PHP in 100 Seconds

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[Music] php a dynamic interpreted scripting language for building interactive websites on the server despite the haters pronouncing it dead it remains one of the most popular languages for back-end web development it powers content management systems like wordpress top-tier websites like wikipedia and countless others via frameworks like laravel and symphony hell man even facebook uses it although they built a custom compiler to convert it to machine code on their servers it was created in 1994 by rasmus lyrdorf to manage his personal home page clever acronym but it sounds lame for a language that powers multi-billion dollar enterprises so today we practice cognitive dissonance to tell ourselves php stands for hypertext preprocessor it has a special place in history because it predates javascript and was one of the first languages to be embedded directly in html allowing websites to be built dynamically on a server it's open source and was one of the technologies that revolutionized the web by making application development accessible to the average person its interpreter is implemented in c and has a syntax inspired by perl to get started create a php file and add some basic html to it within this file you can go into php mode by opening a question mark php tag the code within these tags will be rendered on the server use echo to output a value and the location of the tag to declare a variable give it a name that starts with a dollar sign followed by a value it's a weekly typed language so no type annotations are necessary it also comes with a large number of predefined variables geared towards web development like git post and cookie which contain information about the incoming http request now when this code is rendered on your server it will output an html string with the php tags being replaced by whatever you echoed the language also supports multiple programming paradigms you have first class functions which can be assigned to variables or used anonymously as arguments and it has tons and tons of built-in functions to do pretty much anything a web developer could ever imagine doing it also has a complete object model where you can define classes with inheritance to implement object-oriented patterns we're currently on php version 8 which has all the features you would expect from a modern pragmatic language every web developer should be familiar with it because statistically there's a 78.5 chance that your client's website is running the personal homepage language this has been php in 100 seconds hit the like button if you want to see more short videos like this thanks for watching and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Fireship
Views: 1,300,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: webdev, app development, lesson, tutorial
Id: a7_WFUlFS94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 21sec (141 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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