Landscaping, Plants and Terrain Editing in Twinmotion - BEGINNER TUTORIAL

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what's up guys Justin here with the sketch essentials calm back with another twin motion tutorial for you so in the last few videos we've been talking about how to use twin motion a real-time rendering program that makes it really easy for you to bring your Sketchup models in and create great-looking renderings really quickly so this tutorial series is a partnership with epic games to get the word out about twin motion specifically because it's available for free through the end of November so if you go to the link in the notes down below and download it you can download the current version and that is yours to keep so this is a pretty great opportunity because there's not a lot of free great real-time rendering programs out there so I would say go follow the link in the notes down below download twin motion and then come back and watch the tutorial now let's go ahead and just jump into it right and so in this video I wanted to focus more on the landscape and terrain options contained inside of twin motion so one of the things that a lot of people aren't actually aware of is that there's actually a suite of terrain editing tools built into the program and I think the reason that people don't know that that's there is because when you first open this up you just get this kind of like default ground plane so you can see how if I click on this this has this little arrow right here and you can't really tell or you can't edit that with any kind of terrain tools so what you need to do is you need to specifically bring in an editable piece of terrain called the landscape so the first thing I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna click on this starting plane and I'm just gonna delete it out so now I have nothing in my rendering and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna go over into our library on the left hand side and we want to find the option for vegetation and landscape well inside a vegetation and landscape there's the option for landscapes and so you can actually use this to bring in an editable terrain inside of twin motion so there's two options there's either the flat option which if I drag this in this is going to tell me it's preparing the terrain and then it will show up with a flat terrain that I can edit using different tools inside of twin motion we'll talk more about these in a second but you can see how there's actually tools that you can use in order to edit the way that this look so your options are either the flat or you can also bring the rocky grasslands in so the rocky grasslands just has a little bit more detail you can see how this actually has some hills and other things associated with it so if I bring my camera down you can see how this is like having mountains in the background and I'm gonna go ahead I'm gonna change my context really quick just so that I don't have a city in the background cuz that looks a little bit weird I think probably I'm gonna go with the mountains background for right now and we'll just kind of rotate this around a little bit but now what we can do is because we've brought this landscape terrain in we can now edit that so if you click on a piece of terrain either the flat or the rocky grasslands and note that they replace each other so you can have them both in here at the same time but if you click on this landscape you can see how you get two different options down at the bottom of the page the first is the option for tools to sculpt the terrain the second is the option for tools to paint the terrain and we'll talk about both of these one at a time so to start off let's go ahead and let's click on the sculpt option and look at what pops up so if you come in here and you go to sculpt you can see how you get a number of different brushes at the top of the page that do different things for editing your terrain so for example just very simply if I was to use this Ray's function and click and hold my mouse you can see how what this is gonna do is this is going to raise the terrain inside of twin motion so you can see how as I hold this is just raising the terrain as long as I hold my mouse button down one thing you'll notice about this is once your terrain gets to a certain steepness it no longer shows grass on it but it's instead rocky which is kind of the same as real life where if something's not very flat a lot of the time it's more rocky because vegetation can't grow on it because of all of these tools do different things so for example the dig button is going to lower your terrain so you can see how you can use this to lower this down right here and no in the same way if you click and hold this so if I was to fly over here and click and hold my mouse button down you can see how as you go deeper this creates kind of a deep canyon looking thing with rock on the sides so you can use this to create both canyons as well as mountains and flat areas and other things like that as well so these other tools do different things too so the smooth function for example takes an area that's bumpy like this one and it kind of smoothes it out so you can see I was able to smooth off the rocky points that were up here the noise is great for like randomizing so I'm gonna make this a little bit bigger so it's great for randomizing your terrain and your ground so if you want something in here it's kind of random and not flat you can use this in order to do that so that's great for randomization and then the erode function is gonna do kind of the same thing let's make a bigger mountain so let's say we were to make a giant mountain over here like this and then we were to use the erode function on maybe a smaller point we could use this to erode this point up here down you can see how that works kind of in the same way that the smooth function does but all it's doing is is kind of