Twinmotion Tutorial 1.1: Sculpting Landscape

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[Music] hello everybody my name is Jonathan Reeves some innovative vector words BIM today we're going to look at part 1 of our new tutorial series looking at the visualization of Fallingwater by Frank Lloyd Wright one of my favorite buildings in the world and one of the greatest piece of architecture of the 20th century I'm sure you all agree we're going to start by taking this fantastic model from Sketchup and exporting it into twin motion and we're going to look at how we create the landscape add vibrancy and atmosphere add life to the model lighting and also visualize by setting up views and animations now really hope you enjoy the three-part series we're intending to make we're going to introduce part 1 we're going to create the landscape and then we're going to add trees and vegetation then we're going to move along and look at part 2 we're going to add some details furniture people animals and then the atmospherics things like the water the mist and the atmosphere and then for part three we're going to look at lights cameras in action how we set up use set up animations to record and then actually render those I high-quality so I'm really excited to share this tutorial with you I've been thinking about doing this one for a long time this is one of my favorite buildings as I say ever and I think our interpretation of this has just been really really enjoyable and fun today so please do like and subscribe to the channel to get updates on the new videos here we can see a lovely snow scene I hope you enjoy that and then you'll see we've got some different aspects to the model anyway without further ado I'm going to let you jump into the video and relax so sit back and enjoy the video thanks for watching bye bye [Music] okay so let's go ahead and open the model in Sketchup so that's our first step we'll show you the link how to get hold of this from the 3d warehouse so here's the model in Sketchup you can see it's a really nice model there's the the main building and the guest Pavillion up at the top which a lot of people don't know about actually with falling water also you can see we've got the landscape in there so having a quick look at the model let's - go ahead now and open this into in motion and basically for those of you don't know twin motion is still free it was going to be in November but now it's actually been extended till the new year so go ahead and download a copy of that guys while it's free it's amazing software so here we are importing the model this is our very first step you can see we're gonna collapse the hierarchy we're not gonna actually we're going to keep the hierarchy of the model and we're going to basically process the date and here we go here is our model so the first thing you'll notice when the model comes in is that you can navigate around using the traditional gaming Keys was done so if you're a bit of a gamer like minecraft or anything like that you're going to be very comfortable with navigating around so here we can see we've got a grand scale that we're just kind of moving up and down now we're just having a bit of a look at the impact of the model itself so the starting ground in twin motion is something that we can turn off and actually add in a flat landscape from the landscapes palette just before we kind of go ahead and do a bit or more work there though we're actually going to do a little bit work on hiding the the trees it's going to make life a bit easier for us so to do that we've opened up the material that the object manager on the right hand side of - emotion and you can see we just clicked on the trees to identify them and hidden them so next we're going to look at sculpting near terrain so when we click on the landscape tool you'll see that you get basically the ability to sculpt or paint now we're going to do with sculpting first of all so here we're raising the landscape and it's very straightforward it's almost like painting in 3d with the brush basically we can just adjust the diameter of the brush and also the intensity of the brush just to kind of fiddle around with the settings and you can also play with the shape of the brush but let's just stick with the standard circle for now now you can kind of get this impression of what we're doing here we're trying to raise the landscape so that it kind of corresponds a bit more closely with the the landscape that came in from Sketchup but we're not being too precious about it because we know that a bit later on we'll be able to kind of actually diminish the landscape or actually lower it and flatten it and so on so that's the first sort of goal here is just to basically fairly crudely cover up the Sketchup landscape with the twin motion landscape and then you'll see in a moment how we actually reduce that down so I'm speeding up the video a little bit now just so you can see how quick we can get this done and yeah enjoy this bit guys it does it's really really fun to do as I say it really feels like your 3d painting you'll notice with twin motion the higher you go with the landscape and it kind of converts the the grassy area to more of a rocky outcrop and that's quite a nice feature as well okay so it looks like we've kind of got the first stage done now don't worry too much if the buildings seem to have disappeared because the next thing we're going to do is start to flatten off and sort of take the rough edges off this landscape so we're smoothing out the peaks and that's the third mode of the sculpting tools as you can see on the twin motion bar so we're just kind of kind of sculpting this out and smoothing it down a bit so it's not quite so sharp and then let's have a look in a minute we're gonna have a look at once we've done this you can actually lowering the landscape in the areas that we need so again all depends how you want to do this you can be a bit more careful perhaps raising it up or you can kind of like so we're moving on now to the lowering you can see and we're just slowly revealing the Sketchup landscape a little bit more just so we know that we've kind of got