up yeah laravel i think is a cool framework i think all the frameworks definitely have something to offer very project specific like anything else i use laravel partly because we've just been using it for years now but if ever a project came up and another framework or another language was better in a significant way versus php laravel then i would be very much open to jumping over to that language or that framework with the exception of ruby of course
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 172,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: mMvkoMxq_Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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