I Made a Tower Defense Game in Unreal Engine 4

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i asked my viewers to suggest a game for me to make today i am gonna choose a random comment from my previous youtube video and make a game based on this comment and the first thing we need is well get all the comments and choose the one like me i found an open source project which allows to fetch all the data from a youtube video i tweaked it a bit and yep now we can get all the comments from a specific video however i don't really need all the comments since i'm gonna make a game from suggestion so i actually take only those which contain a word make it is probably not the best way to do it and i will drop many comments but i don't know deal with it i guess after we have all these comments i should choose one randomly i can do it in a normal way by using some randomizer but it will be kind of boring so i actually made a separated project using unreal engine 4. i've imported csv table with the comments and created a simple script to choose one randomly here it is and the winner is [Music] make a tower defense game but not like the mobile but like fortnite save the world by nightmore and to be honest with you guys i'm kinda boomer and i don't really understand what the freak is fortnite tower defense game so i would stick to the first part of the sentence yeah that makes much more sense for me now anyway congratulations to nightmore thus i started to make my own tower defense game if you don't know what the tower defense game is then here is how it looks there are three main components enemies which go from a spawn point to destination point the destination point itself and towers which a player can build to prevent enemies from going to the destination enemies usually use some kind of predefined path to follow and it doesn't make sense at all actually but deal with it if there are enough enemies actually reach the destination point the game is over yeah that's actually it so let's make a new unreal project first of all i made a script for player character so it is able to move around the world and change the position of the camera since every tower defense game has some kind of enemies i've decided that in my game enemies will be spawned through the portal accordingly i have made a portal and enemies by the way i use this pretty cool tutorial about making a portal using conrail engine particle system so you could check it out if you want my portal didn't really work as expected and it took a couple of tries to spawn enemies properly i also needed to make a path for enemy to fall so i decided to use sunrail's spline system which i already used in my racing game and yeah they are probably the worst invaders i have ever seen after a while i have managed to fix the problem but they are still the worst invaders i have ever seen to fix it i scripted an enemy's objective it is supposed to be a player's castle or something like that i've also added castle's protection points they're supposed to show how many enemies can pass the towers and reach the castle except well we don't really have towers at the moment so i guess we should add them but firstly i need to add gold as a resource which player can spend to build towers i've added a small widget and looks like it works pretty nice but at that point i got an idea why do we actually need castle's health parts we could just use gold as a health i think it actually makes sense and maybe even adds some depth to the game so half widget should go away now every enemy decreases amount of available gold if he reaches the castle and we should protect our treasury from being stolen and when a building system will be implemented a player will be forced to choose should he spend all the gold on towers or play it safe and keep some gold in case of many enemies will pass through the towers and reach the castle so i guess it is a time to actually add towers to the game towers should be able to shoot so after some really weird bugs i managed to make it work unfortunately now our towers have infinite attack range and that's not pretty cool so i have a simple plan a tower should be able to shoot into the first unit which overlaps with the tower's switching sphere when a unit is no longer overlapping with a vision sphere a tower should switch to the other nearest unit so that worked pretty fine and i've decided to implement some kind of visual representation for towers attack range now if a player holds alt key and hover the cursor over a tower he can see towers attack range finally i am actually able to implement building system i've started with a simple widget i've added some more in scroll box and this is how it looks in the game we can choose which tower to build and choose a place to build except there is no choice actually it is also a problem that the player can build towers whenever he wants i am sure it will cause many bugs in future and unpredicted behavior so if you don't know how to deal with the problem well just get rid of the problem so i've scripted this hexagon like building spawns and now the player is able to build only on those spots i've also implemented some kind of snapping so it looks quite nice since now we already have shooting towers we should implement damage system i've added a small health bar on the top of every enemy this is already looking pretty fun to play but i guess we still have a lack of choice so there are new ice tower and fire tower ice tower is supposed to slow enemies and fire towers supposed to burn them over time that's pretty cool but there is still very few of them i want to add some more to make the game more interesting and actually fix