Getting Started RENDERING IN TWINMOTION (EP 3) - Sculpting Landscapes and Landscape Materials

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what's up guys just in here with the rendering essentials calm back with another twin motion tutorial for you so in today's video we're gonna dive a little deeper into the features of twin motion specifically in this video we're gonna talk more about creating landscapes and adding materials to your landscapes inside of the program if you're looking for the complete getting started playlist for twin motion I will link to that in the notes down below now let's go ahead and just jump into it alright so we talked in the last video about kind of a workflow for just importing a model and dropping it into twin motion and then just rendering it but what I wanted to do in today's videos I want to talk a little bit more about the options that you have for creating more of a landscape and setting up a landscape inside one motion so the first thing I want to do is I want to come in here and I want to click on this little left arrow button right here and we're gonna go up to the top and the first thing you need to do in order for this to work is you need to bring in a piece of landscape geometry so right now if I was to fly down right you've got a ground plane in here that you can edit up and down by clicking and dragging this right here but it's not the right kind of geometry for us to be able to create a landscape and so we want to do is we want to go into our library and we want to click on the button for vegetation in landscape we're going to find the option for landscapes and so landscapes are a different kind of twin motion geometry that you can actually edit and sculpt inside of your renderings so there's two options in here there's an option for just flat or there's an option for rocky grasslands when you bring in rocky grasslands what that's gonna do is that's gonna give you a bunch of hills off in the distance but in order to bring this in to twine motion all you need to do is you need to click and drag into this window right here you can see how you'll get a little menu saying that it's a little pop-up saying it's preparing the terrain and in just a second that's gonna pop up and you're gonna have your terrain in here and you can work with it and so the first thing you're gonna notice right now is that does bring this in but what you have inside of your default starting point is you've got this piece of ground down here that's kind of blocking your terrain and we don't necessarily want to look at right now no we don't necessarily have to delete it either but we don't want to look at it so what we want to do is we want to go over here on the right hand side and click on this little arrow right here and if you remember there's kind of like an outliner or I've heard it called a layer stack I've heard it called a couple different things over here you can see how that has two items and it has your starting ground which is what your watch is which is what your uh kind of brick thing is called in here and that's like an endless plain and then there's also your rocky grasslands in here well at the moment what I want to do is I want to take this starting ground and I just want to turn it off so you can just click them a little I right here in order to turn that off you don't necessarily have to delete that out and I don't really want to delete that out right now because I may use it for like a water material or something like that a little bit later but we're going to go ahead and turn that off so we can get in here and we can edit our rocky grasslands material and so if you look around you can see how this gives you a number of different hills and other things like this and I'm not a hundred percent sure but I don't think this is like procedurally generated or anything like that I think you get the same thing in here every time so if you drag in rocky grasslands it's gonna look like this but now what we can do is you can see how by clicking on a piece of landscape what it does is it gives us a couple different options for things we can do with that terrain associated with the landscape and one thing you should get familiar with is get familiar with using this layer stack or outliner in order to select different things I'm inside of your model it makes finding things a lot easier but so what I want to do is I want to click on the rocky grasslands and then what that's gonna do is that's gonna give me a couple different options it's gonna give me options for sculpting my terrain and also painting my terrain and I do want to point out that these kind of live independently from the other geometry inside of twin motion in the sense that in the sense that I don't believe you can sculpt things that aren't terrain objects inside of twin motion and so let's start off by taking a look at the sculpt options so if I click on this button for sculpt arraign what that's gonna do is that's gonna give me a number of different options in here for things that I can do to the terrain like for example the raised terrain if I click inside my model and I hold it is going to raise the terrain up so if I click and hold this it's gonna raise the terrain up and if the longer I hold the more it's gonna add this material or this the more it's gonna add or raise the geometry inside of your rendering so you can see I can hold this as long as I want to as long as I keep my mouse over this point you can see how I can make this as tall as I want to make it so I can make some tall rocks in here or Hills or mountains or whatever I want and I can also use the I can use the option for dig in order to do the opposite so if I want to bring this back in here and kind of flatten it back out or move it back down I can use the dig option in order to do that now you can see how that created a little bit of a mess that's the nice thing about having these other options in here is you can do other things as well so like for example I could smooth this out by using the smooth option in order to quickly smooth this into a nice piece of geometry I could also add noise so if I wanted to come over here you can see how what this will do is this will add noise to your to your ground so if you want to make it look like something other than a flat plane you can use this option to add that noise then there's also some options in here for eroding things but also this last option which is flattened so what flattens gonna do is that's gonna take take an area and flatten it out so let's say for example and we're gonna make our brush a little bit bigger and we'll talk about that in a second but let's say I wanted to take this and I wanted to make this tall and steep but then I didn't want the top to be tall and Steve what I could do is I could click on the button for flatten and I could shrink this down then I could use this to make this more of like a tabletop type thing so if I wanted to flatten this out I could do that really easily using this tool so you can see how once you get kind of proficient with these tools you can create a lot of interesting things and so if you look down below you can also adjust things like that you can also adjust things like the diameter of your brush so if you want to make your brush larger or smaller you can do that and then the intensity is going to affect how strong this effect is so if I dragged my intensity up and then I single click you can see how or if I click and hold you can see how that's gonna create a lot that's gonna move a lot of terrain really quickly where if I drag my intensity down to something very low you can see how this is gonna move a lot slower so I would say for doing like fine detail work and things like that you're probably gonna want to lower intensity but you can see how you can adjust the intensity of those brushes and those things using these tools so and then the other thing I want to point out is there's also different shapes or things like that that you can use as well because sometimes you don't necessarily want your brush to just move everything up and down well let's say for example you wanted kind of a large area but you wanted to kind of randomize it a little bit what you could do is you could increase your intensity you could increase the diameter of your brush and then you can use this to create