Lamb Shanks With Creamy Polenta // Made by J // Something's Cooking TV

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[Music] hey what up everybody today is a very special episode here on something cooking TV because I'm cooking a dish that has a lot of meaning when my father-in-law comes over I know that the guy is always hungry and he loves his meat but there's one thing that he loves more than anything in the whole wide world it is a lamb shank these are super delicious and super easy to make and it's one of those dishes that you just get ready and you're chuck in the oven and you go on with your life let me show you how I do it you got to get a really nice cast iron pot because it just retains heat really well and we're gonna warm that up a little bit of olive oil and all we're gonna do is just to gently sear the lamb shanks off and then get them off the pot as well all right let's warm up this oil and then what we're gonna do is just sprinkle these lamb shanks with a little bit of salt and pepper and you don't want to crowd up your pan so if you don't have a big big pot and you need to do it in batches please do so so just a little bit of salt and pepper and in there go you know what we're gonna do is we're just gonna seal these off and then take them off and just do them in batches all right so just seal them that's what you want to get just a bit of caramelization on that meat and do it on the other side as well [Music] all right so these are sealed and now we just chuck them on here let them rest a little and finish off the other to forget to see those all right so the lamb shanks are sealed and are in the same pot we're gonna go in with a little bit of onion some chopped garlic and we're just gonna start building some flavor in here and then has awesome carrots and all that you want to do is just sweat off the onions here and just cook this down about five minutes or so and then we'll add the rest of the ingredients [Music] are we gonna go in with a full bottle of red wine right red wine always think about do you like to drink it and that's kind of the rule for me so just use wine that you like drinking when I'm gone buy cheap wine because you're cooking with it because then you're not going to get that lovely flavor so in you go with a full bottle of wine 750 Moses to be exact bring that together and this is really where all the flavor is is when that all-call reduces and you're left with all that flavor now we're going to go in with some stock we've got some chicken and some beef stock right so here we go with some chicken stock all right the smells lovely and there is a lot a lot of flavor in here right now and now lamb or cooking meat one of the things that that I did that was pretty cool exercise was to to find out what herbs go with which proteins and for me and the obvious one rosemary goes super well with lamb and then we've got a bit of time here which is also delicious lamb and chicken and then just to add a little bit of acidity and a little bit of that love that little that lovely acidity flavor that we get from from zest we're going with some lemon zest just to achieve real balance in our dish and that we're going to bring up to a bit of a simmer and then we'll check the lamb shanks banging alright that is looking delicious smelling great in we go back with the shanks and we're gonna let them cook in all of this goodness and this is why you need one of those big pots just to make sure that you can get everything in there you just want to make sure that these lamb shanks are submerged in the liquid don't forget to sea season but don't go overboard because you got all that lovely stock in there which has also got a lot of flavor and saltiness so just make sure that you keep tasting along the way but this is literally why I love this dish because all that work is going to be done in here in the oven for two and a half hours so that's exactly what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get this into the oven for two and a half hours in you go my friends all right so this bad boys been in the oven for good two and a half hours ah goodness damn didn't know you look that good and what we're gonna do now is just let this reduce on the stove top really medium heat and just to let that sauce reduce and on whilst that's doing its thing we can move over here and what we're going to be making is something that's really special and I think something that's really delicious that my wife often makes at home and it's something that I think I think we should eat more of it because it's so cool and it's polenta which is like Italian pop for the lack of a better word so into a pot we're gonna go with some water and we're making creamy polenta so water and some cream and what we're gonna do is we're gonna bring that up to a boil also don't forget to season bring that up to a boil and then we add up a lint and let it cooks really quickly and it's it's you can treat it or think about it the same way as we think of bump the texture it also kind of gets cold really quick or sets rather really quickly it's just so damn good and this with the cream and the parmesan let's bring that up to a boil okay so this is boiling and now it's as easy as one two three and just adding your polenta keep stirring as you go so that we don't create any lumps all right and then there's periodically just keep on stirring this every now and then did you see it come together all right turn down your Heat so just not just to a gentle simmer and then just keep stirring this should take about 10 to 15 minutes just keep it to keep it on it comes together really quickly and what you're looking for is like a really good mash sort of consistency in with a bit of butter because a little butter never hurt nobody and then in with some parmesan as well and parmesan I think that this is the the real secret says that parmesan and that cream and the butter and that's what just transforms this into a pot I mean you could just take this whole bowl that could bring it all together let that cheese melt and then butter melt and take it off the heat that's it lamb shank my father-in-law would eat this up in five minutes [Music] [Music]
Channel: J'Something
Views: 31,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lamb Shanks, Made by J, J'Something, Something's Cooking TV, Creamy Polenta
Id: WqC3Wht4bo0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 7sec (487 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 04 2019
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