some bugs anyway here is a tower of weakness tower of death and tower of wealth tower of wealth gives a player some small amount of gold every time he hits an enemy death tower is a really slow tower which can one shot any enemy i've also added a tower of might which hits all enemies in some small area moreover there are some cool ignite and slow effects made with unreal engine particle system finally we have a tower weakness which applies in the buff to every enemy it hits the debuff increases amount of taking damage i've tried to design towers in the way they can be combined together as a part of player's strategy as an example we can build a couple of ice towers and several weakness towers at the end we could place a tower of might so slowed and weak enemies will receive enormous amount of damage another thing i've added was a widget with tower stats so now i can actually select specific tower and see its damage attack speed attack range and cost and i'd say it's pretty cool one of the last gameplay things i want to add is towers upgrades almost in every tower defense game a player is able to upgrade his towers thus i've implemented a simple ability system with ability bar and now any tower can't have any amount of abilities i was improved ui a bit so it is more user friendly now actually i scripted quite a few upgrades there are upgrades for damage attack speed attack range effect length effect power and so on some effects may unlock the new ones and some may grant a possibility to hit all enemies in a small area so yeah that's pretty sick you may have also noticed that i've added attention message to the screen if a player has not enough gold or he tries to build a tower where he is not supposed to i still have to fix some bug though but overall gameplay is looking quite fun i should make some balance tweaking though because 3 full upgraded fire towers can absolutely obliterate infinite amount of enemies with that being said let's create a new beautiful map like me epic games is well known for giving away a bunch of free stuff for unreal engine and recently i got this modular dungeon models absolutely free from unreal engine marketplace so i decided to give it a try and make some cool map and i'd say this package fits my game absolutely perfect i made the map with a multi-story dungeon so enemies are actually using stairs and there are a lot of good spots for towers i've also changed the destination point now it is actually treasury so yeah that's looking pretty sick the next thing i want to change is enemies models i added three kinds of enemies the first kind is warriors with decent movement speed the second kind is mages which have really high movement speed but quite small health pool and the last one is really slow but strong enemies with a very big health pool finally i've improved the towers now they have kind of turret which is rotating in a direction of current target i've also changed the model itself and how it looks like a garbage because it's literally four barrels on top of each other nonetheless i have changed the model of every tower i have along with tower icons also i've added a small feature now a player can press a button and our names will be displayed guess it will make easier to find that specific tower to upgrade but we still have those old projectiles so i fixed it and also have added some more effects that is looking pretty cool i especially enjoyed that sick death tower animation after that i have added some sounds and implemented wave system it means that now enemies are spawned in waves so there are 3 waves of enemies 10 warriors 7 mages and 2 bosses this process iterates in a loop and every single loop enemies become stronger and stronger it means that the game is actually infinite but at some point enemies will become almost impossible to kill another thing i've scripted was a game over screen the player is defeated if he has no more gold here is also amount of waves beaten and go to main menu button but we actually don't have main menu i fixed it and now we have main menu and music so i guess it is a time to play the game [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] okay it was quite a long game session and finally i've been defeated by just our helmet amount of monsters so my high score is 32 and if you guys think you would beat it you can download the game from my hio and give it a try it will take couple of days to upload the game actually but if you are watching not in the first two or three days it is probably already available so link in the description check it out i also want to thank you very much for watching and if you enjoyed subscribe you could also follow me on twitter if you want to see some videos inside well i guess that's about it i actually thought that it will be much easier to make a tower defense game but it turned out to be a quite complicated task it probably took the whole week to make anyway follow me on twitter subscribe to my youtube and see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Fat Dino
Views: 302,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indie gamedev, gamedev, game development, devlog, tutorial, how to, sam hogan, dani, brackeys, game, indie game devlog, game devblog, dani 3d game, unreal engine, ue4, game engine, how to make games, how to create game, fat dino, fatdino, unreal engine 5, programming, unity, unity game dev, develop games, computer science, how to make a game, computer programming, tower defense, td, strategy game
Id: YWgbCweT4Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 57sec (837 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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