eroded that back so you can use that for erosion and then the flatten I use a bunch for if we're creating like building pads or something like that you can see how you can flatten this ground out in here so if you want to make like flat pads or flat areas the flatten function is gonna be a good function for that and so one thing I want to point out about this is you can adjust both the size of the brush by using this slider right here as well as the intensity so if you turn your intensity up then things are gonna happen a lot faster when you hold your mouse so you can see how as I hold my mouse down if my if I've turned my intensity up this is gonna create and do these things a lot faster than if I had my intensity set to something low so if I wanted to do this very slowly you can see how I can turn my intensity down so generally speaking unless you're creating like mountain ranges or something like that really quickly you're probably going to keep your intensity down rather than up and then the last thing that you can do here is you can use different brush types so for example if you want to randomize or make something look a little bit more natural you can use like the stains function in order to adjust this you can see how when you do this this is only going to raise up your terrain in the area where that brush is so that stains function or the blobs function both only raise parts of different areas inside here so you can see how that's great for creating a random type shapes so and the brush shape your brush shape works with all of your different terrain editing tools and so once you have your terrain set up kind of the way that you'd like and let's go ahead and let's make like a ramp or something like that so or maybe a path so let's say that I wanted a path running down through here I could just use the erode function to kind of erode this down like this so I have a flat area so let's say this right here was going to be my path coming down this hill well now what we could do is we could come in here with the other set of tools in landscape the paint tools in order to paint that in with the material so the paint tools allow you to paint in different materials on top of your terrains so you can see how when I click on the paint button I've got four different ground options in here that I can paint in so let's say for example that I wanted there to be like a gravel road or something like that coming down this hill you can see how just by clicking and dragging and I'm just holding my mouse down I can paint that in here onto this surface and you're gonna notice that there's four options in here for materials you can only add four materials to your terrains at once so you can switch out different materials just by dragging this in here and swapping them out so like for example if I wanted to replace my my cobblestone or whatever with one of these materials I can just drag this over top of that but you are limited to four of those there you can't have more than four painted on your landscapes at the moment and then it has tools over here that are basically the same as the that we were using for the sculpting so you can adjust your diameters and other things like that using these sliders but note that you can adjust the kind of rock material in here by replacing this last material so you can see how I can make this smaller rocks or mossy rocks generally speaking you want this to be a material with kind of a larger material repeat so that you don't get that tiling in here but if you want your Hills to just be grassy you can go ahead and add the grass in here so you can kind of play around with this in order to get different effects so you could also use this to add snow to all of your mountains or ice so it's actually a pretty versatile setup and then you could do the same thing with your with your brushes to add randomization so if you wanted some randomness to the materials on the side of your path you can see I can use this to kind of paint those in where they're not super uniformed they're kind of showing through in here so you can use these tools to really set this up so that it looks the way you want it to look and it's really easy to use one thing I would say is if you have very specific requirements for your terrain inside like your Sketchup models I would recommend modeling the specific things like Hills and things like that inside of Sketchup and then when you bring your model in I recommend just I recommend just editing your terrain to kind of sync up with that inside of twin motion now I want to talk a little bit about the nature tools and what you can do to add vegetation inside of your renderings so this is a model that I've downloaded from the 3d warehouse and brought in from Sketchup and I just swapped out some materials so I haven't done a whole lot for this example we're just gonna use this as kind of a quick example but this is the pavilion by daniel um if you want to download that I just search for that name inside the 3d warehouse you can download that and follow along but what I want to do is I want to talk about how to add different grass and vegetation options so there's a few different ways that you can add grass and vegetation so the first is you can just go into your library and let's say you wanted a tree in here you could just drag a tree in and that works fine I mean you can see how I can place that tree wherever I want to but the problem is let's say that I wanted to add like a forest of trees in the background well that gets really really complicated really fast because there's a lot of different things you have to there's a lot of trees that you have to add in here so you could definitely bring these in here if you wanted to and just kind of randomly place them so I could bring in a bunch of different trees and create a forest that way the problem with doing it that way is it's just really time consuming but what we can do instead is we can