a lot more like random stuff inside of this really quickly with this brush so if you want to like randomize some different things or things like that you can use the stains or the blobs in order to do that so you could use this in order to really quickly just create some like organic looking terrain and things like that and so I think what I want to do for this particular video is I want to come in I want to flatten all of this out using a circle right here I'm just gonna flatten this whole area back out and then let's just go in here and really quickly create kind of like a stream bed or something like that so we're gonna go back to our circle and we'll leave our intensity to something like 38 or something like that and I'm just going to go through and I'm just gonna lower the terrain along a path kind of like this and for what I'm doing right here it doesn't really matter how low that is so what we're gonna do is we're gonna add some water in here and so there's a few different ways that we could add water depending on how we wanted to do this the first is if you remember our starting ground in here that plane is still in here well if we wanted to we could take that plane and we could apply a water material to that plane so like for example if I wanted to take that starting ground and come over here and find my materials I could go down to water and I could apply a water material to that plane so now that plane is in here and you can see how it's in here at a height where you can adjust it and it's only going to show up in the areas where it's where your terrain is so low that the water shows up over that so that's one way to do this is you could just turn back on your starting ground and apply a water material to that another thing you could do if you wanted to is if you go into your library and you scroll down to your volumes there's actually what's known as a water volume in here so that's just gonna be a volume item or an item that's 3d that you can drag in here and that's just going to be basically a 3d cube made up of water and so what you could do is you could use the scale tools in here so you could click and hold this so that instead of whoops there we go instead of this being the move tool you could use this to scale this and you could scale this water out so that it intersects with all of this geometry in here so I could scale that all the way out here all the way out here and then I can scale that up a bit and it's a little more complex when you're doing something like this this would probably be better for like a lake or something like that but you could use this in order to add that water in here as well and you can see how as long as that water kind of intersects with this plane right here that's going to give you a pretty decent water effect as well like I said this isn't necessarily the application that I'd use this for but that is another way to add water in here and then the last way to add the water is you can actually come in to your nature settings and you can actually add an ocean and what the ocean does is the ocean adds a plane of water inside basically everything inside of this rendering so if you add an ocean it's really gonna add water at every point in here but it's gonna be here at a certain height that you can adjust you can adjust the height of your water so that it's only intersecting with the walls right here so you can see how you can kind of move that up and down so you can also use the ocean settings in order to add water if you decide that you want to do that and one other thing to notice about that we may talk about this more a little bit later but you can adjust the kind of water that's showing up inside of your ocean by clicking this little button right here and picking different kinds of water so that's how you could add water in here we've talked a little bit about how to sculpt your ground material I'm using the landscape so you can also paint your terrain so by paint your terrain what that means is you can come in here and you can actually paint a material on top of this terrain so you can see how I can select one of these materials and I can actually paint something in here in order to adjust the kind of material that's shown up inside of your landscapes and one thing to point out about this is you can only have four different materials in here right now so like for example this material is a grass material I can have that in here let's say that instead of the grass material I wanted to use something else like maybe like a forest ground or something like that well I can't click on the materials in here and apply those you can only apply the materials that are down here in these slots and there's only four slots right now so you can only apply four different kinds of materials using the paint tool on a landscape and if you decide that you want to use a different kind of material you can swap out the materials by dragging new ones in here so you can see how I can drag in a whole bunch of different kinds of materials if I want to but notice that everywhere where that material has been painted is getting replaced inside of this image so you can have different materials down here but at the moment you're limited to four and so the other thing about this tool is you can use it to adjust the tiling of the different materials inside of your model so like for example you can see how I can adjust the scale of this grass material or let's go ahead and do that for our let's go ahead and do that for our mossy rocks material so if you select this mossy rocks material you can see how you can adjust the size of that image in order to try to get rid of that tiling that's in here so you can adjust the scale of the material that's being applied by using the scale slider and so over here you can see how kind of like with the sculpt tools you also have some different brushes for different kinds of materials that you can apply out here as well so if you don't want to apply like a uniform grassy ground material out here you can use the brush you can use this brush right here to get you more of a random mix of these materials by painting that that way on this piece of terrain all right so that's where I'm going to wrap up the instructional piece in this video what I'm going to do for the rest of it is I'm just going to go through and I'm going to add some trees and some other things in here as well just to kind of flesh out what this model can be I'm going to download a model from Sketchup and bring that in all of that we will talk about how to use those other tools in a future video but I wanted you to just be kind of able to watch and see how you could put some of this stuff in here inside of this video so I'm gonna speed this up probably put some music behind it or something like that just to give you an idea of what can be done [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so that's ramen in this video as you can see you can create really great images once you get an idea of the way that these landscapes work and also some of the other tools you can create really great images really quickly using twin motion leave a comment below let me know what you thought are you liking this tutorial series are you liking this program I just love having that conversation with you guys if you like this video please remember click that like button down below if you're new around here remember to click that subscribe button for new rendering content every week as always thank you so much for taking the time to watch this I really appreciate it not will catch you in the next video thanks guys
Channel: The Rendering Essentials
Views: 41,736
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Keywords: rendering tutorials, SketchUp rendering, Vray Rendering, the rendering essentials, therenderingessentials, rendering lessons, photorealistic rendering tutorials, architectural visualization, twinmotion sculpting, twinmotion landscape tools, twinmotion landscape sculpting tools, twinmotion earthwork tools, twinmotion landscape materials, twinmotion landscape tutorial, twinmotion landscape sculpting tutorial, twinmotion landscape material tutorial
Id: X_nkeKxfoJQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 36sec (1056 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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