the ground scape looking looking about right now it's quite important to keep adjusting the intensity and the diameter of your brush as you do this I think it's really fun it's really Safford satisfying I have to say this does demand a reasonably good computer and I've just bought a really really good PC after being a Mac user for 20 years I put my first ever PC and I have to say I'm very chuffed with that it's kind of like a standalone workstation and we've got a really good sort of processor 12 core 24 thread processor an AMD one but the most important thing for this kind of work is the graphics card so we went for the RT X xx atti probably the best graphics card you can get for the money out there at the moment I've also tested to emotion on graphics cards maybe not quite as good as that and it works super well so just make sure you've got a decent graphics card probably 8 gig minimum and a decent level of speed something like a 1080 would do a good job ok so you can see it's really coming together now we're just sort of revealing the underlying Sketchup landscape a little bit more and we know that our ground scape that we've created is pretty in line with the Sketchup model now so now we can begin to move on to the next stage so we're going to select that landscape and we're going to hide it in the manager so by turning it on and off we can kind of see that what we've done underneath is pretty similar in terms of height to the Sketchup model now it's also really sensible to rename things in the manager and that helps you identify them and find them and also you do see there's a search dialog so what we're doing here we're essentially just turning on and off the various elements of the Sketchup model landscape it all seems to be divided into little bit so it's not unusual gradually we're going to get there we're going to make a new container for that landscape containers think of containers as kind of like groups and so a bit like a big carrier bag we're going to put everything into that container to hold it all together and this means that it's nice and easy for us to be able to turn it on and off as one thing that makes it a lot easier for the organization so what you do you drag the elements that you would like into the containers can be a little bit fiddly sometimes but there we go we've tracked it in and now we can turn them off as a group if you like so that's my little tip definitely try and stay organized in twin motion it does make it a lot more straightforward to manage your model particularly as it gets a bit more complicated okay cool so I think we're nearly we're just about done with the landscape we're just getting these remaining fragments of the Sketchup model landscape there you can see we're leaving the the river and the area around there because we will be requiring that excellent so it's a little look around the model so we'll spin around a bit more yep you can see we've got most of the landscape available to turn on and off in different sections awesome that's looking good so well worth that extra time spent organizing so we're ready for the next phase now so we're going to do a little bit more sculpting and just before we do that though we're going to go down and select some beautiful water where you're going to drag that onto the polygons that make up the river from the Sketchup model now immediately you can see the twin motion model has started to actually come to life a bit more just make sure you use the right kind of water we've got a bit more on the waterfall there and you can see it you know the waters moving shimmering it's got some reflections and we can do a lot more with that as you'll see a bit later on so yeah it's looking nice already okay good so we've got some nasty Jaggi edges around this river so in a bit we're going to have a look at how we sort that out let's turn off this polygons here basically let's get a bit more sculpting but a nice small brush and a low density so that we can start to add these sort of riverbanks there we go in a nice or little bit of detail now do you remember to keep saving your model as you go it's nothing worse than losing the work that you've already done so this is the way we did you know the model we took the approach of sort of trying to approximate the the Sketchup landscape now we're just sort of raising up ever so slightly so that is in front of and we can kind of keep turning it off and on to check what's going on so yeah you know there might be some different approaches you guys would take but this is how we we found it were at best and it doesn't take that long and it's actually quite satisfying work so it really feels like you're painting in 3d so I'm gonna sit back and let you watch the rest of the video we're gonna speed up for a while I'll come back in a while [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so as you can see it's really starting to come together now now it's actually very satisfying work and I think you'll enjoy although it takes a little bit of time but the good thing is you can just keep working on this as much as you need to but please do only remember to spend lots of time working on the bits of the model that you're gonna see so you know it's kind of helpful just about that in mind but it can be quite addictive but as you can see we've got a bit carried away probably doing bit to the model that we may or may not see a bit further upstream I really hope you've enjoyed the landscape side of this tutorial in the second section of part one we're going to be looking at all the grass and the trees and the plants and the rocks all the soft stuff so please join us for the second video coming shortly see you soon bye bye
Channel: Jonathan Reeves CAD
Views: 8,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vectorworks, Twinmotion, Vectorworks Spotlight, Vectorworks Landmark, Vectorworks BIM, Vectorworks Training, Twinmotion 2020, Twinmotion Teaser, Jonathan Reeves, Architectural Vis, Archvis, realtime rendering, VR video, Unreal Engine, Twinmotion Landscape
Id: jW0ZCG3iKmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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