use the vegetation tool contained inside of the nature settings at the bottom of the page so what the vegetation tool is going to do is that's gonna allow us to drag in those different models so let's say I wanted this to have a number of different Elms in it for example and I just wanted these to be kind of random Elms maybe some sycamores or something like that to let's say I wanted a random randomly place a bunch of these trees in here well instead of placing them manually you can drag them into your vegetation tool and so what you can do is you can come in here and you can do a shift-click to select all of these different kinds of trees and then you can see how you get an option to increase the diameter of this object well now if I click inside my model this is gonna randomly place trees in here based on the ones that I had selected so you can see how I can bring this all the way around here and I can use this to add context and trees all the way around my model really easily and so you can do this with different things you don't necessarily have to do this only with trees you can also do this with things like grass and bushes and lower trees so let's say that I wanted to just place I just wanted to randomly place some lower trees here in the background to kind of block this you can see how I can use that to place those other trees as well but not only can you place trees you can also use it to place things like grass so this is how we're gonna add grass to our twin motion renderings so if you go into your landscape if you go into your library under vegetation and landscape you can see how there's an option here for grass and flowers well if you've tried to just drag that in you can see how that brings one piece of grass which is great but it would take forever in order to place all of the different pieces of grass in here at once what what you do instead is you use the vegetation tool and you drag your grass in so let's say I wanted to add I probably want a longer grass in this situation so maybe like a dry wild grass so I would just drag this in right here and then I could use my paintbrush tool in order to paint that in and notice that you can adjust the density that objects are placed as well so if you want like less trees or something you can drag this down I'm gonna leave it at a hundred percent for my grass but I'm gonna use this just by clicking and you can see how I can place grass in here just by clicking and dragging you can see how adding that in here is really easy so you do need to be careful that you don't accidentally add that to like your roof or something like that so that is one thing to be aware of when you're doing this but you can see how you would use this tool in order to place that grass in here and then you can reduce the diameter in order to work on more precision areas like this so you could place this along the edge here and then you could reduce your diameter just by clicking on this and adding a value so like 10 feet and then you can use this to kind of detail this in and then you can use the different kinds of edged grass or boarder grass in order to add the border in here so I would add maybe this long grass borders and just add that right along this edge so you can see how you can add detail in here using that border grass material so not only can you use this to add things like grass you can also use it to randomly place things like flowers so let's say I wanted some poppies in this field you can see how there's a number of different flowers or clover that you can add in here so let's say we wanted some poppies and maybe some buttercups or something we could click on this and then hold the control key to select the poppies as well you can use this to add those flowers in here and you want to be careful with your density on this one so usually I end up placing this one pretty low because it places them it places a fair number of them but you can see how that just cut randomly places those in to this grass so you can use this to add that really easily you could also use this to spread things like rocks so if you wanted some rocks along your drive or something you could drag those rocks in here and then do the same thing where you could select all three of these maybe up your diameter a little bit and turn your density down and then you could use this to randomly place things like rocks in your background and then if you ever want to delete anything in here you can just click on the erase button and just click and drag and make sure you have those objects selected but you can use this to erase out things that you've placed in here as well so that should give you a pretty good idea of how to use the different landscape and vegetation settings inside of twin motion leave a comment below let me know what you thought do you have any questions about any of this I just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new sketchup content every week till i could ruin this channel please consider supporting me on patreon every little bit helps even if it's only a dollar a month so make sure you check out that link in the notes down below but in any case thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it not we'll catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: TheSketchUpEssentials
Views: 18,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thesketchupessentials, the sketchup essentials,, sketchup tutorials, sketchup lessons, sketchup modeling, sketchup 2018, architecture, sketchup tutorial, justin geis, sketchup, rendering tutorials, the rendering essentials, twinmotion bump map, twinmotion tutorial, twinmotion grass, twinmotion trees, twinmotion vegetation tutorial, twinmotion grass tutorial, twinmotion terrain, twinmotion sculpting, twinmotion terrain tools, twinmotion terrain material
Id: OvUSC0ojHeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 17 2019
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